That is my exact point. The coroner's office should have seen the hand prints around her throat to determine the cause of death being strangulation and not blunt head trauma. But you know, this is typical of the police force in that town - slow and stupid. They probably didn't do an autopsy.
God damn Ryan was so clever in getting away with this omg...I'm guessing he will get caught after the police find out from looking at her body the dna...the music is perfect for this scene not gonna lie so dramatic
Harry's DNA will also be on her. Unless Ryan has left blood on her Ryan will get away with it and Harry will probably have to take the fall as Ryan was her husband so his DNA would be expected to be on her and a well respected police officer is never going to be accused without sufficient evidence. Sadly looks like this will be a long running saga.
But how can you expect them to find DNA now, after Amy`s body has been washed, prepared and dressed for burial and put in a coffin, if they didn`t find any on her body on the actual crime scene, or on the autopsy table? Besides, DNA from Ryan wouldn`t prove a thing, since he both was married to and lived with Amy, his DNA to be on her would be quite normal. But I`ll give you right about the music selection for the clip.
Thomas Proctor Only if it isn't a split personality type thing. People with multiple personalities can't be blaimed for certain things, but he should be in a hospital if that's the case. And the kids can go home to either Ste or Amy's dad.
Pity the same cant be said about the story liners - they got it so wrong. Amy getting up again after the first incident makes no sense at all, since that would have been discovered during the post mortem, time of death would have been pushed until after Ste had left Amy - and there wouldn`t have existed legal foundation to hold Ste on remand - not even to charge him with Amy`s murder. Hollyoaks cant have it both ways, either Ryan killed Amy after she had gotten up again after Harry fled - but then Ste couldn`t have been arrested and held on remand - or Ste could be held on remand, but then time of death had to have been earlier - and Amy couldn`t have gotten back onto her feet, discovered the voicemail and been killed by Ryan later.
Maryam Riaz Exactly I mean think about it when Ste and Ryan first met! Ryan was trying to frame Ste for a lot of bad things with Amy and his Children and he wanted to take his place for being a better Step Father! But... 🤔 I think there might be a way to get the whole truth out of Ry Ry! 😂 The more closer Ste stays with Ryan and Leah and Lucas the more the closer that the truth will be revealed about Ryan! 😈👿 Sounds like a good plan? 👍🏻😉🇺🇸
HOA Fabina It's like my Counselor Mary always said to me "Some boy's are confusing and hard to understand." and I always said to her. "Not just Males but Females too!".
HOA Fabina Most likely because of something in his past. If the split personality theory put forward further up is how Ryan will develop, than maybe he was abused by a man as a child, and being gay is something he consider as a treason to himself, or his other personality? But this split personality theory isn`t shared by every psychologist or psychiatrist in the world. There are those who claim there is no such thing. It could also, and more likely if you ask me, just be fear as a consequence of some situation or person in his past, which has caused him such a trauma in connection with the gay issue - like a parent dismissive after having discovered something he did or said in relation to homosexuality, an incident of bullying for being gay so severe it worked almost as aversion therapy or because he had grown up in a setting where being gay was associated with weakness and femininity, and Ryan therefore never associated sex between men, as he saw it, with being gay. He felt himself to be too tough an macho for such a description. Regardless why, it is clear Ryan has a big hangup with how he defines himself and are defined by others.
Isn't there a scene when he describes to Tegan how his father discovered him with 'someone' in his room when Ryan was young and Tegan assumes it was a girl and doesn't understand why Ryan's father reacted so badly and then Ryan pulls away from Tegan and shouts at her. Who knows what Ryan's father did. But in parallel there was the whole James and his abusive father story and James didn't grow up hating himself. Then again, James has very many other deep-rooted issues with having grown up gay with a father hating him. Really unclear why Ryan is so full of hate for being gay.
