I am so encouraged by Lucie’s testimony as a former LDS. Over the last several months the LORD has brought many RUclipsrs to my attention of ex-Mormons who usually came out of LDS, but NOT to the Jesus of the Bible. On one hand I rejoiced for their departure, but into other serious deviations from God. Very sad. My husband and I are moving to southern Utah where fundamentalist LDS is. Our church down there ministers to those coming out of LDS. This is new ground for me. I am thankful for the LORD’s training up of me for this new phase of life. I love the concept of inviting LDS women into a casual Bible study and prayer.
I absolutely LOVED this episode and was in tears through much of it. My husband and I were both born in the mormon church, met &married in the temple in our young 20's, had three kids, etc. We ended up coming out of the church when our oldest was 11 after being born-again and coming to the true, real, biblical Jesus. Praise God! There is so much untangling that had to be done to understand God's true gospel of grace. God, in his wisdom, led us to youtubers like Alisa, Mike Winger, Apologia, podcasts like Tim Keller, books, etc. Sooooo very helpful. I also had a lightbulb moment to understand the trinity - it was in reading 'Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus' by Nabeel Quireshi. I LOVED Lucie's talking about prayer and what true prayer looks like. I LOVE praying now, it feels so real, alive, etc. Not sterile like the way I was taught to pray growing up is. I LOVE praying to God, praising him, asking for his guidance, taking my petitions to him, etc.
Excited about this interview. I'm also an ex-mormon turned bible believing christian. We are small in numbers, but I hope this helps many disaffected mormons who are now atheist/agnostic.
I would love a part 2 & 3 to this conversation, which I feel could go for hours. After 35 years of being devot Mormon I left the church in 2020. Lucie’s story aligns with so intimately with my journey that I have listened to this episode 4 times! I’ve signed up for her mailing list and an eagerly awaiting her podcast launch.
I didn’t grow up LDS, I grew up evangelical, but I so relate to what she said! I also had never heard of hermeneutics, never learned apologetics even though I went to a Christian school, and learned to squash all critical thinking! Praise God he led me to good teachers!
This is such an important experience for you to share! Just because a person grows up in church doesn't mean they even know the gospel! We need to make sure our kids (and adults) have a place where they can ask questions and learn how to read the Bible!
This was such a great interview, it brought me to tears! I can relate so much to her testimony, having also come out of a religious upbringing that did not teach the true gospel. Her experience with coming to the realization that all my "good works" were like filthy rags and exactly what Jesus' death had accomplished for me...I too can remember the exact moment that happened for me. Praise God for His deliverance! "What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand."
Excellent conversation with great HOLY SPIRIT insight!!! Thank You for sharing so openly!! May others in the LDS, seek and find Biblical truth that leads them into the LOVING arms of their SAVIOR, JESUS!!! 🙏
I just finished listening to this fabulous episode. First of all, I just want to praise God for His redemptive power and this testimony. Not only is this story highlighting God's grace and love in the life of one lost and confused, it was so enriching to listen to. Lucie has such a way with words - they sort of pour over one's soul. Loved this so much! I also really appreciated the specific discussion of the beliefs of the LDS religion/ comparisons with progressive religion (I don't really want to call it Christianity anymore, because it's not.) Another thing that was a joy for me to hear was the testimony of the faithful solid believers that Lucie was interacting with in the school and the way they interacted with the Bible and prayer before her.. The Discovery Bible study method she mentioned is something we use here (on the mission field where I serve) not only with unsaved people to help them to discover the God of the Bible, but also in our Bible Studies at our church with believers and it has amazing impact - so simple, but helps get to the foundations of the Truth. One other thing I appreciated about what she shared was how she described how these other believers treated her knowing she was a Mormon - Wow! I think there are some lessons there. I don't think this is always the case. Lastly, I just wanted to share how this was meaningful to me on another level. I was raised in the RLDS church and God delivered me from that in my teenage years. It's been an interesting journey living out my Christian faith before my family members who were or still are RLDS. I always rejoice when I hear the testimony of someone delivered from those religions. Praise God! Thank you, Alisa for bringing this testimony to us through your podcast.
Wow...what a powerful testimony. It took me 3 days to listen! I loved how she encourages Christians to think about how to share a salvation testimony. What are the saving elements? Where did I hear the Gospel? What IS the Gospel? Love this.
My community has a very large LDS population and I know many. My teen daughters know quite a few Mormons and have been asking about the differences between LDS beliefs and the truth of God's Word. I've been honest that I'm not sure about most of the differences. Where we lived prior to moving here 2.5 years ago, I didn't know any Mormons (though there was a local LDS church) and never took time to educate myself on what they believe. This has been very helpful and prompted me to learn about their belief system so I can find opportunities to share Christ and the true Gospel with them. Thank you!
