I cant believe I used to listen to this in the car with my mom on my way to 6th grade.... Also my mom is an Alabama born and raised lady and she liked the song... That should say something about 50s music.
Did u know this album had bad reviews because of the content then the album got push back but 50 wasn't gonna Wait on interscope to release the album he took matters in his own hands that's when he started to leak sum track's on the massacre did people forget 50 is a boss
Thats when he invested in Vitamin Water or Glaceu or whatever. Dude was smart. Sold that to Coca Cola for billions. He made like 100 million or more off that alone. Pf. Daaaamn!
@@uncleyetti9553 üğ9ü9üüüğüğ8ü8ğü9ğü9üğ8ü9ğ9ğüüğ9üğ9ü8ü8ğü8üüğ8üğüğ8ü9ü9üğ9ğü989ü9üğ9ğğü9ğüğ98ü8üğ9üğ8ü8ü9ü9üğ89üüğ8üğ9ğü9üğ8üüğ9üü8ğ8üğ98ğğüğ99üğ9üğü9ğüğğüğü9ü9üğ8ü9ğüğüğ98ü8ğü99üğ9üğ8üüğğü9ğüğ9üğ8ğüğğüü8ğüüğü9ğüğğüğüüğ9ğü9üğ8ğü9ğü9ğüüğü89ü9ğüğğüğü9ğğüü89üğü998ğüğ8ü9ü9üğüğğü98üğ9üğ9üğ9üğ9üüğ8üüğ8ğüğüğ9ü9ü8ü98ğüğ9ğü9üğü9ğüü98ğüğüüğüğüğ9ğüğ8ü9üüğ8ü9ğüğ8üğ8üğüüğ99üğğğü8üğ9ü9ğü98üğ9ğ9üğ8ğüğüğ9ü98üüğ9üğ8ğüğ9ğüü8üüğ99ü9ğüü9ü9ğüğ89ğ8ü88üğüğ88üğ8üüüüğ8ğüğ89ü9ğüüğüğ9ğğüüğğüüüğüğ8ü9üüğüğ9ü9üğ9üğ9ğü9ü99üğ89üğ9ğü9ü8üğ9üğü9ü9üüüğ9üğğüğ9üüğ9ğüğ8ğ8üüğüüğ9ü8ğüğğğüüğ9üğ8üğ98ü8üü8ğğğğüüüğ8ü9üğ8ü9üüğüğüğ8ğüğüğ9ü9üüğ8ü9üğ8ğ9ü9ğü98üğü8üğüğ9üğ8ü8ğüüğ9ğ98üğğüğüüğüüğü998ü9üğ8üüğ9ğ8ü98üü9üğ8ü88ğüğü9ü9üğ8üü99ü8ü99üğ9ğü9ü9üğ98üğ9ğüğ8ğüğ8ğüğü9ü9üğ8üğüğ8üğ8ü9ü9ü8ğğ9ü9ğüğ9üğ8üğğüüğ89üğğü98ü9üğ8ü8ü9üğ9üğ9ğüüü8ü9üğ9ğüü9ğü9ü9ğü9ü9ğ9ü9ü8üğ8üğ9ğ8ü8ğüğ8ü8üğ88ğüğüğ8ğğüğüğ8ü8üğ89ğü9ğüğüğ8üğ8ü99üğ9ğüüğ9üğ9ğüğğüğ9üğ9üğüğ8üğ8üüğ9ü9ü8üğ9üğ9ü8üüğ9üğ98ü98ü8üü8ğ89üğ8ğüğüüü9üğüğüğ9üğüğ9ü9üğ8üğ9üğ8ü9üğ9üüğ9ğüğ9ğğğğ8üğüğ998ü8üğ9ğ9üğ8ü8ğğüğ9ğü898ü98üğüğüğ8ğü8üğ8ğü88ğüğ89ü8üğ9ğü9ü9ğüğü8ğ9üğ89ü8ü8ğüğ8üğ8üüğüğüğ8ğüü8ğüü9ğ9ü9üğğüğüğ8ğğü8ğ99ğüğ8ü9ğü98üüğ8üğ8ğü9üğüğ89ğü9üğğüğğü9üü99ü9üüğüğ9ğü8ğğüü8ğğ9üğ8ü9ü8ğüğ9ü8ü8ğüğ9ü9ğ8üğüü8ğüğüğ98üğ8ü989ü8üüğğğğğüğğüğğüü8ğğğü8ğüğü8üğ8üğ8üğ898üüğ8ü998üüğ8ü99üğ9üğ8ğğüüüğüğ8üğü9ü9ğüğüğü8ü8ğüğüğüğ9ü8üğ9ğüğüğ9ğü9üğğüğ8üğ8üğüğ9ğüğ8üğü9ğüü8üğ98üğ9üğğğğğüğüğ88üğüğüğüğüğü9üğüğüğ8ü8üğüğ8üğ8ğüğüğü9üüüğğğüğüğ8üğüğü9ğ9ğüğüğ9üğ9ğüğğüğ8ğüğğüğüğğğğüğüğ9üğüğ8üüğğüüğ9üğ8ğüüğü8ü9üü8üüğ9ü8ğğüğüüü8üğ9ü9üğ8üğ9üğüğğüğğüğ89ğüğüü88ğüğüğğüğü9üüğ8üğ9üğüğ9üğ8üğ8üğ9ü9ğ8üğ8ğğ8ğ9üğ9üğğü9üğ8ğüğğüğ8üğüğüğü9üğ9ğüğğüğüğ8ğüüğ8üğ8ğüğğüüğüğüğ8üğ8ğğğüüğ8üğ8üüğüüüğüğüğ8üğ8üğ8üğğü8ğüğ8ü98üğğ9ğüüğ8ğğüğü8ü8üğüğ8ü8ğ8üğ89ğüğ9ü9ğüüğüğ8ğü8üüğ8ğ8üğ88üüğü888ğüğüüğ898ü8ğüğ8ğüğüğ88ü8üğ8üğüğüğ89ğüü8ü8üğ9üğ8üğüü9üğ8ğğüğüğğü9üğ8üğüğ9ğüğüğ89ü9ğğüüğüğ8üğ8ğüüğğğğüğüğüğüüğüğü8ğüüüğğüüğ9üğğüğüğ8üğ8üğüğüğ8üğ8üğüğü9üğ8üğ8üğüğğüğ8ğü9üğ9üğü9ğğüğ8üğüğğüğğüğ9ğğğüğğüğüğüğüğüğü9üüğğğüğüğüğğğü9ğğüüğlj M2lh H
No reason why out of no where, this song popped up in my head at work yesterday. I hadn't listen to this song in like ten years. lol. Classic though...that bass though