KETTYKISH There is such a scene. And also one between Ryan and his uncle where we understand by the way Ryan`s uncle Geoff says his father would have been proud of him, there has been some kind of issue between Ryan and his father - and later this is suggested, in the scene with Tegan, to have been that his father caught him with another guy, and shortly after was killed at work. That particular part of it I find very soapy and hard to find authentic. But if Ryan`s father displayed some kind of homophobic attitude, that could explain why Ryan was so obsessed with having sex with any female offering him the chance, and also why he was so terrified of being identified as gay, or if someone should think that about him. But the thing is, with his father being dead, he normally should have accepted himself and freed himself from his hang ups about being gay by now. Had his father been alive, it would have been different, since he obviously feared being found out to be gay would lose him his father`s love and respect. Another interesting thing is, that if his father - like Mac obviously did with James - suspected/(feared) his son could be gay, that suggest Ryan`s father also could have been gay, and the reason he felt he needed to display homophobic attitudes was an attempt at derailing any such suspicions. However, should his own son be gay, people could come to think like father like son (he would fear) and therefore both Mac and Ryan`s father unwillingly and without intention inflicted serious psychological problems on their sons, in an attempt at avoiding being found out to be gay, or a little bit gay. It is important to stress that there also are other explanations to why a father would have problems accepting his son to be gay - from having come from a background of homophobic attitudes, to religious reasons, fearing his son could go to hell. But most people who displays clear homophobic attitudes do so as camouflage, thinking no one will believe they are gay (or a little bit gay) if the condemn gays and homosexuality ever chance they get.
+Chelsey Linden nope. duncan james said kyle returns in an interview. and he has to shut kyle up so apparently ryan is capable of committing murder again. makes me wonder whats going to happen to harry and ste.
Daniel Nicks And I was just shipping them as a couple! That Ryan needs to be put behind bars! 😤😠😡😩😖😐🙁 I mean he's afraid to admit that he's Gay to Amy, Leah and Lucas and also to Ste and Harry? WHAT IS HE HOMOPHOBIC OR SOMETHING?
zanthus7 I think he referred to Harry`s fear of being perceived to be gay, and if he was, I would say Ryan is very much like Harry was before JP got him exposed, he and Ste kissing topless in the background of his father holding the opening speech at Hollyoaks Pride. Had Harry not been so scared of being known as gay, he would have told the truth and admitted the Mr McQueen on the credit card he had booked a hotel with, was not his teacher JP, but Ste. But since Harry was so nervous of his father finding out he was gay, he denied everything to Patrick Blake, and JP was suspended, suspected of having an improper relationship with a student - Harry. I think it makes sense to ask the question, if Cleo had discovered Harry`s interest in other men when those two were together, could Harry have felt so pressed into a corner, he would have killed her to preserve his secret?
I understand what you're saying but I don't think Harry would have resorted to physically harming someone to keep his secret like Ryan has done. Also, it is rumored that Ryan is a schizophrenic and his "dark side" which is a closet case will kill to protect his secret. Harry does not have mental issues that would lead him to physically and deliberately harming others for any reason. So when Harry came to the village, yes he was in the closet and yes he would lie to protect his secret but no, he would not harm others to do it.
