Why Losing 70lbs DID NOT Make Me Happy (and What I Learned)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @thefaceofambition
    @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад

    Enjoy 60% off BetterMe and use the app that can help you reach your most ambitious goals bit.ly/49CYdt6

  • @CarolHill-ry9fo
    @CarolHill-ry9fo 3 дня назад +4

    Congratulations on your weight loss journey! I recently received news about my health. I definitely need to do better with my eating habits! I appreciate you sharing your story. I’m inspired! 😊Happy holidays to you and your family.

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад

      Food can heal us. I'm so sorry about your health news, but I'm encouraged to hear your mindset has shifted. You are going to be okay sis. You can change anything you put your mind too 🫶🏾❤️🫶🏾

  • @make_emfall_inlovee
    @make_emfall_inlovee 2 дня назад +1

    Thank you for another relatable video ... whew chile this weight loss journey is definitely a journey! Went from a struggling 227 to 217 with a goal weight of 165 (high school weight) but to remember my why and what I want to look and feel like would be important 🤔💭

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  2 дня назад

      Yesss. It's honestly is the mindset shift it takes to reach your goals. I'm rooting for you sis ♥️ 🫶🏾

  • @ThriveWithNati
    @ThriveWithNati 2 дня назад +1

    okayyyyyy 30K !!!! so proud of you!

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  2 дня назад

      Girl, you see that 👀 who this! I'm so proud of myself and this amazing community. Thank you for the love sis ❤️

  • @shawnacarter946
    @shawnacarter946 4 дня назад +5

    Girl I've told you I've lost 50 pounds and no I am still not happy. I thought losing weight would make a difference it has and it hasnt. I still have at least 10 pounds to lose and flatten this stomach. I am not as bad as I used to be on myself. I see myself as a work in progress. Therapy has truly helped me with my eating issue and weight watchers. I found compliments from people that haven't seen me in awhile makes me feel like maybe I did actually do something. I am working on self sabotage now. Girl I so needed this video today. Have you had to deal with the haters. The ones girl you losing to much weight you need to slow down. I have to block that out because they are not willing to do what you've done to get where you're at. I feel so much of what you are saying. I need to write out my why and discuss with my therapist. Thank you girl sorry this was so long but you have no idea how much help you have been to me. You are a blessing.

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +4

      First of all Shawny we are besties, so there is not such thing as a "long post" this is our girl chat time 🤣 girl, thr haters are the worst. I had a lady yesterday at church that told me I need to stop losing weight. I asked her WHY and she wasn't ready for that response. She didn't even have a reason why I needed to stop... which leads me to believe she was just hating 😠 I thought I loved myself my whole life, but when it came to weight loss I acted like the work that I put in was no big deal. Girl, it's such a mindset shift and definitely something to chat with your therapist about. AND I'm reading this book you have got to read. It's called... umm. I'll start tomorrow and other lies I tell myself. Girl, this book will change your life by chapter 2.

    • @shawnacarter946
      @shawnacarter946 3 дня назад

      @thefaceofambition thank you I will look into purchasing those books asap.

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +1

      It's also an audio book

    • @shawnacarter946
      @shawnacarter946 3 дня назад

      @thefaceofambition ok thank you

    • @sherrieaustin6422
      @sherrieaustin6422 3 дня назад

      I will be looking into this book​@@thefaceofambition

  • @sherrieaustin6422
    @sherrieaustin6422 3 дня назад +2

    I believe that this was one of your best episodes yet. I have been following you for a minute.Your videos get better and better. I am currently my weight release journey. I am a longevity specialist, so I know that it is a lifestyle. I have had gastric sleeve and my only regret is that I did not do it a decade sooner. Weight loss surgery, pills, diet plans, etc. Are all tools if you do not continue to institute and maintain healthy habits you will gain it all back. At this level in my life, I am teaching people to
    Enjoy the journey as we level up our goals. Weight release does not bring happiness. I am glad you spoke on this. Money doesn't bring happiness. The joy of the Lord is all of our strength. Continue to do what you do

