I have seen a lot of input system tutorials but this tutorial is by far the best overview I have seen. You did a really good job showing all the options available and laid out your opinions very well on each of them. Thank you for putting in the time to make this! It will be my new go-to-video suggestion for people learning the new input system.
I would like to tell you that these are amazing, while almost every other youtuber simply goes through the process of setting it up and using different unity components, you actually explain them and the logic behind each and every thing, thank you!
I gotta say, thank you so much for your indepth tutorial that covers all avenues of implementation instead of the typical narrow "quickest route".. so nice to finally see a unity dev who understands SOLID and access modifiers and why public methods should be minimized. Coming from other platforms I'm kinda surprised the lack of comprehensive docs for alot of Unity stuff, anyway your tutorials are great!
thank you for this. ive watched other input system explanations but they often dont go over the full options of implementation (im taught how to use component but not how to get constant values from it directly) and so i was left using a weird combination of the generated class and the component since i was only shown a how to do certain things using certain ways. Also i appreciate explaining that one can make input action variable to avoid typing strings constantly and risking mistyping. Now I know to look for ways to avoid that not just with this, but with all my code. great tutorial overall and very well organized and explained.
I often get a lot out of train-of-thought type of follow-along stuff in unity, but I'm six minutes in and subscribed, and a little bit excited. It's not just the organization; your voice carries my attention, which I really need for topics like this
@@samyam I just want to second this. So many youtube tutorials are all over the place but you really went step by step. This video was a godsend. Subbed.
I have given a chance to the new input system multiple times but I always rejected it because other tutorials made it look very complicated, I'm finally using it thanks to you!
This video is so good! You explain the system so well and go over everything important, but you don't overexplain. I keep coming back to the video every time I need to set an input system for a game to remind myself how to do it and it always clears up everything.
Just a small note here: @6:06 for WASD, NOTE: "When adding a composite, only ones compatible with the value type of the current action are shown. This will, for example, no longer display a 2D Vector composite as an option on a floating-point button action". To show the 2D vector composite just change the action type to "value" and the control type to "Vector2". Now the 2D vector composite option will appear. So @5:45 that's a very important step.
The bit near the end about InputAction & InputActionReference is the interesting part :D.. I can see this integrating into many scenarios well. Thanks for the video
This was incredible thank you so much with your help I was able to overcome a problem that I had been stuck on for 3 days, and I really struggled elsewhere and with the documentation as well, thank you so much!!!
This is very useful even for VR, the XR Interactive Toolkit takes a very similar approach as the Input System(I just looked up: the XR Interactive Toolkit depend on the Input System), all the knowledge fits nicely in VR, the action based controller, input action, binding, several different ways to get the user input in code. Appreciate your sharing. Thanks.
Awesome video, the input system has some great features but its presentation is very confusing, you've made it much easier to understand how it can be used, thanks!
you should be getting paid for teaching so thoroughly i cant imagine the amount of preparation it requires to simplify so clearly all the information for the learners (and i thought brackeys was the best tutorial creator out there even though his tutorials are kinda outdated now but guess who im switching to nowww) p.s. the amount of side videos linked to this one is incredible
Great video! The one thing that makes Control Scheme such a great part of the Input System is its implemented listening & switch option. Let's say that you want to allow the player to use either a Mouse and/or just a Keyboard or a Controller. Obviously, the kind of inputs will varies where one scheme might requires a press of a button to initiate the use of another input and so on so, originally, you mostly had to add some sort of full-time listener to any action of any device "not in use" so that you can apply some kind of switch as to what the player uses in case he or she decide to change which control to use mid-game. For example, let's say that you have a zoom function in a isometric-viewer Action RPG that allows the player to zoom in and out. On Mouse & Keyboard, simply scrolling the mouse wheel does the trick and, in case someone prefer to player using only a keyboard, it's fairly simple to add additional binding to some Numpad keys. But what about the controller? What if, to zoom in and out, the player has to toggle the zoom-in-out prior and after zooming with something like the right stick as, otherwise, the left stick is used to aiming? This is where the Input System does a really good job because its gives many ways of "knowing" and handling what is going on instead of just attempting at reading every small possibilities out of the players' reach.
