Oh my, the dog drooling on the other dog, still with a look of love and innocent curiosity in his eyes.. not knowing what was coming :'( this breaks my heart so so much.
**GRAPHIC~GRAPHIC~GRAPHIC!!!** I literally had to go vomit after watching this. This has to stop. Please...Oh God it has to stop! WE are THEIR voice! I will NOT be silent! Please SHARE!
I would like to lock all those evil humans in cages and let the dogs cook and eat them A dog is not a normal animal it's a friend or family or company to a lonely person. A dog asks nothing but love n food and in return u get loved and have an animal that does what you say when will people realise that's bloody amazing x
#StopYulin2015 I just saw the video! It was terrifying! Cried for almost 15minutes . I too have a pet dog and its brutal to see them get killed this way! China is doing absolutely wrong in conducting a festival like this! No one gets any benefit out of this! I strongly OPPOSE Yulin fest 2015 !
I was bitten by a dog that i tried to save off the streets, while i love dogs and dont condone eating dogs, they are certainly not the angelic animals you claim they are. Dogs fight and attack just like any other animal.
stop yulin festival .They are not your food they are ours best friends .we will support you for saving dogs and cats.God help us to save dogs ,cats and cows from slaughtering.
Does anyone know the protein value in dog meat ?? also if you had to compare it to another meat what does it remind you of?? I'm thinking of going next year...
I ate a large dog in Vietnam (cant remember the breed). But it tasted kind of like a mix between Turkey and Moose. Im also thinking of going to Yulin next year
Asif Imran fk me? Anyone who tortures dogs and cats should be tortured themselves and I will be more than happy to accommodate that pleasurable experience,since they are lower than subhuman should all be killed!
this is no different then a sausage festival for pigs, or thanks giving for turkeys... list goes on. about harvest festivals for plants?? you know plants are living things right? this is ignorant as hell. another culture eats dogs instead of keeps them as pets. how do you think east indians feel about north america having mcdonalds harveys a&w burger king. they consider it a holy animal but to us it's best next to the mashed potatos.... so yea no matter how you stack it you're all being misled on purpose (probably over a hidden racist agenda) by your fallacy of appeal to emotion. no doubt most of you own dogs and you imagine them eating your dog.... They won't.. you don't live anywhere close to there. relax... 90% of dogs on earth are not eaten. thats probably a better statistic then humans. also to anyone who says eating meat is wrong how is killing animals more wrong then killing plants? life is sacred to you no? so SOMETHING has to sacrifice it's life for you to live. what difference does it make?
soum fasda WOW, you r so IGNORANT, I would say, what is your purpose in life??? The dogs and cats in Asia get tortured and burned and skinned and beaten until they die a painful torture death. you CANNOT compare this act of barbarism to other industries. What happens in Asia is so barbaric, it makes me sick, and worst of all, these scumbags even bring these methods to other countries. It SUCKS,
Fritzy Fischer A) you're racist.... B) you put you R so ignorant... if you wan't people to take what you say seriously sound like you actually know something and not like some secondary/post secondary education valley girl...... you're post is what's called an "ad hominem" it's a logical fallacy that actually proves YOU are the one who is ignorant. just saying.
I am gladly being called a racist when in future I don't have to deal anymore with all the scum in this world and their ancient barbaric methods, religions, wars and producing gazillions of tons of garbage. 85% of the humans are anyways waste of space.
The horror of boiling pups alive,blow torching them alive, skinning them alive,clubbing them to death..surely NO ANIMAL should ever have to endure this !Dogs have been domesticated BY man,they trust,believe,and "follow" man What an evil betrayal then to subject them to this crime!!Go Go,brave chinese activists,we are with you!!xx
What nonsense … once pets are pretty much always other people’s food … just because your/our culture sees certain animals as off limits does not mean its the same everywhere … even in Europe they tend to eat cute pets … little lamb, cows, piglets, horses and many others … as their meat is particularly delicious … millions of cute chicks being shredded every day as useless by product of your eggs … nevertheless its no excuse to mistreat them before eating them and processing them in a way causing unnecessary pain … clubbing them by the way is part of humane slaughter … a strong blow to the head leaving them unconscious followed by severing main blood vessels or stab to heart … this of course needs to be done properly to minimise suffering …
I am crying so much right now... What the yulin festival is, is that people believe that if dogs are tortured then they will taste better then they eat them.
kmm Personally, no, I love my dogs too much. That said, I cannot think of a good reason to condemn those who do, if the animal is treated sanely beforehand.