James White is very well studied on Mormon beliefs and teaches them clearly and thoroughly. He is on RUclips. There is also an excellent book by Lynn Wilder, and she is on RUclips as well. She is also an ex Mormon who now loves the Biblical Christ. Blessings to you as you learn.
@@jackieconnolly9950 From what I've experienced, Lynn Wilder misrepresents many of the beliefs of Mormonism. She says some things that make me wonder if she was as engaged in the religion as she thinks.
When Alyssa drew the comparison between Mormonism and Progressive Christianity my mind went to the time I heard Dallas Jenkins, creator of "The Chosen" say that he loves the same Jesus as his Mormon friends. That could be true if he is a Progressive Christian.
As someone interested in history, one important difference between orthodox Christianity and the LDS church to me is that in orthodox Christianity, while we believe in miracles and specific events that the wider world may not find credible, the broad historical context of the Bible aligns with what is generally universally agreed upon about history (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, etc.). Can't say the same when it comes to what the Book of Mormon claims about North American history with Nephites, Lamanites, etc.
Lance S Owens book 'Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection' from BYU Neal A Maxwell Institute of Religious Scholarship defines Mormonism connection to Western Esotericism
I'm former mormon. I have the sweetest friend that to me is an angel. She is LDS, but there's times she isn't happy being single and trying to hold up to expectations of that religion. I will watch this to maybe pick up some tips if I ever get to engage with her more about such things.
Thank you for this interview. Wonderful information and great understanding to how LDS believe as well as their different definitions to words we use commonly in the Christian realm. I need to learn more how to testify to my Mormon husband.
What an excellent guest and beautiful testimony. Yes, I can confirm that ‘popcorn’ prayer is very common at the churches I’ve attended especially when breaking up into small groups to go over people’s prayer requests.
I had the privilege with meeting with LDS missionaries for more than a year. The church abruptly ended it. I'm grieving the loss. I have learned to love my LDS friends and I mourn that they are bound by religion and need freedom by grace. Feeling so sad. I want to reach these people.
I can so relate to her experience of the trinity being raised as a Jehovahs Witness. She is so well spoken! Would love to hear an episode on that religion as well.
@@jodimurphy8440Former Adventist Fellowship through Life Assurance Ministries had some great resources. Totally agree. They are sneaky in a certain way that is different than some cults. A lot of shared Christian languages with completely different meanings.
To comment honestly - although I absolutely believe that your guest had the best of intentions, it seemed she spent most of her presentation describing positives and words of support in great detail for Mormonism and little time by way of comparison explaining why in the end she chose to shift her perspectives and support away from the LDS belief system and lifestyle. I will need to check out other channels to learn more about apologetics related to Biblically-based Christianity versus Mormonism. Alisa - I love the focus of your channel overall, and will continue to visit intermittently to learn more about the impact of current cultural “norms” in our society and how we can put them all to the test and apply critical thinking to practical, day-to-day Christian living.
Did you watch the whole video? She covered exactly what you said was missing. She explained how before she had limited Biblical knowledge and pushed down critical thinking when confronted with things that went counter to her views. She explained how as she read the Bible she began to see a unified story and became aware of how big God is and aware of the presence of sin in her own life. She explained how she came to a place of brokenness and wanting to surrender to the true God and leave her sin at His feet. She emphasized how she had been trusting in her own works and was missing the key piece of the gospel about imputed righteousness that is only through Jesus, and I could go on.
I love to listen to podcasts before i fall asleep. But that little intro music and the one right before & after the commercials startle me every time. 😐
Actually when Satan said you will be like God knowing good and evil that was the true part of his interaction. It even says it in the next chapter I believe. God says man has become as one of us knowing good and evil. The lie part that Satan said was you shall not surely die but they did die spiritually and eventually physically.
@@JeffRatcliffe-o8b the not dying and the knowing good and evil are linked. “But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”” Genesis 3:4-5. The “for” there connects them. So he is suggesting they will be like God in a different way than God is saying they have become like Him. That’s how Satan works he twists the truth for evil purposes.
The main doctrinal differences between my beliefs as a Mormon and what Christianity believes is pretty straight forward. In LDS core beliefs…father in heaven has multiple goddess wives who are eternally pregnant producing all the spirits who become people on earth. Their god was once a man like us who progressed to reach godhood and created our world. Jesus is one of his wive’s spirit babies, and so is Lucifer- so they’re brothers. Jesus atoned for our sins by sweating blood in the garden of gethsemane. Mormons are trying to progress to become gods and have multiple wives if they so choose in their own universe they create and manage, if you will. Heaven is multi level- and they baptize for the dead to level up people who died as non Mormons. They even baptized Hitler in one of their ceremonies. On and on it goes. They use the same words- but believe totally different definitions of those words.
