Very good points. I've lived in Calgary for 30 years. Couple things I would add: - very windy here sometimes - in the winter time, whenever there is a Chinook, some people get very bad headaches from the drastic weather change
@@SorChu-u9m Honest , how often he will go to Banff? You are very exciting when you are new to Calgary and Banff, then less and less to Banff, nothing special . You will not drive to Banff when it is in winter . At least 2/3 months Banff is too cold to hike, not happen
Toronto: As of 31 May 2024, regular gas $1.6/L, small 15~20 YO condo 1 bed room North York $2K/mo+utilities, food court at Markham Place 雙并燒味飯 w/drink avg $10, dim sum at 利嘉盛 Mon~Fri after 1:30 pm $3.95 for L/M/S plate (min charge $25/table), plus 12% tips printed on receipt. It's quite affordable here. Just that you have to know where to look for. Oh, BTW, I took the TTC to the YYZ airport for just $3.30 (Presto) last week.
How is land divided in Alberta? and quarter section (QS): Each township is divided into 36 sections, each section measuring one-by-one mile. Sections are often further divided into quarter sections, referring to their NE (northeast), NW (northwest), SE (southeast), SW (southwest) quadrants
I disagree about your food critique. The food is very plentiful here and lots of different variety. When I go to Vancouver/ Richmond, the food prices are really high compared to Calgary. It no longer is a good deal than it was in 2011. No. 9 restaurant for ying yang rice is 30$ vs 20$ here. The pho in Vancouver is yuck while here is very authentic and tasty!
In terms of weather, the only tolerable and livable city in Canada is Vancouver. Calgary has very long winters beginning the last week of July and ending mid-April. Winter temperatures often plunges to -50°C, but warmer temperatutes do happen because of Chinook. Summers are very dry, usually have tornadoes (and usually result in hails with large rock sizes ice-balls, so be careful with your vehicles because auto insurances don't cover hail damages) between May and August. There are a lot of mosquitoes in the summer months. There are a handful of Chinese restaurants in Calgary but they are all terrible. Don't even bother moving to Edmonton because it is even worse.
I’ve been living in Canada for many years and I have already gotten used to the winter. In fact, due to green house effect, Canadian winter is actually warmer than that before. This year, Calgary got extreme coldness in January but this usually doesn’t always happen during the past recent years ( you can check the history in the weather network ). Although Vancouver is warm in winter, it is always cloudy and rainy. Calgary actually has the most sunny days in winter. I know that some people get a little bit depressed in winter because they don’t get too many sunny days in Vancouver.
Btw, I am living in a city ( not Toronto ) in Ontario. If I need to move, I’d prefer Calgary over Vancouver because I don’t have to dine chinese food all the time. My hobbies are mostly outdoor in summer and in winter. Housing is very expensive in Vancouver.
Never heard of any news that drunk people died of falling asleep outside in winter. Most people will drive their drunk friends home or call uber to do so. If you can find a news about this, please let me know. Btw, I don’t drink even though I like to play snooker. 🙂
This is all BS to start with. Ask yourself why you thinking move to another city or country to start with. Are you well financially and live on day to day paycheque.
中肯分析👍其實移居去邊一個地方都一定要做足資料搜集. 始終每個人/家庭追求嘅生活方式都不盡相同.
🤣🤣🤣 聽完講 Calgary之後,我可以話俾大家知,Winnipeg 適合苦行清修嘅人😂😂😂,適合享受去戈壁沙漠感受風沙撲面嘅人,適合幻想喺亞拉斯加同你隻 husky 行街嘅人,適合想慳電全年唔駛點用乾衣機同一年有至少5個月唔駛用雪櫃冰櫃嘅人,同埋適合熱愛揾工見工過程嘅人 🤣🤣🤣。咁但係我點解住 Winnipeg? 先利申:80年代多倫多 Scarborough 讀 highschool 4年,然後 Regina 讀U 4年,80年代尾90年代初父母家姐姨媽姑姐全部移民 BC 同 Ontario , 我返咗香港,幾年前選擇 Winnipeg 做人生最後一站。Winnipeg ,相對人少,唔煩囂,生活簡單,居住環境相對寬鬆,一望無際嘅草原藍天, 仍然有真正加拿大感覺換言之係仍然到處係講英文法文嘅人 (除咗 Walmart 同 Superstore), 同埋好現實咁講,物業相對平好多!! 我真心喜歡 Winnipeg ❤。
好恐怖,唔怪得我朋友係Winnipeg 拎到pr即搬去多倫多
我都勸過好多後生唔好嚟呢度, 我自己啲朋友嘅仔女都走去美國搵食 。呢度係宜居城市不過係適宜退休人士居住嘅城市。 每次勸人哋唔好嚟 呢個城市,尤其係年輕人, 佢哋串返我轉頭問我點解唔搬走 。 呢度淨係適合兩類人, 第一揸住大把錢退休嘅老人, 第二, 肯做體力工作,肯捱苦, 有藍領技術的工人。 如果你兩樣都唔係, 就唔適合。
定義下點為之有錢先。呢度今年雖然話樓價升左好多,但都仲係大約35萬cad一個800尺兩房condo, 即係200萬HKD。咁香港一個普通中產賣左樓,過黎買三個,一個自住兩個收租,600萬已經財務自由。有600萬算唔算有錢人先?有被動收入,求其做Uber eat都得啦。咁如果無咁多錢,得hkd200萬(咁香港大把人有),買到個單位自住,亦唔使個個月交租,同樣壓力都唔算大。所以唔一定要係有錢人至來。
但,重點仍然係你點睇未來兩地既樓市,因為三年前,當時香港一個單位係1000萬,賣左佢來calgary係買到10個100萬既condo。但而家香港就6折,Calgary 就升一倍,600萬買得3個200萬既condo。
自行評估下兩地樓市走勢啦,我就覺得仲未升完,因為成個北美超多新移民來Alberta, 係剛性需求。而香港就,幾年來都未聽過一單good news.