Happened to stumble on this video, going through checking out to resolve an input error. This is a very informative video, really clear and I will definitely be coming back when I need to set up input. I subbed because of this. Thanks for the video : ]
Best channel on covering unity's input system! One question i had tho, how can we get a hold functions duration to use it on something like ui, the callbackcontext has a duration value but it doesn't seem to be registering correctly while holding down the key, it would be a great thing to cover on a seperate video!
Thank you!! If you have an interaction you can get the completion percentage with action.GetTimeoutCompletionPercentage() already have a video on that ;) 14:57 ruclips.net/video/rMlcwtoui4I/видео.html
Thanks so much for making this video, I've heard about this new Input system but was hesitant to jump to it as I'm already struggling with lots of other parts of the game I'm making, but you've helped me understand why and how it can help me down the line especially when it comes to allowing the player to rebing actions. Once again, thank you so much for also going really in depth and show us all the different ways you can use/create an Input Action asset 👍. You just gained a new Subscriber 😃
Outstanding, I tried a different tutorial first, was still confused. Your's was exactly what I needed, many thanks. As soon as Patreon offers a reasonable way to create a receipt for the inputs, my company will join! And yes, I tried ko-fi, but PayPal didn't work 😞
Thank you so much I appreciate it!! I also have RUclips memberships available, although the perks are a tad different than Patreon because I can’t redistribute files easily yet.
I started to scream when you used the update function. Good thing you saved it :D I have been working with unity for over 3years now and I think I use Update in maybe 3 or 4 of my hundreds of classes, and only with an if statement. it's really usually unecesarry to check something every frame...
I got super confused around 20:30 when you started commenting out a lot of code to use the PlayerInput, then uncommented it. Definitely a high quality tutorial, I just couldn't follow along, unfortunately.
Awesome video, best one on the topic i've seen, thank you Personally i prefer to use the input action references; my reasoning being that you shouldn't hardcode a string that can be easily changed by someone in the editor
Excellent video. Awesome confusing bug I came across was that on input action asset that you can create from the player input component I couldn't see any input devices. For whatever reason it worked fine when I created my own control scheme, but not with the generated or "No Control Schemes". Seems to work fine in this video.
Great content on your channel, you have a new subscriber! But here I got completely lost when you were explaining the recommended way of PlayerInput--you said the problem with UnityEvents is that it combines all the phases (started/performed/canceled) into one, but then when you showed the PlayerInput you just showed ReadValue and not how to access the different phases. So I'm still not really sure how to call different functions when different buttons are pressed. Do I have to read all the actions like "Jump", "Explosion", etc. all in the Start function and call functions accordingly?
Very good tutorial! Thank you very much for the explanation of the new input system! For me personally the video had a bit too much content (luxury problem). I wanted to quickly understand the best practice on how to work with the new input system (which you explained). But instead of telling only the best way, then say good bye and refer to another video for more (unnecessary but interesting topics regarding the new input system), you mixed all into one video. Nevertheless you covered also the recommended way and thus its fine for me. The rest I tried to ignore ;-)
Your tutorials on the Input System are fantastic! What are you using for VS Code extensions? I can't never install one that give me a list of properties that are accessible and the autosuggest/complete for anything is a nightmare.
Thanks for your input! I'll keep it in mind. I've made some videos on Touch, Swipe, and Pinch; here's my Input Touch playlist ruclips.net/p/PLKUARkaoYQT1Xwd9Az_cx-YbdvdUDNN5I
@@samyam nice amazing.! Thanks a ton and I would love to ask u some stuff on unity but I guess that's what patron is for lol. Amazing job, and the fact your voice is mellow really helps follow along or just listen to.
Is there a way to put something like Shift+WASD or Alt+WASD on the input system? I want my player to switch targets while targeting. If they hold Shift, and then while holding shift press WASD, they will change their targets to the above/right/below/left.
