Escape Back To Allah! ᴴᴰ ┇
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
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Escape Back To Allah! ᴴᴰ ┇ #Hope ┇ by Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani ┇ TDR Production ┇
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
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Speaker: Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani
Escape Back To Allah! ᴴᴰ - by Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani
A young man and an old man came together and they went for Hajj and as soon as they were embarking to go for Hajj, the old man said, 'Labbayk Allah Humma Labbayk.' As he said that, the young man heard a voice, 'Wa La Labbayk wa La Sa'adayk' meaning that this niyyah of Hajj was not accepted. That this old man's Hajj is rejected. So the young man was very very surprised, he said, 'O Uncle! Did you not hear this voice?' So the uncle said, the old man (the haaji) said, 'Yes! I heard it my Son, I heard It! I've been hearing this voice for 40 years, I've been doing Hajj for 40 years and every time I say, 'Labbayk Allah Humma Labbayk' I hear that rejection, I hear that voice telling me 'Wa La Labbayk Wa La Sa'adayk.'' That basically the Hajj is rejected and the young man was surprised, he says, 'O uncle, and you still insist in making Hajj? You still want to make Hajj for this?' And the old man said, 'O My son, think about this, think about this my son, is there any escape from Allah s.w.t., other than to Allah?' Meaning, if Allah rejects you, if Allah s.w.t. does not accept something, because of some fault, some shortcoming, some sin. Is there any other way, other than to Allah? Meaning can you escape from Allah other than back to Allah? You know there are things which we fear in our lives. We have things that we run away from in our lives. Every one of you, Brother, Sister, you have something that in your life, you fear and you wanna escape from. Akhi, Ukhti, where are you gonna escape from, from Allah s.w.t., other than to Allah? Allahu Akbar. There's nowhere else to go, except to making Tawbah to him. Except to repenting to him. Except to coming back to him.
Salam All!
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** No Impermissible Music was used in the production of this video
JazakALLAHu Khair,
TDR Team.
Ya Allah please guide me through the right path
What a beautiful turban, maashaAllah!
Islam will remain forever! ALLAHu akbar. Good reminder thankyou Ustadh Gabriel and may ALLAH bless you to (;
Please make duwa for me. Duwa that i may have power and am rightly guided. Power beyond that which anyone has ever had. I dont want it to corrupt myself. I want it to correct the wronged world we live in today. And surely Allah it is with whom lies all power.
SubhanAllah beautiful video as always:) Sheikh Mukhtar Shinqitee said even if you are drowning in your sins and you ask Allah for help he will ALWAYS HELP YOU! The issue is, we lose heart, Allah is trying to pull us up but satan is trying to pull us down and we sit there and do nothing like typical humans, we must carry on and reach for the rope going up!
I heard a story of a worshiper who committed some sins and started to lose hope in Allah's mercy so he asked a pious person will Allah accept my repentance? The pious person said Of course! If Allah is inviting those who are turning away from him and denying him why would he not accept someone who is TURNING TO HIM?
SubhanALLAH the mercy of Allah is toooo vast, who are we with our tiny sins to stop the ever overflowing boundless mercy of our ALLAH:)
i am 👍 with this reminder i recommend you listen to this moslim
What I really love about all the videos on this channel is that they have English captions and they help me greatly as I am hard of hearing.
This reminder really helped me. Alhamdulillah, thank you.
These type of people make me feel warm inside. I Thank Allah for strong people like this.
جزاكم الله خيراً
You said : whoever said it in night and die after in the morning he will enter the Jannah , but the hadith says : whoever says it in a night and die in the same night , he will enter the Jannah. and same idea for the morning
this is the hadith :
سيِّدُ الاستِغفارِ أن تقولَ : اللَّهمَّ أنتَ ربِّي لا إلَهَ إلَّا أنتَ ، خَلقتَني وأَنا عبدُكَ ، وأَنا على عَهْدِكَ ووعدِكَ ما استطعتُ ، أعوذُ بِكَ من شرِّ ما صنعتُ ، أبوءُ لَكَ بنعمتِكَ عليَّ ، وأبوءُ لَكَ بذنبي فاغفِر لي ، فإنَّهُ لا يغفرُ الذُّنوبَ إلَّا أنتَ قالَ : ومَن قالَها منَ النَّهارِ موقنًا بِها ، فماتَ من يومِهِ قبلَ أن يُمْسيَ ، فَهوَ من أَهْلِ الجنَّةِ ، ومن قالَها منَ اللَّيلِ وَهوَ موقنٌ بِها ، فماتَ قبلَ أن يُصْبِحَ ، فَهوَ من أَهْلِ الجنَّةِ
الراوي: شداد بن أوس المحدث: البخاري - المصدر: صحيح البخاري - الصفحة أو الرقم: 6306
خلاصة حكم المحدث: [صحيح]
الله هو الغفور ارحيم
I love Islam and I and I am proud of it
+Mohamed ALI you say you are thankful to be Muslim, there is no pride in islam, like what have you done to get it. Only Allah gave you to it.
