If Aang Killed Ozai

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 654

  • @rockmegently
    @rockmegently 2 года назад +1124

    Aang’s compassion and mercy is what sets him aside from every other avatar.

    • @joellebrown6952
      @joellebrown6952 2 года назад +124

      That's right cause kyoshi would have slaughtered him

    • @edwardechevarria2542
      @edwardechevarria2542 2 года назад +15

      @@joellebrown6952 it's why aang would clap

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 2 года назад

      Its not compassion, its pure dumbness. What would he have done if Plotdevice Turtle hadnt shown up? The world would have been fucked by his dumb selfishness. There is a difference between being compassionate and being outright selfish and dumb when you dont know when to set aside ur own ideals for the greater good - or rather the faith of the entire world

    • @sablefyre
      @sablefyre 2 года назад

      Maybe, but I still think he should have shot Ozai full of lightning.

    • @x97k8
      @x97k8 2 года назад +21

      That’s what make him weak than every avatar too 🫠 it shows he has limits

  • @wesderer
    @wesderer 2 года назад +322

    Aang letting fire lord alive without power, is more hardcore, just dying would be no enough punishment for fire lord hahaha

    • @SmashTheAdam
      @SmashTheAdam 2 года назад +33

      Yeah, i always thought about it like that, going from the strongest man in the world (excluding aang's avatar state) into a completely normal person that could be beaten just about anyone is a fate worse than death

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад +6

      Well he still manipulated Zuko into starting a war from his cell, and when Yakone lost his bending he manipulated his kids into starting wars, so he probably caused a lot of death by not killing them

    • @EpicAndrew97
      @EpicAndrew97 2 года назад +5

      @@SmashTheAdam he abused Zuko and condoned fighting a child, karma bit him hard

    • @DarkerPhoenix1
      @DarkerPhoenix1 2 года назад +5

      Now he’s just some pathetic dude in a jail cell forgotten by his family left to rot

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      @@DarkerPhoenix1 Well Zuko visits him, I think Azula tried to break him out or sumthin, idk about Ursa or Iroh tho.

  • @uriargaman7241
    @uriargaman7241 2 года назад +67

    I think that the people who are angry at the ending miss an important aspect - Aang is *more* pacifist than the average airbender. Anyone recalling Gyatso taking with him a whole platoon of soldiers? Aang is an absolute pacifist. most airbenders aren't.
    Could the set up be clearer? yes. was it deus ex machina? no. Spirits and their relationship with bending were established.

    • @mikethehunter5212
      @mikethehunter5212 2 года назад +6

      More to the point: HE'S STILL A CHILD.

    • @laumotan8862
      @laumotan8862 2 года назад +8

      I would still argue that it was a deus ex machina. Sure, it was established that the spirits had *some* connection to bending, it was very intentionally, and rightfully, mysterious. The deus ex machina comes from the ability introduced immediately before the end, no direct hints at its existence, and it only ever being used to finish the main conflict. In fact, the spirits were so mysterious and unknowable, that is one of the many reasons I loved the show so much. Maybe if Aang had learned of the technique prior, and actively seeked out how to use it for a while, I would be more okay with it. As is, it just kind of feels like it falls in his lap, and he just goes "ah, perfect! The exact tool necessary to solve my biggest problem, probably ever. That was lucky!"

    • @starlight0313
      @starlight0313 2 года назад

      remember when aang avalanched an entire platoon at the northern temple?

    • @hueyfreeman6262
      @hueyfreeman6262 2 года назад

      Yet he dropped gallons of snow on fire nation solders at the northern air tribe

  • @joshdavis6061
    @joshdavis6061 2 года назад +579

    This is my comfort show I've lost count of how many times I've watched it.

    • @henjm354
      @henjm354 2 года назад +15

      Its good you have something like that :)

    • @Kestrelx7
      @Kestrelx7 2 года назад +6

      Word up. Same here!

    • @chbforlife1277
      @chbforlife1277 2 года назад +12

      Same! Everyone thinks im crazy for watching this show so many times!

    • @Nevil_Samnauth
      @Nevil_Samnauth 2 года назад +7

      Word i realized it is mine too lol i watch it on break when I eat

    • @MasterOfTheElements
      @MasterOfTheElements 2 года назад +2

      I've watched it 9 times back to back

  • @eyebrid
    @eyebrid 2 года назад +106

    Anticlimactic?! Hard disagree! Aang and Ozai's battle was spectacular and it ended with Aang unlocking an ability beyond any previous Avatar, energy bending taught to him by a freaking colossal island sized lion turtle! The whole point of the show was the balance between power, responsibility, compassion, friendship, and honor, and Aang managed to succeed on all fronts.

    • @JTF2402
      @JTF2402 2 года назад +7


    • @lordramalletun767
      @lordramalletun767 2 года назад +9

      Couldn’t agree more! The Aang Ozai fight took about 15 minutes and was the best fight of the series… how was that rushed?

    • @eyebrid
      @eyebrid 2 года назад +2

      @N9neL7ves Azula was as psychotic as Ozai and she struck Aang with lightning when he was in the Avatar state which caused a block to enter it again. Aang decided to face Ozai knowing he could die because he had to take responsibility as the Avatar to protect the people from Ozai's tyranny. The fight started out with huge risk, and then Ozai's own attack unlocked the Avatar state, undoing his daughter's damage and his advantage in the fight. Then, when Aang was in a position to kill Ozai, he had the courage to go against previous Avatars and stand by his moral principles of reverence for life. That was a much harder decision than killing. Also, the ability to bend energy was unlocked by a wise giant lion turtle because he deemed Aang worthy, seeing his strength of character. Then it was another suspenseful struggle to overcome Ozai's darkness and take his bending away. That showed immense strength of will.

    • @eyebrid
      @eyebrid 2 года назад +2

      @N9neL7ves It's not at all laziness to introduce energy bending, it was an explanation of what bending is at the core. Killing would have gone against Aang's values and that would have been a cop out, instead taking bending away was unprecedented, he basically neutered Ozai which is much more badass than stooping to Ozai's level by killing. He made sure Ozai would pay for his crimes. Imagine hearing that the Avatar will take your bending if you use it to hurt people, if that happened you would live in fear and shame after prison unless you work for redemption in society.

