The pay to "dump" scheme goal was to reduce the amount of trash to be processed - but that seems to be lost in how the rule is being rolled out. No one talked about it. No government officials tried to achieve the trash reduction goal but buried their heads in the "total compliance" regime. Instead of encouraging reduction and recycling, they spent all the resources and effort to get the last 10 or 15 percent to comply.
唔想經 Google 打賞嘅話,可以去呢度
Thanks Martin 🙏
引用菲律賓評語在局長番話:"gutter-level talk"
The pay to "dump" scheme goal was to reduce the amount of trash to be processed - but that seems to be lost in how the rule is being rolled out. No one talked about it. No government officials tried to achieve the trash reduction goal but buried their heads in the "total compliance" regime. Instead of encouraging reduction and recycling, they spent all the resources and effort to get the last 10 or 15 percent to comply.
如果唔係點解班友俾人叫「環保膠」, 不過民生影響中港共操控民粹, 又同政治有關之下就更加無得討論
毛嘅問題又點只香港, 我喺日本果邊見住大娛樂公司次次有事都會放毛燒其他人之下, 更加無眼睇
全世界咁多問題之下, 真係得番打仗先有機會reset