Jaun!!! You and Cbell are like protagonist in this video!... the good guys.. loved the video because I struggled just the same to get from C2 back up to gc1 which me and buddy made it to 1480mmr and still climbing. We can 100% relate to this. Try USW servers, they easier than USE and EU ;) good luck ❤
im smashed at c1, was d3 for years and finally can steady c1 in 3s and 2s. highest ive ever been is c2 in 2s. i cant even air dribble just really good gameplay and shooting
Exactly. I was almost gc in F2P season 1 and 2 right before the rank switch when they added SSL. Now im hovering betwen high C1 and mid C2 because of the different skill levels that are there. I'll get a good tm8 one game and the next i'll get someone who belongs in gold. We need another hard rank reset...
I'm at GC1 rn, having people who have ssl tags, thinking they're Zen but ultimately missing every 2nd ball and some who are Gc1 but look like diamonds it's really a hit or miss. There are a few who can keep up and it's fun to play with (and against) but this season really feels weirder than others.
Welcome to Champ, Smurfs / Boosters and GCs flood our rank then said GCs tell us getting GC is "Easy" like no shit you're playing against Champs flexing ur GC
@@PxndaPanda He was Facing GCs the Second he touched C2 Then Partied up with a GC through C2, Champ is the Worst Rank for Smurfs and Boosters in the Game even Stated by Lethamyr himself "The Top 100 SSL" saying Champ is the Worst Rank is saying something
@@DemiGodXBL I find that extremely often. Weird how high rank players talk shit to lower ranked players. Like no shit dumbass, youve wasted more of your life than i have you SHOULD be better than me lol
like the video for juan. if you don't know what I'm talking about.. you didn't watch the video like the cool people who know who juan is. I hope he comments
@kayla_playzrbxyt5691 these mechanics aren't very difficult to learn and should come naturally to you at about diamond and above anyways as it becomes essential to gameplay for people progressing onward, but if you actively polish these simple mechanics that require little input even at a low rank, then yes, you will succeed but not see as much benefit because yo7 might not he applicable to the situations you f8nd yourself in just yet
I friggen knew it. Champ 2 and the amount of GC titles I see are crazy, along with the amount of clear smurfs. Good to know I'm stuck here this season again
I was coping for so long thinking they were all washed or boosted and I just got worse, took me around 200 games this season, which isnt awful but it used to take me maybe 5-10 games if I even dropped into champ in that season. This is coming from someone ~low 1600 avrg. I may be a unique case since my main focus wasn't 2s but it will be a grind/was a grind to get back to gc even for anyone that was average 1500 or higher. The best thing you can do is just keep grinding your improvement (not rank) and next season if its better youll skyrocket in rank out of nowhere.
@@CBellRL I'm just happy to know I'm not going crazy and honestly it has helped me improve. Forcing me to try some more mechanical shots and skills than I would have
@@apoplectic2450 not trying to downplay tourney tag because it usually means someone is at least gc1 if they have the ssl tourney but its 100% not ssl. Ive played and won one before and most of the games werent even ssl they were gc3ish. Season 1-3 tourney is solid though. Normal ssl tag could mean the person is washed or boosted there are no legit active ssls in gc1/2. if they are gc2 they are just inactive and no longer ssl.
I’ve never related so much to a RL video in my life. As someone who last season peaked C3 div 3 and got GC1 in 2 extra modes, I am hard stuck C2 and have a hard time even against C1s sometimes. It honestly took a toll on my confidence until I realized the dilemma you pointed out. Thank you for this video cbell, maybe I won’t get GC this season but I’m working to get it one day!
This was all because they messed up the season reset, i was already peaking c2 and am playing better than ever, nonetheless am d3 now and still hella sweaty in here
The GC tag thing is crazy. In past seasons I was consistently C2 and this last season it was a grind to stay low C2/high C1. But it's every other game where there's a GC tag. Sometimes double GC tag opponents who aren't even queued together. Just feels like C1 used to be pretty easy to grind out of and now it's actually really hard to win in sometimes. I don't think I've gotten worse because I've played consistently since then. Feels like opponents have improved greatly
I think there’s just a lot of people like me who have not played in a bit and need to get their rank back, and if enough people do that (highly likely because even top players need a break) then this happens
I actually feel really good about myself still being in C2 this season. Because it basically means that I'm improving and can sorta hang with ex-GC's now lol. It's been motivating to see a lot more GC titles in C2 knowing that I've been in C2 for about 2/3 seasons now.
that what I've been saying i hit c3 for the first time this season and it is such a headache to play ranked I don't even want to touch the mode.@@CBellRL
I almost had a mental breakdown at the beginning of this season when I finished my placement and couldn’t get out of C3. I eventually did and was flabbergasted by the competition I was going against at around 1480. My peak was 1649 a couple seasons ago and I know I’ve improved a lot since then so it got in my head. When I realized a lot of other people have went through this I started to play better and now I’m sitting around 1540, trying to get back to my home rank.
This is the exact same thing that happened to me. I thought I was trash because I played early season until I asked other people who turned out were having the same problem
im ashamed to say this game made me so upset this season that i elbowed a hole in my ikea desk..... im very ashamed and havent done anything like that in 3 years
I only started this year, hit c2 briefly last season at the end and this season I’ve been sitting low c2 struggling hard and I’ve improved an insane amount, it’s just crazy at the moment Can’t directly compare to other seasons since I’m new and improving but man, I am way better than I was when I was C2 last season!
Bro. I'm stuck in Gold and can't ever get out because I'm constantly being forced to play plats and diamond players all the time. Even in casual. Especially in casual. Competitive is easier than casual some days. But I still can't rank up because of the smurfs and the quitters and the fact that I get paired with someone who is legit gold and doesn't know how to go back post and ball chases the whole time. This isn't just a problem with champs and grand champs... It's the entire ranking system. lol.
It is different tho. Going from silver to diamond is pretty easy, it's like a natural evolution. You don't need crazy mechanics or aerials, or any training. You just need to focus on hitting the ball and missing less than your opponents. You basically just need to play and you'll get there, despite some bad mates or few smurfs. The champion/GC gap is huge tho, from this moment you need to put way more effort, more training and more mechanics. Game sense and hitting the ball is not enough, that's where the game really starts. That's where a champion with 400 hours of gameplay will get matched with a 3000 hours GC. They're only 2-3 ranks appart, but the difference in skill needed and effort put into the game is HUGE. With that MMR reset, champ is now a big mix of former gc1/gc2 and C2/C3 ruining each other's game. Not everyone can train 2h a day to beat a GC, but anyone can hit the ball and get out of gold just by playing for fun. Keep going, focus on simple things, hit the ball, you'll get there
@@HmAhOk Thanks for trying to encourage me. But I still don't think you are right. 400 hours isn't enough to get you to champ I'm farther than 400 hours. 560 hours to be exact as of this comment. (I play other games. I can't play Just one game all the time. lol.) And I can score alright and hit the ball alright. I got 7761 goals in 7053 matches. 13,359 shots on goal. 20,464 centered balls. 10,804 cleared balls. My aerials are fairly low though at 1382 since I only started being able to aerial some the last like 3 seasons. Still though I can't get out of gold. I go up some with some wins. Then I go down in a string of losses. It's not as easy for someone who doesn't have the time or willpower to commit to Just this game. So you can see why I need less bullcrap to happen in my play sessions. I usually just seem to get the worst of the matchmaking or lobby balancing about 60% of the time. And I solo queue a lot and end up against premade parties instead of other solo players a lot as well. Which doesn't help. Since they can communicate and I can't except for the rare occasions that I find a blueberry who is actually using the quick chat usefully. lol.
@@adrianshrubowich6144u dont need to, theyll learn it on their own and if u do try to teach them that, they can get pretty frustrated so i truly dont recommend😅
Finally someone made about this issue. They scrambled the ranks the past two seasons with very hard rank resets, now you have this mess of champ being a mix of former gcs as well as former champs. I can only assume the same this is happening in other ranks. I personally have never been less motivated to play this game and I might actually quit the game outright.
My buddy and I were in Champ 1 for almost a year even though we were WAY better. It was pretty deflating. Had the same thought. I'm glad we didn't quit, hope you didn't either
This was a very telling video and something I experienced myself. When I was going for GC myself, as someone who only wanted to get there for the titles, I played casual for the most part, it felt as though everybody else in the games had already been a GC at some point, and it was constantly an uphill battle. I felt like there was nobody I could relate to playing at a champ 3 level who was genuinely champ 3. This was 2 and a half years ago now, and it’s sad to see nothing’s changed. I feel sorry for all of the real Champion players who want to climb their rank.
peaks like Gc1 and than lost it instantly right away 3 seasons in a row now. feel like ive gotten 50x better in those season yet my mmr is almost exactly the same if not a little worse now. my gc dream seems to be dying out sadly
Yeah I got rewards for gc like 4 seasons in a row but could never stay there even though I was clearly improving. I think maybe 1 of those 4 seasons I finished actually still in gc. I fell off at the end cause I was working heaps and not really playing and I haven’t touched the game cause I’ve been overseas for like 6 months so it’ll be interesting to see if I can ever get back to go
I've essentially given up on ever getting Grand Champ until the smurfing/boosting problem is fixed for that very reason. That and the toxicity in mid-Champ is on a whole other level than it is at any other rank except probably GC itself. I can't go two games anymore without someone on my team or the other team losing their shit in text chat and throwing the game, either by intentionally AFKing, playing for the other team, or just rage-quitting.
