Messiah (2020) Netflix Series Review

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 408

  • @the_ccCreator
    @the_ccCreator 4 года назад +216

    I actually found that the series expertly walked a narrow line between all religions and the dogmas of religion altogether. I don't think it was damaging to Islam at all. If anyone was painted badly and as the heels, it was Israelis with their brutal approach to defense. But even that was only an undercurrent. The most important thing I took from it was, the name of the religion is irrelevant. If the Messiah returns to us tomorrow, we are all ill-equipped to truly recognize him. Religion, secularism, science, fear and the desire to maintain control would make us ostracize him... just like the original messiah.

    • @lydiaquinn2892
      @lydiaquinn2892 4 года назад +7

      Cris Colbert Yes! well said! I fell like this is exactly what would happen

    • @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt
      @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 4 года назад +1

      When Jesus returns, it will be in resurrected glory as king of the nations to rescue his beloved bride from her oppression and captivity under antichrist. Antichrist will convince the leaders of the nations to unite and make war against Jesus, who will execute them all in the greatest bloodbath there has ever been. Then, Jesus rules in righteousness and justice for 1000 years to prepare the earth for his Father.
      “Who is this who comes from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid in his apparel, marching in the greatness of his strength? "It is I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save." Why is your apparel red, and your garments like his who treads in the winepress? "I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me; I trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath; their lifeblood spattered on my garments, and stained all my apparel. For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption had come. I looked, but there was no one to help; I was appalled, but there was no one to uphold; so my own arm brought me salvation, and my wrath upheld me. I trampled down the peoples in my anger; I made them drunk in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth."”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭63:1-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
      “Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, "Come, gather for the great supper of God, to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great." And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army. And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. And the rest were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse, and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.”
      ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19:11-21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    • @the_ccCreator
      @the_ccCreator 4 года назад +11

      @@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt Thanks for the bible lesson Michael, but fortunately many people don't share your faith or religion or practice. This isn't about Christianity or any one interpretation of the Bible. The show went to great lengths to send the message that the Messiah character in their story isn't one religion or another, but that he walks with all men. He refuted some teachings of Islam and Christianity. Maybe we should slow our roll when speaking definitively about what will and won't happen when/if "Jesus" returns; or atleast restrict it to conversations when talking to people who only believe what you believe. Otherwise you are just being a pushy evangelist.

    • @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt
      @MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 4 года назад +1

      @@the_ccCreator 18 Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:18-20
      Respectfully, I cannot but speak.

    • @the_ccCreator
      @the_ccCreator 4 года назад +6

      Michael Williams Well you expertly illustrated the premise of this work and my point. Thanks.

  • @IndieButterflyWarrior
    @IndieButterflyWarrior 4 года назад +28

    Regardless of who the dude in the hoodie turns out to be, to me it's like he's a walking, talking mirror. A mirror that shows you your true self. I loved the show.

  • @BossKillRatio
    @BossKillRatio 4 года назад +70

    I think this show was as much about how the modern world would react to such a figure as it is about the messiah itself. This is also how superman movies should be handled.

    • @KandaEzana
      @KandaEzana 4 года назад +2

      Yep. And those movies came out in 2013 and 2016

  • @95100RH
    @95100RH 4 года назад +34

    I think that the “Messiah” is a story that somewhat predicts how people from all religions would react to the main character in this time and age.
    Jews are waiting for the Messiah, Christians believe in Him and are waiting for the second coming, & Muslims call him “Issa” and perceive him as a prophet.
    I think the goal is to cause (controversy/ dialogue) to what would people do or say if a man that claims that he’s the Messiah appears today.
    For instance, in the bible it is written about Jesus, who Christians believe is God, but more than 2000 years ago Jews thought Him to be a false prophet and did not believe in Him.
    I think that the writers successfully maintained a sense of mystery throughout all 10 episodes... as a viewer I was going back and forth between believing this guy and thinking that he’s false.

    • @sannunkimalama64
      @sannunkimalama64 3 года назад +2

      He does not claim to be the messiah, people named him the messiah

  • @TheGeminancer
    @TheGeminancer 4 года назад +74

    one of the best shows ever!!! very thought-provoking. Those who are offended by this show are narrow-minded and don't have the capacity to accept anything outside their small thinking box.

    • @ordinaryguy815
      @ordinaryguy815 4 года назад +5

      If christ returned christians and muslims would trial
      him for heresy in a heartbeat.
      Just like they did with Marguerite Porete and Meister Eckhart.

    • @ZiyadAbidAlKaabLakatos
      @ZiyadAbidAlKaabLakatos 4 года назад +1

      I dont think you understand what propaganda they want to spread on muslim belives thats why ppl got offended.

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 4 года назад +1

      I get the impression the large majority of people were offended by the subject matter rather than ever watching the show.

    • @dodongheinz4527
      @dodongheinz4527 4 года назад +2

      True. Watched Season 1 twice and I still can’t hold back my tears. It’s been 2 weeks since the last time I watched it and I still haven’t gotten over it. I wish they could do more episodes on season 2.

    • @kulkamal8816
      @kulkamal8816 4 года назад

      @@dodongheinz4527 if this made you cry then research Islam .

