Ein sehr einfühlsamer Reiter, vorbildlich wie sanft er das Pferd behandelt. Ein guter Partner für das schöne Pferd. Ohne Sporen und Peitsche exzellent. Ein Lehrmeister für alle jungen Pferdefreunde. Das Pferd hat Glück in seinen Händen zu sein. Weiter so.
Translation to important statments. 0:53 - praise god, we build some bonds before training begin. So, the training will be easy. 1:13 - She is not scared at all, thats why you have to build the bond since they are young. 1:23 - this is the first time I put on the headstraps. 3:38 - Now you gotta show her the saddle or whatever goes on her back. 3:55 - Anything will go on your horse, your horse should be familiar with before you put it on. Thats how you build the bond and trust anything you put on her. 5:38 - Don’t tight up the belts. let it little bit loose. Let her feel thats she is not restrained. 5:49 - As you can observe her behaviors, She doesn’t feel like there is a foreign objectes on her because she knows who we are. She knows there is no harm coming from us. 6:51 - Let the leg piece touches her body because its not as warm as your hand. Let her know the difference between your hand and the leg piece. Let her see to know what it is. 11:56 - She is trying to be familiar with the saddle on. 13:09 - Im letting her play around to be familiar with the saddle which, let her does not resist anything. 25:22 - This is the first time riding with less than a half hour. I should reward her for her trust now. 27:08 Let her play and free for a while. 28:53 If she was stull resisting the saddles and the headstraps, She won’t play around us and jumping continually to get rid of the objects off her back.
Good horseman, does not exhibit moods, his own horse I suspect, and has taken over 3 years since conception to come to this point with her. A long wait and now he rides her. Best feeling in the world!
I love how he was so gentle with the horse, he let her sniff the saddle before putting it on, and when he mounted he was really gentle and stroked her for a while to calm her. He rode her nicely and I think you both did a great job - I can tell there is a good bond between you both. Well done! 🙌😄
There are lots of Arabic words in Persian that I could understand. I gathered he was having lots of respect for the horse and lots of kind words I heard from this awesome trainer. Great clip I wish there was a translation for his talks, although his treatment of the horse explained it all. Greetings from California.
Респект наезднику....бесконечное терпение и изучение животного это ключ к дрессуре любой...воспитала немца и кангала в служебном Клубе еще в 80 ....а родилась и выросла на КрайнемСевере и ездили там на собаках и оленях и от животных зависела жизнь человека и скольких они спасли немерено....и мне не нужен перевод с турецкого...я считываю ВСЕ С ЖИВОТНОГО....Когда тренировка всегда кормите животного вкусным...пищевой рефлекс самый древний и он сразу снимает стресс....так же и у детей ...
فارس كفو وابن كفو اقسم بالله آنه عييوني دمعت لمن شفت المقطع حسيت بطريقة ما ان العلاقة بين الخيل والإنسان انته جسدتهه بأروع ما يمكن اهنيك وربي ايوفقك ،،،احمد العگيلي من العراق،،
ماشاء الله تبارك الله جميلة جدا و مطيعه ربي يحفظها من كل سوء، و صهيل الخيل يريح النفس و منظرها يشرح القلب و قربها يعالج كل الامراض، و الله أتمني كمل حياتي مع الخيول
ما شاء الله اللهم بارك الله يباركلك يابو وسام ويطرح فيها البركة ان شاء الله الله يوفقك انت مثال للشباب العربي والسعودي الناجح والمتقن لصنعته تحية لك من شام
I greatly appreciate your video, from California USA. Many American people seem to be on a no bit kick these days. Also want to tear apart every flaw or mistake perceivable. I see considerable knowledge, patience, and pride being offered on this video. I have not seen better starting of a horse, with less availably of equipment, anywhere.
Hi, I will tell you why? He said that there is a very strong relationship between them since she born. As he said love and respect . As you can see, she sniffed him every moment she feels worry. Thanks 🙏.
