Billie Eilish live at Music Midtown 2019 (FULL SHOW)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13 тыс.

  • @sdswda
    @sdswda  4 года назад +1698

    🥑 Patreon 🥑

  • @Anatoly_Maly
    @Anatoly_Maly 5 лет назад +3401

    her brother is a gold, she is really lucky to has brother like him

    • @eddyvaldez4565
      @eddyvaldez4565 5 лет назад +33

      Have* as a verb

    • @juanisimo7
      @juanisimo7 5 лет назад +78

      Well he is lucky too.. I mean he is great and can transmit his musical ideas (different from what he does as an artist) through his sister's talent.

    • @whynot9899
      @whynot9899 5 лет назад +18

      Why is everyone talking about her brother when she is the one singing here? Are you her brother?

    • @randelpro1859
      @randelpro1859 5 лет назад +25

      @@whynot9899 basiccly why if there isn't sound effects that her brother does with his instrumentcs and she's brother is skills too so basiccly if he wasn't there then it would be too boring and sounds had been not good to enjoy

    • @TaylorSwift1337
      @TaylorSwift1337 5 лет назад +7

      @@randelpro1859 basically. Please..

  • @seddymusiclol
    @seddymusiclol 4 года назад +1022


    • @aliciariley540
      @aliciariley540 4 года назад +5

      You said Andrew his name is finnese

    • @kaitlinyepiz4021
      @kaitlinyepiz4021 4 года назад +23

      Rodney Johnson that’s her brother they’re different people

    • @dacdom
      @dacdom 4 года назад +15

      This guy is a rock star drummer every show, difference is he doesn't need to hide or hire bodyguars, he can live free. Fuck Fame and blessed are our ears.

    • @DracoEU
      @DracoEU 4 года назад +3

      I love the drummer

    • @drewhersch
      @drewhersch 4 года назад +5

      Rodney Johnson finnese 💀

  • @klayface6086
    @klayface6086 4 года назад +2395

    I love how she is so natural. She is so comfortable just being herself. You don't see that much anymore.

  • @DudaMunizp
    @DudaMunizp 2 года назад +605

    2 years have passed and I'm still obsessed with this show, one of her best

  • @DeepSkyEntertainment
    @DeepSkyEntertainment 4 года назад +744

    Her face, her eyes, her smile, her voice...special.

    • @keahconde488
      @keahconde488 4 года назад +10

      Such a perfect girl💕

    • @foxthepirate4645
      @foxthepirate4645 4 года назад +15

      Don’t you mean her *ocean* eyes (;

    • @AviahWashington
      @AviahWashington 4 года назад +3

      Mr. Fox DUH

    • @AviahWashington
      @AviahWashington 4 года назад

      Bro I’m jealous stop ittttt

    • @Lahuisse._.
      @Lahuisse._. 4 года назад +1

      P Greer it’s bad word for this , thé good word is « BEATIFULEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! »

  • @bleachsoda2695
    @bleachsoda2695 4 года назад +1005

    its so crazy that theres like 40,000 people there and she has the ability to control like all of them. like shes so powerful and knows how to put on a great show

    • @SoumilSahu
      @SoumilSahu 4 года назад +26

      Have you seen a Queen concert? Freddie Mercury plays the audience like an instrument lol

    • @daijamikaelson2401
      @daijamikaelson2401 4 года назад +50

      Soumil Sahu this is today’s time not something from back then .. a lot of rock bands played in front of big crowds it’s no biggie but this girl is 17 and really out there by herself with that huge crowd

    • @jessicaghosh5952
      @jessicaghosh5952 4 года назад +23

      And the fact that she is so young

    • @alejandroleonmunoz376
      @alejandroleonmunoz376 4 года назад +22

      When you realise than she is only 17

    • @puglover6113
      @puglover6113 4 года назад +5

      Hah have you seen spit it out by slipknot? Corey Taylor controls the crowd
      He tells everyone to get down on the ground and then tells them to jump the fuck up at the same time

  • @JoshF183
    @JoshF183 5 лет назад +22632

    1:58 - bad guy
    5:20 - my strange addiction
    10:19 - you should see me in a crown
    13:54 - idon'twannabeyouanymore
    17:58 - COPYCAT
    21:59 - WHEN I WAS OLDER
    27:00 - wish you were gay
    30:47 - xanny ("PERIOD" shout @ 31:07)
    34:21 - all the good girls go to hell
    37:20 - ilomilo
    39:55 - bellyache
    43:13 - ocean eyes
    48:58 - when the party's over
    52:18 - bury a friend
    55:31 - bad guy (encore)

  • @iss_weird
    @iss_weird 8 месяцев назад +25

    i really, really miss this era.

    • @Anais-di2xg
      @Anais-di2xg 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @daralina2009
      @daralina2009 6 месяцев назад +2

      For real same it's such an iconic era

  • @lieannmay55
    @lieannmay55 4 года назад +770


  • @minigammer5370
    @minigammer5370 4 года назад +2775

    Bro at this time she was 17 she’s incredible

  • @kurdi__0847
    @kurdi__0847 4 года назад +2992

    1:58 bad guy
    5:33 my strange addiction
    10:20 you should see me in a crown
    13:55 idon'twannabeyouanymore
    18:04 copycat
    21:59 when I was older
    27:00 wish you were a gay
    30:47 Xanny
    34:21 all the good girls go the hell
    37:21 ilomilo
    39:56 bellyache
    43:13 ocean eyes
    48:57 when the party's over
    52:19 bury a friends
    55:31 bad guy (more)

  • @darryanslayton8171
    @darryanslayton8171 2 года назад +22

    When she tells them all to hold hands.. I almost cry! The crowd looks so at peace

  • @aggelosmaratsi3342
    @aggelosmaratsi3342 5 лет назад +2694

    31:05 Billie: Better off without them
    That one girl: *PERIODT*

  • @erinmorgan6035
    @erinmorgan6035 5 лет назад +4395

    The crowd -feat. Billie Eilish

    • @grambaey6309
      @grambaey6309 5 лет назад +42

      Erin O'Malley Oh wow! An unoriginal joke? How about I give you the same response that everyone gave back to this.
      A crowd is an intimate experience and is boring if you just sit there and do nothing.

