No longer Christian (part 2)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Don’t miss part one of this as it’s a huge intro to my childhood :)
    Here I continue my story of my christian upbringing through into the loss of my faith.

Комментарии • 38

  • @sara_martin
    @sara_martin 4 года назад +2

    Loved hearing your story, Makayla!! I could relate to so much of your deconstruction journey. Can't wait to read your upcoming book! 💙

  • @ronaldmendonca6636
    @ronaldmendonca6636 3 года назад +4

    Break those chains, baby! Discard bad ideas. Embrace love, compassion and empathy.

  • @juliawilson4463
    @juliawilson4463 6 месяцев назад


  • @downenout8705
    @downenout8705 7 месяцев назад +2

    I loved your story, but I do have to disagree with you on one point, you didn't hurt your family for changing your name, their religion hurt them by preventing them from being accepting and loving towards someone who is doing nothing more than embracing who they are and not what they are demanding you should be.
    I have nothing but pity and sadness for anyone who has been so badly broken by religious indoctrination.

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 3 года назад +1

    hooray for you!.... I get your story/ journey....I feel like I can share a lot of thoughts with you.....too much to type here.... my I have your e-mail?.... seems you have a very supportive husband and wonderful family

    • @makaylabrooks
      @makaylabrooks  3 года назад

      Hey! Thanks for your comment. My email is

  • @kadd4415
    @kadd4415 6 месяцев назад +1

    I think a better title for your video could be: "Leaving my faith after trauma" - as a way to help you deal with the traumatic or negative experiences you've had -and to help those who may experienced the same without encourging them to leave the many blessings that Jesus Christ offers. I wish you the best.

  • @torridallavilla5048
    @torridallavilla5048 6 месяцев назад +1

    There is NO other name in which we must be saved. You WILL LIVE FOREVER IN EITHER HEAVEN OR HELL.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes...yes....I feel your hate....

  • @CSmith-ph1fg
    @CSmith-ph1fg 6 месяцев назад

    Jesus Christ our Lord suffered, yet he endured the cross to redeem us. We are literally breathing His breath❤️

  • @josephbelisle5792
    @josephbelisle5792 7 месяцев назад +1

    My indoctrination appears to be worse than yours. At one time when I prayed I saw in my mind a huge machine that went to the horizon, full of metal teeth right in front of me just there waiting for me to make a mistake and reduce me to pulp. I could feel it just nicking my knuckles on my prayer folded hands. When we prayed together in the living room on our knees (not my dad, he could sit) i could feel my body slowly sinking through the floor on my way to hell in full panic mode, sweating. Everyone, of every other faith was not only wrong but bad. Black people were bad. So who was good? The people that sexually abused you were good. Such great messaging.
    You cant introduce a child to death, hell and a morality that turns your morality on its head. Death needs to be introduced to a child in ways that are natural to their growth. indoctrination introduces death in the worst way. Even if there is a hell, introducing a child to the concept that if you dont believe in a certain way this supposedly loving god will make you suffer insanely forever. This is an unholy concept that tortures and traumatizes a childs mind. Children understand morality in a progessive way. They are just coming to understand morality that accepts others, you should share and care for others. Then you hit them with this insane morality of a genocidal god who hates and kills people it doesnt like and if you dont bow to a pathological narcissistic relationship you will burn in hell. You are told you have to believe in something you dont believe in you will suffer horribly for eternity. And that people you love, who are adults, who dont believe this will be burning forever in hell. This warps and traumatizes a childs mind. This trauma later in life manifests as self hate, hatred of others and you being triggered into fear and anxiety when someone questions faith. When someone says something against what you believe do you find yourself getting defensive, fearful, reacting in fear, engaging in violent talk or action? This is the result of trauma from childhood indoctrination. You were abused.
    Im sorry they did this to you Makayla. It is wrong and it is child abuse.
    Sadly, you never get over this fully. When you traumatize a child you ingraine this abuse literally into their brain development. We can get mostly better but we can never leave these traumas behind or completely heal them.
    I became an atheist not by studying atheism. I did because of studying theism. I knew I was broken badly. I figured out why and began trauma therapy. In my therapy and studies of religion and mind, I found that there is no god anywhere. I searched everywhere. I searched the recesses of my mind. I could not find any shred of evidence of a god anywhere. The universe exists and runs perfectly well without any sort of diety. My therapist wants me to believe in a higher power. But I cant. I cant choose my belief. If I choose to believe in something I dont believe, it is a lie and will not work.
    After discovering this I started studying atheism. And found it to be true and the best match for reality.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 7 месяцев назад