Thank you from America showing us fools how its done correctly, no more john Wayne mentally in the world please...! I couldn't understand one word but the horse was happy and showing off to the rest wanting to to be with him. very beautiful to see this show of trust is made by love "NOT" follow by fear! " THE TRUE MEANING OF CHOMPING AT THE BIT" just to be with him. life is simple once the desire is lost to hurt to control...! "Born and raised on both sides of my grandfather's thinking...one like this and the other not a loving soul"
Travis.And Thank You for saying Exactly what i did.a yr later,but i truly love watching him with my black friend there.And ya know Travis,i BET this IS the way Native Americans did it.theres another guy thats got vids.good guys named Matt and his buddy Jesse.they call hackamores 'bitless bridles' i told em how i made my first bitless out of hay string i braided together when i was 13.hay was .50 cents bale then.50 yrs ago for Heidi.the .eanest little pony EVER.LIVED TO 26.MY HORSE McGee i hd from 2 till he passed at 33.thats why i love this guy.his horses Love him.just like McGee nd me.c ya travis.kat 7=21=19
Bedouin Arabs' horsemanship is very very old. The superior Arab horse breed that we know today and in recorded history would not have been possible without the love and respect the Arabs bred them with. In European culture, a dog is man's best friend. For Bedouins it is the horse 🐎
اول شيء تحياتي لصاحب القناة و على المحتوى و المستوى الدي يقدمه رغم اني لست مالكا لخيول او خبير جدا لكن وجدت نفسي اتفرج في حلقات من قناته و صراحة لدي انتقاد ؤا اخي الكريم او اي شخص له القدره لترجمت حلقاتك بلغات مختلفه اولها الانجليزيه لانك من احسن ما رات عيني في تربية الخيول انت دهبت الى مستوى اخر ساسميك horse whisper انت لا تروض الخيول بل تتكلم معها لا اطالب بهدا فقط لان اخونا عربي مسلم لكن بصراحه سيستفيد ملايين الاشخاص على اختلافهم من دروسه تحيه كبيره لاخوك من المغرب
Good job! This filly obviously has a very lively personality and wouldn't be the easiest for most of us to work with. There were a lot of distractions and she obviously was very interested in the other horses. It is obvious she is not used to being ridden. He showed good judgement about when to proceed and when to just be still. As a result she didn't really seem to mind when he finally settled on her back. The chewing of the bit is largely due to the fact that it is all new to her--and the fact that it is a snaffle. I always preferred a bosal on colts, but a snaffle is pretty standard in starting young horses. At this point, the one thing I would change if I could would be to give him a sturdy corral with a high wooden fence. It would be safer. If I had a young horse that needed to be started under saddle, I would welcome this young man's help.
Arabians tend to be easy to start under saddle, unless they have defective genetics due to bad American breeding... I grew up on an Arabian horse ranch and used to pull them out of the pasture regularly and get them under saddle within about half an hour or less each. The next day they'd be part of my lesson horse group for inexperienced kids coming to take riding lessons. They're not like other breeds of horses. The snorting, spooky stuff doesn't translate to what it would with a different breed of horse..
passion,love,care,bonding......its years of hardwork and the way he handled the horse left me amazed. unlike west he very smooth and patient with the horse. hirse is beautiful,healthy,fast.
he says the real treat for a horse is to let it play (so that she feels free and not a like slave)... that's why she comes back to him on command.... REAL TRUST BETWEEN HORSE AND MAN.
ABU WALEED Thank you for the translation. I relied entirely on the interactions between them to understand what he was doing but it would be nice to understand what he is saying. I love that philosophy of letting them play. I don't remember hearing that from ANY other trainer. Maybe they have different versions of it but I can't think of any. This is beautiful. MASHALLAH!
Impressive demonstration of a first ride. Hats off to the trainer/rider. Patience, gentle hands and reassurance are the keys... Thanks for sharing. Hope the snaffle bit comes off after the filly is used to being ridden. All the best...
Hi, I will tell you why? He said that there is a very strong relationship between them since she born. As he said love and respect . As you can see, she sniffed him every moment she feels worry. Thanks 🙏
Красота требует любви,взаимоуважения,терпения,внимательности и опять любви...Хорошее видео, слов не понимаю,но сердцем с уважением и к всаднику и к лошади...Мира,добра Вам!
