SH. IDRIS ABKAR | THE DAY OF INCREASE POEM يوم المزيد | الشيخ إدريس أكبر
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Idris Abkar recites "The day of Increase" by Ibn AlQayyim, May Allah have mercy on him. A powerful poem on our meeting with Allah. Recorded specifically for the "Lord of the Worlds" event in Sydney
To think some people don't believe in him, makes me so sad for then wallahi. what a beauty. alluhu akbar.
Ya Allah! Idrees abkar has such a lovely voice. May Allah reward him and anyone that listens to this amazing nasheed Ameen.
Ameen ya Allah
Toheeb Ibrahim Ameen
Toheeb Ibrahim ameen hut this is a poem not nasheed
This changed my life back when it was uploaded and continues to do so listening to it again in 2019
This has changed my life ♾
Who says you need instruments to enjoy an eloquent speech? O Allah, grant us knowledge & wisdom & make us amongst the inhabitants of Jannatul Firdous.
Every time I hear this it breaks my heart and I cry and cry. I think of my sins and neglect of my Lord and how I have risked not seeing my creator. I pray ALLAH will forgive me and all Muslims and grant us the highest reward and honour of seeing him, inshallah.
Oh Alllah grant the creator of this wonderful reminder the most high place in Jannatulfirdoss and create better awareness throughout the Ummah of the Revealed Truth.
Allah hu Akbar !
to think Allah has actually prepared a place called jannah for us is overwhelming !
may Allah guide us in this world so we are successful in the next for sure, AMEEN.
brightside786 Maa Shaa Allah
Maa Shaa Allah.
Mashallah this poem is definitely one of my favorites. Alhamdullilah I am a Muslim. Subhanallah.
This helped me
Yaqool Ibn Qayyim raheemaahoo Allah
Hadha wa in sAal ta yawmal mazeed, wa ziyaratin azeezul hameed
wa rueyaty wajhehe munazaheeyal tamtheelee wal tashbee
kamaa tarashamsa fid daaheera wal qamara laylatal badr.
kamaa tawatara aan aSaadiq al masdooq aNaqloo fee,
thalika moejoodo fiSaahaaheeh,
wa sunal wal masAaneed,
min rayayatin jaareeed, wa suhaib, wa anasIn, wa abee hurayrahtin wa abee musaa
wa abee sayeed
FaStamAA yawmal yanadal manaadee.
YAA ahlal Jannah!, Inna Rabakoom tabaaraka wa taala yastazeerrakum
FahaYya ilaa zeeyaratee
Fayaqoolola sam3an wa tAA.
wa yanhadoona ila zeeyaarate mubaadereen
Hataa ithaan tahaww ilaal waadee afyaheel lathee ju elala lahoom mow edaa
wa jumehum honalick
falam yothaa deree daaee minhoom ahada
amra Raboo tabaraka wa taala
bi Kursihi fa nosiba hoonaak
Thumma nasibat lahoom manaabeeroo min noora wa manaaberoo min lo3 lo3
w manaabeero min zabarajad wa manaberoo min dhahab
wa manaaberoo min fiDaa
wa jalasa adnahoom
wala ala kithabaan il misk haa shaa hoom an yakoon fihim danee
, maa yaroon an ashabul kuraa see fawqahoom al aatAAyaH
Subhanallah, this was amazing, the forbidden pleasures and desires of this Dunya aren't worth it, instead, insha'Allah we can all work towards the pleasure of the Hereafter with the help of the Almighty Lord of the worlds, AMEEN!
لا تنسى هذا المقطع ويوم الاخرة
This is a powerful antidote for the diseased disbelieving heart and an exhilarating tonic of joy for the healthy believing heart.
I will make you proud, you given me this gift and I will make sure to see you in Jannah😭💙💙
My Lord.. seeing your face is the greatest pleasure that any soul can experience in its existence. My worship and my longing and my tears for this moment ya Rabb! Please take my soul when you are pleased with me :'(
This event was beyond beautiful ma Shaa Allah this poem gave me hope tabarkallah
Glory be to Him. The Almighty, the Irresistible, the most Merciful and the most Forgiving Lord of 'Alamin. Subhanallah.
Oh Allah grant us The day of increase
I ask Allah swt to make us one of the ones who enter paradise and experience this AMAZING day
It talks about everything the Quran talks about. Both are in Arabic. Both have a rhythm, but subhan Allah. The words of the Creator vs. the creation cannot be compared.
MashAllah. Allah granted the shiekh an amazing voice, may Allah ptotect him and reward him with Jannah Al Firdouse. The words are soul reaching. Ya Allah forgive us, all muslims need your guidance,love,and protection. Ya Allah protect your beloved prophet Mohammeds Umma. Peace be upon the Prophet Mohammed, his family,his companions and his followers.
yaa allaah make all muslim allhul jannah.aameen yaa rabb
Allahu akbar kabirah. May Allah grant you paradise sheikh idriss akbar and your family. Ameen. Ya Allahu
this poem is so Beautiful
Masha Allah (Idrees abkar)
Allah pak aap ki umar me khub barkat de, Allah pak aap ko salamat rakhe (Aameen)
ALLAH W AKBAR. I hope he forgives every single muslims in this world.. Inshallah the kfren know thats islam is the right religion
Wallah its. So beautiful it bring. Tears to. My eyes idris Abkar you're voice is amazing May Allah bless u and you're family ameen inshallah
Yaqool Ibn Qayyim raheemaahoo Allah
Hadha wa in sAlat an yawml mazeed, wa ziyada al azeezul hameed
wa ruyaa wajaaho almanzahoo anil tamtheelee wal tashbee
kamaa tarashamsa fid daaheera wal qamara laylatal badr.
kamaa tawatara aan aSaadiq al masdooq aNaqloo fee,
wa dhalika moejoodo fiSaahaaheeh,
wa sunanoo wal masAaneed,
min rawayah jaabir, wa suhaib, wa anasIn, wa abee hurayrah, wa abee musaa
wa abee saeed.
