우와 오랜만에 보는 제 영상이네요😄 벌써 4년이란 시간이 흘렀음에도 불구하고 많은 분들이 이렇게 좋아해주셔서 너무너무 감사합니다~! :-) 너목보 출연한 뒤로 군대를 다녀오느라 제대로 활동하지 못했는데 앞으로 더 좋은 곡으로 찾아뵐게요! 제 노래 좋아해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다❤️
Looking at some of these comments......I disagree that this man needs to lose weight. Since when was talent based on your outside appearance? This man can sing! That's what's up
100% agree!! i think he's plenty handsome the way he looks now. and really its the voice we're all falling for, not his looks. unfortunately korean entertainment industry isn't that simple :(
ariana burgess since when talent based on appearance? That happens in Korean, if you didnt know. Visual is just as important as talent, or sometimes more than talent - in Korea. Seriously. It's fucked up but it reality. It also happens here in Philippines.
There are so many talented people in Korea like him but they are not being recognized mainly because most of the companies focuses on the person's physical attribute and not really on the talent they've got. I just wish he would be more recognized because he is damn talented and it would be a waste if people won't hear his God-given voice.
America moved from talent based singers to appearance based ones in the 80s with glam rock / hair bands and pop stars. We lost dozens if not hundreds of superstar singers and bands becoming successful because of it.
After listening him, i search up the original song because i love this so much. This song is called Don’t by 4 men. This song’s lyrics made me cry. And this is one of my fav performance on ICSYV, i listen him everyday.
I was so in love with this song, also when I heard it by 4 Men for the first time. I did a search on it because I wanted to hear a different version and was I lucky or what? Listen to this girl sing it. It brings me to tears each and every time I heard her version. ruclips.net/video/gjZFS-y2htE/видео.html
every episode there is 3 or 4 skilled singer and always one of them is extra skilled voice. they always give guests a chance to sing with that person but they generally miss that chance with eliminating them. and I think this episode he is that extra talent.
For how many times i repeat this song..i still gonna love it. His voice is great i dont know what the song sayings . But the emotion coming from him is sincerity i feel it.
+Hasna R I already watch all the episodes I can found in Kshowonline...but the quality for S3 is kinda low T.T and also the season 1 and 2 isn't complete
tan budianto Masa? Di dowloader gw, ada pilihan. Dan gw selalu pilih yang mb nya paling kecil, tapi hasilnya tetep bagus kok. Kecuali yang season 1, emang jelek bgt. Kyk donlod-an dr dailymotion
My fav from ICSYV 1) Hwang Tae Ik (Red Soul ICSYV 3) 2) Kim Jun Hwi (Guru Heo ICSYV 3) 3) Moon Haneul (ICSYV 3) 4) Shin Seo Woo (ICSYV 2) 5) Kim Nam Ho (ICSYV 4) 6) Choi Jin Ho (ICSYV 4) 7) Hwang Chi Yeul (ICSYV 1) 8) Kim Min Seok (3rd Naul ICSYV 2) 9) Bang Seong Woo (Ulsan Naul ICSYV 1) 10) Lee Woong Yeol (ICSYV 4)
우와 오랜만에 보는 제 영상이네요😄
벌써 4년이란 시간이 흘렀음에도 불구하고
많은 분들이 이렇게 좋아해주셔서
너무너무 감사합니다~! :-)
너목보 출연한 뒤로 군대를 다녀오느라
제대로 활동하지 못했는데
앞으로 더 좋은 곡으로 찾아뵐게요!
제 노래 좋아해주신 모든 분들께
진심으로 감사드립니다❤️
다시 들어도 너무 감동이예요.
u are best, fighting!!
이건 좋아할수밖에 없는 실력입니다. 겸손하시네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 매일 매일 잘듣고있습니다. :)
빨리 새로운 노래 듣고 싶습니다 너목보 최고의 가수입니다
너무 아쉬운 노래입니다.
너목보 몇 년 동안 돌려보는 탑 영상 중 하나. 말로 표현하기는 부족하고 그냥 완벽할 뿐....
이런분이 진정한 가수 아닙니까~~~얼마나 심장이 두근 되든지...자꾸 듣고 싶은 목소리 입니다...제발... 자주좀 들려주세요...제발요...진정한 팬될께요~😂
Looking at some of these comments......I disagree that this man needs to lose weight. Since when was talent based on your outside appearance? This man can sing! That's what's up
OMG! agree!!
100% agree!! i think he's plenty handsome the way he looks now. and really its the voice we're all falling for, not his looks. unfortunately korean entertainment industry isn't that simple :(
totally agree!!!
I agree. Losing wight still wont change the fact that he is an amazing singer...
ariana burgess since when talent based on appearance? That happens in Korean, if you didnt know. Visual is just as important as talent, or sometimes more than talent - in Korea. Seriously. It's fucked up but it reality.
It also happens here in Philippines.
김범수가 진짜 리얼로 놀랐네..