Yeah Shady Aftermath G-Unit Damn baby all I need is a lil' bit A lil' bit of this, a lil' bit of that Get it crackin' in the club when you hear this shit Drop it like its hot, get to workin' that back Go shake that thang, yeah work that thang Let me see it go up and down Rotate that thang, I want to touch that thang Can you make it go 'round and 'round? I step up in the club, I'm like who you with G-Unit in the house, yeah that's my clique Yeah I'm young, but a nigga from the old school On the dance floor, a nigga doin' old moves I don't give a fuck, I do what I wan' do I hit your ass up, boy I done warned you Better listen, when I talk, nigga don't trip Yo' heat in the car, mine's in this bitch I ain't tryna beef, I'm tryna get my drink on Got my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink on I'ma kick it at the bar 'til its time to go Then I'ma get shorty here and I'ma let her know All a nigga really need is a lil' bit Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit We can head to the crib in a lil' bit I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit This is 50, comin' out your stereos Hard to tell though, 'cause I switched the flow Eyes a lil' low, 'cause I twist the dro' Pockets on swoll 'cause I move the O's My neck, my wrist, my ears is froze Come get ya bitch, she on me dog She must of heard about the dough Now captain come on and save a hoe I get it crunk in the club, I'm off the chain Number one on the chart, all the time man When the kid in the house, I turn it out Keep the dance floor packed, that's without a doubt And shorty shake that thing like a pro man She back it up on me I'm like oh man I get close enough to her so I know she can hear System thumpin', party jumpin', I said loud and clear All a nigga really need is a lil' bit Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit We can head to the crib in a lil' bit I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit Baby you got me feelin' right (ya heard me) My mama gone, you can spend the night (ya heard me) I ain't playin', I'ma tryna fuck tonight (ya heard me) Clothes off, face down, ass up, c'mon All a nigga really need is a lil' bit Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit We can head to the crib in a lil' bit I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit All a nigga really need is a lil' bit Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit We can head to the crib in a lil' bit I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit
Dude always killed it. Even when he got sued and claimed BK after being accused of burning a house down while she it he still made moves. Vitamin water, movies, Power and spinoff. He don't miss. Even when he gets hithe still walks away winning.