+shadow_world True your right thanks for correcting me its Allah swt is the most merciful
Yes everything we have is because of his mercy.
This is exactly what i think of when i commit a sin, this video really helped me Jazakallah
Same here! :(
But this vid makes me wanna do more, and in the same time give me hope and make me think I should never let these thoughts get me. Nobodys perfect but we have to be better muslims and do more for our God, Allah swt.
Ramadan Mubarak :)
Alhamdulillah! This reminder was much needed.
ما شاء الله تبارك الرحمن.
Thank you for this video. The few Ayaats played made me tear up. Holy Qur'aan is beautiful, Masha'Allah.
Allahu Akbar... Thank you brother
Thank you very much jazakAllah khair. Alhamdulilallah this video is giving me a lot of hope.
assalamu alaikkum ...thnx brother for this reminder .......
Jazakallah khair for this video brother! this video made me cry! May merciful allah forgive us our sins and guide us to the straight path!
That was an amazing reminder. I as well as others, I am sure need these everyday. Peace be upon you and yours brothers and sisters.
جزاك الله
Maashallah, it was a beautyfull reminder, which I will always cherish in my heart inshallah..
Thank u brother
thx brothers for sharing this beautiful reminder may allah reward u all
jazaakallah brother.....
jazakallah akhiii
jazak allah khair ♥
I always get inspired by ur videoz.. Amazing reminder for us..
These videos are amazing!!!!
jazakalla brother
may Allah give us hidaya and may Allah forgive our sins ameen
Mashallah Subhanallah
I use to say that Sayyid-al Istighfaar - although sometimes I forget - night and day in Turkish, does that count? Or do we have to memorize the Arabic?
May Allah (SWT) put the makers of these videos and everybody who says this Sayyid-al Istighfaar in His Jannah. This video was exactly what I needed, and it was the first video I stumbled upon when opening RUclips, SubhanAllah and Alhamdulillah.
Allah love to forgive who repent to Allah
Salam, what a beautiful reminder! SubhanAllah, may Allah keep us close to Him. Does anyone know the recitor at 5.20??
@sana jarrar
The dua is as follows
Allahhuma anta raabee laa ilaaha illaa anta khalaatanee wa anaa abduka wa anaa alaa ahdika wa wa'dika mastatatu a'oothu bika min sharri maa sana'tu aboo'u laksa bini'matika alayya wa aboo'u bithanbee faghfir lee fa'innahu laa yaghfiruth-thunooba illa anta
thinks :-)
Bro, I did a HUGE sin!! And it's ramadan which means shaytan is locked in hell and can't tell me what to do.. so I figured out this is me doing these sins, its not shaytan. normally I always blame shaytan and repent to Allah as fast as possible, but this time I TOTALLY lost hope. I feel like Allah will NEVER forgive that sin even if I fast my whole life. So what now? What am I supposed to do?... Well I at least promised myself that I will fast all this ramadan and the ones to come, because I know that Allah will forgive all my sins if I fast the whole ramadan... but what about the one sin that is so huge + that it is in ramadan WHILE I was fasting !!!
I broke my fast during Ramadan in a very bad way...
Now is your time to work on YOURSELF during ramadan. It's okay, you committed a sin. Don't lose help, feel regret and shame thats fine. But don't fall into despair, let that be an opportunity for you to get to know Allah more. Read tarsiers of surahs, make zikir throughout your day. Stay away from social media, music. Watch youtube videos of the prophet muahmmed sws see rah. inshAlllah Allah will help you, when he sees someone put in effort. He helps you,
The Prophet (saws) said: “When Allah (swt) had created the creations He declared a law (unto Himself) which is with Him above the `Arsh (to the effect), ‘My mercy shall overcome My anger’” (Sahihayn).
Brother, for every fast you broke intentionally, you must fast 60 days or feed 10 poor people. Moreover, you must beg Allah for forgiveness, fear not for Allah is the most merciful and most pardoning.
If you would like ways in how to get your sins removed easily, i am more than happy to help you. May Allah forgive your sins and allow you among all of us to enter the highest ranks of jannah, ameen.
read tafsir especially on what your imam will read in taraweeeh. then. go to the most front rakaah and pray. listen to the beautiful recitation, don't think much about the tafsir(as lon u know what Allah says in the recitation is enough) and shed tears.
Beautiful! What is the reader's name please?
Uatadh Gabriel Al Romaani
what's the point of keeping female sound at the beginning & at the end???
Assalamualaikum, does anyone know the reciter of the Sayyid al-Istighfar in this video?
Salam. I am just confused about the story of the man whose Hajj was not accepted multiple times; was there a distinct reason of why that is the case? Is completing a pillar of islam that hard to achieve? I hope someone is able to explain this to me. Thank you!