0:55 손에 쥔 음식 순식간에 빼앗긴 미어캣 같노 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너무 좋다... 노래. 계속하세요!!! 듣는 사람에게 힘이 되어주는 능력을 가지셨네요..응원합니다 어디서든 힘이되어주는 노래를 계속해주세요
와 타고났다 진짜
김범수 레알 깜놀
There are so many talented people in Korea like him but they are not being recognized mainly because most of the companies focuses on the person's physical attribute and not really on the talent they've got. I just wish he would be more recognized because he is damn talented and it would be a waste if people won't hear his God-given voice.
America moved from talent based singers to appearance based ones in the 80s with glam rock / hair bands and pop stars. We lost dozens if not hundreds of superstar singers and bands becoming successful because of it.
이분몇년전에앨범내신가수 황태익씨입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 리틀안영미로불리는 가수신서우님이랑요 성대결절임에도불구하고피나는노력과연습을해왔으므로 지금이렇게너목보시즌3에나오게된겁니다 ♥♥♥♥♥
After listening him, i search up the original song because i love this so much. This song is called Don’t by 4 men. This song’s lyrics made me cry. And this is one of my fav performance on ICSYV, i listen him everyday.
I was so in love with this song, also when I heard it by 4 Men for the first time. I did a search on it because I wanted to hear a different version and was I lucky or what? Listen to this girl sing it. It brings me to tears each and every time I heard her version.
The song's name is I can't.
Can’t count how many times I’ve watched this part.. This man was pure talent.. delivered the song perfectly. LOVE it!!!
My joint favourite ever on this show...along with Pon Potts Ahn Young Mi, and 1-2 others... : )
every episode there is 3 or 4 skilled singer and always one of them is extra skilled voice. they always give guests a chance to sing with that person but they generally miss that chance with eliminating them. and I think this episode he is that extra talent.
황태익형아 앞으로꾸준히대한민국을빛낼 가수가되기를바랄게요 앨범많이많이듬뿍내주세요 사랑합니다 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
레드소울이셨던 황태익씨..그때도 현재도 여전히 잘부르시는
한 20번쯤 보러 왔네용 ㅎㅎ
뢔뢔 ㅡ99번쯤 보러 옴
DAEBAK......Can't deny that his voice is tender. I can feel the emotion from his voice. Bravooooo
For how many times i repeat this song..i still gonna love it. His voice is great i dont know what the song sayings . But the emotion coming from him is sincerity i feel it.
레전드다 그냥 제일 듣기 편해요
너목보 사상 최고임
너목보에 나온 분 중 무조건 탑3에 드는 실력자!! 성량부터 어나더 클래스네요.
몸관리하고 노래 계속해도 성공할듯하네요 절대 포기하지말고 노래 계속하시길
The song’s I Can’t by 4Men. This man nailed it. His voice is also close to the main vocalist. Love him and his performance so much
추억의 노래다....
가사가 이리 슬펏나?
이 사람 영상물은 술 먹으면 꼭 보게 되는 영상물입니다.
발리맨 그럼 이 댓글을 달 당시에 술먹고 보셨나봄?
This is prob one of my top 3 performance of icanseeyourvoice.
the best contestant ever !
You can always change one’s appearance but it’s hard to find great talent. Like the young lady who sung with Kim Bum Soo…lovely singer.
싱어게인 나오시면 넘나 반가울거 같습니다
계속들어도 좋다
진심 응원합니다^^
아니 조회수가 왜 이거밖에 안되냐..
와... 이거 진짜 어려운 노래인데...원곡자도 라이브때 보면 끝에가면 목 갈라지던데 진짜 잘부르네...
그거 일부러 긁는 건데 병신아
@@그래요-w8q 왜 욕을 하지 니도 수준 알만하다
@@그래요-w8q just like ur dad?
최민서 cex
이분 노래만 10번 이상 들은듯....진심으로 응원합니다.
리마인드, 레드소울... 너무 잘하셨던 황태익님... 응원합니다!!
이분 진짜 함 만나보고 싶다...ㅋㅋ레전드 오브 레전드...
순수한 아마추어가 아니라서 친하진 않아서 노래 불러주려나요?
솔직히 이분이 너목보에서 제일 잘 하시는것 같음.
his voice is exactly kind of voice that i really like... it's really appealling
00:49 00:55 01:35김범수 표정들들들............너목보 전편을 다 10번이상씩은 본거같은데, 매일 고음도사님만 찾다가 이런분을 잊고있었네요.어떻게 하면 이런분 처럼 노래를 할수있을까요.....ㅠ
Eargasm.....@.@ really need official eng-sub...
I Can See Your Voice Show is worth it to be known worldwide!!
you can find the eng sub on kshowonline! it takes time though :D
+Hasna R I already watch all the episodes I can found in Kshowonline...but the quality for S3 is kinda low T.T and also the season 1 and 2 isn't complete
what do u mean by quality? The contestans or video?
+RuRie DpOx the quality of the video in Kshowonline of course...
tan budianto Masa? Di dowloader gw, ada pilihan. Dan gw selalu pilih yang mb nya paling kecil, tapi hasilnya tetep bagus kok. Kecuali yang season 1, emang jelek bgt. Kyk donlod-an dr dailymotion
This guy is a real deal
대박이네요. 감동했어요
Can’t get enough of this song he’s awesome 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
오늘도 10번 듣고 갑니다
amazing and unforgettable version of this song...we hope u will continue in the powerful performances ..thank you
심장이 그냥 마구뛰네요
노래를 아주 자근자근 씹어 먹어버리는구나...기교,,강약..음색,,,음정...200점이네...봐도봐도 신기하다..