What a beautiful mare! She has a good eye, very relaxed because she knows she is safe. Loved watching her gallop and get all fired up! The way she snorts and holds her tail like a banner. I used to ride an Arabian mare many years ago, and she had a very gentle nature. She was very fast and good at jumping. Her name was Manna. I just loved her. She loved being fussed on in the stable
ما شاء الله تبارك الله . جزاك الله خيرا اخي حسان وجعل عملك كله في ميزان حسناتك. انت مثال ملهم للآخرين ولا شك عندي ان الخيول وحتى الحيتان في البحار لتدعوا لك بالخير ❤
انت عسفت دهماء عسف لا يمكن احد يصدقه لو ما شافه، وهذي عوايدك مبدع ومتميز بالخيل، لكن عتبي عليك ليتك عسفت متابعينك معها في انك لحظة سمعت الاذان ركبّت السرج وقلت نصلي ونرجع لها، عشان توصل رسالة لمتابعينك خاصة صغار السن ان الصلاة اكبر واعظم من اي شي فالحياة خاصة وانك تعتبر قدوه للكبير والصغير. عسى الله يوفقك ويسعدك ويرزقك من حيث لا تحتسب، ويرزقني شرف السلام عليك.. تحياتي لك.
Love the gentle, positive relationship between house and handler. I would do some things differently but of course, we all have differing ideas on things! Good job!
You should do English subtitles I love these videos amazing training 😍 ,can tell the filly is very young and handled alot , has so much trust in him , and the trainer is an absolute natural with horses very kind demeanor and touch and doing it alone ! She seems to have a comfort with him though .. amazing filly ♡
ماشاء الله تبارك الله يعطيك العافية بالنسبه للاخوه االي ذكروا الصلاه والاذان في بعض التعليقات الله يجزاهم خير .. لكن ربما صاحب الخيل جمع العصر مع الظهر على اعتبار حسن الظن بالمسلم وليس اعتذار عنه ولا اعرفه بسلامته الله يهدينا ويهديه ويهدي الجميع الله يوفقكم
Lovely...this is the way it should be done, lots of patience and encouragement..didn't take long either. similar to the way I trained my young horse years ago. the young men obviously love their horses.
Perfect work! The horse wants to be your protector, he is watching out for lions in the distance. Vry nice horse and very kind trainer. Thank you for sharing this!
ماشاء الله ولا قوة الا بالله عليكم اسأل الله ان يزيدكم علم وينفعكم بماعلمكم وينفع بعلمكم ،الله يثقل بهذا العمل موازين حسناتكم كل الحب والتقدير والامتنان والله ماتعرف كم تفرج على نفسي لما اتابعكم
Ein sehr einfühlsamer Reiter, vorbildlich wie sanft er das Pferd behandelt. Ein guter Partner für das schöne Pferd. Ohne Sporen und Peitsche exzellent. Ein Lehrmeister für alle jungen Pferdefreunde. Das Pferd hat Glück in seinen Händen zu sein. Weiter so.
Pay attention everyone. This guy is the best horse trainer I have ever seen.
This is Arabic (Arabian Peninsula) style of training..
People here love their horses as if it is family to them
19:15 19:15 19:15 19:15 19:16 19:16 19:16 19:16 19:16 19:17 19:17 19:17 19:17 19:18 19:18 19:18 19:19 19:19 19:20 19:21 19:23 19:24 19:25 19:26 19:27 19:27 19:28 19:30 19:30 19:31 19:32 19:34 19:35 19:36 19:37 19:38
My first horse was an Arabian it was the best horse I even had! Most smart and beautiful horse in the world hands down
Translation to important statments.
0:53 - praise god, we build some bonds before training begin. So, the training will be easy.
1:13 - She is not scared at all, thats why you have to build the bond since they are young.
1:23 - this is the first time I put on the headstraps.
3:38 - Now you gotta show her the saddle or whatever goes on her back.
3:55 - Anything will go on your horse, your horse should be familiar with before you put it on. Thats how you build the bond and trust anything you put on her.
5:38 - Don’t tight up the belts. let it little bit loose. Let her feel thats she is not restrained.
5:49 - As you can observe her behaviors, She doesn’t feel like there is a foreign objectes on her because she knows who we are. She knows there is no harm coming from us.
6:51 - Let the leg piece touches her body because its not as warm as your hand. Let her know the difference between your hand and the leg piece. Let her see to know what it is.