    • @eyebrid
      @eyebrid 2 года назад

      @N9neL7ves The lion turtle explained it: "In the era before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energy within ourselves."
      You're confusing peer pressure with acting selflessly. Aang's reverence for life is the definition of selflessness. Ozai himself said Aang is weak for not killing him, that's coming from the evil antagonist, those are his values on display, but Aang found a way to achieve the selfless act of protecting others without succumbing to darkness, having a stronger will than Ozai while ensuring he be imprisoned for his crimes. And lion turtles are part of the lore of the franchise, they're the ones who gave humans bending abilities and created the Avatar, the meeting was foreshadowed in the Library episode.

  • @keonhazel2799
    @keonhazel2799 2 года назад +26

    Honestly if Aang just redirected Ozai’s own lightning at him would have been a better ending imo that was a skill we saw him learn and it was shown that Ozai couldn’t defend against it. Also getting zapped by his own lightning is the perfect loophole imo it’s kinda poetic justice instead of straight up murder.

    • @JTF2402
      @JTF2402 2 года назад

      If he was going to kill him then this would be perfect!

    • @ahmadx1998
      @ahmadx1998 2 года назад

      Hell yeah should have just zapped him tbh

  • @arrowheadstudio
    @arrowheadstudio 2 года назад +23

    “Aang learned that he needed to kill from Kyoshi” …wait what? The point of that episode was about the long term effects of wiping out a world leader could have. Like Kyoshi basically turned Chin into a martyr.

    • @tommyl.dayandtherunaways820
      @tommyl.dayandtherunaways820 2 года назад +5

      That was definitely the message we were supposed to get as the audience, but I think Kyoshi’s message was indeed “I killed him and I would do it again if I could”. I think the episode was trying to show that past Avatars don’t always give the best advice, setting up for the finale when Aang decides to reject the advice of his past lives rather than trusting them blindly and find another solution.

  • @Alex-lv1ph
    @Alex-lv1ph 2 года назад +10

    “Fire lord Ozai - you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world, and now you shall pay the ultimate price”
    ….and then Aang retreats.

    • @shootingstars6762
      @shootingstars6762 2 года назад

      Some things are worse than death. In their world, most people associate their bending with their identity and culture. Imagine part of your identity and culture being taken away from you. How would that feel? Would you rather die or have that be taken away from you?

    • @ronbarzilai5705
      @ronbarzilai5705 2 года назад +3

      To someone as obsessed with power as Ozai, losing the source of said power *is* the ultimate price.

  • @obiwankenobi6871
    @obiwankenobi6871 2 года назад +30

    It was a cheap way out to do energy bending. The two times where Aang could’ve had real character development and growth, Katara or Avatar State, kill Ozai or let the World burn, both times Aang was able to cop out. He was basically the same at the end of the show as he was at the start.

    • @kisielman7486
      @kisielman7486 2 года назад +1

      You just underestimate his powers

    • @kindly43
      @kindly43 2 года назад +8

      That was the whole point. Why do you think he asked the previous avatars their advice on how to deal with Ozai? He didn't want to choose the violent path of taking a life. So he did the best and benevolent way to ending the war and still keeping peace. If he struck Ozai down it would be continuing the cycle of hatred and violence that might never end. Aang restored balance for everyone and he didn't have to take a life to do it. That is growth & development because he not only took on the role of becoming a true Avatar but he also stayed true to himself even tho everyone else said to do otherwise

    • @bevvvy1374
      @bevvvy1374 2 года назад +15

      @@kindly43 Doing the same thing you've always done and being stubborn about your beliefs is not growth or development. Aang didn't do anything himself when it came to this, he just magically walked his way into a plot convenient lion turtle that gave him a free cop-out.

    • @kindly43
      @kindly43 2 года назад +6

      @@bevvvy1374 I'm not saying the lion turtle wasn't a cop out or an "easy way" of letting Aang beat Fire Load Ozai but it wouldn't of solved or ened the war. It would of continued. You don't have to go through a massive change in a character's personality or morals to give them amazing growth and development doesn't mean they haven't grown in their own way or changed. The last thing, all of you who critic the ending need to remember IT'S A CHILDREN SHOW!!! It's not an anime where you choose to kill the bad guy all the time. Hell even Zhao didn't die he just got stuck in the spirit world for all of eternity. So no Atla didn't need to kill any of it's villains when that was never the purpose of Aangs quest. He was supposed to defeat the Fire Lord & bring balance to the world. That's what he did and didn't need to kill him like Yangchen or Kyoshi would of done.

    • @bevvvy1374
      @bevvvy1374 2 года назад +6

      @@kindly43 The war wouldn't continue for very long at all if Aang killed Ozai. Fire Nation would have no leadership, a stunted military from losing the airships and Ba Sing Se, and very low morale from having their leader die. Fire Nation would not be able to do much against Aang and crew plus the rest of the world at that point.
      Nobody's saying you need to drastically change personality or morals to give someone growth. We're saying that him getting the answer handed to him on a silver platter is not growth. He didn't do anything for it, and it didn't show how he changed as a person through the show really.
      Calling it a Kids show doesn't mean anything when Clone Wars had off screen decapitations and people dying pretty damn often. A lot of shows made for kids manage to have character deaths, this isn't anything new.
      You can't say "it's a kids show" just to deflect criticism. The finale was rushed and not executed as well as the rest of the show story-wise. If they actually made it so that Aang worked for a way to defeat Ozai without killing him, people wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. I'll still say that killing him is the more profound thing to do, but it would've been better than what we got.