I was C1-C2, now I am hard stuck in diamond. But diamond players feel like C3+ to me now. Everybody is so fast, and i even saw a flip reset two days ago in diamond and it wasnt a smurf because they were highly inconsistent. It is outrageous to see those mechanics here and there in diamond.
I've solo q'd to gc multiple seasons in the past, and I feel you on this video. It's impossible to win when I play with my friends now, because they just can't keep up. I've gotten much better since I was a GC, and I regularly have games in C2 where the people I play against are as good as I currently am. It's all because of the way the ranked system is designed though. You have a game where the upper end is made up of players that have been playing since the game came out. The system is designed to place the average skill level around gold, so if the community keeps getting better, but the rank distribution stays the same, you will end up with the situation we have now where people from the top keep getting pressed downward. At the end of the day, ranks are arbitrary, but it's definitely depressing when it appears like you're getting worse, when in reality you're getting better, but the ranks are getting harder to achieve. Gotta say though, I didn't like that you ended up queuing with someone else that used to be GC2. It's kind of a cop out, and doesn't really capture how difficult it is to crawl out of these ranks now even if you're good enough to do so. Especially when you don't have the time/motivation to grind out 10+ games a day anymore. For those that are new to the game and looking to get GC for the first time... do not try to do it solo. I'm convinced you have to be at GC2/GC3 level from 2022 just to get GC solo que now. Personal Opinion: Epic should model the rank system after the player base. GC should go back to requiring the same skill level it used to require to get to, and they should just keep adding more ranks on the upper end. That way the people in the same rank won't be as volatile as they currently are.
Im in the exact same situation, as soon as you queue with your c2 friends you enter a lobby where it is just full of a crazy skill gap. But you go back to solo queue and shoot straight to gc1. We have organically become the problem but what's the crime in playing with friends who are only slightly worse than you. Just a complicated situation where i feel bad for people trying to solo in this rank.
i’m all for solo queuing and just got the 10 gc games in yesterday, but what a nightmare between mates missing literal rolling balls and opens and the opponents triple flip resetting it’s crazy hard not to lose your mind
He queued up with a no comms former GC2 and still couldn’t get back to GC. And then continued to solo and went .500…. Again still not GC. How does that not demonstrate the difficulty? As for your solution to the rank problem. GC has always gotten more difficult on a seasonal basis (except for a few seasons like P2P Season 3 GC). So which season should we base GC on and how do we quantify that? They did add more ranks on the upper end. It’s called GC2/3/SSL. Idk how many you want to add…. There’s really not that many people gc2-ssl to fill out more ranks.
I must say that is not true, I barely play the game anymore so I am like really washed. But i still got gc2 in a single day, granted I peaked gc 3 like 2 years ago, and have been gc 2 in every other season. But it wasn't that much harder, especially gc, I was in champ for like 2 seconds before I was already in the GC grind. So I wouldn't say you have to be GC2 to get gc, its slightly harder. Especially not gc3, gc3 players are far better than gc 1 players, it's not even close. And a side note, you probably have gotten better, but so has everyone else GC+, because they practice so much, you naturally have to get better faster than everyone else to get higher ranks, that's how competitive ladders work. If they just kept adding more ranks, then the rank you are currently at would become the next memed on noob rank. Like champ is, people already clown on GC1 for being too easy now, since the changed the mmr requirement, it used to be 1515, now you can be gc at like 1430.
All the ranks are screwed now, diamond and platinum the usual ranks I hang out in were so chock full of people waaaaaay above diamond and plat that I lost all but 2 placement matches in 2's somehow salvaged diamond but then every game after that was a series of players I and my team mate stood absolutely no chance against, like we are lowly diamond 1's who have only just started shakily air dribbling and ceiling playing and we usually ended up getting matches with the 2 ssl's that casually dunk 14 goals on us before 3:30 is reached so we can desperately ff to escape the pain. I am now gold 2 and I refuse to play ranked anymore, I'll take my 10+ minute wait for extra modes
I thought I was just going insane. I took like 3 months off comp after grinding to gc1/2 and focus on mechs in casual and now I’m hardstuck low c3 but the games feel the same as gc2 last season 😂
My peak was champ 1 both season 9 and 10, but this season im hard stuck D1. Diamond is no longer what it use to be when they decided to remove an entire rank from everyone. After the season started i went from C1 to plat 2 on my placements....and lets just say when the season started i encountered a few champs in plat, now every old champs are now in diamond at the moment.
I feel your pain my man, I got guys regularly pulling ceiling shots and resetting on me in D2. Even the P3 guys have hit C a coupla seasons ago, I can tell by their colours and sometimes even their names...
I know, I go up and down through platinum 1-3 and I’ve encountered champs to many times as well as it seems like I’m in a diamond lobby every single match. People are air dribbling and doing all these mechanics and it’s just not the same anymore.
1:30 I was champ 2 last season and for the last 2 weeks have been playing 2s with my friend to try to get back to champ 2. The reason why that team left is because you did a full court aerial/airdribble. They probably were fed up with the matchmaking and quit because they encountered gcs or something before. It is the most frustrating thing ever
If you hate yourself, there is always 1v1. If you’re high champ/low gc in 1s you’ll have an easier time grinding gc2+ in team modes with whoever you end up getting queued with. Harder to develop certain skills only in team modes, especially while solo queuing imo
Im a D1 1V1 main, hit Champ a long time ago (3 seasons I think?) But not playing to much anymore. Tghe amount of GC tags I see in 1v1's... Its scary man.
@@Krusher1988That’s probably because alot of players don’t play 1v1 regularly because like Roger said “if you hate yourself, play 1v1”. No game mode is more infuriating to play than 1v1. I personally believe 2v2 is the best game mode because it kinda brings 3v3 and 1v1 elements in one game mode which helps you get better quicker imo.
I think you should have done a Smurf counter as well. Just by checking the tracker links of certain players in my games, I found that a significant portion of them are new epic accounts with
@@warmfridge55 you’re right. But I’m assuming you have so few wins because at some point you had to make a new account. The most common case being a player switching from console to pc. Or maybe you’re just a freeplay warrior that just doesn’t play ranked and improves very fast. If so good for you. But those players are very rare, and still the vast majority of new accounts with very few wins are indeed smurfs.
@@Xaezy549 Is this the only account you have ever played on? Can I get your RLtracker link? It's definitely possible to get to GC2 in under 1k wins, but still extremely unlikely. I'd have to see your tracker to know for sure.
This video explains my struggle exactly. As a champ who’s never been in GC and 2 seasons ago getting to 1420 in 2s, I am now hard stuck c1-c2. Smurfs and GCs gatekeeping GC :,(
Came back to RL for a little bit as well. Was 1600 peak and took so long to barely hit GC1. Definitely much harder now with all the decayed GC's gate keeping C2/C3
Weird how no1 seems to understand that rank is a relative thing and that a declining player base means rank deflation. Perhaps because that would also mean having to admin to part of your climb in rank was due to rank inflation caused by a growing player base.
Sometimes I really cant tell the difference between d2 and c2 lobbies u find the diamonds and gc players together and it’s crazy. One week I’m c2-c3 the other d2-c1.. and yeah c3 is pretty much gc. Compared to all seasons my 1’s ranked has improved far more than my 2’s although my 1’s to 2’s games ratio is like 1:100.
i think it's psyonix's way of trying to fix rank inflation, personally i had issues at the start of the season, getting placed in c1 from gc1, but near the middle and end i've climbed all the way to like 1560 (just before gc2), so it's just a matter of playing more i think.
Yeah this is definitely the case. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to play as much (until this video lol) so I didn’t know it was this bad. 200 MMR in one day is great but I thought for sure I’d be GC after 57…
I used to be able to sit comfortably in GC but I'm currently stuck in C3 hell (solo q in 2s). The skill level varies a ton, sometimes it feels like a low champ lobby, other times like higher GC. Glad it's not just me then..
A huge part of remaining GC season after season for me has been knowing when to stop queuing. Sometimes you just gotta call it and get after it the next day with fresh eyes and a fresh mind.
5:50 that is every game for me. To the point where if they say anything in the likes of : nice shot, great pass, what a save (used non-sarcastically) I must not answer if you say thanks to any compliment you know that the very next mistake no matter how small they will begin the trash talk. I do not use the chat anymore the only reason it is on is so that I can see what people say and report accordingly so that players using the chat maybe wont have to deal with those people. Personal opinion: There should be a permanent chat ban option for people going too far. Some people should just straight up lose their ability to type in chat and even use the quick chats.
Bizarre, I thought it was me getting worse lmao. I have peaked at gc2 as well and now im struggling to keep down c3 div4. Pretty insane situation overall. Can't believe you played 57 games in day, my brain would melt.
you might of just gotten worse bro, or need to adapt or something. I'm a washed Gc2 who barely plays at all every season, and I got gc2 in a single day.
