Lowkey one of the funniest characters in the game. The logic gymnastics she goes through to suck up to Dante while chastising the rest of the party makes for some great moments.
"Your ability to command others is nothing short of exceptional, manager" is what she says until i go full unga bunga on the first battle and get half of my squad killed
Not gonna lie, out of all the 12 sinners, Outis was the one I barely remembered …which is also funny because her name is Greek for “nobody” or “no one”, so she’s memorable for being unmemorable in my mind lol
Unintentionally I thought it was amazing PM managed to design Outis in a way that almost everyone wasn’t looking forward to her and that perfectly suited her name..
It's on purpose considering her bio states she is someone to not be trusted, for she does not display a spec of self interest while working for the company, and merely wishes to work to meet the company's interests, which is a major red flag as she might be working to get secrets out to someone else. I don't think she's gonna be anyone who displays much outside of her duty until whatever twist related to her happens.
입만 열면, 아주 거짓말이 자동으로 나와 라는 생각이 드는건 저뿐일까요? 가장 충성심 높아보이는 말을 하지만, 캐릭터 소개문을 통해 거꾸로 가장 믿을 수 없다는 느낌을 주는 점에서 프문의 캐릭터 묘사력이 장난아니라는 생각이 들게 하네요! 진짜 교묘한 책략을 짜는 사람이라는 느낌! 그냥 팔카타가 아니다!! 건팔카타다!! 귀로에 오르기만 하면 된다는 말로 보아 단테의 신곡에 묘사된 오디세우스가 아닌, 그로신의 오디세우스를 차용했나보네요!
어쩌면 이미 특유 소개문 때문에 그렇게 느끼는걸 지도 모르죠. 도시의 눈으로 보면 인간찬사를 하는데 자기들의 규률, 쉽게말하면 자기들의 관점에서 "인간" 자체를 벗서나는 순간 인간으로 안보이고 버러지는 것처럼. 그래서 각자 소개문들이 수감자들을 비꼬듯이 보는걸지도. 예를 들면, 파우스트는 오만하다고 적혀저 있었지만, 오만한점은 하나도 없었고, 모든걸 다 안다고 해도 외외로 친절하게 느꼈음. 히스클리프는 폭력적이라고 적혀저있었지만 트레일러 마지막에 캐서린에게 온화한 애정있다는걸 보였고, 살아남기위해 폭력을 휘둘고 발악하는걸 개인적으로 느낌.
@@happynyeong5953 그리고 13의 플레어블 캐릭을 EGOIST (자아를 깨우친자) 라고 안부르고 수감자 또는 해외에서는 죄수들 (Sinners)이라고 대신부르니까 머리, 둥지 그리고 도시의 위선적(?)인 모순이 드러나는게 더 보이는 제 개인적인 생각입니다. 인간답게 살아야하지만, 그어떠한 선에 있어야 인간이라고 인정하죠. 뒤틀림도 마찬가지.
애초에 오뒷세우스의 가명 중 하나가 우티스였으니까요. 희랍 신화에서 내내 믿을 수 없는 모습만 보였고.. 병역 기피로 미친 척하기도 했고, 필록테테스의 화살이 트로이아 전쟁에 필요하다는 걸 알게 되자 지난날 그를 버리고 갔던 것 때문에 앙심을 품을 것을 염려해서 자기보다 한참 어린 네오프톨레모스를 앞세우는 모습을 보였고, 가급적 필록테테스는 다시 버리고 활과 화살만 챙겨가고 싶어했습니다. 스킬라의 밑을 지날 때도 괴물에 대해 자세히 이야기하지 않음으로써 부하들이 괜히 살겠다고 도망다니다가 지나가는 것이 늦어지지 않게 하는 대신 6명을 복불복으로 희생시키고, 결정적으로 그의 속임수의 상징인 트로이아의 목마가 있었어요. 얼마나 신의가 없으면 부하들이 아이올로스님의 자루에 금은보화가 들어있는 줄 알고 열어봤겠습니까?
She's.... suprisingly normal No emo energy, not being actively delusional, not having a short temper, not sheltered and actually realistic, and is actually professional. I like her already
Well, she's nothing afterall and she mention it at the introduction part where she said "I am... Nothing at all", basically she's the most plain chara from all 13 siners But because she's the only one that mostly plain, that's what make her unique from the other and I think will have some big impact in story, maybe (afterall, all chara with the most different things from the other is the most suspicious one usually)
The fact that she is nothing is the most scary thing, everyone in the city has a little knack for crazy, the concept of her being absolutely normal terrifies me
I can't wait till they reveal that she is at the highest echelon of bat shit insane. But I share your sentiment, serious people who can follow orders hold a special place in my heart, her and mersault are two I'm excited for.