  • @no1guy825
    @no1guy825 2 года назад +3

    if you think he should have killed him, we weren't paying attention. Roku sparing his FRIEND, but then regretting it...because bad....shows him succumbing to the problem-solving of the countless Avatars before him. The idea that Roku wanted to spare Sozin....that we even GET A BACKSTORY about Sozin (not to mention the whole scene where we see Ozai's baby portrait and countless other "look-at-this PERSON" moments)....shows us what happens when you come to know the person underneath the corruption. The point you're supposed to realize with Roku is that he didn't work with his friend through his descent....he was an absentee friend....popping in and out to shut him down and slap him on the wrist, giving ultimatums and then peacing out. The entire Zuko arc proves what can happen when you understand the villain, along with Azula, Ozai, the Fire Nation (wow, actual people!...not a nation of warmongers!), and many others. How old was Iroh when HE flipped?? This show is CHOCK full of that lesson, but nobody cares about it in the end because they want the epic kill!! Besides all this, you have the fact that a redirect is only a kill if Aang manages the absurd shot in the thumbnail and not a limb or ground hit. Really, people also put too much weight on Ozai as the king piece in this chess match. He's not. Hence the multiple battles. The goal is to overthrow the leadership, free Ba Sing Se, and stop the airship fleet from razing too much territory, and outlast the comet. Azula is neutralized, Ozai is neutralized, the fleet is destroyed, Ba Sing Se is liberated, and the comet leaves for another century. All of this puts the power back in the hands of the rest of the world. Ozai is one man. He's a powerful bender, but....join the club? Ozai is NOT so dangerous that he can mount an offensive like that again. New leadership, a world on high alert, the White Lotus, all of it.....Ozai doesn't NEED to be executed or even energybent, but energybending represents what needs to be done if you keep him alive. You are showing the world a better way, and that the Avatar is beyond powerful and compassionate and respectful to life and the people he or she is there to guide. Furthermore, you've set a new standard for Avatars to come, should they be too eager to drop the axe.
    Also, while minor, the foreshadowing to energybending, or a solution like it, was chi-blocking and everything in The Guru. We know exactly how people are built after The Guru, and what can happen to people and the Avatar. We then know exactly how chi-blocking REALLY works. Energybending is the Avatar-level of chi-blocking....a permanent shut-off. In truth, if they DID want to signal energybending more, without the Lion Turtle, they should've done an Aang learning from Ty Lee type thing.

  • @brentgarner993
    @brentgarner993 2 года назад +11

    Ending was sloppy? Rushed? Just the best they could do? Come on now.. an ending whee Aang killed the firelord wouldve been horrible! It would’ve been heartbreaking, not to mention reinforcing a notion that “violence is the answer”. This ending was VERY masterfully done, and they took time and care with handling it exactly the way it needed to be. Sure they might have foreshadowed energy bending more, but does the lack of foreshadowing make it sloppy? Hell nah!

  • @cyruspink6217
    @cyruspink6217 2 года назад +5

    What are you talking about. Your morals must always trump what others expect of you. Thats what the point of the ending was

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      More like the ending showed Morals over Saving the Fate of the World. That's what Aang choose, but writers wanted aang to win so they made some magical lion turtle who gave and special powers to win some how.

    • @cyruspink6217
      @cyruspink6217 2 года назад

      @@americanapple4608 thats crazy you think so low of the show

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      @@cyruspink6217 I don't think low of the show, it's an extremely beautiful, thought out, well written, greatly paced show. The only problem is Aang's pacifist ways also stem from how it Nickelodeon and they don't want murder to ensue especially from a hero. I love the show, but that does not mean all apsects of the show are perfect. Nothing is

    • @cyruspink6217
      @cyruspink6217 2 года назад +1

      @@americanapple4608 incorrect. His pacifist ways stem from him being a monk. Saying "oh its just nick" is false information and you inferring your own Narrative

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      @@cyruspink6217 I said ALSO. so it's not incorrect to say nick didn't want Aang to kill Ozai, because that has been discussed.

  • @localscissors4036
    @localscissors4036 2 года назад +3

    My friend watched the series and she really appreciated it with how Aang was able to stay true to his beliefs

  • @JackassJunior627
    @JackassJunior627 9 месяцев назад +1

    I loved the Airbending Avatar as she was straight to the point and saying what we were all screaming at Aang, “This isn’t about YOU, this is about the WORLD”. And “The Avatar can never detach themselves from the world, because your sole duty IS to the world”.
    In other words she is saying “Your conflict is understandable, but you need to stop being selfish and thinking of yourself. The world will end if you keep ignoring your duty. All your loved ones, Katara, your friends, your allies, they will all die unless you do this.”
    While it was great to see him find another way, it was frustrating to watch.

  • @tommyjames9248
    @tommyjames9248 2 года назад +2

    I never understood Aang’s refusal to kill the firelord, after all he was directly responsible for the deaths of a bunch of people and indirectly responsible for the deaths of countless other people by the time he faced the firelord.

  • @thrivesuffer4787
    @thrivesuffer4787 2 года назад +6

    I had less issue with him figuring a way around killing Ozai but was disappointed that he definitely lost before the AS completely took over and ended the fight. The part that was anticlimactic, Aang's journey and training didnt prevail, his birthright did.

    • @angelaharris9714
      @angelaharris9714 2 года назад +1

      I mean that would be realistic considering that he only trained and learn the other elements in a few months. Ozai has been a pro fire for decades plus he had the strength of the comic. He aang had years of experience that it would be different.

    • @TheFirstHurrah
      @TheFirstHurrah 2 года назад

      Yes! Like what was the point of even bothering to learn the elements the entire show when the only thing that actually made a difference was the Avatar state? It just feels like Aang never actually grew enough to be able to do anything on his own.

  • @masonr1666
    @masonr1666 2 года назад +6

    One aspect that is very important to the show, is people's ability to grow, and change. If the final conflict was resolved by eliminating with force, it puts into question to give people the opportunity to change.
    While, the "energy bending" may be seen as a "cop out" it gives Ozi the ability to change his ways down the road, and become a better person, keeping the tone of the show.

  • @Morlock19
    @Morlock19 2 года назад +2

    damn people are bloodthirsty. the whole point of the show is finding a better way of doing things, a better way to live. its about growth, not just in power, but in character. if aang actually killed ozai it would have thrown all of that development out the window. the only reason the ending was sloppy was because they didn't set up the lion turtles and energy bending enough. there was barely any mention of lion turtles and nothing about energy bending. if they had seeded that through the show, the entire final fight would have made sense and it wouldn't havce felt so out of left field. btw, none of the avatars (except yang chen maybe) were actually advocating for him to kill ozai. they were just giving him advice and letting him make his own choice. aang just straight up killing ozai would have ruined the show and all it built.