I'm not a fan of mainstream rap but there are some good artists, songs, and styles in the mainstream. Still as good as it was when I first heard it when I was a teen
Lol I was only 9 when this album dropped, my mom didn’t like me listening to this but my best friend at the time copped me the CD for my bday. Iconic album
SAME .. also first cd, I was also about 10, and also blasted this sht from our stereo system lol .. best music of all time … 50 cent and Eminem, they’ll never be beaten
If you're watching this in 2024 you're a legend!
Of course my friend
Hell yeah
Yessir ✌🏼👍🏼
The song is too good to be left alone
I’m 18 always bumpin too this music
You a real one 💯
Keep living son
same here brother
You can’t beat the classics, they take me back every time
The homie with the car always played this after school. :D
Lies again? Debit Card N Word
Now this is the rap music that this younger generation is really missing.
Here we are😊
@@teodorapredin1216 welcome to the golden era of Rap.
nahhh i’m here lol
im here n i love ittt
This song never gets old
Music never gets old, it becomes classical.
I’m just hoping it won’t become a TikTok song
@@amithayat6954Facts, I hate it when that shit happens.
you do
A Lil bit Is Immortal my friend
What I love the most about 2000’s Hip-Hop/Rap were the beats. So original and catchy. The beats now are so drab and devoid of any personality
Right dude im tired of the “trap” sound with every song using the same damn 808’s and drum pattern
Drab is the perfect word for modern music.
You must not listen to much strange music then
Listen to shindy
Was laying in bed and this popped into my head...now I’m here
My brother in law said he had to take a shit, just a little bit... and now I'm here
50 was just ahead of his time ✅🐐
This cd was off the hook back in the day love it
Off the hook is a phone line I think you mean off the chain maybe lol
@@projections9569 bro what? Are you that fuckin stupid that youve never heard that phrase?
Ask any body born in the 80's or 90's if they had The Massacre, and the response will be "Yes"
Thank "god" for our CD players with shuffle button and anti-skip
I never get tired of this song!
I cant believe I used to listen to this in the car with my mom on my way to 6th grade.... Also my mom is an Alabama born and raised lady and she liked the song... That should say something about 50s music.
he is the real king of NY, no cap
Did u know this album had bad reviews because of the content then the album got push back but 50 wasn't gonna Wait on interscope to release the album he took matters in his own hands that's when he started to leak sum track's on the massacre did people forget 50 is a boss
Immortal technique
Yeah he is the real king of NY
i wish but its Biggie
Excellent instrumental and delivery. This song lifts up whoever and however they'd be!! 50 🔝🔝🔝
Yup definitely a song you gotta have in your playlist
Will always remain one of my favorites!
Back when Scott Storch was on fire. What a time
these songs never die

As long as the older generation (80’s 90’s) keeps playing this for our children, nieces and nephews . They’ll know about ☺️
2003 adult here! Definitely playing this for my kids in the future!
Thanks you
As a very very young guy i confirm the old music is the best
Amen to that... Keep the classics going
Idk about playing this to kids , maybe adult kids but not kids
50 cent music is timeless💯
I love this song ❤️
20th march 2024 i was here 🙌🔥
Back when Fiddy had the game on lockdown. Just a Lil Bit, Candy Shop, Disco Inferno, In Da Club, P.I.M.P, etc. He had so many club bangers back then
Thats when he invested in Vitamin Water or Glaceu or whatever. Dude was smart. Sold that to Coca Cola for billions. He made like 100 million or more off that alone. Pf. Daaaamn!
@@uncleyetti9553 then why does his worth show 30mil total ?