I'm a blood of Chinese (half Indonesia) too and I never hear or imagine that there's a kind of cruel festival like this. And I will write my own petition to stop this cruel thing too, I love dogs and cats and never dare to eat them. So please don't judge the Chinese people but judge the people who isn't realised or behind it! TY
What stupid comment! How retarded can a human being be and wish death to others … unjustifiable … this is as wicked as the dog killers are, wishing death to millions of innocent … keep in mind … what you wish to others karma brings back to your loved ones … but it already backfired … covid killed many many people in Europe and worldwide. Hardly any family that I know here in Europe has been without losses. And … who is they? All Chinese, all Asians? How utterly racist and dumb is this … not all Chinese or Asians eat dog or cat meat. Who are we to tell other countries or cultures what to eat? Europeans eat all sorts of animals including animals others see as pets, especially baby animals for their delicious and soft meat … cows, lamb, piglets and plenty of others. Europeans eat all sorts of meat in general including animals others see as pets or utterly disgusting like horses and birds, snails, frogs etc. But nobody cares as they are killed and turned into steak, schnitzel, patee in factories! Industrial scale killing of hundreds of millions of animals every single day … and many die just for the bin throwing away tons and tons of food as we live in excess! Where are many exotic food traditions coming from … famine, poverty, people dying from hunger … of course fat first world egocentrics do not know this … to eat cats & dogs is in no way different than eating any other animal … ones pet always is another’s lunch or dinner … just because its not your culture you got no right to be racist … look at your own traditions … regardless … there is no excuse regarding the way they are acquired and how they are treated and processed … this is unacceptable … even though many western killing factories are in no way better just because you got the torture victims packed in handy portions in stores … the butchers in the video indeed behave like animals … but you behave like an animal do as well … wishing death to millions … men, women, children, babies, elderly by being happy about covid! Despite this brainless and ruthless comment I hope your family did not the karma you provoked!
Everyone says 'why does it make a difference if its dogs? We kill animals too!' But what they don't understand is a dog is a mans best friend and loyal. We teach them tricks & stuff but its quite impossible to teach a chicken tricks (if you get what I mean) We don't burn/stab chickens. We kill them so they don't feel any pain where as they are just shooting them and stuff. We need to do something and fast... Honestly sign a petition or donate money to stopdogmeat.com because those poor dogs haven't done any harm ... They are people's pets !!!
Are u people even hearing yourselves? There's many reasons why many people are disgusted by this festival. Firstly, dogs are not bred to be eaten(eg.chickens) Dogs have much more emotions than chickens. Chickens don't even know what's going on when they are gonna get killed. Secondly, dogs are bred to be COMPANIONS and family pets. Not food. Thirdly, some people mention Hindus and cows. Can you think of any religion that doesn't allow u to eat dogs? Even Hindus keep dogs. Eating cows may not be nice to them. but that is about religion so don't bother bringing that up. it's not the same thing as eating something that is meant to be a companion. Afew mention that we have factories that kill animals in the same way. But those animals were bred that way and for that reason, to be eaten. Dogs were never meant to be food. To make matters worse, these dogs are STOLEN from families. the act for stealing is already disgusting enough. and not only they steal, they torture the dogs and make up some festival about the torture of dogs. Face it; this festival has no significance to them. All they care about is the money they earn from selling the dogs that weren't even theirs in the first place. Why don't you put yrself in the pet owners' shoes. One day u wake up, ur best friend is gone and is sold and tortured then killed. If that happened to you, would u still be saying "it's no big deal"
***** China do not breed dogs for food . All the dogs that they killed are pet and strays ... killing people pet and strays should be a serious crime and that is a SHAME to the whole country .Unfortunately china NEVER give a fuck to this barbaric dog meats ...it's just a fuck up country !!
Alright look at this right now. Pigs have more emotions than dogs shows a report from 2014 yea? Still you eat them whitout feeling anything for them. It's there tradition fool.
This isn't right! I mean I accept there culture and all But can't they do this Yulin festival another way? You might think eating dog is perfectly fine because we eat pigs,cows, ect but there's something more than that. You give your dog patience, and love. your dog gives u loyalty. Ain't no chicken going to give u loyalty.Even if eating chicken was bad we atleast give them water and food. (Except some people don't)And atleast we don't steal them from people!This has to come to an end! Please God bring hope to China.That they can eat other than that😢
Of course it is still ongoing … and there are many others … just less notorious … its a tourist magnet attracting up to a million visitors each year in Yulin … a massive cash cow for this rural region … there are millions of dog and cat meat lovers … and even plenty of tourists from abroad come … what are pets for some for others has always been food … its not different in western countries … its like people from India requesting us to stop eating our beloved shredded cow sandwiches aka burgers just because there they are holy … in most western countries especially young or baby animals are delicatessen for its soft meat … lamb, piglets, cows, in some regions horses … liver patee, schnitzel, lamb meat and many other traditional dishes … hundreds of millions of animals are slaughtered every single day to cover our meat demand … and millions useless byproducts like male chicks in egg production which are shredded are killed each day … in rural China they often struggle with famine and poverty … doubtful they stop it … its still done despite trade of dogs & cats as lifestock has been banned years ago … the traditions of millions are not changed just because of other cultures feelings or some local activists … its somewhat perverted … fat and spoiled first world people telling the poor and hungry what to do … they at least should make sure that the animals before they are slaughtered are treated properly … even though our western industrialised killing machinery is not that much better … and tons of food ends up in the bin any way … who are we to teach others and force our will upon them … we Europeans and our North American colonies have enslaved and exploited the world for centuries …
those who said that this festival is no different from thanksgiving or any festival with a tradition of killing (edible animals) are just stupid. They say why not protect turkeys, not just dogs. well, i would like to know who owns a pet turkey.