    • @grambaey6309
      @grambaey6309 5 лет назад +30

      brian michaud No, I’m just annoyed that these people can’t come up with something original.
      Got my first period years ago. You just gonna blame a women’s moodiness on a period? That’s fucked up.
      Gbye 👋🏻

    • @grambaey6309
      @grambaey6309 5 лет назад +12

      brian michaud I also recorded a couple things from my show, but didn’t record the whole thing. I like to enjoy my show as well.
      Have you ever had fun at a concert? Yeah, that experience is different for everyone.

    • @fag69
      @fag69 5 лет назад +14

      @@grambaey6309 dude chill.

    • @grambaey6309
      @grambaey6309 5 лет назад +10

      brian michaud First off, that’s not who I am. Everyone can have their own opinion. Second off, I worded that wrong.
      *Billies show that I went to*
      For fuck sake, stop being mad that the crowd is giving Billie their energy. She literally talks about how happy she is when the crowd has this kind of energy in interviews.

  • @larter_larter
    @larter_larter 4 года назад +2261

    Doctor: You beter take it easy with that leg.

    • @fridajohansson620
      @fridajohansson620 4 года назад +22


    • @unknownspot1306
      @unknownspot1306 4 года назад +43

      She is like: nope

    • @veilishxoxo
      @veilishxoxo 4 года назад +34

      Billie: hmm maybe next time...

    •  4 года назад +1видео.html Billie Eilish Most Cute & Funny Moments Thanks in Advance.:D

    • @jessicaSmith-jn8iz
      @jessicaSmith-jn8iz 4 года назад +8

      (Billie) hmmm I HAVE FANS TO GO TO!!

  • @leo-dl6gd
    @leo-dl6gd 4 года назад +1443

    This was the quickest 59 minutes and 45 seconds of my life

  • @billieeilishstan368
    @billieeilishstan368 4 года назад +2567

    Y'all, Billie burns out more calories in her concerts than me in a full month

  • @237above
    @237above 5 лет назад +291

    I've never seen so much energy from a girl with a foot brace. Props Billie

    • @carpediemearth
      @carpediemearth 5 лет назад +5

      That leg brace is there for fashion by that point.

    • @stephanieann6622
      @stephanieann6622 5 лет назад +5

      Girl cant stop hurting her legs cause she jumps and dances so much lol

    • @user-mu2hu6gc7m
      @user-mu2hu6gc7m 5 лет назад +2

      quanticoo HAHA that’s not funny. it’s there cause she injured herself

    • @carpediemearth
      @carpediemearth 5 лет назад +2

      @@user-mu2hu6gc7m And I said that by that point it was just there just for fashion clearly as she's jumping around and moving her leg and putting pressure on it just like her other leg, so there's no issue. It was a "cool" look for her to keep it as long as she can in public or on stage

    • @hyundts
      @hyundts 5 лет назад

      quanticoo there is video proof of her injuring herself. it was in italy while she was performing bad guy

  • @zinzeer6857
    @zinzeer6857 3 года назад +25

    This isn’t just a Billie concert, it’s a workout session.

  • @bellarose2706
    @bellarose2706 4 года назад +4071

    Who else is watching this while self quarantining ?

    • @yummyfishbbbb8682
      @yummyfishbbbb8682 4 года назад +13

      Yeah but not self-isolating can I call it government-isolation

    • @welaynawab6233
      @welaynawab6233 4 года назад +6

      lol same

    • @maisiemustang1711
      @maisiemustang1711 4 года назад +3

      Bella Rose Wilson me

    • @lilywagnon9222
      @lilywagnon9222 4 года назад +3

      Bella Rose Wilson yesssssssssss

    • @okay8011
      @okay8011 4 года назад +1

      Caxcbxks Bbbb yes because they are changing the batteries in the birds. because everyone is saying they haven’t seen any birds

  • @thepeacefulbuddah
    @thepeacefulbuddah 4 года назад +1056

    After Quarantine is over, I'm saving up money to go to a Billie Eilish concert

    • @adityasasank
      @adityasasank 4 года назад +27

      Hopefully. I'll do it as well .
      Billie , please come to Dubai or India 😁

    • @iamnastassiah
      @iamnastassiah 4 года назад +13

      same she was supposed to come in France this year but 1-I live on an island( a french one) and obviously she wouldn't come for 10 persons because where I live they're not listening to amazing music like billies 2- I didn't knew she was coming in france, but the festival has been postponed thanks to miss rona, so I'm saving money to go see her next year, but I have to convince my parents to go in france next year first, but I already have 25% or something of the final price, but just for the ticket and not for the flight price sadly. Sorry if I told my life when none of us actually care I wanted to share that because I literally have no one to talk about

    • @kaho9857
      @kaho9857 4 года назад +22

      i saved up money only to see a screen saying “sorry, tickets are sold out”. 👁👄👁

    • @spongebobtrianglepants2081
      @spongebobtrianglepants2081 4 года назад +1

      Kaho welp :/

    • @spongebobtrianglepants2081
      @spongebobtrianglepants2081 4 года назад +2

      IAm Nastassiah I CARE 😞 you’ll save it up, I believe in you 🤍

  • @lobbyhoe173
    @lobbyhoe173 3 года назад +322

    I love how Finneas always cares for his little sister and support her so much, Billie's definitely not the only legend on this stage ;)

    • @JohnBin-ot1wt
      @JohnBin-ot1wt 2 года назад +6

      Sia legend and my girl Billie

    • @suemack
      @suemack 7 месяцев назад +2

      Finneas is the backbone for Billie!! He’s been there from the beginning and will forever have his sister’s back. Brother of the year right there!!!

