i mean that zeldris would’ve won i think if he went for escanor instead of arthur cus zeldris has high crit resistance so maybe arthur wouldn’t crit when he ults him
King_Willy I am, it’s very easy it’s just that since he becomes invulnerable I can’t ever finish him off before he kills me. If they remove his invulnerability this event would be so much easier
Big brain theory - the final boss Esca uses an attack where he smashes you like 3 times and its very reminiscent of the attack he did vs meliodas during their fight sooo the one might be close! Buut releasing the One esca as some sort of a festival unit would make a lot of sense!
this made me wanna come back to jp....ever since global dropped i just play jp casually to see what to expect on global and what to summon for or what events are coming but my account is nowhere near ready for this battle just looking at your last video and seeing the comments i may just get my global account ready for the next events story chapters and boss battles i'll give it a try i just love the way this costume looks but i doubt i will be able to get it
The head piece and upper torso are perfect, I think the waist being so slim makes it look odd. It needs a thick belt or something imo. Maybe some sort of a cape too. Still one of the best male costumes in the game though.
Now that the last sin has a final boss, do you think they're gonna make a final boss for the ten commandments and then the archangel? Or would a final boss for other characters such as Arthur or Jericho is plausible as the next final boss?
Use derieri and level 1 elli and lv because if u evade they will needa attack elli or meli and if u attack elli it kills and if it kills it will give u derieri and melis alt and full hp and if they attack meli they rank up I used this team and I won every match pls try out my team
I want a new skinny Escanor that transforms to big daddy Escanor with his ult. Or maybe when he has 3 or more buffs or something. (Then he would have to have a buff card)
Imagine there's a food where you can choose your 7th card at the start of the game. Now you don't need to rely on rng to get the card u need. Or maybe increase the chances of the card u want dropping for the whole match. Idk. Just my opinion
Someone can help me I play grand cross global and they banned me for no reason until 1 week from now. The fact that there was no reason to ban me and I already sent some mail s to netmarble but I don't know when they'll answer me. Can you please give some explanations of why they banned me? I don't refound any purchase, I play with my phone so I don't use app like blustacks ecc, and obviously I don't use hack or mod
Therapist: A Zeldris that crits everytime doesn’t exist, it can’t hurt you
Big and Chunky that zeel was insane 😂😂😂😂😂😂
16:45 OMG
Zeldris Chill!
This is the best zeldris showcase I’ve seen and it’s not even a showcase😂
No one:
Zeldris: What did you say about me and my mom?
Kiwiplz Pro
Nag be like : iam joking iam joking stop stop stop please 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@mohamadalifayad7941 I couldnt stop laughing 🤣😂😂
Escanor With that suit could ikimasu me any day and i’ll be greatfull
Oi oi oi
Oh really
Dear Escanor, could you ikimasu me too ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue Zone 51 oi get a hold of yourself before the beard drags you into temptation
BROOOO that zeldris made me SOOOOO HYPE DAMN! I kinda wish he made that badass comeback his dmg was INSANE
i mean that zeldris would’ve won i think if he went for escanor instead of arthur cus zeldris has high crit resistance so maybe arthur wouldn’t crit when he ults him
i kinda hoped that zeldris would have won 😂
Yes and make everybody respect him
Esnacor clap him
I really liked that Blue Zeldris Showcase ! Really fun ! Zeldris One Man Army ^^
Escanor’s ending screen reminds me of LF namek goku from legends
Good catch! I think so too!
you fooool
Cyber Rex u fooool 😂
DAMN that Zeldris was POPPING OFF💀
They need to nerf the event, it’s unrealistically difficult for F2Ps
Bru just grind first difficulty if it’s so hard
King_Willy I am, it’s very easy it’s just that since he becomes invulnerable I can’t ever finish him off before he kills me. If they remove his invulnerability this event would be so much easier
King_Willy even the first difficulty is hard
I have 170k cc and I can’t even beat the lowest difficulty
Big brain theory - the final boss Esca uses an attack where he smashes you like 3 times and its very reminiscent of the attack he did vs meliodas during their fight sooo the one might be close! Buut releasing the One esca as some sort of a festival unit would make a lot of sense!
How high is your IQ man?? I didn't even think about that 😳
@@killerling3004 as big as the "assets" of evil awakened lillia m8
@@ElyanGrandCross Big brain time
That Zeldris though🤣
In terms of basic stats. king < Elizabeth =melidoas < escanor
i cant wait for Estival Escanor and Festival Merlin
That Zeldris was scary
Best part in the series is when Escanor goes evil grows beard and Elizabeth fall in love with Ban
this made me wanna come back to jp....ever since global dropped i just play jp casually to see what to expect on global and what to summon for or what events are coming but my account is nowhere near ready for this battle just looking at your last video and seeing the comments i may just get my global account ready for the next events story chapters and boss battles i'll give it a try i just love the way this costume looks but i doubt i will be able to get it
you actually put a lot of effort in these thumbnails rly nice
That Zeldris critting 100 percent of the time was a 1 in a multiverse chance
Nag: is about to win
Zeldris: laughs in crit chance
Escnors beard is just the best looking thing ever.
Escanor’s outfit made me think that, it was Arthur’s long lost brother and he kinda do look like captain America from Infinity war 😳
Deku Midoriya Timi Ayeni bruh my exact thought. He looks exactly like Captain America dyed his hair orange ...
More like Thor, because of the eyepatch :P
His costume is just dope, I want in global !