I had started using the new system about a week or two before I found this video and I'm not sure if I'm doing something terribly wrong. Right now I have an action map with actions such as Jump or Dash, and I'm referencing them in my scripts with OnJump or OnDash as if they were functions. I haven't enabled anything, the only thing I've done is included it the input system via using UnityEngine.InputSystem and created a reference to the CharacterController (which the functions/actions influence). This way seems so much simpler than what you're showing and I don't know if it's going to cause a problem later on such as a memory leak or something (because I'm not enabling/disabling anything).
If the functions are called directly from the PlayerInput component (either through SendMessages, or the Events) then you should be fine. There's many ways to use the new system, you only need to unsubscribe from an event if you've subscribed to it somewhere in your script.
Any video on control schemes? Adding one is causing everything to break. I bind wasd and mouse to one scheme and Lstick and Rstick to another and for some reason I can only move with Lstick, not wasd and only look with mouse not rstick. Boggles my mind
I ended up deleted these for anyone's future reference and everything can work simultaneously. Not sure what's wrong with it but I've given up trying to figure out, and kept moving on with my tasks.
Great video, unfortunately it was 1 day late since I got my project working yesterday with the new input system haha. This is unrelated to this video but on another video where you used a joystick, is there a way to make it into a floating joystick (entire joystick moves to the finger position then the joystick gets fixed there) I tried the default on mobile and it doesn't feel very smooth.
Thanks! Yeah you can change the On Screen Stick component to fit your needs, you can have a specified area that the user is allowed to touch for the joystick, then once the user touches that area you can enable to joystick there, and disable it when the use stops touching in that area answers.unity.com/questions/992906/placing-a-rect-and-detecting-a-touchtap.html
how would you go about handling a bluetooth button to be an input for a game? I am wanting to make a mobile game and have a bluetooth button (the buttons you can get from aliexpress which bluetooth to the phone to allow you to take selfies without touching the phone). I have one of these buttons but I can't work out how to get unity to detect it as an input.
How to increase or decrease the value of 1d axis binding slowly and not directly to 1 or -1??..I also searched on web but people are saying there aren't any direct way to do it using new input system so i think you might give me the solution...
Unfortunately there is not a direct way in the input system to do so: you'll have to do it manually, you can use the SmoothDamp function docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.SmoothDamp.html
This is a great tutorial, but does anyone know of any videos or websites that explain both event lambdas and subscribing to events in really basic terms? I've watched a couple input system videos and I've worked through most of the Unity Learn Input System project, but I still don't fully understand these two concepts.
Great video. I have a question though. When I press A and D at the same time, the composites add 1 to -1 making it 0. How could I tell which binding was pressed first so I can avoid the character stopping everytime I press keys of opposite directions?
The issue is that the Vector2Composite is coded like that, see github.com/Unity-Technologies/InputSystem/blob/bcc89c252897385f1adb8e3fc320e7a7c442862b/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/InputSystem/Actions/Composites/Vector2Composite.cs This is where it'll result in zero var result = new Vector2(leftValue + rightValue, upValue + downValue); github.com/Unity-Technologies/InputSystem/blob/bcc89c252897385f1adb8e3fc320e7a7c442862b/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/InputSystem/Controls/DpadControl.cs#L124 You can make your own custom composite and basically copy the existing one but with your changes. I show how to make a custom one here ruclips.net/video/KXF3OR78iVY/видео.html
I get this error in my console. I'm trying to open/close various things. NullReferenceException while executing 'performed' callbacks of 'Player/E[/Keyboard/e]' UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel.NativeInputRuntime/c__DisplayClass7_0:b__0 (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputEventBuffer*) UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyUpdate (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,intptr)
@@samyam Thanks for your replay! I did what the tut says: ```C# private PlayerInput myInput; private void Awake() { myInput = GetComponent(); //myInput.actions... //won't compile myInput.FindAction... //compile } ``` p.s. My Input System version is 1.2.0
Seriously these input tutorials are the highest quality I have seen on youtube. Blowing my mind with how clear everything is to me now!