11:56 - She is trying to be familiar with the saddle on.
13:09 - Im letting her play around to be familiar with the saddle which, let her does not resist anything.
25:22 - This is the first time riding with less than a half hour. I should reward her for her trust now.
27:08 Let her play and free for a while.
28:53 If she was stull resisting the saddles and the headstraps, She won’t play around us and jumping continually to get rid of the objects off her back.
This man seems kinder to his horses..it’s better that the horse gets love and respect,he will respect his owner or rider better.
Good horseman, does not exhibit moods, his own horse I suspect, and has taken over 3 years since conception to come to this point with her. A long wait and now he rides her. Best feeling in the world!
والله يا اخى العزيز انا حبيت دهماء والخيل كلة بسبب طريقتك واسلوبك وهدؤك ربنا يبارك فى عمرك وجزاء الله خير الجزاء
I love how he was so gentle with the horse, he let her sniff the saddle before putting it on, and when he mounted he was really gentle and stroked her for a while to calm her. He rode her nicely and I think you both did a great job - I can tell there is a good bond between you both. Well done! 🙌😄
Well done and nice bond between the horse and rider
Gee.verity's.i bet 'he' is happy to know You RESPECT the way 'he' Taught his own horse.very well done-verity's.
There are lots of Arabic words in Persian that I could understand.
I gathered he was having lots of respect for the horse and lots of kind words I heard from this awesome trainer.
Great clip I wish there was a translation for his talks, although his treatment of the horse explained it all.
Greetings from California.
يعجبني تحليلك النفسي للخيل وطريقة تعاملك معها ... والله أعلم شخص مثلك يتعامل مع الحيوانات هكذا يكون تعامله جيد مع الناس
Респект наезднику....бесконечное терпение и изучение животного это ключ к дрессуре любой...воспитала немца и кангала в служебном Клубе еще в 80 ....а родилась и выросла на КрайнемСевере и ездили там на собаках и оленях и от животных зависела жизнь человека и скольких они спасли немерено....и мне не нужен перевод с турецкого...я считываю ВСЕ С ЖИВОТНОГО....Когда тренировка всегда кормите животного вкусным...пищевой рефлекс самый древний и он сразу снимает стресс....так же и у детей ...
فارس كفو وابن كفو اقسم بالله آنه عييوني دمعت لمن شفت المقطع حسيت بطريقة ما ان العلاقة بين الخيل والإنسان انته جسدتهه بأروع ما يمكن اهنيك وربي ايوفقك ،،،احمد العگيلي من العراق،،
قرر قر
قرر قر
كل التعليقات الإنجليزية معجبين فيك يا حسان ويبغون ترجمة الفديوهات حقتك بالانجليزي عشان يفهمون عليك اتمنى ترفعون تعليقي عشان يشوفه ويستفيد من دعمهم 🙏
ماشاء الله تبارك الله جميلة جدا و مطيعه ربي يحفظها من كل سوء، و صهيل الخيل يريح النفس و منظرها يشرح القلب و قربها يعالج كل الامراض، و الله أتمني كمل حياتي مع الخيول
ع ن
Arabians are simply stunning horses!
مشاء الله
في خلال 20 دقيقة ركب اللجام والسرج وعمل لنش يمين ويسار وركب
مشاء الله الله لا يضرك
واصل مبدع الله يوفقك
اخوك علي من نجران
ما شاء الله
اللهم بارك
الله يباركلك يابو وسام ويطرح فيها البركة ان شاء الله
الله يوفقك انت مثال للشباب العربي والسعودي الناجح والمتقن لصنعته
تحية لك من شام
بس مو خيال هاذا العسف المظبوط بسوريا معلم
ما شاءالله لا قوة ألا بالله جمييييلة جدآ منظرهة يشرح الصدر ربي يحفظهة
وجزاك الله خير ع المعلومات القيمة 💐
I greatly appreciate your video, from California USA. Many American people seem to be on a no bit kick these days. Also want to tear apart every flaw or mistake perceivable. I see considerable knowledge, patience, and pride being offered on this video. I have not seen better starting of a horse, with less availably of equipment, anywhere.
What other equipments would be usually available?
I will tell you why? He said that there is a very strong relationship between them since she born. As he said love and respect . As you can see, she sniffed him every moment she feels worry. Thanks 🙏.