@@ragegaze3482 This comment is so useless....1. You cannot compare yourself to others and expect gameplay/mindset to be equal just because your ranks were/are equal, there is more to it then just mechanics. 2. Time matters playing at 8 in the morning on a tuesday instead of 8 at night on a saturday can make a big difference as alot of those GC´s you have to overcome are in school or at work.... I don´t know the exact reason but sometimes you just get better Q´s at one time and far worse on another time. So you made it in one day be happy but bragging about and thinking this is the way it should be for all is very simple minded, just watch the video of the CBell struggle, who was clearly a GC2 and now this......but you made it in one day, I am not impressed you just got lucky and you are bragging about it.
true but i found it easier to rank in daytime than the evening, there are more druggies/hardcore players at night versus lots of casual/actually awake people lol. spoken as an ex-addict. peak c3d4 2021 im c1/c2 hardstuck rn@@reinerhoch1357
psyonix has to do something about the accidental party leaves. like, it's way too easy, and all they need to do is require you to click left or right instead of down to get to quit party.
I saw you in gc2 season 23/24 a couple times and we traded games here and there (low 1600ish high 1500) I am currently in 1400/1500 and ive improved a crazy amount since, this season is wild LMAO. I thought I was in my own head about smurfs and making excuses when it got to my head but every time the stats say otherwise. (I would play collegiate games in gc3+ and feel like I was playing 1700+ players every now and then in 1400/1500 and even c3 when I was c3 mid season)
likewise, i averaged 1340-1380 last few seasons, but the past 2 seasons i need to full tryhard sweat my arse off to be c2 div 4 where i am now. heck, im c3 div 2 in threes right now, and my threes was never higher than twos, only on rare occasions. this season is insane indeed
@@solarapocolypse5355 yeah my 3s has been higher all season, which ig would make sense since I do a lot of scrims but I'm top 30k in 3s and top 70-100k in 2s... usually they were both about even in # with past season smurfs in 2s.
Ok, the thing here is Psyonix equalizing the 2s ranks... If you played 1s and 3s, well, no difference. They realised everybody was way higher mmr in 2s, compared to the other playlists, and basically reset everybodys 2s mmr to 200 lower, and when people complained, eased off and made it a cool 100... in my case i had worked my ass off to get to C, and even tho I am deffo better than I was, now Im high D... sux balls but np dude @@CBellRL
@@KirbyRL same, im on my uni's rl team so threes always gets worked on more. but i agree with cbells judgement, mid c2 and up is just gc at this point lol
In a similar situation this season. After a few seasons of being high D3, I finally hit champ for the first time and got 1 win. I would understand if it was a one off thing, but I consistently see players i would consider to be around C2 hanging out in D2 (most likely through no fault of their own)
Psyonix slimmed every rank down. GC standard was cut in half. That means that half of all GC's are now in Champ and that's before considering that SSL's probably displace some GC's as well.
It's probably just the rank reset. GC2 before now it's kinda hard to get GC1. But it does make the rank feel somewhat more prestigious again cause before GC really just felt like Champ 4.
I feel like ive improved soo much this season and wouldve gotten gc in any of the previous seasons but i just keep going against absolute demons. Whilst im getting te weirdest teammates who just leave after the first goal. I fluctuate between early c3 and c2 and just cant get out
Hey mannn!!! It's ya boy juan lmaoo wsgg thanks for playing dude the games were sick, can't believe I got hosted in a video from a dude with almost a mill subs thats crazy
My peak is C3 and right now I'm struggling to get out of D3. I'm definitely washed because I haven't played much in the past 6 months...but thats crazy to me
Ur probs trying to hard my guy and bringing down ur performance because of it if ur c3 I reckon ull get there or close if u chill out and just go for fun
I've been stuck in low C1 for 4-5 seasons now, never seen GC titles there, and this season has them every 3rd or 4th game it feels like, and I have dropped back to D3 after a long time in C1. Hopefully Psyonix fixes the mmrs in Season 13.
It's not just GC, it's every rank man. the champs from previous seasons are now in diamond, i literally got placed in plat 1 at the start of this season in 2's and literally had to claw my way up to diamond 1 again, my peak was diamond 3 div 4. how tf do i fucking get placed in plat 1? literally 6 ranks off? makes no sense. rocket league ranked is... i'm not gonna say ruined, but it's definitely waning. it needs an MMR fix for sure
I was 1750 2 seasons ago and felt fairly confident to hit ssl in 2s this season because I focused one's last season and did tons of training however im now only 1600-1700 either that be my own skill or the ranks changing idk. All I do know is I was really discouraged for a while because I play so much so much infact I usally have 2k-3k games a season. I really needed this video because I feel a lot better about we're I am.
Same story here, I'm proud of my skill I've acquired and I know where I stand, but when I'm obviously outclassed in every "choice scenerio" like I would do to a plat, in my champ 2 lobby, I know it ain't me. 10+ seasons of GC and this is clearly the worst year. Somebody might win 60-40 or 70-30 but when it's literally 90-10 and I have to prejump to hope to stop their plays. I just type, "you're ruining this game and you don't even care, I'm halfway to just uninstalling". They regularly respond with, "cope". I'm honestly not mad, I'm sad at psyonix doing nothing about it or even encouraging it with their terms. It's like playing COD with aimbots that never get banned...
Honestly, it's just ridiculous. Multiple seasons of GC here as well, most of which were the OG seasons, yet this is the hardest I've ever had to fight to even maintain a 50/50 win ratio. The bar has been continually raising higher for so long that unless you are the ultra competitive sweatlord that can spend 8hrs a day playing, you won't keep up. It's not that we're washed, at least that's not the whole story. People are just improving so rapidly and constantly that unless you do the same, you just get left behind. I hate playing this game when everyone's in ultra tryhard mode, and it's bleeding into casual too. Seems like 1 in every 3 new lobbies I join there's a group with a high gc with a plat teammate, and the plat just runs around demoing while the other just does freestyling all day long. It's frustrating and boring to play against in casual and I just end up alt+f4ing after the first demo cuz I know if I say anything, they'll just say "cope" or some bs and try even harder to make the game as bloody miserable as possible for everybody.
i honestly think this is just caused by people improving at the game very quickly. today's gc1s could get gc2 6 months ago i believe. i peaked one game away from gc3 like 4 or 5 seasons ago but don't play RL as much rn. nowadays getting back into gc2 is a real fight. so in reality all of these "gcs" in champ are just washed or not good enough to get gc rn that's my opinion🤷
This is definitely part of the ranked scene right now. The baseline of gameplay is so much higher. It’s nice for competition but not nice if you’ve been slacking a little lol
I was GC2 last season and got placed in C2 a couple weeks ago. It took a few days of grinding to get my GC rewards. The rust was crazy. One day I was losing to C2s and I was genuinely thinking the skill ceiling increased during my 3 month absence. Then the next day I was left wondering how I ever lost to them.
Pleeeeeeease keep bringing attention to this issue. Its completely ignored by psyonix, and is killing off large swaths of longstanding players. This issue will only continue to drift further down the ranks, and is a poison that is killing rl
Straight after season 10 all ranks got squished, they dropped everyone rank wise by about 2-3 ranks. These drops happen due to the influx in high level bots and alt high level smurf and smurfs across the board. They also happen because lack of real new players and the influx of said above. I hard made it from S10 into GC, then into 11 i got dopped to C1, and bare in mind i was quickly getting better as i couldnt arial properly and still cant even when i made GC, just gamesense and positioning, teammate awareness. So ive made it back to c3 for S11 and S12 in both 2s and 3s, C3 D4 i just go up and down lose streak then win slowly. Painful it had put me off the game in S11 because all that effort and someone is so close to then have it stripped away. big time
My peak was c3. And i barely made it to c2 this season...90% of my matches, people have GC titles...and now im current C1 again. The crazy mechanics and speed im seeing in these champ lobbies is unlike any other season. Pretty frustrating
Same here. I am comfortably C2 right now but approaching C3 you get insane players whereas C3 was not that hard for me to hit in past seasons 6 months ago
It's been like this ever since they decided to start doing like 200mmr resets every season. It's actually atrocious and I don't care about ranked at all anymore.
It feels like im not improving at all. Im stuck at c3 for the past 3 years. But the thing is i have been improving but at the exact same pace as the ranks. I got gc once or twice on my own and once with my team8.
I mean at 1:49 when u called the guy out for leaving after one goal is kinda relatable. I mean as a champ that’s fallen off the game due to the complete messy chaotic state, I can say that it’s not that people aren’t meant to play the game. It’s that they are meant to play against their own rank and feel like they are progressing. Not getting absolutely clipped on by a new account in c1 or dealing with a completely god awful teammate right after you just had a god tier one last game. The state of champ has been this way for a good couple seasons and it just goes to show that the bigger faces of rocket league just really don’t care to say or do something until it affects them.
I just went up 200 MMR from C2 to GC and got my rewards last week. Been struggling between C2-C3 for the entire season before that, because every game was random and felt like a wildcard. For reference, I was GC2 last season. While I can understand why we have harder resets in 2s, it still kills the fun experience.
nah i feel juan bro. i only play casual or games with friends. my peak rank is gc2 but i just dont enjoy ranked anymore. I sit at c2 in 3v3 now and have no desire to que ranked. i honestly just sit in free play/training mostly bc my casual MMR is pushing 2300 and the game just gets too stressful bro juan is speaking straight facts lol
ended up getting gc1 rewards and then relaxing, that fall was pretty hard down c3 div 1. dipped to c2 a few times. my only advice is try to play it safe and keep the pressure up. fake demos shake people up a lot and usually causes them to panic threw out the match. when you do finally get to gc1 you can rest assured that it feels like gc1 and your tms are a lot more reliable. but c3 is gonna have retired ssl's gc's and then the lucky mix of people that confuse you on how they are even there because they cant save a slow ground roller while they sit net. on top of that their is always the 15 sec rage quiters. but i can confirm this season has been the most sweatyest season yet.