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +1

      Aww Sherrie, thank you for that amazing compliment and your words of power. That means so much to me. The joy of the Lord is HONESTLY my strength. Once I added Him on this journey, my whole life changed. I don't know why we act like God knows nothing about weight loss and being tempted by food 🤷🏾‍♀️ the Bible is so intentional and includes everything we need to know to understand that God gets it, too. I'm so proud of your journey, sis. Keep inspiring us all to level up 💯 🫶🏾❤️

  • @kasanabanks-quarles5182
    @kasanabanks-quarles5182 2 дня назад

    Thank you for this video! I needed to hear this! I keep telling myself I can’t do the same things and expect different results. Self accountability is necessary.

  • @UniquelyNeecee-ml8vd
    @UniquelyNeecee-ml8vd 3 дня назад

    Anazing video!! Thank you for your vulnerability in this video to give encouragement and advice to all of us!! ❤

  • @justglowlexi
    @justglowlexi 3 дня назад +2

    This was really good and I needed to see this! You’ve motivated me to go ahead and get the rest of this weight back off. I’ve lost 40 pounds but gained back 20 due to being complacent and too comfortable and it has definitely taken a toll on me & how I feel about myself right now. I also recently realized the internal journey matters just as much, if not more than just trying to get to a certain size or number on the scale. Thank you because your journey and tips have been so helpful!!❤️❤️

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +1

      You are so welcome sis. Weigh loss and our journey can we so deeply personal. Gaining, lossing, and all the emotions in between are so hard to navigate. I'm so glad you have a renewed mindset. If you did it before, you can do it again. I'm rooting for you sis 🫶🏾❤️

  • @subirapriester166
    @subirapriester166 4 дня назад +3

    Thank you so much for this video I have lost 15 pds so far an still have not been happy so now I really know I need to do the work within

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  4 дня назад

      Girl. It's so scary to do the things you think will bring you joy and it doesn't. It's definitely a work in progress 🙌🏾 I'm rooting for you queen ✨️

  • @gettingtous
    @gettingtous 3 дня назад +1

    One of the best videos yet...thanks from the bottom of my heart ❤️

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад

      Wow! You are so so welcome sis. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

  • @jenniferjones4113
    @jenniferjones4113 14 часов назад

    Happy Wednesday!! Another amazing video!! Also, you look absolutely stunning, and your top is 🔥🔥🔥🔥!! Please share the details and/or link for it. Thanks for sharing!!

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  6 часов назад

      Thank you so much!! This is a dress and she is ultra sexy 🔥shopmicas.com/products/mcwkd2212080029

  • @Lovingly_Lenise
    @Lovingly_Lenise 3 дня назад

    Great video! Where did ypu get the shirt/dress?

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +1

      I got this dress from Micas. I left the link below shopmicas.com/products/mcwkd2212080029

  • @jadelove2960
    @jadelove2960 4 дня назад +1

    Girl that shirt is so cuteeee 😍 where did you get it?!

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +2

      Yes honey... I love this dress. Here is the link to my LTK liketk.it/50iSe I hope you love it

  • @sharondawilliams7707
    @sharondawilliams7707 3 дня назад +1

    You are such an inspiration to me! Would you ever consider doing a meetup? ♥️

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  3 дня назад +2

      Ohhh, you've been peeking at my 2025 vision board. I would LOVE to host a meet up #staytuned it's definitely in the works 🥰

  • @chocolatebaby77
    @chocolatebaby77 2 дня назад

    Did you use an app to keep up with your calories intake ?

    • @thefaceofambition
      @thefaceofambition  2 дня назад

      I do. I use my fitness pal to track my calories and I weigh my food. I was shocked when I saw how much I was over eating 😵

    • @chocolatebaby77
      @chocolatebaby77 2 дня назад

      @ yes. Same.