I really want to understand what Japanese songs means through the Japanese lyrics! I only speak English but I really want to learn Japanese to understand things like this. The English lyrics are extremely relatable already and I assume the Japanese lyrics have an even stronger meaning. I hope this translates well!
It's such an abstract dark theme that's usually hard to express personally into words when being gone through, that it actually gives me so much comfort to have found this song. It's an INCREDIBLE representation of it. Thank you for making this!!!!
Is the theme really abstract? Apart from some key concepts, like the hypocrisy of generalization, the dark theme of the song is pretty direct and straight to the point. Wanting to die but too scared to commit, moments of drunk joy and reckless abandon to sober shame and regret, wanting someone to feel suicide guilt as a manner of revenge (I don't like this part, though), etc. They're all very straight to the point. This is why I like this song, unlike a lot of other dark songs where they try to layers their lyrics with innuendos, double entendres, figures of speech, or perspective change, this song is very straightforward with its intent to let the listeners know that this is a song about someone suffering from what they or what someone else did.
@@olliestone5549 Yeah I mean abstract thing/theme being the experience of those feelings, not usually so easy to gather so directly into words ykno?(specially trying to express it personally to others) Thats why I do say it was such good comfort to find the song because of how it expresses and represents those feelings so directly and makes it easily relatable but yeah your comment is kinda on par with mine also anyway i just didnt get to word it as directly as yours haha
For those who are confused about the title "dogdog" - a consistent theme in abuseken's works is feeling like a monster, animal, or inferior being. From my personal interpretation, in this song the "dog" refers to a person who struggles with feelings of inferiority originating from their religion, family, and/or sex/sexuality. These are all themes which are present throughout abuseken's music, so if you're interested, please check out his work.
Yo, thanks for the explanation! I always have trouble figuring out symbolisms and meanings behind songs in general. I’m a huge fan of their work and listen to their songs on repeat. They have such a unique style to their craft, and I really admire it.
Aye. And I also just looked it up, and even though I commented it already, i'll just share it here coz it's interesting. I've researched that 虻 in Abu-se's name means gadfly. Which is a person that asks controversial, potentially upsetting questions directed at authorities.
Hello people, another year of listening to this song. I listen to it every once in a while, it just holds so much meaning to me. I first found it when I was going through one of the hardest parts of my life and now whenever I hear it it reminds me of what I’ve gotten through. I can’t lie, it’s only when I’m sad I come back here and is one of those days where I just feel like crying. For the few people who will see this, thank you. For being alive, for breathing, for just doing anything. You matter (even if it took me very long to realise) and you are loved. Thank you
I hope you're doing okay, Abuse-san. Such a song that explores this kind of serious concept is concerning but I shouldn't really meddle. All I can do is wish you good health, both in physical and mental. Your songs are very nice!
@@idk-yx73 he hasnt said anything offical about his mental health, though if you listen to his songs you can see that he mostly tackles sensitive topics so that's that
@@mynameisqualian2081 // probably the changes that have been made since god created us. this song is generally, what i assume is, about the fact that they want to commit suicide because their society is horrible, and they want to prove that no one notices a person until they die. so i think its just about how corrupted we've become ever since god created us??? thats just a thought though
When I first listened to this, even without the subtitles you can hear how tired and hurt the singer is and I think that's really comforting to me, in a way.
This reminds me of how I felt when I was homeless. One of the strongest memories I have from those days was touching my hair that hadn't been washed. And it felt like the fur of a dog. I was so angry in those days, and just wanted the people around me to suffer. I remember people looking at me with disgust, as if I chose this. I remember how apathetic the people who said would help me were. I genuinely wanted to die, but was too angry to let myself do it. The constant dehumanization, anger, and shame. Man. Memories! :)
@@8bitidiots Yeah bro. Shit always gets better. Weirdly enough, I look back at those days with a sense of fondness. I had grown up mostly online and alone. And I was always worried that I would never be good enough. So to be thrust into a situation where you MUST be enough or you die, and to succeed? It... Helped, weirdly enough. Anyway, I just want you to know you're not alone either. You've done alright, you're doing alright, and you'll be alright. Peace.
