Top 10 Funniest Pokémon Fusions [Ep.1]

  • Опубликовано: 20 авг 2014
  • What's the funniest Pokemon fusion you can think of??
    Be sure to watch the others fusion videos!
    Coolest Fusions Part 1: • Top 10 Coolest Pokémon...
    Coolest Fusions Part 2: • Top 10 Coolest Pokémon...
    Creepiest Fusions Part 1: • Top 10 Creepiest Pokém...
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Комментарии • 5 тыс.

  • @SergeantCabrano
    @SergeantCabrano 7 лет назад +53

    Articuno and machoke
    Ability: eat your greens- all grass type attacks heal artichoke and do more damage
    Main attack- green smack- can cause poisoning/ food poisoning

  • @soundstorm7
    @soundstorm7 7 лет назад +118

    Mr mime + geodude = Mr dude

  • @yudifadilla7279
    @yudifadilla7279 5 лет назад +15

    Trikywi:or just do it for fun
    also me: moOOOoOOoooO

  • @emileecash9406
    @emileecash9406 5 лет назад +36

    1:45 😂😂😂😂 I love this fusion it's hilarious.

  • @imnotreal0763
    @imnotreal0763 7 лет назад +165

    Everything fused with a weepinbel looks funny

    • @violetabadidif5095
      @violetabadidif5095 6 лет назад +3


    • @barbaraperdue6485
      @barbaraperdue6485 5 лет назад

      Or Electrode, Ditto And Digglett

    • @roxanamorales452
      @roxanamorales452 4 года назад


    • @screemumsm9991
      @screemumsm9991 4 года назад

      but don't underestimate them, i have a weepinbell in my let's go eevee game and he kicks butt
      he was one of my first pokemon

  • @Fledera
    @Fledera 9 лет назад +11

    That Ninetails and Slowpoke fusion is hilarious XD

    • @Underworlder5
      @Underworlder5 9 лет назад


    • @Fledera
      @Fledera 9 лет назад

      Underworlder5 Yup, would win every contest

    • @madderthanahatter4001
      @madderthanahatter4001 9 лет назад +1

      Duuuuude, i totally agree about that Slowpoke and Ninetails. I SERIOUSLY/NEARLY laughed my head off! ;3 But i said asap " hey, Mick, doesn't it TOTALLY look kinda like a derpy lion?" i was crying from laughing so hard. I'm a anime artist, too. ( Mattie's helpin' w/ meh own account. can't rmembr nahm. but yeah, i'll DEFINITLEY love this vid!)

  • @movedtoc00kie9
    @movedtoc00kie9 6 лет назад +65


  • @emileecash9406
    @emileecash9406 6 лет назад +9

    0:55 hey misty psyduck finally evolved 😂😂😂

    @JamesCookHONKHONKHONK 9 лет назад +39

    be strong clarence

  • @Catherine-cn
    @Catherine-cn 7 лет назад +280

    Anothe name for wailax. SNORLORD!!!!😂😂😂

  • @emileecash9406
    @emileecash9406 5 лет назад +26

    😂😂4:03 me when I'm too lazy for the first day of school.

  • @kumonoameai
    @kumonoameai 5 лет назад +8

    2:51 I almost choked on my drink from laughing so hard at this ^o^"

  • @zumatheamule8341
    @zumatheamule8341 7 лет назад +159

    The slowpoke and ninetails. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @hydrole4699
      @hydrole4699 7 лет назад +2

      Violet Mcdonnell Maybe the weepinbell and ninetales

    • @kichii2727
      @kichii2727 7 лет назад

      zuma the amule i love that one!

    • @audreyvogel495
      @audreyvogel495 7 лет назад +1

      zuma the amule .that FUSION WAS MY FAVORITE😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ninochrisroblox7253
      @ninochrisroblox7253 7 лет назад

      zuma the amule lol same

    • @gracegaylord9025
      @gracegaylord9025 7 лет назад

      zuma the amule, same I wish I can put this in Pokemon(I have a slowpoke named deep)

  • @Patterrz
    @Patterrz 10 лет назад +181


    • @Its2k
      @Its2k 10 лет назад +3


    • @brothermew
      @brothermew 9 лет назад +4

      I was like........hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahhahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhaahaahahahhaahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahaahahahahaahahahahahahhahaahhaahhaahhaahhaahahahaahhaahahhaahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaahahhahahahahahahahah(30 years later)haahhahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahhahahahaahhaahahhahahahahahaahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahha........oh im good im hehe hahahhahahahahahaahhahahaha cough cough cough cough okay okay that all I got but really can I go back in time erase little scrub and big scrub then have this one in patterz face