Without the horse, man's history would be rewritten !!
Monuments should be erected to this selfless, noble animal.
ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه ههههههههههه
حسان فيديوهاتك كلها ذات قيمة كبيرة جدا لأهلها . جزاك الله خير أخوك من الجزائر
؟ نذفى
you can tell this horse is gentle by the eyes so calm and I love how tall brake horses. its not mean or anything good job
Thank you from America showing us fools how its done correctly, no more john Wayne mentally in the world please...! I couldn't understand one word but the horse was happy and showing off to the rest wanting to to be with him. very beautiful to see this show of trust is made by love "NOT" follow by fear! " THE TRUE MEANING OF CHOMPING AT THE BIT" just to be with him. life is simple once the desire is lost to hurt to control...!
"Born and raised on both sides of my grandfather's thinking...one like this and the other not a loving soul"
Travis.And Thank You for saying Exactly what i did.a yr later,but i truly love watching him with my black friend there.And ya know Travis,i BET this IS the way Native Americans did it.theres another guy thats got vids.good guys named Matt and his buddy Jesse.they call hackamores 'bitless bridles' i told em how i made my first bitless out of hay string i braided together when i was 13.hay was .50 cents bale then.50 yrs ago for Heidi.the .eanest little pony EVER.LIVED TO 26.MY HORSE McGee i hd from 2 till he passed at 33.thats why i love this guy.his horses Love him.just like McGee nd me.c ya travis.kat 7=21=19
Bedouin Arabs' horsemanship is very very old. The superior Arab horse breed that we know today and in recorded history would not have been possible without the love and respect the Arabs bred them with. In European culture, a dog is man's best friend. For Bedouins it is the horse 🐎
The aim of the video was to show that this was the first time he put the saddle and all the other bits on this horse.
اول شيء تحياتي لصاحب القناة و على المحتوى و المستوى الدي يقدمه رغم اني لست مالكا لخيول او خبير جدا لكن وجدت نفسي اتفرج في حلقات من قناته و صراحة لدي انتقاد ؤا اخي الكريم او اي شخص له القدره لترجمت حلقاتك بلغات مختلفه اولها الانجليزيه لانك من احسن ما رات عيني في تربية الخيول انت دهبت الى مستوى اخر ساسميك horse whisper انت لا تروض الخيول بل تتكلم معها لا اطالب بهدا فقط لان اخونا عربي مسلم لكن بصراحه سيستفيد ملايين الاشخاص على اختلافهم من دروسه
تحيه كبيره لاخوك من المغرب
تث٠زثكَ ع
@@zakhosndi6035 لم افهم ما تقصده
ما اجمل هؤلاء الخيول ما شاء الله😚
ماشاء الله
3nepkxxy ue8rimbhfyfiuo tvy
Good job! This filly obviously has a very lively personality and wouldn't be the easiest for most of us to work with. There were a lot of distractions and she obviously was very interested in the other horses. It is obvious she is not used to being ridden. He showed good judgement about when to proceed and when to just be still. As a result she didn't really seem to mind when he finally settled on her back. The chewing of the bit is largely due to the fact that it is all new to her--and the fact that it is a snaffle. I always preferred a bosal on colts, but a snaffle is pretty standard in starting young horses. At this point, the one thing I would change if I could would be to give him a sturdy corral with a high wooden fence. It would be safer. If I had a young horse that needed to be started under saddle, I would welcome this young man's help.
Arabians tend to be easy to start under saddle, unless they have defective genetics due to bad American breeding... I grew up on an Arabian horse ranch and used to pull them out of the pasture regularly and get them under saddle within about half an hour or less each. The next day they'd be part of my lesson horse group for inexperienced kids coming to take riding lessons. They're not like other breeds of horses. The snorting, spooky stuff doesn't translate to what it would with a different breed of horse..
passion,love,care,bonding......its years of hardwork and the way he handled the horse left me amazed.
unlike west he very smooth and patient with the horse.
hirse is beautiful,healthy,fast.
I agree. Most people in the United States have no business training arabian horses or any other highly sensitive horse breed.