      You should take great pride in having the courage to break this vicious circle.
      You must be in the US, because if any therapist in the UK recommended a belief in a "higher power" they would be barred from practicing.

  • @kadd4415
    @kadd4415 6 месяцев назад +1

    I really enjoy your honesty. What I hear is that you worked hard to please your parents, and please various church members who were sometimes wrong and not-bible based. I'm sorry how that hurt you or anyone. What I haven't heard is how you had a relationship with Jesus Christ and how you were able to experience His love and a sense of overcoming thru Him. Psalms and Proverbs talk a lot about how God is our strength, protector, provider. Many believers including myself have really felts God's divine intervention in our lives - whether big or small.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus 6 месяцев назад

      Maybe that's because nobody has a relationship with Jesus Christ. Some people just pretend to.

    • @ValadrienLeonhart
      @ValadrienLeonhart 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​​​​​@@cygnusustusOr maybe because you have closed your heart entirely to Jesus and you have never went out of your living area to have the chance to meet anyone that has relationship with Jesus. I am a Christian living in a muslim country. I have seen and felt and am aware of God's works in my life and in the lives of the people around me.
      I'm not a devoted Christian, I still have a lot of things in myself that need to be fixed and improved in order for me to call myself a good Christian, and one of those things is being rudely honest. How many times has it been said that you must never put your hopes or faith on humans? Stop trying to please sinful and imperfect humans, because you would be disappointed and heartbroken. Put your faith on Jesus! Know Him first! Jesus Himself despised the religious leaders who put on too much emphasis on rules that stifle the growth of faith, the same kind of leaders that were opressing this woman.
      My Christian brothers and sisters here are oppressed by the muslims left and right but they are one of the calmest and happiest people I've ever seen. Because they know God is taking care of them.
      This woman should have come to Jesus by herself, built a relationship with Him, and left the cult she grew up in. But look at what she did instead?
      She did not lose any faith because she did not have any in the first place.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus 6 месяцев назад

      Or maybe because you have closed your mind to logic, reason, and honesty, you have to resort to making up lies about people you don't know.
      "I have seen and felt and am aware of God's works in my life"
      You have not. You have seen and felt the same things other people do, and you attribute them to your imaginary friend.
      "I still have a lot of things in myself that need to be fixed and improved in order for me to call myself a good Christian, and one of those things is being rudely honest"
      Yet you started out this response by lying about me? Sorry child, but that is not rudely honest. It is just rude.
      "My Christian brothers and sisters here are oppressed by the muslims left and right but they are one of the calmest and happiest people I've ever seen. "
      Muslims in America are oppressed by your Christian brothers left and right, but they are the calmest and happiest people I've ever seen. Maybe if we would all do away with the religious crap we could all be calm and happy without oppressing one another.
      "She did not lose any faith because she did not have any in the first place."
      Just like you don't have any faith in the first place?