zanthus7 It is not so much the personality, as the situation. Since Harry couldn`t even admit the Mr McQueen whose credit card he had booked a hotel room in Manchester with, was Ste and not his teacher JP, that suggest him to be so worried about the truth of himself to emerge, it is by far guaranteed Cleo wouldn`t have suffered the same faith as Amy, had she been in Amy`s shoes and Harry in Ryan`s. Both Harry then, and Ryan now, thought their world as the knew it would be over if someone found out. They were terrified and didn`t know what to do - apart from holding their mask. In Harry`s case, that meant JP got suspended - in Ryan`s, that Amy ended up dead because he was terrified of how life would be if anybody knew he was gay. He didn`t want to kill her, he was just looking for the off button to the accusations that he was gay. So clearly there is something in Ryan`s past, making it extra tough for him to deal with who he is. Maybe because he as a child has been abused by a man, and having encounters with men therefore makes him feel a little bit like a traitor? But I don`t think so. If that had been the case I would expect him to throw up and feel sick, have a need to shower after each time he had been with a man. But we haven`t seen anything like that. I find it more likely Ryan has grown up with a self-hating gay man in his surroundings. Could be his father, grandfater, close friend, uncle or other relative. This self-hating gay man would have been more than average occupied with men and homosexuality, but pretending to hate and despise them. Talking about gay people and gay acts in derogatory terms. Consequently the need for Ryan to hide and deny his gay self or side, out of fear he should be on the receiving end of the self-hating gay, has been there for a long time. Since the self-hating gay, just like Ryan himself, refuses to accept his homosexual side or self, Ryan believes him to be straight. And now I want you to do an experiment within your own mind, pick the person most important in your life - the one you love and respect the most - and imagine that person to look at you with disgust, calling you the worse names you can imagine. That is the fear someone like Ryan lives with everyday, and would do anything to avoid or just postpone - and why Ryan felt he had no other choice but to kill Amy. Had the roles been reversed, I am afraid it could have happened between Harry and Cleo too - back when Harry was terrified anyone should find out. I hope Hollyoaks wont go overboard with split personality and such, but restrict the issue around Ryan to have him being too afraid to admit his true self - and also we got an insight into his background, and who that self-hating gay could be. It is not Geoff Thorpe, his uncle. He is the wrong personality. In general I feel it is a bit too much killing, violence and psychos on Hollyoaks these days. Those types of story lines and characters doesn`t really go with the pre watershed airing time, in my opinion. Just look at the Amy Barnes killing! We don`t even know her cause of death, cause the scene where Ryan killed her - for pre watershed sensitivity reasons, I`m sure - was filmed so odd it is anybody`s guess whether he strangled her, suffocated her or hit her to death. Either way there should have been marks on her body, informing the forensic examiner of what happened, so it is not really realistic Ryan hasn`t been discovered to have killed Amy months ago. The voicemail - even if he deleted it - would have shown up on the transcripts from her mobile provider - and would be retrievable up to six months after it was left. So unless Armstrong had helped Ryan, so he could help him with the stalking charges, the police would have gotten to hear the exact same voicemail as Amy did. But that is beside the point. What I meant to say was that if Hollyoaks had had one or two episodes a week with a post watershed airing time, they could have shown these types of scenes more accurately in those, and have the information they provided conveyed through lines and acting (shock, sadness and similar) in the pre watershed aired episodes. That would not only have provided us with more accurate information to solve the murder of Amy (to which extent that is even possible to do applying logic, all the time the accuracy in regard to neither forensics, police procedures or matters of law are rather casual and random. But if the ruthlessly calculated execution of Eva Falco, had been depicted as horrific as a close range shooting inside a train would have looked - maybe even with innocent passengers or people walking by outside hurt or killed as result - that would perhaps have opened up more viewers eyes to how coldblooded someone would have to be execute her own brother`s love of his life and their unborn baby. By presenting censored versions of extreme violence and the acts of psychopaths, I fear Hollyoaks is in danger of glorifying violence and psychopaths - presenting them as cool, clever, successful and sexy - while more ordinary people either are depicted as stupid (Jesse, Neeta and more), or if they are not totally stupid - boring. That would have been less of a problem with a post watershed airing time, since mre mature viewers are less impressionable than the very young ones, and to a lesser state are searching for role models. So by reserving the most mature themes and scenes for a post watershed airing time, Hollyoaks would have the opportunity focus on scenes and developments of a less violent or sexy character in the pre watershed episodes, at the same time as the more mature themes and story lines, like murders, could more accurately depicted and played out in the post watershed ones. Another thing I think would be easier to address in a post watershed episode, is a more mature thinking and understanding of the issues and characters. Reading the comments online regarding the episodes, I am sometimes worried about the extreme hatred and contempt certain characters seems to evoke, and how black and white many of the viewers are in their interpretation of the show. A later airing time, attracting a more mature audience, is likely to be better venue for a deeper and less superficial understanding og the complexity of many of the of issues and characters. Those who claim Ryan to be evil, should know that he is harmless compared to Grace and Warren. Ryan would not kill anyone - unless he felt extremely pressured, and was out of balance because his secret could emerge. Grace would ruthlessly kill anyone who crossed her or stood in her way. She and Warren are the type of characters which really represent a threat to society and individuals alike. Cause they wouldn`t hesitate to deal with anyone standing in their way, anyway they saw fit. Ryan I feel sorry for. He cant help how he is, cause his fear controls him and his actions in those situations. Warren and Grace makes the choice to be how they are in everything they do. Had they been willing to seek help, their violent pattern and need of control over their environment could have been marginalized, and their own - and not the least the people around them`s - quality of life could have been improved significantly.