Let’s first praise God for saving Lucie and bringing her out of a false and counterfeit gospel. God is good and nothing is too hard or impossible for Him and no one is out of reach for Him. Around minute 55 I’ll just add this. From my experience with Mormons, they believe most people will be saved and make it into heaven (one of three kingdoms). Even if someone dies, after this life they can still choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior when someone does baptismal work for them in the Temple. Something that is unbiblical and very concerning when a Christian learns of these teachings. And this is my personal opinion, but I think a lot of Mormons and non mormons believe that when Jesus Christ died, he died for everybody offering universal salvation to even those who don’t believe. That God is too good or too loving to send anybody to hell. Something that is also unbiblical.
I love how Alyssa will cheerlead anybody deconverting from Mormonism or Islam or Hinduism or anything else but when people deconvert from Christianity she's got to write a book on it and rail against it every other podcast episode
Is she supposed to do something different when she believes Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through him?
She's not celebrating people leaving various religions just for the sake of de-conversion. Leaving LDS (or otherwise) to atheism would leave them no better off. She's celebrating that they've found the Truth rooted in scripture. It is a consistent worldview.
So you sarcastically love how she champions people coming out of deception but you feel like mocking her when she exposes the lies that lead people to jump into deception.....seems like a problem with your own heart.
I would appreciate it if you would cease using the term “woke”. That signals to me rightly or wrongly that you are adhering to extreme and extremist right wing politics and all that it seems to imply these days. People of liberal or progressive intent do not use that word. Which is presumably where the right wingers among us would find it being used. Please be more specific as to what you are objecting to instead of using a word that seems to be a dog whistle to the right-wing in crowd. You have much that is interesting and useful here, so please refrain from using obvious dog whistle terminology.
Too bad she got snookered by false teachings in Reformation theology, especially the doctrine of imputed righteousness (creative, made up doctrine). She should listen to those that can really interpret scripture, like NT Wright, that can apply a hermenuetic and exegetical discipline without Protestant covered glasses that can bring out the original meaning of justification, covenant, the need for ecclesiastical authority and community, and so on. So much of Protestant theology is complete fabrication and stretched reading of biblical text labeled with theological terms that actually are not found in the Biblical record. She also misrepresents the LDS perspective on the atonement (she seems to be somewhat ignorant on this despite her growing up LDS). The process of atonement begins as Christ begins to suffer with scourgings, then to Gethsemane, and finally completed and culminated on the cross. The act of atonement encompasses ALL of that with the cross being the culmination of his atoning sacrifice. To her credit, at least she is not vitriolic as so many other ex-Mormons are.
@TheGuy.. a misreading (and mistranslation) of Rom. 4 and Pauline theology in general. When you don't put on the Luther/Calvin glasses and read the text as written in the original one finds that error was to assume that Paul was asking sixteenth century questions-‘how can I find mercy from an angry God?’-when actually justification addresses a very different first century set of questions-‘how are the people of God marked out and so on what terms are Gentiles to be admitted?" Imputation and the traditional view (Old Perspective) of justicification is a sixteenth century creation / innovation. Read more from NT Wright and others on the New Perspetive of Paul. Piper and Sproul will call it heretical as they, ironically, resist reforming the reformation. It's hard to see or think differently because we've been drenched in the traditional reading for centuries to where it has become a foundational (false) doctrine.
@@i-KingdomCome No, imputing would be a proper translation of λογίζεσθαι. Even the modern TGV (Today's Greek Version) uses αναγνωρισθούμε δίκαιοι (we acknowledge as righteous) shows the translation to be correct. The Greek would know the Greek language the best. Btw, Greek is my 2nd language so I Know the koine and that the modern TGV and English translations are correct. Ι'm neither a Lutherist or Calvinist. And it's not Pauline theology, it's Christian theology derived partly from the writings of Paul. Also, I believe NT Wright was a Calvinist. I Know that Sproul and Piper are and you certainly will get a skewed view from them. They pretend to know Greek but they really don't have any experiential usage of the Greek. I do.
@@TheGuy..Reformed Christian theology is essentially Pauline, which is the context of this nice lady being snookered. NT Wright is Anglican, so definitely not Calvinist (Anglians do not conform to the Westminster confession). Many bible translators do not translate these passages using the word "impute." Even if one does, it then theologically is overloaded and layered with this notion of transfer/exchange which is false. Rather, we are justified by coming into the covenant community (ecclesiastical) with the promise of a future justification as we work out our salvation via sanctification. As I mentioned, Paul is less concerned in these passages with "how am I saved" and more with how am I justified ("made right") to join the covenant community.