  • @nattyshelton1287
    @nattyshelton1287 2 года назад +25

    56:57 the way the bass came in and then the drums with it is so fire 🔥 even Billie felt it u can see her face

  • @localidiot4116
    @localidiot4116 4 года назад +131

    The amount of times I’ve watched this over and over again without skipping is unhealthy

  • @venus7382
    @venus7382 5 лет назад +811

    Finneas having his own concert at the back and I'm here for it❤️😂

  • @maddiemarkee1086
    @maddiemarkee1086 3 года назад +2425

    After watching the documentary and seeing this crazy how much we don’t see before and after the shows

  • @oldunclebill2423
    @oldunclebill2423 8 месяцев назад +5

    OMG! I just realized this is 4 yo! Makes me wish I was much younger when I found this! But I’m not too old to appreciate Billie! Such a message and so much power! Take a breath Billie, and reveal in the greatness you bring to us. Thank you! So many tears, we all share.

  • @AviahWashington
    @AviahWashington 4 года назад +5093

    Ok. But Finneas is a legend too.

    • @ashl3yisaclownn821
      @ashl3yisaclownn821 4 года назад +22


    • @calclipx
      @calclipx 4 года назад +52

      @@delaneyyy813 Where and Why is Finneas under rated? He has 5 Grammys and headlines his own tours, he's a sought-after producer, collaborates with Billie and plays in her back up band. Why do you feel he is under rated?

    • @calclipx
      @calclipx 4 года назад +35

      Finneas gets credit in his own right as a producer, song writer, artist, and musician that Billie doesn't get. Finneas wouldn't be the legend he is today (as Billie's big brother) if Billie never recorded Ocean Eyes for him for her dance teacher. So there's that.

    • @shammi9481
      @shammi9481 4 года назад +4


    • @jaravad
      @jaravad 4 года назад +12

      You're right, without him there's no show

  • @iliatrain5359
    @iliatrain5359 4 года назад +8003

    This isn’t just a Billie concert, it’s a workout session.

  • @kaynuns7635
    @kaynuns7635 4 года назад +592

    Let's be honest, this is one of the best billie concerts

  • @fatimahayu8135
    @fatimahayu8135 2 года назад +60

    When she was just 17, so energetic.. at 20 she's still energic, confident, healthier and happier. Your Indonesian fan. ps. The audio just great, thank you ❤💖

  • @ruby1440
    @ruby1440 4 года назад +601

    When someone yelled “PERIODT” during xanny and billie laughed that really got me

    • @xdisabellaxd740
      @xdisabellaxd740 4 года назад +4

      Ruby McToms LMAOO 🤣🤣🤣

    • @chxrry1508
      @chxrry1508 4 года назад +4

      Ruby McToms the fan was Dana

    • @smritisubedi4701
      @smritisubedi4701 4 года назад +5

      Ruby McToms what does period mean??
      I think its not the girly monthy thing

    • @bubbles29528
      @bubbles29528 4 года назад +2

      Ruby McToms she said FENNEAS

    • @smritisubedi4701
      @smritisubedi4701 4 года назад +2

      Kotik Narkotic i asked what does he mean by period

  • @iixkimmiix_4282
    @iixkimmiix_4282 4 года назад +930

    If I went to a billie concert I would cry so much

    • @guliazolanski9157
      @guliazolanski9157 4 года назад +9

      You could save up money and then convince your parents beacause of Corona you could save up money beacause there is no concerts now

    • @listenboimyheartuisfilledw2067
      @listenboimyheartuisfilledw2067 4 года назад +4

      So do i

    • @eliihin1032
      @eliihin1032 4 года назад +6

      I went to the chicago concert for Billie and you won’t regret it at all

    • @listenboimyheartuisfilledw2067
      @listenboimyheartuisfilledw2067 4 года назад +1

      @@eliihin1032 Lucky!!

    • @puglover6113
      @puglover6113 4 года назад +3

      If I got a free concert to Billie Ellish I wouldn’t care
      But If I got a concert for MCR or slipknot concert
      Boy I’ll be the first one there

  • @saggywaggy
    @saggywaggy 4 года назад +908

    The camera man was really exposing the locals 😌

    • @maddie4036
      @maddie4036 4 года назад +46


    • @marquisburton2156
      @marquisburton2156 4 года назад +3

      He was???

    • @thinkaboutwic9
      @thinkaboutwic9 4 года назад +2


    • @Marina-qz6xc
      @Marina-qz6xc 4 года назад +13

      LMAOOO fr what do they be singing-

    • @venomanic
      @venomanic 4 года назад +1

      Marquis Burton no👁👄👁

  • @noreenfontes4056
    @noreenfontes4056 2 года назад +19

    Im old, but this woman is amazing!! Pure talent and energy!!