As someone who’s been improving a lot (which Praise The Lprd I have), I’ve been in champ a lot and the past two seasons I noticed a major ramp up in skill. I thought I was crazy because champ 3 seasons ago was nothing like champ recently.
I was C3 before the mmr drop. I was put into c1 and getting to c2 is easy as long as you got a competent tm8. I currently play with a c3 friend and we both can keep up in the rank. I haven’t really experienced much change.
Most seasons i sit at mid gc2 but this season got put c2. took a whole day to climb to gc1 but after that it gets even worse, 20 mmr away from gc2 now and keep running into blue titles stuck in a win, lose state
But to be honest once i made it past gc1 the games and quality of teammates sky rockets feel like a lot of dead weight got flushed out so if your having a hard time climbing back maybe go back to the drawing board no point blaming the system
Honestly I relate to Juan in a big way. I peaked 1950, and now I just chill in C2 cuz I just don't care about the pixels anymore (but for happier reasons), got married, got a better job, just playing with lower ranked friends now and grinding back up to gc3/ssl is just not worth it.
I've given up on reaching grand champ. As much as it hurts to say that because I hate giving up, I'm just not willing to put in the time to keep up with everyone else and I've kinda just accepted that it's not in the cards for me. I hit champ afterall, and I never thought I would get to diamond, so I'm happy with that
I just got back into playing RL. Was D2 in 2s... did my placement and eneded up in D2 again. The games are kinda wild though. Sometimes my team gets like 5-0 wins and other times we go up against the craziest players that should probably be in C2/3 -GC1. So much variation in skill it is wild.
I can’t say I relate to this video based on the fact I’m SSL and have over 10k hours. But what I will say is this title is very accurate. If you want to improve in Rocket League at the highest ranks these days it takes THOUSANDS of hours to see solid improvement. Don’t waste your life on a game you won’t enjoy forever. Until you somewhat stop enjoying the game feel free to keep playing and have fun though :)
Honestly one of my favorite RL videos I have watched! I hit GC in season 10 so I feel like I’m definitely one of those guys in this video…currently in C2 trying to climb back up. Some games are easy and others are so hard. This is Rocket League (Season 12)!!!
Thanks for video, I play RL exclusively with my wife, we play every day, and have peaked this season at C3 div 2. We've been stuck around C1 and C2 for the past 4 seasons, playing almost every game against GC tags. The 170 mmr reset from a few months ago was really demoralizing. But we're trying to make the best of it, we know we now play some good RL, and getting a win against people that have peaked at GC2 feels very good. F the rank, and have fun with improving
you should have used a bakkes plugin to also see peak rank, I know there are plugins to show current rank so there has to be one to show peak rank for all time... I just think that would have given you much better results than just relying on the gc having the tag on.
Crazy to see u do this. Considering i just did this on stream last week. Came back to rl after not playing for over a year. Got to C3 and got 1 game away from GC but kept going back and forth, win, loss, win, loss. Tht close to doing it in one day. Then got on the next day and won 3 in a row and got it lol C3 is only hard bc u have bots one game, and an actual human the next. Exactly why i stopped playing rl in the first place
I'm struggling between C1 and C2 and the amount of players that are probably smurfing is insane. Why probably? Well I have rocket league tracker so I can see some stats of players in any match I cue. In most matches there is at least one dude with GC skills and supposedly less than 200 wins on the account and win % above 70. For reference your average Champ has somewhere between 2k to 8k wins usually. At first I thought that these fellows probably just switched from console to pc or vice versa, but then I checked my account on console and it was just my normal account with correct stats so probably just a lot of smurfs going around.
Someone once said, If you have something to lose, youve already lost. That's why after you hit gc in a gamemode, you dont really care about your rank as much after. Youve reached your goal
I've been C2~C3 in both 2s and 3s for literal years now... This season I peaked in C3 Div 3, and the games are insanely hard to me right now lol, but I'm so damn close to reaching GC for the first time
Yes, in champ, C1 is the most difficult to rank up solo, whereas C3 is arguably the easiest. GC1 is like C3 except slightly less difficult to maintain.
What I think happened is rocket league decided to drop the ranks of half the community. My friend and I were C3 a few seasons ago and both placed c1 last season and worked our way up to c2. This season he got placed C1 like normal and I got thrown the whole way down in diamond 2. It took me the whole season to get back to champ 1. Every teammate was so inconsistent and they still are but it’s not as bad. I need help.
I dont know if you havn´t heard about it, but they adjusted the MMR for each Game mode to make the rank experience more homogenic. They dropped all 2v2 players by 150 MMR and all 3v3 players by 100MMR because in 1v1 you are usually the lowest and 2v2 the highest mmr. That happened at the start of the season. I cant find the patchnotes to the adjustment tho
Well damn so I was right. C3's are now gc, and c2's are c3. Haha that's kinda cool tho cuz it makes getting the next rank even more special. I'm c2 div 3 rn which if is c3 div 3 last season. I'm almost gc lvl WOOO
I always play duos with my friend (champ2). THere is two scenario. We win to 8-0 or we lose to 8-0 absolutely no balance in champ 1-2. Too much smurf, booster and toxic people. Rocket league should follow smurf issue like dota 2 (Smurfing is bannable in dota 2 easily)
Jaun!!! You and Cbell are like protagonist in this video!... the good guys.. loved the video because I struggled just the same to get from C2 back up to gc1 which me and buddy made it to 1480mmr and still climbing. We can 100% relate to this. Try USW servers, they easier than USE and EU ;) good luck ❤
ME servers are probably one of the hardest@@GreedInSpace1
You the man Juan
I’m currently c3 in 2s and it’s crazy how each teammates varies in skill
im smashed at c1, was d3 for years and finally can steady c1 in 3s and 2s. highest ive ever been is c2 in 2s. i cant even air dribble just really good gameplay and shooting
Even in GC1. It’s wild. Feels like it never stops
Exactly. I was almost gc in F2P season 1 and 2 right before the rank switch when they added SSL. Now im hovering betwen high C1 and mid C2 because of the different skill levels that are there. I'll get a good tm8 one game and the next i'll get someone who belongs in gold. We need another hard rank reset...
I'm at GC1 rn, having people who have ssl tags, thinking they're Zen but ultimately missing every 2nd ball and some who are Gc1 but look like diamonds it's really a hit or miss. There are a few who can keep up and it's fun to play with (and against) but this season really feels weirder than others.
peaked 1700 and cant get out of c3 but to be fair im a mech player and dont play much anymore BUT i can agree its insane
Someone finally documented our struggles. Crazy it takes two former GCs to make a push to get out of C2
Idk I mean i was gc 2 a few times now im mid gc but without any big struggles
Welcome to Champ, Smurfs / Boosters and GCs flood our rank then said GCs tell us getting GC is "Easy" like no shit you're playing against Champs flexing ur GC
@@DemiGodXBL no like in the video, he was a gc too and cant back. So I dont really know what is happening. Smurfing is still a thing in gc
@@PxndaPanda He was Facing GCs the Second he touched C2
Then Partied up with a GC through C2, Champ is the Worst Rank for Smurfs and Boosters in the Game even Stated by Lethamyr himself "The Top 100 SSL" saying Champ is the Worst Rank is saying something
@@DemiGodXBL I find that extremely often. Weird how high rank players talk shit to lower ranked players. Like no shit dumbass, youve wasted more of your life than i have you SHOULD be better than me lol
like the video for juan. if you don't know what I'm talking about.. you didn't watch the video like the cool people who know who juan is. I hope he comments
he bumped yiu
went from 1800-champ 3 lmao
Is it weird im bronze 2 and can speed flip and half flip (kinda)
@kayla_playzrbxyt5691 these mechanics aren't very difficult to learn and should come naturally to you at about diamond and above anyways as it becomes essential to gameplay for people progressing onward, but if you actively polish these simple mechanics that require little input even at a low rank, then yes, you will succeed but not see as much benefit because yo7 might not he applicable to the situations you f8nd yourself in just yet
@@xxmysticexpertxx113 thanks i just started learning pinches
I friggen knew it. Champ 2 and the amount of GC titles I see are crazy, along with the amount of clear smurfs. Good to know I'm stuck here this season again
lol I’m sorry but it is true. I don’t think it’s impossible, but I think you need more game time than normal at the very least
I was coping for so long thinking they were all washed or boosted and I just got worse, took me around 200 games this season, which isnt awful but it used to take me maybe 5-10 games if I even dropped into champ in that season. This is coming from someone ~low 1600 avrg. I may be a unique case since my main focus wasn't 2s but it will be a grind/was a grind to get back to gc even for anyone that was average 1500 or higher.
The best thing you can do is just keep grinding your improvement (not rank) and next season if its better youll skyrocket in rank out of nowhere.