이미 백번은 넘게 들었는데도 너무 좋아서 이 영상 꾸준히 찾게 되네요ㅋ 최고에요!
첫소절에 소오름~
Wow he’s really good! He should debut!!!
Top 5 performance of all time on I can see your voice... it's crazy most of the performers on here are better than the current singers.
Will always comeback to here, his voice is just so awesome. My top 5
진짜 최고네요.. 인정^^
please someone recruit him! he so talented omg goosebumps
Until now still not tired listen this
난아직도 이영상이 왜케 안뜨는지 이해를 할수없음
seriously watch this over and over again
I love this song and I love his voice
이런분이 가수죠 개나소나 딴따라말고 진짜 이런분이 가수해야됩니다...
love him since first time he came to star king with his accapella group "redsoul"
OMG!! Thank you so much for this! i knew that i watch him before, he looks so familiar to me. But cant remember where. haha
I knew it was him but wasn't sure coz he put on weight since the time when he still with Redsoul...
Deen AdDeen i
Absolutely incredible, much better than the original from 4men. Love his voice and his touching performance.
this song is really sadd, my fav song...he sang it with so much emotion ahh i love him
The best version I ever heard.
운만 있으면 메이저로 올라갈 가능성이 있을것 같아요.
어려운 노래인데 끝까지 여유롭게 끌고나가는 것 자체가 이미 프로중에서도 상위 레벨이라고 해도 무관할 정도.
2020 still here 🙌🏻
와...노래 진짜 너무 잘하신다..
진짜 잘부르네요.ㅎ
승승장구 하시길...^^
와!!! 대에박~~~~~ 제작자 얘 앨범좀 내줘라 아님 음원 이라도
ㄹㅇ 지렷다 진짜..
I love his singing on this song more than the original
Why don't we see more idols like this? Singers who actually has talent and not just a pretty face.
미틴...또보러옴...ㄹㅇ 개잘함...
"the bigger you are, more to love"
헐,,,이건 왠만한 가수들은 그냥 뺨따구 때릴 실력이네,,,, 헐,,,
가수입니다. 레드소울이라고 ㅎ
@@sangbo7 존나웃기다 ㅋㅋ
웬만한 가수 5명이라도 이름대보셈;
Keep watching this over and over again. Beautiful ✨💯
One of my favorite Secret Garden's OST. 💖
I can’t - 4men
모두가 노력하는 하나의 인생...
불행하게도 인생의 99.99999%는 그저 운이라는걸...깨달을즈음...그인생은 끝이난다
그래도 0.0000000001%의 확율을위해 열심히 살아갈뿐..
OMG i falling in love with this guy
He sings the best of all the good acts I have watched throughout all the seasons. Two thumbs up bro! -from the Philippines.
정말 잘 부른다... 와 .. 부럽다
He's THE real singer
R.I.P Replay button...one of my top favorite singer in ICSYV 3 T.T
My fav from ICSYV
1) Hwang Tae Ik (Red Soul ICSYV 3)
2) Kim Jun Hwi (Guru Heo ICSYV 3)
3) Moon Haneul (ICSYV 3)
4) Shin Seo Woo (ICSYV 2)
5) Kim Nam Ho (ICSYV 4)
6) Choi Jin Ho (ICSYV 4)
7) Hwang Chi Yeul (ICSYV 1)
8) Kim Min Seok (3rd Naul ICSYV 2)
9) Bang Seong Woo (Ulsan Naul ICSYV 1)
10) Lee Woong Yeol (ICSYV 4)
How about thr doctor. Season 2
Kwon Min Jae
His voice is amazing wow 🤗
He looks like Min Kyung Hoon but his cheeks was a little cheeky but still cute. 🌸
I'm from Malaysia..I wonder how many of them cannot recognize him?Hes one of the most powerful Red Soul singer..
One of the besy covers for this song. Just WOW!
너목보의 최고의목소리~~한음한음 씹어드심
이분얼마전에가수활동하신분맞죠앨범도내셨는데 성대결절인데도불구하고 참대단하십니다
can't...stop...listening to this....
Не знал что в Корее есть такой талантливый человек!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Супер
This is one of the best singers on this show ever. I missed his infatuation.
Благодаря тебе эта песня будет жить вечно!! Успехов тебе !!!
Every time I listen to this song, the lyrics bring me tears
최고다! 진짜 최고라는 표현은 이럴때만 쓰는 거다!
One of the best performances in this show
Imagine a duet of him and Bum Soo. That'll be some high notes fest!
His voice hv power like the 4men singer
He needs to release a korean drama related ost song!!!! His voice is so suited for them!!!
I cant I cant let this pass to watch 😆 i sang this in karaoke its hard but i manage it till end of the song..i just love this song I CANT by 4Men 😊
He is one from red soul members.. I really like their song ❤