    • @secaucuss7344
      @secaucuss7344 3 месяца назад

      Who would have guessed the next 5 years ??? Doing the Bond theme got them to Zimmer and he nicknamed her "Mozart." . Grammys by the arm load. COVID >> off the road >> full on operatic lessons = bel canto. Oscar # 1. Transition... then Barbie. Oscar # 2. Today's HMHAS. (Damn !)

  • @hianavlogs7363
    @hianavlogs7363 4 года назад +667

    The video: 59 minutes and 45 seconds
    It feels like 10 minutes

    • @17JEdmundoHH
      @17JEdmundoHH 4 года назад +1

      Sophia Arianne yeah dude

    • @crumbledcandy
      @crumbledcandy 4 года назад


    • @Aespinxslay
      @Aespinxslay 4 года назад

      Sophia Arianne oml it does

    • @hollytheo
      @hollytheo 4 года назад +1

      Nalini Thakar or maybe time goes really fast while watching this 😐

    • @cheezy3547
      @cheezy3547 4 года назад

      I thought I was the only one who felt like that

  • @HannaAndMaddyRawr
    @HannaAndMaddyRawr 5 лет назад +1481

    I really just watched this whole hour long video when I planned on just watching a little bit

  • @TryMyMartini
    @TryMyMartini 4 года назад +1540

    Imagine writing a song with your brother in your parent's house, and then having thousands of people singing your lyrics back at you.

  • @why-am-I-here
    @why-am-I-here 2 года назад +16

    there are a big amount of people watching, I remember back in 2019 she was the idol and I have no doubts about her new world tour, I was looking for tickets and everything were sold out so it's gonna be amazing. Even I didn't find the tickets I wanted I can't wait to see videos like this with concerts full of people!

    • @nikarad-org
      @nikarad-org 2 года назад +1

      You can leave a comment for me🤍

  • @sichhhh
    @sichhhh 5 лет назад +449

    Girl during the "idontwannabeyouanymore" on 15:02 broke my heart, and i have been crying with her a little bit too(((

  • @destinyrodriguez8909
    @destinyrodriguez8909 4 года назад +981

    Billie: “better off without them”
    Fan: “PERIOD!”
    Billie: *giggles*

    • @PriscilaSouza-ej6fh
      @PriscilaSouza-ej6fh 4 года назад +10

      I'm Brazilian, and I would like to understand why she laughed 😅. What did "PERIOD" mean in this context?
      Tks ☺️

    • @belleviek6898
      @belleviek6898 4 года назад +37

      @@PriscilaSouza-ej6fh someone saying "period", is like someone agreeing. Like if I said "tacos are really good" and someone said "period". That is them agreeing with what I said. I don't know if that makes any sense but I hope it does

    • @ruby1440
      @ruby1440 4 года назад +21

      @Destiny Rodriguez (31:05)

    • @rucitaaptpamungkas1347
      @rucitaaptpamungkas1347 4 года назад +12

      Umm I'm Indonesian and I think Period is "Woman cycle" Better of without them when U got PMS😅

    • @Portal_of_the_faeries
      @Portal_of_the_faeries 4 года назад +7

      Omg shes back. Lol. Someone yelled "period" at a melanie concert and i about peed my pants.

  • @kai9238
    @kai9238 4 года назад +316

    Am I
    the only one watching this on quarantine because I was ganna see Billie in concert but that got canceled 😭

    • @s1lverlvke11
      @s1lverlvke11 4 года назад +1

      Imlillyofficial not the only one😔

    • @Andreea713
      @Andreea713 4 года назад

      Nope me too

    • @summer7398
      @summer7398 4 года назад +1

      I was gonna go to :((()

    • @robert.manhattan9629
      @robert.manhattan9629 4 года назад

      What about Berlin? Or Cologne? 🤔❓

    • @louu6766
      @louu6766 4 года назад +1

      I’m supposed to see her in London😪

  • @zebaahmadzai
    @zebaahmadzai 4 месяца назад +3

    4 years have passed and I’m still obsessed with this show, I love Billie❤️!!!!!!!!!

  • @tahliadunne2770
    @tahliadunne2770 5 лет назад +542

    When she tries to stay serious but she is so happy so she cant, its so cute

  • @jameshorn854
    @jameshorn854 5 лет назад +1755

    if u listen REALLY close you can hear Billies voice underneath the crowd.

    • @estherellen6853
      @estherellen6853 5 лет назад +19

      Ahh yes now I can finally here her!

    • @keybladekitty
      @keybladekitty 5 лет назад +66

      THANK YOU. That is so disrespectful to be singing over the artist while they're trying to perform unless they ask you to sing with them. You cant hear her singing at all.

    • @marisaguirre
      @marisaguirre 5 лет назад +65

      @@keybladekitty Bil said that she loves when people sing with her, but I agree with you, I think it's ok to sing along but sometimes they just scream

    • @kevinmm20
      @kevinmm20 5 лет назад +76

      Well they could just turn her fuckin mic up haha

    • @ingeMarcel
      @ingeMarcel 5 лет назад +8

      Right. I mean I get it, it's exciting and I'm sure she doesn't mind at all but c'mon

  • @xrrgr
    @xrrgr 5 лет назад +757

    Everyone's complaining about how loud the crowd is, but I think it's great that there are some new artists in 2019 that still have die hard fanbases.

    • @MarsyseKellyMccool
      @MarsyseKellyMccool 5 лет назад +8

      I was at her set and her mic was actually too low. We were in the middle screaming for her to turn it up.