Thanks again 😆
I share the same opinion and I've watched 300+ tutorials
I have seen a lot of input system tutorials but this tutorial is by far the best overview I have seen. You did a really good job showing all the options available and laid out your opinions very well on each of them.
Thank you for putting in the time to make this! It will be my new go-to-video suggestion for people learning the new input system.
I would like to tell you that these are amazing, while almost every other youtuber simply goes through the process of setting it up and using different unity components, you actually explain them and the logic behind each and every thing, thank you!
Thanks! 😁
I gotta say, thank you so much for your indepth tutorial that covers all avenues of implementation instead of the typical narrow "quickest route".. so nice to finally see a unity dev who understands SOLID and access modifiers and why public methods should be minimized. Coming from other platforms I'm kinda surprised the lack of comprehensive docs for alot of Unity stuff, anyway your tutorials are great!
Thanks! Glad you found it useful! :)
Exactly! you took the words right out of my mouth!
thank you for this. ive watched other input system explanations but they often dont go over the full options of implementation (im taught how to use component but not how to get constant values from it directly) and so i was left using a weird combination of the generated class and the component since i was only shown a how to do certain things using certain ways.
Also i appreciate explaining that one can make input action variable to avoid typing strings constantly and risking mistyping. Now I know to look for ways to avoid that not just with this, but with all my code.
great tutorial overall and very well organized and explained.
I often get a lot out of train-of-thought type of follow-along stuff in unity, but I'm six minutes in and subscribed, and a little bit excited. It's not just the organization; your voice carries my attention, which I really need for topics like this
Thanks so much! Very glad you enjoyed the video, lots more on the channel and coming up! :D
@@samyam I just want to second this. So many youtube tutorials are all over the place but you really went step by step. This video was a godsend. Subbed.
So happy to hear thank you!! 😄
I have given a chance to the new input system multiple times but I always rejected it because other tutorials made it look very complicated, I'm finally using it thanks to you!
This video is so good! You explain the system so well and go over everything important, but you don't overexplain. I keep coming back to the video every time I need to set an input system for a game to remind myself how to do it and it always clears up everything.
The most comprehensive tutorial on the "New" Input system. Thanks.
Yay! Thanks 😁
@19:48 I'm confused. You mentioned you recommend using Invoke Unity Events but then you said you don't recommend doing it.
Just a small note here: @6:06 for WASD, NOTE: "When adding a composite, only ones compatible with the value type of the current action are shown. This will, for example, no longer display a 2D Vector composite as an option on a floating-point button action". To show the 2D vector composite just change the action type to "value" and the control type to "Vector2". Now the 2D vector composite option will appear. So @5:45 that's a very important step.
Took so long for me to find a video that made sense, thank you!
The bit near the end about InputAction & InputActionReference is the interesting part :D.. I can see this integrating into many scenarios well. Thanks for the video
This is extremely helpful lol. I had seizure from TL;DR syndrome when I tried to go through the manual by myself. Thanks
This was incredible thank you so much with your help I was able to overcome a problem that I had been stuck on for 3 days, and I really struggled elsewhere and with the documentation as well, thank you so much!!!
Glad to hear!! 😁
this is the best tutorial to know everything with new input system, thank you so much for creating such wonderful tutorial
This is very useful even for VR, the XR Interactive Toolkit takes a very similar approach as the Input System(I just looked up: the XR Interactive Toolkit depend on the Input System), all the knowledge fits nicely in VR, the action based controller, input action, binding, several different ways to get the user input in code. Appreciate your sharing. Thanks.
I've been confused in adapting new Input system since I'm a beginner in Unity, but this video helped me so much. Thanks a lot!
I confess I'm impressed. this video is great and explain everything really well.
Awesome video, the input system has some great features but its presentation is very confusing, you've made it much easier to understand how it can be used, thanks!
