LG G5 vs LG V10 vs LG G4 vs LG G Flex 2 vs LG G3 vs LG G2 - Which is Fastest?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 727

  • @FranciscoGuevarra
    @FranciscoGuevarra 7 лет назад +29

    Still have my G2, works fines. Had the G4 before i upgraded to G5 but now im getting the V10 for good price :) Love LG! Can't live without that "tap to wake up" the screen lol.

  • @michaelrio8927
    @michaelrio8927 7 лет назад +25

    I'm still using the LG G2 and this phone is still running strong, with great battery life & fast charging, absolute camera, one of the best body-screen ratio to date, and decent full hd display. (it's 4 generation old lol)
    Any happy LG G2 user here? :D

  • @youtight8378
    @youtight8378 8 лет назад +110

    G2 is still a beast no lie.

  • @dacasman
    @dacasman 7 лет назад +6

    The G2 is such a timeless design. love it.

  • @Overkillz25
    @Overkillz25 7 лет назад +9

    I really miss my LG G2! I had it for 2 years and then it just up and died on me! I didn't even know he was sick! Why didn't I see the signs? Shout out to a real G (see what I did there lol) R.I.P gone but software never forgotten!

    • @01H3o27
      @01H3o27 6 лет назад

      Overkillz25 rip

    • @user-fn4dv7gy3d
      @user-fn4dv7gy3d 3 года назад

      @@01H3o27 ю..жжж..жююю.юююю ююзююжжжююжжюююююююююююююююжжюююю.жжжжжжжжю ююююю.юююююююююююююжюююююжю юю.жжжжжжжжжжжжюю.ююю.юююжюююююююююжююююжюююююжжжююхжжююжюююююж.жжжюююжююжююю.ююююююююююююююжюжююююююююжхюююжжююююююююжжююжююююхюззюююж.южю.юююжю.ююююююююжж.жжжжжжжжжжж.жжю жжжюююю.ююж жжжююююююююююююжюжжхююююююжжжююююжюююжжюююююююжжжжжжжжж.южжжжж.ю ЖЖ юююююююююююююююжжюююююююжююзююююююююююжжжюююжюжжжююжюююююююююююю.жжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжж.жж.ююжююююжююжююююююжжюююжжжжжжююжжжююююююююжюююююююжжжюююжжжжжжжжжжжж.юж жжюююююю.жюююююююююююжюжюжжююжжююююжжюююююююююю.жж.жжюжжжжжжжжжжжжжж.жюююююююююююжюююжхжжюжжюююююююжжююююююхжжжжжююю.юююю южюжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжюю.жжюююжююююжжю юююююююююжюююююжююжжжжжжююююююююююю ю жжжжж.ж.жжжжжюююжюююю.юююжюззжжжжзжюююжжююююжжюююююжююжююююююююююжжжжжжжжжжжжжжжюююжжюююжжююююжююююжюююжюююжюююююююжжюжжюжжжжжжжжюю.ю.ю.южюжж.ж.жюю..ююю.ю юю юююююююююююююююююююю.юююююююююю юююю.юююжхююююююююююю.юююжюююжжю.жююююююююююююююю.хююююююююююжжюю ЖЖ ю от

  • @TheJohnstonWong
    @TheJohnstonWong 8 лет назад +10

    V10 is best imo. The feel of the phone just screams premium

  • @Macsk8ing
    @Macsk8ing 8 лет назад +4

    LG G2 is just the best one ever made, so ahead of its time.

    • @bztr659
      @bztr659 5 лет назад

      Agreed still using mine right now every day

  • @alexts94
    @alexts94 8 лет назад +93

    LG V10 was by far the best LG phone ever released.

    • @jackkwan8385
      @jackkwan8385 8 лет назад

      +Taraz T Really happy with mine.

    • @kylenetherwood8734
      @kylenetherwood8734 8 лет назад

      Because it's going for the professional market unlike the G line.

    • @Bjeddul
      @Bjeddul 8 лет назад +1

      +Taraz T Wrong LG G2

    • @banjamin8586
      @banjamin8586 8 лет назад +1

      +Ludvig Bjellebeck Yeah G2 is the best

    • @str8truth738
      @str8truth738 8 лет назад

      +Banjamin Icc why the G2? Especially over the v10?

  • @jackmandora1
    @jackmandora1 5 лет назад +1

    My G4 suffered from overheating with the standard battery. Put a big extended life battery on it and I can now get power for more than three days with no overheating. Not quite as good as my old Nokia but more functionality.