***** Not because they aren't cute but because they don't do anything else, and im going to say this again dogs are man's best friends, if you feed a chicken or a pig or a cow do you think they are going to care for you at all ? Well let me tell you that if you feed them and then let them go they will leave you because they really don't care about you feeding or carring for them. A dog is loyal, a dog can feel what you feel, i had a pet dog and when i was sad he was sad, when i cried he stood there with me and put his face on my leg. Can you say the same about a pig or a cow or a chicken or a turkey they don't give a flying fuq about you. Dogs can protect , dogs can be police dogs, dogs that rescue lost children just from smelling their clothes, now can you say the same about a turkey ? NO! I live in a world where i think there should be a ballance in all things - im not a vegetarian and although i understand them, that it's cruel to kill animals, to live you need some meat and im not on the side of these cavemen who probably would eat their own children because they are made of meat - I am on the side of those who think that SOME animals shouldn't be eaten and some should , now you can call me crazy but thats what i think, and i do believe that this is how a normal person should also think - a normal human being. *And if you can easily say that they can eat dogs you probably never had a pet dog because if you had you would understand* - PS: Yes i understand that it's cruel to kill all kinds of animals and btw i couldn't kill one myself if somebody asked me to do it but that's how life is and im not judging any vegetarians out there because in a way they want some kind of peace between humans and animals - but these chinese cavemen and all of those who eat all kinds of meat from a disgusting sewer rat to a loyal dog can go to hell.
***** If humans begin to eat "man's best friend" then all the humanity in this world is lost and it won't be much untill we will eat our own children - it's meat right ?
Its okay with dog, i hate dog anyway because i once got bitten by housedog of my neighboor and they dont event punish the dog, just kill them all but dont kill the cat.
Gutted and heartbroken at this point-knowing exactly what is going on in Yulin at this very moment. I just hope those poor poor souls find their peace over the Rainbow Bridge and their murderes Rott in Hell when their time comes !
I don't eat dogs BUT I don't judge people eat dogs. All living things are equal, animals, plants...People have different cultures and traditions and you don't say any absolute right or wrong. Dogs and cats are adorable and I admit it, but animals or plants which look NOT adorable to you can be eaten by people? It's just TOO stupid that people decide which living things can be eaten and which cannot be.
:-( Dogs and cats are immemorial loyal friends and companions of the people all over the world. How can you be so cruel and kill something and eat. Simply disgusting ...
God bless the ladies who tried to stop them from taking those baskets of dogs 😔 how can people in this world be so cruel to such nice animals, yeah I get that they can bite at times but they don't deserve to be TORTURED.
My friend has a instagram which is doxy or doxi lps loves dog and cats she sighed the petition. LET'S SAVE DOGS AND CATS. my sayings: peace to 🐶 & 🐱, a dogs bark is our help to them. STOP CHINA THIS IS CRUEL! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Let us held our version of Yulin festival, this time people from Yulin is going to be on our tables. I don't if its cannibalism. I don't consider them Humans anymore
When chicken, goats, swines are mercilessly killed, all these become parts of delicacy but for cats and dogs a separate class has been reserved, what the hell is this? The first set of animals is harmless, later bites, barks, and does many bad things. Be non-partial in giving comments.
Hewan juga mahluk hidup seperti kita dia butuh dihargai,diberi kasih sayang layaknya manusia maka jangan siksa hewan seenaknya karena dia juga mempunyai hak untuk hidup, sama seperti kita. Astaghfirullah STOP YULIN FESTIFAL !!!!
Dogs have feelings too. You can see the sadness in their cute faces inside the cage. The chinese gov should make a law on animal abuse and put to jail those who butchered them. This festival doesn't make any sense. Should have stopped this before. Stupid festival!