  • @lotrtim
    @lotrtim 2 года назад +3

    If they set up a backstory and explanation of lion turtles and energy bending better (preferably very early on) then I would have been fine with the ending of Aang finding another way to win by taking away Firelord Ozai's firebending. But the way they did it made me feel almost as if Aang typed in a cheat code while sleeping and got an easy way out. Either set up the lion turtle ending more or kill Ozai.

    • @annaaquitaine4225
      @annaaquitaine4225 2 года назад +2

      Agreed. The only risk is that in setting up the Lion Turtles earlier they chance killing the conflict

  • @1oxfire
    @1oxfire 2 года назад +4

    love this channel

  • @ΑπόστολοςΒασιλικός-γ7ε

    The red and blue light scene was a little cringe and just totally out of the blue. So was the appearence of the lion turtle -like- in the last episode of the series. It would have been great if Aang had actually resorted into killing Ozai while in the avatar state, only to realize later that it was a terrible mistake and bursting into tears questioning his morality. Plus, the goofy scene at the end, when Toph and Sokka are mocking Ozai, could have been replaced with a more dramatic one with the Gaang comforting Aang and re-assuring him that this was the the correct decision. Such thing would have really enhanced the -already great- moral themes of the series, making it more emotional and moving than it already was and adding up on what Yangze told Aang (full on utilitariast ideas by the way, really loved how she ended up being the one offering the most important argument as only she could understanf the position Aang was in).

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад +2

      only problem is we wouldn't get the iconic line of "I'm still alive -_-."

    • @tristan6491
      @tristan6491 2 года назад +1

      Its a kids show

  • @max2themax
    @max2themax 2 года назад +4

    Yeah, nah... the original is great. It really embodies the way the Avatar is supposed to lead the world, also letting Ozai live to see himself become useless and forgotten is way worse than death at the height of his power. Also a good morale compass for kids growing up with this show.

  • @LethologicaGaming
    @LethologicaGaming 2 года назад +1

    I think Aang subverting our expectations by not killing is one of the best parts Aangs personality is one of chosing his own way. If he didn't learn the energy bending im sure he would have just beat Ozai to a point where he would never be able to bend. I wish they met lion turtles earlier in the series so it didnt seem out of nowhere though.

  • @reidoha1066
    @reidoha1066 2 года назад +4

    His pacifism didn’t come out of nowhere. He was a vegetarian & almost always dodged/redirected attacks. His very nature was pacifistic, so saying it came out of nowhere doesn’t really make sense.

    • @hueyfreeman6262
      @hueyfreeman6262 2 года назад

      Ummm wtf was aang planning to do with ozai on the day of black sun

  • @ridwanali6186
    @ridwanali6186 2 года назад +1

    My only complaint is that they should of foreshadowed or hinted the possibility of energy bending before randomly giving Aang the power, this keeps Aang's morals and ending but makes it less sloppy. They already mentioned lion turtles in season 2 the library, it would of been easy to add they had the ability to bend energy and hint more about that later in the series

  • @RK-pw6pd
    @RK-pw6pd 5 месяцев назад

    Yangchen basically said "you're the avatar you got the pass"

  • @cnasr9992
    @cnasr9992 2 года назад +1

    Aang refused to kill ozai, but almost killed sand people and murdered admiral zhao and hundreds of fire nation troops in the northern siege

  • @arrowghost
    @arrowghost 2 года назад

    A 'What If' scenario, if he did kill Ozai, things would happen.
    1. Zuko will be more horrified, once he ascends the throne, he'll be watching himself to avoid repeating history. Internal strife from Pro-Ozai & Pro-War factions will still attempt to topple Zuko even after Ozai died, a military coup against the Palace is possible.
    2. Azula, it's still a mixed reaction to see her father died, she'll still admire him more than her mother. Though she's captured, but she will bend on revenge & possibly expect Pro-Ozai & Pro-War factions to appoint her as Firelord as Ozai originally appointed after being declared himself as Phoenix King. Azula, will be a new problem for the Aang Gaang to worry about.
    3. Aang himself, just like Anakin Skywalker after killing Mace Windu. He felt "What have I done!" and against his belief, he fell into a trauma for doing the unthinkable at a young age. No matter the parades and praises coming from other nations, he is still in trauma.
    4. Iroh will humbly accept the loss of Ozai through the means of killing him, but he will guide Aang (with Katara) to help him recover by doing more meditation to empty himself and clear his head. As far as Azula, Iroh will plan the next White Lotus move in hoping to assassinate Azula should she take the throne, if Zuko's reign is toppled.

  • @danielmcintyre7405
    @danielmcintyre7405 2 года назад +3

    Nahh death is easy. If u want to punish someone u rake their most valuable asset. For Ozai that was his bending

  • @jeff3221
    @jeff3221 2 года назад +1

    Well the biggest problem with the ending is that even the show itself was screaming at Aang that he had to kill Ozai. Having Aang speak to an Air Nomad avatar and being flat out told he's wrong and that he needs to understand what's at stake, that's pretty clear messaging from the show that he is going to have to kill Ozai. But instead, Aang gets to ignore hundreds of years of collective wisdom and gets a magic power up and gets to keep his morality and save the world. That's not good writing. If there was more build up to energy bending it could have worked as Aang standing up for his beliefs in the face of everyone telling him he had to conform to society or something. That could have been a good message for the kiddies, find your own path. But instead the message is, behave like a spoiled brat and then some rich person with a lot of influence will just come along and bail you out 👍.
    Aang killing Ozai, thematically, would have been him righting the wrongs of him abandoning the world 100 years ago. Actually growing into the responsibility of being the Avatar. It being a kids show is a bit of a cop out considering we had seen corpses left behind after a genocide. It could have been done in a way devoid of any graphic violence like the lightning just vaporising Ozai off screen and having some smoke shown where he was.

  • @YazzayBoxing
    @YazzayBoxing 5 месяцев назад

    Aang sparing Ozai is the biggest story change ever. Cause then if ozai isn’t alive, he can’t give advice to Zuko about the earth and fire mixed city. And without advice, the harmony restoration movement goes ahead. No movement means in the end, no republic city in the end.