@@i-KingdomCome It seems we have several differing views. First, we are justified by (which also implies being saved) faith, not through sanctification, as though sanctification was a process. If you look at all the places where you see any form of the word sanctification, you'll not see any process. You'll see it to be immediate and you'll even see this word in the completed past tense. If it was a process, we'd see something of how long the process is or what the criteria is for becoming complete in sanctification. We Do go through a growth process which is simply called "growth" (1 Pet 2:2 & Phil 1:6). Sanctification is immediate upon salvation. We are sanctified (set apart in a protected status). You use the word sanctification just as the protestants do. I don't know where you are getting this idea of "transfer/exchange" when you say justified. The word justified δικαιούται, simply means made righteous. We know that we will not be sinless while in the mortal body, but before God we are justified (made righteous), through faith, before God, through the work of Christ on the cross and Christ now being our advocate (1 Jn 2:1-2). I also see you have another differing way of using "justified". You say, "to join the covenant community". Hmm...I'd say it's to be reconciled to God and as a result you Are part of the body of Christ (you say community). I've heard Catholics using the phrasing that sound like what you are saying. Is that what you are? Haha, it's amazing how Bible translators will come up with different words when translating. Do you suppose it has something to do with _bias._ lol...and yet they are supposed to be sooo smart with foreign languages (Hebrew and Greek). You said we are "justified by coming into the covenant community (ecclesiastical) with the promise of a future justification as we work out our salvation via sanctification.". That really sounds messy. It's much simpler. Just take scripture for its word. We are "justified by faith" (Rom 3:38). No special context needs to be read into this. It goes right along with the notion of Jn 3:16.
The Gospel Principles, which is the manual of the Mormon Church, states, “The first spirit born to our heavenly parents was Jesus Christ.” God didn’t have a wife .
It teaches a different Christ and a different gospel. Its therefore a doctrine of demons. Sorry, but thats the hard lines truth. But I think its good if you listened to this conversation. Maybe the Lord is doing a work on your life to bring you to saving faith. Praying he draws you to HIM
@@Mark-dq6lr Jesus is the son of man , the first true human. Paul calls Jesus the “firstborn among many brethren” (referring to humans who get adopted into the family of God). Does this make Jesus the first real human? In a manner of speaking, yes
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God ( the Word refers to Jesus and hes always been here and was with God and is God ....along with the Holy Spirit ) It then goes on to say how everything was created through Christ and nothing created was created without him. What you're failing to see is that Jesus has always been the 2nd part of the trinity. His deity is a mandatory belief about who he is in order to have the correct Jesus. His humanity was what was added to him. He has always existed. Will always exist. Not as a spirit baby before he was sent here. But as the 2nd part of the trinity. I've seen quite a few if your comments. And while I fully heartedly disagree with you because of what scripture directly teaches, im also very sad for you. You're living in darkness. And it appears you're doing so willingly. If you think God is going to give us a Word that is so easily corrupted you have a very small view of God. And that may be the whole problem. He gave us His Word to reveal to us exactly who He is, what we are, and how he will reconcile sinners to Himself. He is a mighty God who created all the heavens and the earth and all that fills them. I think He can preserve His Word. Maybe its a pride issue with you. But maybe God is calling you to read His Word in its fullness and have your eyes opened. The book of Mormon is not the Word of God. Its the same deception since the garden. That there is a better knowledge that will make you like God. You have been deceived. Just like Adam and Eve. I dont say this out if malice. There is still time for you. But our only hope is Christ. We are sinners, and because of that we cannot be in the presence of a HOLY God. Justice has to be paid. Jesus Paid our fine on the cross so that we could be reconciled to God when we turn from our sins, repent and place our faith in Christ. Now to all believers he is LORD of our existence. And its evil to try to obtain his glory for ourselves.
I am so encouraged by Lucie’s testimony as a former LDS. Over the last several months the LORD has brought many RUclipsrs to my attention of ex-Mormons who usually came out of LDS, but NOT to the Jesus of the Bible. On one hand I rejoiced for their departure, but into other serious deviations from God. Very sad. My husband and I are moving to southern Utah where fundamentalist LDS is. Our church down there ministers to those coming out of LDS. This is new ground for me. I am thankful for the LORD’s training up of me for this new phase of life. I love the concept of inviting LDS women into a casual Bible study and prayer.
I absolutely LOVED this episode and was in tears through much of it. My husband and I were both born in the mormon church, met &married in the temple in our young 20's, had three kids, etc. We ended up coming out of the church when our oldest was 11 after being born-again and coming to the true, real, biblical Jesus. Praise God! There is so much untangling that had to be done to understand God's true gospel of grace. God, in his wisdom, led us to youtubers like Alisa, Mike Winger, Apologia, podcasts like Tim Keller, books, etc. Sooooo very helpful. I also had a lightbulb moment to understand the trinity - it was in reading 'Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus' by Nabeel Quireshi.
I LOVED Lucie's talking about prayer and what true prayer looks like. I LOVE praying now, it feels so real, alive, etc. Not sterile like the way I was taught to pray growing up is. I LOVE praying to God, praising him, asking for his guidance, taking my petitions to him, etc.