I still like Ryan . Him a Ste are so good together . I admit he’s done some really awful things in his life like killing Amy, pitting Tegan in a coma , kidnapping Kim and killing Ds Thorpe but I still like him . I hope people find out his secrets but he doesn’t go prison for long I can’t bear hollyoaks without him . He’s my favourite killer on hollyoaks I know what sounds weird . Ryan and Ste should be together they love eachother they got a necklace to show that . I am probably the only one who wants Ryan to not go prison . Most people want him to go prison so he can get punished for what he did . But isn’t he already punished with having to keep all those secrets and being a good to Leah and Lucas they’ll be in tears if they find out what Ryan did and that won’t be good
Elisa Soares Harry only pushed Amy after he left she was still alive but after that Ryan came back in and she told him that he was Gay and then he killed her! Didn't you see the episode?
who comes up with these title because THEY DESERVE A RAISE
I swear when Ste finds out, he will be SO furious, he will make The Texas Chainsaw Massacre look like the Teletubbies.
lol, in 1994 my six years old cousin hate Tettubbies, everytime he see Lal La. he gave it the middle finger.
So did he strangle her? But then they would see the marks wouldn't they?
That is my exact point. The coroner's office should have seen the hand prints around her throat to determine the cause of death being strangulation and not blunt head trauma. But you know, this is typical of the police force in that town - slow and stupid. They probably didn't do an autopsy.
zanthus7 they did but Ryan doctored the autopsy result
Ryan needs to be punished and get leah and lucas to ste
Deanna Mcculloch And Harry not just Ste!
He's been caught in the moment
He never had me fooled ever since he wanted to take Ste's place at being Leah and Lucas' Father!
Chelsey Linden yep and Kathy wanted them
I want Ryan to go to prison for this.
its been very well written
If Ryan didn't love Amy, why did he married her?
God damn Ryan was so clever in getting away with this omg...I'm guessing he will get caught after the police find out from looking at her body the dna...the music is perfect for this scene not gonna lie so dramatic
Alessandra Miller huh?
Harry's DNA will also be on her. Unless Ryan has left blood on her Ryan will get away with it and Harry will probably have to take the fall as Ryan was her husband so his DNA would be expected to be on her and a well respected police officer is never going to be accused without sufficient evidence. Sadly looks like this will be a long running saga.
But how can you expect them to find DNA now, after Amy`s body has been washed, prepared and dressed for burial and put in a coffin, if they didn`t find any on her body on the actual crime scene, or on the autopsy table? Besides, DNA from Ryan wouldn`t prove a thing, since he both was married to and lived with Amy, his DNA to be on her would be quite normal. But I`ll give you right about the music selection for the clip.
Tvjunkieful12 yeah I get what you saying I was just pretending what I thought I guess u make gd point I'm curious what's gonna happen to.