  • @roynaldojanwar2931
    @roynaldojanwar2931 8 лет назад +67

    G2 has better design than G5 lol

    • @xxxHojanxxx
      @xxxHojanxxx 8 лет назад +2

      +Андрей Solaris and v10

    • @bennyng9397
      @bennyng9397 7 лет назад

      yes, and theres apps running that keep G2 slowing boot up

    • @ajtritto3989
      @ajtritto3989 7 лет назад

      Roynaldo Janwar nawwww

    • @pvrz
      @pvrz 6 лет назад +1

      As i said th the others G2 drains a lot of battery (9% per 4 mins dropped)

    • @bztr659
      @bztr659 5 лет назад

      Agreed it's ironic still using mine now

  • @mubeenD
    @mubeenD 8 лет назад +1

    Network speed test is by no means a proper way to assess a phone since the results are dependent on the remote server, which may or may not be giving you consistent speed at all times. If you try the same test 3 times on the same phone, at times, no always, you will get different numbers. Meaning, it's a good approximation of how well your local connection is performing, not the phone.

  • @johnjonathansalud285
    @johnjonathansalud285 8 лет назад +5

    G flex 2 is second maybe because of the SD810 a little faster than the SD808 which is on the G4 and V10.

    • @MrRafa1919
      @MrRafa1919 7 лет назад

      810 is pretty faster than 808 and if it did not have the thermal issues and throttling would score better.

  • @marszify
    @marszify 6 лет назад

    I'm still using the LG G2. Very much into the competition of today's flagships. Such a great phone.

  • @Dgsaxman84
    @Dgsaxman84 8 лет назад +2

    Speedtest isnt going to test the phone it will test your internet speed if you want to test the hardware...test with Antutu Benchmark that will show you so many differences

  • @richardr5888
    @richardr5888 8 лет назад +2

    I have fond memories of my G2. I would still be using it today if it weren't for the horrible speaker and low headphone volume. I turn it on from time to time to remind me.

  • @absoluteterritory4601
    @absoluteterritory4601 2 года назад +6

    The great history of LG. Too bad they are now focusing to appliances. Thank you for your service. Still using LG G2 having a custom rom. I'm waiting for the comeback someday. 🙂🙂🙂

  • @SacreDro
    @SacreDro 8 лет назад +4

    2013 was the year I got my first smart phone the Xperia S and after a few months the Xperia Z appeared and I was like "WTF".

  • @tudoritapericica3420
    @tudoritapericica3420 7 месяцев назад +1

    1:00 Oh that's like it's done, Yes. They go.

  • @uzairbukhari99
    @uzairbukhari99 8 лет назад +6

    LG has great designs. G2, G3, G4 and V10.

  • @malwaretestingfan
    @malwaretestingfan Год назад +2

    Too bad LG ceased making phones, they were among the very best manufacturers.

  • @hotaslava69er
    @hotaslava69er 8 лет назад

    what a champ at turning them all on .... on the first go im impressed!

  • @srinivaaas
    @srinivaaas 7 лет назад +4

    wow...loving to see all great lg phones.

  • @WV591
    @WV591 6 лет назад +2

    I'm never giving up my LGv10. i hate phones that have no replaceable batteries.

  • @user-iq7em6qb9g
    @user-iq7em6qb9g 5 лет назад +1

    My lg g4 camera is crashing even after factory reset and even restart on safemode! How can I repair it

    • @user-iq7em6qb9g
      @user-iq7em6qb9g 5 лет назад

      That was cause of hardware problem camera's suchet

  • @Kidsnd274
    @Kidsnd274 8 лет назад

    My LG G Flex2 died D: . Now using a S5. Kinda miss the Flex, it really feels nice in the hand.

  • @dileepkumar-li8yu
    @dileepkumar-li8yu 6 лет назад

    can you please help me my lg g flex is not working it showing only emergency dailer not any unlock pattern

  • @fatimaalwahab
    @fatimaalwahab 6 лет назад

    I love G5 !
    Maybe I should buy it

  • @AltafKhan-jq8cv
    @AltafKhan-jq8cv 17 дней назад

    Hi I am from Pakistan. I Love LG Mobile Phones. From 2005 to 2024 i used just LG Mobile Phones Keypaid/Andriod that is
    LG KG-200, LG KG-195, LG KG-270, LG KG-280, LG GS-107, LG KP-199, LG KP-175, LG A-290, LG A-395 (Now in my use since Sep 2016) LG G2, LG G3, LG G6 (Now in my use since 2020) and the Last one is LG G8x Thinq (Now in my use since Sep 2021)
    Only Legends People use LG Mobile Phones. 3:47

  • @sophiaanast9808
    @sophiaanast9808 8 лет назад

    lg g flex 2 or samsung galaxy a5 2016? Which of those smartphones is better? ?