@@CBellRL I'm just happy to know I'm not going crazy and honestly it has helped me improve. Forcing me to try some more mechanical shots and skills than I would have
I left for RuneScape it’s better for my mental then being stuck in c2/c3 hell
@@apoplectic2450 not trying to downplay tourney tag because it usually means someone is at least gc1 if they have the ssl tourney but its 100% not ssl. Ive played and won one before and most of the games werent even ssl they were gc3ish. Season 1-3 tourney is solid though.
Normal ssl tag could mean the person is washed or boosted there are no legit active ssls in gc1/2. if they are gc2 they are just inactive and no longer ssl.
I’ve never related so much to a RL video in my life. As someone who last season peaked C3 div 3 and got GC1 in 2 extra modes, I am hard stuck C2 and have a hard time even against C1s sometimes. It honestly took a toll on my confidence until I realized the dilemma you pointed out. Thank you for this video cbell, maybe I won’t get GC this season but I’m working to get it one day!
Same boat, been gc1 for 5-6 seasons but suddenly cannot get out of c2. I thought i suddenly had forgotten how to play!
and you fuckers make me (C2) drop to diamond 3 lmao. Fr this season was tough
i was c1 and now i’m plat 3💀 but i haven’t played in 2 years so hopefully i can rank up in a week
@@Vestean c1 2 years ago sounds about diamond 1 now... average skill just keeps shooting up
@@comediandabeast135 yeah, i’m diamond 1 now🤣
As a former GC2 trying to fight back through the C3 hell hole. I completely feel the frustration of that GC wall at the moment.
This was all because they messed up the season reset, i was already peaking c2 and am playing better than ever, nonetheless am d3 now and still hella sweaty in here
@@leor2252 nah ur just bad, diamond 3 is not sweaty lol
same I was gc2, and now I'm c3 and I've fully stopped playing 2s because its not worth losing my sanity over anymore 😑
@@praisemczbro what’s the point in saying this? What’ll it do for ya
Yeah it’s crazy. Now imagine you’re C2 peak.. must be the most deflating feeling to hear us complain knowing it’s trickling down from there
The GC tag thing is crazy. In past seasons I was consistently C2 and this last season it was a grind to stay low C2/high C1. But it's every other game where there's a GC tag. Sometimes double GC tag opponents who aren't even queued together. Just feels like C1 used to be pretty easy to grind out of and now it's actually really hard to win in sometimes. I don't think I've gotten worse because I've played consistently since then. Feels like opponents have improved greatly
The amount of soloQ smurfs is insane. Gcs in d1 hoops...wtf?
I think there’s just a lot of people like me who have not played in a bit and need to get their rank back, and if enough people do that (highly likely because even top players need a break) then this happens
@@VeryButtery Yup. I hit GC in season 3 and then didn't play again until a month ago. I'm sitting firmly in C2.
@@MDethCKRMt bad I don't play hoops much lol
they just made the ranks harder that's all. less people allowed in the higher ranks
I actually feel really good about myself still being in C2 this season. Because it basically means that I'm improving and can sorta hang with ex-GC's now lol. It's been motivating to see a lot more GC titles in C2 knowing that I've been in C2 for about 2/3 seasons now.
same here
Same XD I guess you’re right!
Best way to think about it. You’d easily be a GC if you played this well 2-3 seasons ago
@@CBellRL i must say, this season has something wrong with it's ranking.
Would it be possible for you to find out what's wrong?
that what I've been saying i hit c3 for the first time this season and it is such a headache to play ranked I don't even want to touch the mode.@@CBellRL
Juan with the “happy you’re alive whoever semi colon is” 14:28 is one of the best things I’ve ever seen in this game. Go Juan!
yea, i noticed that too. very wholesome
Life is nothing to fuck around with, im happy to see people alive and enjoying themselves. If your ever in a bad situation pls seek help.
I almost had a mental breakdown at the beginning of this season when I finished my placement and couldn’t get out of C3. I eventually did and was flabbergasted by the competition I was going against at around 1480. My peak was 1649 a couple seasons ago and I know I’ve improved a lot since then so it got in my head. When I realized a lot of other people have went through this I started to play better and now I’m sitting around 1540, trying to get back to my home rank.
Bro I almost made my own video 😂 I recorded it and everything. I just thought I’d sound crazy😭
This is the exact same thing that happened to me. I thought I was trash because I played early season until I asked other people who turned out were having the same problem
im ashamed to say this game made me so upset this season that i elbowed a hole in my ikea desk..... im very ashamed and havent done anything like that in 3 years
I only started this year, hit c2 briefly last season at the end and this season I’ve been sitting low c2 struggling hard and I’ve improved an insane amount, it’s just crazy at the moment
Can’t directly compare to other seasons since I’m new and improving but man, I am way better than I was when I was C2 last season!
@@BurgoYT 1v1
Bro. I'm stuck in Gold and can't ever get out because I'm constantly being forced to play plats and diamond players all the time. Even in casual. Especially in casual. Competitive is easier than casual some days. But I still can't rank up because of the smurfs and the quitters and the fact that I get paired with someone who is legit gold and doesn't know how to go back post and ball chases the whole time. This isn't just a problem with champs and grand champs... It's the entire ranking system. lol.
It is different tho. Going from silver to diamond is pretty easy, it's like a natural evolution. You don't need crazy mechanics or aerials, or any training. You just need to focus on hitting the ball and missing less than your opponents. You basically just need to play and you'll get there, despite some bad mates or few smurfs.
The champion/GC gap is huge tho, from this moment you need to put way more effort, more training and more mechanics. Game sense and hitting the ball is not enough, that's where the game really starts. That's where a champion with 400 hours of gameplay will get matched with a 3000 hours GC. They're only 2-3 ranks appart, but the difference in skill needed and effort put into the game is HUGE.
With that MMR reset, champ is now a big mix of former gc1/gc2 and C2/C3 ruining each other's game.
Not everyone can train 2h a day to beat a GC, but anyone can hit the ball and get out of gold just by playing for fun.
Keep going, focus on simple things, hit the ball, you'll get there
@@HmAhOk Thanks for trying to encourage me. But I still don't think you are right. 400 hours isn't enough to get you to champ I'm farther than 400 hours. 560 hours to be exact as of this comment. (I play other games. I can't play Just one game all the time. lol.) And I can score alright and hit the ball alright. I got 7761 goals in 7053 matches. 13,359 shots on goal. 20,464 centered balls. 10,804 cleared balls. My aerials are fairly low though at 1382 since I only started being able to aerial some the last like 3 seasons. Still though I can't get out of gold.
I go up some with some wins. Then I go down in a string of losses. It's not as easy for someone who doesn't have the time or willpower to commit to Just this game. So you can see why I need less bullcrap to happen in my play sessions. I usually just seem to get the worst of the matchmaking or lobby balancing about 60% of the time. And I solo queue a lot and end up against premade parties instead of other solo players a lot as well. Which doesn't help. Since they can communicate and I can't except for the rare occasions that I find a blueberry who is actually using the quick chat usefully. lol.
12:00 to add, if your teammate is going for a demo, shoot low. the opponent is 70% of the time jumping to avoid getting demoed
crazy how many people I need to tell this to in my ranked games
@@adrianshrubowich6144u dont need to, theyll learn it on their own and if u do try to teach them that, they can get pretty frustrated so i truly dont recommend😅
Finally someone made about this issue. They scrambled the ranks the past two seasons with very hard rank resets, now you have this mess of champ being a mix of former gcs as well as former champs. I can only assume the same this is happening in other ranks. I personally have never been less motivated to play this game and I might actually quit the game outright.
My buddy and I were in Champ 1 for almost a year even though we were WAY better. It was pretty deflating. Had the same thought. I'm glad we didn't quit, hope you didn't either
This was a very telling video and something I experienced myself. When I was going for GC myself, as someone who only wanted to get there for the titles, I played casual for the most part, it felt as though everybody else in the games had already been a GC at some point, and it was constantly an uphill battle. I felt like there was nobody I could relate to playing at a champ 3 level who was genuinely champ 3. This was 2 and a half years ago now, and it’s sad to see nothing’s changed. I feel sorry for all of the real Champion players who want to climb their rank.
peaks like Gc1 and than lost it instantly right away 3 seasons in a row now. feel like ive gotten 50x better in those season yet my mmr is almost exactly the same if not a little worse now. my gc dream seems to be dying out sadly
Yeah I got rewards for gc like 4 seasons in a row but could never stay there even though I was clearly improving. I think maybe 1 of those 4 seasons I finished actually still in gc. I fell off at the end cause I was working heaps and not really playing and I haven’t touched the game cause I’ve been overseas for like 6 months so it’ll be interesting to see if I can ever get back to go
I've essentially given up on ever getting Grand Champ until the smurfing/boosting problem is fixed for that very reason. That and the toxicity in mid-Champ is on a whole other level than it is at any other rank except probably GC itself. I can't go two games anymore without someone on my team or the other team losing their shit in text chat and throwing the game, either by intentionally AFKing, playing for the other team, or just rage-quitting.
@@melodyofthelexicontrust me gc2 is an ego hell hole
I was C1-C2, now I am hard stuck in diamond. But diamond players feel like C3+ to me now. Everybody is so fast, and i even saw a flip reset two days ago in diamond and it wasnt a smurf because they were highly inconsistent. It is outrageous to see those mechanics here and there in diamond.