Can someplace tell me what surah and stat of that dis in the vidio
What surah and ayat is that dua please
i think my heart has been hardened, lately i can't keep my salah, ever since joining university i stopped fasting monday and thursday, i even got a girlfriend and she is just there for pretences i dont like her. how can i go back to my old self?
even these reminders dont move me anymore
Salam Bro! Just you watching this video is a great blessing from Allah, he is guiding your heart to these videos so that you can gain that knowledge to turn back to him and fill your heart with his love. I understand I am in university too. You need to find good Muslim friends in university to help you remember Allah throughout the day and help you stay away from sins. Start from today and make the changes you need to soften your heart! I hope this helps and take care of yourself.
Assalamu Aleikum Brother, Please do not let your heart go harder! And stop that relationship with that girl, you are disobeying Allah swt and potentially hurting a human being, especially you've mention you don't even like her- that's very sad. Because that girl even if shes not perfect she is a lady, and remember she is someone else's little girl... women must be honoured in Islam..... Some people do haram, but at least they love the other and they have a intention of getting married, but you in other hand, no (according to what you said). So please stop it. That will corrupt your heart in such a way, that few years from now you'll ask yourself where is that nice kid? And maybe you may die soon, and don't forget judgement day brother, Allah has a record with all things we do, once you read your actions, you wanna be happy or sadly desperate about it? I will ask Allah swt to guide you and us all. Please start praying, and ask forgiveness to Allah for YOUR SAFETY!!! Remember this life is just disillusions do not expect or wish too much greatness, just be thankful you are healthy, you have a chance for education Al Hamdulilah, Allah swt gave you so much more than others. See the Palestinians being killed in Gaza, see those parents having diseased children, see those people who cannot even have clean water to drink, how sad that is. Repent to Allah, stop it, BE STRONG, dont let anything come between YOU and ALLAH swt!! We need HIM!
Carina Tawheed Ikhlas
wauw brother well said!
where can i find that istighfaar?
what about the people that's born differently i mean like they're gay/lesbian? will allah accept their prayers? even they still didn't change?
the reciter of the Quran at 4:19, someone recognizes him?
Mishary Rashid Alafasy
I just want to know what about if you do the same sin again & again please can sm1 answer this question?
You make dua to fight the desire you have. And try your best to stay away from it. Salam! Hope this helped
Hectic doom Jazakallah
who is the reciter of the quran at 5:20? thankyou!
I wanna know that too. So please tell me if you find who the reciter is. Jazzaku allahu khairan :)
The reciter is Mishary Rashid Alafasy.
+Thedailyremimder Can yu please type the istighfar here in the comments.. it would be really nice if u or someone would type the istighfaar in English with translation in the comments
You can search in google..It's called Sayidul Istigfar
In the beginning you ppl suppose to say Bismi or Salam as well pls change this girly voice this is very annoying. Work for Allah not for fame.
Salam Aleikum Jizak Allah for your advice - if in this harsh tone you should do it in private. Also you should not question the brother's intentions. I believe we always say bismillah - sometimes the editor might cut it for some reason or out of mistake. We take advice and we appreciate it but there is a way of giving it and we should be careful of questioning intentions and saying people are working for fame. Gabriel Al Romaani
Gabriel Al Romaani Brother I fail to hear the girly voice. Your voice was normal. Please do not worry over it. The brother above might have been referring to the nasheed. Your advice came at a time when I need it. May Allah accept this from you and your team, and reward you for every person who hears, and may The Most Generous multiply the reward for you and your team
Gabriel Al Romaani I'm sorry I doesn't mean to questioning someones intention that Allah knows, sorry for being harsh.
huh?? everything seemed fine to me
Salam, you know boss there is a way you correct someone. Why didn't you first praise the efforts/actions of those involved in the making of the vid, they are doing more work than any of us! Next your advice should be given in private, there is a private Message facility on utube use it!!!!! Next in Islam there is something called assuming good or giving excuses. How do you know he didn't say Bismillah or Salam at one stage but it by mistakenly got cut out? Assume good of him, it doesn't matter if you didn't see it or hear it. Its a bit mean don't you think to say the females voice is annoying? She might want to help in the cause of gaining good deeds by forwarding people to donate and therefore more material can be produced. SubhanAllah, one rule in life boss, NEVER QUESTION anyone intention, thats Allah's domain and believe me, do not enter those things which Allah has kept for his exclusive authority. The makers of these vids may have the clearest and purest intentions than any of us and we are supposed to assume this.
May Allah have mercy on you for intending to bring about goodness and may Allah enable you to do so via correct procedures. May Allah render you and your family sinless through Ramadan:)
In the beginning you ppl suppose to say Bismi or Salam as well pls change this girly voice this is very annoying. Work for Allah not for fame.
Bismillah would be perfect. Then you start with the name of Allah. That would be perfect!
U shouldnt be complaining about things like that your lucky you are gaining knowledge by watching these videos, u shud appreciate the uploader spent his own time uploading it be thankful man.
Relax akhi he was just giving advice.
“May Allah have mercy on him who sends me my faults as a present.” UMAR BIN AL-KHATTAB (R.A)
SOLDIEROFALLAH CH gaining knowledge for the sake of Almighty