I hope Ryan goes to prison for this
Thomas Proctor
Only if it isn't a split personality type thing. People with multiple personalities can't be blaimed for certain things, but he should be in a hospital if that's the case.
And the kids can go home to either Ste or Amy's dad.
Thomas Procter And I think I just might know who should be his cellmate if he does. 😉 Do you know who i'm talking about?
good old brendan
ArtsAndCraft X or Grace
jordan Poyant NO!!!!!!!!! Ugh! 😤😠😡 Try again!
He did it
I wonder what the voicemail said on Amy's phone!
hold on, when he was in the loft with mike saying he will take care of Amy, had he already killed her.
Chelsea Yes he did and he framed Ste for it too!
Mercy: you've hot nothing to worry about
Me: except for killing amy yourself
Luv it , me and my cousin got it right coz we did a while case and we guessed it was Ryan and we got it right
Pity the same cant be said about the story liners - they got it so wrong. Amy getting up again after the first incident makes no sense at all, since that would have been discovered during the post mortem, time of death would have been pushed until after Ste had left Amy - and there wouldn`t have existed legal foundation to hold Ste on remand - not even to charge him with Amy`s murder. Hollyoaks cant have it both ways, either Ryan killed Amy after she had gotten up again after Harry fled - but then Ste couldn`t have been arrested and held on remand - or Ste could be held on remand, but then time of death had to have been earlier - and Amy couldn`t have gotten back onto her feet, discovered the voicemail and been killed by Ryan later.
Bye-Bye Ry-Ry!
Wut I don’t understand is why he killed her walked out and later came back in to be in shock tha she’s dead and calls a ambulance
To cover his tracks
brooklyn mitrica thr actor himself playing it didn't even know it was him he just filmed it
I knew it all those times my mum said he wasn't and I was the only one who knew
Maryam Riaz Exactly I mean think about it when Ste and Ryan first met! Ryan was trying to frame Ste for a lot of bad things with Amy and his Children and he wanted to take his place for being a better Step Father! But... 🤔 I think there might be a way to get the whole truth out of Ry Ry! 😂 The more closer Ste stays with Ryan and Leah and Lucas the more the closer that the truth will be revealed about Ryan! 😈👿 Sounds like a good plan? 👍🏻😉🇺🇸
Ryan better go down for what he did
TBH it's ABIT of a lame reason to kill her. Smh
Amar Mohammed Losing his temper at his sexuality, well Duncan is bi in real life
Collette Post Actually he's not Bisexual he is Gay in real life!
Well he is winning no oscars.
I'm a big fan
I hate Ryan he's sick but I bet the acc actor is nice I have nothing against the actor hate the character!! Xx
Why is he so scared and ashamed to admit that he's gay ?? I just don't get it
HOA Fabina It's like my Counselor Mary always said to me "Some boy's are confusing and hard to understand." and I always said to her. "Not just Males but Females too!".
HOA Fabina Most likely because of something in his past. If the split personality theory put forward further up is how Ryan will develop, than maybe he was abused by a man as a child, and being gay is something he consider as a treason to himself, or his other personality? But this split personality theory isn`t shared by every psychologist or psychiatrist in the world. There are those who claim there is no such thing.
It could also, and more likely if you ask me, just be fear as a consequence of some situation or person in his past, which has caused him such a trauma in connection with the gay issue - like a parent dismissive after having discovered something he did or said in relation to homosexuality, an incident of bullying for being gay so severe it worked almost as aversion therapy or because he had grown up in a setting where being gay was associated with weakness and femininity, and Ryan therefore never associated sex between men, as he saw it, with being gay. He felt himself to be too tough an macho for such a description.
Regardless why, it is clear Ryan has a big hangup with how he defines himself and are defined by others.
Tvjunkieful12 Abuse?