    • @vaughan3273
      @vaughan3273 5 лет назад +11

      Yeh of 13 year old girls that want depression for attention great fan base really😭😭😭🤣🤣😂😂

    • @gemmastill8779
      @gemmastill8779 5 лет назад +9

      skelly oh me, im 13, not depressed and i love her 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @vaughan3273
      @vaughan3273 5 лет назад

      @@gemmastill8779 wooooossshhh

    • @josealbinosantosnogueira6013
      @josealbinosantosnogueira6013 5 лет назад +2

      Does anyone remember the Beatles?

  • @johnrogers9181
    @johnrogers9181 Год назад +14

    Billie is my favorite artist. She blew up.

  • @frankiefork422
    @frankiefork422 3 года назад +9

    She’s just so talented and naturally gorgeous in her own way

  • @xFellazz
    @xFellazz 5 лет назад +60

    damn that crowd looks packed. Thank god theres a youtube version.

  • @varsharaman2166
    @varsharaman2166 5 лет назад +963

    The poor girl must be exhausted...but the quality never dips. Protect our queen

    • @krijgwat469
      @krijgwat469 5 лет назад +17

      Not very hard to keep up very mediocre whispering.

    • @jessybessy6546
      @jessybessy6546 5 лет назад +33

      Krijg Wat - the girl literally had both of her ankles messed up. I dont think they’re referring to her singing style.

    • @viviannabella3930
      @viviannabella3930 5 лет назад +16

      Cockstruction Worker that’s because she thinks sitting there and singing would be boring and she wants to give her fans a upbeat show

    • @lemonadecandy6796
      @lemonadecandy6796 5 лет назад +63

      @@krijgwat469 Damn okay you are literally so wrong. Keeping up a floaty murmer/whisper when your heart is pounding and you're doing physical activity is actually the hardest thing ever. You lose your breath SO easily and it can easily turn into you just gasping into the microphone. The amazing thing about Billie's performances are that she has astounding breath control and can MAINTAIN the tone she has and keep herself calm so she won't start getting winded. It is much, much harder than you think.

    • @blazwura97
      @blazwura97 5 лет назад +21

      @@lemonadecandy6796 You forgot to say she has bad asthma too!

  • @randal77
    @randal77 4 года назад +455

    People: "Finneas is so underrated"
    The drummer: "Hold my drums"

    • @cadenbailey824
      @cadenbailey824 4 года назад +18

      いつか "the drummer" *probably doesn't even know his name*

    • @sarahgrace5400
      @sarahgrace5400 4 года назад +14

      Andrew you mean?

    • @dudeanything2951
      @dudeanything2951 4 года назад +10

      They're both fire 🔥

    • @dudeanything2951
      @dudeanything2951 4 года назад +8

      Sarah Grace Well yea but not everyone knows him as Andrew so makes sense to say "the drummer"🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @juno1395
      @juno1395 4 года назад +15

      the drummer is called andrew and he is 110% underrated

  • @compras_por_internet1113
    @compras_por_internet1113 3 года назад +5

    Billie full fill of people in all your concerts. She´s a master!! I love all Billie's songs.

  • @melaniejulissa2393
    @melaniejulissa2393 4 года назад +444

    I would CRY MY EYES OUT if I was there😭

    • @dawnfarrugia8385
      @dawnfarrugia8385 4 года назад +6

      Awww you should of came in my suitcase 🧳 come next time with me !!!

    • @dovewc
      @dovewc 4 года назад

      MelanieJulissa same

    • @tr0ph_huntr634
      @tr0ph_huntr634 4 года назад +1

      @@dawnfarrugia8385 xD silly girls

    • @cedricarbonida8335
      @cedricarbonida8335 4 года назад

      Same AF

    • @haileygurnari1944
      @haileygurnari1944 4 года назад +1

      The girl with glitter on her face was on the screen and I was like.. I would go all out but still cry it all off

  • @c0les_law
    @c0les_law 4 года назад +146

    man i miss the times before corona

  • @josselyngaray108
    @josselyngaray108 5 лет назад +978


    • @cherrywavesenjoyer
      @cherrywavesenjoyer 5 лет назад +3

      Josselyn Garay sameeee

    • @kuakamolee
      @kuakamolee 5 лет назад +2

      Josselyn Garay HAHAH iKK

    • @Daisy-qk7pt
      @Daisy-qk7pt 5 лет назад +19

      12:36 😂😂😂
      (edited to make the time stamp more accurate)

    • @baddiequeenshawtybae7775
      @baddiequeenshawtybae7775 5 лет назад +1


    • @JMac-27
      @JMac-27 5 лет назад

      reminds me so much of 30 Seconds to Mars with Jareds brother Shannon in the band, they kinda look alike too

  • @eusavio_
    @eusavio_ 11 месяцев назад +442

    I know it's not your first time watching this show

  • @martawalton153
    @martawalton153 4 года назад +2320

    I just love the fact the she’s not wearing makeup nor wearing sexy clothes, her hair is just normal, she just being her natural self at her age, it’s just refreshing....

    • @m.m5779
      @m.m5779 4 года назад +70

      Yup , your comment deserves a billion likes. I love you.

    • @raphbrk1061
      @raphbrk1061 4 года назад +95

      She actually wears some makeup

    • @raphbrk1061
      @raphbrk1061 4 года назад +19

      @NO HARASSMENT OR BULLYING PLEASE!! I WILL report u there is no " so " im just responding to marta walton who said she didnt have some makeup but she actually has some

    • @susannahellmuth81
      @susannahellmuth81 4 года назад +24

      And at the same time being sooo beautiful destroying gender roles I love it

    • @maya7413
      @maya7413 4 года назад +34

      « her hair is just normal » haha

  • @conxesufmanrerrrr
    @conxesufmanrerrrr 4 года назад +225

    36:45 omg, i love how he plays bass.

