1535 Armor reduces physical damage by 94% (formula is 1-100(100+armor)). Rammus passive deals 245 damage at that amount too (15+15% armor). It's an 88 percent damage reduction with 130 damage on the passive at 767 armor (half of 1535) so diminishing returns on damage reduction but the damage scales.
@@ChaoticMoron That "support meant to root" did almost double his damage that game. Mage supports are just another threat if they end up getting collateral kills. He's a tank, he engages and CCs, the kills aren't as important on him.
Dear Mr Nightblue, I was loving your streams ever since you first started, you are a legend. After all these years you improved and cane out to millions of views per video. I hope this message is brought to your attention as its importance is utmost. You are my favourite league of legends streamer(Dunky 2nd) of all time. Looking forward alot from you Nightblue❤
@@yannicknoahjungermann4513 sounds good was on my list bit worried about her dmg output, i know not my goal but oftentime even as tank you need dmg thats why i loved mumu you could do respectable dmg in a teamfight. whats about VII seems not a tank but i dont know about her cc or Zack seems to be good
Over reacting for sure, morg can do things too, you sat at that wave way too long early on at the 14:40 (it was the right thing to do, but they were low and you could of helped scrap it out), you didn't need your q, and the very (un)lucky auto attack click during that early gank.
I think you over reacted, but its funny and I like it. The only thing I could say is maybe since you already vent to chat/ youtube, you could use that to stay more positive in the chat, but maybe I'm just spazzed, idk. Still love the videos.
Day 1 of asking you to play Brand mid, burn build, porofessor says its an exotic pick :p but i say its a win pick i always ban yaso since i hate his windshield
Honestly I know he was probably just doing it for the video but it was so annoying complaining about kills and cannon minions. I couldn't finish the video
that Morg had a mission, haha
its actually refreshing for once seeing NB3 getting not that many kills when all he does is run around and ks in all his videos hahaha
Exactly lmao idk if challenger players all play like pussies but maybe he's just doing it for content
For real, you're doing a terrible job as a support if you're constantly taking kills when it wasn't to secure it or save a teammate lol
you know, before 21:43, I was gonna comment to defend the morgana, but then that happened and I just laughed lmao.
After that xerath ks I would have lost it
Defeated dragons should buff certain camps.
Mountain: Krugs
Infernal: Raptors
Air: Wolves
Chemtech: Gromp
This build is like that shrimp that produces temperatures hotter than the sun for 0.01 seconds
mantis shrimp
You gotta respect the continuous uploads and the handsome man behind them
The only good thing about morg stealing your kills was your Ahri was dog meat so at least you had AP on the team
1535 Armor reduces physical damage by 94% (formula is 1-100(100+armor)). Rammus passive deals 245 damage at that amount too (15+15% armor). It's an 88 percent damage reduction with 130 damage on the passive at 767 armor (half of 1535) so diminishing returns on damage reduction but the damage scales.
We bringing back the kappa award at the end of the videos NB? xD
Morgana is not just a support, she is the main AP damage in the team. It's not Soraka, Sona, Lulu and so on.
Try full AS fizz with Quickblades pls.
over reacting about kills....but its funny
To me it makes the video more enjoyable
Don't see it as overreacting. A fed jg is almost always more important than a sup meant to root
@@ChaoticMoron That "support meant to root" did almost double his damage that game. Mage supports are just another threat if they end up getting collateral kills. He's a tank, he engages and CCs, the kills aren't as important on him.
comparing to a normal league player u r under reacting for not running it down and leaving the game
Max AS rammus would be fire 🔥
i think you are reacting appropriately, after all this is Nightblue TV, not Morgana TV......
Dear Mr Nightblue, I was loving your streams ever since you first started, you are a legend. After all these years you improved and cane out to millions of views per video. I hope this message is brought to your attention as its importance is utmost. You are my favourite league of legends streamer(Dunky 2nd) of all time. Looking forward alot from you Nightblue❤
No that Morg is Kill Securing
whats its a good Tank or Bruiser jngler with CC or Dmg/cc
played ammumu much liked him a lot but wanna something new
@@yannicknoahjungermann4513 sounds good was on my list bit worried about her dmg output, i know not my goal but oftentime even as tank you need dmg thats why i loved mumu you could do respectable dmg in a teamfight.
whats about VII seems not a tank but i dont know about her cc or Zack seems to be good
3 uploads in one day? Lesgooooo
does NB not go live anymore? or am I missing something
The tables turned for you this game my friend.
These daily’s are the only reason why I sleep at night
Abyssal Mask would have done you well.
Could you play Nasus jungle? May be AP Nasus.
NB: I need kills
Team: no. 😂
Kai'sa fully evolved with shojin
5:00 closes video.
Over reacting for sure, morg can do things too, you sat at that wave way too long early on at the 14:40 (it was the right thing to do, but they were low and you could of helped scrap it out), you didn't need your q, and the very (un)lucky auto attack click during that early gank.
When rammus runs it down
7:05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ha ha ha 5 turret shots
I don't think the morg meant to steal those kills but she gotta remember she's morgana she does tons of dmg with her abilities. I'd be upset too
Morganna has it out for you😂😂
Was Morgs final item collector?
Makes my day better
full ap rammus pls nightblue
Tank qiyana sounds fun❤
Tbh I’d rather have the morg over ahri as teammate 🤷♂️
full build morgana vid
Under reacting as they say in the fantastic four "Flame on" SO flame on nightblue
Senpai, please play some jayce jungle
Make an ap kaisa vid man
lol as you said NB as you said. If it was carry ok but a support KSing? i mean cmon MORG WTF YOU DOING
can you play FULL AP NUKE RAMMUS pls ;)
bad morg but the W + liandries just takes kills.
I think you over reacted, but its funny and I like it. The only thing I could say is maybe since you already vent to chat/ youtube, you could use that to stay more positive in the chat, but maybe I'm just spazzed, idk. Still love the videos.
No damage at the end ?!?!
Because his damage was terrible, he just barely beat the Ahri. Morgana had top damage, was approaching double his.
Rammus don't do much dmg to take kills
Maxing q first and w last why 🧐 i always play it w first and q last i have 80% wr on rammus plat +
Over reacting but loving the video 😂
mah boi, we getting renektin un the jungle one day?
Day 1 of asking you to play Brand mid, burn build, porofessor says its an exotic pick :p but i say its a win pick i always ban yaso since i hate his windshield
They just standing in her W
She dont KS on purpose or with collector or smth 😅
Report Morgana!
1500 for .1 seconds once
btw for morgana steals you under reacted !
Leblanc jungle
Plays rammus and complaining about not getting kills lmao
Morg carry.
too much bitching about kills...
under reacting. thats to much hahaha
Jeez, junglers are such deva's.. Wah I missed all the kills. :)
Report morgana
Morg mvp
i proly tilted to that morgana and make 20 deaths myself
Honestly I know he was probably just doing it for the video but it was so annoying complaining about kills and cannon minions. I couldn't finish the video
day 8 asking for crits galio
Over reacting, but this Morg seems like a Lux player
Overreacting is suck for you cause, in the prior video, you are the most greedy teammate, and your teammate chills about it.
Completely over reacting lmao
see? u just so overreacting it, morg is so kind
The quality of the videos ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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