@@uncleyetti9553 üğ9ü9üüüğüğ8ü8ğü9ğü9üğ8ü9ğ9ğüüğ9üğ9ü8ü8ğü8üüğ8üğüğ8ü9ü9üğ9ğü989ü9üğ9ğğü9ğüğ98ü8üğ9üğ8ü8ü9ü9üğ89üüğ8üğ9ğü9üğ8üüğ9üü8ğ8üğ98ğğüğ99üğ9üğü9ğüğğüğü9ü9üğ8ü9ğüğüğ98ü8ğü99üğ9üğ8üüğğü9ğüğ9üğ8ğüğğüü8ğüüğü9ğüğğüğüüğ9ğü9üğ8ğü9ğü9ğüüğü89ü9ğüğğüğü9ğğüü89üğü998ğüğ8ü9ü9üğüğğü98üğ9üğ9üğ9üğ9üüğ8üüğ8ğüğüğ9ü9ü8ü98ğüğ9ğü9üğü9ğüü98ğüğüüğüğüğ9ğüğ8ü9üüğ8ü9ğüğ8üğ8üğüüğ99üğğğü8üğ9ü9ğü98üğ9ğ9üğ8ğüğüğ9ü98üüğ9üğ8ğüğ9ğüü8üüğ99ü9ğüü9ü9ğüğ89ğ8ü88üğüğ88üğ8üüüüğ8ğüğ89ü9ğüüğüğ9ğğüüğğüüüğüğ8ü9üüğüğ9ü9üğ9üğ9ğü9ü99üğ89üğ9ğü9ü8üğ9üğü9ü9üüüğ9üğğüğ9üüğ9ğüğ8ğ8üüğüüğ9ü8ğüğğğüüğ9üğ8üğ98ü8üü8ğğğğüüüğ8ü9üğ8ü9üüğüğüğ8ğüğüğ9ü9üüğ8ü9üğ8ğ9ü9ğü98üğü8üğüğ9üğ8ü8ğüüğ9ğ98üğğüğüüğüüğü998ü9üğ8üüğ9ğ8ü98üü9üğ8ü88ğüğü9ü9üğ8üü99ü8ü99üğ9ğü9ü9üğ98üğ9ğüğ8ğüğ8ğüğü9ü9üğ8üğüğ8üğ8ü9ü9ü8ğğ9ü9ğüğ9üğ8üğğüüğ89üğğü98ü9üğ8ü8ü9üğ9üğ9ğüüü8ü9üğ9ğüü9ğü9ü9ğü9ü9ğ9ü9ü8üğ8üğ9ğ8ü8ğüğ8ü8üğ88ğüğüğ8ğğüğüğ8ü8üğ89ğü9ğüğüğ8üğ8ü99üğ9ğüüğ9üğ9ğüğğüğ9üğ9üğüğ8üğ8üüğ9ü9ü8üğ9üğ9ü8üüğ9üğ98ü98ü8üü8ğ89üğ8ğüğüüü9üğüğüğ9üğüğ9ü9üğ8üğ9üğ8ü9üğ9üüğ9ğüğ9ğğğğ8üğüğ998ü8üğ9ğ9üğ8ü8ğğüğ9ğü898ü98üğüğüğ8ğü8üğ8ğü88ğüğ89ü8üğ9ğü9ü9ğüğü8ğ9üğ89ü8ü8ğüğ8üğ8üüğüğüğ8ğüü8ğüü9ğ9ü9üğğüğüğ8ğğü8ğ99ğüğ8ü9ğü98üüğ8üğ8ğü9üğüğ89ğü9üğğüğğü9üü99ü9üüğüğ9ğü8ğğüü8ğğ9üğ8ü9ü8ğüğ9ü8ü8ğüğ9ü9ğ8üğüü8ğüğüğ98üğ8ü989ü8üüğğğğğüğğüğğüü8ğğğü8ğüğü8üğ8üğ8üğ898üüğ8ü998üüğ8ü99üğ9üğ8ğğüüüğüğ8üğü9ü9ğüğüğü8ü8ğüğüğüğ9ü8üğ9ğüğüğ9ğü9üğğüğ8üğ8üğüğ9ğüğ8üğü9ğüü8üğ98üğ9üğğğğğüğüğ88üğüğüğüğüğü9üğüğüğ8ü8üğüğ8üğ8ğüğüğü9üüüğğğüğüğ8üğüğü9ğ9ğüğüğ9üğ9ğüğğüğ8ğüğğüğüğğğğüğüğ9üğüğ8üüğğüüğ9üğ8ğüüğü8ü9üü8üüğ9ü8ğğüğüüü8üğ9ü9üğ8üğ9üğüğğüğğüğ89ğüğüü88ğüğüğğüğü9üüğ8üğ9üğüğ9üğ8üğ8üğ9ü9ğ8üğ8ğğ8ğ9üğ9üğğü9üğ8ğüğğüğ8üğüğüğü9üğ9ğüğğüğüğ8ğüüğ8üğ8ğüğğüüğüğüğ8üğ8ğğğüüğ8üğ8üüğüüüğüğüğ8üğ8üğ8üğğü8ğüğ8ü98üğğ9ğüüğ8ğğüğü8ü8üğüğ8ü8ğ8üğ89ğüğ9ü9ğüüğüğ8ğü8üüğ8ğ8üğ88üüğü888ğüğüüğ898ü8ğüğ8ğüğüğ88ü8üğ8üğüğüğ89ğüü8ü8üğ9üğ8üğüü9üğ8ğğüğüğğü9üğ8üğüğ9ğüğüğ89ü9ğğüüğüğ8üğ8ğüüğğğğüğüğüğüüğüğü8ğüüüğğüüğ9üğğüğüğ8üğ8üğüğüğ8üğ8üğüğü9üğ8üğ8üğüğğüğ8ğü9üğ9üğü9ğğüğ8üğüğğüğğüğ9ğğğüğğüğüğüğüğüğü9üüğğğüğüğüğğğü9ğğüüğlj
For less than 15$ bucks... 2 million of copies in less than 10 days. Bro Internationaly without streaming.... You can do that right now
