I spent 2 years in TYC Texas youth prison system. I was able to get out and stay out although I was on the fringe for many years I always remembered that time and think about how many never made it out of the system
@Demarkco Carr - thanks for watching and posting. Always like to hear from others who have been through what these kids have been through. Gives kids hope that there are better days ahead. Appreciate it!
Continue the great work. Makes me sad that some of the kids don’t even get a chance. When there already in the system. Being in group homes etc. parents in jail. Solidarity confident? Doesn’t change behavior in my opinion makes them worse.
I remember some months ago i was wondering when these videos would get big, checking back in i see you guy have amassed millions of views. Glad your work is getting recognition, love the content.
@Roger Colley - Appreciate that very much! We're not sure how people find our channel. We don't promote it and don't buy fake bots. We just upload and hope our videos give an unfiltered look inside the system. We always believe these stories need to be told and voices heard. Grateful for your viewership!
@@CalamariProductions I've come across your page a couple times now. I usually search for "prison documentary". I believe you were in the first dozen or so results. 👍
I hope these kids get the counselling they need to overcome the trauma of living on the streets, to be able to stay away from gangs and coming from abusive families.
I basically grew up in state prison due to my drug addiction I've been out over ten years and I won't go back as long as I leave the drugs alone I hope these kids can turn their lives around I will pray for them 🙏
@Marie Auston - he was so little and young. Prison is a horrible place to be no matter what, but even worse as a kid. Thanks for watching and commenting.
I am SO sick of you bleeding hearts these people are criminals and they are exactly where they should be. How about sparing a though for their victims!?
Calamari productions thanks for these videos can't keep up been saving them trying to catch up these kids ain't as fast as you were wanted to work in juvenile justice got stuck as a enlisted operations division on these days now
They some men and boys!! I know right from wrong why don’t they!! There’s people out here that rape kill torture and ruin lifes for a high!! If someone took your family member or members what would you do for their punishment
This is maximum security because these boys are dangerous. Not all juvenile facilities are like this. In any juvenile facility there is opportunity for rehabilitation, but it has to start with a will to make a change.
People say they deserve it and yeah your right they do but think about how many go in for the first time and come out and carry on and carry on and more families get hurt where as I'd the rehabilitation was there, then there would be a lesser crime rate but it is what it is .
At least we got America's best and brightest minds taking care and preparing them for life when they get OUT .... because all most NO one srays locked up forever .... treating teenagers and even adults like caged animals does not bring out the best in people 🇺🇸💖🇺🇸
This was my life for 24 months locked up behind a cell door because I robbed a store. I didn’t learn my lesson so I spent another 60 days locked up. It was a hard time but at least I got through it.
Sometimes. In a juvenile prison, inmates are at a fork in the road of life. Get their GED, get out, and stay out. Or become a career criminal. Their choice.
Hopefully these videos will help keep kids from getting in trouble with the law and ending up behind bars. Once they see what it is like in juvenile prison they will think a second time before committing a crime.
@Aawsomeguy Aawsomeguy - we've had a lot of kids tell us they wish they would've known what juvie prison was really like before they got in trouble. It's why we do this work -- to show people what they usually don't get to see. Our videos are also used in classrooms around the U.S., so as you say, we hope it helps open some eyes. Thanks for watching and commenting!
I hope the videos that u show really make a difference thst when u kids do terrible crimes u will end in places like this doing real time I hope this is a wake up call it would be for me
Comgragulations to calamari productions for the excellent work in doing these videos and keeping us informed on ths its a wake up call to all doing the crime loosing ur freedom for commiting the crime
If these young people only had enough sense to realize that they have the power to do or be anything they want in life with some sincere determination and effort, they would avoid becoming a life-time re-offender with little to no improvement of their self worth.
It is hard to change when you have been on the streets unsupervised since age 8. These are kids. Kids generally don’t know better; kids who’ve been traumatized since 8 certainly couldn’t know that. How do you better yourself when your underage, your home is broken and everybody around you is seeped in crime? It’s nearly impossible.