Isn't there a scene when he describes to Tegan how his father discovered him with 'someone' in his room when Ryan was young and Tegan assumes it was a girl and doesn't understand why Ryan's father reacted so badly and then Ryan pulls away from Tegan and shouts at her. Who knows what Ryan's father did. But in parallel there was the whole James and his abusive father story and James didn't grow up hating himself. Then again, James has very many other deep-rooted issues with having grown up gay with a father hating him.
Really unclear why Ryan is so full of hate for being gay.
KETTYKISH There is such a scene. And also one between Ryan and his uncle where we understand by the way Ryan`s uncle Geoff says his father would have been proud of him, there has been some kind of issue between Ryan and his father - and later this is suggested, in the scene with Tegan, to have been that his father caught him with another guy, and shortly after was killed at work. That particular part of it I find very soapy and hard to find authentic. But if Ryan`s father displayed some kind of homophobic attitude, that could explain why Ryan was so obsessed with having sex with any female offering him the chance, and also why he was so terrified of being identified as gay, or if someone should think that about him.
But the thing is, with his father being dead, he normally should have accepted himself and freed himself from his hang ups about being gay by now. Had his father been alive, it would have been different, since he obviously feared being found out to be gay would lose him his father`s love and respect. Another interesting thing is, that if his father - like Mac obviously did with James - suspected/(feared) his son could be gay, that suggest Ryan`s father also could have been gay, and the reason he felt he needed to display homophobic attitudes was an attempt at derailing any such suspicions. However, should his own son be gay, people could come to think like father like son (he would fear) and therefore both Mac and Ryan`s father unwillingly and without intention inflicted serious psychological problems on their sons, in an attempt at avoiding being found out to be gay, or a little bit gay.
It is important to stress that there also are other explanations to why a father would have problems accepting his son to be gay - from having come from a background of homophobic attitudes, to religious reasons, fearing his son could go to hell. But most people who displays clear homophobic attitudes do so as camouflage, thinking no one will believe they are gay (or a little bit gay) if the condemn gays and homosexuality ever chance they get.
I hope Ryan goes to prison for this!!!!
I think ryan next victim will be kyle kelly
duncan james the actor kind of confirmed he will kill kyle. i hope not.
Daniel Nicks WHAT?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱😨🇺🇸 Your kidding me right?
+Chelsey Linden nope. duncan james said kyle returns in an interview. and he has to shut kyle up so apparently ryan is capable of committing murder again. makes me wonder whats going to happen to harry and ste.
Daniel Nicks And I was just shipping them as a couple! That Ryan needs to be put behind bars! 😤😠😡😩😖😐🙁 I mean he's afraid to admit that he's Gay to Amy, Leah and Lucas and also to Ste and Harry? WHAT IS HE HOMOPHOBIC OR SOMETHING?
Chelsey Linden how will Ste react when he finds out that Ryan killed want tegan she got feelings for ryan
Say what you will about Ste but he's good at reading ppl; He was right about Cam and as it turns out, he called it on Ry-Ry XD!
Is he a cold blooded killer or in denial like harry
In denial like Harry? What is Harry denying? He believes he killed Amy, which we just seen is not true.
zanthus7 I think he referred to Harry`s fear of being perceived to be gay, and if he was, I would say Ryan is very much like Harry was before JP got him exposed, he and Ste kissing topless in the background of his father holding the opening speech at Hollyoaks Pride. Had Harry not been so scared of being known as gay, he would have told the truth and admitted the Mr McQueen on the credit card he had booked a hotel with, was not his teacher JP, but Ste. But since Harry was so nervous of his father finding out he was gay, he denied everything to Patrick Blake, and JP was suspended, suspected of having an improper relationship with a student - Harry. I think it makes sense to ask the question, if Cleo had discovered Harry`s interest in other men when those two were together, could Harry have felt so pressed into a corner, he would have killed her to preserve his secret?