الله يجعلنا وأهلنا وأحبابنا وجميع المسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات من اهل الجنة خالدين مخلدين فيها وان يحرمنا على النار
May Allah make us from Ahle Jannah. Ameen
mashallah ... inspirational video..... Makes you want to work extra harder so you can be among the people of paradise. May Allah swt make our journey easy, safe and a blessed one. AMeen!
Ameen summa ameen.
أسأل الله العلي القدير أن ينصب لك منابرٍ من نور ويعينك للإستمرار بترجمة مثل هذه المشاركات
Beautiful this is something to watch my allah forgives and take us all to jannah til firdous ameen
seeing Allah Al-mighty ...Aluhumh anta alsalam we menk Alsalam...
this is beauty inside and outside!
MashAllah such a beautiful poem presented at a beautiful event
May Allah grant us AlFirdaws :')
اللهم ارزقنا الجنة
اللهم توفنا وانت راض عنا
اللهم اني اسالك حبك وحب من يحبك وحب كل عمل يقربنا إليك
kamaa tarashamsa fid daaheera wal qamara laylatal badr.
kamaa tawatara aan aSaadiq al masdooq aNaqloo fee,
wa dhalika moejoodo fiSaahaaheeh,
wa sunanoo wal masAaneed,
min rawayah jaabir, wa suhaib, wa anasIn, wa abee hurayrah, wa abee musaa
wa abee saeed.
FaStamAA yawmal yanadal manaadee.
YAA ahlul Jannah!, Inna Rabakoom tabaaraka wa taala yastazeer rakum
FahaYya ilaa zeeyaratee
Fayaqool sam3an wa tAA.
wa yanhadoon ila zeeyaarate mubaadareen
This was the most amazing video on youtube mashallah jazakullah khair
This is so beautiful
Oh Allah 💗 لا اله إلا الله
Ya Allahm this was beautiful... please post more of these recitations!
made me cry subhan Allah
Hataa idha antahoe ilaal waadee al afeeha al ladhee ja ala lahoom mow edaa
wa jamaa honak
falam yoghaa dara aDaee minhoom ahada
amra Raboo tabaraka wa taala
bi Kursihi fa nosiba hoonaak
Thumma nasbata lahoom manaabeeroo min noora wa manaaberoo min lo3 lo3
w manaabeero min zabarajad wa manaberoo min dhahab
wa manaaberoo min fiDaa
wa jalasa adnahoom
w haa shaa hoom an yakoon fihim danee
ala kithabaan al misk, maa yaroon an ashabul kuraa see fawqahoom al aatAAyaH
Subhan Allah! This is amazing!
Praise be to ALLAH
Just beautiful !
Masha Allah my sheikh
Masha'Allah ❤️✨
Mashaa Allah,.,,, really beautiful poem
3:24 سبحان الله العظيم، الجبار، القيوم
This recited poem is originally created by Sheikh/ Ibn Alqayyem who was living during 8th hejjri century , so of coures , it would'nt be in saudi dialect , actually it's Fussha ( Original Arabic ) ; the same as The Holy Qura'an .
Soo heart touching ❤
الله يرحم من قال ومن عمل هذا التسجيل ومن نشره ومن عمله
Ma shaa ALLAH Ma shaa allah
Subhanallah Subhanallah Subhanallah Mashaallah Mashaallah
There is another version of this poem being recited the video is called meeting with Allah
لا الله الا الله
It is a quote from ibn al-qayyim, sheikh ibn-al-qayyim was from syria, but I think it is quranic arabic
Wowww :) love it
Thanks My brother its so so beautiful
very powerful reminder ,but the right name of this sheikh in arabic is : ادريس أبكر not أكبر
Ma sha Allah très beau poeme
Very beutiful
got goosebumps...but overall el 7amdulilah..thats all you can really say right?
ما شاء الله
Looooooove it
Nice video :)
Allahu akbar
Salamoalakum if someone who understands this amazing poem mashallah, can tell me what language is this. I mean i know its arabic, but what arabic, the saudi dialect or quranic arabic???
Please reply
Which ayah are the words of Allah from?
That is not quran
That ibn alqayemرحمه الله speech
Please someone make me a transliteration I’m not old with Arabic
can you do something about this vedio i want to save it offline
Please fix the spelling of his last name
Can anyone send me the Arabic transcript of this poem? Pls I need it.
If you get the copy can you send me it too
Jazakallah khair
i still don't have sorry
Mohamed Munaf I want it too :(
Mohamed Munaf
Mohamed Munaf
lol, the transliteration is wack, cuz the arabic sounds dont make the english. just learn how to read arabic, its a reward for you double, Allaah make it easy for you. Barakallahu feek
Ma shaa ALLAH Ma shaa allah
Allahu Akbar