  • @svemory
    @svemory 4 года назад +33

    Brilliant. All aspects of this show are truly extremely well done. Seriously hope there IS a season 2

  • @jabs0907
    @jabs0907 4 года назад +48

    I’m not religious one bit but I found this series actually good.

    • @SpeedosAndTheGun
      @SpeedosAndTheGun 4 года назад +1

      Jessy Bonilla same

    • @daxthecatofwales4645
      @daxthecatofwales4645 4 года назад +1

      Don't have to be religious. Entertainment is entertainment. A show is a show. Just like u don't have to be Christian to read the Bible. It's just reading

    • @WordsofHarmony
      @WordsofHarmony 4 года назад

      Jessy Bonilla i dont think you have to be religious...its not like it was the “end times” movies of old pandering to religious audiences

    • @vegeta3365
      @vegeta3365 4 года назад

      When I saw the tailer I thought they are making a movie on the Antichrist

    • @shawnlittle346
      @shawnlittle346 2 года назад

      I love reading christian mythology

  • @kingbillybob
    @kingbillybob 4 года назад +14

    I finished the 1st season, and it has me hooked. It hasn't brainwashed me or did anything but make me think more about my own existence, and relationship with the creator. I am watching everything around me, and I have watched plenty of material on Jesus Christ, and prophecy of things predicted to take place where the Christian Bible is concerned. In the past decade or so I am also super aware of all of the corruption in people and governments, so I am sort of waiting for all of it to hit the fan at some point. I am convinced we were placed here, and there seems to be a lot of effort by some people, or some entities to convince us differently. The Messiah series is effective in shining a light on that with great success. Ready to see more!

  • @robkorczak
    @robkorczak 4 года назад +14

    I love this show, nothing is spoon-fed to the audience and it makes you think. It's even better if you have friends or family to discuss the show with because there are many ways to explain what we're seeing and neither is right or wrong and I love that. Love the lead actor, he has a presence while being demure in stature.

  • @fatherleo4603
    @fatherleo4603 4 года назад +17

    The acting on this show is pretty damn good. Almost on GOT or Sopranos level

  • @bengonzales8221
    @bengonzales8221 4 года назад +12

    I felt exactly the way I presume that you felt. I truly enjoyed this series. I’m not religious, but I I am aware of religion. This series was scary for a guy like me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ but we’ll made. I enjoyed watching the Bible being depicted in a modern day setting. The conversations with the president and seeing the presidents office react was really telling of the world we live in today. I can picture, this is the way our government works. But not to get off course. This was a well made series. Just when I thought I had it figured out, they hit me with that ending.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад

      I loved the season finale too! I thought I had figured it out also...but nope!

  • @marcokali1603
    @marcokali1603 8 месяцев назад +2

    I hope they make another season… I avoided watching it for years thinking it was gonna be a completely different type of storyline 🤦🏽 . Come to find out it was amazing and absolutely intriguing! I hope more people see it

  • @achdance6734
    @achdance6734 4 года назад +6

    Tomer Sisley - amazing actor, couldn't believe he comes from a stand-up comedy background.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +3

      Really? You wouldn't have guessed it - he was so intense!

  • @deb9806
    @deb9806 4 года назад +11

    Great review! I liked how he never said he was a "religion" he was for everyone. The fake news will start if there is a season 2 for sure. I was a little disappointed he didn't do the mega church interview. It goes against so much goodness with religion, these big money churches, I was interested what they would have him say

    • @vanessarios3504
      @vanessarios3504 4 года назад +1

      Debra Randall Well not a religion but he’s an example of the AntiChrist and many will fall for him when it truly does happen. Jesus was not for everyone and the same still happens today 😔

    • @christophmahler
      @christophmahler 3 года назад +1

      "I was interested what they would have him say (...)"
      That they didn't get him to say anything, but the stern call of his 'wittness' was sublime, in my view.

    • @christophmahler
      @christophmahler 3 года назад

      "Jesus was not for everyone (...)"
      Bet, You attend a 'mega church'...
      Of course, Christ came for _everyone_ , even passing through hell.
      But it's true that the topos of an anti-Christ is worthy to be 'pictured' as well - obviously there's the notion of PG being a fraud, but the point of the anti-Christ is that he will be real, including impressive feats and therefore capable of turning people who would otherwise appear to live firmly in faith.
      For this show the PG character doesn't fit that description as he lacks the grandiosity and will to power, walking away from large, gullible audiences instead of captivating them with what they want to hear.

  • @shyvonnelawson4573
    @shyvonnelawson4573 4 года назад +13

    This is the best thing I've seen in years! I love it!!!!!

  • @carolynoloughlin2739
    @carolynoloughlin2739 4 года назад +15

    Binge watched all 10 eps last night, was really impressed , after reading some not so nice comments on the Preview video , accept it for what it is , entertainment with a thought provoking current storyline Hope we see Series 2 soon, Medhi Dehbi was brilliant as Al-Masih and Tomer Sisley as Aviram Dahan . Also loved the digs at social media. Well done Netflix

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад

      I agree. I watched this as entertainment rather than anything else, but appreciated some of the social commentary. I'm looking forward to season 2 and hopefully it does come sooner rather than later!

  • @brianvantubergen6553
    @brianvantubergen6553 4 года назад +3

    Concentrate on the Messiah's title - Prince of Peace. This is the central tenet of the character and he is imposing that onto the world. Pacifism is not accepted by any religion because killing is the basis of all religions.