I understand what you're saying but I don't think Harry would have resorted to physically harming someone to keep his secret like Ryan has done. Also, it is rumored that Ryan is a schizophrenic and his "dark side" which is a closet case will kill to protect his secret. Harry does not have mental issues that would lead him to physically and deliberately harming others for any reason. So when Harry came to the village, yes he was in the closet and yes he would lie to protect his secret but no, he would not harm others to do it.
zanthus7 It is not so much the personality, as the situation. Since Harry couldn`t even admit the Mr McQueen whose credit card he had booked a hotel room in Manchester with, was Ste and not his teacher JP, that suggest him to be so worried about the truth of himself to emerge, it is by far guaranteed Cleo wouldn`t have suffered the same faith as Amy, had she been in Amy`s shoes and Harry in Ryan`s. Both Harry then, and Ryan now, thought their world as the knew it would be over if someone found out. They were terrified and didn`t know what to do - apart from holding their mask. In Harry`s case, that meant JP got suspended - in Ryan`s, that Amy ended up dead because he was terrified of how life would be if anybody knew he was gay. He didn`t want to kill her, he was just looking for the off button to the accusations that he was gay. So clearly there is something in Ryan`s past, making it extra tough for him to deal with who he is.
Maybe because he as a child has been abused by a man, and having encounters with men therefore makes him feel a little bit like a traitor?
But I don`t think so. If that had been the case I would expect him to throw up and feel sick, have a need to shower after each time he had been with a man. But we haven`t seen anything like that.
I find it more likely Ryan has grown up with a self-hating gay man in his surroundings. Could be his father, grandfater, close friend, uncle or other relative. This self-hating gay man would have been more than average occupied with men and homosexuality, but pretending to hate and despise them. Talking about gay people and gay acts in derogatory terms. Consequently the need for Ryan to hide and deny his gay self or side, out of fear he should be on the receiving end of the self-hating gay, has been there for a long time.
Since the self-hating gay, just like Ryan himself, refuses to accept his homosexual side or self, Ryan believes him to be straight.
And now I want you to do an experiment within your own mind, pick the person most important in your life - the one you love and respect the most - and imagine that person to look at you with disgust, calling you the worse names you can imagine.
That is the fear someone like Ryan lives with everyday, and would do anything to avoid or just postpone - and why Ryan felt he had no other choice but to kill Amy.
Had the roles been reversed, I am afraid it could have happened between Harry and Cleo too - back when Harry was terrified anyone should find out.
I hope Hollyoaks wont go overboard with split personality and such, but restrict the issue around Ryan to have him being too afraid to admit his true self - and also we got an insight into his background, and who that self-hating gay could be. It is not Geoff Thorpe, his uncle. He is the wrong personality.
In general I feel it is a bit too much killing, violence and psychos on Hollyoaks these days. Those types of story lines and characters doesn`t really go with the pre watershed airing time, in my opinion.
Just look at the Amy Barnes killing! We don`t even know her cause of death, cause the scene where Ryan killed her - for pre watershed sensitivity reasons, I`m sure - was filmed so odd it is anybody`s guess whether he strangled her, suffocated her or hit her to death. Either way there should have been marks on her body, informing the forensic examiner of what happened, so it is not really realistic Ryan hasn`t been discovered to have killed Amy months ago. The voicemail - even if he deleted it - would have shown up on the transcripts from her mobile provider - and would be retrievable up to six months after it was left. So unless Armstrong had helped Ryan, so he could help him with the stalking charges, the police would have gotten to hear the exact same voicemail as Amy did.
But that is beside the point. What I meant to say was that if Hollyoaks had had one or two episodes a week with a post watershed airing time, they could have shown these types of scenes more accurately in those, and have the information they provided conveyed through lines and acting (shock, sadness and similar) in the pre watershed aired episodes.
That would not only have provided us with more accurate information to solve the murder of Amy (to which extent that is even possible to do applying logic, all the time the accuracy in regard to neither forensics, police procedures or matters of law are rather casual and random. But if the ruthlessly calculated execution of Eva Falco, had been depicted as horrific as a close range shooting inside a train would have looked - maybe even with innocent passengers or people walking by outside hurt or killed as result - that would perhaps have opened up more viewers eyes to how coldblooded someone would have to be execute her own brother`s love of his life and their unborn baby.