  • @floppa9415
    @floppa9415 3 года назад +1

    Oh LG my beloved. Making good high end phones just wasn't enough.

    • @chadpink888
      @chadpink888 2 года назад

      Mm junk km so said of kg BC DJ's MSNBC JFK's f

  • @marcobh21
    @marcobh21 7 лет назад +1

    i was have lg g2 (very nice )
    , now i have lg g5 and i love it , good my g5

  • @user-lp8hj8qd2o
    @user-lp8hj8qd2o 8 лет назад

    Hello! At which of the phones screen is better? color and contrast?

  • @monicaraatz8197
    @monicaraatz8197 7 лет назад

    My 3g just fell to the fatal reboot loop. Gonna try the v10 but it doesn't seem like people are getting it to last over a year...

  • @fredrik2008
    @fredrik2008 8 лет назад +17

    funny how the g2 and g3 still is the best looking.

  • @alexanderzeller5083
    @alexanderzeller5083 8 лет назад

    lg g4 or samsung galaxy a5 2016.....help me i like the camera and the cou from the g4 but the design and the amoled display is also nice to have...which one would you buy ?

    • @diogoandrade6894
      @diogoandrade6894 8 лет назад

      Never compare a mid-range Samsung phone with an LG flagship. Go for the G4 without a doubt! Samsung's mid range phones aren't worth it! In a few weeks it will be running slow

  • @DomagojGemeri
    @DomagojGemeri 8 лет назад +2

    prod owner of lg g2. even today real beast of a smartphone

  • @emir1044
    @emir1044 5 лет назад

    LG G2 and G3 one of the revolutionary phones ever made

  • @Bongo2k
    @Bongo2k 8 лет назад +2

    Doing a speedtest to compare phones is fucking stupid, Wifi is garbage for networking and it has very little bearing regarding phones...I can't think of any reason why anyone would need 140mbps on a phone...

  • @renatomorais8136
    @renatomorais8136 8 лет назад +2

    Trying to keep my G2 a bit longer, at least until all the new phones come out and prices drop a bit. What ROM do you run on the G2? I had stock Lollipop (AT&T), then went back to stock Kitkat, then Cloudy, now CM13. Have to say stock Lollipop seems the best when it comes to integration of calendar, social media, etc. Looks absolutely awful but my phone was also running much faster and battery life seems to be the same (nowhere as near as it was back when...)

    • @Ataldaheleninha
      @Ataldaheleninha Год назад


    • @Ataldaheleninha
      @Ataldaheleninha Год назад

      diretores executivos de jornalismo - Pat City
      diretores executivos de jornalismo

    • @Ataldaheleninha
      @Ataldaheleninha Год назад


  • @trulyfandamtastic9295
    @trulyfandamtastic9295 8 лет назад +2

    Lg g flex 2 is pretty great device with only 2gb ram, not the fastest bt a great mid range device, the only problem i face is that the screen gets very heated(the back doesn't heat) when weather is hot, battery timing is pretty gud, 4 hrs 15 mins on screen time, overall its a great phone 👌Antutu score is always above 50000 smtimes it goes upto 58000

    • @trulyfandamtastic9295
      @trulyfandamtastic9295 8 лет назад

      +Calvin Layne Nup In Pakistan mostly the 2gb 32gb internal model is available, I was also trying for the 3gb model bt couldn't find it yet

    • @trulyfandamtastic9295
      @trulyfandamtastic9295 8 лет назад

      +Calvin Layne whats the antutu score on that with 3gb ram?