ماشاءالله عليك وعلى عسفك للخيول انت خيال ماهر
مرتين احلم اني اركب حصان ادهم ونفسي والله بلدهم
الله يرزق كل عبد مسلم
ماشاءالله على الفارس ابو وسام.. نسئل الله ان يبارك في ذريتك ويسدد خطاك..
he says the real treat for a horse is to let it play (so that she feels free and not a like slave)... that's why she comes back to him on command.... REAL TRUST BETWEEN HORSE AND MAN.
وش يقول ؟ ?
ABU WALEED Thank you for the translation. I relied entirely on the interactions between them to understand what he was doing but it would be nice to understand what he is saying. I love that philosophy of letting them play. I don't remember hearing that from ANY other trainer. Maybe they have different versions of it but I can't think of any. This is beautiful.
ABU WALEED cviiihdjghzj
ABU WALEED hghkdyz
والله اذا تابعت ماقطع اول شي احس بمتعه وثاني شي راحه والله يسعدك واستمر ياملك اليوتيوب
Beautiful. This is exactly how I Trained my Arab stallion QMSpirit. Bought him at 2 and loved him until he passed at 27 years of age.,
Oh sad to hear.
That's a liferime sorry for your lost
Some lives around 35 years, sorry for your lose,
I lost my Arabian mare at 37 years of age. I loved her so very much .Still miss her 6 years after.Elaine in England.
Wow Debra that’s great, Arabian stallions are very hot blooded and so beautiful
دهمة من أفعالها تبين أنها تحبك علاقتها جميلة جدا معك في كل فديوهاتك وهذا لحسن خلقك ماشاء الله
اي والله كتير رايقة دهومة الحلوة ماشاء الله عليها كتير حبوبة و باينها تحبو 💕💕💕
@@mahmadmahmad6231 honplbnnjfisyatas
12 4ugq54l
@@fazliddinziyovuddinov6630 ااععهتننناع٦٦ف زوحهجنتج٠ةهععهننننهممممممممنخهلر
Impressive demonstration of a first ride. Hats off to the trainer/rider. Patience, gentle hands and reassurance are the keys... Thanks for sharing.
Hope the snaffle bit comes off after the filly is used to being ridden. All the best...
I will tell you why? He said that there is a very strong relationship between them since she born. As he said love and respect . As you can see, she sniffed him every moment she feels worry. Thanks 🙏
@@1050024148 Thank you for your explanation; much appreciated. Yes, love and respect are key... Be safe and well.
My pleasure 🙏
اخ حسان والله ماني راعي خيل ولا عمري تعملت معاها مع أن ودي ....
لكن ارتاح مع قناتك وشروحاتك حقيقه
يعطيك العافيه ومشكور
What a beautiful horse, you did a great job of staying on and being gentle and kind to that magnificent animal ❤ 😀
Красота требует любви,взаимоуважения,терпения,внимательности и опять любви...Хорошее видео, слов не понимаю,но сердцем с уважением и к всаднику и к лошади...Мира,добра Вам!
اخوكم من المغرب ما شاء الله عليكم تبارك الله انا افتخر بكم الله يعطيكم العافية
What a beautiful mare! She has a good eye, very relaxed because she knows she is safe. Loved watching her gallop and get all fired up! The way she snorts and holds her tail like a banner. I used to ride an Arabian mare many years ago, and she had a very gentle nature. She was very fast and good at jumping. Her name was Manna. I just loved her. She loved being fussed on in the stable
فديت الزين والله دهما🌹 الآن صارت جميلة جدًا سبحان الله وفيها عافية أكثر من وقت هذا الفيديو 👌👌👌👌
It’s good to see a man from my tribe (Aljohani tribe) has a perfect knowledge to treat horses
@@Strategistlieu ??
Nice arab horse.. great trainer.. greetings from Philippines.