OK, it's fitting that she's the last one to be revealed, because I have _more to say about this Sinner than any of the others._ Time for a pretty long analysis before the game even launches: First off, on the official Limbus website there's not one, but _two_ ominous warnings about Outis (the only other character to have a warning like this is Ryoshu because of her history): *[NOTICE]: Unlike the other sinners, accessing records pertaining to the past of this sinner is not permitted.* *[WARNING]: Keep an eye on this sinner and beware that she does not exercise her cunning intellect for purposes other than completing our company's mission.* The first [NOTICE] is likely because Outis' past relates to the Smoke War, an event in the Project Moon universe that they've deliberately been hiding some details on (I'll go into my theories as to Outis' possible role in the Smoke war later in this comment). However, the second one is the more important, and to learn why we have to go into _the origin of the name "Outis."_ Outis is actually based on Odysseus from Homer's epic poems, being a supporting character in the _Iliad_ and the protagonist of the _Odyssey._ The name "Outis" actually comes from an arc in the _Odyssey_ where Odysseus and his men are captured by the cyclops Polyphemus. When Polyphemus asks for our hero's name, Odysseus answers that his name is Outis, which literally translates to "nobody." Thus, when Odysseus attacks Polyphemus and gouges out his eye during the night, the cyclops basically shouts "AAAAAAA! OUTIS (NOBODY) IS ATTACKING ME!" and thus the other cyclopses don't come to his aid and catch the Greeks. This is a simplification of events but that's basically how it goes. It may be that "Outis" is an alias for this character too. With this story in mind, I think it's fairly obvious why I'm suspicious of Outis already. Keep in mind that Dante/Durante's Distorted form can be likened to a cyclops, too. Now, I'm not saying the other Sinners won't turn on the team at some point, but Outis is different. If the other Sinners happen to betray us, even temporarily, it will probably be due to a bout of insanity or related to their inner trauma. With Outis, her betrayal would be _premeditated_ and be entirely rational. She's the only one of the Damned Dozen who is _normal_ and that's why she's to be feared. Remember what Roland said in the previous game about the most polite and proper people in the City are also the most dangerous? That's a lesson we should be careful not to forget. Speaking of which, Odysseus being a veteran of the Trojan War matches well with Outis being a Smoke War veteran, which is pretty cool, and I do want to theorize about her ties to the Smoke War for a moment. This is a complete shot in the dark and will probably be proven wrong, but I can't help but wonder if she has ties to Udjat (for those who haven't been keeping up with PM lore, we've been getting hints that Udjat played a part in _starting_ the Smoke War, which aided in the collapse of the old L Corp to collapse and allowed Lobotomy Corporation to take its place). She physically resembles Dias (the leader of Udjat) as well, and may even be her relative, though as I said before I don't have any solid evidence for this theory. Oh, and lastly, I should make note of the symbol on her "prison outfit." This symbol, called the "Staff of Hermes" (or "Staff of Mercury" if we want to use the Roman version), also originates from Greek mythology. It's often associated with medicine and healing, which seems to be the opposite of what Outis probably did, but it was also used in the medical corps of the U.S. Army, which may have been the reason behind that design choice. It may also suggest that Outis was some kind of leader of her own group or high-ranking official, which matches her source material. I may be a bit biased against her, but I know I'm not the only one who's been suspicious about her motives, and her attitude here seems a little _too_ willing. But who knows, perhaps her character will instead be "commander who committed heinous war crimes and feels no remorse" instead? We'll have to see, but I recommend keeping a close eye on what she says. TL;DR: If there's _anyone_ of the Damned Dozen that's going to double-cross the team at a crucial point in the story, it's probably Outis.
I wholeheartedly thank you for this analysis! Haven't been able to get to a decent translation of The Odyssey/The Illiad yet, but based on what little knowledge I do have, what you suggest is extremely interesting and I can't wait to see how or when will PM pull it off. However, my only "complaint" (more of a correction?), is that the staff genuinely related to medicine is *not* Hermes', it's Asclepius, god of Healing (single snake), and while hospitals do tend to use it sometimes, it's more thanks to a sense of aesthetic and ignoring the true meaning of the symbol www. Hermes' staff (twin snakes + wings), the Caduceus, actually represents commerce, eloquence, alchemy, thievery, and lying, just like its corresponding god. I believe this falls more in line with what we have (or speculations at least) of her!
@@noctstalgic Thank you for the correction! I'm not too familiar with the two staves and probably got confused in my research at some point, with Hermes/Mercury and the U.S. Army medical division using the Hermes symbol even if it's the wrong meaning.
@Flygoniaks hey just asking, there's kinda something going on, so we need to know: are you a literature major or something? please tell me flygon - please
This is just a fan theory, but: Is....is Outis planning to kill Dante, or whoever's behind the "inferno bus" project, or maybe even the City?!? at the end? The way she's almost sweet talking Dante as the manager is awfully similar to how Ulysseus sweet talked Polyphemus in the epic she's based from. And how she strips herself of any interests or desires and *appears* to be solely about professionalism and skill - a "nobody" indeed. Even the sinner manual on the Limbus website tells us to be careful with her and watch her every move. Also her EGO scene background against what I assume was the Smoke War, the fact that she's not wearing a "jail cloak" like the other sinners (implying that she "volunteered" for this project), and her lines "I had a destination, and have reached it too, but I still have not left a step from there, even now", all point to a very long con - similar to Roland and even Purple Tear
Outis (CV: Kim Bo-na) Notable Roles: My Hero Academia - Uwabami Guilty Gear Strive - Baiken (MAAAAA DAAAAAAAA RUUUUUUUU) Dragon Ball Super - Haru Cookie Run Kingdom - Black Raisin Cookie One Piece - Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Joscarpone, Baby 5 Konosuba - Wiz Final Fantasy XIV - Lyse Hext, Tataru Taru Marvel - The Mighty Thor Genshin Impact - Rosaria Library of Ruina - Binah (Old hag supremacy), Merry/ Tomerry Go! Princess Pretty Cure - Aroma My Little Pony: A New Generation - Pipp Petals Encanto - Isabella Madrigal The Secret Life of Pets - Gidget
For anyone wondering what the Greek words on her symbol mean (0:06), it's something like: "I have a family. They had theirs." Feel free to correct me, my Greek isn't perfect.