I can understand that different cultures have animals that are seen as good to eat that other cultures see as sacred or off limits. what I object to is cruelty and unnecessary suffering
Why the revolution should be only for dogs and cats. Why there is disparity between cows, pork and cats, dogs. Killing of animals should be banned. I saw slaughtering of cows and pork. They are equally respected as dogs. So it is not wise to eat animals for our taste.
people dont understand that dogs have been a part of human society , we should thank dogs for helping us . physically and mentally. so for you comparing a pig to a dog is way off . this should be a disgrace to people who think this is okay, i hope they burn in hell
Some people have no soul! #StopYulin2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish i could help and safe them (dogs ) but i'm only 13. I think they wont metter if they kill a child like me . 😔, rest in peace beautiful creatures of nature . 💛💙💜💚❤️🐶🐺🐱🐕🐈🐕🐈🐕🐾🐾🐾💐
I know the reaction I get when I enter a fast food place or go to a church lunch or potluck. While I may bring brownies or tabouli salad others would look down on me. One woman who did not me at a party I was invited to mentioned there's always one of those. As she pointed motioned at me. I do what I do for spiritual, Health and more reasons that others may not understand. I can not change the fact that I was raised eating meat, etc yet I have been a vegetarian for years now. Here in our country we don't like it if we're stuck in a crowded train, if the ride lasts a half hour were pissed. Consider the overcrowded cages of animals tied on trucks. Now add the temperature drop or a cage falling to the ground. The debating of birds and grinding alive of male non egg laying chicks. This festival is evil at best yet we need to clean up at home too.
I don't eat meat period, and this is disgusting. It should be a law to have to eat vegan. All food industries should supply us with all vegan stores and markets. The world needs to change! Praying for the earthlings that are being murdered every year like Jews going to concentration camps, I do not see a difference what so ever. They are creatures and they feel pain and love endlessly. If you do not support animal cruelty and supporting the animal food industry please like my comment! #vegan #ChangeTheWorld
Oh my, the dog drooling on the other dog, still with a look of love and innocent curiosity in his eyes.. not knowing what was coming :'( this breaks my heart so so much.
I have 3 days and 1 dog.. this video just breaks my heart. I never want this to happen. Luke this comment if you feel the same
I literally had to go vomit after watching this. This has to stop. Please...Oh God it has to stop! WE are THEIR voice! I will NOT be silent! Please SHARE!
I would like to lock all those evil humans in cages and let the dogs cook and eat them A dog is not a normal animal it's a friend or family or company to a lonely person. A dog asks nothing but love n food and in return u get loved and have an animal that does what you say when will people realise that's bloody amazing x
#StopYulin2015 I just saw the video! It was terrifying! Cried for almost 15minutes . I too have a pet dog and its brutal to see them get killed this way! China is doing absolutely wrong in conducting a festival like this! No one gets any benefit out of this! I strongly OPPOSE Yulin fest 2015 !
You can find a tweetsheet with petitions here: sites.google.com/site/yulinpetitions/ Please, tweet, sign and share the petitions. TY!!
Esther Gorlee south Korea the worst. why they got away with it.
Esther Gorlee I am signing up for this shit and i promise Yulin will not happen this year of 2017
Such a sad video, even sadder that it's real and happening every day in China. The YuLin Dog Meat festival needs to be cancelled. Shame on you China!
These people deserve to rot in hell! How could anyone do this to these innocent creatures???!! I'm in tears right now.
I was bitten by a dog that i tried to save off the streets, while i love dogs and dont condone eating dogs, they are certainly not the angelic animals you claim they are. Dogs fight and attack just like any other animal.
The dog goes to hell. Read the Bible you 7 year old.
Extremely sad video about what goes on and this gives the public great awareness about it! Excellent how it's made!! Please share this everywhere!!
stop yulin festival .They are not your food they are ours best friends .we will support you for saving dogs and cats.God help us to save dogs ,cats and cows from slaughtering.
Does anyone know the protein value in dog meat ?? also if you had to compare it to another meat what does it remind you of?? I'm thinking of going next year...
How about human protein value ? Just curiosity
I ate a large dog in Vietnam (cant remember the breed). But it tasted kind of like a mix between Turkey and Moose. Im also thinking of going to Yulin next year
Asif Imran fk me? Anyone who tortures dogs and cats should be tortured themselves and I will be more than happy to accommodate that pleasurable experience,since they are lower than subhuman should all be killed!