انت اللي شكراً على تعاملك الراقي مع الخيل 🌹
اختصار المقطع لتربية وترويض الخيول عموما هي ,,,إذا توليتم فأرحمو ,,,هنا الحيوان الي ربيته بالحنيه والتعامل معه بمايرضي الله عزوجل بالرحمه واللطف تعطيك اجمل النتائج ,,,والله يبارك فيك وبحلالك ياكابتن🌺
دهمة لما تكون معك تحس نفسها ملكة ربي يبارك لك فيها
I can’t understand your language but I understand your spirit. Love to watch your videos
If u understand the language u would love this guy ..he is real knight
ما شاء الله تبارك الله . جزاك الله خيرا اخي حسان وجعل عملك كله في ميزان حسناتك. انت مثال ملهم للآخرين ولا شك عندي ان الخيول وحتى الحيتان في البحار لتدعوا لك بالخير ❤
انت عسفت دهماء عسف لا يمكن احد يصدقه لو ما شافه، وهذي عوايدك مبدع ومتميز بالخيل، لكن عتبي عليك ليتك عسفت متابعينك معها في انك لحظة سمعت الاذان ركبّت السرج وقلت نصلي ونرجع لها، عشان توصل رسالة لمتابعينك خاصة صغار السن ان الصلاة اكبر واعظم من اي شي فالحياة خاصة وانك تعتبر قدوه للكبير والصغير.
عسى الله يوفقك ويسعدك ويرزقك من حيث لا تحتسب، ويرزقني شرف السلام عليك.. تحياتي لك.
I love ur way of training, ❤️ from Pakistan.. MASHA ALLAH
Masha Allah... that needs a lots of love and affection to understand their language and to train a horse ... great job bro
Love the gentle, positive relationship between house and handler. I would do some things differently but of course, we all have differing ideas on things! Good job!
You should do English subtitles I love these videos amazing training 😍 ,can tell the filly is very young and handled alot , has so much trust in him , and the trainer is an absolute natural with horses very kind demeanor and touch and doing it alone ! She seems to have a comfort with him though .. amazing filly ♡
ب ينقم
Amazing training and way with this horse. I only wish I could understand the language so I could learn more from this great trainer.
Where is from he
My first horse was a Arabian , he taught me how to ride, I love Arabian 🐎
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
يعطيك العافية
بالنسبه للاخوه االي ذكروا الصلاه والاذان في بعض التعليقات الله يجزاهم خير .. لكن ربما صاحب الخيل جمع العصر مع الظهر على اعتبار حسن الظن بالمسلم وليس اعتذار عنه ولا اعرفه بسلامته
الله يهدينا ويهديه ويهدي الجميع
الله يوفقكم
هو قال قبل نهاية المقطع نوقف للصلاة..
في الدقيقة ٢٤.و٢١ ثانية
تحية من اخوك أبو هلا من العراق , اشكرك من قلبي على هذه المعلومات القيمة ونتمنى المزيد في موضوع العسف
مشاء الله تبارك الله
وربي المصحف الفديو مليان ب المعلومات واشياء حلوة ف الله يحفظك يارب مثل ما علمتني اشياء مهمة لل الجواد ويسعدك يارب🤤🕊
مايجوز ياختي ورب المصحف المصحف كلام الله وليس مخلوق
ريد ديد في الحقيقة 😂 ماشاء الله عليك الله يوفقك ويزيدك علم
مشاءالله هذا يعتمد على اصالة الفرس وعلاقه بين الفارس والفرس
شكراً على المعاملة الممتازة للمهره بارك الله فيك وفي حلالك والمكان يحتاج الى ترتيب وتنظيف واعادة تاهيل في الخارج شكراً 🌺
Lovely...this is the way it should be done, lots of patience and encouragement..didn't take long either. similar to the way I trained my young horse years ago. the young men obviously love their horses.
سيذكرني قومي إذا ما جد جدهم...ففي الليلة" الدهماء " يفتقد البدر
Perfect work! The horse wants to be your protector, he is watching out for lions in the distance. Vry nice horse and very kind trainer. Thank you for sharing this!
ماشاء الله تبارك الله و الله إن القلب ليرجف شغفا و شوقا لزيارتكم بوركتم و أثابكم الله لما تعطونه من معلومات قيمة
سبحان الله يذكرك بايام الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
Красота!!! Эх, дать бы лошадке свободу ...Для нее был бы предел счастья !!!!!
الله يبارك و يعطيك الصحه
تحية من الجزائر
مشاء الله تبارك الله اخوك احمد وحيد السلمي من الجزائر سدد الله خطاك و كثر من امثالك يا فارس العرب
Very well done and what a nice real horseman,
thx for showing
You're a true horseman. Wonderful video!