Reading all of the comments, I realise that she's probably going to pull a Roland. Limbus company *must* have some sort of tie to Lobotomy corp or hell, even the Library, both of which are responsible for the smoke war. Dante doesn't have his memories, and thus can evolve over the course of the story, in spite of whoever he was before, not unlike Angela. He is said to have been a "big shot", maybe even someone who can be considered "responsible" for whatever happened. Outis does seem a bit too subservient, no?
It's interesting that Outis uses a gun-sword. The fact that it looks like a normal albeit ornate sword with a quick glance really represents the context of her name well, as her weapon is built to surprise her enemy with a massive burst of damage.
Since “Outis” was the name Odysseus used to flatter and calm Polyphemus (The Cyclops he would later blind) with words… Are we “The Cyclops” that Outis is trying to blind and maim…? It would be unnerving to think that Outis’ own loyalty isn’t borne out of our competence as manager, but strictly because she wants to kill us. … Actually considering LoR’s plot line that seems scarily possible. In fact it would actually explain some of Outis’ quotes. Outis has not moved from her position at the end of her journey because she’s here with us. Ostensibly on some journey of revenge she never moved on from… like a certain LoR character.
The fabled gun-sword has arrived! My favorite combo. It just reminds me of the ridiculous over-the-top Shotgun Axe Prosnorkulus wielded with unyielding efficacy. “Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for.” ― George Sand
I'll admit, her E.G.O disappointed me, but thinking about it from what we do know of her personality and little info we had, this is honestly the most fitting. I'm curious on what abno's she'd wield since there is a theory going around that each abno will have 3 suitable weilder {possibly to promote variety and while the idea isn't set in stone I kinda like it since it would add personality even if it risked my fav sinner not using my fave abno} Since so far she definitely feels like she could synch well with der freischütz Schadenfreude And Red hooded Mercenary I'd say funeral of dead butterflies but in terms of her personality and the vibe I get, I don't think she'd be the best candidate since really all they'd share is gun
@@kucheryahinjuniour6586 This is more of a ironic, reference to Outis's inspiration lore, since the character she's named after most famous moments was when they lied about their name to cyclops, they struck at night with the only cyclops who saw them and kept screaming "help no body is attacking me" So to have the person who seems the most willing to betray, and even on the official site saying "keep an eye on her", so giving her an E.G.O that is at it's deadliest and poses the biggest threat is when you're looking directly at it to the person whom you're told to keep observing. I know it's some weird backwards logic but I think it be fun to have E.G.Os of wielders need/should have things you shouldn't do that abno as one of their equipable E.G.Os
odyceus... the first cause of the war of troy, the one who made it a victory, and the one who suffer the most because of it. hope Dante isn't going to be a new agamemnon for him ^^'
@@jackiedamniels No no! You don't have to be sorry! 😁 I was and am fighting off a cold and since these previews upload at such an odd time in late mornings I had to go to bed early.
HAHAHAHA, IT HAPPENED AGAIN. The modders of Ruina created Outis with a gimmick of mixing Bleed with Smoke, applying debuffs with a falcatta and a bow, and now we can see that Outis goes for Bleed AND ranged attacks, however, they don't use a bow, they use a gun gnnsmdmfmf. I'm surprised of how accurate this prediction was tho, and i love both versions of the character.
@@prokiller4860 I mean, yes, but i'm sure that Orlando only owned his sword Durandal in the book and not other 8 weapons. What i mean is that Project Moon loves reinterpretations, SO, there was a chance for the Sinners to be something very different than what we expected.
@@anubiscerberus4348 I’m explaining why the modder made Outis using bow Not because they predicted Outis will use gunblade but just they used what they have in odyssey What you stated that the modder predicted the Outis in Limbus but it’s far from that
She’s based off of Odysseus, namely the part where Odysseus blinds the Cyclops. As that was the name Odysseus introduced himself to the Cyclops with. Wherein “Outis” is Greek for nobody, and therefore when he blinded the Cyclops, it exclaimed “Nobody! Nobody is hurting me!” And so ‘nobody’ came to the Cyclops’ aid despite it being in mortal peril and the fact that it was the son of Poseidon.
@@alcoholfree1 Dante's journey through hell, purgatory, heaven. Limbus company take commedia as a motif. Main character's name(dante, vergilius)is same. Even official twitter has a sentence from commedia.
Lowkey one of the funniest characters in the game. The logic gymnastics she goes through to suck up to Dante while chastising the rest of the party makes for some great moments.
Yeah I wasn't expecting her to be one of my favorites, but she is and I plan on reading The Odyssey soon
Truly the purpose of the Odyssey was the stuff she licked of Dante's boots along the way 😏
"Your ability to command others is nothing short of exceptional, manager" is what she says until i go full unga bunga on the first battle and get half of my squad killed
Her ego name is suffering becomes experience
nothing more fitting
Sacrifice your soldier to make easier victory WHAT AN EXCEPTIONAL STRATEGY EXECUTIVE MANAGER
I made this comment before Limbus even released and by god how right i was
“Uh, um, okay.”