Steve Polychronopolous u r a Big maniac u and who thinks like u. u r not a humain u r a evil like China's people
And?Did you go?
this is no different then a sausage festival for pigs, or thanks giving for turkeys... list goes on. about harvest festivals for plants?? you know plants are living things right? this is ignorant as hell. another culture eats dogs instead of keeps them as pets. how do you think east indians feel about north america having mcdonalds harveys a&w burger king. they consider it a holy animal but to us it's best next to the mashed potatos.... so yea no matter how you stack it you're all being misled on purpose (probably over a hidden racist agenda) by your fallacy of appeal to emotion. no doubt most of you own dogs and you imagine them eating your dog.... They won't.. you don't live anywhere close to there. relax... 90% of dogs on earth are not eaten. thats probably a better statistic then humans. also to anyone who says eating meat is wrong how is killing animals more wrong then killing plants? life is sacred to you no? so SOMETHING has to sacrifice it's life for you to live. what difference does it make?
soum fasda Hold on, we don't skin those other animals alive dude.
soum fasda And they aren't pets.
soum fasda WOW, you r so IGNORANT, I would say, what is your purpose in life??? The dogs and cats in Asia get tortured and burned and skinned and beaten until they die a painful torture death. you CANNOT compare this act of barbarism to other industries. What happens in Asia is so barbaric, it makes me sick, and worst of all, these scumbags even bring these methods to other countries. It SUCKS,
Fritzy Fischer A) you're racist.... B) you put you R so ignorant... if you wan't people to take what you say seriously sound like you actually know something and not like some secondary/post secondary education valley girl...... you're post is what's called an "ad hominem" it's a logical fallacy that actually proves YOU are the one who is ignorant. just saying.
I am gladly being called a racist when in future I don't have to deal anymore with all the scum in this world and their ancient barbaric methods, religions, wars and producing gazillions of tons of garbage. 85% of the humans are anyways waste of space.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Love it! Keep punching!
The horror of boiling pups alive,blow torching them alive, skinning them alive,clubbing them to death..surely NO ANIMAL should ever have to endure this !Dogs have been domesticated BY man,they trust,believe,and "follow" man What an evil betrayal then to subject them to this crime!!Go Go,brave chinese activists,we are with you!!xx
What nonsense … once pets are pretty much always other people’s food … just because your/our culture sees certain animals as off limits does not mean its the same everywhere … even in Europe they tend to eat cute pets … little lamb, cows, piglets, horses and many others … as their meat is particularly delicious … millions of cute chicks being shredded every day as useless by product of your eggs … nevertheless its no excuse to mistreat them before eating them and processing them in a way causing unnecessary pain … clubbing them by the way is part of humane slaughter … a strong blow to the head leaving them unconscious followed by severing main blood vessels or stab to heart … this of course needs to be done properly to minimise suffering …
Really heartbreaking. Let's all help stop this awful torture. We have to stop the YuLin Dog Meat Festival.
I am crying so much right now... What the yulin festival is, is that people believe that if dogs are tortured then they will taste better then they eat them.
So how many of you people complaining will happily eat bacon?
I'll eat bacon. Just not bacon that has been tortured to death senselessly.
lolzomgz1337 well that's good.. Would you eat a dog that wasn't tortured?
Personally, no, I love my dogs too much.
That said, I cannot think of a good reason to condemn those who do, if the animal is treated sanely beforehand.
lolzomgz1337 I'm the same. Glad you can be intellectually honest about it
You deserve a cookie for being the only one not being a hypocrite
I'm a blood of Chinese (half Indonesia) too and I never hear or imagine that there's a kind of cruel festival like this.
And I will write my own petition to stop this cruel thing too, I love dogs and cats and never dare to eat them. So please don't judge the Chinese people but judge the people who isn't realised or behind it! TY
Ya Allah please help them, i cried when i saw this
Oh my god im crying😭
Heartbreaking video. With the helps from public and governmental we can stop dogs/cats eating all around the world. Please raise your voices people.
Excellent video! The world needs to know about the YuLin Dog Meat Festival and help stop it!!
They said if we stop eatting cow, they will stop eat dog and cats...lmao
this is horrible this should end :'(
Im so happy they got Corona Virus.. means its a sign from God. They are the animals, not the poor dogs. Rest in peace all dog and cat souls ❤🙏
What stupid comment! How retarded can a human being be and wish death to others … unjustifiable … this is as wicked as the dog killers are, wishing death to millions of innocent … keep in mind … what you wish to others karma brings back to your loved ones … but it already backfired … covid killed many many people in Europe and worldwide. Hardly any family that I know here in Europe has been without losses. And … who is they? All Chinese, all Asians? How utterly racist and dumb is this … not all Chinese or Asians eat dog or cat meat. Who are we to tell other countries or cultures what to eat? Europeans eat all sorts of animals including animals others see as pets, especially baby animals for their delicious and soft meat … cows, lamb, piglets and plenty of others. Europeans eat all sorts of meat in general including animals others see as pets or utterly disgusting like horses and birds, snails, frogs etc. But nobody cares as they are killed and turned into steak, schnitzel, patee in factories! Industrial scale killing of hundreds of millions of animals every single day … and many die just for the bin throwing away tons and tons of food as we live in excess! Where are many exotic food traditions coming from … famine, poverty, people dying from hunger … of course fat first world egocentrics do not know this … to eat cats & dogs is in no way different than eating any other animal … ones pet always is another’s lunch or dinner … just because its not your culture you got no right to be racist … look at your own traditions … regardless … there is no excuse regarding the way they are acquired and how they are treated and processed … this is unacceptable … even though many western killing factories are in no way better just because you got the torture victims packed in handy portions in stores … the butchers in the video indeed behave like animals … but you behave like an animal do as well … wishing death to millions … men, women, children, babies, elderly by being happy about covid! Despite this brainless and ruthless comment I hope your family did not the karma you provoked!