It's sad that for a kid, it's gotta come down to this. All the system is doing is lining up the next crop of hardened convict felons. They gotta do better than stuffing a kid in a cell and walking away.
Man getting locked up at a young age for some heavy shit will stick with you forever it's hard to get a job now after that stuff, went because I got too comfortable with my girl and she got comfortable with me and ya... Moral of the Story don't date a girl that has detective as a mom and didn't like ya from the start
The majority of theses kids don't have the love and support at home so they turn to the streets for that and end up being in a gang that becomes their family
Curious observation from this viewer...who or what dictates the caloric diet intake of so very many of these jail-esque social smudges hidden among the gov't prison payrolls. Alarming alert symptom IMO. 🐽🐽
Is there any follow up on this kid? He seemed like he was lost to the streets becoming part of a gang at 8 yrs old that's crazy...I hope he's turned his life around and is out of trouble..poor kid..he looks like a baby
@Angela Iacobacci - Haven't been able to find an update yet. We're working on it. You're right -- he was very young and small. Very sad, all the way around. We hope he's doing well now. Thanks for watching and taking the time to post.
@@pterafirma because Europe is being financially aided and is scaffolded by America and so we don’t have enough money to use perfect ingredients that are more expensive to use…
@Frank piknimena II - when we were there filming it was pretty well split. Not sure what the actual percentages are but if we get the answer we'll let you know. Thanks for watching!
Check out our video trending on RUclips right now: ruclips.net/video/fgg30jejyXI/видео.html
And please don't forget to like and subscribe!
I want an update on Morris !
I spent 3 years of my life in juvenile prison. I pray y’all boys get out , change your lives , utilize your resources and stay free 🙏🏽💯
I spent 2.5 years in the California Youth Authority (a youth prison.)
@@malcolmx6535 juvie ain’t got shit on YA 😂
you are not supposed to get outta prison they say, so open the doah
I spent 2 years in TYC Texas youth prison system. I was able to get out and stay out although I was on the fringe for many years I always remembered that time and think about how many never made it out of the system
I spent 5 months when I was 17!
Been down that road. Im happy im doin hella better! Havent been in trouble in 7 years! Keep yo head held high always young dude!
@Demarkco Carr - thanks for watching and posting. Always like to hear from others who have been through what these kids have been through. Gives kids hope that there are better days ahead. Appreciate it!
Continue the great work. Makes me sad that some of the kids don’t even get a chance. When there already in the system. Being in group homes etc. parents in jail. Solidarity confident? Doesn’t change behavior in my opinion makes them worse.
Happy you changed your life around love ❤️ positive vibes coming to you
very well done.
be proud....
Congrats on being out and staying out. Thats whats up
I remember some months ago i was wondering when these videos would get big, checking back in i see you guy have amassed millions of views. Glad your work is getting recognition, love the content.
@Roger Colley - Appreciate that very much! We're not sure how people find our channel. We don't promote it and don't buy fake bots. We just upload and hope our videos give an unfiltered look inside the system. We always believe these stories need to be told and voices heard. Grateful for your viewership!
@@CalamariProductions if someone watches a prison video it comes up on the for you page
@@Meagan91W Ahhh, makes perfect sense.🤦🏻♀️ Thanks!
@@CalamariProductions I've come across your page a couple times now. I usually search for "prison documentary". I believe you were in the first dozen or so results. 👍
It’s always a good day when y’all upload ❤️
@Ash & Emi - THANKS! And it's always a good day when our awesome viewers like you watch. :).
@@CalamariProductions 🥰😉
Girl call me
I hope these kids get the counselling they need to overcome the trauma of living on the streets, to be able to stay away from gangs and coming from abusive families.
I do too. These kids need help
Yes, they need tp stop committing crimes and they will be ok.
I basically grew up in state prison due to my drug addiction I've been out over ten years and I won't go back as long as I leave the drugs alone I hope these kids can turn their lives around I will pray for them 🙏
Prayers for these boys that come into the system that they have the ability to learn and go on the right path
Love your channel cx
@Francisco Garcia - Really appreciate that! Viewers like you make it happen.