    • @ValadrienLeonhart
      @ValadrienLeonhart 6 месяцев назад

      @@cygnusustus I had expected something better, but all that came out of you is the classic American ignorance. Forget about foreign countries, you don't even know what's happening in your own country.
      "Muslims in America are oppressed by your Christian brothers left and right."
      That is a blatant lie. Can you even give the examples? Muslims in the US are priveleged. They have more freedom in the US than Christians in my country Indonesia can dream of. A Muslim in America from the lower class, or any other ordinary person for that matter, can shout in public at the top of their lungs that "Jesus is gay!" and nothing would happen to them. A Christian man in Indonesia who held the position of power told a mundane fact about Islam and he was thrown to jail after thousands of Muslims rioted against him.
      "They are the calmest and happiest people I've ever seen."
      That is a lie. Look at the troubles Muslims cause in Europe.
      You are the one making up lies about people you don't know.
      And I did not make up any lie about you. You indeed have closed your heart to Jesus. Then you proceeded to make up lies about me.
      "You have not. You have seen and felt the same things other people do, and you attribute them to your imaginary friend."
      Do you even know what I have seen and felt? Do you even know what all other people have seen and felt? No you don't.
      You merely speculated and assumed and branded it as fact.
      "Just like you don't have any faith in the first place?"
      Jesus said, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
      And yes, my faith is much much smaller than that. I still have many flaws. They are a me problem. Not God's
      "Maybe if we would all do away with the religious crap we could all be calm and happy"
      Do you even know where the concepts of peace, love, equality, equity and forgiveness came from? The very God whose existence you try to deny.
      The reason why throughout history the western society is more developed than other parts of the world is because of their Judeo-Christian values, not secularist values.
      Perhaps I was wrong about you. Not only do you close your heart to Jesus, but you also close your mind to facts, reality, and honesty.

    • @ValadrienLeonhart
      @ValadrienLeonhart 6 месяцев назад

      @@cygnusustus I had expected something better, but all that came out of you is the classic American ignorance. Forget about foreign countries, you don't even know what's happening in your own country.
      "Muslims in America are oppressed by your Christian brothers left and right."
      That is a blatant lie. Can you even give the examples? Muslims in the US are priveleged. They have more freedom in the US than Christians in my country Indonesia can dream of. A Muslim in America from the lower class, or any other ordinary person for that matter, can shout in public at the top of their lungs that "Jesus is gay!" and nothing would happen to them. A Christian man in Indonesia who held the position of power told a mundane fact about Islam and he was thrown to jail after thousands of Muslims rioted against him.
      "They are the calmest and happiest people I've ever seen."
      That is a lie. Look at the troubles Muslims cause in Europe.
      You are the one making up lies about people you don't know.
      And I did not make up any lie about you. You indeed have closed your heart to Jesus. Then you proceeded to make up lies about me.
      "You have not. You have seen and felt the same things other people do, and you attribute them to your imaginary friend."
      Do you even know what I have seen and felt? Do you even know what all other people have seen and felt? No you don't.
      You merely speculated and assumed and branded it as fact.
      "Just like you don't have any faith in the first place?"
      Jesus said, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
      And yes, my faith is much much smaller than that. I still have many flaws. They are a me problem. Not God's
      "Maybe if we would all do away with the religious crap we could all be calm and happy"
      Do you even know where the concepts of peace, love, equality, equity and forgiveness came from? The very God whose existence you try to deny.
      The reason why throughout history the western society is more developed than other parts of the world is because of their Judeo-Christian values, not secularist values.
      Perhaps I was wrong about you. Not only do you close your heart to Jesus, but you also close your mind to facts, reality, and honesty.

  • @TheGalwayfan
    @TheGalwayfan 6 месяцев назад

    I'm sorry Makayla. I knew your mom back in middle school and high school. We still talk thru messenger sometimes. We were both flute players. I know she's religious but I didn't know she was this extreme. I think she even made her hair blonder in hs. She's still my friend. Personally, I'm confused regarding religious faith myself. I've lost faith for various reasons. I'm in limbo regarding religion. I do consider myself spiritual. I don't read the Bible and I refused to raise my kids up in the church. I wanted them to be able to choose how they feel about religion. I don't believe in indoctrination in any way. For me, church is confusing and contradictory. I don't like that.
    I hope you're still able to have a relationship with your parents and siblings. It would devastate me if one of my kids disowned me and I will never disown them for any reason. If your mom sees this she'll know who I am, I don't want to lose her friendship but I'd like to be your friend too.