By presenting censored versions of extreme violence and the acts of psychopaths, I fear Hollyoaks is in danger of glorifying violence and psychopaths - presenting them as cool, clever, successful and sexy - while more ordinary people either are depicted as stupid (Jesse, Neeta and more), or if they are not totally stupid - boring. That would have been less of a problem with a post watershed airing time, since mre mature viewers are less impressionable than the very young ones, and to a lesser state are searching for role models. So by reserving the most mature themes and scenes for a post watershed airing time, Hollyoaks would have the opportunity focus on scenes and developments of a less violent or sexy character in the pre watershed episodes, at the same time as the more mature themes and story lines, like murders, could more accurately depicted and played out in the post watershed ones.
Another thing I think would be easier to address in a post watershed episode, is a more mature thinking and understanding of the issues and characters. Reading the comments online regarding the episodes, I am sometimes worried about the extreme hatred and contempt certain characters seems to evoke, and how black and white many of the viewers are in their interpretation of the show. A later airing time, attracting a more mature audience, is likely to be better venue for a deeper and less superficial understanding og the complexity of many of the of issues and characters.
Those who claim Ryan to be evil, should know that he is harmless compared to Grace and Warren. Ryan would not kill anyone - unless he felt extremely pressured, and was out of balance because his secret could emerge. Grace would ruthlessly kill anyone who crossed her or stood in her way. She and Warren are the type of characters which really represent a threat to society and individuals alike. Cause they wouldn`t hesitate to deal with anyone standing in their way, anyway they saw fit.
Ryan I feel sorry for. He cant help how he is, cause his fear controls him and his actions in those situations. Warren and Grace makes the choice to be how they are in everything they do. Had they been willing to seek help, their violent pattern and need of control over their environment could have been marginalized, and their own - and not the least the people around them`s - quality of life could have been improved significantly.
I still like Ryan . Him a Ste are so good together . I admit he’s done some really awful things in his life like killing Amy, pitting Tegan in a coma , kidnapping Kim and killing Ds Thorpe but I still like him . I hope people find out his secrets but he doesn’t go prison for long I can’t bear hollyoaks without him . He’s my favourite killer on hollyoaks I know what sounds weird . Ryan and Ste should be together they love eachother they got a necklace to show that . I am probably the only one who wants Ryan to not go prison . Most people want him to go prison so he can get punished for what he did . But isn’t he already punished with having to keep all those secrets and being a good to Leah and Lucas they’ll be in tears if they find out what Ryan did and that won’t be good
I miss Mercy!!!
Ryan’s a gooood liar!! I hope he goes prison
Harry and Ste should get together and look after the kids!!!
Ameerah McCalla If he does I know the exact perfect cell mate for Ryan to have! Do you know who I mean? Ah? Ah? Ah? 😉
jordan Poyant Yep
jordan Poyant and Collette Post NOOOOO! That's not who IO meant! Try again!
I wish this story about Amy will stop
God he's so evil. I've always hated him
Ryan Did Killed Amy
I want Mercedes back
my God Ryan yo're such a liar man. you're the one killed amy. Murderer!!!
Aiko Camarines That's what i'm always saying when I see him in the titles walking alone in the dark!
Sooooo - moral of the story is - it's better to be a murderer than gay *eye roll* okay then. Another reason I stopped watching this show last year
I'm now confused was it ryan or harry who killed amy?
Elisa Soares Harry only pushed Amy after he left she was still alive but after that Ryan came back in and she told him that he was Gay and then he killed her! Didn't you see the episode?
Chelsey Linden no btw thx
Elisa Soares Oh okay. No problem!
Copycat of Emmerdale Cameron and Chas r.e Carl King