I've NEVER had a vocaloid song make me feel this way, this is gorgeous and I love the lyrics too. I hope you know that this is honestly the absolute best song I have ever heard. Thank you so much for hand-crafting this and allowing it to bless my ears. 🥺💖💕💞💖💕💞
This song hits a lot harder than it should be, mainly because of the people in my life. i currently live in a country and society where people like myself are killed constantly. i am closeted queer and i also love writing too. my family are also openly homophobic and super religious and traditional. every time i write, i always have to do it secret because i fear that if anybody discovers what i write about it (my feelings, opinions, etc) , i might get seriously hurt. it doesn't help with the fact that one of my friends is super religious, homophobic and racist. nobody, not even my family and friends, know who i truly am. they keep on saying these hurtful things towards "inferior" people like, not knowing that i am one of them. everday i live in constant fear and anger, because all i wish to do in life is to break free from this constant life of hatred and be somewhere safe where i can be who i truly am.
I can resonate with the feeling of having a terrifying secret to hide for fear of awful consequences! As another queer person, I see you and understand.
I never knew this song existed until a couple weeks ago. My spotify randomly recommended it to me, and im very glad for that. This song has really been a life saver at times.
You should check out abuse's other works if u can! They all tackle similar themes, one of my favorites is Judas edit: also if ur looking for a song with a similar feel, god please () me, this monster
I didn't know this song but now, just "wow", the melody is so emotional like the lyrics. This is the definition of "powerful". Thanks for this, it's a masterpiece. I love how Miku when she sings have a satured sound, it reminds me the Miku's song of 2010, so much nostalgia.
This song speaks to me. I don't know if I can exactly correctly say what I want to, but I'll try to anyways and explain it the best I can, even if it comes off as vent-ish I've always been looked down upon, or felt looked down upon. I felt like everyone hated me. When I brought this up in a frenzy of emotions, and how everyone treated me like I was trash or something meant to be forgotten, I was told "if you were treated like trash, you would be dead". Those words stuck with me subconsciously because I felt even more worthless, disgusting, and just a bunch of other disgusting words to call myself. I've felt this way since I was maybe 11, maybe even younger. As much as I wanted to die to get away from everything, I also didn't want to. I wanted to live at the same time so I could spite the people who frowned when I walked by, and teased me whenever they could. They always wanted to see me breakdown or cry, maybe even be angry. I have autism, and my emotions are kind of hard to control, and I always did my best to control them in a healthy way. But whenever people would mock, hurt, insult, and tease me, it was like they wanted to so they could make me seem irrational. Whenever I called them out, they only laughed more or called me irrational and dramatic. I felt alone, even if I wasn't. I wanted to die to get away from it all, but also wanted to live so I could make them angry, make them the irrational ones. Even if I would try to die, my body won't let me because it feels as if I'm trying to spite the people who hurt me. I'm still being hurt today, and it is going to keep being that way for me. If anything, I want the people who hurt me to actually mean the words they say, to actually mean the word sorry. I want them to actually mean it when they apologize. After all, I mean it when I say sorry to someone I didn't mean to hurt. I say it all the time. I say it too much. I would do anything to make it up. However, the people who hurt me never mean it when they apologize. They just want me to forget. I want them to mean the words sorry, I want them to actually feel guilt, I want them to actually realize what they've done. I don't want them to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when they remember. I only want them to actually apologize. I want them to mean it, that way that even if I don't forgive them, I could at least acknowledge the fact that they mean it and care about how I feel. Like another comment said when they shared about how they felt, I want someone to just try and understand me. Sorry this became a vent, but I just couldn't help but comment on it because I love this song, I think it's beautiful, and when I first heard it, I knew that it resonated with me in some way. I hope everyone else who relates to this song in some way will be comforted by it also, like how I have been comforted by it
The algorithm thrust this upon me out of nowhere, and I'm thankful because this song slaps despite the morbid subject matter. I sincerely hope that the artist is in a better space mentally than they were when they wrote this, and I wish them all the best
This song helps me cope. I can’t stop listening to it and it’s my favorite song, it’s one of the vocaloid songs I can really feel the emotion from. Thank you for this masterpiece.
it's kinda funny that i got recommended this at such a low point in my life. i feel heavily the whole screaming into the void. wanting help n reaching out but getting nothing in return. not by doctors, not by friends and not by family. staying alive eventho u so badly want to just die. the line "bystander pretended to avert his eyes while muttering disgusting" part even reminds me of how i feel like i'm a constant annoyance to everyone around me, even the themes of feeling inferior. and that is why i stopped reaching out. it's just nice to find this at this time in my life.