Diogo Santos the final boss escanor event is probably going to come next year
Deku Midoriya Timi Ayeni yea most likely, Im jealous of JP players
16:30 Blue Zeldris comeback? Hahaha
Zeldras my man. Showing some dominance
Nagato is gangsta untill Zeldris starts to crit
Escanor with beard aint real. He cant cure you.
Escanor with beard: DARE GA KIMETA!
Using the Jiren OST with Escanor Huh? Still fitting and sounds great~
The head piece and upper torso are perfect, I think the waist being so slim makes it look odd. It needs a thick belt or something imo. Maybe some sort of a cape too.
Still one of the best male costumes in the game though.
Escanor Endgame: I can do this all day
AHAH the irony of that last fight lmao
looks like nag had much fun in the last match
now it's time for the commandments super bosses.
They should look like purified beings, cuz the sins look like they were corrputed
Title : Escanor Costume
Video : Zeldris insane crit
This outfit is basically Thor plus captain America from infinity war but way better
Hey Nag how should you suggest I gear my lv meli?
16:21 nagato’s possed by kabuki
Now that the last sin has a final boss, do you think they're gonna make a final boss for the ten commandments and then the archangel? Or would a final boss for other characters such as Arthur or Jericho is plausible as the next final boss?
Use derieri and level 1 elli and lv because if u evade they will needa attack elli or meli and if u attack elli it kills and if it kills it will give u derieri and melis alt and full hp and if they attack meli they rank up I used this team and I won every match pls try out my team
I want a new skinny Escanor that transforms to big daddy Escanor with his ult. Or maybe when he has 3 or more buffs or something. (Then he would have to have a buff card)
new sub man love your vids
That Zeldris Critting is my Wet Dream
His costume got me so excited for it to come to global
Escanor with a full beard looks so good.
Hey nagato, when zeldris gonna come out?
Festival Escanor- The One Escanor
He enters the match as small Escanor and his ultimate turns him into giant Escanor
Did you know Escanor's voice in spanish is the same as Pokemon's Narrator in spanish And Meliodas's voice in spanish is Ash's voice in spanish also.
Can’t wait for zeldris to come to global
Imagine there's a food where you can choose your 7th card at the start of the game. Now you don't need to rely on rng to get the card u need. Or maybe increase the chances of the card u want dropping for the whole match. Idk. Just my opinion
We all know Nag had to sweat his ball off just to get the costumes
or he just sold them
What is the first music u use? IT IS EPIC
i missed the rhitta event is there any way to get rhitta again i really want it
You mean in global? Ritta will came out later in the coin shop, you can buy her for 10 gold coins.
@@novaglacial9779oh I didn't know that
@@meetshrimali4347 Yeah it came back i think in the 100 days celebration or when red escanor came out, but its going to cone back again later.
Nagato needs to make a vid on what teams to take for escanor if you dont have the new blue unit.
Bro his costume finally came out
Very cool but I can’t do the super boss in easiest mode
Me watching this in 2021 and he was right The One has the highest stats predict god
He looks like infinity war captain america
That skin is fkn sick man🔥🔥
hey nagato i just wanted to see how monspeet red or green one how he will do with new kin and hendy
What is the Best Equipment for Belion in good Form thanks for Help me!
How do you get his scared secret treasure divine axe Rita
It’s a limited time released weapon
a zeldris CRIT gowther TWICE
I don’t even see Escanor anymore he just looks like a war god
Hey Nagato, when is Lostvayne coming out?
what equipment is good for escanor?
What if you start off with night Esconar and then when you get you ultimate you get the one
Escanor needs a good unit.
me : Theres so many ban in the game and not 1 is good enough
Was it because of death pierce zeldris was able to crit every time? :3
Yes I use lostvayne, red gowther and blue zel with deathpierce in the back and it's ridiculously strong
That zeldris seriously did that huh
Holy Shit that Zeldris almost destroyed nag
Can someone agree with me that the picture that they showed us before the boss looked cooler
If they make a festival escanor he gotta transform into the one with his ult.
I hope the unit is the one
i think they shoudlve done a glowing eye for escanor like they did for ban instead of just a red eye
Blue Zeldris may need to be revisited after this one😂😂😂
How did u get evil Lila and super escanor?
I was so hyped by zeldris crit damage
We need The One Escanor and a SR brave night time Escanor!
im already preparing for this
I cant get it off my mind that everytim i look at escanor with this costume, all i can see is chuck norris. Put em a cowboy hat in it aswell.
Looks like the person who play blue zeldris equip all zeldris attack gear with crit chance buff
Damn i want that costume, looks badass
I didn't know they released Chuck Norris in Grand cross
I'm not the biggest fan of the clothes but the headpiece is really good
Maybe zeldris has been fixed make a Video and try him
Came for nag
Stayed for Chadscanor
Is it just me or that Escanor Costume looks like Kratos from God Of War 4
Was it worth it
That ultimate opening tho...
I wanted this skin so much now in global 😢
If David Hayter voiced Escanor☀☀
a blue festival escanor with that smash card from super boss
Man that outfit is dope
I want his costume but the event have an insane difficoulty
Someone can help me
I play grand cross global and they banned me for no reason until 1 week from now.
The fact that there was no reason to ban me and I already sent some mail s to netmarble but I don't know when they'll answer me.
Can you please give some explanations of why they banned me?
I don't refound any purchase, I play with my phone so I don't use app like blustacks ecc, and obviously I don't use hack or mod
That zeldis got all the like from the video :3
The event hard asf to beat even on hard 😭
Bruh he is literally Thor.
Can we get final boss arthur next so that mono red can have their full final boss outfits 😳
Fairy king my personal favorite
And everybody sayin zel doesn't crit
Zel laughs in the background lol