  • @GigiLYsn
    @GigiLYsn 4 года назад +335

    21:12 can we talk about Finneas please. That guitar solo was INCREDIBLE!

    • @lely-cast5573
      @lely-cast5573 4 года назад

      U must be new to her

    • @valeriaplaysp1139
      @valeriaplaysp1139 4 года назад

      Yass but the point of the vid is Billie bc it's her concert (yeah ture)

  • @luzmay-t8r
    @luzmay-t8r 9 месяцев назад +3

    i love you BILLIE i hope someday i can see you

  • @lacharra4302
    @lacharra4302 5 лет назад +169

    The cameraman did the people who didn’t know the lyrics bogus🤣👏🏽

  • @anya6575
    @anya6575 5 лет назад +353

    20:21 "get lower" her voice is so cuteee 😭😍

  • @caroline4316
    @caroline4316 4 года назад +1745

    am i the only one that waches at home because :
    :im poor
    :not in my country
    Im in the uk but the places in london are way to far away from where i am so

  • @govenors
    @govenors 2 года назад +8

    billie have so much energy

  • @carterhargrove2696
    @carterhargrove2696 5 лет назад +167

    Was there for this and it was amazing. It was so much louder than what you can hear in the video. There were so many people it was crazy!

    • @zoeberger6285
      @zoeberger6285 5 лет назад +8

      No one could hear her in the middle of the crowd we were all yelling turn it up

    • @nequalaglenn8851
      @nequalaglenn8851 5 лет назад +4

      Yeah I was there too but in the video you can see her signal for them to turn it up

    • @carterhargrove2696
      @carterhargrove2696 5 лет назад +1

      Zoe Berger i sat up on the hill and it was loud and clear

    • @melaniegutierrez8961
      @melaniegutierrez8961 5 лет назад +3

      I was close to the front and it wasn’t very loud :(

    • @chillimitski243
      @chillimitski243 5 лет назад +3

      You’re all soooooo lucky

  • @rabiagn6665
    @rabiagn6665 5 лет назад +81

    45:25 doing the hand thing just bless my life everytime

  • @queenbuttercup3897
    @queenbuttercup3897 3 года назад +43

    I wonder what that feels to have that many people love you in one place.. gosh the energy ... you are so blessed

  • @high_tech_edits
    @high_tech_edits Год назад +4

    She's doing aerobics while singing, that's AMAZING 😂❤❤❤

  • @kevinplaygendary9043
    @kevinplaygendary9043 4 года назад +126

    17:03 the angel voice of billie eilish

  • @Aizawastruewife
    @Aizawastruewife 3 года назад +374

    31:06 Someone yelled "PERIODT" Billie just started laughing 😭

    • @adriancatmeow
      @adriancatmeow 3 года назад +5

      so good omg

    • @atcaroyo
      @atcaroyo 3 года назад +6

      Then she says it in the next song 😂 34:28

    • @Aizawastruewife
      @Aizawastruewife 3 года назад +5

      @KaKa-King Laughing and giggling are legit the same thing 💀🗿

    • @stefankiingg1196
      @stefankiingg1196 3 года назад +1

      @KaKa-King point is,it was funny to.her

  • @sherylAA
    @sherylAA 3 года назад +591

    This hits differently after watching the documentary. She's such a trooper

    • @mirroredchrmes
      @mirroredchrmes 3 года назад +12

      i just watched the documentary too

    • @leticiapons8023
      @leticiapons8023 3 года назад +6

      Where can I find the documentary? (date, channel etc)

    • @noacohenmusic
      @noacohenmusic 3 года назад +3

      Its free?

    • @Imw4tching_y0u
      @Imw4tching_y0u 3 года назад +11


    • @N000n42
      @N000n42 3 года назад

      @@recklessfikations THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH

  • @yaravital3
    @yaravital3 Год назад +11

    The part between 4:52 and 4:55 got me breathless
    I love Billie Eilish

  • @sammihaines
    @sammihaines 5 лет назад +41

    Dudeeee even when shes sick she kills it!!! Its so crazy to think back to when she was just uploading on Soundcloud. LOOK HOW FAR SHES COME.

  • @zaziixx
    @zaziixx 5 лет назад +1411

    Billie: let's all hold someone's hand and be glad we're alive
    *Billie 3 minutes later* : I wANna eND mE

  • @SharisBerrys
    @SharisBerrys 4 года назад +67

    Omg it must feel INCREDIBLE to be able to ‘control’ sooooooooo many people like that!!!!!! I’m truly stunned at all those girls that are screaming and in tears, just like we used to see girls do with Elvis and the Beatles all those years ago. Keep it up Billie!!!! You are truly talented:)

  • @ruby-1105
    @ruby-1105 2 года назад +4

    1:58 - bad guy
    5:20 - my strange addiction
    10:19 - you should see me in a crown
    13:54 - idon'twannabeyouanymore
    17:58 - COPYCAT
    21:59 - WHEN I WAS OLDER
    27:00 - wish you were gay
    30:47 - xanny ("PERIOD" shout @ 31:07)
    34:21 - all the good girls go to hell
    37:20 - ilomilo
    39:55 - bellyache
    43:13 - ocean eyes
    48:58 - when the party's over
    52:18 - bury a friend
    55:31 - bad guy (encore)

  • @sayit-sayit
    @sayit-sayit 4 года назад +107

    I'll see her and her big brother in concert before I die.