  • @alokozay300
    @alokozay300 2 года назад +2

    If Aang killed Ozai, then he will only be seen as a martyr, then the fire nation will choose to self isolate like todays North Korea and there will be a long lasting resentment between the fire nation and the rest of the world.

  • @michaeljacksonfanclub8019
    @michaeljacksonfanclub8019 2 года назад

    *This is OUR favourite story*

  • @unicornman147
    @unicornman147 2 месяца назад

    That thumbnail goes HARD

  • @zakariyajama8004
    @zakariyajama8004 2 года назад

    Hold on while this dude is talking is that the "close to you" soundtrack playing in the background? Damn

  • @curiousoli
    @curiousoli 2 года назад +1

    Killing Ozai would have been an easy way out and would have been way more anticlimactic than the real ending.

  • @dawnhankins9534
    @dawnhankins9534 2 года назад +1

    In order to be a good avatar he needs to let go of some of his old teachings. But I like that he stuck to his guns, he has a higher responsibility in my mind being the last air bender then an avatar. After he dies another avatar will be born, he set the world right for his rein. But he is the LAST Airbender for over 100yrs, if he doesn't have kids and install the lessons he was taught they will cease to exist. I also have a theory that airbending is connected to the ability to let go and be free. The airbenders that weren't killed during the comet went into hiding and lost their ability to bend when they got too connected to the world, it's why tradition had them send their children to be raised at another temple. Their consciousness needs to be light as the air.

  • @Name-ru3di
    @Name-ru3di 2 года назад +2

    I don't think it came out of nowhere for Aang to believe it was wrong to kill the Firelord but the way he went about achieving that is. That said I think the finale ended perfectly, showing kids violence isn't always the answer and taking a life no matter the person isn't always the answer even when it seems easiest. Look at Iroh in the Tales of Ba Sing Se. He could have easily taken the thief down but instead, he chose sympathy as a way to disarm the person wielding the knife. Yes, he did have to fight Ozai but he not only beat him he chose a different way to bring him down. It asks an important question that kids should learn and is at the very heart of what avatar is. Asking not only what your morals and principles are but can you abide by them even when it's easier not to however justified.
    I think it also can be brought into Katara's arc as well. Katar could've killed the man that killed her mother, eye for an eye. She chose not to, confronting him and realizing his weakness she spared him. Even if she can not forgive him it allowed her to extend that forgiveness to Zuko and be more at peace with herself. To kill Ozai would have gone against the principles of what Avatar tries to teach. An ending like that would be out of left field, simply because it goes against what Avatar teaches.

  • @Matpermad
    @Matpermad 2 года назад +2

    This video has no point. I haven’t watched it, but the finale is perfect. If anything, we lacked a book 4 air looking for zuko’s mom with azula on the group

  • @tommyl.dayandtherunaways820
    @tommyl.dayandtherunaways820 2 года назад +1

    I like the fact that Aang personally overpowered the will of every single previous Avatar just to stop them from killing Ozai. Killing Ozai was the easy thing to do, All Aang had to do was sit back and watch. It took all of his conviction and willpower to override the Avatar State and stop himself. That to me is such a powerful statement, that he was that determined to preserve the air nomad ways, and it was indeed the teachings of the air nomads, the people the Fire Nation tried so hard to destroy, that won the war. That’s just beautiful symbolism and I wouldn’t want it to end any other way.

  • @paulojoseph4790
    @paulojoseph4790 2 года назад +1

    I think the way aang did it was fine, but I think he should've learned to remove bending rather than being given it by a lion turtle. I thought About it a lot and maybe he could've learned it from Ty Lee (who could've joined the group after the boiling rock episode) and evolve it with his bending, this way, he'd be more deserving of that power and the cpmclusion a little less Ex-machina.

    • @JTF2402
      @JTF2402 2 года назад +1

      Wouldn't it be to obvious as an ending tho, if he learned it before? Wouldn't you miss the self doubt and complete hopelessness from thinking that killing wa the only choice?
      I actually loved that they didn't show to much energy bending, I was surprised at the end. I would never have thought that bending could be taken!

    • @paulojoseph4790
      @paulojoseph4790 2 года назад

      @@JTF2402 I don't think it would've been obvious.
      The way I think of it, Aang would've learned to do exactly the same as Ty Lee, that is, hitting some points in the body to block the passing of the chi temporarilly.
      Than, during the fight against Ozai, he could have an epiphany and use everything he learned with his bending: how fire and water can be used to manipulate energy (making him think of how he could use that to bend chi wich is a form of energy) how Toph invented a new way of bending earth that no one had ever thought would be possible (since firebender prisons were made of iron) and how airbending gave him both the belief in spirituality as a force, as well as air nomad culture giving a lot of value to thinking out of the box.
      I, personally, think that would've been more of a payoff to what we experienced.

  • @matthewhenthorn3343
    @matthewhenthorn3343 2 года назад

    I would say that I Aang's mercy is notied in everything he does. He made up a story to stop two tribes fighting, he refused to study firebending after burning Katara, and he constantly preached forgiveness. The only times he goes even slightly over the top in terms of violence and destruction where being mercifull isn't an option, is when he is in the Avatar state, which he was rarly in control of until the last episode.
    Yes he showed a more confuntational atitude when first learning earthbending from toph, when Appa was stolon, and on the day of black sun, but taken as a whole only one of them was even remotly character based, and the rest of the time he never had to land a blow. he merely had to stand up to people and it did the rest, like with Toph and Bumi.
    I think Aang was hoping it wouldn't come to the point of killing Ozai. The day of black sun was all down to the element of supprise and showing the firelord that at his weakest, his greatest enemy would show himself. when it comes to Sozin's Comet, Ozai had all the power and everyone knew it. Aang was having to face down the fact that he couldn't defeat the firelord without killing him.
    also i think it would have changed alot about the Avatar universe if Aang didn't have that issue with facing Ozai. yes Zuko would have died in the Promise, the Air Acolites would have been destoried and i doubt Republic city would have would have even grown up, let alone been able to arrest Yokon before Aang killed him. This would have been all the bad things about the legend of Korra rolled into one and dumped at the end of a brillent series. it would have been Game of Thrones season 8 on Nickolodian.