The "lololol" part reminds me of my raw emotion when venting. Like y'know when you're breaking down and you turn to the internet to vent and add "lol" for some reason everytime you finish a sentence. It kinda sets the mood for me along with the lyrics because the song feels like raw emotion. it's just relatable in a way.
in my opinion, i see it as a coping mechanism, like trying to down play a traumatic experience by making it a dark joke. i actually do it, like a lot. its a way (for me atleast) to try washing down said traumatic experience so people wouldn’t worry as much, like “oh thats a pretty dark joke xd good one” because honestly they don’t really understand what the hell you’re going through.
I'm having a bad day today. Remembering things that I don't want to remember. I haven't had a day like this in a long while. Every time I feel this shitty, I go to this song. It brings me comfort. I am grateful that it exists.
I myself, don't relate to this song. But, I wholeheartedly understand how heart-clenching and unsparingly sorrowful the emotions and situations this song presents are, and how direct and rather bluntly it goes about expressing them. I know that this song has helped so many people out there, reciprocating their feelings like nothing else could, and how boldly it does so. My tears fall for you, I wish you the best. You belong here, and you are important to so many.
I listened to it once, and i liked it. I listened to it again, this time reading the subtitles. At the time I'm writing this I'm feeling so many emotions. I can't get my head straight, and i know this song is going to mean a lot to me now and in the future. Its been a while since a song has made me feel so much. I don't know if you'll ever read this Abuse, but thank you. Thank you so much for making this. I'll continue loving this song with all my heart for all the time to come
I realized that this had reached 1 million views recently, and I'm incredibly happy :) your songs, especially this one, mean so much to me and it brings me so much joy to see your work getting recognized. dogdog was the first song of yours I'd ever listened to, and i still remember crying the first time i heard it. your music will always have a special place in my heart and i wish you success in the future. Congratulations!
アイコン&名前との 温度差酷すぎて 風邪引いた (事後)
「あなたが殺したわけじゃないけど あなたが罪を感じてくれたらいい」って歌詞が自分にぶっ刺さりすぎてどうしようかと思った。何も悪く無いから言えないけど貴方のせいでこうなったんだよって心のどこかで思ってるのが見透かされたようで凄くゾワってした。
1:34 「逝きたい」の「逝」の時に、ピアノの音が気持ち悪くぶつかってて凄く好き。デタラメにジャランって奏でている感じがとっても良い
/Loser負け犬 暴れてるうどんは笑いますわwww
/Loser負け犬 暴れるうどん…的確な表現ですね
「一般論 is so good」って歌詞がこの感情を形容する言葉が無いくらい好き
この曲を否定したい訳じゃないけど、この曲のおかげでもう少し生きようと思えたし、報われないけどがんばれる ポジティブな憂鬱に浸れるから、だいすきです
あなたの歌を最近好んで聴いています。 これからも歌も本当に楽しみにしてます。(涙)
I think I understand what you mean, but the visuals also help to get the real meaning across! (I hope you understand what I’m saying!!)
I really want to understand what Japanese songs means through the Japanese lyrics! I only speak English but I really want to learn Japanese to understand things like this. The English lyrics are extremely relatable already and I assume the Japanese lyrics have an even stronger meaning. I hope this translates well!
It's such an abstract dark theme that's usually hard to express personally into words when being gone through, that it actually gives me so much comfort to have found this song. It's an INCREDIBLE representation of it. Thank you for making this!!!!
Is the theme really abstract? Apart from some key concepts, like the hypocrisy of generalization, the dark theme of the song is pretty direct and straight to the point. Wanting to die but too scared to commit, moments of drunk joy and reckless abandon to sober shame and regret, wanting someone to feel suicide guilt as a manner of revenge (I don't like this part, though), etc. They're all very straight to the point.
This is why I like this song, unlike a lot of other dark songs where they try to layers their lyrics with innuendos, double entendres, figures of speech, or perspective change, this song is very straightforward with its intent to let the listeners know that this is a song about someone suffering from what they or what someone else did.
@@olliestone5549 Yeah I mean abstract thing/theme being the experience of those feelings, not usually so easy to gather so directly into words ykno?(specially trying to express it personally to others) Thats why I do say it was such good comfort to find the song because of how it expresses and represents those feelings so directly and makes it easily relatable
but yeah your comment is kinda on par with mine also anyway i just didnt get to word it as directly as yours haha
Vocaloid has been a blessing to poetry and music, this wouldn't exist if there wasn't software to create it.