And thus the Outism was born
오티스의 자기소개는 아부가 아니라 [난 내 일 알아서 잘할 거고 네가 판단만 잘하면 유혈사태는 일어나지 않을 거다.]라는 의미로 빙빙 돌려말해서 꼽주는 거였네요....여기 관리자 취급 너무하다.
나도 내일 알아서 잘할건데...
동지네, 오티스씨!
"내가 이렇게까지 말하는데 알잘딱깔센 해라?"
@@외우 ㅇㅋ!
시계 대가리좌...
오......와 그런 뜻이....
Not gonna lie, out of all the 12 sinners, Outis was the one I barely remembered
…which is also funny because her name is Greek for “nobody” or “no one”, so she’s memorable for being unmemorable in my mind lol
Unintentionally I thought it was amazing PM managed to design Outis in a way that almost everyone wasn’t looking forward to her and that perfectly suited her name..
It's on purpose considering her bio states she is someone to not be trusted, for she does not display a spec of self interest while working for the company, and merely wishes to work to meet the company's interests, which is a major red flag as she might be working to get secrets out to someone else. I don't think she's gonna be anyone who displays much outside of her duty until whatever twist related to her happens.
@@chainchomp3500 yep, this is The City, true compassion and charity is very rare, while backstabbing’s a dime a dozen
heh, she was the first one I actually took a liking to.
It’s also what Odysseus called himself when he was talking to the giant
입만 열면, 아주 거짓말이 자동으로 나와
라는 생각이 드는건 저뿐일까요?
가장 충성심 높아보이는 말을 하지만,
캐릭터 소개문을 통해 거꾸로 가장 믿을 수 없다는 느낌을 주는 점에서 프문의 캐릭터 묘사력이 장난아니라는 생각이 들게 하네요!
진짜 교묘한 책략을 짜는 사람이라는 느낌!
그냥 팔카타가 아니다!! 건팔카타다!!
귀로에 오르기만 하면 된다는 말로 보아 단테의 신곡에 묘사된 오디세우스가 아닌, 그로신의 오디세우스를 차용했나보네요!
총이 달린 한손검.. 후 ..참을 수가 없따!!!
어쩌면 이미 특유 소개문 때문에 그렇게 느끼는걸 지도 모르죠. 도시의 눈으로 보면 인간찬사를 하는데 자기들의 규률, 쉽게말하면 자기들의 관점에서 "인간" 자체를 벗서나는 순간 인간으로 안보이고 버러지는 것처럼. 그래서 각자 소개문들이 수감자들을 비꼬듯이 보는걸지도.
예를 들면, 파우스트는 오만하다고 적혀저 있었지만, 오만한점은 하나도 없었고, 모든걸 다 안다고 해도 외외로 친절하게 느꼈음.
히스클리프는 폭력적이라고 적혀저있었지만 트레일러 마지막에 캐서린에게 온화한 애정있다는걸 보였고, 살아남기위해 폭력을 휘둘고 발악하는걸 개인적으로 느낌.
@@cookeyjarsgamingshenanigan5034 소개문을 통해 선입견을 만들었다는 거군요.
확실히 그렇네요! 사람은 입체적이니 문구만 가지고 판단해서는 안 되는 거겠죠.
나중에 게임이 발매되었을 때 모든 인물들이 어떻게 나올지 더 기대되네요!
@@happynyeong5953 그리고 13의 플레어블 캐릭을 EGOIST (자아를 깨우친자) 라고 안부르고 수감자 또는 해외에서는 죄수들 (Sinners)이라고 대신부르니까 머리, 둥지 그리고 도시의 위선적(?)인 모순이 드러나는게 더 보이는 제 개인적인 생각입니다. 인간답게 살아야하지만, 그어떠한 선에 있어야 인간이라고 인정하죠. 뒤틀림도 마찬가지.
애초에 오뒷세우스의 가명 중 하나가 우티스였으니까요. 희랍 신화에서 내내 믿을 수 없는 모습만 보였고.. 병역 기피로 미친 척하기도 했고, 필록테테스의 화살이 트로이아 전쟁에 필요하다는 걸 알게 되자 지난날 그를 버리고 갔던 것 때문에 앙심을 품을 것을 염려해서 자기보다 한참 어린 네오프톨레모스를 앞세우는 모습을 보였고, 가급적 필록테테스는 다시 버리고 활과 화살만 챙겨가고 싶어했습니다. 스킬라의 밑을 지날 때도 괴물에 대해 자세히 이야기하지 않음으로써 부하들이 괜히 살겠다고 도망다니다가 지나가는 것이 늦어지지 않게 하는 대신 6명을 복불복으로 희생시키고, 결정적으로 그의 속임수의 상징인 트로이아의 목마가 있었어요. 얼마나 신의가 없으면 부하들이 아이올로스님의 자루에 금은보화가 들어있는 줄 알고 열어봤겠습니까?
She's.... suprisingly normal
No emo energy, not being actively delusional, not having a short temper, not sheltered and actually realistic, and is actually professional.