    • @Rezerwaty
      @Rezerwaty 4 года назад

      Prove it that killing is basis of every religion

    • @brianvantubergen6553
      @brianvantubergen6553 4 года назад


  • @ericspencer8093
    @ericspencer8093 4 года назад +4

    Over the last week, I've been amazed by the number of online discussions, passionate discussions about the spiritual meaning of this series. The number of people who are attempting to derive a genuine religious experience from watching Messiah. I've lost count of the number of times I've felt it necessary to point out to people what should be obvious: this is a work of fiction, set in a fictional world full of fictional characters. It's only purpose is to entertain you and keep you watching. If you think you've found some deep, religious meaning in this series, than you need to seriously examine your own theology and your grasp on reality.

  • @luisacevedo8772
    @luisacevedo8772 4 года назад +8

    In the season finale the boy who sees him wake up the two dead ones sees a lion in an earlier episode n is called a liar how will people really react to him seeing the messiah awake theses two people

    • @BellaLouisaatje
      @BellaLouisaatje 4 года назад +1

      That's the point for us to still not know if he is truly the Messiah or not. And it also is a way to keep the people in the show second guessing. It's still a mystery. Maybe he was just unconscious. We don't know because we didn't see him dead.

  • @Mr84solracgg
    @Mr84solracgg 4 года назад +11

    Cant wait for season 2!!

    • @mcanally5940
      @mcanally5940 4 года назад +1

      Mr84solracgg they canceled it... can you believe that. Yes they gave Ozark a fifth season.

  • @JET4231
    @JET4231 4 года назад +8

    I thought it was fascinating to see how they bring together the idea of the Muslim Messiah (al-Masih) with the Christian Messiah and the Jewish Messiah. Maybe next season will bring in the Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian ideas of a Promises One. Various names, but very similar roles and expectations. The recognition of the similarities in the stories is a good thing.

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 4 года назад

      As a Buddhist I though there already were a lot of hints in that direction in the show this season, and part of why I thought it was so fascinating. They very skillfully stick to the core that unifies most religions without ever being too specific. Jesus's teachings already have much in common with Buddhism and Buddhism was preached in the time and region where Jesus was from.

    • @JET4231
      @JET4231 4 года назад

      @@vanyadolly Yes, I noticed that when he is meditating, he is sitting in a yoga-like pose. (Not being an expert on that, I'm not sure if the specific hand pose has a particular meaning or not.) But it does bring in a flavor of the eastern religions.

    • @rosebetitwrites3447
      @rosebetitwrites3447 4 года назад

      Well, he DID say he "walks with all men", maybe you're right. That would be interesting to see.

  • @Mangolite
    @Mangolite 4 года назад +24

    Messiah has an exciting premise. However I would love to see more of the Middle East perspective other than the same tire trope of them being terrorists. The friendship that ended badly was way too predictable, and what bugged me the most is that dang Nike logo in my face worn by supposed messiah while lounging in the luxury hotel.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +3

      I totally agree that the friendship ending badly was so predictable. That was one of things I liked least about the series, but was still able to enjoy it overall. He certainly did embrace the Western culture with the track suit, right?

    • @kingbillybob
      @kingbillybob 4 года назад +2

      @@MoviesAndMunchies Interesting, I saw the Nike logo, but it didn't affect me the same. I will agree that most people, or by recent observations, that half of the country, don't know a lot about the middle east, except they supposedly hate us, and that we are supposed to be strong and attack them. We get fed the same slop about Russia. It seems that those are unstoppable forces, and we will self destruct everything, if those events are not interrupted by the creator. All of this is going to test beliefs, good. There ins't enough critical thinking, only a lot of programming through the media.It was Hillary that once said "We are losing the information war". Yes you are!!!!!

    • @ericblank9729
      @ericblank9729 4 года назад +3

      Perhaps it's more about the Nike slogan "just do it."

    • @martymarl4602
      @martymarl4602 4 года назад +6

      Both sides of the Muslim world were represented...The peaceful friend was blown up by the other one....the fact that you totally ignored the peaceful representation reflects on you

    • @Mangolite
      @Mangolite 4 года назад

      @@martymarl4602 That's not representation, it's a rethread of two friends on opposite end of a spectrum. Take for example, the character Aviram Dahan (Tomer Sisley) was a child without a care in the world ended with the death of his mother which affected his adult life as a husband, a father, and an agent. This is characterization of a normal human being, whether he be Muslim, Islam, or Christian. The two boys were lacked of any background other than do this, do that, period. Heck even the young American character Rebecca Iguero (Stefania LaVie Owen) had a boyfriend and then dumped him, dreamt of running away from home, is miserable, and have seizures. The two boys had nothing, except one of them just buried his supposed dead mom and nothing else. They are your typical brain washed Middle Eastern children.

  • @jivajenmoreno-adams9984
    @jivajenmoreno-adams9984 4 года назад +12

    I loved it. Agree w 4.5 rate. Can’t believe so many critics have slammed the series. As a life long agnostic seeker, I loved how Al-Masih could be The Messiah, a con-man, a lunatic, the Anti-Christ or a Self-Realized Yoga Sannyasin ( IMHO it’s the latter). All of these labels are the exact same Yesua Ben Yosef (Jesus) have been called.
    Discernment is the key to believing vs. dogma, which is exactly where Netflix Messiah places the viewer in the end. And for this reason a second season is not necessary. (Though would be nice).