    • @trulyfandamtastic9295
      @trulyfandamtastic9295 8 лет назад

      +Calvin Layne I have the 510 f version, at first it gave around 58 k bt now after 2 months useage, after installing many apps etc its going around 53 to 54 k, n cuz of hot weather the the screen gets hot, its strange that the back doesn't seem to b heating that much

  • @techbox4056
    @techbox4056 8 лет назад

    internet speed test can fluctuate just so you know, if you probably did all the phone again for the internet speed tests you would probably have different number

  • @darraghmcgee5806
    @darraghmcgee5806 8 лет назад +3

    g flex 2 was connected to a different WiFi aka Sheffield not Norwich

    • @FM19964
      @FM19964 8 лет назад +1

      +Darragh McGee true

  • @mugheeraislam7706
    @mugheeraislam7706 5 лет назад

    I am watching this video on my Lg G5 😉. Really a true flagship.

  • @BloodKiller757
    @BloodKiller757 6 лет назад

    Watching on LG G5. Best performance, worth battery life

  • @normaq1
    @normaq1 5 лет назад

    the first place is g5, the second place is g flex 2, the third place is v10, the fourth place is g4, the fifth place is g2, and the sixth place is g3!

  • @jdm4lyfe951
    @jdm4lyfe951 6 лет назад

    I love my G Flex 2. I dont know how did I found and bought it but i guess i made a good decision

  • @victorsvidss
    @victorsvidss 8 лет назад +1

    My LG G Flex 2 broke, LG said its motherboard failed. Im just thinking it fried itself cuz it got pretty warm when i use it. But its an awesome phone otherwise. Im thinking of getting the oneplus 3 later

  • @dillonfitts829
    @dillonfitts829 8 лет назад +9

    I think they r going to make the LG V20 and the LG V30

    • @TechTrinkets
      @TechTrinkets  8 лет назад +4

      They better

    • @God-uv7ei
      @God-uv7ei 8 лет назад +5

      +Tech Trinkets u should do a give away to those who cant afford phones. Like me😃

    • @jeffreylacang3353
      @jeffreylacang3353 8 лет назад

      dillon fittkkkbi

    • @jeffreylacang3353
      @jeffreylacang3353 8 лет назад

      dillon fitts uuuvnbhyy hhv. Hg bjg. Ybnnh hh. Ug jhjbb. Jb j kmjj m m mn m j m big. Jb. Hjgjhhn. ⚔⚗⚱😊😟🙄😟🙄

    • @jeffreylacang3353
      @jeffreylacang3353 8 лет назад

      Mnhijjjjhhojkhjj. G. Tech. BIG. Ugkgjyjgh jhjb

  • @Leo-yn5fx
    @Leo-yn5fx 8 лет назад +10

    god damn that v10 is sexy!

  • @leo19957
    @leo19957 7 лет назад

    Why didnt u update them to the latest software version ?

  • @falomore
    @falomore 6 лет назад +1


  • @adamforster4300
    @adamforster4300 8 лет назад +1

    dude,u cant test it on wifi as wifi changes every 30 seconds. if u want a good speed test try out "3Dmark"

  • @DiscontinuedChannel0000
    @DiscontinuedChannel0000 2 года назад

    Thank you for the history
    Cause i miss my LG G5
    So much

  • @EcuaespanaIsNoMore
    @EcuaespanaIsNoMore 5 лет назад +1

    What happens with G6?

  • @diehardavgeekfreak6862
    @diehardavgeekfreak6862 Год назад

    What is your favorite lg phone you used?

  • @hugomora2240
    @hugomora2240 8 лет назад

    watching this on my LG g3. Why isn't the g3 on marshmallow?? it runs a lot better and not so heavy on the phone.

  • @Stephanie-kr3mq
    @Stephanie-kr3mq Год назад

    The LG G3 to G4 the G5 and the newest and the best of the LG G6

  • @denistalar9550
    @denistalar9550 8 лет назад +3

    why isnt ur G3 upgraded to Marshmallow? its much faster then.

    • @Totone56
      @Totone56 8 лет назад

      +Denis Talár Agreed, it's a whole new phone !

    • @rainzzz2079
      @rainzzz2079 8 лет назад +1

      Same with G Flex 2

  • @ddrjay
    @ddrjay 8 лет назад

    good video minus the wifi connection speed. pretty pointless IMO. the only real way you can test wifi speed is by having each device connected to the wifi one at a time. not all at the same time. just like in science, you need a controlled test to compare the other tests to.

  • @Totone56
    @Totone56 8 лет назад

    A G3 on XOSP gets 1004 in Sigle-Core Score, and 3053 in Multi-Core ! Better Custom ROM that phone :p

  • @fredymm2509
    @fredymm2509 7 лет назад +1

    I just ordered LG G4, hope its faster than my laggy LG G3s. :D

    • @leecason9468
      @leecason9468 7 лет назад

      G4 I have it. It isn't that faster. But install nova and it is very smooth.