I Love Dogs .. :( this is so brutal i am crying..
When you eat chiken you crying ?
@@thischannelishackedbyanony4394 i agree
Everyone says 'why does it make a difference if its dogs? We kill animals too!' But what they don't understand is a dog is a mans best friend and loyal. We teach them tricks & stuff but its quite impossible to teach a chicken tricks (if you get what I mean) We don't burn/stab chickens. We kill them so they don't feel any pain where as they are just shooting them and stuff. We need to do something and fast... Honestly sign a petition or donate money to stopdogmeat.com because those poor dogs haven't done any harm ... They are people's pets !!!
omg i bawled my eyes out :'(
Are u people even hearing yourselves? There's many reasons why many people are disgusted by this festival.
Firstly, dogs are not bred to be eaten(eg.chickens) Dogs have much more emotions than chickens. Chickens don't even know what's going on when they are gonna get killed.
Secondly, dogs are bred to be COMPANIONS and family pets. Not food.
Thirdly, some people mention Hindus and cows. Can you think of any religion that doesn't allow u to eat dogs? Even Hindus keep dogs. Eating cows may not be nice to them. but that is about religion so don't bother bringing that up. it's not the same thing as eating something that is meant to be a companion. Afew mention that we have factories that kill animals in the same way. But those animals were bred that way and for that reason, to be eaten. Dogs were never meant to be food. To make matters worse, these dogs are STOLEN from families. the act for stealing is already disgusting enough. and not only they steal, they torture the dogs and make up some festival about the torture of dogs. Face it; this festival has no significance to them. All they care about is the money they earn from selling the dogs that weren't even theirs in the first place. Why don't you put yrself in the pet owners' shoes. One day u wake up, ur best friend is gone and is sold and tortured then killed. If that happened to you, would u still be saying "it's no big deal"
Ryan Pinto you need to read up on speciesism
You are right !
***** China do not breed dogs for food . All the dogs that they killed are pet and strays ... killing people pet and strays should be a serious crime and that is a SHAME to the whole country .Unfortunately china NEVER give a fuck to this barbaric dog meats ...it's just a fuck up country !!
Alright look at this right now. Pigs have more emotions than dogs shows a report from 2014 yea? Still you eat them whitout feeling anything for them. It's there tradition fool.
To the respected Mayor of Yulin. Please stop this, this year 2022 and forever. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
I cry in this video because I'm a pet lover and i really love dogs even cats.. Stop Yulin Festival.. Stop Yulin 2015!
This isn't right! I mean I accept there culture and all
But can't they do this Yulin festival another way? You might think eating dog is perfectly fine because we eat pigs,cows, ect but there's something more than that. You give your dog patience, and love. your dog gives u loyalty. Ain't no chicken going to give u loyalty.Even if eating chicken was bad we atleast give them water and food. (Except some people don't)And atleast we don't steal them from people!This has to come to an end! Please God bring hope to China.That they can eat other than that😢
Please have Mercy for these poor animals, and help them! Sign petitions and share.
Únete a Stop Yulin Dog & Cat Meat Festival 2015 - 停止榆林狗與貓肉節2015 en Facebook, tienen muchas acciones todos los días, cosas fáciles y efectivas.
