Kronenberg-Ramugondo Clan - Best Wishes for 2021
- Опубликовано: 19 ноя 2024
- Song 'Umthandazo Wase Afrika - Pt. 1 (Sonini Nanini)' by Simpiwe Dana
• Umthandazo Wase Afrika...
Credits for translation of the lyrics and the photograph (taken on Lion's Head, Cape Town, South Africa on 29 Dec 2020) go to Siwe Toto.
It’s important to note that the use of first person in this song is done to personify Afrika, so the use of “I” is not merely the individual but everyone.
Sonini Nanini
Ancient of Days, You who is always here and now
Tyini kutheni na, ngathi's libele ilizwe liyafa,
How come it seems like you’ve forgotten yourselves? The nation is dying_
sicel'ulwazi ngoba silibele
We plead for knowledge because we have forgotten
Sonini, nanini naphakade,
Ancient of days, Eternal One
Tyini kutheni na, ngathi nis'libele ilizwe liyafa,
How come you have forgotten us? The nation is dying
sicel'ulwazi ngoba silibele
We plead for knowledge because we have forgotten
Sonini, nanini naphakade
You who is always here, all the time, Eternal one
Kwase ku qaleni, kwa se ku qaleni naphakade
from the very beginning, Eternal One
Wa wukhona, kwase ku qaleni naphakade
You were there from the very beginning
Ubukhulu bakho, ububanzi bakho
Your magnitude, your breadth, Eternal one
Sendalilibala, idinga lam'nawe naphakade
I seem to have forgotten my promise/agreement with you, Eternal One
Sendiyasondela isizalo sakho, abantwana bakho, bheka moya
I am drawing near you, and your offspring, your children. Look Spirit [I am drawing closer to you]
Sendiyasondela, isizalo sakho, abantwana bakho, bheka moya... ndi... yasondela moya, bheka moya, ndi... yasonela moya, bheka moya.
Ndiya buza, nisilibelena
We are asking, have you forgotten about us?
Sondlale ngengubo eluhlaza, imithandazo yethu
phezulu, kwehlabathi lonke, masizuze ukukhanya, mabudede ubumnyama masizuze ukukhanya, mabudede ubumnyama
Cover us with a green blanket. Our prayers above the whole earth; give us light, chase darkness, and give us light
Sicule ingoma yabantwana be afrika entsha
[then] we’ll sing a new song of the children of Afrika
Mna, ndiyasondela, ndiyasondela, sondela moya... mna, ndiyasondela, ndiyasondela, sondela moya
I, I am drawing closer [to you], come closer Spirit