"She's getting here as fast as she can". That's what I tell myself everytime I feel heartbroken, desperate, lonely. Even when I'm jealous from other people's couples. I know we're both getting there as fast as we can.
It takes time, for some a really long time. The best you could do is to always spread love and positive energy. Do things to help others and then things just start falling into place.
that`s actually a little while if you do live your life. but 4 years could be a long time if you spend most of your time in your house alone doing shit
That's why most of us need to stop relying on others to feel loved and appreciated, and start believing in our own possibilities. It's not an easy task by any means, but it certainly is the most rewarding
This is my favorite scene. It’s the scene that hit me the hardest because this is EXACTLY where I am right now. It’s actually a painful please to be and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. So to all the other lonely souls who came here, hang in there. She/he’s on their way.
my only big question is that if stella loved ted soooo much, why did she let her husband make not one, but two* movies based on ted's bad luck, making him the bad guy in the entire movie, making a fool of him. maybe i'm too naive, i just don't understand why did she do that to him after she was the one who left her at the altar. heck, ted made tony to take stella back after what she did!! *edit: 3 movies apparently, when ted told tracy he loves her for the first time, i saw them standing in front of a cinema where it was written "the weddig bride III" so yeah
I’m going to be honest a lot of the time show-runners and directors base their work loosely on their own life. It’s not accurately representing Ted because that wouldn’t make sense story wise for a character. I found it bad that they hardly changed the name and have it so traceable to Ted but overall eh. Stella and Ted have been surprisingly friendly afterwards in scenes and Tony got Ted the job he deemed most life profiling, his favourite job he ever had, amongst when he got his childhood dream job. Season one he tries to get with an engaged women in matchmaker though not as seriously, still gave her his number, and everything that happened with Victoria wedding went done, Ted not got the best history too, those are just examples from the top of my head. Pretty sure Ted doesn’t think they’re bad people despite him being the one to have suffered from their bad communication up until she left him.
Back in July, a former crush of mine from like 5 years ago got married to the guy she met after me and it has me stuck in a depression relapse. A friend showed me this and I really want to believe it, but it doesn't make it any easier or the pain stop.
I am in my early 30s and not even anybody having so much as a crush on me, let alone being in a relationship all my life while majority of the people around me are getting married, engaged, giving birth, getting married for the 2nd time, getting into new relationships. At this point, I don't even know how is she getting here as fast as she could means.
I’m at this point, all my friends are coupled up but I’m still waiting for my other half this gives me hope that maybe we’re both running to one another as fast as we can, we just have a few more obstacles
I think the whole “left at the alter” thing was poorly executed. We never saw Tony until the episode before she left him so we never got the real impact of what was happening. In a later episode Marshall tells Ted that he should have seen it coming ‘cause she was obviously still hung up on Tony. But we don’t understand that because we never saw it. I just think it’s sad that such a well written show has that big black ink in its script. Also, I think it’s stupid that we never get to see Tony’s “good side” which he probably has. He’s basically a poor excuse for a real man throughout the 2 episodes he’s in, leaving without saying anything and not facing Ted for his actions. And with the Wedding Bride we know that even though he “won” he’s still clearly resentful not to mention delusional. In addition, when Ted tells him that he’s not sad that he “lost” Tony is clearly upset (since he probably wanted to relish in the feeling of the victory that he thinks he had over Ted), so upset in fact that he throws his “trophy” away and Ted has to convince him to get it out of the trash can. He’s a cartoon villain.
I mean, the whole narrative (and the entire series for that matter) was all from Ted's perspective. When you're in love with someone, you don't tend to notice the things that might push you away from that person as you see them as this perfect being in your life. In Ted's case, he probably didn't notice that Stella was still hung up on her ex because he was so excited that he finally found "the one". And as the audience, we didn't get to see it because Ted is the storyteller here, all the events are from his memory and all are seen in his perspective. For the second part though, I agree with you. Tony's character was poorly done.
In the scene where she left him they played a little montage that showed how she still hung up on Tony, both we, the viewers, and Ted just didn't notice it before. So it's kinda funny you criticize the writer for your mistake.
I hate how much I loved stella. Before she left ted at the altar, I could genuinely see her as the mother. She was smart, funny, beautiful. Made her exit even more painful I suppose
I am in my early 30s and not even anybody having so much as a crush on me, let alone me being in a relationship while majority of the people around me are getting married, engaged, giving birth, getting married for the 2nd time, getting into new relationships again & again. Getting a girl to have a crush on me WOULD actually be my personal best achievement. At this point, I don't even know how is she getting here as fast as she could means.