    • @ProGamer-sz7id
      @ProGamer-sz7id 9 лет назад +6

      the pelliper and darkari should of been named darkpepper get it lol

    • @brothermew
      @brothermew 9 лет назад +1

      lol :3

    • @jasperjones1065
      @jasperjones1065 9 лет назад +2

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahah ok I'm good hahahahahahaha ok now I'm good lol

  • @umbreonhyperdream
    @umbreonhyperdream 5 лет назад +10

    *be strong Clarence* *BE STRONG FOR MOTHER*

  • @Dayday-6297
    @Dayday-6297 5 лет назад +5

    2:50 is somehow cute, I want it.
    Also the why she was talking was so funny

  • @JuanPablo-wk6vd
    @JuanPablo-wk6vd 7 лет назад +47

    be strong clarence
    be strong for mother

    • @hayleedroster7426
      @hayleedroster7426 7 лет назад +1

      yes Clarence be strong for mother ( I did this in a funny actsent)

    • @kawaiiwantstoexplode8328
      @kawaiiwantstoexplode8328 7 лет назад

      Sans The Peanut. YAS >°

    • @ellie8540
      @ellie8540 7 лет назад +1

      Sans The Peanut. yes peanut sans.

    • @tomatomanpan647
      @tomatomanpan647 7 лет назад

      Juan Pablo Martelo Niño just about to type dat.

    • @honey-bun3976
      @honey-bun3976 6 лет назад


  • @GameboyLuke
    @GameboyLuke 10 лет назад +57

    this was great xD

  • @louanalopez6917
    @louanalopez6917 5 лет назад +15

    Wailax: Help ive fallen and I cant get up

  • @justnobody1207
    @justnobody1207 6 лет назад +58


    • @3ch0h3art4
      @3ch0h3art4 5 лет назад +2


    • @cameronloven9339
      @cameronloven9339 5 лет назад +2

      Claire BlueBerryBear i just imagined Markiplier saying this. It was hilarious

  • @daniellekorbinski6686
    @daniellekorbinski6686 7 лет назад +80

    Imagine weepinbell fused with exxecuter alolan form ;)

  • @dailygrind_games
    @dailygrind_games 7 лет назад +46

    Be strong Clarence.. Be strong for mother!

    @C0DAFIED 6 лет назад +70

    1:06 I am ..... strangely aroused....

  • @justnobody1207
    @justnobody1207 6 лет назад +15

    *inhales* (Derpy High Pitch Voice) MEWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOIOOO

  • @wyattbarton281
    @wyattbarton281 7 лет назад +68

    Farfetched and a haunter because the name is farter and I act like a 2 year old laughing at farts

  • @SBKiDoodles
    @SBKiDoodles 10 лет назад +11

    Pretty much anything with Weepinbell is comedy gold, but a personal one for me it Mr. Sir: The Mr. Mime/Pinsir fusion. Just the name alone makes me smile so much that I now have to name every Pinsir I catch Mr. Sir.

    • @ashyloopsy
      @ashyloopsy 10 лет назад

      Or Mr.Pin

    • @ashyloopsy
      @ashyloopsy 10 лет назад

      But Tricky has a phobia of Mimes and Clowns!

    • @SBKiDoodles
      @SBKiDoodles 10 лет назад

      Who doesn't have a phobia of mimes and clowns? Which is weird because I hate both yet I like Mr. Mime. I have weird tastes in Pokemon XD

    • @toldentops1624
      @toldentops1624 10 лет назад +1

      mrmime tentacruel fusion is MR CRUEL XD

    • @SBKiDoodles
      @SBKiDoodles 10 лет назад

      Malison PC YES! XD

  • @EndlessWii
    @EndlessWii 5 лет назад +10

    I did the Weepingdash thing

  • @a_raichub
    @a_raichub 5 лет назад +2

    3:15 Me at restaurant during my parents' wedding anniversary: MoooOoo *O*

  • @jydkenneth8286
    @jydkenneth8286 8 лет назад +19

    anything fuse with bellsprout and weepinbell is hilarious XD

  • @Pokii_Arts
    @Pokii_Arts 7 лет назад +50

    I think that Weepindash's name should be changed to Rapinbell because it sounds cool!:3 😎

    • @neongreen9970
      @neongreen9970 7 лет назад +10

      Natalie Lam RAPINGbell. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @uncleodd6088
      @uncleodd6088 6 лет назад +4

      Yeah... Rapinbell totally sounds cool... Totally...
      *Questions how old the person who wrote this comment was*

    • @thatcanadianmanectric8458
      @thatcanadianmanectric8458 6 лет назад


    • @xhaled5488
      @xhaled5488 6 лет назад

      Rapping bell more like school bell HAHAHAHAHA
      idk wtf that was but I'm just go this way 👉👉👉👉

    • @melanieriley7138
      @melanieriley7138 6 лет назад

      yeah it does sound cool!