WAIT WHAT????? HES 16?????
For those who are confused about the title "dogdog" - a consistent theme in abuseken's works is feeling like a monster, animal, or inferior being. From my personal interpretation, in this song the "dog" refers to a person who struggles with feelings of inferiority originating from their religion, family, and/or sex/sexuality. These are all themes which are present throughout abuseken's music, so if you're interested, please check out his work.
Yo, thanks for the explanation! I always have trouble figuring out symbolisms and meanings behind songs in general.
I’m a huge fan of their work and listen to their songs on repeat. They have such a unique style to their craft, and I really admire it.
Finally I was looking for this
@@meme-pr1nc3 abuse ken really put complicated and deep meaning tbh
I am actually stupid af. I thought this was the song creator’s name.
Aye. And I also just looked it up, and even though I commented it already, i'll just share it here coz it's interesting.
I've researched that 虻 in Abu-se's name means gadfly. Which is a person that asks controversial, potentially upsetting questions directed at authorities.
Hello people, another year of listening to this song. I listen to it every once in a while, it just holds so much meaning to me. I first found it when I was going through one of the hardest parts of my life and now whenever I hear it it reminds me of what I’ve gotten through. I can’t lie, it’s only when I’m sad I come back here and is one of those days where I just feel like crying. For the few people who will see this, thank you. For being alive, for breathing, for just doing anything. You matter (even if it took me very long to realise) and you are loved. Thank you
thank you. i hope you doing great
Thank you so much
ily I wish you all the best
Question mark
thank u
This song officially has a place in my heart. It just hits so damn hard.
It does it hard
一般論is so Good.
性的倒錯(フェチ)には寛大 () so bad.
なぁ 痛い 今 消えたい
死にたい ほら 死にたい こんな痛むなら
死にたい 僕 死にたい
死ねない 死ねない 死ねないの
生きたい? 逝きたい? 叫んでる肌
Sexual abnormalit(性的異常)
Auf heben(高める、解消する、保存する?)
Breast feeding(授乳)
吐きたい 僕 吐きたい
吐いて 味わいたい
死にたい 僕 死にたい
誰かのさ 独り善がりだろ?って
死にたい 死にたい 死にたいの
逝きたい 逝きたい 叫んでる ほら
Sexual abnormalit(性的異常)
Auf heben(高める、解消する、保存する?)
Breast feeding(授乳)
て る ら り ら
た る
ら た る ら た る
て ろ ら り ら
て ろ
て ら り る ら
I hope you're doing okay, Abuse-san. Such a song that explores this kind of serious concept is concerning but I shouldn't really meddle. All I can do is wish you good health, both in physical and mental. Your songs are very nice!
Wait abuse ken have some mental illness?
@@idk-yx73 he hasnt said anything offical about his mental health, though if you listen to his songs you can see that he mostly tackles sensitive topics so that's that
@@kenmeiaoi i see who knows right?
As you can see there are parts in the video where the words are mirrored and I just realised dogdog means godgod
Dog is backwards for God
Tԋҽ Cιɾƈυʂ wow thank you so much for enlightening us 💕
yeah, but what could that mean? That the character has lost all hope in God or something?
@@mynameisqualian2081 // probably the changes that have been made since god created us. this song is generally, what i assume is, about the fact that they want to commit suicide because their society is horrible, and they want to prove that no one notices a person until they die. so i think its just about how corrupted we've become ever since god created us??? thats just a thought though
You made me spill my tea.
@@nazukasumire7027 同じく
1:45 すごいここ好き
聴く度に映像と音の魅力に取り込まれる、音も歌詞もゾクゾクする これ以上ないくらいに慰められた気持ちにもなるけど泣きたいくらい悲しい感じもする 聴き終えると全てが終わった気がして何かしらちょっとスッキリする
漁り中( ˘o˘̥ )
プシュケー や 幽霊少女はどうでしょう?
When I first listened to this, even without the subtitles you can hear how tired and hurt the singer is and I think that's really comforting to me, in a way.
Its a vocaloid. But ik what you mean.
This reminds me of how I felt when I was homeless. One of the strongest memories I have from those days was touching my hair that hadn't been washed. And it felt like the fur of a dog.