Excited about this interview. I'm also an ex-mormon turned bible believing christian. We are small in numbers, but I hope this helps many disaffected mormons who are now atheist/agnostic.
Me too
Why don't Mormons believe in the Bible?
Me too❤
I became agnostic-atheistic after leaving LDS church. But God !!
@@BunnyWatson-k1wThey do.
I would love a part 2 & 3 to this conversation, which I feel could go for hours. After 35 years of being devot Mormon I left the church in 2020. Lucie’s story aligns with so intimately with my journey that I have listened to this episode 4 times! I’ve signed up for her mailing list and an eagerly awaiting her podcast launch.
I didn’t grow up LDS, I grew up evangelical, but I so relate to what she said! I also had never heard of hermeneutics, never learned apologetics even though I went to a Christian school, and learned to squash all critical thinking! Praise God he led me to good teachers!
This is such an important experience for you to share! Just because a person grows up in church doesn't mean they even know the gospel! We need to make sure our kids (and adults) have a place where they can ask questions and learn how to read the Bible!
This was such a great interview, it brought me to tears! I can relate so much to her testimony, having also come out of a religious upbringing that did not teach the true gospel. Her experience with coming to the realization that all my "good works" were like filthy rags and exactly what Jesus' death had accomplished for me...I too can remember the exact moment that happened for me. Praise God for His deliverance!
"What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand."
Excellent conversation with great HOLY SPIRIT insight!!! Thank You for sharing so openly!! May others in the LDS, seek and find Biblical truth that leads them into the LOVING arms of their SAVIOR, JESUS!!! 🙏
I just finished listening to this fabulous episode. First of all, I just want to praise God for His redemptive power and this testimony. Not only is this story highlighting God's grace and love in the life of one lost and confused, it was so enriching to listen to. Lucie has such a way with words - they sort of pour over one's soul. Loved this so much! I also really appreciated the specific discussion of the beliefs of the LDS religion/ comparisons with progressive religion (I don't really want to call it Christianity anymore, because it's not.) Another thing that was a joy for me to hear was the testimony of the faithful solid believers that Lucie was interacting with in the school and the way they interacted with the Bible and prayer before her.. The Discovery Bible study method she mentioned is something we use here (on the mission field where I serve) not only with unsaved people to help them to discover the God of the Bible, but also in our Bible Studies at our church with believers and it has amazing impact - so simple, but helps get to the foundations of the Truth. One other thing I appreciated about what she shared was how she described how these other believers treated her knowing she was a Mormon - Wow! I think there are some lessons there. I don't think this is always the case. Lastly, I just wanted to share how this was meaningful to me on another level. I was raised in the RLDS church and God delivered me from that in my teenage years. It's been an interesting journey living out my Christian faith before my family members who were or still are RLDS. I always rejoice when I hear the testimony of someone delivered from those religions. Praise God! Thank you, Alisa for bringing this testimony to us through your podcast.
I was raised in Mormonism too, it's so cool hearing how others came to know christ, I felt so alone for awhile like I was the only one
Me too
Wow...what a powerful testimony. It took me 3 days to listen! I loved how she encourages Christians to think about how to share a salvation testimony. What are the saving elements? Where did I hear the Gospel? What IS the Gospel? Love this.
Wow! So encouraged to hear that the Christians at this school were so faithful in study, prayer, and community!
Wow. Fascinating episode. I literally listened to every word and had to stop and rewind a few parts.
Great interview, nothing like when God opens your eyes for the first time
Thank you for this episode.
I would have loved to have heard how her family responded to her new birth, conversion to Christianity.
My community has a very large LDS population and I know many. My teen daughters know quite a few Mormons and have been asking about the differences between LDS beliefs and the truth of God's Word. I've been honest that I'm not sure about most of the differences. Where we lived prior to moving here 2.5 years ago, I didn't know any Mormons (though there was a local LDS church) and never took time to educate myself on what they believe. This has been very helpful and prompted me to learn about their belief system so I can find opportunities to share Christ and the true Gospel with them. Thank you!
James White is very well studied on Mormon beliefs and teaches them clearly and thoroughly. He is on RUclips. There is also an excellent book by Lynn Wilder, and she is on RUclips as well. She is also an ex Mormon who now loves the Biblical Christ. Blessings to you as you learn.
@@jackieconnolly9950 Lynn has a great podcast too! ("Unveiling Grace.") Love hearing her interviews with former LDS.
@@jackieconnolly9950 From what I've experienced, Lynn Wilder misrepresents many of the beliefs of Mormonism. She says some things that make me wonder if she was as engaged in the religion as she thinks.
When Alyssa drew the comparison between Mormonism and Progressive Christianity my mind went to the time I heard Dallas Jenkins, creator of "The Chosen" say that he loves the same Jesus as his Mormon friends. That could be true if he is a Progressive Christian.