Hope you'l stay tuned for much more ahead!
@@CalamariProductions as long as you upload I'll keep watching cx
The interviewer asks great questions of the youth. 👍
@Eric S - Thanks! Always appreciate your loyal viewership!
@@CalamariProductions you went there and recorded this yourself?
That building looks slightly less prison-like than the average school.
I kinda like watching y’all video it’s very interesting but I just wish it was longer like 45 minutes or more. Love from Mississippi ❤️
These kids need anti depressants, therapy and parents who truly wanna be parents
Anti depressants.. Is not a cure at all, it's at best a band aid.
im watching this from Dar es Salaam,Tanzania 🇹🇿
I guess he decided he was done for the day, he went as far as to tell the sergeant he was going to run for it
@Ash & Emi - yep. Gotta give the kid credit for being honest. 🤷🏻♀️
@@CalamariProductions right
Fancy seeing you here. 😁
Kids lack role models love support family values they do not have
He obviously needed structure and love and never had either bless him
@Marie Auston - he was so little and young. Prison is a horrible place to be no matter what, but even worse as a kid. Thanks for watching and commenting.
I am SO sick of you bleeding hearts these people are criminals and they are exactly where they should be. How about sparing a though for their victims!?
Calamari productions thanks for these videos can't keep up been saving them trying to catch up these kids ain't as fast as you were wanted to work in juvenile justice got stuck as a enlisted operations division on these days now
@Isaac Anderson - always good to have you here with us on our channel! Thanks!!
Appreciate it and miss these classics and advocacy for every end gives back to both sides
I’m always genuinely appalled by how prisoners are treated in the US. The shackling, kneeling, facing the wall etc. This is no way to rehabilitate.
They some men and boys!! I know right from wrong why don’t they!! There’s people out here that rape kill torture and ruin lifes for a high!! If someone took your family member or members what would you do for their punishment
America does not believe in rehabilitation ,only punishment . I want people to return to prison. Prison is a business in the U.S.
This is maximum security because these boys are dangerous. Not all juvenile facilities are like this. In any juvenile facility there is opportunity for rehabilitation, but it has to start with a will to make a change.
People say they deserve it and yeah your right they do but think about how many go in for the first time and come out and carry on and carry on and more families get hurt where as I'd the rehabilitation was there, then there would be a lesser crime rate but it is what it is .
At least we got America's best and brightest minds taking care and preparing them for life when they get OUT .... because all most NO one srays locked up forever .... treating teenagers and even adults like caged animals does not bring out the best in people 🇺🇸💖🇺🇸
Solitary is not the answer.
The poor guy he needs help let’s hope things will get better for him from Republic of Ireland 🇮🇪
Sad..jacob shauntee
wants to be heard!only if someone who will listened of his grief and showed a compassion..
They got there for a reason lmfao
Officer granny would have caught him real fast she was my favorite thanks for the classics calamari productions
@Isaac Anderson - We like granny too :).
Why do wards and staff complain about prisoners banging on the door like jail you don't have much to do and being stripped and searched doesn't help
That’s cell @ 6:00 felt like suffocating.
This was my life for 24 months locked up behind a cell door because I robbed a store. I didn’t learn my lesson so I spent another 60 days locked up. It was a hard time but at least I got through it.
This is a training academy for Supermax Prisons isnt it ?
Sometimes. In a juvenile prison, inmates are at a fork in the road of life. Get their GED, get out, and stay out. Or become a career criminal. Their choice.
Them black boxes and leg irons work real good with elopement
Hopefully these videos will help keep kids from getting in trouble with the law and ending up behind bars. Once they see what it is like in juvenile prison they will think a second time before committing a crime.