  • @mahalallel2012
    @mahalallel2012 4 года назад +2

    It revealed that the reverend of the small town church did not have any faith and was full of vanity and pride, which is despised by the creator. It showed that some Israeli people no longer believe in God, like in the days of old. It revealed that some people, no matter how high in office, do fear God (the US President). It revealed that some people find it easy to follow, but need to be told what to do every step of the way.

  • @bevklayman4158
    @bevklayman4158 4 года назад +1

    I think the show is brilliant. Al Masih is a Rorschach test for all who meet him, and the show is a Rorschach test for viewers. As the Rock Man said many years ago, "You see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear." (I loved when the courtroom clerk called him "Mr. Massey".)

    @KJVPACKERS 4 года назад +14

    With all due respect brother: I've seen comments, after comments, and not one person understood the series and what it portrays.
    It's talking about the "Antichrist" New World Order. The one who plays the Messiah is he.

    • @KatyALuna-zx8bx
      @KatyALuna-zx8bx 4 года назад +1

      I thought the same thing all the time, very apart from the fact that the story is very good, the Messiah is charming, he has all the attitude of rock star, his character has a lot of magnetism, too much sleight of hand, too many tricks and miracles of entertainment. Come on! it's netflix! They are probably indoctrinating us for the arrival of a new false Messiah, the latest market launch, uff! we would be easy bait

    • @isynciswim7382
      @isynciswim7382 4 года назад +5

      Not true. The guy literally said the show showed misdirection to make you think that or possibly the opposite. That’s the beauty of the show.

    • @zeratulofaiur2589
      @zeratulofaiur2589 4 года назад +1

      There is no reason to believe he is Messiah or not. Spoiler alert.
      He didn't ask anybody to do anything. People assumed he wants them to do stuff, and blamed him.

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 4 года назад

      The show purposefully asks the viewer to consider all possibilities but there's no "right answer" as to who he is or whether he's the antichrist.

    • @vegeta3365
      @vegeta3365 4 года назад

      KJV PACKERS 1611 When I saw the tailer I thought they are making a movie on the Antichrist

  • @jetcitysinatra7300
    @jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад +1

    People read way to much into this show. It is supposed to ask the Christian and Non Christian to look past what they have been taught or their personal opinions about Christ or the Messiah and ask "If Christ is different than what we expect will we be OK with that" "Will WE still want to follow him" "Is it possible that Christ or Messiah is real after all" "If we are Muslim and the Messiah really is GOD or Allah are we willing to open our minds and hearts enough to look at the possibility that he could be for real" Not the character on the TV show because we know that he is an actor but if a man just like this character came to earth the same way that he did and did the same things that he did would we be open to at least do what Christ told us to do "Test All Spirits For Not All Spirits That Come In My Name is Of Me"

  • @sylviayoung1901
    @sylviayoung1901 4 года назад +2

    Loved it! A much needed intellectual story of stories! Characters were perfection, ideology is your own, answers are up to the individual. What an amazing series! Please complete it! PLEASE!!

    • @sylviayoung1901
      @sylviayoung1901 4 года назад +1

      Beautifully stated. It must carry on as we are left as clueless as we are in our modern lives. Good or bad we must have direction!

  • @ahmedalabyooki3904
    @ahmedalabyooki3904 4 года назад +3

    I love how well written the episodes are with the reference of “Don’t expect too much” except for the last two episodes and the slightly off loop holes in my opinion
    Also the show gives you the “can’t really tell” vibe if he’s Al masih or an illusionist or Al masih al daggal for you the viewer to put their theories
    I personally think he’s al masih al dajjal/the false massih - he has all the miracles that people might believe he’s al masih yet he doesn’t mean good as why he couldn’t save the dog, the kid with cancer, and Rebecca with her epilepsy who he used as a plan; yet I can’t tell how and why did he bring back the boy in AlQuds from the bullet if he’s Al masih al dajjal, did he do this for people to believe in him first? I honestly have no idea

  • @sterlo1155
    @sterlo1155 4 года назад +1

    You are very well spoken and concise with your reviews. I think this channel is underrated.

  • @Wanzitv
    @Wanzitv 4 года назад +16

    I loved that scene where that lady came to his hotel and try to make him have sex.. i straight up thought he was going to fall for it..
    Then boom
    Plot twist, miss direction and i was like damn they have me.fooled 😂😂
    Am hooked too

    • @mcanally5940
      @mcanally5940 4 года назад +1

      Wanzi tv that part I cried

    • @Wanzitv
      @Wanzitv 4 года назад

      @@mcanally5940 it had its moments, i cant believe they are not going to continue with the show, it got canceled

  • @tamarak342
    @tamarak342 Год назад +1

    Absolutely fantastic series!!! Excellent casting, writing, and acting!!! I'm sorry Netflix doesn't want to go forward with a Series 2.