  • @nullissomewhere2861
    @nullissomewhere2861 6 лет назад

    All of these are majestic

  • @MarshaLynnMuntz
    @MarshaLynnMuntz 6 лет назад +1


  • @roboticspider4554
    @roboticspider4554 7 лет назад +6

    3:18 MOOOOO!

  • @mkandekki9895
    @mkandekki9895 7 лет назад +16

    I whispered Star Buck when I saw the starmie and arbok fusion and when she said the name of it I was surprised cause I got it right xD

  • @syph1021
    @syph1021 5 лет назад +3

    It makes the sound in spongebob that when Patrick is in the dark with a walk EE talk EE Weee woooo weee woooo

  • @koolkeldeo1056
    @koolkeldeo1056 6 лет назад +1

    Ever since I saw this silly comic, Doduo and Weepinbell will always be the most hilarious Pokemon Fusion that can ever be created.

  • @RunicSigils
    @RunicSigils 10 лет назад +13

    Darkrai and Pelipper? I need it. Gen 7 DNA Pokévolution is clearly a must have after Megas, Game Freak.

    • @fershiothirty3056
      @fershiothirty3056 10 лет назад

      Yes We Really Need That

    • @thog3728
      @thog3728 9 лет назад

      We technically already got this in Pokemon black and white 2 with the DNA splicers

    • @squekinganimations6334
      @squekinganimations6334 9 лет назад

      Gen 7 is not coming out next, a remake of one of the versions is coming out.

    • @marleystaats7169
      @marleystaats7169 9 лет назад

      And if it wasn't for Digimon, Pokémon would have Pokéfusions, thanks a lot Digimon, thanks a lot!

    • @squekinganimations6334
      @squekinganimations6334 9 лет назад

      piggy wiggy bacon ? Your wired

  • @monkeydoodles3214
    @monkeydoodles3214 7 лет назад +30

    What I found pretty funny was the Weepindash, Wailax, and the Weepinduo. 😂😂😂😂😅

  • @akajsnxnsanshdjwjwis1189
    @akajsnxnsanshdjwjwis1189 6 лет назад

    Tbh I love all of the Pokémons. They are adorable. ADORABLE

  • @PANCAKE-lq6ln
    @PANCAKE-lq6ln 6 лет назад

    Tricky I loooove your vids

  • @l3nnozd
    @l3nnozd 5 лет назад +4

    5:15 You know, the song sounds familiar.. (Space Pirates [AM I RIGHT?!?!?!])

  • @Super-BooperMatron
    @Super-BooperMatron 7 лет назад +10

    I would like to see a slowpoke, charduck, and starapter fusion

  • @LichenLycan13
    @LichenLycan13 3 года назад

    Lol I love watching these old vids they make me rly happy and idk why

  • @Kasmodamous
    @Kasmodamous 6 лет назад

    Trickywi thats wrong you are EXREMELY FUNNY😂

  • @babumadarasova5193
    @babumadarasova5193 7 лет назад +4

    The weepindash was the BEST OMG I LOVE HIM

  • @Insider0013
    @Insider0013 7 лет назад +31

    How about Machu. Pichu

  • @torradex512
    @torradex512 5 лет назад

    I remembered watching this! They’re so funny!

  • @arctistarfox
    @arctistarfox 3 года назад +1

    The Charizard and Psyduck fusion cracked me up. I think it was the reaction to it. “This is the definition of derp.” LOL

  • @Dustin_smh
    @Dustin_smh 7 лет назад +14

    MMOOOOOOOOO!!! haha XD (rapidbell rapiddash + weeping bell)...

  • @cookiekyogre116
    @cookiekyogre116 5 лет назад +3

    StarBok: Want some Coffee?