I love Calgary. I grew up in Calgary.
很中立的comments 👍
果啲話Calgary悶嘅人其實你哋平時係做啲咩?有咩娛樂?行街睇戲食飯打波約打邊爐約朋友?Calgary 通通都有再加送一個Banff Kananaskis 全年四季任你玩。
其實香港咪又係油尖旺銅? 行都行到厭。
好似無乜人提過,其實Calgary有好多賭場 :)
要正經就去 home depot 鬥木,都係活在香港做唔到既事。
There is no fking business in Calgary. Downtown is ☠️
Biggest problem in Calgary is getting more and more hk ppl
@@stephenn88 stay where you are and Calgary has nothing to do with you. You obsessed Vancouver real estate broker.
Very good points. I've lived in Calgary for 30 years. Couple things I would add:
- very windy here sometimes
- in the winter time, whenever there is a Chinook, some people get very bad headaches from the drastic weather change
@@FamilyCheung-kc1pw 睇人體質啦。我就最怕濕熱,因此唔會去東南亞。
👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽好緊要 多謝分享
作為住多倫多 north york 的人,其實無車都好Q辛苦
Make no different where I go , Calgary is the home town I know , Calgary , I love Calgary.
三十年裡走遍大温各城市,始終覺得高貴林最好。温哥華只適宜揾工做生意,烈治文人多車多,路窄踫撞多,經常踫上道路經驗不足或冇品司机,出外用餐亦常見喧嘩囂張之輩。 北温每次過橋都塞車,北温出口亦因免強加多一條行車線而險象頻生。 本拿比是最失敗的城市規劃,市政府亦不覺得有需要改善,新落成的Brentwood mall 一帶,既不統一,又不倫不類,外貌像梅花椿,交通自然混亂,上班時間,要由停車塲出車都要等到一架願意讓你先行的車輛。 New West 及 Delta 面積少,配套亦各有不足。 素里多雨水,經常水浸,太多少數族裔,其中有眾所周知自私欠公德的,也有黑幫背景的,飊車特別多,深夜的十字路口,危機四伏,致命交通意外亦見慣不怪。 White Rock , Langley 唔入流,Maple Ridge 不錯但太遠,難免與朋友圈逐漸疏離,反而高貴林是眾多城市中心点,45分鐘內可到達鄰近各城市,地理環境山明水秀,因為不停開發,市政府錢多到唔知点使,連小區小路都不停重鋪擴闊,精緻街燈,花圃俯拾皆是,因看好前景,超市百貨店亦超比例的多,廝殺得血流成河,每星期都有割喉式減價,因為居住環境好,生活亦樸素,一般人不愛出外消費,受追捧的食肆,在高貴林開分店,亦門堪羅雀,消費者不只不用排隊或預訂,還得到貴賓式款待,我們一家,在温哥華做生意,仍堅持住在Coquitlam, 每天來回車程亦只是每次三十至四十分鍾,好處卻數之不盡。
我大胆講一句,Sam哥當年若果落脚高貴林而不是北温,今天應該不會在卡加利,高貴林的Westwood plateau 一帶,會另Sam哥留連忘返。
Honest , how often he will go to Banff? You are very exciting when you are new to Calgary and Banff, then less and less to Banff, nothing special . You will not drive to Banff when it is in winter . At least 2/3 months Banff is too cold to hike, not happen
Sorry, 千祈唔好誤會我唔係住喺溫哥華。我係住喺卡加利,不過我係講緊事實。我識好多人喺卡加利住都唔會特登過去Banff尤其住咗好多年冇咩特別. 卡加利最大嘅問題係天氣非常之乾,同埋好極端天氣好容易令人頭痛年紀老咗亦都好多骨痛問題,呢個係冇辦法改變。每個地方都有好有壞你鍾意卡加利你咪留喺度住囉,人哋鍾意溫哥華多倫多咪喺嗰度住囉,你唔需要咁對抗。
@@FamilyCheung-kc1pw平心而論卡加里當然有佢既缺點。不過每一次講到Calgary依個城市,就會好奇怪地特別多人尤其是Vancouver 既人會攞住一兩點係咁講講到Calgary好似人間地獄一無是處狗都唔住嘅地方。
加拿大咁大,住唔起Toronto Vancouver 其實仲有好多地方可以揀,點解咁多人會揀Calgary?