The skill floor and ceiling is rising so fast I'm rocket league. You have to grind just to keep pace
I've solo q'd to gc multiple seasons in the past, and I feel you on this video. It's impossible to win when I play with my friends now, because they just can't keep up. I've gotten much better since I was a GC, and I regularly have games in C2 where the people I play against are as good as I currently am. It's all because of the way the ranked system is designed though. You have a game where the upper end is made up of players that have been playing since the game came out. The system is designed to place the average skill level around gold, so if the community keeps getting better, but the rank distribution stays the same, you will end up with the situation we have now where people from the top keep getting pressed downward. At the end of the day, ranks are arbitrary, but it's definitely depressing when it appears like you're getting worse, when in reality you're getting better, but the ranks are getting harder to achieve. Gotta say though, I didn't like that you ended up queuing with someone else that used to be GC2. It's kind of a cop out, and doesn't really capture how difficult it is to crawl out of these ranks now even if you're good enough to do so. Especially when you don't have the time/motivation to grind out 10+ games a day anymore. For those that are new to the game and looking to get GC for the first time... do not try to do it solo. I'm convinced you have to be at GC2/GC3 level from 2022 just to get GC solo que now.
Personal Opinion: Epic should model the rank system after the player base. GC should go back to requiring the same skill level it used to require to get to, and they should just keep adding more ranks on the upper end. That way the people in the same rank won't be as volatile as they currently are.
Im in the exact same situation, as soon as you queue with your c2 friends you enter a lobby where it is just full of a crazy skill gap. But you go back to solo queue and shoot straight to gc1. We have organically become the problem but what's the crime in playing with friends who are only slightly worse than you. Just a complicated situation where i feel bad for people trying to solo in this rank.
i’m all for solo queuing and just got the 10 gc games in yesterday, but what a nightmare between mates missing literal rolling balls and opens and the opponents triple flip resetting it’s crazy hard not to lose your mind
He queued up with a no comms former GC2 and still couldn’t get back to GC. And then continued to solo and went .500…. Again still not GC. How does that not demonstrate the difficulty?
As for your solution to the rank problem. GC has always gotten more difficult on a seasonal basis (except for a few seasons like P2P Season 3 GC). So which season should we base GC on and how do we quantify that?
They did add more ranks on the upper end. It’s called GC2/3/SSL. Idk how many you want to add…. There’s really not that many people gc2-ssl to fill out more ranks.
they should just add a top 500 rank like overwatch
I must say that is not true, I barely play the game anymore so I am like really washed. But i still got gc2 in a single day, granted I peaked gc 3 like 2 years ago, and have been gc 2 in every other season. But it wasn't that much harder, especially gc, I was in champ for like 2 seconds before I was already in the GC grind. So I wouldn't say you have to be GC2 to get gc, its slightly harder. Especially not gc3, gc3 players are far better than gc 1 players, it's not even close.
And a side note, you probably have gotten better, but so has everyone else GC+, because they practice so much, you naturally have to get better faster than everyone else to get higher ranks, that's how competitive ladders work. If they just kept adding more ranks, then the rank you are currently at would become the next memed on noob rank. Like champ is, people already clown on GC1 for being too easy now, since the changed the mmr requirement, it used to be 1515, now you can be gc at like 1430.
All the ranks are screwed now, diamond and platinum the usual ranks I hang out in were so chock full of people waaaaaay above diamond and plat that I lost all but 2 placement matches in 2's somehow salvaged diamond but then every game after that was a series of players I and my team mate stood absolutely no chance against, like we are lowly diamond 1's who have only just started shakily air dribbling and ceiling playing and we usually ended up getting matches with the 2 ssl's that casually dunk 14 goals on us before 3:30 is reached so we can desperately ff to escape the pain. I am now gold 2 and I refuse to play ranked anymore, I'll take my 10+ minute wait for extra modes
I thought I was just going insane. I took like 3 months off comp after grinding to gc1/2 and focus on mechs in casual and now I’m hardstuck low c3 but the games feel the same as gc2 last season 😂
I met a dude who apparently had been GC2. That day. My man had lost around 40 games on the day and was down in C2, a broken man, in the trenches.
My peak was champ 1 both season 9 and 10, but this season im hard stuck D1. Diamond is no longer what it use to be when they decided to remove an entire rank from everyone. After the season started i went from C1 to plat 2 on my placements....and lets just say when the season started i encountered a few champs in plat, now every old champs are now in diamond at the moment.
This is literally my experience my teammate ends up being a legitimate diamond while it’s me vs 2 other high diamond low champ players.
I feel your pain my man, I got guys regularly pulling ceiling shots and resetting on me in D2. Even the P3 guys have hit C a coupla seasons ago, I can tell by their colours and sometimes even their names...
what rank was removed?
oh the setback nvm
I know, I go up and down through platinum 1-3 and I’ve encountered champs to many times as well as it seems like I’m in a diamond lobby every single match. People are air dribbling and doing all these mechanics and it’s just not the same anymore.
1:30 I was champ 2 last season and for the last 2 weeks have been playing 2s with my friend to try to get back to champ 2. The reason why that team left is because you did a full court aerial/airdribble. They probably were fed up with the matchmaking and quit because they encountered gcs or something before. It is the most frustrating thing ever
If you hate yourself, there is always 1v1. If you’re high champ/low gc in 1s you’ll have an easier time grinding gc2+ in team modes with whoever you end up getting queued with. Harder to develop certain skills only in team modes, especially while solo queuing imo
Im a D1 1V1 main, hit Champ a long time ago (3 seasons I think?) But not playing to much anymore.
Tghe amount of GC tags I see in 1v1's... Its scary man.
@@Krusher1988That’s probably because alot of players don’t play 1v1 regularly because like Roger said “if you hate yourself, play 1v1”. No game mode is more infuriating to play than 1v1. I personally believe 2v2 is the best game mode because it kinda brings 3v3 and 1v1 elements in one game mode which helps you get better quicker imo.
@@sinsee. I completely agree
agreed, just play 1v1 and get gc i wouldnt even bother wasting ur time with 2s and 3s
I think you should have done a Smurf counter as well. Just by checking the tracker links of certain players in my games, I found that a significant portion of them are new epic accounts with
@@warmfridge55 you’re right. But I’m assuming you have so few wins because at some point you had to make a new account. The most common case being a player switching from console to pc.
Or maybe you’re just a freeplay warrior that just doesn’t play ranked and improves very fast. If so good for you. But those players are very rare, and still the vast majority of new accounts with very few wins are indeed smurfs.
i have 857 wins and am 1604 in 2s so i dont think that means that a significant portion of people with less than 1k are smurfs or new epic accounts
@@Xaezy549 Is this the only account you have ever played on? Can I get your RLtracker link?
It's definitely possible to get to GC2 in under 1k wins, but still extremely unlikely. I'd have to see your tracker to know for sure.
This video explains my struggle exactly. As a champ who’s never been in GC and 2 seasons ago getting to 1420 in 2s, I am now hard stuck c1-c2. Smurfs and GCs gatekeeping GC :,(
fr every other game I just see a GC tag it’s so frustrating
gc2 is also being gatekeeped went 5 times in a row against smurfs
Exact same as me man, I’ve given up lol
Two huge resets put everyone about a rank below what they were two seasons ago too
well that explains why its hard to get to champ if players like you are stuck in champ lol
8:39 He 'was' a graphic designer. A.I. now does his job. His mom told him to keep his head up; she was a telephone operator.
Came back to RL for a little bit as well. Was 1600 peak and took so long to barely hit GC1. Definitely much harder now with all the decayed GC's gate keeping C2/C3
Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!
Ay its the guy who got me outta diamond
@@Its_Stunt haha surprised people still recognize my name. Grats on the progress
@@HKBoba Yeah thanks! hit 1630 for the first time last season think I ran into you in ones a few months back too lol
same lmao
Weird how no1 seems to understand that rank is a relative thing and that a declining player base means rank deflation. Perhaps because that would also mean having to admin to part of your climb in rank was due to rank inflation caused by a growing player base.
As a gc in c2 rn I promise you guys I’m not smurfing I generally am stuck there and it’s not our fault shots crazy
Sometimes I really cant tell the difference between d2 and c2 lobbies u find the diamonds and gc players together and it’s crazy. One week I’m c2-c3 the other d2-c1.. and yeah c3 is pretty much gc. Compared to all seasons my 1’s ranked has improved far more than my 2’s although my 1’s to 2’s games ratio is like 1:100.
i think it's psyonix's way of trying to fix rank inflation, personally i had issues at the start of the season, getting placed in c1 from gc1, but near the middle and end i've climbed all the way to like 1560 (just before gc2), so it's just a matter of playing more i think.
Yeah this is definitely the case. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to play as much (until this video lol) so I didn’t know it was this bad. 200 MMR in one day is great but I thought for sure I’d be GC after 57…
Yeah I was d2 in the beginning then I just played more and waited and now I am c2 trying to get c3
I used to be able to sit comfortably in GC but I'm currently stuck in C3 hell (solo q in 2s). The skill level varies a ton, sometimes it feels like a low champ lobby, other times like higher GC. Glad it's not just me then..
A huge part of remaining GC season after season for me has been knowing when to stop queuing. Sometimes you just gotta call it and get after it the next day with fresh eyes and a fresh mind.