As someone interested in history, one important difference between orthodox Christianity and the LDS church to me is that in orthodox Christianity, while we believe in miracles and specific events that the wider world may not find credible, the broad historical context of the Bible aligns with what is generally universally agreed upon about history (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, etc.). Can't say the same when it comes to what the Book of Mormon claims about North American history with Nephites, Lamanites, etc.
Lance S Owens book 'Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection' from BYU Neal A Maxwell Institute of Religious Scholarship defines Mormonism connection to Western Esotericism
I'm former mormon. I have the sweetest friend that to me is an angel. She is LDS, but there's times she isn't happy being single and trying to hold up to expectations of that religion. I will watch this to maybe pick up some tips if I ever get to engage with her more about such things.
May this bless others in Jesus ❤your testimony
Thank you for this interview. Wonderful information and great understanding to how LDS believe as well as their different definitions to words we use commonly in the Christian realm. I need to learn more how to testify to my Mormon husband.
What an excellent guest and beautiful testimony. Yes, I can confirm that ‘popcorn’ prayer is very common at the churches I’ve attended especially when breaking up into small groups to go over people’s prayer requests.
What a great interview and testimony of Luci's meeting the One true Jesus!
I had the privilege with meeting with LDS missionaries for more than a year. The church abruptly ended it. I'm grieving the loss. I have learned to love my LDS friends and I mourn that they are bound by religion and need freedom by grace. Feeling so sad. I want to reach these people.
Great testimony. HATE the disruptive ads!
Thank you so much for this.
I can so relate to her experience of the trinity being raised as a Jehovahs Witness. She is so well spoken! Would love to hear an episode on that religion as well.
Melissa Dougherty has some episodes on her RUclips channel on JW. She's not former, but has been pretty involved.
A interview with a former Seventh Day Adventist would be really cool too! They started from the same Millerite movement.
I think it is JWs that also originated from the Millerite movement, not the LDS, but perhaps I’m wrong about that(?).
Would love an interview with a former SDA. They fly under the radar a lot. Cultish has some great episodes on them as well.
@@jodimurphy8440Former Adventist Fellowship through Life Assurance Ministries had some great resources.
Totally agree. They are sneaky in a certain way that is different than some cults. A lot of shared Christian languages with completely different meanings.
This is great! I've been trying to learn more about LDS. Thank you! And praise God for your salvation in Jesus. :) ❤
To comment honestly - although I absolutely believe that your guest had the best of intentions, it seemed she spent most of her presentation describing positives and words of support in great detail for Mormonism and little time by way of comparison explaining why in the end she chose to shift her perspectives and support away from the LDS belief system and lifestyle. I will need to check out other channels to learn more about apologetics related to Biblically-based Christianity versus Mormonism.
Alisa - I love the focus of your channel overall, and will continue to visit intermittently to learn more about the impact of current cultural “norms” in our society and how we can put them all to the test and apply critical thinking to practical, day-to-day Christian living.
Did you watch the whole video? She covered exactly what you said was missing. She explained how before she had limited Biblical knowledge and pushed down critical thinking when confronted with things that went counter to her views. She explained how as she read the Bible she began to see a unified story and became aware of how big God is and aware of the presence of sin in her own life. She explained how she came to a place of brokenness and wanting to surrender to the true God and leave her sin at His feet. She emphasized how she had been trusting in her own works and was missing the key piece of the gospel about imputed righteousness that is only through Jesus, and I could go on.
Thank you ❤
Wow the mention of popcorn prayer....I've never been LDS but we use to have popcorn prayer also.
Beautiful!! 😻
Wow 🙏😇
Excellent content!!! ❤ Sadly volume levels are still off though 🔊💥
I would love to know how her marriage, husband and children were affected by her conversion.
What was the name of this school she sent her children to, please?
🔥 AMEN 🔥💯👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙌
AC preaches love through fear and I can’t understand how both could be in the same heart.
I love to listen to podcasts before i fall asleep. But that little intro music and the one right before & after the commercials startle me every time. 😐
When I Google "More Good Ministry" all I get is a pro-LDS website. Lucie says she was launching in January. What happened??
There's a link in the description to her website
Her website will be up soon. Please keep checking back! It’s brand new.
Satan is not very creative. He’s been telling the same lie from the beginning. “You will be like god.”
Actually when Satan said you will be like God knowing good and evil that was the true part of his interaction. It even says it in the next chapter I believe. God says man has become as one of us knowing good and evil. The lie part that Satan said was you shall not surely die but they did die spiritually and eventually physically.
@@JeffRatcliffe-o8b the not dying and the knowing good and evil are linked. “But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.””
Genesis 3:4-5. The “for” there connects them. So he is suggesting they will be like God in a different way than God is saying they have become like Him. That’s how Satan works he twists the truth for evil purposes.
