I NEVER Lose in the Caro-Kann Tartakower
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
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[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.05.26"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Zhang, Cijun"]
[Black "Jensen, Matt"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B15"]
[Annotator "mjens"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[SourceVersionDate "2023.05.26"]
{Last round of the tournament. A win would be a really nice finish with 4 draws and 3 wins. That would allow me to break-even rating wise since most opponents were in the 2000-2099 range.} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6+ exf6 {The Caro-Kann Tartakower Accepted. I have had great results with this opening OTB and was excited to play it.} 6. Bc4 {A rare move, but not a bad one.} Bd6 7. Ne2 {Another rare move. I was expecting Qe2+.} O-O {I continue with normal development.} 8. O-O {Now normally here I play Re8, Nd7, Nf8 and so on. For some reason I was afraid of his attack on the f7 pawn?! I don't have any good explanation for this except maybe fatigue after six rounds of chess.} Qc7 (8... Re8 {Is completely fine.} 9. Ng3 Be6 10. Bxe6 Rxe6 (10... fxe6 11. Re1 Nd7 12. Ne4 Nf8)) 9. Ng3 Re8 10. b3 Nd7 11. Re1 Rxe1+ 12. Qxe1 Nf8 13. Qe8 {I had this cute move prepared, Rb8.} Rb8 {Threatening Be6.} 14. Qe4 Bd7 {This position is equal.} 15. Be3 Re8 16. Qf3 Ng6 17. Nh5 {Now this move really threw me off. And it's a blunder! I spent 15 minutes looking at all of the options. For some reason I didn't think Bxh2+ worked.} Be6 (17... Bxh2+ 18. Kh1 Bd6 19. Bh6 {Both Bf8 and Qa5 followed by Bf8 here are close to winning.}) 18. Bxe6 Rxe6 {In hindsight I should have taken with the f-pawn.} 19. g3 Qa5 20. c4 Ne7 {My opponent begins grinding me down to convert the extra queenside pawn advantage.} (20... h6 21. Qe2 Ne7 22. Nf4) 21. Nf4 Bxf4 22. Qxf4 g5 {I liked this move a lot! Allowing the capture on b7!} 23. Qf3 (23. Qb8+ Kg7 24. Qxb7 Nf5 {I felt my position was better here and the engine confirms!}) 23... Rd6 24. Qe4 Qd8 25. Re1 Re6 26. Qd3 f5 $6 {We were both down to about 15 minutes to make 14 moves. The better plan is to play h5 and Kg7. Leave the pawn on f6.} (26... h5 27. Bd2 Qd7 {Rxe6 can be met with fxe6. The bishop on d2 is not a great piece and the position is balanced.} 28. Bc3 Rxe1+ 29. Bxe1 Kg7 30. Bb4 Ng6 31. d5 cxd5 32. cxd5 Ne5 {This is the sort of dynamic position you want with the Tartakower. Lots of play for Black here to counter the passed pawn.} 33. Qe4 Qc8 34. d6 Qc1+ 35. Kg2 g4 {Threatening Nf3 and Qg1 mate!}) 27. Rd1 Rg6 {Now I'm in some trouble. My kingside pawns are weak and the d-pawn for White is rolling down the board.} 28. d5 cxd5 29. Bc5 $1 {Super crisp move.} f4 $2 (29... b6 30. Bxe7 Qxe7 31. cxd5 Qd7 {This was my best chance which is a horrible position to have to play.}) 30. cxd5 fxg3 31. hxg3 Nc8 32. d6 Qd7 33. Qd5 h6 {White controls everything and I have no counterplay.} 34. Qd4 Re6 35. a4 h5 36. Qd5 Rg6 37. Qe5 h4 38. Bd4 f6 39. Qd5+ Kh7 40. Rc1 Nxd6 41. Bc5 h3 42. Bxd6 h2+ 43. Kxh2 Rh6+ 44. Kg1 Qh3 45. Rc7+ Kg6 46. Qf7+ Kf5 47. Rc5+ 1-0
Thank you Matt! I also learned a lot from the fantastic game. This video made it even more profound!
You played a great game!! Thank you for the lesson :-)
Good video. I always enjoy your OTB game recaps. I'd like to see Game 5. You mentioned it a couple of times, but it hasn't been posted.
@@ChessGoals Ah. Of course I already watched it. Didn't notice the TMNT costume. I just automatically click on your videos.
All good, Matt. Appreciate you showing the losses and your honesty. Good game!
Does this means that chess is the best horror game without ghosts
Dunno how long you've been playing chess but in 5 years you'll have a good laugh while listening to your own comments (especially the one about the bad bishop!)
Nice video. What resource do you use for your Caro repertoire?
It's from our own Caro course. Just 100 lines for the whole opening courses.chessgoals.com/courses/caro-kann
I realy like your vidio