I hate Stella lol. The spiteful things she did before and after this to Ted were just cruel. To actually bookend being so lovely to him in the car with refusing to concede one bit with him the entirety of the 10 sessions arc, only to do so for Tony and then following this up by letting Tony write the most slanderous movie series you ever could, only to berate Ted for being a bit crazy and trying to get Robin's locket since he mistook himself for being in love (ironically talking to the woman who broke his heart) at the time and was willing to go a bit nuts to get it for her, this being after how Stella out and out let Ted down, Stella really, really sucks.
@@kotorandcorvid4968 and that's the issue. He didn't want perfect. He did embrace and love perfect and they were together for 11 years, but in his heart he never stopped loving Robin. He learnt to live without her.
"She's getting here as fast as she can".
That's what I tell myself everytime I feel heartbroken, desperate, lonely. Even when I'm jealous from other people's couples.
I know we're both getting there as fast as we can.
So did she come ? It's been 3 years
Same question I still waiting
It takes time, for some a really long time. The best you could do is to always spread love and positive energy. Do things to help others and then things just start falling into place.
Such a powerful yet underrated scene. I love the hope it gives people.
I think about this scene a lot
Me to.
Been there
Same here
Don't because it's gonna happen when it's supposed to my friend trust me I've been there
"And you may have to wait a little while more".
Yeap. Four years to be precise. That's one heck of "a little while more".
that`s actually a little while if you do live your life. but 4 years could be a long time if you spend most of your time in your house alone doing shit
Believe me, four years is absolutely nothing.
Been waiting for 14years
Waiting just seems endless, like what if you're waiting your whole life and you're left alone at the end😞
Rave Shaolight Josh Radnor is still single, crazy right? He deserves more
That's the beauty of this quote. Everyone has a love out there. We just need to wait because they are looking for us too
i bet whatever you want, someone will find you but you have to find yourself firts
Rave Shaolight true love is real but i dont think all of us will get to experience it tho :(
That's why most of us need to stop relying on others to feel loved and appreciated, and start believing in our own possibilities. It's not an easy task by any means, but it certainly is the most rewarding
This is my favorite scene. It’s the scene that hit me the hardest because this is EXACTLY where I am right now. It’s actually a painful please to be and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. So to all the other lonely souls who came here, hang in there. She/he’s on their way.
my only big question is that if stella loved ted soooo much, why did she let her husband make not one, but two* movies based on ted's bad luck, making him the bad guy in the entire movie, making a fool of him. maybe i'm too naive, i just don't understand why did she do that to him after she was the one who left her at the altar. heck, ted made tony to take stella back after what she did!!
*edit: 3 movies apparently, when ted told tracy he loves her for the first time, i saw them standing in front of a cinema where it was written "the weddig bride III" so yeah
In fairness, they probably got a lot of money from it.
She sees ted as such a good guy that she cant even see jed mosely is based off him
I KNOW RIGHT this has always bothered me sooo much it makes me hate stella even more. And no one notices it
I’m going to be honest a lot of the time show-runners and directors base their work loosely on their own life. It’s not accurately representing Ted because that wouldn’t make sense story wise for a character. I found it bad that they hardly changed the name and have it so traceable to Ted but overall eh. Stella and Ted have been surprisingly friendly afterwards in scenes and Tony got Ted the job he deemed most life profiling, his favourite job he ever had, amongst when he got his childhood dream job. Season one he tries to get with an engaged women in matchmaker though not as seriously, still gave her his number, and everything that happened with Victoria wedding went done, Ted not got the best history too, those are just examples from the top of my head. Pretty sure Ted doesn’t think they’re bad people despite him being the one to have suffered from their bad communication up until she left him.
@@kyledevino2721 she’s not stupid
She's getting here as fast as she can
The only statement which gives me hope
For all of us waiting, let's keep that porch light on, hoping an believing someday our loves will come along.
Back in July, a former crush of mine from like 5 years ago got married to the guy she met after me and it has me stuck in a depression relapse. A friend showed me this and I really want to believe it, but it doesn't make it any easier or the pain stop.
I am in my early 30s and not even anybody having so much as a crush on me, let alone being in a relationship all my life while majority of the people around me are getting married, engaged, giving birth, getting married for the 2nd time, getting into new relationships.
At this point, I don't even know how is she getting here as fast as she could means.
I’m at this point, all my friends are coupled up but I’m still waiting for my other half this gives me hope that maybe we’re both running to one another as fast as we can, we just have a few more obstacles
Am I the only guy who feels Ted is them? Love this scene and I’m still waiting for her
Any luck bro?
this is from season 4, episode 23
thx dude
One of my favorite scenes of this entire series, and there are so many great scenes
My favorite scene in the whole show.
Jason Quiroz me too
Yea, mine too. Favorite line hands down
this scene is for everyone who starts losing hope youll ever find the one for you
Im glad Stella and Ted parted ways on good terms.