I like her already
Well, she's nothing afterall and she mention it at the introduction part where she said "I am... Nothing at all", basically she's the most plain chara from all 13 siners
But because she's the only one that mostly plain, that's what make her unique from the other and I think will have some big impact in story, maybe (afterall, all chara with the most different things from the other is the most suspicious one usually)
The fact that she is nothing is the most scary thing, everyone in the city has a little knack for crazy, the concept of her being absolutely normal terrifies me
Anyone “normal” in the City is really the biggest psycho of them all
@@darkusomegaX look at angela, the girl tried to end the world before the library and roland turns out to be an ex color Mass murderer
I can't wait till they reveal that she is at the highest echelon of bat shit insane. But I share your sentiment, serious people who can follow orders hold a special place in my heart, her and mersault are two I'm excited for.
It was a pleasure watching all sinners promos with everyone here
OK, it's fitting that she's the last one to be revealed, because I have _more to say about this Sinner than any of the others._ Time for a pretty long analysis before the game even launches:
First off, on the official Limbus website there's not one, but _two_ ominous warnings about Outis (the only other character to have a warning like this is Ryoshu because of her history):
*[NOTICE]: Unlike the other sinners, accessing records pertaining to the past of this sinner is not permitted.*
*[WARNING]: Keep an eye on this sinner and beware that she does not exercise her cunning intellect for purposes other than completing our company's mission.*
The first [NOTICE] is likely because Outis' past relates to the Smoke War, an event in the Project Moon universe that they've deliberately been hiding some details on (I'll go into my theories as to Outis' possible role in the Smoke war later in this comment). However, the second one is the more important, and to learn why we have to go into _the origin of the name "Outis."_
Outis is actually based on Odysseus from Homer's epic poems, being a supporting character in the _Iliad_ and the protagonist of the _Odyssey._ The name "Outis" actually comes from an arc in the _Odyssey_ where Odysseus and his men are captured by the cyclops Polyphemus. When Polyphemus asks for our hero's name, Odysseus answers that his name is Outis, which literally translates to "nobody." Thus, when Odysseus attacks Polyphemus and gouges out his eye during the night, the cyclops basically shouts "AAAAAAA! OUTIS (NOBODY) IS ATTACKING ME!" and thus the other cyclopses don't come to his aid and catch the Greeks. This is a simplification of events but that's basically how it goes. It may be that "Outis" is an alias for this character too.
With this story in mind, I think it's fairly obvious why I'm suspicious of Outis already. Keep in mind that Dante/Durante's Distorted form can be likened to a cyclops, too. Now, I'm not saying the other Sinners won't turn on the team at some point, but Outis is different. If the other Sinners happen to betray us, even temporarily, it will probably be due to a bout of insanity or related to their inner trauma. With Outis, her betrayal would be _premeditated_ and be entirely rational. She's the only one of the Damned Dozen who is _normal_ and that's why she's to be feared. Remember what Roland said in the previous game about the most polite and proper people in the City are also the most dangerous? That's a lesson we should be careful not to forget.
Speaking of which, Odysseus being a veteran of the Trojan War matches well with Outis being a Smoke War veteran, which is pretty cool, and I do want to theorize about her ties to the Smoke War for a moment. This is a complete shot in the dark and will probably be proven wrong, but I can't help but wonder if she has ties to Udjat (for those who haven't been keeping up with PM lore, we've been getting hints that Udjat played a part in _starting_ the Smoke War, which aided in the collapse of the old L Corp to collapse and allowed Lobotomy Corporation to take its place). She physically resembles Dias (the leader of Udjat) as well, and may even be her relative, though as I said before I don't have any solid evidence for this theory.
Oh, and lastly, I should make note of the symbol on her "prison outfit." This symbol, called the "Staff of Hermes" (or "Staff of Mercury" if we want to use the Roman version), also originates from Greek mythology. It's often associated with medicine and healing, which seems to be the opposite of what Outis probably did, but it was also used in the medical corps of the U.S. Army, which may have been the reason behind that design choice. It may also suggest that Outis was some kind of leader of her own group or high-ranking official, which matches her source material.
I may be a bit biased against her, but I know I'm not the only one who's been suspicious about her motives, and her attitude here seems a little _too_ willing. But who knows, perhaps her character will instead be "commander who committed heinous war crimes and feels no remorse" instead? We'll have to see, but I recommend keeping a close eye on what she says.
TL;DR: If there's _anyone_ of the Damned Dozen that's going to double-cross the team at a crucial point in the story, it's probably Outis.
I wholeheartedly thank you for this analysis! Haven't been able to get to a decent translation of The Odyssey/The Illiad yet, but based on what little knowledge I do have, what you suggest is extremely interesting and I can't wait to see how or when will PM pull it off. However, my only "complaint" (more of a correction?), is that the staff genuinely related to medicine is *not* Hermes', it's Asclepius, god of Healing (single snake), and while hospitals do tend to use it sometimes, it's more thanks to a sense of aesthetic and ignoring the true meaning of the symbol www. Hermes' staff (twin snakes + wings), the Caduceus, actually represents commerce, eloquence, alchemy, thievery, and lying, just like its corresponding god. I believe this falls more in line with what we have (or speculations at least) of her!
