As Wr WB Bismillahirrahmanirrahim mohon maaf lahir dan batin Ir AK 68 BEng SPD GR please All people Indonesia and The people Indonesia Work Betapa sederhana nya artis Mbojo And Dompu NTB. I am very very love my Vilage . Please giving time and Support to me for Devoloped in My Vilage and Bugis Makassar Sulawesi Papua Barat NTT. Yoshida Kyodo Kuda Dasai AriGato San. Ammin Good Will Insyaallah.Thang you.
Ngefen Poda biola ake,paling bagus bang walaupun sepintas yang saya tau,karna saya jauh dan tidak berdomisili di bima,mantap👍
Mohon maaf,biasanya Weha aokai biola ake sabunerauku bang,
As Wr WB Bismillahirrahmanirrahim mohon maaf lahir dan batin Ir AK 68 BEng SPD GR please All people Indonesia and The people Indonesia Work Betapa sederhana nya artis Mbojo And Dompu NTB. I am very very love my Vilage . Please giving time and Support to me for Devoloped in My Vilage and Bugis Makassar Sulawesi Papua Barat NTT. Yoshida Kyodo Kuda Dasai AriGato San. Ammin Good Will Insyaallah.Thang you.