Some elegant navigation in and around the question of how to highlight minority viewpoints while respecting the realistic profit and loss calculations that quietly survive the closely watched encounter with a deemed social necessity and move back on track to the more urgent urge to have a story told from a perspective that turns out to be humanist and not a parochial, ethnic/gender-based open insult to Orwell's 'Politics and the English Language'. A few negative reviews of the Reece novel on the Goodreads site, unfortunately, suggest that a scattering of acutely observed details that reflect CS's personal sense of life are not enough to make a compelling story. Here we have an example perhaps of a 'literary' bias towards 'sharp sentences' that are presumed to convey the sharpest sense of life. Yet a literary novel is much more than sentences and details. Have read enough post-modernist fiction to grasp that it is not an improvement on the modernists. We live in an era of delusions on this score, and I would even call them dehumanising delusions.
Some elegant navigation in and around the question of how to highlight minority viewpoints while respecting the realistic profit and loss calculations that quietly survive the closely watched encounter with a deemed social necessity and move back on track to the more urgent urge to have a story told from a perspective that turns out to be humanist and not a parochial, ethnic/gender-based open insult to Orwell's 'Politics and the English Language'.
A few negative reviews of the Reece novel on the Goodreads site, unfortunately, suggest that a scattering of acutely observed details that reflect CS's personal sense of life are not enough to make a compelling story. Here we have an example perhaps of a 'literary' bias towards 'sharp sentences' that are presumed to convey the sharpest sense of life. Yet a literary novel is much more than sentences and details.
Have read enough post-modernist fiction to grasp that it is not an improvement on the modernists. We live in an era of delusions on this score, and I would even call them dehumanising delusions.