Really nice horse and I like the way you treat them respect to you ,love from australia
السلام عليكم
انت فيك مرض اسمه عشق الخيل ❤️😍😘
اني همش عندي مرض عاشقه خيل
ونسيتوني شكلكم وانا مجنون ب الخيل وعندي ١٠ خيول بس في ٣ بوني
@@Ahmed-gh1rn وانا ولا وحد
واصل يالامير وحنا معك قلب بالله اذا ماعليك امر
محمد العنزي نجم
حصان ريد
ماشاء الله تبارك الله فدوة لربي وخلقته دهماء حبيبتي عاقله ومؤدبه وذكيه ربي يحميها ويبارك لها وفيها وحواليها
ما شاء الله والله يبارك فيها ويكفيك شره ماشاء الله 🤤👌🏻
تلع حن و نوزوة نونوت نةغلب🌹🌹
ماشاء الله ولا قوة الا بالله عليكم اسأل الله ان يزيدكم علم وينفعكم بماعلمكم وينفع بعلمكم ،الله يثقل بهذا العمل موازين حسناتكم
كل الحب والتقدير والامتنان
والله ماتعرف كم تفرج على نفسي لما اتابعكم
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
فيديوا من ذهب وفيه عبره عظيمه
بحسن الخلق حتى مع الحيوانات
فسبحانك أحسن الخالقين
ﭑﻧﮕﺳڕ ﻣﭼډآﻓيِ ﻴ
Great job his very understanding of the horses feelings
Thank for the video
يعطيك العافية اخي ❤️
متابعك من سوريا
خاكتهغهنبنىزةفيىمجقختورغبرنةرلتلىو ر
انا من عمان وكثييير معجب فيك وشرحك وتعاملك مع الخير روعه الله يبارك فيك تبارك الله ومآ شاء الله وحبيت دهمه وماجور
This horse seems so happy 😃
I wish this had subtitles, beautiful horse, cheers from Argentina!!
You’re right, he knows better then a teacher I wish I could meet him once
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن دهماء نحتريها من زمان وفي نص ساعة ابدعت وانت ابدعت كذالك ماشاء الله
I really like the process you did with this filly.. thumbs up.
حبيبنا حسان نحب مقاطعك وصراحه نستفيد منك كثير. وقريت كلام بالإنجليزي يتمنو انك تترجم كلامك بالفيديو وشكرن لك.
اللهم صلى على نبينا محمد
Great experience for her for a first ride. You did great!
Thank you for sharing your love for horse and horsemanship 🙏🙏🙏
ما شاء الله تبارك ، مميز يا حسّان حببّتنا بالخيل زيادة و نبغاك تتعصب بالعمامه
this is the rigth good way , we....my friends do this same.....very good, thank you so much to show this good way for many people
صلوا و سلموا على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤
ماشاء الله احب الفرس لكن يااخي حسان احببتني أكثر فيهم لما شفت دهماء الله يبارك she is beautifule❤
ماشاءالله تبارك الله فالك المهره الدهماء والله ينزلك البركه ويحميها من العين والحسد😁
ماشاء الله عليك أقل من نص ساعة
ربي يعطيك خيرهم ويكفيك شرهم ويباركلك فيهم
خذت قلبي دهماء .. ماشاء الله تبارك الله 😍
Bravo pour votre douceur avec le cheval !!! Beau travail ❤
صفات ادهم ماشاء لله عليه ولله حولو كيوت هاذ خلق لله من خلق دنيا من دونه 🌺🌺🌺🌺💞💞💞💞😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🖤🖤🖤🖤💨💨💨💨
اخيرا جاء وقت عسف دهماء
العاديات الكوي
تبيع الحصان ميا
Gro cul de
ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن .... الله يطرح فيها البركة ... بس سؤال هل استخدمت اللجام لأن أحيان الصوت ماهو بواضح ؟؟
Ppl with thumbs down are just jealous of Dahma
شي جميل نشوف الناس من جميع الاعراق والجنسيات في التعليقات اتمنى تترجم فديوهاتك للانجليزية حتى تنتشر اكثر واكثر الله يوفقك
هذه المهرة من أجمل ما شفت من الخيول العربية
تبارك الرحمن