    • @Rosecourt94
      @Rosecourt94 4 года назад +3

      Norah Carter same girl!!!!! I just can’t afford 200$+ for nose bleeds !!! 😭😭😭😭😭 I LOVE THEM

  • @CrythmX
    @CrythmX 5 лет назад +3492

    just for me lol
    1:58 - bad guy
    5:20 - my strange addiction
    10:19 - you should see me in a crown
    13:54 - idon'twannabeyouanymore
    17:58 - COPYCAT
    21:59 - WHEN I WAS OLDER
    27:00 - wish you were gay
    30:47 - xanny ("PERIOD" shout @ 31:07)
    34:21 - all the good girls go to hell
    37:20 - ilomilo
    39:55 - bellyache
    43:13 - ocean eyes
    48:58 - when the party's over
    52:18 - bury a friend
    55:31 - bad guy (encore)
    (copy and pasted btw)

  • @spritesvoid
    @spritesvoid 5 лет назад +70

    is no one gonna to talk about her outfit its fookin fire

  • @unisulov4803
    @unisulov4803 3 года назад +4

    Much better LIVE than recorded on studio I am still impressed by the whole show and the talent as musicians they have *--*

  • @royaalle2174
    @royaalle2174 4 года назад +514

    did I just scream at my laptop screen?
    *why yes. i certainly did.*

    • @shanefox6016
      @shanefox6016 4 года назад +2

      Do you believe in God? Creation is proof that there is a creator!
      10/10 people die. What happens when we die?
      It is appointed for once a man to die and then judgement Hebrews 9:27
      Most people think they are good people and will go to heaven when they die. Gods standard of good is far greater than ours. Gods standard is the Ten Commandments
      Let’s look at a few to see how you measure up to Gods standard...
      Have you ever told a lie?
      What do you call someone who lies? Liar
      Ever stolen something?
      What do you call someone who steals? Thief
      Ever looked with lust?
      Jesus said if you look with list you have committed adultery in your heart
      Ever hated someone?
      Jesus if you have hated someone you have committed murder
      Ever used Gods name in vain?
      That is called blasphemy. Using God’s name as a four letter filth word. He gave us life and we use His Holy name as a cuss word.
      With an honest heart you would admit to being guilty of breaking the commandments?
      If God judges you by His standard would you go to heaven or hell? If you broke any of the commandments, and the Bible says all have, you will end up in hell.
      I don’t want anyone to end up in hell so I share this message with you. The good news/the gospel!
      Do you know what God did to save you from hell and Gods wrath upon sinners?
      God loves you so much that He sent Jesus Christ to take the punishment you and I deserve for breaking God’s Law upon Himself! He suffered and died on the cross in YOUR place. He shed his blood to cover your sins! Then He rose again to defeat death so you can live forever with him.
      Just before Jesus died he said”It is finished”. Your debt has been paid in full for your sins! It’s like broke Gods Law and Jesus paid your fine! What a loving God to offer His grace!
      If you repent and trust in Him you will be saved!
      You then won’t have to worry about death because you will spend eternity with God forever when you leave this world! Death no longer will have a grip on you!
      That is the real hope you will have in Christ!
      This world is temporary and it will pass, but your soul lives forever! Store up for yourself treasures in heaven and put your trust in the Savior Jesus Christ!
      Make sure that you are putting your faith in Jesus alone for salvation! Come to Jesus because He loved you first! Come to Jesus because He offers to save you from the wrath to come. Come to Jesus because he took the punishment you deserve upon Himself so you can be saved through Him!
      Do not come to Jesus because he has big plans for you. Don’t come to Jesus to have a better life. That is a message many preach and is very dangerous and doesn’t produce genuine repentance and true faith in Christ. That is a prosperity gospel message that Jesus never preached.
      In fact Jesus said just the opposite about His true followers. Jesus said His true followers will be persecuted for their faith in Him.
      Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake
      John 15:18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
      Also, don’t be fooled by those who tell you that you must do works or certain things in order to be saved. that is a false message and takes the focus off of Christ and what He did for you.
      Galatians 2:21 “I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
      Works come from the Holy Spirit after we trust and put our faith in Jesus. Faith comes before works, not the other way around.
      If anyone’s message to you is focused on anything but Christ, that is someone that I would question and be skeptical about. Someone telling you to keep certain rules/rituals/commandment in order to be saved is adding to the work that Christ did for you and is a false teaching.
      Christ is sufficient and nothing should be added for our salvation. Christ is enough
      2Corinthians 12:9 “my grace is sufficient for you”
      Colossians 2:10 “and in Him you have been made complete”

    • @marquisburton2156
      @marquisburton2156 4 года назад +3

      Me to but it was a phone😑😑😑

    • @moonlightwolf9688
      @moonlightwolf9688 4 года назад +2

      Me too lol

    • @billiesbagles2917
      @billiesbagles2917 4 года назад +2

      @@shanefox6016 I don't care... Ok?? I always see these comments my parents and sister Don't care we aren't religious like you guys yes we all came from religious households in the past but fr enough with those comments

    • @sashaz6109
      @sashaz6109 4 года назад

      Just... stop. Take this somewhere else, k? 🥰

  • @Sana-nv3tj
    @Sana-nv3tj 4 года назад +509

    Phone: we recommend you not to raise the volume above.......
    Me: shut the .....up!