think about this every time you're about to order something "made in china" on amazon
Ya allah :'(((
Is the festival still going on? #stopyulincatanddogmeatfestival
Of course it is still ongoing … and there are many others … just less notorious … its a tourist magnet attracting up to a million visitors each year in Yulin … a massive cash cow for this rural region … there are millions of dog and cat meat lovers … and even plenty of tourists from abroad come … what are pets for some for others has always been food … its not different in western countries … its like people from India requesting us to stop eating our beloved shredded cow sandwiches aka burgers just because there they are holy … in most western countries especially young or baby animals are delicatessen for its soft meat … lamb, piglets, cows, in some regions horses … liver patee, schnitzel, lamb meat and many other traditional dishes … hundreds of millions of animals are slaughtered every single day to cover our meat demand … and millions useless byproducts like male chicks in egg production which are shredded are killed each day … in rural China they often struggle with famine and poverty … doubtful they stop it … its still done despite trade of dogs & cats as lifestock has been banned years ago … the traditions of millions are not changed just because of other cultures feelings or some local activists … its somewhat perverted … fat and spoiled first world people telling the poor and hungry what to do … they at least should make sure that the animals before they are slaughtered are treated properly … even though our western industrialised killing machinery is not that much better … and tons of food ends up in the bin any way … who are we to teach others and force our will upon them … we Europeans and our North American colonies have enslaved and exploited the world for centuries …
@@GanymedeXD So sad..thank you
@@GanymedeXD Its easy dont eat any animal. Eat vegetarian meat. Vegetarian meat is healthier. Vegetarian meat is better for humans.
please STOP YULIN :"( . dog and cat is our friends and our family. 😭😭😭😭
those who said that this festival is no different from thanksgiving or any festival with a tradition of killing (edible animals) are just stupid. They say why not protect turkeys, not just dogs. well, i would like to know who owns a pet turkey.
Katerina Vanessa True.
***** Not because they aren't cute but because they don't do anything else, and im going to say this again dogs are man's best friends, if you feed a chicken or a pig or a cow do you think they are going to care for you at all ? Well let me tell you that if you feed them and then let them go they will leave you because they really don't care about you feeding or carring for them. A dog is loyal, a dog can feel what you feel, i had a pet dog and when i was sad he was sad, when i cried he stood there with me and put his face on my leg. Can you say the same about a pig or a cow or a chicken or a turkey they don't give a flying fuq about you. Dogs can protect , dogs can be police dogs, dogs that rescue lost children just from smelling their clothes, now can you say the same about a turkey ? NO! I live in a world where i think there should be a ballance in all things - im not a vegetarian and although i understand them, that it's cruel to kill animals, to live you need some meat and im not on the side of these cavemen who probably would eat their own children because they are made of meat - I am on the side of those who think that SOME animals shouldn't be eaten and some should , now you can call me crazy but thats what i think, and i do believe that this is how a normal person should also think - a normal human being. *And if you can easily say that they can eat dogs you probably never had a pet dog because if you had you would understand* - PS: Yes i understand that it's cruel to kill all kinds of animals and btw i couldn't kill one myself if somebody asked me to do it but that's how life is and im not judging any vegetarians out there because in a way they want some kind of peace between humans and animals - but these chinese cavemen and all of those who eat all kinds of meat from a disgusting sewer rat to a loyal dog can go to hell.
***** If humans begin to eat "man's best friend" then all the humanity in this world is lost and it won't be much untill we will eat our own children - it's meat right ?
+Manuj Madan Your profile picture shows how much of a human filth you are enough said.
Its okay with dog, i hate dog anyway because i once got bitten by housedog of my neighboor and they dont event punish the dog, just kill them all but dont kill the cat.
Ya Allah kasian banget :')
Stop cutting cute cat's and dogs enough is enough
Who else cried?
Stop YULIN! Dog and cats can feel hurt too.. They need love from us ..
I would love to see this put to an end, I love Dogs and Cats, it's so terrible and a living Hell for Gods Loving Creatures
Jesus was a meat eater … and supported their slaughter for food … you remember the bible saying animals serve us … including food …
Stop The Yulin 2020 Dog Meat Festival! Together we are STRONG!
Gutted and heartbroken at this point-knowing exactly what is going on in Yulin at this very moment. I just hope those poor poor souls find their peace over the Rainbow Bridge and their murderes Rott in Hell when their time comes !
I don't eat dogs BUT I don't judge people eat dogs. All living things are equal, animals, plants...People have different cultures and traditions and you don't say any absolute right or wrong. Dogs and cats are adorable and I admit it, but animals or plants which look NOT adorable to you can be eaten by people? It's just TOO stupid that people decide which living things can be eaten and which cannot be.
Please please please #StopYuli2015!!!! I'm begging you, Mr. Chen Wu😭😭😭
This breaks my heart how can people be so cruel, this like taking a two year old slitting its neck and then eatting it.
Im a chinese myself, but i really dont agree on what they are doing here, so disgusting and inhumane , poor dogs and cats :(
:-( Dogs and cats are immemorial loyal friends and companions of the people all over the world. How can you be so cruel and kill something and eat. Simply disgusting ...
That's why the entire world should turn into vegetarian....and if you can't please don't cry seeing this video
since when the festival is held?
why only now handled? Hftt....