A day or so break is nice sometimes
5:50 that is every game for me. To the point where if they say anything in the likes of : nice shot, great pass, what a save (used non-sarcastically) I must not answer if you say thanks to any compliment you know that the very next mistake no matter how small they will begin the trash talk. I do not use the chat anymore the only reason it is on is so that I can see what people say and report accordingly so that players using the chat maybe wont have to deal with those people.
Personal opinion: There should be a permanent chat ban option for people going too far. Some people should just straight up lose their ability to type in chat and even use the quick chats.
8:47 as a graphic designer myself, my first thought when he said he changes pixels for a living was that he was a designer not a booster 😂😂
as soon as i hit champ 1 i was getting shit stomped by grand champs and former SSL nearly every game
Yep. I don’t even care about the rank I just want champ rewards for the season but we are having the exact same experience
Bizarre, I thought it was me getting worse lmao. I have peaked at gc2 as well and now im struggling to keep down c3 div4. Pretty insane situation overall. Can't believe you played 57 games in day, my brain would melt.
you might of just gotten worse bro, or need to adapt or something. I'm a washed Gc2 who barely plays at all every season, and I got gc2 in a single day.
@@ragegaze3482 This comment is so useless....1. You cannot compare yourself to others and expect gameplay/mindset to be equal just because your ranks were/are equal, there is more to it then just mechanics. 2. Time matters playing at 8 in the morning on a tuesday instead of 8 at night on a saturday can make a big difference as alot of those GC´s you have to overcome are in school or at work.... I don´t know the exact reason but sometimes you just get better Q´s at one time and far worse on another time. So you made it in one day be happy but bragging about and thinking this is the way it should be for all is very simple minded, just watch the video of the CBell struggle, who was clearly a GC2 and now this......but you made it in one day, I am not impressed you just got lucky and you are bragging about it.
@@reinerhoch1357 I'm not lucky, I could get gc2 on any account. Let alone gc1, that would be easy.
true but i found it easier to rank in daytime than the evening, there are more druggies/hardcore players at night versus lots of casual/actually awake people lol. spoken as an ex-addict. peak c3d4 2021 im c1/c2 hardstuck rn@@reinerhoch1357
psyonix has to do something about the accidental party leaves. like, it's way too easy, and all they need to do is require you to click left or right instead of down to get to quit party.
I saw you in gc2 season 23/24 a couple times and we traded games here and there (low 1600ish high 1500) I am currently in 1400/1500 and ive improved a crazy amount since, this season is wild LMAO. I thought I was in my own head about smurfs and making excuses when it got to my head but every time the stats say otherwise. (I would play collegiate games in gc3+ and feel like I was playing 1700+ players every now and then in 1400/1500 and even c3 when I was c3 mid season)
likewise, i averaged 1340-1380 last few seasons, but the past 2 seasons i need to full tryhard sweat my arse off to be c2 div 4 where i am now. heck, im c3 div 2 in threes right now, and my threes was never higher than twos, only on rare occasions. this season is insane indeed
Yep. You’re not alone. It’s wild
@@solarapocolypse5355 yeah my 3s has been higher all season, which ig would make sense since I do a lot of scrims but I'm top 30k in 3s and top 70-100k in 2s... usually they were both about even in # with past season smurfs in 2s.
Ok, the thing here is Psyonix equalizing the 2s ranks... If you played 1s and 3s, well, no difference. They realised everybody was way higher mmr in 2s, compared to the other playlists, and basically reset everybodys 2s mmr to 200 lower, and when people complained, eased off and made it a cool 100... in my case i had worked my ass off to get to C, and even tho I am deffo better than I was, now Im high D... sux balls but np dude @@CBellRL
@@KirbyRL same, im on my uni's rl team so threes always gets worked on more. but i agree with cbells judgement, mid c2 and up is just gc at this point lol
I agree with this. As a low champ player. It's a mix between diamonds who snuck through and GCs with a significantly higher skill lv. Very frustrating
In a similar situation this season. After a few seasons of being high D3, I finally hit champ for the first time and got 1 win. I would understand if it was a one off thing, but I consistently see players i would consider to be around C2 hanging out in D2 (most likely through no fault of their own)
Exact same w me
i’m so glad you made this video. i thought ive been going crazy
Now imagine how impossible it is if you don't have another GC2 to play premade with.
Psyonix slimmed every rank down. GC standard was cut in half. That means that half of all GC's are now in Champ and that's before considering that SSL's probably displace some GC's as well.
It's probably just the rank reset. GC2 before now it's kinda hard to get GC1. But it does make the rank feel somewhat more prestigious again cause before GC really just felt like Champ 4.
Bro i thought i just got worse or everyone else just got better. nice video. glad its just not me noticing how hard it is to get GC these days.
I feel like ive improved soo much this season and wouldve gotten gc in any of the previous seasons but i just keep going against absolute demons. Whilst im getting te weirdest teammates who just leave after the first goal. I fluctuate between early c3 and c2 and just cant get out
Hey mannn!!! It's ya boy juan lmaoo wsgg thanks for playing dude the games were sick, can't believe I got hosted in a video from a dude with almost a mill subs thats crazy
My peak is C3 and right now I'm struggling to get out of D3. I'm definitely washed because I haven't played much in the past 6 months...but thats crazy to me
Ur probs trying to hard my guy and bringing down ur performance because of it if ur c3 I reckon ull get there or close if u chill out and just go for fun
@@allmight8127 perhaps, I do have some excuses tho...been playing on a shitty laptop with shitty wifi recently
juan saying his fingers were cold and his life was falling apart is so real in champ
I've been stuck in low C1 for 4-5 seasons now, never seen GC titles there, and this season has them every 3rd or 4th game it feels like, and I have dropped back to D3 after a long time in C1. Hopefully Psyonix fixes the mmrs in Season 13.
It's not just GC, it's every rank man. the champs from previous seasons are now in diamond, i literally got placed in plat 1 at the start of this season in 2's and literally had to claw my way up to diamond 1 again, my peak was diamond 3 div 4. how tf do i fucking get placed in plat 1? literally 6 ranks off? makes no sense. rocket league ranked is... i'm not gonna say ruined, but it's definitely waning. it needs an MMR fix for sure
I was 1750 2 seasons ago and felt fairly confident to hit ssl in 2s this season because I focused one's last season and did tons of training however im now only 1600-1700 either that be my own skill or the ranks changing idk. All I do know is I was really discouraged for a while because I play so much so much infact I usally have 2k-3k games a season. I really needed this video because I feel a lot better about we're I am.
Bro sunless posted a video about how he got musty in gc1 along with antoher bubble player and they're both considered semi pros XD
@@dizzy2544 I played him a few times at the start of the season
Same story here, I'm proud of my skill I've acquired and I know where I stand, but when I'm obviously outclassed in every "choice scenerio" like I would do to a plat, in my champ 2 lobby, I know it ain't me. 10+ seasons of GC and this is clearly the worst year.
Somebody might win 60-40 or 70-30 but when it's literally 90-10 and I have to prejump to hope to stop their plays. I just type, "you're ruining this game and you don't even care, I'm halfway to just uninstalling".
They regularly respond with, "cope".
I'm honestly not mad, I'm sad at psyonix doing nothing about it or even encouraging it with their terms.
It's like playing COD with aimbots that never get banned...
Honestly, it's just ridiculous. Multiple seasons of GC here as well, most of which were the OG seasons, yet this is the hardest I've ever had to fight to even maintain a 50/50 win ratio. The bar has been continually raising higher for so long that unless you are the ultra competitive sweatlord that can spend 8hrs a day playing, you won't keep up. It's not that we're washed, at least that's not the whole story. People are just improving so rapidly and constantly that unless you do the same, you just get left behind.
I hate playing this game when everyone's in ultra tryhard mode, and it's bleeding into casual too. Seems like 1 in every 3 new lobbies I join there's a group with a high gc with a plat teammate, and the plat just runs around demoing while the other just does freestyling all day long. It's frustrating and boring to play against in casual and I just end up alt+f4ing after the first demo cuz I know if I say anything, they'll just say "cope" or some bs and try even harder to make the game as bloody miserable as possible for everybody.
i honestly think this is just caused by people improving at the game very quickly. today's gc1s could get gc2 6 months ago i believe. i peaked one game away from gc3 like 4 or 5 seasons ago but don't play RL as much rn. nowadays getting back into gc2 is a real fight. so in reality all of these "gcs" in champ are just washed or not good enough to get gc rn that's my opinion🤷
This is definitely part of the ranked scene right now. The baseline of gameplay is so much higher. It’s nice for competition but not nice if you’ve been slacking a little lol
I was GC2 last season and got placed in C2 a couple weeks ago. It took a few days of grinding to get my GC rewards. The rust was crazy. One day I was losing to C2s and I was genuinely thinking the skill ceiling increased during my 3 month absence. Then the next day I was left wondering how I ever lost to them.
Makes me feel better about being stuck in C3 this season. Thanks CBell
I'm low C1 and run into people with GC tags every other game in 2s, and even more often in 3s as its always a pair carrying their friend
Pleeeeeeease keep bringing attention to this issue. Its completely ignored by psyonix, and is killing off large swaths of longstanding players.
This issue will only continue to drift further down the ranks, and is a poison that is killing rl
Straight after season 10 all ranks got squished, they dropped everyone rank wise by about 2-3 ranks.
These drops happen due to the influx in high level bots and alt high level smurf and smurfs across the board.