    @JODxSENSEI 3 месяца назад

    That's the Duty of all the avatars to teach Balance!!

  • @CesarACastillo
    @CesarACastillo Год назад

    I’m pretty sure Aang killed long before this crisis started. He allowed La to possess him and create Koizilla. You see several Northern Tribesmen bow down to them in reverence. However Koizilla outright attacked Fire Nation soldiers in full armor made from metal. Several of them were washed away into the canals that made up the water highways. Metal and water do not mix very well. I highly doubt those soldiers were able to swim to safety and thus drowned.

  • @gustavomezzovilla7248
    @gustavomezzovilla7248 2 года назад +1

    Im defnitelly on the no killing side, but: 1) Lion turttle was surely deus ex Machina to energy bending 2) It would be an amazing story if aang killed ozai and he mindslave himself for doing so. Betraying everything he beliaved and feeling no dignity to continue his avatar duty. Dunno, i feel that aang would Carry that way

  • @dylanmiller6169
    @dylanmiller6169 2 года назад +2

    energy bending solved nothing. Ozai's true power was never his bending it was that he was a well liked leader. He made sure his people were too prosperous and propagandas to take the sudden lower life quality and life changes, especially for the long time colonies, to take lying down, as we see in the promise. These people will constantly try and put either ozai or azula back on the throne to get back to business as usual. So as long as they lived they were a threat to zuko's rule. Aang didn't have to be the one to kill them, but they had to die possibly by execution by zuko , the earth king or any of the water tribe chiefs. In order to make energy bending the answer they would have had to bring up some type of law that says only fire benders can be Firelord.
    kinda wonder what was the original plan the gaang had for after the ozai was defeated before zuko. I ask because just taking out a nation's Leader just creates a power vacuum and chances are whoever took ozai's place would only bend over for so long before he thinks they are ready to take back what is there's. Especially since whoever they put in charge would have been drinking the same Kool aid as the rest of the nation. Unless where they planning on putting a non fire nation noble on the throne, but then that would basically doing to the fire nation what they were doing to the earth kingdom.

  • @redriot7478
    @redriot7478 2 года назад +2

    To be honest this reminds me of the batman philosophy that if you kill once you might never stop, and him not killing is much more in touch with Aang's character someone who is guided more by their emotions then logic

  • @larrythelobster1595
    @larrythelobster1595 2 года назад +1

    **Killing Ozai to end the war and prevent world domination** 😒
    **Nearly Killing Zuko because of some disagreement** 😏

  • @Inari-IX
    @Inari-IX 2 года назад +1

    I think the ending was fine the way it was. All of the avatars lived, not in the way the avatar should live, but in the way they thought the avatar should live. All of their advice comes from their convictions and regrets. The birth of the avatar lineage wasn't some noble thing to begin with. Some guy tried to survive in the world, caused an imbalance and spent his life fixing his mistakes. The fact that Aang found his own path puts him on the same level as all other avatars.

  • @Neonbluerider
    @Neonbluerider 5 месяцев назад +1

    bro yaps till 3:34

  • @Ethanielas
    @Ethanielas 2 года назад

    That thumbnail of aang zapping a hole through ozai's chest had me dying

  • @rei-tj7oz
    @rei-tj7oz 2 года назад

    already has the best end possible

  • @Luminate.tv.
    @Luminate.tv. 2 года назад

    He had to use glue bending sticking him to something so that they could be showing Ozai his baby pictures. maybe he could have turned good again. I think that would do...just thinking.

  • @timothyrobinson5656
    @timothyrobinson5656 2 года назад

    I don't think the ending was rushed. I think that the writers didn't add enough clues in the preceding seasons to support the finale for the audience. I think a little more than just off hand remarks about respecting all life, and Lion Turtles would have been a good Idea.

  • @cosmomcfloso5820
    @cosmomcfloso5820 2 года назад +2

    If aang killed ozai is would’ve been pretty bad

  • @chifyjay
    @chifyjay 5 месяцев назад

    The ending was fine. No one would've expected it. If he had unalived ozai, ozai's followers would've turned ozai to a god. Taking away his bending was the best way to end the war and restore peace

  • @meatballerina
    @meatballerina 2 года назад

    Currently writing my own darker version of Book 3 + beyond of ATLA but more centered around Zuko-- a "what-if" situation that explores what would happen if Azula's fleet of airships did NOT stop their pursuit on the Day of Black Sun/Invasion, instead choosing to fly directly to the Southern Water Tribe as both a strategic counterattack (bc low key I think Ozai/Azula would NOT let a direct attack on the capital slide) and a punishment for the people of the SWT (lots of water tribe members were present for that attack). Because of that twist, it has Zuko joining the group a little differently. I love the original show's ending but as someone who has such a love for Zuko's character arc and how he and Katara are so harmonious in their struggles with personal loss and identity, this fic centers around how their relationship would organically come to be. So, yep, Zutara vibes. I know there's a lot of beef when people bring up Zutara but a girl can dream.
    It's a work in progress, but at almost 43,000 words (I'm a little more than halfway, I THINK lol) it's something I've worked on a ton and is def a project of passion for the show's characters and world. It's a more adult-themed fic with grittier violence, actual death and bloodshed, PG-13 level swearing, mature themes, morality, blah blah blah. If anyone wants, I can link it here when I'm done with the first installment :)

  • @dkeksisieeiiaia
    @dkeksisieeiiaia 6 месяцев назад

    aang def the best avatar not in strength but in struggles and that he solved them all

  • @buggymah
    @buggymah 2 года назад +4

    Love your channel but I disagree

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      Ozai being not dead lead to a war and almost Zuko's death.

  • @Antonfinger1
    @Antonfinger1 2 года назад

    Well on the one side its true that it would be cool if aang stood to his avatar duties harder for the sake of the world , but thats where his past lives had to sacrifice their believes yangchen even mentioned that she killed too.
    That Aang found another way and stood true himself and his believes makes him one of if not the greatest avatar of all time for me

  • @chaosinorder9685
    @chaosinorder9685 2 года назад

    But the thing is Kyoshi didn’t really kill Chin. She told him to back off and when he wouldn’t she separated their land from their‘s and then the guy fell to his doom. So Keio she didn’t actually killed Chin.