  • @ITHADchannel
    @ITHADchannel 4 года назад +4

    Nice collection of pop vinyls buddy :)

  • @coachjimchadeech
    @coachjimchadeech 4 года назад +4

    I thought it was a great season. The story definitely went in directions I didn’t expect which was good. Bit of a slow burn style of story telling which worked well. I didn’t like Dermot Mulroney as the President though. He just didn’t seem right in that role to me. I will be looking forward to season 2 if there is one. I like your calm review style, just subscribed.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +2

      Thanks! That's true about Mulroney...he did feel off a bit in the role. I liked the cliffhanger and hope there will be a season 2.

  • @MrDave8539
    @MrDave8539 4 года назад +5

    I liked the end with the witness being the kid who cried wolf.

    • @deb9806
      @deb9806 4 года назад +1

      Yes, he was prone to exaggerate so was Avi dead or just seemed it. ?

    • @MrDave8539
      @MrDave8539 4 года назад +1

      Debra Randall since all of them seemed to be alive after a jet plane crash, I assume Avi was dead. But who is going to believe the kid?

    • @deb9806
      @deb9806 4 года назад +1

      That’s true. Not sure who the guy kneeling was or if that real ? Two others seemed dead. I like how it keeps you guessing, it is a show not strictly based on religious books

    • @Abdul66084
      @Abdul66084 4 года назад

      David Marshall especially Looking to the history of all false stories of kid about Lions and aliens 😂😂😂

  • @KatelynB1001
    @KatelynB1001 4 года назад +6

    I watched the show the first time with this overwhelming feeling of love for who I felt truly embodied my Lord and Savior... until I realized that the Antichrist according to Islam bears the name al-Masih ad-Dajjal. Meaning False Prophet. THEN I WATCHED IT AGAIN THINKING HE IS ACTUALLY THE ANTICHRIST. Wow. There’s even a moment when he has a black bag over his head, and Aviram says, “Do you know how many times I’ve sat across the table from that mask?” And al-Masih responds, “227. And every time, it was me.” Now that I watched that moment with the feeling that he’s the Antichrist, I realize that every time Aviram interrogated his terrorists, it was evil in front of him... it was Satan, and this al-Masih was there every time behind that mask.
    It actually made the show better for me, and Mehdi Dehbi deserves all the awards to play the subtle nuances of good and evil, simultaneously, SO FLAWLESSLY. Plus, he’s just about the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life.

    • @rezatashakori7892
      @rezatashakori7892 4 года назад +5

      Good review but his name is Al Masih not Al Masih al dejjal like Moslems keep saying.
      He speaks in riddles but so did Jesus so that's not an indication. There is a scene where the African American student is passing Al Masih and the girl on the bridge and calls him Al Masih al dejjal while he walks by but that doesn't make him Antichrist.
      If I call you Bob, doesn't make you Bob.
      People see in him what they wanna see. As he said, he is a mirror pointing back. The show did a great job of creating ambiguity and thus provoking thought/ conversation. Cheers.

    • @jeravincer
      @jeravincer 4 года назад +1

      @@rezatashakori7892 agree the writing is great - so easily could have sounded trite or contrived. His sermon in Wash DC by the pond is extremely well done - definitely drew people in - very JC-like actually - and JC never called himself the messiah as such - he used "Son of Man" mostly ...

    • @lydiaquinn2892
      @lydiaquinn2892 4 года назад +1

      That made it better for me as well. It was so good because you’re never really sure. I watched it twice too and all I kept thinking is that I hope this show is renewed because we need to know!

    • @NiteBossStory
      @NiteBossStory 4 года назад

      @@rezatashakori7892 the antichrists name is Al-Masih ad-Dajjal. I haven't seen this show yet but if this girl u speak of calls him by that name that means she sensed that this man was not of our Holy Father. His name in the the show is even Al-Masih if im not mistaken. This is not Yeshuas (Jesus) name. The devil will masquerade as an angel of light

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 4 года назад +3

      I wouldn't equate the people Aviram tortured with evil just because they've been mislead. That boy he killed wasn't satan, nor was Jabril. Aviram felt guilty because of all the bad he had done for a reason. I do agree with everything else though. The writing and Mehdi expertly kept his character so convincing and so subtle that you could never be quite sure.

  • @LittlePetunia100
    @LittlePetunia100 4 года назад +9

    The actor who plead the leading role Is vey attractive!

  • @jenniferjanedaniel3061
    @jenniferjanedaniel3061 4 года назад +1

    I have watched the series several times. Each time I watched I saw and discovered more. God bless those living in the war torn countries. Can there be one messenger of peace for all people? Lots to think about.
    There will have to be a Season 2!

  • @cainisable2636
    @cainisable2636 4 года назад +2

    You gave weight to my theory about this. Im a christian. I sleep, eat and breath the word. I dont watch tv myself. But most are jumping the gun on this show. Whether they like it or not, if God allowed this it will continue. Why would God allow it even if it turns out it's the antichrist? Some have no clue who Jesus is. Never opened a bible. Never went to church. It's hard for one with no imagination to even entertain the idea of miracles that Jesus performed during His ministry. Or what the wrath of God may have looked like. Satan is a copycat. So if it's the antichrist it holds a likeness in things he does to deceive. People will get curious when they can see what these things may have looked like and will want more and the real thing. Where to find it? The word of God. If it will lead some to the house of the Lord I say let it roll. Because God is pretty sneaky, and sneaky enough to allow the bad for the purposes of good. He says so in his word. Good video!