Glad you enjoyed the video!
you should be getting paid for teaching so thoroughly i cant imagine the amount of preparation it requires to simplify so clearly all the information for the learners
(and i thought brackeys was the best tutorial creator out there even though his tutorials are kinda outdated now but guess who im switching to nowww)
p.s. the amount of side videos linked to this one is incredible
Great video!
The one thing that makes Control Scheme such a great part of the Input System is its implemented listening & switch option.
Let's say that you want to allow the player to use either a Mouse and/or just a Keyboard or a Controller. Obviously, the kind of inputs will varies where one scheme might requires a press of a button to initiate the use of another input and so on so, originally, you mostly had to add some sort of full-time listener to any action of any device "not in use" so that you can apply some kind of switch as to what the player uses in case he or she decide to change which control to use mid-game.
For example, let's say that you have a zoom function in a isometric-viewer Action RPG that allows the player to zoom in and out. On Mouse & Keyboard, simply scrolling the mouse wheel does the trick and, in case someone prefer to player using only a keyboard, it's fairly simple to add additional binding to some Numpad keys. But what about the controller? What if, to zoom in and out, the player has to toggle the zoom-in-out prior and after zooming with something like the right stick as, otherwise, the left stick is used to aiming?
This is where the Input System does a really good job because its gives many ways of "knowing" and handling what is going on instead of just attempting at reading every small possibilities out of the players' reach.
This is very very helpful. The new Input system felt needlessly complicated to me
immediate, easy, answer for something I was overcomplicating loads - Keyboard.current.etc.....subscribed :)
Thanks! :)
Happened to stumble on this video, going through checking out to resolve an input error. This is a very informative video, really clear and I will definitely be coming back when I need to set up input. I subbed because of this. Thanks for the video : ]
Thanks so much!
Best video about the input system I found do far! Well done!
You are good teacher for Unity engine
Thank you :)
a very good tutorial. I'm learning Input System for VR and you made this so clear
Best channel on covering unity's input system! One question i had tho, how can we get a hold functions duration to use it on something like ui, the callbackcontext has a duration value but it doesn't seem to be registering correctly while holding down the key, it would be a great thing to cover on a seperate video!
Thank you!! If you have an interaction you can get the completion percentage with action.GetTimeoutCompletionPercentage()
already have a video on that ;)
god damn, thanks girl, this is the best tutorial out there
Unbelievably helpful as always!
Thanks so much for making this video, I've heard about this new Input system but was hesitant to jump to it as I'm already struggling with lots of other parts of the game I'm making, but you've helped me understand why and how it can help me down the line especially when it comes to allowing the player to rebing actions. Once again, thank you so much for also going really in depth and show us all the different ways you can use/create an Input Action asset 👍. You just gained a new Subscriber 😃
Thank you so much for all these tutorials bro. So much valuable knowledge
Many thanks!! Now my player scripts are looking nice and tidy :D
Outstanding, I tried a different tutorial first, was still confused. Your's was exactly what I needed, many thanks. As soon as Patreon offers a reasonable way to create a receipt for the inputs, my company will join! And yes, I tried ko-fi, but PayPal didn't work 😞
Thank you so much I appreciate it!! I also have RUclips memberships available, although the perks are a tad different than Patreon because I can’t redistribute files easily yet.
@@samyam Paypal worked this morning, so you should have received a few well deserved coffees via ko-fi 😀
Please now make vids about the new Ui Builder, you covered the new input system amazingly!
It's on my list! Thank you :)
Great tutorial, covered everything i needed and more! Also i like the way you say 'buddons'.
Thats the way of showing how to use something good job ! Loved it
This saved me a lot of time and many cups of coffee
I started to scream when you used the update function. Good thing you saved it :D I have been working with unity for over 3years now and I think I use Update in maybe 3 or 4 of my hundreds of classes, and only with an if statement. it's really usually unecesarry to check something every frame...
Thank you for tNice tutorials, tNice tutorials was a huge help.
I got super confused around 20:30 when you started commenting out a lot of code to use the PlayerInput, then uncommented it. Definitely a high quality tutorial, I just couldn't follow along, unfortunately.