The main doctrinal differences between my beliefs as a Mormon and what Christianity believes is pretty straight forward. In LDS core beliefs…father in heaven has multiple goddess wives who are eternally pregnant producing all the spirits who become people on earth. Their god was once a man like us who progressed to reach godhood and created our world. Jesus is one of his wive’s spirit babies, and so is Lucifer- so they’re brothers. Jesus atoned for our sins by sweating blood in the garden of gethsemane. Mormons are trying to progress to become gods and have multiple wives if they so choose in their own universe they create and manage, if you will. Heaven is multi level- and they baptize for the dead to level up people who died as non Mormons. They even baptized Hitler in one of their ceremonies. On and on it goes. They use the same words- but believe totally different definitions of those words.
But didn’t Jesus say, that you could be the least in heaven ❤
Let’s first praise God for saving Lucie and bringing her out of a false and counterfeit gospel. God is good and nothing is too hard or impossible for Him and no one is out of reach for Him.
Around minute 55 I’ll just add this. From my experience with Mormons, they believe most people will be saved and make it into heaven (one of three kingdoms). Even if someone dies, after this life they can still choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior when someone does baptismal work for them in the Temple. Something that is unbiblical and very concerning when a Christian learns of these teachings.
And this is my personal opinion, but I think a lot of Mormons and non mormons believe that when Jesus Christ died, he died for everybody offering universal salvation to even those who don’t believe. That God is too good or too loving to send anybody to hell. Something that is also unbiblical.
Perfect, they both touched on heaven and hell at the 1 hr mark ❤
BOYCOTT all of these hideous ads!
I love how Alyssa will cheerlead anybody deconverting from Mormonism or Islam or Hinduism or anything else but when people deconvert from Christianity she's got to write a book on it and rail against it every other podcast episode
Is she supposed to do something different when she believes Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through him?
She's not celebrating people leaving various religions just for the sake of de-conversion. Leaving LDS (or otherwise) to atheism would leave them no better off.
She's celebrating that they've found the Truth rooted in scripture. It is a consistent worldview.
So you sarcastically love how she champions people coming out of deception but you feel like mocking her when she exposes the lies that lead people to jump into deception.....seems like a problem with your own heart.
I would appreciate it if you would cease using the term “woke”. That signals to me rightly or wrongly that you are adhering to extreme and extremist right wing politics and all that it seems to imply these days. People of liberal or progressive intent do not use that word. Which is presumably where the right wingers among us would find it being used. Please be more specific as to what you are objecting to instead of using a word that seems to be a dog whistle to the right-wing in crowd. You have much that is interesting and useful here, so please refrain from using obvious dog whistle terminology.
Too bad she got snookered by false teachings in Reformation theology, especially the doctrine of imputed righteousness (creative, made up doctrine). She should listen to those that can really interpret scripture, like NT Wright, that can apply a hermenuetic and exegetical discipline without Protestant covered glasses that can bring out the original meaning of justification, covenant, the need for ecclesiastical authority and community, and so on. So much of Protestant theology is complete fabrication and stretched reading of biblical text labeled with theological terms that actually are not found in the Biblical record.
She also misrepresents the LDS perspective on the atonement (she seems to be somewhat ignorant on this despite her growing up LDS). The process of atonement begins as Christ begins to suffer with scourgings, then to Gethsemane, and finally completed and culminated on the cross. The act of atonement encompasses ALL of that with the cross being the culmination of his atoning sacrifice. To her credit, at least she is not vitriolic as so many other ex-Mormons are.
Concerning Abraham who is father of us all (Rom 4:16), how is the doctrine of imputed righteous in error (Rom 4:24-25)?
@TheGuy.. a misreading (and mistranslation) of Rom. 4 and Pauline theology in general. When you don't put on the Luther/Calvin glasses and read the text as written in the original one finds that error was to assume that Paul was asking sixteenth century questions-‘how can I find mercy from an angry God?’-when actually justification addresses a very different first century set of questions-‘how are the people of God marked out and so on what terms are Gentiles to be admitted?" Imputation and the traditional view (Old Perspective) of justicification is a sixteenth century creation / innovation. Read more from NT Wright and others on the New Perspetive of Paul. Piper and Sproul will call it heretical as they, ironically, resist reforming the reformation. It's hard to see or think differently because we've been drenched in the traditional reading for centuries to where it has become a foundational (false) doctrine.
@@i-KingdomCome No, imputing would be a proper translation of λογίζεσθαι. Even the modern TGV (Today's Greek Version) uses αναγνωρισθούμε δίκαιοι (we acknowledge as righteous) shows the translation to be correct. The Greek would know the Greek language the best. Btw, Greek is my 2nd language so I Know the koine and that the modern TGV and English translations are correct.