  • @AA-vv5fd
    @AA-vv5fd 2 года назад

    I think that it is designed and intended to be one season only. It provokes you to think whatif end is that near. Then what would you do to make your rest of the time meaningful for you and for others? In fact in the series there are examples of redemption after facing the facts he presented. Messiah character appears to be an oversoul gathering all belief systems under his attitude. And being a Jew lived in a geography from Israel to Iran is really a good staple binding all aspects of the native beliefs together. I really liked the idea and how they presented it. Well written, well played, well thought of. Bravo Netflix.

  • @mommegan
    @mommegan 4 года назад

    I agree with this review. I love that the show is so intriguing and thought-provoking without telling you what to think. So, what are your thoughts now that Netflix cancelled Season 2, even though the second season had already been written/ I'm sure the pandemic came to play in this decision, although Netflix may claim it didn't. Michael Petroni said the show had in excess of 33 million views. It just doesn't make sense to cancel, it was, by far, one of the best shows Netflix has produced. Some fans have put out petitions and some are writing letters. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Netflix rethinks this decision when the world begins to heal from the pandemic.

  • @kevinjgardner8026
    @kevinjgardner8026 4 года назад +1

    Great show! I rarely binge watch anything, but this show kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't wait to watch the next episode.

  • @Aggielifestyle
    @Aggielifestyle 4 года назад

    This guy here sold this show for me . I’m definitely watching now. The best review without any spoilers and your fluency is out of this world. You would make a great narrator. Thanks sir. 🙏

  • @vanyadolly
    @vanyadolly 4 года назад

    I just watched all ten episodes in a day and couldn't believe how good it was, and how few people have reviewed it on youtube! I enjoyed hearing your thoughts. Definitively one of the most thought-provoking and well-made shows I've seen in a while.

  • @brianball4659
    @brianball4659 4 года назад +1

    Saying that American shows are lazily written and lack depth might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. There are countless shows on HBO, Netflix, FX, Amazon, and Hulu

  • @Sithikus
    @Sithikus Год назад

    Even though this posting is 2 years old I have watched Messiah. I was saddened to learn there would be no season 2.
    I think that if somebody were to walk the Earth today performing miracles and people would believe that it was the Messiah returned.. the governments of the world would try to kill him off.. I think the show is pretty accurate in that everybody is suspicious of the man.
    The religious leaders and governmental leaders of the world would do everything they could to retain control up to and including killing someone like this.

  • @Alkis05
    @Alkis05 3 года назад

    It's a real bummer that this one was cancelled. I think they buckled to the pressure on this one. I think it was popular enough, but they just didn't wanted to be bothered with controversy.

  • @fabiocamoirano132
    @fabiocamoirano132 4 года назад

    I found it a very interesting TV series. I am a believer and I had no doubts, it is not important whether or not the Messiah is, but it is the extent of his message that is relevant because it is absolutely positive

  • @Mashariki_0
    @Mashariki_0 4 года назад

    Messiah being cancelled did not come as a surprise for me. It was an interesting story but watching it I felt like I was being "yo-yo'ed" around between "have faith and look at the facts". I know there's a lot going on but I guess for me it didn't quite capture me.

  • @isynciswim7382
    @isynciswim7382 4 года назад +1

    This is my favorite show along with black mirror as my old favorite show :). I absolutely cannot wait for season 2 to come out. Please hurry!

  • @tellmewhatyousawreviews
    @tellmewhatyousawreviews 4 года назад +1

    Didn't know they had such varying episode length according to story requirements. This is cool. Streaming has changed so much and opened so many new doirs . You are not straitjacketed to one formula anymore.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +1

      I first noticed it in 'The OA' where the eps were very different in length. I think it's a great move for these shows to make each episode as long (or short) as the story requires.

  • @jacklincoln7786
    @jacklincoln7786 4 года назад +3

    I tried. Really I watch all 10. Ultimately. Realized that the Gospels are easier to follow, and the best part? JESUS CHRIST lives. Do you? Why gain the world, but lose your soul?

  • @petermartin6737
    @petermartin6737 4 года назад +2

    I loved the show. I loved how it did not fall into one religion.

  • @martha3749
    @martha3749 4 года назад

    Loved it. I think we all can or may fellow the Messiah for different reasons but doesn't mean we all received the message/ truth.

  • @wakandabrrr2737
    @wakandabrrr2737 4 года назад +11

    They preparing for the Anti Christ Dajjal

    • @markkuuss
      @markkuuss 4 года назад

      lol go back to Wakanda

  • @GraceVibration
    @GraceVibration 3 года назад

    Fantastic series with multiple layers and sub plots. I've watched the whole season at least 10 times and am STILL discovering subtle messages. Excellent!

  • @jesus.moreno
    @jesus.moreno 4 года назад +1

    one of the best shows ever!!! ... I can't wait to second season!!!

  • @MrZhods
    @MrZhods 4 года назад +1

    It puts into question the doctrines and beliefs imposed by religious dogma while showing the struggle to do whats right for the greater good vs the greater agenda. I like how it shows the struggle people have even people of faith with the proof vs faith issue. liked it and can't wait for the next season. I love the message of I am all gods.......

  • @Teja
    @Teja Год назад +1

    Messiah was just a great show. Sad it didn’t get renewed!