  • @airblazerfoodgamingandrevi2952
    @airblazerfoodgamingandrevi2952 2 года назад

    The true reason for how it ended yes it was kid show and all that.But he was a kid that scared at the idea of becoming the next avatar and ran away from it and the avatar state saved him and appa(as seen in the show).He missed out on the actual events and bad things that went on during the 100 year war plus he was an air nomad.So he never got to the lvl of killing the fire lord at the end of the series

  • @eduardoproductions2122
    @eduardoproductions2122 6 месяцев назад

    I'm going to say something and everyone will agree: Aang didn't kill Ozai because he didn't capture Appa. If the fire lord had burned Appa's hair, Ozai would have been in pieces.

  • @Xdidx777
    @Xdidx777 2 года назад

    energy bending kinda defeated the whole purpose of learning all the other elements in the end

  • @Soto7
    @Soto7 2 года назад +1

    Yeah I’m sorry but I’m going to have to disagree. The original ending is the best in my opinion. It was leading up for the fire lord to die but as he ideals and past life’s telling him that taking a life should not be the answer he had a internal battle he must fight his own way, it did not just come out of nowhere. It showed the lesson of just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it ok. Zuko redirected lightning in purpose to show he isn’t weak anymore but not just weak, wiser. And Aang redirected in purpose to strike true, his gut feeling the thing that set him apart, the hard effort to do what’s right. Like as easy as it was to just end the mans life (decision wise) it’s the opposite to save it.

  • @bunga4989
    @bunga4989 5 месяцев назад

    pretty sure they left him alive so zuko can find his mom

  • @94nolo
    @94nolo 2 года назад

    I wish they had the chance to flesh out the plot more and more. I loved this show and the moral dilemmas, but ultimately I'm happy with the not killing in the end. Just wish it was set up more.

  • @thecaprikid1329
    @thecaprikid1329 Год назад

    I don't think people understand Aang stuggle because, especially here in the West, we aren't taught to really value life much (unless it's a dog getting murked)
    Our culture almost revels in the 'eye for an eye' until they find themselve in a place worse off than where they started.
    I mean he even stated it: he can't just go killing anyone who opposes him. He understands the concept but I don't think many people understood AANG.
    Also, perhaps like a two-sided coin: becoming a mere nonbender is worse than death for Ozai and killing Ozai would have destroyed Aang's spirit a bit.
    However he was so willing to TRY even when the whole world didn't understand his heart/agree.
    Even the Avatar state said nah son 😂
    Ultimately, he ended up having to stand alone in his pursuit to be true to himself (hence him gaining control over the Avatar State)
    That takes a lot of mental strength most people would never have or care to foster while staring a tyrant who sees you and your race as vermin in the face. While having no burning hate for them in your heart.
    I REALLY don't think people understood this.

    • @almas4663
      @almas4663 10 месяцев назад

      What Aang did was selfish.
      Killing Ozai wasn't simply "Wiping out people he dislikes"

  • @thephoenixking3242
    @thephoenixking3242 2 года назад +1

    Killing Ozai and killing Zuko is not the same thing. And Ozai could escape the prison and become the firelord again. There is so many examples of rulers killing their brothers for the sake of their country, for the sake of millions, and sometimes for good reason. We all know what would have happened if the New Ozai Society succeeded. And people like them wouldn't stop. In real life they have to put him in a prison like P'li's to prevent peple that try to free him.

    • @americanapple4608
      @americanapple4608 2 года назад

      even then is hes conatined Zuko the Firelord would undoubtedly have access to him, and Ozai being Ozai loves manipulating his children, Ozai existing is a risk bc he has huge power over the Firelord(Zuko) and biggest terrorist around(Azula) even when locked away

  • @youtubesucksspotifyshallri9600
    @youtubesucksspotifyshallri9600 2 года назад +3

    As someone who always thought Ozai needed to die: I saw a comment years back from someone with a much bigger brain than me. Ozai COULD NOT DIE because his death would basically spawn countless Zaheers in the fire nation.

    • @theauraone7755
      @theauraone7755 2 года назад +2

      One Zaheer is bad enough. The Earth Empire anyone? Many Zaheers? The world would be in Chaos nearly forever.

    • @youtubesucksspotifyshallri9600
      @youtubesucksspotifyshallri9600 2 года назад +2

      @@theauraone7755 Ya exactly. Seemed dumb when I was a kid but Aang sparing Ozai probly was best.

    • @theauraone7755
      @theauraone7755 2 года назад +2

      @@youtubesucksspotifyshallri9600 Some people think that killing Ozai is the "mature" choice. Not realizing that if that was the only option in all of existence, is it the mature choice. But there were many more options. Aang made the mature choice: taking Ozai's bending. Also as mentioned, No one wants the world in chaos for nearly forever.

  • @Mark73
    @Mark73 6 месяцев назад

    I prefer Aang taking Ozai's firebending away, but I wish there had been a little more foreshadowing of it.

  • @jhenejueanville9789
    @jhenejueanville9789 2 года назад

    I watch Avatar like a zillion times

  • @ampocalypsew3883
    @ampocalypsew3883 11 месяцев назад

    The reason why Aang didn't kill was rooted to killing his beliefs in his culture/ppl, if he did their ways would truly be gon

  • @josephloeb5097
    @josephloeb5097 2 года назад

    I would actually argue without ozia the promise comic would have no zuko fight with aang as it was zukos talks with his father that gave him so many issues with his morals and even said by him self he would have come to the correct decision in the end
    If anything it would greatly effect his future fights like with yakone taking out such a dangerous man without thinking about it
    And thus not continuing the cycle of making a mess for future avatars to clean up

  • @gil6875
    @gil6875 4 месяца назад +1

    Just saying...
    In real life ozi would probably remain in power as a non bender and would just continue the war.
    Most of the fire nation have no reson to stop following him after his powers got way.
    Hitler was always a non bender and that never stopped him.
    I think that and should have killed him, some people are beyond mercy.