@@noctstalgic Thank you for the correction! I'm not too familiar with the two staves and probably got confused in my research at some point, with Hermes/Mercury and the U.S. Army medical division using the Hermes symbol even if it's the wrong meaning.
the staff of Hermes could relate to Odysseus sometimes being the great-grandson of Hermes(and sometimes the son of Sisyphus funnily enough)
@Flygoniaks hey just asking, there's kinda something going on, so we need to know: are you a literature major or something? please tell me flygon - please
there's 20 bucks on the line
'내가 너희 열둘을 택하지 아니하였느냐, 그러나 너희 중 한 사람은 마귀니라 하시니'
그리고 거짓말같이 파우스트가 배신 때리자 오티스가 막는거면 더 웃길듯
for her E.G.O. special, she wields a GUNBLADE
It's funny to me that the one who came from the oldest book is the one who wields a gun
It's not only a sword... It's also a GUN!
Also, love the emphasis on the watch.
Squall Leonhart called, he wants his weapon back.
Yup, it's called gunblade.
@@fal7172 and it's the coolest weapon ever
무슨 ego를 가졌을까 …궁금했는데 쉬밤 건블레이드가 튀어나와버리네
이런 무기에 환장하는 사람입니다…개쩔어 너무 좋아…
그냥 팔카타가 아니라 건 팔카타…줄여서 건카타?!
This is just a fan theory, but:
Is....is Outis planning to kill Dante, or whoever's behind the "inferno bus" project, or maybe even the City?!? at the end? The way she's almost sweet talking Dante as the manager is awfully similar to how Ulysseus sweet talked Polyphemus in the epic she's based from. And how she strips herself of any interests or desires and *appears* to be solely about professionalism and skill - a "nobody" indeed. Even the sinner manual on the Limbus website tells us to be careful with her and watch her every move.
Also her EGO scene background against what I assume was the Smoke War, the fact that she's not wearing a "jail cloak" like the other sinners (implying that she "volunteered" for this project), and her lines "I had a destination, and have reached it too, but I still have not left a step from there, even now", all point to a very long con - similar to Roland and even Purple Tear
She does wear the jail clothing beneath the uniform, but its hard to tell at first glance.
There's even something about golden chains...an employee of The Head?
오디세우스의 이야기를 아는 사람들은 다 알겠지만, 오디세이아에 따르면 오디세우스는 트로이 전쟁이 끝나고 20년이 지나서야 고향으로 돌아갔다.
"집나가면 개고생"의 대표적인 예시
림버스에선 트로이 전쟁 대신 연기전쟁 나오려나
하필 죽인 거인이 해신 포세이돈의 아들이었어서.....
@@반달고마 사실 그게 아니었더라도 그리스 영웅들은 대부분 억까당했기 때문에...
성우 김보나
LOR-비나, 나오키, 메어리
원신-로자리아, 로데이아
쿠키런 킹덤-블랙레이즌 쿠키
클로저스-지나 그레이스
원신 로자리아 로데이아 이름 비슷한거 뻘하게 웃기네 ㅎㅎ
울프팩의 룩이 왜 거기서 나와
@@D컨트롤 지나는 비숍 아니였ㄴ...
@@이지민-q6z4f 아 ㅈㅅ 룩은 트레이너였지
excited to see what PM will do now that we have all 12
also the knife gun was really cool def my favorite sinner
average omori fan
@@LaManchaland i have not played omori yet but my respect for omori fans has grown substantially now that ik that they are knife gun fans
@@noishfanboy1141 as an omori fan knife guns are pretty cool
Outis (CV: Kim Bo-na)
Notable Roles:
My Hero Academia - Uwabami
Guilty Gear Strive - Baiken (MAAAAA DAAAAAAAA RUUUUUUUU)
Dragon Ball Super - Haru
Cookie Run Kingdom - Black Raisin Cookie
One Piece - Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Joscarpone, Baby 5
Konosuba - Wiz
Final Fantasy XIV - Lyse Hext, Tataru Taru
Marvel - The Mighty Thor
Genshin Impact - Rosaria
Library of Ruina - Binah (Old hag supremacy), Merry/ Tomerry
Go! Princess Pretty Cure - Aroma
My Little Pony: A New Generation - Pipp Petals
Encanto - Isabella Madrigal
The Secret Life of Pets - Gidget
Sorry if I posted before Cookeyjar did
Also Binah, Merry, and Tomerry from Library of Ruina.
@@creatorext9043 added those in, thx
Even if we do not get the Lady in this game we will still be blessed by her va 🙏praised be Lady Binah
fade in valorant
For anyone wondering what the Greek words on her symbol mean (0:06), it's something like:
"I have a family. They had theirs."
Feel free to correct me, my Greek isn't perfect.
Как же круто!!!!! не могу дождаться релиза игры.
Желаю успехов и процветания игре.
분명 시작은 기대뿐이었다.
기대의 이유도 있었고, 준비된 길도 있었다.
이제 모든게 끝났으니 즐기기만 하면 되건만
...나는 아직도 준비만을 하고 있었다.
의외로 뒤틀림없이 에고의 완성도가 높네요
Reading all of the comments, I realise that she's probably going to pull a Roland. Limbus company *must* have some sort of tie to Lobotomy corp or hell, even the Library, both of which are responsible for the smoke war.
Dante doesn't have his memories, and thus can evolve over the course of the story, in spite of whoever he was before, not unlike Angela. He is said to have been a "big shot", maybe even someone who can be considered "responsible" for whatever happened. Outis does seem a bit too subservient, no?
It's interesting that Outis uses a gun-sword. The fact that it looks like a normal albeit ornate sword with a quick glance really represents the context of her name well, as her weapon is built to surprise her enemy with a massive burst of damage.