  • @annedeguernon8117
    @annedeguernon8117 4 года назад

    thank you very much for your accurate comment. i totally agree with you. can't wait for season 2. As a French person, i couldn't believe that both Messiah and the israeli guy are played by French speaking actors! I think they do a terrific job, and i'm quite proud of being French! Take care, can't wait to read some other comments on series. Anne

  • @fadhlyshirazy
    @fadhlyshirazy 3 года назад

    I love your review because you touch about the perspective that i didn't realize

  • @Katz1964
    @Katz1964 3 года назад +1

    I really liked it and was upset they cancelled it.

  • @endofanage223
    @endofanage223 4 года назад

    This show really should be an eye opener for people that think they know the Bible. And they should be scared... Scared because his character is shows the downfall of Christian that don't truly know the Bible

  • @karattkensair9891
    @karattkensair9891 4 года назад

    Aviram who seems to only live for his daughter mentions the story of Little Red Ridinghood to his daughter I think in episode 1. Rebecca's later seen walking away from home before the tornado in a red hood. All the answers to who this guy is are found in that fairytale.

  • @NicholasMcClure
    @NicholasMcClure 4 года назад +1

    Excellent review. Also, excellent hair. Rock on, dude.

  • @matreyia
    @matreyia 4 года назад +1

    Saw this browsing accidentally... I should not have clicked on it thinking "meh... not my cup of tea, but give it 10 minutes" 3am in the morning, I finish the entire season in one sitting. Uh..yeah, it was that good.

  • @dodongheinz4527
    @dodongheinz4527 4 года назад

    I loved it! Watched Season 1 twice and I still can’t hold back my tears. It’s been 2 weeks since the last time I watched it and I still haven’t gotten over it. I wish they could do more episodes on season 2.

  • @ericbrown558
    @ericbrown558 4 года назад +1

    The main character is well written especially for the religious canon. All judaeo/Christian/Islamic religions have an end times apocalypse prophecy. So this imo is a dope show that the creators can take in whatever direction they want .simply because of the difference in the details of middle eastern based religions

    • @user-yj7bd5py4s
      @user-yj7bd5py4s 4 года назад

      Bruh N Lawz comedy and social commentary not all have a end times apocalypse

    • @ericbrown558
      @ericbrown558 4 года назад

      Sooo Judaism doesn’t have an end times prophecy? Because Christianity is all about Jesus coming back

    • @user-yj7bd5py4s
      @user-yj7bd5py4s 4 года назад

      end times and apocalypse are different things. many jews dont believe in our earth being destroyed its our home. and some sect of Christianity believe that as well

    • @KGB-FSB
      @KGB-FSB 4 года назад

      In Islam, we are awaiting for Jesus PBUH arrival as the true Al-Messiah, not Al-Messiah Dajjal, the deceiver.

  • @heatherwillis-kershner1973
    @heatherwillis-kershner1973 3 года назад

    Watching this, knowing the show got canceled 😔 so many great places this show couldve gone

  • @christianfiggz7057
    @christianfiggz7057 4 года назад +1

    I feel like this series explained who he was like he was "the next avatar in the cycle" and he referenced Jesus like as if that was him in another life...I kept seeing Avatar references like he was Jesusesc but with his own personality like How Roku liked alot of the same thing's as Aang but was his own person too....I especially felt like he bended the sandstorm, the tornado, and probably airbended the plane to safety LOL

  • @erikramaekers63
    @erikramaekers63 4 года назад +3

    Sounds a lot like K-Pax with Kevin Spacey.Is he an alien or not? But i could be wrong of course.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +1

      Yeah, you're right...there's a bit of that to this!

  • @cormyat07
    @cormyat07 4 года назад

    I enjoyed the series, but I'm afraid it's going down the LOST road where it asks a ton of intriguing questions but never gets around to actually answering those questions in a satisfying way. Think about; half the intrigue of this show is the big question; Real or Con? Once that question is answered, there's really nowhere else for them to go.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад

      Very true! I hope they watched and learned something from Lost...and plan on answering all the questions...before it goes off the rails or gets cancelled.

  • @mcanally5940
    @mcanally5940 4 года назад

    I heard it was canceled. But yet Netflix gave Ozarks another season. That show has naked women and people getting beat up and killed in almost every episode. Yet they cancel the messiah

  • @artm8dk
    @artm8dk Год назад

    Looking forward to season 2, that may come if they change their minds.

  • @ellenhage3611
    @ellenhage3611 4 года назад

    What I got is that if he is the Messiah, things would be just like the last time. Some will believe him and others will persecute him.

  • @eliopinto1750
    @eliopinto1750 4 года назад +5

    I'm waiting for season 2!

    • @aswab2004
      @aswab2004 4 года назад

      Me too!

    • @nessi16nl
      @nessi16nl 4 года назад

      You think there will be a s2?

  • @aquamarine9568
    @aquamarine9568 4 года назад

    I really enjoyed this show and your review. I agree it really keeps drawing you in and keeps you guessing. I really hope there is a second season.