Apologies, will keep this in mind for future videos :)
consistently clear and helpful videos, thanks so much!
Incredible tutorial! You are an amazing teacher, thank you so much!
Awesome video, best one on the topic i've seen, thank you
Personally i prefer to use the input action references; my reasoning being that you shouldn't hardcode a string that can be easily changed by someone in the editor
That's true, to each their own!
Very smooth to digest your input, thanks for the content :)
Excellent video. Awesome confusing bug I came across was that on input action asset that you can create from the player input component I couldn't see any input devices. For whatever reason it worked fine when I created my own control scheme, but not with the generated or "No Control Schemes". Seems to work fine in this video.
Thanks! Sometimes the system can be a bit buggy, perhaps upgrading to a preview version may help with some of the bugs :)
4:05 Do keyboard&mouse count as 1 input device?
This is a great tutorial! Very helpful, Thank You!
Thanks a lot ... it is helping in real time game dev...
God, I'm glad I found your video that helped me
Ima download it thanks for sharing!!
Вы прекрасны! Самый лучший урок!!!
Thank you so much! This is easily the most clear and concise tutorial out there.
Thanks :)
This is really, really good god damned content 💪. Thanks for putting it together!
Great content on your channel, you have a new subscriber! But here I got completely lost when you were explaining the recommended way of PlayerInput--you said the problem with UnityEvents is that it combines all the phases (started/performed/canceled) into one, but then when you showed the PlayerInput you just showed ReadValue and not how to access the different phases. So I'm still not really sure how to call different functions when different buttons are pressed. Do I have to read all the actions like "Jump", "Explosion", etc. all in the Start function and call functions accordingly?
Lifesaver. Thank you!
Excellent tutorial. Simple & informative. Well done :)
Thank you!
Thank you for the video!
This is such a good video, thank you so much
Thanks samyam, for this excellent video :)
Great video full of information. Thank you!
best tutorial doesn't exi---
thank you very much you solved my problems
It worked. Thanks a lot
This is great, thank you!
Very good tutorial! Thank you very much for the explanation of the new input system! For me personally the video had a bit too much content (luxury problem). I wanted to quickly understand the best practice on how to work with the new input system (which you explained). But instead of telling only the best way, then say good bye and refer to another video for more (unnecessary but interesting topics regarding the new input system), you mixed all into one video. Nevertheless you covered also the recommended way and thus its fine for me. The rest I tried to ignore ;-)
Thanks for the tip! I’ll keep that in mind :)
Your tutorials on the Input System are fantastic! What are you using for VS Code extensions? I can't never install one that give me a list of properties that are accessible and the autosuggest/complete for anything is a nightmare.
Thanks samyam :D
keep it up ❤️
Thank you!
Great tutorial!
mobile inputs, like holding and dragging would be a great video idea
Thanks for your input! I'll keep it in mind. I've made some videos on Touch, Swipe, and Pinch; here's my Input Touch playlist
@@samyam nice amazing.! Thanks a ton and I would love to ask u some stuff on unity but I guess that's what patron is for lol. Amazing job, and the fact your voice is mellow really helps follow along or just listen to.
@@s.w.e.d.3057 Thanks! We also have a discord where you can ask help questions :)
i have import input system but there isn't any input action in my unity _
Great tutorial, as always!
Thanks! :)
Is there a way to put something like Shift+WASD or Alt+WASD on the input system? I want my player to switch targets while targeting. If they hold Shift, and then while holding shift press WASD, they will change their targets to the above/right/below/left.
Life saver. Thank you.
Great tutoriel! Thanks
I had started using the new system about a week or two before I found this video and I'm not sure if I'm doing something terribly wrong. Right now I have an action map with actions such as Jump or Dash, and I'm referencing them in my scripts with OnJump or OnDash as if they were functions. I haven't enabled anything, the only thing I've done is included it the input system via using UnityEngine.InputSystem and created a reference to the CharacterController (which the functions/actions influence). This way seems so much simpler than what you're showing and I don't know if it's going to cause a problem later on such as a memory leak or something (because I'm not enabling/disabling anything).