    • @CoolGuy683
      @CoolGuy683 6 лет назад

      Lg g4 is very fast and clean ui.

  • @Berendeyo
    @Berendeyo 8 лет назад +1

    I have LG Optimus L3 ! Buy him in 2012 , want to buy Moto X Style )

  • @00dahc
    @00dahc 8 лет назад

    I loved my G3 until a few days ago when Wi-Fi stopped working. So sad. Just freezes up if I try turning it on.

  • @nymiradripp
    @nymiradripp 5 лет назад

    which will bootloop the fastest?

  • @jasonjohnson4803
    @jasonjohnson4803 8 лет назад +5

    LG overload, nice!

  • @432pro
    @432pro 5 лет назад +1

    I love my G4 so much but I'm thinking of getting a G5 just for the performance increase dammit

    • @Ancend
      @Ancend 4 года назад

      I got lg g4 beat too

  • @Stephanie-kr3mq
    @Stephanie-kr3mq Год назад

    You can do it ever since you can push the buttons

  • @MyBooboodog
    @MyBooboodog 8 лет назад

    What internet do you have? You have like 125mbps.. I'd like to know.

  • @carsonelidavisla.k.asonicf3763
    @carsonelidavisla.k.asonicf3763 5 лет назад +2

    My Favorite it is LG V10 Phone

  • @Nyrrah
    @Nyrrah 8 лет назад +1

    lg g2 would've been faster if it wouldn't be doing some android updating or w/e
    but it's ok i still love my g2 but i can't believe it was still faster than g3 wtf

  • @егорсамыйлучший13

    The average download and upload speed for all of them is:
    Download: 125.61 (this award goes to the G2)
    Upload: 12.12 (this award goes to G Flex 2)

  • @str8truth738
    @str8truth738 8 лет назад

    I hope LG spares no expense with v10 successor.

  • @Stephanie-kr3mq
    @Stephanie-kr3mq Год назад

    Hey guys today we have an LG g speed test

  • @Francescino87
    @Francescino87 8 лет назад

    If lg put a SD 810 and bigger battery on the v10 they would have made the perfect phone for the 2015

    • @XxBlackCashxX
      @XxBlackCashxX 8 лет назад +1

      I think 810 will make the phone overheat but a better battery indeed will make the phone one of the best if not the best.

    • @Francescino87
      @Francescino87 8 лет назад

      Black Cash unfortunatelly at lg they're giving away battery performance just because is swappable but not everybody wants to go with another battery in their pocket

  • @VaunShiz
    @VaunShiz 7 лет назад

    the Gflex 2 came second because it's the only LG phone with a 810, G4 and V10 have the 808

  • @ztbi
    @ztbi 8 лет назад

    the g2 notification light on the back is the best. wish my g5 had it.

    • @airriderz15
      @airriderz15 8 лет назад

      Yes i really wish they could bring it back

  • @zatsun2733
    @zatsun2733 8 лет назад +2

    you G3 should be on marshmallow and your V10 too if it's not

  • @andygs84
    @andygs84 8 лет назад

    ur lg v10 wasnt the latest update android m.

  • @user-nl7nn2cd5x
    @user-nl7nn2cd5x 6 лет назад +1

    Yay I just brought g5 yesterday

  • @jurelbenadventure3957
    @jurelbenadventure3957 2 года назад

    I Had a LG G2 as Defintly Brokenn The Screen Is Just Freezing Showing up a USB Conncetion Firmware Update, My Mom Bough a LG G2 2012--2013 It was my Nostalgic Mom's Phone And i had my Dad Old Phone Is Samsung Galaxy S7 So Its Very Old My dad buy that in 2015-2018 [I think] So Thats All If He Had Another LG Phone Our Phones In Our House Is Maded All Samsung's Phones My Mom Buyed When She was 18 She Buyed a Samsung SGH Phones That They Losted So Now My Mom And Dad Owns A Samsung S21-S19

  • @stefandenic3375
    @stefandenic3375 7 лет назад

    excellent internet speed. where are you from?