自然有佢既吸引之處。而我曾經住過Vancouver Seattle 美國內陸英國 等地,每一個地方都有我鍾意同唔鍾意嘅嘢。你唔鍾意冇問題你咪唔好搬去Calgary或者好似你咁住到咁唔開心就走攞。唔洗唱衰到話身邊冇朋友去Banff到咁有說服力既野都講得出。
我都有老實講,大家唔同嘅地方鍾意住邊度咪自己喜歡囉其實唔需要去attack 對方嘅城市,不過我亦都係講事實喺卡加利住咗耐嘅人係對Banff 冇咩興趣㗎啦,有冇咩特別。 我哋身邊嘅朋友都係情願去其他城市玩都唔會留返喺自己亞省。
@@FamilyCheung-kc1pw 又係嗰句你身邊嘅朋友唔去就代表一切 真係好有說服力。 你地唔去冇興趣去唔代表其他人唔鍾意去😜 你話好凍但其實上年暖左成半年至七個月你又唔提
溫哥華油價平均$2 15:09 .00 /1 L, 細Apartment 租金$2.5K up and food court 平均消費$15 up , 飲茶點心最少$13 up , tips 最少12 - 15% up 😅😅😅
Toronto: As of 31 May 2024, regular gas $1.6/L, small 15~20 YO condo 1 bed room North York $2K/mo+utilities, food court at Markham Place 雙并燒味飯 w/drink avg $10, dim sum at 利嘉盛 Mon~Fri after 1:30 pm $3.95 for L/M/S plate (min charge $25/table), plus 12% tips printed on receipt. It's quite affordable here. Just that you have to know where to look for.
Oh, BTW, I took the TTC to the YYZ airport for just $3.30 (Presto) last week.
利申,住lethbridge, 空氣乾到皮膚損曬
曾經諗住搬去Calgary 去年8月去過﹐落飛機1個鐘已經知唔岩自己﹐乾到頂唔順﹐曬到頂唔順﹐大平地去邊到都係highway﹐頂唔順。 我只能夠留返喺溫哥華捱貴野。
Thanks for sharing
以下三種,1 果蒸種,2 咸欲種,3 簡水種。🎉🎉
This is not sure, Toronto condo 1 +1 in Markham or Toronto, around 600 square footage, the rental is $2300, 2 bedrooms = $2600+
我二房Burnaby今年同個租客起租 2700。
Vancouver 做踏腳石 之後再去 Calgary
溫哥人sea food 鬼多,你要有$,亦要不介意慣性合法地被騙錢,才選擇溫市。
我胞妹定居卡加里2 0年,退休3年了,當地政府養活,金額港幣計5千多。不會回流香港,怕了人多車多擠塞。卡加里朱古力最香濃。
溫哥華,Richmond PK揸車衰格無品,多倫多狂野,吾系講笑,吾好玩嘢,互相比面,卡加里到現在我覺還好少響horn,舒服D。
物價,其實出名牌子例如生油,餅乾,分別溫及卡市原價都是一樣,衹是不同時候减價才有分別,甚至在溫市及卡市的Can tire 售賣 汽車機油價錢是百分百一樣。
@@姬路-v7t 咪吹水啦,
San 感謝你的分享
2:50 得出呢個結論應該係之前住大溫+揸慣車
Well said
一家幾口,搵食果個在多倫多,讀書嘅留响Calgary 又點睇,化算嗎? 多倫多易搵工,搵文職工易一點
你會唔會啱啱相反?Statistics Canada 有最新報告B C省地稅最平安省第二亞省地稅係咁多個地方最貴。基本上阿省地稅貴過B C1倍。
How is land divided in Alberta?
and quarter section (QS): Each township is divided into 36 sections, each section measuring one-by-one mile. Sections are often further divided into quarter sections, referring to their NE (northeast), NW (northwest), SE (southeast), SW (southwest) quadrants
其實你講呢啲好多人都知不過都多謝你嘅分享. 你話卡加利唔適合單身人士, 我仲以為你話呢度好難搵到對象添, 但你淨係講嗰個租金, cost of living, 租金係生活一部分啫...仲有好多其他嘢㗎嘛! 反而你話冇咩嘢食即係出街冇咩食, 呢個真係事實呀. 多謝你嘅分享!