Ι'm neither a Lutherist or Calvinist. And it's not Pauline theology, it's Christian theology derived partly from the writings of Paul.
Also, I believe NT Wright was a Calvinist. I Know that Sproul and Piper are and you certainly will get a skewed view from them. They pretend to know Greek but they really don't have any experiential usage of the Greek. I do.
@@TheGuy..Reformed Christian theology is essentially Pauline, which is the context of this nice lady being snookered. NT Wright is Anglican, so definitely not Calvinist (Anglians do not conform to the Westminster confession). Many bible translators do not translate these passages using the word "impute." Even if one does, it then theologically is overloaded and layered with this notion of transfer/exchange which is false. Rather, we are justified by coming into the covenant community (ecclesiastical) with the promise of a future justification as we work out our salvation via sanctification. As I mentioned, Paul is less concerned in these passages with "how am I saved" and more with how am I justified ("made right") to join the covenant community.
@@i-KingdomCome It seems we have several differing views. First, we are justified by (which also implies being saved) faith, not through sanctification, as though sanctification was a process. If you look at all the places where you see any form of the word sanctification, you'll not see any process. You'll see it to be immediate and you'll even see this word in the completed past tense. If it was a process, we'd see something of how long the process is or what the criteria is for becoming complete in sanctification.
We Do go through a growth process which is simply called "growth" (1 Pet 2:2 & Phil 1:6). Sanctification is immediate upon salvation. We are sanctified (set apart in a protected status).
You use the word sanctification just as the protestants do.
I don't know where you are getting this idea of "transfer/exchange" when you say justified. The word justified δικαιούται, simply means made righteous. We know that we will not be sinless while in the mortal body, but before God we are justified (made righteous), through faith, before God, through the work of Christ on the cross and Christ now being our advocate (1 Jn 2:1-2).
I also see you have another differing way of using "justified". You say, "to join the covenant community". Hmm...I'd say it's to be reconciled to God and as a result you Are part of the body of Christ (you say community).
I've heard Catholics using the phrasing that sound like what you are saying. Is that what you are?
Haha, it's amazing how Bible translators will come up with different words when translating. Do you suppose it has something to do with _bias._ lol...and yet they are supposed to be sooo smart with foreign languages (Hebrew and Greek).
You said we are "justified by coming into the covenant community (ecclesiastical) with the promise of a future justification as we work out our salvation via sanctification.". That really sounds messy. It's much simpler. Just take scripture for its word. We are "justified by faith" (Rom 3:38). No special context needs to be read into this. It goes right along with the notion of Jn 3:16.
The book of Mormon is the word of G_d.
The Gospel Principles, which is the manual of the Mormon Church, states, “The first spirit born to our heavenly parents was Jesus Christ.” God didn’t have a wife .
It teaches a different Christ and a different gospel. Its therefore a doctrine of demons. Sorry, but thats the hard lines truth. But I think its good if you listened to this conversation. Maybe the Lord is doing a work on your life to bring you to saving faith. Praying he draws you to HIM
@@briannehill7583 G_d has not touch your eyes.. There is something out there that saves. Good luck!
@@Mark-dq6lr Jesus is the son of man , the first true human. Paul calls Jesus the “firstborn among many brethren” (referring to humans who get adopted into the family of God). Does this make Jesus the first real human? In a manner of speaking, yes
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God ( the Word refers to Jesus and hes always been here and was with God and is God ....along with the Holy Spirit ) It then goes on to say how everything was created through Christ and nothing created was created without him. What you're failing to see is that Jesus has always been the 2nd part of the trinity. His deity is a mandatory belief about who he is in order to have the correct Jesus. His humanity was what was added to him. He has always existed. Will always exist. Not as a spirit baby before he was sent here. But as the 2nd part of the trinity. I've seen quite a few if your comments. And while I fully heartedly disagree with you because of what scripture directly teaches, im also very sad for you. You're living in darkness. And it appears you're doing so willingly. If you think God is going to give us a Word that is so easily corrupted you have a very small view of God. And that may be the whole problem. He gave us His Word to reveal to us exactly who He is, what we are, and how he will reconcile sinners to Himself. He is a mighty God who created all the heavens and the earth and all that fills them. I think He can preserve His Word. Maybe its a pride issue with you. But maybe God is calling you to read His Word in its fullness and have your eyes opened. The book of Mormon is not the Word of God. Its the same deception since the garden. That there is a better knowledge that will make you like God. You have been deceived. Just like Adam and Eve. I dont say this out if malice. There is still time for you. But our only hope is Christ. We are sinners, and because of that we cannot be in the presence of a HOLY God. Justice has to be paid. Jesus Paid our fine on the cross so that we could be reconciled to God when we turn from our sins, repent and place our faith in Christ. Now to all believers he is LORD of our existence. And its evil to try to obtain his glory for ourselves.