  • @sitetorment1547
    @sitetorment1547 6 лет назад


  • @ThatBlueWanderer
    @ThatBlueWanderer 6 лет назад +1

    I just love how in the doduo one the normal head looks like it's just trying to pretend the other head isn't there

  • @cookieonminecraft
    @cookieonminecraft 9 лет назад +15

    Do you love be brother?
    Be strong clarence
    Be strong for mother

    • @anthony92498
      @anthony92498 8 лет назад

      Be strong for mother 👩🙍🙎👰💇💆🙋💁🙅🙆💃👤

    • @shadowsenpai9575
      @shadowsenpai9575 8 лет назад

      +cookieonminecraft i couldnt stop laughing at that i was hitting my head on my table laughing and couldnt breath everytime i watch it LOL XD

    • @josegutierrez8606
      @josegutierrez8606 8 лет назад

      +cookieonminecraft can't stop laughing.

    • @RaulFlores-so1hs
      @RaulFlores-so1hs 8 лет назад


  • @lynncallahan8296
    @lynncallahan8296 6 лет назад +3

    Wooeeoopidaooosh mooar mark

  • @raisin7891
    @raisin7891 6 лет назад +1

    XD i nearly choked on my cereal while watching this and my mom was just like: wuts wrong with u

  • @whickur
    @whickur 6 лет назад +1

    The Slowpoke & Ninetails fusion is what happens when you over use the daycare trying to get that Vulpix with the perfect stats. You finally get it, but something is off. You evolve it and *bam* this beauty right here.

  • @renegade1298
    @renegade1298 6 лет назад +3

    The psyduck and charizard look reminds me of a vinesauce vinny game and wario, it really does.

  • @SonicCam04
    @SonicCam04 9 лет назад +12

    *insert rap link here *

  • @justinquiroz5518
    @justinquiroz5518 6 лет назад

    I almost died watching this vid it was so funny 😂

  • @AriCarrasquilloMlv224
    @AriCarrasquilloMlv224 Год назад

    Be strong strong for mother XD this killed me

  • @SketchedChihuahua
    @SketchedChihuahua 7 лет назад +20

    4:30 someone tried to make it onto the coolest fusions list and failed...

    • @SketchedChihuahua
      @SketchedChihuahua 7 лет назад +8

      The best fusion ever would be a phsyduck + weepinbell and idc if I misspelled anything so don't correct me!!!

    • @TheJtonda
      @TheJtonda 7 лет назад +1

      tEm fLAkEs psyduck*

    • @chubbz2710
      @chubbz2710 6 лет назад

      Tehepiksis - Gaming and more! here u go!

  • @lindagarcia8803
    @lindagarcia8803 6 лет назад +17

    Wailax is cute and funny

    • @gingergaymerttv
      @gingergaymerttv 6 лет назад +2

      Its like a turtle😂😂😂

    • @christinebyrd4784
      @christinebyrd4784 5 лет назад +1


  • @son_of_oryxx7916
    @son_of_oryxx7916 6 лет назад +1

    That Slowbro/Ninetails fusion is the best thing ever.

  • @eggnogg1112
    @eggnogg1112 5 лет назад

    Damn that slowpoke and ninetales fusion is workin that look

  • @spotthelazycat8
    @spotthelazycat8 7 лет назад +8

    Persian + Kakuna = Peruna and Peruna is Potato in Finnish

  • @FireFox-rm7kk
    @FireFox-rm7kk 6 лет назад +5

    Wailax: I CANT GET UP XD

  • @geriatricpissbottle
    @geriatricpissbottle 2 года назад

    Omg I can't believe that I found this again.. I remember watching with around when this came out

  • @moltres234
    @moltres234 5 лет назад

    You are awesome.

  • @thetranshomo4171
    @thetranshomo4171 7 лет назад +3

    Number four should be called Snorlord XD

  • @minecraftcrab4707
    @minecraftcrab4707 7 лет назад +15

    pikachokes entery:YOU WILL LAGTH AT THIS with its cutenees it can beat every pokemon EVER!

    • @cepps228
      @cepps228 6 лет назад

      Random au! Sans good.good job.

    • @joebab3065
      @joebab3065 6 лет назад

      +Twin Masters farter

    • @nxcturnal3613
      @nxcturnal3613 6 лет назад

      Random au! Sans undertale is dead

    • @MrChonwe
      @MrChonwe 6 лет назад


  • @worrierdeerleap9733
    @worrierdeerleap9733 5 лет назад


  • @thomasbaughman985
    @thomasbaughman985 6 лет назад

    All of these are the best and I will never see any thing like this

  • @TrynaBeSocial
    @TrynaBeSocial 7 лет назад +3

    rapidash and weipenbell does the sound LoooooL

  • @ethanhoward13
    @ethanhoward13 8 лет назад +14

    You sound like my marching band drum major

  • @nightmarethedragon
    @nightmarethedragon 6 лет назад

    Ok that Darkrai/Pelipper fusion had me crying, laughing and choking at the same time. To see my favourite Pokemon, the lord of nightmares, crossed with a silly Pokemon like Pelipper, is the best thing I have seen to date, and I haven’t even watched the whole video yet!
    “I am the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, the fiend of a thousand faces... cower before my true form! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!”
    Now picture that in a really stupid voice. 10/10