I was so angry in those days, and just wanted the people around me to suffer. I remember people looking at me with disgust, as if I chose this. I remember how apathetic the people who said would help me were. I genuinely wanted to die, but was too angry to let myself do it.
The constant dehumanization, anger, and shame. Man. Memories! :)
im glad your still here. im hoping you are in a better spot now
@@8bitidiots Yeah bro. Shit always gets better.
Weirdly enough, I look back at those days with a sense of fondness. I had grown up mostly online and alone. And I was always worried that I would never be good enough. So to be thrust into a situation where you MUST be enough or you die, and to succeed? It... Helped, weirdly enough.
Anyway, I just want you to know you're not alone either. You've done alright, you're doing alright, and you'll be alright. Peace.
damn this is making me cry, i admire you.
@@julian7434 admire yourself. We all have the strength to survive when it matters. Finding the strength to thrive is what is important.
😢🙏🏾I’m glad you made it, I’m currently in the borderline of that
0:47 からの英語表記の意味です。
General: 一般的
Fetishism: フェティシズム(〇〇フェチとか?)、性的倒錯の一つとされる(性的倒錯の他の例だとサディズム、マゾヒズム、露出症などがあげられる)
Prejudice: 偏見、先入観
1:45 からの英文字表記の意味です。
Sexual Abnormality: 性的異常(”abnormality”が異常、"Sexual"が性的という意味なので)
Testament: 遺言、遺書、証明
Aufheben: アウフヘーベン(ドイツ語)、止揚、揚棄、矛盾/対立する二つの概念をそのままどちらも否定せずに統合すること
Breast feeding: 授乳、母乳哺育
Sex: 性行為、性別
kopipom08 ありがとうございます…!!
I initially read the title as "Dog abuse with Miku Hatsune"
Saem me too
Same lmao
fun family activity
That would be really epic lmao.
Me too, that was the most aggressive double take I’ve had to do in a while
サビの「貴方の言うその正常が 僕が死ぬその発端です」ってのが何でもかんでも正常と少し変わってたら異常と決めたがる今の現代みたいやなって思いました。
I've NEVER had a vocaloid song make me feel this way, this is gorgeous and I love the lyrics too. I hope you know that this is honestly the absolute best song I have ever heard. Thank you so much for hand-crafting this and allowing it to bless my ears. 🥺💖💕💞💖💕💞
This song hits a lot harder than it should be, mainly because of the people in my life. i currently live in a country and society where people like myself are killed constantly. i am closeted queer and i also love writing too. my family are also openly homophobic and super religious and traditional. every time i write, i always have to do it secret because i fear that if anybody discovers what i write about it (my feelings, opinions, etc) , i might get seriously hurt. it doesn't help with the fact that one of my friends is super religious, homophobic and racist.
nobody, not even my family and friends, know who i truly am. they keep on saying these hurtful things towards "inferior" people like, not knowing that i am one of them. everday i live in constant fear and anger, because all i wish to do in life is to break free from this constant life of hatred and be somewhere safe where i can be who i truly am.
I can resonate with the feeling of having a terrifying secret to hide for fear of awful consequences! As another queer person, I see you and understand.
I never knew this song existed until a couple weeks ago. My spotify randomly recommended it to me, and im very glad for that. This song has really been a life saver at times.
You should check out abuse's other works if u can! They all tackle similar themes, one of my favorites is Judas
edit: also if ur looking for a song with a similar feel, god please () me, this monster
I didn't know this song but now, just "wow", the melody is so emotional like the lyrics.
This is the definition of "powerful". Thanks for this, it's a masterpiece.
I love how Miku when she sings have a satured sound, it reminds me the Miku's song of 2010, so much nostalgia.
World is mine?
@@idk-yx73 Yes, this type of song.