My girl slayed
and banged
She's a multitasking queen i love her so much 🤧🤧
@@c_yld2185 i want her to read bedtime stories for me
And a goodnight kiss 💕
@@c_yld2185 and head
이게 이제 13명 중의 마지막이군.
단테 아직 남아있지 않음?
@@eschrodinger7316 단테는 X 처럼 관리자라... 나올거면 베르길리우스가 더 맞을 듯
@@won-hea 숫자 써진 13명이면 단테까지 포함하는게 맞고 수감자들은 총 12명
숨지마라 배길수!
소설 19일날 나오는거 보니깐 그때 또 나올듯
Since “Outis” was the name Odysseus used to flatter and calm Polyphemus (The Cyclops he would later blind) with words…
Are we “The Cyclops” that Outis is trying to blind and maim…?
It would be unnerving to think that Outis’ own loyalty isn’t borne out of our competence as manager, but strictly because she wants to kill us.
… Actually considering LoR’s plot line that seems scarily possible. In fact it would actually explain some of Outis’ quotes. Outis has not moved from her position at the end of her journey because she’s here with us. Ostensibly on some journey of revenge she never moved on from… like a certain LoR character.
the scariest part could be the fact that nobody would bat an eye, since Outis is "nobody"
The Gun-Sword, a classic!
Also, I wonder if we'll get a video for Dante now,, I'm interested in knowing more about them!
Leviathan might be his origin story, it's why he's not revealed on this yet.
Always love the idea of combining a gun with a swords why only uses one of them when you can uses both as one
'관리자의 역량에 따라' 훌룡한 조언자가 될 수 있다. 머리굴러가는 소리 안들리게 하라. 라니 못하는 모습 보이면 그대로 뒤통수 날아간다는건가
TMI 1. 그림자 형태가 헤르메스가 들고다니는, 망자를 인도한다는 카두세우스이다
2. 철의 형제 전투책장처럼 근접일때 쓰는 총기가 등장했다
3. 돈키호테처럼 e.g.o 의 이름이 원어로 그대로 부르는 식이다
the purpose had an odyssey
DEFINITLY the one who betrays the party lol.
에고라기 보단 최신식 공방무기 같다
The fabled gun-sword has arrived! My favorite combo. It just reminds me of the ridiculous over-the-top Shotgun Axe Prosnorkulus wielded with unyielding efficacy.
“Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for.”
― George Sand
Outis Gaming Outis Gaming
her va is binah
she's already a 10/10 in my book then
I'll admit, her E.G.O disappointed me, but thinking about it from what we do know of her personality and little info we had, this is honestly the most fitting.
I'm curious on what abno's she'd wield since there is a theory going around that each abno will have 3 suitable weilder {possibly to promote variety and while the idea isn't set in stone I kinda like it since it would add personality even if it risked my fav sinner not using my fave abno}
Since so far she definitely feels like she could synch well with
der freischütz
And Red hooded Mercenary
I'd say funeral of dead butterflies but in terms of her personality and the vibe I get, I don't think she'd be the best candidate since really all they'd share is gun
I'm pretty sure it'd be a crime for the "I'm nobody" person to not get access to Nothing There eventually.
@@edgedancer4750 I mean if anything assuming ebony queen is an aberration of Snow white apple, my money is they'll get a No body is E.G.O
@@edgedancer4750 Or Nothing There's aberration _Nobody is_ , then again I don't know if those are canon
Why one-eyed box tho?
This is more of a ironic, reference to Outis's inspiration lore, since the character she's named after most famous moments was when they lied about their name to cyclops, they struck at night with the only cyclops who saw them and kept screaming "help no body is attacking me"
So to have the person who seems the most willing to betray, and even on the official site saying "keep an eye on her", so giving her an E.G.O that is at it's deadliest and poses the biggest threat is when you're looking directly at it to the person whom you're told to keep observing.
I know it's some weird backwards logic but I think it be fun to have E.G.Os of wielders need/should have things you shouldn't do that abno as one of their equipable E.G.Os
Sag Hex
odyceus... the first cause of the war of troy, the one who made it a victory, and the one who suffer the most because of it. hope Dante isn't going to be a new agamemnon for him ^^'
Considering she introduces herself as Outis, Dante might be the Polyphemus here
문열때까지 숨참는다!!!!
라고 적혀있는뎁쇼 행님?
속보)모 게임 기다리던 시민 집에서 변사체로 발견
그리고 그는 좋은 원단이 되었습니다.
Outis (CV: Kim Bo-Na)
Notable Roles:
Library of Ruina - Binah/Tomerry (Mary)/Alpha
Genshin Impact - Rosaria/Rodea
Guilty Gear STRIVE - Baiken
Counter:side - Horizon/Hayami Kanade/Rion
Epic 7 - Belian
Konosuba! - Wiz
Dungeon Fighter Online - Lucille Redmane/Calling Jade/Onyx Black
DNF Duel - Enchantress
Lord of Heroes - Lairei Yen
Valorant - Fade
Legend of Runeterra - Chip
League of Legends - Nilah
Destiny Child - Virupa
Cookie Run Kingdom - Black Raisin Cookie
Closers - Gina Grace
Elsword - Victoria, the Succubus Queen
Re:Zero (Collaboration, Mobile game only) - Rem
Danmachi (Collaboration with Konosuba fantastic days mobile game) - Hestia
thanks for posting. i actually posted some of the roles myself cause you weren't there so sorry about that
@@jackiedamniels No no! You don't have to be sorry! 😁 I was and am fighting off a cold and since these previews upload at such an odd time in late mornings I had to go to bed early.