They also happen because lack of real new players and the influx of said above.
I hard made it from S10 into GC, then into 11 i got dopped to C1, and bare in mind i was quickly getting better as i couldnt arial properly and still cant even when i made GC, just gamesense and positioning, teammate awareness.
So ive made it back to c3 for S11 and S12 in both 2s and 3s, C3 D4 i just go up and down lose streak then win slowly.
Painful it had put me off the game in S11 because all that effort and someone is so close to then have it stripped away. big time
My peak was c3. And i barely made it to c2 this season...90% of my matches, people have GC titles...and now im current C1 again. The crazy mechanics and speed im seeing in these champ lobbies is unlike any other season. Pretty frustrating
Same here. I am comfortably C2 right now but approaching C3 you get insane players whereas C3 was not that hard for me to hit in past seasons 6 months ago
It's been like this ever since they decided to start doing like 200mmr resets every season. It's actually atrocious and I don't care about ranked at all anymore.
It feels like im not improving at all. Im stuck at c3 for the past 3 years. But the thing is i have been improving but at the exact same pace as the ranks. I got gc once or twice on my own and once with my team8.
I mean at 1:49 when u called the guy out for leaving after one goal is kinda relatable. I mean as a champ that’s fallen off the game due to the complete messy chaotic state, I can say that it’s not that people aren’t meant to play the game. It’s that they are meant to play against their own rank and feel like they are progressing. Not getting absolutely clipped on by a new account in c1 or dealing with a completely god awful teammate right after you just had a god tier one last game. The state of champ has been this way for a good couple seasons and it just goes to show that the bigger faces of rocket league just really don’t care to say or do something until it affects them.
I just went up 200 MMR from C2 to GC and got my rewards last week. Been struggling between C2-C3 for the entire season before that, because every game was random and felt like a wildcard. For reference, I was GC2 last season. While I can understand why we have harder resets in 2s, it still kills the fun experience.
We get LOADS of GC tags down in Diamond now man. 1 in 3 is smurfing at this stage. it's gotten crazy over th elast few months.
never have i ever experienced anything more frustrating than the mid-high champ ranked games on rocket league.
juan is interrogation final boss💀💀💀
pretty sure it's all ranks, not just GC and champ.
such a high density of smurfs and whatnot that they prevent each other from ranking back up again.
nah i feel juan bro. i only play casual or games with friends. my peak rank is gc2 but i just dont enjoy ranked anymore. I sit at c2 in 3v3 now and have no desire to que ranked. i honestly just sit in free play/training mostly bc my casual MMR is pushing 2300 and the game just gets too stressful bro juan is speaking straight facts lol
ended up getting gc1 rewards and then relaxing, that fall was pretty hard down c3 div 1. dipped to c2 a few times. my only advice is try to play it safe and keep the pressure up. fake demos shake people up a lot and usually causes them to panic threw out the match. when you do finally get to gc1 you can rest assured that it feels like gc1 and your tms are a lot more reliable. but c3 is gonna have retired ssl's gc's and then the lucky mix of people that confuse you on how they are even there because they cant save a slow ground roller while they sit net. on top of that their is always the 15 sec rage quiters.
but i can confirm this season has been the most sweatyest season yet.
As someone who’s been improving a lot (which Praise The Lprd I have), I’ve been in champ a lot and the past two seasons I noticed a major ramp up in skill. I thought I was crazy because champ 3 seasons ago was nothing like champ recently.
I was C3 before the mmr drop. I was put into c1 and getting to c2 is easy as long as you got a competent tm8. I currently play with a c3 friend and we both can keep up in the rank. I haven’t really experienced much change.
14:03 this is so true. I used to be C3 div 3 a year ago, now im struggling to get in champ 1 after a year break. This is rocket league!
Most seasons i sit at mid gc2 but this season got put c2. took a whole day to climb to gc1 but after that it gets even worse, 20 mmr away from gc2 now and keep running into blue titles stuck in a win, lose state
But to be honest once i made it past gc1 the games and quality of teammates sky rockets feel like a lot of dead weight got flushed out so if your having a hard time climbing back maybe go back to the drawing board no point blaming the system
Honestly I relate to Juan in a big way. I peaked 1950, and now I just chill in C2 cuz I just don't care about the pixels anymore (but for happier reasons), got married, got a better job, just playing with lower ranked friends now and grinding back up to gc3/ssl is just not worth it.
I've given up on reaching grand champ. As much as it hurts to say that because I hate giving up, I'm just not willing to put in the time to keep up with everyone else and I've kinda just accepted that it's not in the cards for me. I hit champ afterall, and I never thought I would get to diamond, so I'm happy with that
exactly, ever since season 11, Ive been stuck in the worst rank to be stuck in :( PLAT. your the only one who seems to understand my problem cbell.
not to mention I was in D2 before
2:17 that Goofy noise made me crack up, have a sub
5:00 "But I had a 4 lead goal" XD dyslexic
I just got back into playing RL. Was D2 in 2s... did my placement and eneded up in D2 again. The games are kinda wild though. Sometimes my team gets like 5-0 wins and other times we go up against the craziest players that should probably be in C2/3 -GC1. So much variation in skill it is wild.
I can’t say I relate to this video based on the fact I’m SSL and have over 10k hours. But what I will say is this title is very accurate. If you want to improve in Rocket League at the highest ranks these days it takes THOUSANDS of hours to see solid improvement. Don’t waste your life on a game you won’t enjoy forever. Until you somewhat stop enjoying the game feel free to keep playing and have fun though :)
Honestly one of my favorite RL videos I have watched! I hit GC in season 10 so I feel like I’m definitely one of those guys in this video…currently in C2 trying to climb back up. Some games are easy and others are so hard. This is Rocket League (Season 12)!!!
ive been calling this rank inflation out for 2 years people used to laugh at me. no im just ahead of the meta lmao. the source of the problem is f2p.
this makes me feel a little better
Thanks for video, I play RL exclusively with my wife, we play every day, and have peaked this season at C3 div 2. We've been stuck around C1 and C2 for the past 4 seasons, playing almost every game against GC tags. The 170 mmr reset from a few months ago was really demoralizing. But we're trying to make the best of it, we know we now play some good RL, and getting a win against people that have peaked at GC2 feels very good. F the rank, and have fun with improving
Bro has experienced everything i do in my d3 lobbies, down to the 1v2s, the smurfs, EVERYTHING. Shows just what else kills the game for some of us
you should have used a bakkes plugin to also see peak rank, I know there are plugins to show current rank so there has to be one to show peak rank for all time... I just think that would have given you much better results than just relying on the gc having the tag on.
Crazy to see u do this. Considering i just did this on stream last week. Came back to rl after not playing for over a year. Got to C3 and got 1 game away from GC but kept going back and forth, win, loss, win, loss. Tht close to doing it in one day. Then got on the next day and won 3 in a row and got it lol C3 is only hard bc u have bots one game, and an actual human the next. Exactly why i stopped playing rl in the first place
Legendary Video. Just amazing. I was waiting for someone to do this. Amazing
I'm struggling between C1 and C2 and the amount of players that are probably smurfing is insane. Why probably? Well I have rocket league tracker so I can see some stats of players in any match I cue. In most matches there is at least one dude with GC skills and supposedly less than 200 wins on the account and win % above 70. For reference your average Champ has somewhere between 2k to 8k wins usually. At first I thought that these fellows probably just switched from console to pc or vice versa, but then I checked my account on console and it was just my normal account with correct stats so probably just a lot of smurfs going around.
It was great playing with you bro ❤ much love 🙏
Someone once said, If you have something to lose, youve already lost. That's why after you hit gc in a gamemode, you dont really care about your rank as much after. Youve reached your goal
Fr, until i get tired of being low ranked again
I've been C2~C3 in both 2s and 3s for literal years now... This season I peaked in C3 Div 3, and the games are insanely hard to me right now lol, but I'm so damn close to reaching GC for the first time
Yes, in champ, C1 is the most difficult to rank up solo, whereas C3 is arguably the easiest. GC1 is like C3 except slightly less difficult to maintain.
It's end of the season and some champ players are in plat level rankeds...
Any other diamond 3s think these champ matches look really similar? but idk
What I think happened is rocket league decided to drop the ranks of half the community. My friend and I were C3 a few seasons ago and both placed c1 last season and worked our way up to c2. This season he got placed C1 like normal and I got thrown the whole way down in diamond 2. It took me the whole season to get back to champ 1. Every teammate was so inconsistent and they still are but it’s not as bad. I need help.
I dont know if you havn´t heard about it, but they adjusted the MMR for each Game mode to make the rank experience more homogenic. They dropped all 2v2 players by 150 MMR and all 3v3 players by 100MMR because in 1v1 you are usually the lowest and 2v2 the highest mmr. That happened at the start of the season. I cant find the patchnotes to the adjustment tho
Well damn so I was right. C3's are now gc, and c2's are c3. Haha that's kinda cool tho cuz it makes getting the next rank even more special. I'm c2 div 3 rn which if is c3 div 3 last season. I'm almost gc lvl WOOO
I always play duos with my friend (champ2). THere is two scenario. We win to 8-0 or we lose to 8-0 absolutely no balance in champ 1-2. Too much smurf, booster and toxic people. Rocket league should follow smurf issue like dota 2 (Smurfing is bannable in dota 2 easily)