“I want that” :,)
I have to keep telling myself she's getting here as fast as she can so i don't get too depressed
I think the whole “left at the alter” thing was poorly executed. We never saw Tony until the episode before she left him so we never got the real impact of what was happening. In a later episode Marshall tells Ted that he should have seen it coming ‘cause she was obviously still hung up on Tony. But we don’t understand that because we never saw it. I just think it’s sad that such a well written show has that big black ink in its script.
Also, I think it’s stupid that we never get to see Tony’s “good side” which he probably has. He’s basically a poor excuse for a real man throughout the 2 episodes he’s in, leaving without saying anything and not facing Ted for his actions. And with the Wedding Bride we know that even though he “won” he’s still clearly resentful not to mention delusional. In addition, when Ted tells him that he’s not sad that he “lost” Tony is clearly upset (since he probably wanted to relish in the feeling of the victory that he thinks he had over Ted), so upset in fact that he throws his “trophy” away and Ted has to convince him to get it out of the trash can. He’s a cartoon villain.
I mean, the whole narrative (and the entire series for that matter) was all from Ted's perspective. When you're in love with someone, you don't tend to notice the things that might push you away from that person as you see them as this perfect being in your life. In Ted's case, he probably didn't notice that Stella was still hung up on her ex because he was so excited that he finally found "the one". And as the audience, we didn't get to see it because Ted is the storyteller here, all the events are from his memory and all are seen in his perspective.
For the second part though, I agree with you. Tony's character was poorly done.
In the scene where she left him they played a little montage that showed how she still hung up on Tony, both we, the viewers, and Ted just didn't notice it before. So it's kinda funny you criticize the writer for your mistake.
lol you’ve completely missed the point. Ted didn’t see it coming and since he’s the “unreliable” narrator, neither did we.
I hate how much I loved stella. Before she left ted at the altar, I could genuinely see her as the mother. She was smart, funny, beautiful. Made her exit even more painful I suppose
I never liked her. She always looked way older than ted.
well Tracy was 7 years younger than Ted so it shouldn't be a problem
Damn, I wish you'd uploaded trhe next few seconds. The scene is incomplete.
Even though I legit hate Stella. This scene brings in a drop of respect for her
0:38 Great reference to Forrest Gump
i dont get it
Superb from Radnor
I am in my early 30s and not even anybody having so much as a crush on me, let alone me being in a relationship while majority of the people around me are getting married, engaged, giving birth, getting married for the 2nd time, getting into new relationships again & again.
Getting a girl to have a crush on me WOULD actually be my personal best achievement.
At this point, I don't even know how is she getting here as fast as she could means.
you’re going to meet her where you share a common interest. take a minute and think about it. get out there brother!
I keep coming back, hoping she’s on her way..
This is low key creepy, I’m watching this exact scene and I came to Yt to find the background song, and this vid was on my suggestions!😬
No, she's not
I am tried of waiting too. I just given up.
as fast as she can.... it took 5 seasons for them to meet
I want to know what is that song
Michele featherstone - careful
A.Graham_Arts Thank you very much
Damn Bobby long live bro.
help whats episodie os?
Cecy Barron Season04Ep23
I wonder when she will get here for me.
Did you get her yet?
U got her yet ?
Anything yet, I hope?
@@shlomolevi555 nope
My “The One” is like Zoro from One Piece
What’s the song’s name?
Careful - Michelle Featherstone
You’re great, thanks! :)
Which episode
seanstion sdsds s4e23
what is the name of this song?
rodrigo magalhaes Darude- Sandstorm
rodrigo magalhaes Michele featherstone - careful
Tired of waiting 😔
I hate Stella lol. The spiteful things she did before and after this to Ted were just cruel. To actually bookend being so lovely to him in the car with refusing to concede one bit with him the entirety of the 10 sessions arc, only to do so for Tony and then following this up by letting Tony write the most slanderous movie series you ever could, only to berate Ted for being a bit crazy and trying to get Robin's locket since he mistook himself for being in love (ironically talking to the woman who broke his heart) at the time and was willing to go a bit nuts to get it for her, this being after how Stella out and out let Ted down, Stella really, really sucks.
Beth needs to divorce Jerry for Ted
...and I'm just tired of waiting...
She is already there. It is Robin :)
No it's Tracy, Robin always just made Ted miserable
Journey95 Far they made each other miserable
Ted didn't want perfect, he wanted Robin. ❤
@@Mani26031981 Tracy was perfect for him
@@kotorandcorvid4968 and that's the issue. He didn't want perfect. He did embrace and love perfect and they were together for 11 years, but in his heart he never stopped loving Robin. He learnt to live without her.
what is the name of the song?
Eu amigo americano, conseguiu acha o nome da musica?
Careful por Michelle Featherstone essa é a música.