@Aawsomeguy Aawsomeguy - we've had a lot of kids tell us they wish they would've known what juvie prison was really like before they got in trouble. It's why we do this work -- to show people what they usually don't get to see. Our videos are also used in classrooms around the U.S., so as you say, we hope it helps open some eyes. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Calamari great videos keep them coming this is the real thing when kids disobey the law and have to do the time
I hope the videos that u show really make a difference thst when u kids do terrible crimes u will end in places like this doing real time I hope this is a wake up call it would be for me
Comgragulations to calamari productions for the excellent work in doing these videos and keeping us informed on ths its a wake up call to all doing the crime loosing ur freedom for commiting the crime
These guards aren’t payed enough to deal with this stuff.
There's a reason schools look like prison.. Theres also a reason the fed puts money towards prison system based on 5 grade exam results.
Where is the location of this prison I'm in law enforcement
Update on this young man?
Is this video old
If these young people only had enough sense to realize that they have the power to do or be anything they want in life with some sincere determination and effort, they would avoid becoming a life-time re-offender with little to no improvement of their self worth.
It is hard to change when you have been on the streets unsupervised since age 8. These are kids. Kids generally don’t know better; kids who’ve been traumatized since 8 certainly couldn’t know that. How do you better yourself when your underage, your home is broken and everybody around you is seeped in crime? It’s nearly impossible.
It's sad that for a kid, it's gotta come down to this. All the system is doing is lining up the next crop of hardened convict felons. They gotta do better than stuffing a kid in a cell and walking away.
I just got arrested today it was not fun hope y'all get out and become a better person
Jesus saved me from my sins and a wounded spirit.
95% of juvenile prisoners will see adult prison!! I'm so glad I beat them odds!!!!!!
Spent a some stints in Jacksonville ddc shit was supper real wake up call for real.
Man getting locked up at a young age for some heavy shit will stick with you forever it's hard to get a job now after that stuff, went because I got too comfortable with my girl and she got comfortable with me and ya... Moral of the Story don't date a girl that has detective as a mom and didn't like ya from the start
The majority of theses kids don't have the love and support at home so they turn to the streets for that and end up being in a gang that becomes their family
He's just a young boy
A young criminal boy.
Plenty young boys kill parents, strangers! Idiot
Send them to walnut grove
The vida loca. 👊
Curious observation from this viewer...who or what dictates the caloric diet intake of so very many of these jail-esque social smudges hidden among the gov't prison payrolls. Alarming alert symptom IMO. 🐽🐽
Free NS Jon Jon❤️
Is there any follow up on this kid? He seemed like he was lost to the streets becoming part of a gang at 8 yrs old that's crazy...I hope he's turned his life around and is out of trouble..poor kid..he looks like a baby
@Angela Iacobacci - Haven't been able to find an update yet. We're working on it. You're right -- he was very young and small. Very sad, all the way around. We hope he's doing well now. Thanks for watching and taking the time to post.
Why are the officers out of shape
So they can just fall on top of them? 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️😂
Because 'merica food system.
In prisons, they don’t have to run after the perps the way cops on the outside do.
@@pterafirma because Europe is being financially aided and is scaffolded by America and so we don’t have enough money to use perfect ingredients that are more expensive to use…
It took 3 copies to take cuffs of that kid
are these from 2021?
@[EVERYTHING] OHIO - no, this is from our archive. New uploads coming soon!
Jesus saves
Wats the race percentage at this facility,just the facts that's all I want
@Frank piknimena II - when we were there filming it was pretty well split. Not sure what the actual percentages are but if we get the answer we'll let you know. Thanks for watching!
Not the answer you wanted huh.. Racist. Cnut
I loved juvi I was causing a mess in that shit beating up enemy’s on a daily lil vacation
And USA pol
Cool life
No fun
Who cares about their age? They committed horrific crimes and they must pay for it.
Calamari will sell you a murderer as a Saint.. I've done bird as a teen 2 years 7 months.. I was a little bastard. Did me good.
Pretty pleasure awaitful in is theme too forth you have my comforting parental appeared and you have fore me home A.,⏩🦃🧾⭐💜⏺️🎮📯
Fourez red 🌹♥️♥️
@@robertayers7013 r u on drugs? U make no sense