This song speaks to me. I don't know if I can exactly correctly say what I want to, but I'll try to anyways and explain it the best I can, even if it comes off as vent-ish
I've always been looked down upon, or felt looked down upon. I felt like everyone hated me. When I brought this up in a frenzy of emotions, and how everyone treated me like I was trash or something meant to be forgotten, I was told "if you were treated like trash, you would be dead". Those words stuck with me subconsciously because I felt even more worthless, disgusting, and just a bunch of other disgusting words to call myself. I've felt this way since I was maybe 11, maybe even younger. As much as I wanted to die to get away from everything, I also didn't want to. I wanted to live at the same time so I could spite the people who frowned when I walked by, and teased me whenever they could. They always wanted to see me breakdown or cry, maybe even be angry. I have autism, and my emotions are kind of hard to control, and I always did my best to control them in a healthy way. But whenever people would mock, hurt, insult, and tease me, it was like they wanted to so they could make me seem irrational. Whenever I called them out, they only laughed more or called me irrational and dramatic. I felt alone, even if I wasn't. I wanted to die to get away from it all, but also wanted to live so I could make them angry, make them the irrational ones. Even if I would try to die, my body won't let me because it feels as if I'm trying to spite the people who hurt me. I'm still being hurt today, and it is going to keep being that way for me. If anything, I want the people who hurt me to actually mean the words they say, to actually mean the word sorry. I want them to actually mean it when they apologize. After all, I mean it when I say sorry to someone I didn't mean to hurt. I say it all the time. I say it too much. I would do anything to make it up. However, the people who hurt me never mean it when they apologize. They just want me to forget. I want them to mean the words sorry, I want them to actually feel guilt, I want them to actually realize what they've done. I don't want them to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when they remember. I only want them to actually apologize. I want them to mean it, that way that even if I don't forgive them, I could at least acknowledge the fact that they mean it and care about how I feel. Like another comment said when they shared about how they felt, I want someone to just try and understand me.
Sorry this became a vent, but I just couldn't help but comment on it because I love this song, I think it's beautiful, and when I first heard it, I knew that it resonated with me in some way. I hope everyone else who relates to this song in some way will be comforted by it also, like how I have been comforted by it
The algorithm thrust this upon me out of nowhere, and I'm thankful because this song slaps despite the morbid subject matter. I sincerely hope that the artist is in a better space mentally than they were when they wrote this, and I wish them all the best
I keep wondering why the heck it keeps appearing, lol.
4:45 の「真赤で」が「マッッッッカで」って感じで好き
This song helps me cope. I can’t stop listening to it and it’s my favorite song, it’s one of the vocaloid songs I can really feel the emotion from. Thank you for this masterpiece.
it's kinda funny that i got recommended this at such a low point in my life.
i feel heavily the whole screaming into the void. wanting help n reaching out but getting nothing in return. not by doctors, not by friends and not by family.
staying alive eventho u so badly want to just die.
the line "bystander pretended to avert his eyes while muttering disgusting" part even reminds me of how i feel like i'm a constant annoyance to everyone around me, even the themes of feeling inferior. and that is why i stopped reaching out.
it's just nice to find this at this time in my life.
The "lololol" part reminds me of my raw emotion when venting. Like y'know when you're breaking down and you turn to the internet to vent and add "lol" for some reason everytime you finish a sentence. It kinda sets the mood for me along with the lyrics because the song feels like raw emotion. it's just relatable in a way.
in my opinion, i see it as a coping mechanism, like trying to down play a traumatic experience by making it a dark joke. i actually do it, like a lot. its a way (for me atleast) to try washing down said traumatic experience so people wouldn’t worry as much, like “oh thats a pretty dark joke xd good one” because honestly they don’t really understand what the hell you’re going through.
I'm having a bad day today. Remembering things that I don't want to remember.
I haven't had a day like this in a long while.
Every time I feel this shitty, I go to this song. It brings me comfort.
I am grateful that it exists.
I myself, don't relate to this song.
But, I wholeheartedly understand how heart-clenching and unsparingly sorrowful the emotions and situations this song presents are, and how direct and rather bluntly it goes about expressing them. I know that this song has helped so many people out there, reciprocating their feelings like nothing else could, and how boldly it does so.
My tears fall for you, I wish you the best. You belong here, and you are important to so many.
I listened to it once, and i liked it. I listened to it again, this time reading the subtitles. At the time I'm writing this I'm feeling so many emotions. I can't get my head straight, and i know this song is going to mean a lot to me now and in the future. Its been a while since a song has made me feel so much. I don't know if you'll ever read this Abuse, but thank you. Thank you so much for making this. I'll continue loving this song with all my heart for all the time to come
I realized that this had reached 1 million views recently, and I'm incredibly happy :) your songs, especially this one, mean so much to me and it brings me so much joy to see your work getting recognized. dogdog was the first song of yours I'd ever listened to, and i still remember crying the first time i heard it. your music will always have a special place in my heart and i wish you success in the future. Congratulations!