  • @poptloop3475
    @poptloop3475 7 лет назад

    this made ME LAUGH🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏

  • @razlol6362
    @razlol6362 7 лет назад +13


  • @TheGriefingGrieferMC
    @TheGriefingGrieferMC 10 лет назад +13

    Jigglypuff + Abra.....

    • @ashyloopsy
      @ashyloopsy 10 лет назад +1

      Haha A-Abra=Bra

    • @LODDBros
      @LODDBros 10 лет назад +6

      You could probably find that at a beach.

    • @sammi9257
      @sammi9257 10 лет назад


    • @TheGriefingGrieferMC
      @TheGriefingGrieferMC 10 лет назад +8

      Farfetched(spelled it wrong) and abra=Farter
      Lickitung(spelled it wrong) and starmie=Lickmie

    • @GothKiitsune
      @GothKiitsune 9 лет назад +5

      Butterfree and a primeape

  • @melanieriley7138
    @melanieriley7138 6 лет назад

    the volpix at the beginning of the video made me laugh so hard I was coffing like crazy

  • @williammcleod8632
    @williammcleod8632 6 лет назад

    That's so funny!😂😂😂😄😄😆😆

  • @karinalara6157
    @karinalara6157 6 лет назад +9


  • @caldoporish7760
    @caldoporish7760 7 лет назад +3

    pikachoke looks like a pikachu trained by John Cena and put in underwear

  • @roxanamorales452
    @roxanamorales452 6 лет назад

    Hahahah this is so funny

  • @golisapodgamer669
    @golisapodgamer669 6 лет назад

    Love your vid's hope you get 10 milion sub's once😊

  • @SavingWinterOFFICIAL
    @SavingWinterOFFICIAL 9 лет назад +10

    Cubone and grimer are pretty funny fusions. The make cumer

  • @hayleedroster7426
    @hayleedroster7426 7 лет назад +4

    HEY Pikachu have you been in the gym lately

  • @emonbash4785
    @emonbash4785 6 лет назад

    MMMMRAAAA for the weeping dash XD

  • @emileecash9406
    @emileecash9406 5 лет назад +1

    Yay Misty's Psyduck finally evolved.😂 0:39

  • @leoamir7560
    @leoamir7560 7 лет назад +3

    Charisard with mew

  • @adolfoxd6690
    @adolfoxd6690 7 лет назад +3

    sylveon and phyduck

  • @w1nt3rrrr
    @w1nt3rrrr 6 лет назад

    Be strong, Clarence.
    Be strong for the subscribers.

  • @shootymcshootface5386
    @shootymcshootface5386 6 лет назад +1

    imagine that giving you coffee XD

  • @mitts5365
    @mitts5365 7 лет назад +6

    5:15 that's space pirates. If it isn't I will scream

    • @icyboi7562
      @icyboi7562 6 лет назад

      InfiniteMaster it is space pirates and I love it and ur man friend now

  • @TheKrackham
    @TheKrackham 9 лет назад +3


    • @ryanburson1746
      @ryanburson1746 9 лет назад

      Be strong Clarence, be strong for my butt

  • @allysonysabelle7268
    @allysonysabelle7268 7 лет назад

    3:03 He/she is like "im ready to be fabulus and ruel" LOL!😂😆😄

  • @Dubstep_Hamster
    @Dubstep_Hamster 6 лет назад

    3:00 I need its own series for this I nEEEeEreEEeeeeeeeed it

  • @marleesha4017
    @marleesha4017 8 лет назад +6

    at 3:02 its so magistic

  • @basketsphere5157
    @basketsphere5157 8 лет назад +6

    i made a fusion with mr .mime and muk it was so weird XD

  • @melanieriley7138
    @melanieriley7138 6 лет назад

    OH YEAH!!!

  • @brrmbrrmm
    @brrmbrrmm 5 лет назад +2

    I can just imagine that picture just imagine that picture being in a video just slowly coming up to the face from the bottom in slow motion for dramatic effect, just being like:
    Its Skin is perfectly pink, 9 gorgeus tails on its back..., its shiny fur. Magnificent hair, and..its beautiful face