If the functions are called directly from the PlayerInput component (either through SendMessages, or the Events) then you should be fine. There's many ways to use the new system, you only need to unsubscribe from an event if you've subscribed to it somewhere in your script.
Would it be okay if I use Player Input component in several objects?
Have there been any major updates since the v1.0.2 demonstrated to the latest current v1.3.0?
Wonderful, thank you so much!
Any video on control schemes? Adding one is causing everything to break. I bind wasd and mouse to one scheme and Lstick and Rstick to another and for some reason I can only move with Lstick, not wasd and only look with mouse not rstick. Boggles my mind
I ended up deleted these for anyone's future reference and everything can work simultaneously. Not sure what's wrong with it but I've given up trying to figure out, and kept moving on with my tasks.
My jumpAction.ReadValue(); doesn't work in awake but it does for update?
Great video, unfortunately it was 1 day late since I got my project working yesterday with the new input system haha. This is unrelated to this video but on another video where you used a joystick, is there a way to make it into a floating joystick (entire joystick moves to the finger position then the joystick gets fixed there) I tried the default on mobile and it doesn't feel very smooth.
Thanks! Yeah you can change the On Screen Stick component to fit your needs, you can have a specified area that the user is allowed to touch for the joystick, then once the user touches that area you can enable to joystick there, and disable it when the use stops touching in that area
@@samyam excuse me I have some unity question. somebody can help me?I am Taiwanese so my English is not well.
how would you go about handling a bluetooth button to be an input for a game? I am wanting to make a mobile game and have a bluetooth button (the buttons you can get from aliexpress which bluetooth to the phone to allow you to take selfies without touching the phone). I have one of these buttons but I can't work out how to get unity to detect it as an input.
My hero.
29:54 does anyone know how she had her debug not make a new line if the debug msg is the same?
it was the "collapse" button above the console write outs
How to increase or decrease the value of 1d axis binding slowly and not directly to 1 or -1??..I also searched on web but people are saying there aren't any direct way to do it using new input system so i think you might give me the solution...
Unfortunately there is not a direct way in the input system to do so: you'll have to do it manually, you can use the SmoothDamp function
This is a great tutorial, but does anyone know of any videos or websites that explain both event lambdas and subscribing to events in really basic terms? I've watched a couple input system videos and I've worked through most of the Unity Learn Input System project, but I still don't fully understand these two concepts.
Great video. I have a question though. When I press A and D at the same time, the composites add 1 to -1 making it 0. How could I tell which binding was pressed first so I can avoid the character stopping everytime I press keys of opposite directions?
The issue is that the Vector2Composite is coded like that, see
This is where it'll result in zero
var result = new Vector2(leftValue + rightValue, upValue + downValue);
You can make your own custom composite and basically copy the existing one but with your changes. I show how to make a custom one here
Unity will let you use both systems in a final build?
why every time i modify the default input action, every change goes back to default the next time i open unity?
I also really like softEX, it has a very nice effect to it
playerInput does not contain a definition for "actions"
Any idea what the cause of that could be?
the PlayerControls setting isn't working for me, says it can't find that.
How can i listen Android Hardware Back Button with new input system. I tried Usages>Back on InputAction but not worked
I get this error in my console. I'm trying to open/close various things.
NullReferenceException while executing 'performed' callbacks of 'Player/E[/Keyboard/e]'
UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel.NativeInputRuntime/c__DisplayClass7_0:b__0 (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputEventBuffer*)
UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyUpdate (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,intptr)
On 21:53 I got an error says: 'PlayerInput' does not contain a definition for 'actions' ...
PlayerInput is the type, you need a reference to your actual playerInput component
PlayerInput playerInput = GetComponent();
@@samyam Thanks for your replay! I did what the tut says:
private PlayerInput myInput;
private void Awake()
myInput = GetComponent();
//myInput.actions... //won't compile
myInput.FindAction... //compile
p.s. My Input System version is 1.2.0
your video is amazing thanks lady