  • @mihail..
    @mihail.. 8 лет назад

    do you have the g flex

  • @micahglenz1354
    @micahglenz1354 7 лет назад

    very scientific method of starting phones

  • @doobedi
    @doobedi 7 лет назад +5

    prefer LG phones than samsung by far anyday

  • @alex3lopez433
    @alex3lopez433 7 лет назад

    que tal te vaa moder combat 5 en el LG v10 que lo acabo de ver que lo tienes :3

  • @alexisortega9775
    @alexisortega9775 3 года назад

    I miss the g4 a lot, even having a g7 currently.

    • @user-kk7sn3do6b
      @user-kk7sn3do6b 3 года назад


  • @grimm_gen
    @grimm_gen 8 лет назад +3

    this really isnt the best way to test the speed of a device, how are you sure you powered all of those at the exact same time?

    • @xzizzo
      @xzizzo 8 лет назад

      Umm. I think the vid was meant to display all what's good about the LG series of phones

    • @raiyanblader9442
      @raiyanblader9442 7 лет назад

      Grimm_Gen Plus you saw that he powered them all on at the same time. The G5 boots up the fastest by far because it needs to. Because remember the LG "friends'' modules, which requires you to take the battery out of the phone

    • @harabigassama4566
      @harabigassama4566 6 лет назад

      ? ::@

  • @Krzych07
    @Krzych07 8 лет назад +1

    This Speed ​​Test is not true LG G2 WHEN TO run was an upgrade so is delayed by a few seconds

    • @krabberknam9610
      @krabberknam9610 8 лет назад +1

      Actually this shows up everytime on the g2 when you are running lollipop.

    • @arjanvdlaan72
      @arjanvdlaan72 7 лет назад

      Krabberknam How do you get to run it on lollipop? I'm a software noob

    • @krabberknam9610
      @krabberknam9610 7 лет назад +1

      Arjan Van Der Laan you mean how I run lollipop on my g2? its an official update you can install it with the lg pc suite.

    • @arjanvdlaan72
      @arjanvdlaan72 7 лет назад

      Krabberknam Thanks for the fast reply! Awesome, so I don't have to root it? And is it easy and worth it?

    • @krabberknam9610
      @krabberknam9610 7 лет назад +1

      Arjan Van Der Laan No you dont need root its official by lg. You just install LG pc suite and connect your phone to your pc. Then pc suite will show you that there is an update ready for your phone. And then you just let it do its thing. I think it takes between 20-45 minutes but Im not sure. You wont loose any data or apps by the way. And it is DEFINETLY worth it. Battery life compared to kit kat is so much better, performance in benchmarks is better and obviously its overall more customizable, better looking, better optimized, more secure and just smoother.

  • @PasiKorhonen
    @PasiKorhonen 8 лет назад

    Why can't they just make metal G2 with even less bezel, 5.5" and up-to-date hardware? G5 is plain ugly compared to other LG's.

  • @Stephanie-kr3mq
    @Stephanie-kr3mq Год назад

    Good the LG G5 is in the house now

  • @bokibb4298
    @bokibb4298 8 лет назад

    can you make a video with lg spirit??

  • @galagrindey6644
    @galagrindey6644 6 лет назад

    my g3 d852 3gb android 6 : singl - 1049 , multi - 2834
    and in antutu -67621

  • @tzumi5864
    @tzumi5864 8 лет назад

    Wow the new LG 5 is faster than the Samsun S7 and nearly as fast as the Iphone 6s

  • @Muphet
    @Muphet 8 лет назад

    marshmallow on g3 boost performance a lot. got 955/3171 on 2GB version

    • @contradriverESP
      @contradriverESP 8 лет назад

      Lollipop still gives me more battery. I dont know why

  • @Unnaymed
    @Unnaymed 7 лет назад

    Can you do an experiment to launch 6 speedtest at the same time to see max speed when many users download at the same time in the same area?

  • @Stephanie-kr3mq
    @Stephanie-kr3mq Год назад

    All these buttons are ready to turn on Darren power buttons

  • @mikldude9376
    @mikldude9376 8 лет назад +1

    Good video sir, and interesting to look at all the lg different models , the G Flex 2 with the curved body is a pretty cool looking device i reckon , but at times it must be a pain in the ass , ie : using it laying down on the desk , but im sure it has plusses as well .
    a bit surprising the v10 raped the g5 in down load .

  • @mrmoth2487
    @mrmoth2487 7 лет назад +1

    I still feel sorry for the G3.

  • @eli55121
    @eli55121 4 года назад

    i had the g4 stylus, it wasn't bad

  • @demeye578
    @demeye578 8 лет назад +2

    your missing g1 called lg optimus g