imo conqueror on ez so overrated. it takes way too many autos/skillshots to proc (literally 12 on range). by that time the fight is most often decided and that 5% healing is supposed to swing it back? PTA has guaranteed value every fight and is infinitely better in lane and is still close in longer fights coz burst dmg is so important this season. just a thought tho, cool vid 👍
The voli ult over the ornn ult went hard tho. Easily one of the coolest moments ive seen in league in awhile
wait did he dodge it? i just assume he cc immuned through ornn ult. i was under the understanding that his ult doesnt move his vertical corridinates
@@dustyacer it doesn't dodge it-he was saying it looked cool.
timestamp plz?
@@T1mo777 literally a fucking minute into the video
6:00 the 4 man ez ult into the 4 man charm was sexyyyy
1:00 There's a BIG different between missing a Skillshot and the enemy dodged it Brian. Don't do Ornn dirty like that.
He didn't even dodge it technically the damage went through he just unstoppable'ed the CC.
Ey the bear was still went airborne, except it went towards his turret
4:35 CIA after each Unsuccessful Assassination attempt on Castro:
I was kinda scared they gonna lose it at 7:14 when I saw that it's Piantwo video 😅
4:58 This was so personal I love it
1:33 that narrator was so funny lol
At 6:20 he lost so much ad cause the hubris passive disabled after the upgrade lol.
Ohhh, thats also why he has two statues isnt it?
@@e4Bc4Qf3Qf7 no it just makes two always.
“Oh yeah hubris on Ez sounds pretty good”
It still feels so wrong to me that basically any character can do a jungle clear now
"In reality, he was not good!" OMFG that killed me.
what is the music in the first 00:15 seconds
5:57 That was play of the game, lol, you took away a third of four player's health bars BEFORE the team fight even started!
love the choice of donkey kong country theme in the last few minutes of the videos because everyone is monkeying around
nice i go back from school and there's a video from piantwo, life is good
I love it when he edges
will you ever do advern or play ivern?
I’ve finally done it. I’ve watched every piantwo video.
Pissed pianta best pianta HAHAHA
Me listing to the background music "Kukul saydon is the star of this show"
Not even 5 sec in to the video and I've already seen a very pianta thing to do
You had me at ezreal jg
good editing
You know the enemy team is bad when you throw twice for content, play lethality jungle ezreal, and still win
love your videos man
wake up babe piantwo uploaded
I'm up
Wish Piantwo was a real boy.
Not just someone who haunts my nightmares
his team was obviously dragging it , because it's not every day you get to play with TENM.. i mean with brian
Honestly I would 100% report that if you don‘t end it and int instead two times in one game lol (as the opponents being 30 kills down)
That's hilarious if you watch Brian in x2 speed
I want to see some games of urf if ypu want to!!
imo conqueror on ez so overrated. it takes way too many autos/skillshots to proc (literally 12 on range). by that time the fight is most often decided and that 5% healing is supposed to swing it back? PTA has guaranteed value every fight and is infinitely better in lane and is still close in longer fights coz burst dmg is so important this season. just a thought tho, cool vid 👍
You dont go conq for the healing, you do it for the ad it gives you.
Another win in Piantwo...
Omg its brian hi brian
Ana te extraño 😿
Hello from South Korea
And yet again my man called smolder "she". Poor lil dragon XD
where's chat?
River Shen 200
I got mastery 7 on smolder and pianta is still misgendering him
Meanwhile people misgendering Ezreal for ages.
Not a piantwo video
Day 32 of asking for lethal tempo Orianna
Brian still calling Smolder "she" in 2024 smh
early gang arise
DAMN im early les go
"Who is this? WHAT is you?... Oh that's me"