계속 자신의 이름을 강조하는게 떡밥인듯..?
그리고 항상 기대하겠다는 말이 쎄하고 비아냥 거리는걸 봐서 배신할 가능성 있는듯
무기가 참신하고 신선하다
Weapons are fresh and novel
솔직히 나는 신선함 면에선 그닥..?
건블레이드가 서브컬쳐에 얼굴 비친게 한두번이 아닌지라.
I wonder what will happen next since it's the last character
Personally, I think there will be a promo of Dante.
My fav character so far
처음엔 나보고 관리자님이라고 하더니 그 다음에 바로 님자 빼버리고 관리자께서는. 이러네
So both Outis and Gregory were in the Smoke War. Really curious about how they would interact with each other.
Likely with at least some understanding.
아니 이 구라쟁이는 무기가 왜 이렇게 또 멋있어
거짓말쟁이라 생각해서 별로라고 생각했는데 또 맘에 드는 캐릭 추가네
눈나 나주거
존나 기대되는 오티스챕터..
아주 입만 열면 그짓말이 자동으로 나와
솔찍히 림버스 컴퍼니 채팅 기능 있었으면 좋겠다. 스테이지 깨면서 다른 사람들이랑 대화하면 재미있을 거 같아.
코딩뭉치에서 날아다니는 스파게티 괴물로 바껴버려욧
네이버 웹툰 댓글 창 꼬라지난다 그 꼬라지 극혐
내가 너희 열 둘을 택하지 아니하였느냐, 그러나 너희 중의 한 사람은 오티스라 하시니.
남은 건 10번 인가..? 기다려지는군요~
김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나! 김보나!
오디세이아 = "집나가면 개고생"
묘하게 빨아주면서 "행동 잘하쇼잉 조금만 엇나가면 나도 그대로 엇나갈꺼랑께요."
부담 ㅈㄴ주네 ㅋㅋㅋ
HAHAHAHA, IT HAPPENED AGAIN. The modders of Ruina created Outis with a gimmick of mixing Bleed with Smoke, applying debuffs with a falcatta and a bow, and now we can see that Outis goes for Bleed AND ranged attacks, however, they don't use a bow, they use a gun gnnsmdmfmf. I'm surprised of how accurate this prediction was tho, and i love both versions of the character.
Less of prediction because Outis in odyssey used bow
@@prokiller4860 I mean, yes, but i'm sure that Orlando only owned his sword Durandal in the book and not other 8 weapons. What i mean is that Project Moon loves reinterpretations, SO, there was a chance for the Sinners to be something very different than what we expected.
@@anubiscerberus4348 I’m explaining why the modder made Outis using bow
Not because they predicted Outis will use gunblade but just they used what they have in odyssey
What you stated that the modder predicted the Outis in Limbus but it’s far from that
드디어 전부 나왔구나~~
프문 이사람들은 낭만을 잘 알아.... 마법공학 총검이라니
머리 굴리는 소리 못내게 하라더니.
입에 꿀을 발라놨군. 믿어선 안되겠어.
My queen hold a gunblade yooooooooooooooooooooooooo
저번 쇼츠에서 다 통수칠거같다고하니까 이번 영상에 나온 모든 대사가 거짓말처럼 들려ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ВА голос Бины-это нам наадо...
오 설렌다
어떤 캐릭터일까 기대된다
심지어 오티스 무기가 제일 최신식이야
마지막 주자라서 그런가
@일루미나티 탄환한발에 정규장비 두개 값 ㅋㅋ
@@415clean2 오디세우스는 이래뵈도 한나라의 왕이니..
Project Moon next video could possibly be on Durante the 10th sinner
Hello Binah.
총검술 미친거같아.
Gunblade Binah
Gunblade Binah
Gunblade Binah
비나성우님인가?? 목소리 쩐다ㅠㅠ
난 아직도 거기에 멈춰있다
She really misses her family, huh?
이제 뭘 기대하면서 숨을참아야 하나요
아무것도 아닌 이름을 기억해달라니ㅋㅋㅋ
비나다 비나!!!!!!!
Okay, if Faust is based on Goethe, Gregor is based on Kafka's Metamorphosis, and Don Quixote is based on Servantes... What is Outis based on?
She’s based off of Odysseus, namely the part where Odysseus blinds the Cyclops. As that was the name Odysseus introduced himself to the Cyclops with. Wherein “Outis” is Greek for nobody, and therefore when he blinded the Cyclops, it exclaimed “Nobody! Nobody is hurting me!” And so ‘nobody’ came to the Cyclops’ aid despite it being in mortal peril and the fact that it was the son of Poseidon.
Odysseus but not in odyssey. Seems similar to Odysseus from Divine Commedia
@@otl5127 what exactly is divine commedia about
@@alcoholfree1 Dante's journey through hell, purgatory, heaven. Limbus company take commedia as a motif. Main character's name(dante, vergilius)is same. Even official twitter has a sentence from commedia.
There are a lot of people inside the Trojan horse
Is this related to what Outis said about killing a lot of people in Canto 7?
프문다운 거대한걸 던지네
이 영상을 끝으로 무호흡증이 치료되었다
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