  • @Ironcabbit
    @Ironcabbit 2 года назад

    My only complaint with the Lion Turtle gimmick is that Aang wasn’t made to give up his fixation on Katara to unlock his seventh chakra.

  • @English_person
    @English_person 2 года назад

    It’s just a prank bro!0:30

  • @trevorgreenough6141
    @trevorgreenough6141 2 года назад

    I think, it should have gone: Aang kills Ohzai (or however the Fire Lords name is spelled), then driven by guilt and shame seeks out the dragon turtle for a solution, to then find energy bending exists and could've been used to take Ohzai's fire bending from him.

  • @kingMT514
    @kingMT514 2 года назад

    Though he spared Ozai and showed a good message, it had its repercussions and it also would’ve made Ozai a martyr to some

  • @littenfire3563
    @littenfire3563 5 месяцев назад

    Aang killing Ozai wouldn't have been R rated. It would've been more true to the anime inspired roots for Avatar lol. Anime isn't afraid of showing people dying on screen

  • @משגבמלמד
    @משגבמלמד 2 года назад +1

    The show has a pacifist agenda. It shows how the use of power destroys the world again and again, like when aang burnt Katara, when he entered the avatar state for the first time or in the cases of ozai, sosin and the dai lee.
    Katara chooses to spare the life of her mother's killer, iro and zuko spare the life of ozai and in general the word "kill" almost never even mentioned in the series.
    It's not about the best ending, it's just about the "moral" agenda of the writers who made this sloppy ending.

    • @JTF2402
      @JTF2402 2 года назад +1

      Korra is no pacifist

  • @BrendanJSmith
    @BrendanJSmith 2 года назад

    Aang taking away Ozai's bending was perfect. But I still think Zuko should've paralyzed Azula by redirecting her lightning back at her.

  • @Legendary_Fard1247
    @Legendary_Fard1247 6 месяцев назад

    I am not toph, I am MELON LORD!!!

  • @mikebolaji1980
    @mikebolaji1980 2 года назад

    Tbh I like the ending I did think it was a little rushed but that’s not what I wanted to talk about
    I wanted to talk about the Zuko and Azula fight where Katara had to step in and restrsin Azula and Zuko got hit by her lightning
    I believe it would have been way better for the story and Zuko’s arc if Zuko TRIED to save Katara but he was a second late and Katara got hit but lightning but she survived with injuries.Then Zuko would like snap and face Azula and finally create his own lightning and defeat/injure Azula.
    I think that would be way dramatic and better for Zuko Story Arc cause that is the one thing he has yet to do or what holding him back
    Cause if you really think it about Katara is the fire lord😂 and they just like threw Katara with Zuko
    Idk that just my idea that I’ve thought about for years
    I would love to hear y’all thought on this
    The show was excellent regardless
    If you’ve made it this far Thanks for reading and have a nice day

  • @samant7951
    @samant7951 2 года назад

    It would not be a kid's show if Ozai were to be killed. Plus, Aang was a 12 year old kid who had his own people wiped out violently. I think that would strengthen his will to NOT use violence as a solution, as it hurt his own people before. Also, the war would probably still continue if Ozai was killed by the Avatar, as everyone saw that violence is the solution. But instead, Aang showed that there is another option (energy bending: more cruel but non-violent) way to stop the war.

  • @johnmcbruce215
    @johnmcbruce215 2 года назад

    “He couldn’t even kill melon lord”

  • @Ertyi0303
    @Ertyi0303 2 месяца назад

    The earth kingdom vs fire nation battle of yu dao could have been avoided (in book 4)

  • @arslanbar6205
    @arslanbar6205 2 года назад

    the endling was a bit sloppy ill admit but it showed us a new power (energy bending) that was so crucial for the legend of korra

  • @alphawolfryu
    @alphawolfryu 8 месяцев назад

    All the avatars story's need to be explained

  • @adumbynamedconor5173
    @adumbynamedconor5173 Год назад

    I disagree about Aang killing Zuko in the promise, because Ozai manipulated Zuko in the comic, but with Ozai dead...well no one would be there to manipulate him.

  • @alt7244
    @alt7244 2 года назад

    The ending was as good as it can be. No way would ang intentionally kill anything, except some plants. Even in the swamp he felt a sentient presence and suggested saka not chop the leaves. Energy bending was out of the blue as was blood bending and to a degree mental bending. The way avatar and defeated the Phoenix king was a pleasant surprise to me. I dont think the ending could've been improved by much. If you like avatar take a look at the first completely computer animated cartoon ... Reboot. Its a bit more crudely animated, but the characters were just as good

  • @jamestolbert1856
    @jamestolbert1856 2 месяца назад

    I didn’t like the deus ex machine thing, but I’m glad that he didn’t kill Ozai

  • @AshNonokPlays
    @AshNonokPlays 6 месяцев назад

    If it was Naruto he would have talk no Jutsu Ozai to convince what he's doing is wrong.

  • @Drace90
    @Drace90 2 года назад +3

    Oh, I wholeheartedly disagree!

  • @Oboendband
    @Oboendband 2 года назад

    If Ozai had died in that battle, then there would have been NO REASON for Aang to kill Zuko later, as it was all of Ozai’s planted thoughts that put him on that path.

  • @wellingtonsibande4596
    @wellingtonsibande4596 2 года назад

    Nice video

  • @somewhatminimum
    @somewhatminimum 2 года назад +1


  • @davidwood481
    @davidwood481 2 года назад

    I will say that while it is a kids show and that their was no way to kill ozai with it no longer being a kids show but in all honesty I would have killed ozai because even if you take their bending away they could still find ways to kill and do evil things still

  • @matheusrebeque8590
    @matheusrebeque8590 2 года назад

    No way, it could potentially start another war some time in the future just like how Germany's lost in the Great War led to WW2. I need to remind you that at that point the Fire Nation's capital was already taken, Ba Sing Se was liberated, all of the fire nation "air force" was destroyed... Tha war was already over by that point so letting Ozai live and be judged by his war crimes was way better.

  • @gil6875
    @gil6875 4 месяца назад +1

    Who thinks that ang should have killed him?