And in 2019 the festival still had place. Nothing is changed.
what happens to this earth...!! it's will be hell for the people who killer animals
God bless the ladies who tried to stop them from taking those baskets of dogs 😔 how can people in this world be so cruel to such nice animals, yeah I get that they can bite at times but they don't deserve to be TORTURED.
Kako mozete to da radite??Sramota...Unistavate svoje prijatelje...😢😢😢
Damn culture! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
dog is the best human friend. enough said.
My friend has a instagram which is doxy or doxi lps loves dog and cats she sighed the petition. LET'S SAVE DOGS AND CATS. my sayings: peace to 🐶 & 🐱, a dogs bark is our help to them.
Let us held our version of Yulin festival, this time people from Yulin is going to be on our tables. I don't if its cannibalism. I don't consider them Humans anymore
one thing the yulin festival will never stop is those dogs cats will go to heaven after they are murderd
Actually i cried after i watched this video, theyre just human but they haven't a humanity, thats all. 😭😭😭
When chicken, goats, swines are mercilessly killed, all these become parts of delicacy but for cats and dogs a separate class has been reserved, what the hell is this? The first set of animals is harmless, later bites, barks, and does many bad things. Be non-partial in giving comments.
Hewan juga mahluk hidup seperti kita dia butuh dihargai,diberi kasih sayang layaknya manusia maka jangan siksa hewan seenaknya karena dia juga mempunyai hak untuk hidup, sama seperti kita.
Dogs have feelings too. You can see the sadness in their cute faces inside the cage. The chinese gov should make a law on animal abuse and put to jail those who butchered them. This festival doesn't make any sense. Should have stopped this before. Stupid festival!
Pls don't stop saving life of those poor animals
I can understand that different cultures have animals that are seen as good to eat that other cultures see as sacred or off limits. what I object to is cruelty and unnecessary suffering
This is fckng sick !!!! These peoles are monsters ! Where is justice ?????
signed and i will keep signing until this is stop dear god if he answers prayers i wish he would answer mine
Im still crying plz stop yulin pls
Why the revolution should be only for dogs and cats. Why there is disparity between cows, pork and cats, dogs. Killing of animals should be banned. I saw slaughtering of cows and pork. They are equally respected as dogs. So it is not wise to eat animals for our taste.
people dont understand that dogs have been a part of human society , we should thank dogs for helping us . physically and mentally. so for you comparing a pig to a dog is way off . this should be a disgrace to people who think this is okay, i hope they burn in hell
Its also illegal for them to steal the cats and the dog because they have their family and they just take them away
Some people have no soul! #StopYulin2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brilliant work!
#StopYulin2015 :'(
~Poor animals! :(
My heart is broken!
grt work
I almost cried.😢😢😢😨😨😰. It made me so mad.😣😣😠😠🐽. What did Dogs and Cats do to China!?
où puis-je signer la pétition ??
they sit down for us and so we got to stand up to them
I've been seeing this stuff for years why now all of a sudden it's all over???
Ok... why isn't anyone talking about how disgusting t is to eat dogs and cats in the first place ...
I wish i could help and safe them (dogs ) but i'm only 13. I think they wont metter if they kill a child like me . 😔, rest in peace beautiful creatures of nature . 💛💙💜💚❤️🐶🐺🐱🐕🐈🐕🐈🐕🐾🐾🐾💐
The 9gagers will say "there is human but no humanity"
I know the reaction I get when I enter a fast food place or go to a church lunch or potluck. While I may bring brownies or tabouli salad others would look down on me. One woman who did not me at a party I was invited to mentioned there's always one of those. As she pointed motioned at me. I do what I do for spiritual, Health and more reasons that others may not understand. I can not change the fact that I was raised eating meat, etc yet I have been a vegetarian for years now. Here in our country we don't like it if we're stuck in a crowded train, if the ride lasts a half hour were pissed. Consider the overcrowded cages of animals tied on trucks. Now add the temperature drop or a cage falling to the ground. The debating of birds and grinding alive of male non egg laying chicks. This festival is evil at best yet we need to clean up at home too.
I don't eat meat period, and this is disgusting. It should be a law to have to eat vegan. All food industries should supply us with all vegan stores and markets. The world needs to change! Praying for the earthlings that are being murdered every year like Jews going to concentration camps, I do not see a difference what so ever. They are creatures and they feel pain and love endlessly. If you do not support animal cruelty and supporting the animal food industry please like my comment! #vegan #ChangeTheWorld
Vegan nazi
#StopYulin2015 #StopYulin2015
There are a lot of BAD people !
They don't have a HEART!💔
I agree to stop this FESTIVAL
the hell is wrong with china?! how could you eat these adorable creatures?! please someone need to stop this , this isn't festival.
I LOVE MY PETS. all living beings are entitled to lives.