Good insights. Thanks for sharing. Where is your partner Wingo living in Vancouver ?
两位主持 每集有睇你哋片
First point same as Toronto GTA. unless you do everything downtown haha
係呀.........淨係溫哥華一大雪就癱瘓交通, calgary零下20-30都係照返工返學..............真係好唔同
Fair and good comment
當人人都搬嚟 小屋變大厦
一人一架車 咁 只有 他朝君體必相同 ! .
無野嘅, 唔慣就自然又搬, 搬省好平常
咁平常 年年搬啦 遊牧放牧 ! .
@@SumYeung-bu6cq 哦 🤭
Calgary 有時真的好大風,這是住落先知
冬天落雪,搭public transport 會更差?
如果坐Uber? 化算?
@@patinaction3283 大雪個個CALL車, 或者開工揸UBER嘅人少, 就肯定會難CALL啲
I disagree about your food critique. The food is very plentiful here and lots of different variety. When I go to Vancouver/ Richmond, the food prices are really high compared to Calgary. It no longer is a good deal than it was in 2011. No. 9 restaurant for ying yang rice is 30$ vs 20$ here. The pho in Vancouver is yuck while here is very authentic and tasty!
八卦一問?咁乾燥卡加利有沒有靚女,🙋♀️貪靚女士應該卻步 ⋯⋯日日敷mask都唔掂,老化得快😢
A lot of old seafood. 靚女唔會去卡加利拉
I paid $14 for an afternoon tea + tips
濕疹~ 的人要小心
動L 動L😂😂😂😂😂
just make sure one doesn't need shower everyday :-)
香港好容易有濕疹…., 你哋想乾燥定係想濕疹?
真. 睇移民KOL分享, 最忌無考慮分享者同自己係咪同一類人. 係同一類人, 就有寫照…
點心當年只係五毫子 lol
In terms of weather, the only tolerable and livable city in Canada is Vancouver. Calgary has very long winters beginning the last week of July and ending mid-April. Winter temperatures often plunges to -50°C, but warmer temperatutes do happen because of Chinook. Summers are very dry, usually have tornadoes (and usually result in hails with large rock sizes ice-balls, so be careful with your vehicles because auto insurances don't cover hail damages) between May and August. There are a lot of mosquitoes in the summer months. There are a handful of Chinese restaurants in Calgary but they are all terrible. Don't even bother moving to Edmonton because it is even worse.
GBA is the best
I’ve been living in Canada for many years and I have already gotten used to the winter. In fact, due to green house effect, Canadian winter is actually warmer than that before. This year, Calgary got extreme coldness in January but this usually doesn’t always happen during the past recent years ( you can check the history in the weather network ). Although Vancouver is warm in winter, it is always cloudy and rainy. Calgary actually has the most sunny days in winter. I know that some people get a little bit depressed in winter because they don’t get too many sunny days in Vancouver.
Btw, I am living in a city ( not Toronto ) in Ontario. If I need to move, I’d prefer Calgary over Vancouver because I don’t have to dine chinese food all the time. My hobbies are mostly outdoor in summer and in winter. Housing is very expensive in Vancouver.
@GabrielLai-ot1fh Just don't drink at a bar and fall asleep outside in the winter.
Never heard of any news that drunk people died of falling asleep outside in winter. Most people will drive their drunk friends home or call uber to do so. If you can find a news about this, please let me know. Btw, I don’t drink even though I like to play snooker. 🙂
北美 西伯利亞! 凍到嘔
If your profession is in oil & gas area, then it shouldn't be too bad to find a job.
温哥華1房condo可以買卡加和detached house,想般過去,請問有冇好介紹
搭Uber 方便嗎?
Alberta is the only place in the world doesn't have rats.... =)
really? because of the weather or having a cat at home?
When are you going to move?😂😂😂
@@stephenn88我一把年紀,將退休,喜歡後院種菜,寫書法,所以唔怕悶。你呢? 呢度真係冇咩娛樂㗎!
我即將退休 ,喜歡書法 ,後院gardening 種菜,所以唔怕悶。 呢個城市真係冇咩娛樂㗎, 除非你經得起啦。
This is all BS to start with. Ask yourself why you thinking move to another city or country to start with. Are you well financially and live on day to day paycheque.
可能要過Calgary 炒樓