  • @markwilliams3174
    @markwilliams3174 4 года назад

    Great review thank you. It was riveting up to the last few seconds

  • @sarahbrownsdon1672
    @sarahbrownsdon1672 4 года назад

    I liked this review......I've watched Part 1 of the series twice and am part way through again. I agree with everything you said. It really gets you thinking and guessing :)

  • @shaiezzat3756
    @shaiezzat3756 4 года назад

    I loved your video you already have a good point here Keep Going I love your reviews

  • @robv.s.9503
    @robv.s.9503 4 года назад +4

    I kinda like this series.
    No more white Jesus dudes

    • @ellenhage3611
      @ellenhage3611 4 года назад +1


    • @TheLisa-Al-Gaib
      @TheLisa-Al-Gaib 4 года назад +3

      I love that they didn’t whitewash this! The actor playing the Messiah is incredible and very believable , and they did a great job of representing the tumult of the Middle East.

    • @robv.s.9503
      @robv.s.9503 4 года назад

      Lisa Remain blessed in Gods grace, truth.

  • @PrincipledUncertainty
    @PrincipledUncertainty 4 года назад +3

    This makes me feel uncomfortable, going only on yours and others reviews. I am not sure why, as I love Life of Brian.

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +2

      Life of Brian is SO irreverent! It makes me laugh too.

    • @boggers
      @boggers 4 года назад +1

      Spoiler: There is a flashback scene from before he was the Messiah, when he's a very naughty boy.

  • @gillianrose_
    @gillianrose_ 4 года назад

    First I just want to say great video Chris! New subscriber here!😊 Just finished season 1 and came straight to YT to hear other people’s theories. I absolutely LOVED the show. The acting was incredible, especially Mehdi’s. Reading the comments on here really got me thinking! I really hope they continue with season 2

  • @godsson5954
    @godsson5954 4 года назад +1

    Season two will show how al masih was born and raised

    • @suzy67
      @suzy67 4 года назад

      Season 2 will show antichrist

  • @julieb.7956
    @julieb.7956 4 года назад

    Love your video ! Very Well explained and you say the good words To describe the show. Like you said, with that final, just can't wait for Season 2...😇🙏

  • @ScarletDam
    @ScarletDam 4 года назад +1

    LOVED IT!!! Did you watch could be like that...answers will come when it is time

    • @MoviesAndMunchies
      @MoviesAndMunchies  4 года назад +1

      You're right...I need to be patient :-). I loved LOST!!

  • @Lucas-cf5sz
    @Lucas-cf5sz 6 дней назад

    another show i watched that has no ending or 3rd act. Just fell completely on its face.

  • @justanotherhuman8592
    @justanotherhuman8592 4 года назад

    I was like... I KNOW that church! It was the same church as The Preacher is season 1. How did the father know she was "God's gift"? (The CIA agent) - that he later on in the season says about?
    This series is absolutely brilliant. Thought provoking and well written. The guy that plays the messiah was absolutely brilliant. What a brilliant actor!!

  • @btggtv4881
    @btggtv4881 4 года назад +1

    I believe it tryna make us choose are we gonna believe he’s the second coming or is he the anti himself not jus a fake but rn I’m in the middle he’s preaching peace n doesn’t really care about a crowd and that the key

  • @aishadebique9201
    @aishadebique9201 4 года назад

    I love what you said about shying away from American shows.I feel the same way.

  • @jsom6689
    @jsom6689 Год назад

    The point of this show is to remind you that everything that man done walking on water or bring the dead back to life or facing the tornado 🌪 that's all was "GOD'S WILL" the man was just messenger and to proof to people that he's GOD'S messenger he need these miracles to show people that who sent him is one GOD was not born GOD did not give birth GOD have no wife or children there is nothing like GOD. 🙏

  • @theoneandonly5236
    @theoneandonly5236 4 года назад

    I very much enjoyed watching the show my dad informed me hey you got to watch Messiah and I was like oh okay so I did I was thinking, okay so this is just going to be like any other show trying to portray some of the version of a person but I found out that I was very interested as I watched each episode I am looking forward to watching the season 2 of the show and I hope it gives you a better understanding and explanation on what is to come next

  • @mariamagdalena6182
    @mariamagdalena6182 4 года назад

    Great review. I LOVE Messiah, it s really good done, a very good storytelling, great cast, super camera, yeah, great!!! Watch it and rewatch it for weeks! 5 for me

  • @rbbmini
    @rbbmini 3 года назад

    Hey Chris, I really enjoy your videos. Keep it up !!

  • @usmankollere6469
    @usmankollere6469 2 года назад

    Why is it that they had to still portray Islam as a suicide cult at the end even if it had no relevance to the story....
    It was a good show

  • @Jorge_V_
    @Jorge_V_ 4 года назад +2

    If you know “Regina George” then you must watch the show (he doesn’t get hit by the bus though). calculus ...

  • @kaydempsey2748
    @kaydempsey2748 4 года назад

    YOU GET IT.... YOU GET IT..... YOU GET IT 🙌👏💪

  • @husky8243
    @husky8243 4 года назад +1

    Good Review..waiting for season 2...

  • @jellythelang2558
    @jellythelang2558 4 года назад

    I can't wait for season 2. Love the review.

  • @mphsblue
    @mphsblue 4 года назад

    Naa... they were intended to be un-explained.. to start debate.. see the director interview.. its very intelligently scripted show
    Season 1 - Tries the narrative between Con Man and Someone Super natual powers (Messiah)
    Season 2 - Presumably, Dajjal (Anti Christ) or Imaan Mehdi (Second Coming)