    • @makaylabrooks
      @makaylabrooks  6 месяцев назад +1

      Hi! I don’t think my mom was this extreme in high school. And I also don’t think she’s as extreme as the church and Christian school taught me to be. They sent us there meaning well but since they didn’t grow up in it, they didn’t know how deep the rabbit hole was that we were being taught to follow. I have come really far since 3 years ago when I made this video and I don’t need them to understand or agree with me or even think I’m right to have a relationship with them. We do talk now. I know I’m on the right path for me and I love where I’m at. And that’s all that matters :). Idk if they know of this RUclips account. They tend to pretend this part of me doesn’t exist now and that’s probably best for everybody 😂. I don’t even know if they ever read the book I published. I think it’s a really hard convo for them bc of how deep they are in their religious beliefs. And that’s okay.

    • @TheGalwayfan
      @TheGalwayfan 6 месяцев назад

      ​@makaylabrooks Just so you know, I like your mom and always will. We were a little competitive regarding band 😂 but it was always friendly. I got to hold one of the twins after they were born. Pretty sure it was your little brother. Your mom brought them to the bowling league so we could all see and admire them. I'm glad you do communicate with your folks here and there. My own mom died from type 1 diabetes when I was 30. She was just 55. Your mom used to draw her blood when she was hospitalized, which was quite often.

  • @ChristLives444
    @ChristLives444 6 месяцев назад +1

    Christianity was never meant to be religion. It is a relationship with God. Man has turned it into religion.
    Please look into having a relationship with God before its too late, I would like to see you in heaven

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus 6 месяцев назад

      Christianity is a religion. Please stop lying.

  • @thinkspiritual
    @thinkspiritual 3 года назад

    Ohhhh...I know that feeling too. Looking back and realising what an asshole I had been at times because I was supposed to be "holy". Ugh.
    It's horrible you didn't get to experience Christian Rock even. That was my only form of rebellion! haha

  • @Sandy.Squirrel
    @Sandy.Squirrel 3 года назад

    Sending you hugs girl. My first eye opener was when I was frowned upon cause I went to nursing school, worked in trauma and I wore pant scrubs and not a dress/skirt that I was going against biblical teachings and God's rules. Even though I was helping save lives, I was wrong for what I was doing because of my attire. That's when I started to think for myself.

  • @pooppooppoop1016
    @pooppooppoop1016 7 месяцев назад +1

    girl, you just followed religion,you just went to church, maybe did devotionals and hung around people that were “christians”. thats not real christianity, real christianity is following jesus, not the people around you. i tell you right now that nobody is ever going to be truly happy if they find happiness in how life is going, because the moment life starts goings bad you feel bad too. do not find your value in the world, christianity is not just a religion or a set of rules to follow, but having a relationship with the holy spirit. did you even know the holy spirit? dont make christian music, or reading your bible, or service your god. what you are talking about right now is religion, the bible NEVER says that. jesus was friends with sinners, bc he loved them and showed them their true value. you are not supposed to be scared of expectations, God already accepted you, you cant do it in your own strength but only in the holy spirit. also the bible says that we should not judge people, what you learned was religion not truth. get to know the holy spirit, ask God for forgiveness, youve been hurt so much as a kid from religion that has been passed down but that was not jesus. jesus is love. God is actually love. i was raised my whole life in a christian household but i HATED god until he talked to me and i actually got to know him and know my value in God. i promise you, if you talk to God more and more and ask him to teach you how to love people truly he will show you, and the more you spend time with the holy spirit God paid a price not just to forgive you of your sins, but for you to have a relationship with him and redeem your value and purpose. im sorry you were a victim of fake christianity, so was i. but God is so much greater than that

  • @Emanuel_carey
    @Emanuel_carey 7 месяцев назад

    16:34 figured that was it… bob jones university too?

    • @makaylabrooks
      @makaylabrooks  7 месяцев назад

      No but my brother went there! I went to maranatha baptist bible college in Wisconsin which was liberal compared to bju lol! But still quite cultish and controlling

  • @TheOptimistikChic
    @TheOptimistikChic 4 года назад +1

    I love your story. You and I have several parallels... Never doubt what your heart feeds you. No matter what religion, non-religion,
    it's about you. Your compassion is so clear to me... and I think it's simply 'love'. ♥️

  • @shockofGod
    @shockofGod 7 месяцев назад +1

    No longer being a Christian shows lack of prayer in your prayer life.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus 6 месяцев назад

      It shows the presence of reason, honesty, integrity, and compassion in her life.