  • @madd13r
    @madd13r 5 лет назад +805

    props to that one guy who had to carry that girl on his shoulders for a whole hour👏😂

    • @takeaseatbud2140
      @takeaseatbud2140 5 лет назад +11


    • @war-devil69
      @war-devil69 5 лет назад +67

      Bruh i feel bad for the ppl behind her

    • @purinatthanasittichai3614
      @purinatthanasittichai3614 5 лет назад +19

      That aint fair to other

    • @ricardo2383
      @ricardo2383 5 лет назад +26

      squidwardismypapa I was there and I was like a few feet beside her and before Billie performed they were booing at her and shouting get down and throwing water bottles at her

    • @-JohannesJhonKennedy
      @-JohannesJhonKennedy 5 лет назад


  • @andyblack5939
    @andyblack5939 Год назад +5

    Thank you so much for uploading this concert 😥😥😥

  • @pmorphie
    @pmorphie 4 года назад +2401

    Does anyone else think her mic volume needs to be higher.

    • @halotaylor1554
      @halotaylor1554 4 года назад +150

      I think the crowd just needs to chill

    • @bellanyethescienceguy5696
      @bellanyethescienceguy5696 4 года назад +94

      ye she’s got such a stunning voice but you can’t hear her bc the crowd just screaming, but like you can’t really do much about it

    • @jaureguithagamer
      @jaureguithagamer 4 года назад +8

      Pmorphie we could just play it again n a speaker

    • @lucymulligan9608
      @lucymulligan9608 4 года назад +61

      I was at music midtown, I could not hear ANY of her performance because her mic was so low. It definitely was too low

    • @michaelmota8290
      @michaelmota8290 4 года назад +27

      No I was there her volume was so low and we were all screaming to turn it up

  • @ancaolaru784
    @ancaolaru784 4 года назад +129

    Am i sitting in my bedroom at 1 am eating cake and listening to Billie while crying yes

  • @user-ji3sd7mq9c
    @user-ji3sd7mq9c 3 года назад +83

    I love her so much. She's so genuine and happy. She really doesn't deserve any of the hate she gets. She and finneas are so talented and the fact that they make all their songs in their bedrooms is absolutely amazing. Billie rarely used autotune, except the obvious parts to give her an edge in the songs. She genuinely loves her fans and is just such a real person. Her voice also gives me CHILLS, it's that good! She and finneas are such blessings to this world omg 💜😩

  • @nathanly9753
    @nathanly9753 2 года назад +6

    She never fails to make us smile

  • @morning.cereal
    @morning.cereal 5 лет назад +1336

    They need to turn up Billie’s mic so people can hear her better

    • @Anamariasebaanan
      @Anamariasebaanan 5 лет назад +7

      What? ....

    • @bilsxanny2074
      @bilsxanny2074 5 лет назад +2


    • @jr5393
      @jr5393 5 лет назад +34

      It got better towards the end. I think her style is so hard to sing with so many excited fans singing overtop of her. I just love her, though and I'm no teeny bopper! ;)

    • @payt00n
      @payt00n 5 лет назад +19

      No the crowd just needs to quite down when she sings

    • @casslove1496
      @casslove1496 5 лет назад +1

      April Jams It’s Billie. It’s literally in the title.

  • @zakialwamala4270
    @zakialwamala4270 5 лет назад +120

    The way she sang the "get lower" during copy cat

  • @venomanic
    @venomanic 4 года назад +229

    Andrew Marshall: aM i A jOKe tO YoU?

    • @paxundpeace9970
      @paxundpeace9970 4 года назад +1

      Does anyone know all the Beatles

    • @SerMarkus
      @SerMarkus 4 года назад

      @@paxundpeace9970 hmm yes

  • @trvsh7254
    @trvsh7254 2 года назад +11

    This show is ICONIC ❤️

  • @mylesaye
    @mylesaye 3 года назад +336

    why is no one cheering louder for finneas at 36:37 omgggg i don't think people realize how hard it is to play bass it's such an underrated core instrument !!!

    • @astrosokhowru
      @astrosokhowru 3 года назад +3

      I love you

    • @jeikeeeeiii
      @jeikeeeeiii 3 года назад +2


    • @richwashere9484
      @richwashere9484 2 года назад

      bro it's easy to play that line lmfao

    • @fatehkhalsa3311
      @fatehkhalsa3311 2 года назад +16

      @@richwashere9484 Yeah, but Finneas also co-writes ALL her music. He's a Badass musician, songwriter, and producer.

  • @baileemann9036
    @baileemann9036 5 лет назад +46

    I saw her in concert this summer and it was amazing, I can’t even imagine how the energy felt with all these people.. thanks for uploading I enjoyed watching it!!

  • @ruth1388
    @ruth1388 4 года назад +39

    and her leg is injured and yet she still jumpin like i love her

  • @singularmile
    @singularmile 2 года назад +12


  • @andrikawalker3353
    @andrikawalker3353 4 года назад +390

    I can’t be the only person that fell in live with Billie during the I’m playing catch-up watching all of her videos 😭

    • @moonlightwolf9688
      @moonlightwolf9688 4 года назад +15

      same i'm obsessed with her

    • @allis2849
      @allis2849 4 года назад +5


    • @iamnastassiah
      @iamnastassiah 4 года назад +24

      i fell in love with her 2 years ago, but now I'm falling even more for her during quarantine, like I loved her before, now I'm obsessed/in love/literally gay for her/addicted/a lot more with her

    • @nataliemartinez9129
      @nataliemartinez9129 4 года назад +2

      AHAHh SAME

    • @ghostbur3769
      @ghostbur3769 4 года назад

      100th like!!

  • @ulasonal
    @ulasonal 4 года назад +615

    *sometimes you just want to be a microphone*

  • @heyjudee
    @heyjudee Год назад +3

    I always come back to watch this wonderful show