How To Prepare for the Future of Trucking

  • Опубликовано: 23 мар 2024
  • As a recruitment and education agency, one of the key things that we do is focus on teaching the drivers and preparing them for autonomous trucks, entering and integrating with their role as a truck driver. There's a few key things that I always tell drivers that they need to be doing to prepare for this new future of trucking.
    One of these key things is to learn new skills. Learn new skills that are going to complement their role as a driver in an autonomous space. These new skills will not only just complement their role as a driver, but it's going to complement their already safe driving skills… it's going to complement their experience and their expertise that they already have driving on the roadway. These key skills can include things like learning basic technician skills and learning how to repair and problem solve, to figure out what's going on or what's wrong with their current trial. Another key skill is to become a trainer, a mentor or even a classroom instructor.
    These are key components of safety… Because if you are a trainer or a mentor, you're already going to be a safe driver. I'm sharing with these drivers that skills like trainer, mentors and classroom instructor. Those are all skills that sets them apart from the other drivers that sets them apart and elevates their level of expertise.
    So it's through my workshops, professional development workshops, through my email communications and through my communications with drivers on social media that I'm sharing this information. I'm helping them to prepare for a future of trucking that includes the integration of autonomous trucks.
    Click the link in My Bio to download my free ebook or watch a recent workshop on how to prepare for automation!

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