Get rich or die tryin and 50 cent bulletproof thoae were the days
Still hits harder than all the new music 💯 twist the dro 💨
Eyes a little low cause I twist the dro!!!❤
50 Cent has so many club bangers it's not even funny mane 😂🔥💪
Dr Dre at arguably his best...
Noah Warner lll
Just a little bit
this beat go hard You can't help but to move your head Whoever Created this beat is legendary
@@N1.bandz_ that is amazing
Scott Storch!!!!
Dre produced this shit!!
@@RaakTheAnnunaki It was actually Scott Storch homie lol
@@RaakTheAnnunaki i believe Dre mixed it though lol but the actual beat was made by Scott Storch
Ugh the jam ❤️❤️
Is anyone still listening to this song❤
Omg this song hits so hard when you come back to it after a few years
Never gets old💯💯
No reason why out of no where, this song popped up in my head at work yesterday. I hadn't listen to this song in like ten years. lol. Classic though...that bass though
Still listening its about to be 2024 tomorrow we lit aye 🎉🎉🎉
50 is one of the best! 2024! Still listening! 🎧
Back at it again🔥
We're being starved of quality rap music in 2023.
Still one of the most real rappers
i remember when i was a kid and hear this when it first came out i thought holy songs are starting to sound way better production wise
Idky this popped into my head at 8AM on a random day in 2020
@bobby ruest damn fam lmao
6 AM with me...
bruh that's me rn
8.25 am
8:11 pm for me in 2021
There's no song like this 1.
Damn baby all I need is a lil' bit
A lil' bit of this, a lil' bit of that
Get it crackin' in the club when you hear this shit
Drop it like its hot, get to workin' that back
Go shake that thang, yeah work that thang
Let me see it go up and down
Rotate that thang, I want to touch that thang
Can you make it go 'round and 'round?
I step up in the club, I'm like who you with
G-Unit in the house, yeah that's my clique
Yeah I'm young, but a nigga from the old school
On the dance floor, a nigga doin' old moves
I don't give a fuck, I do what I wan' do
I hit your ass up, boy I done warned you
Better listen, when I talk, nigga don't trip
Yo' heat in the car, mine's in this bitch
I ain't tryna beef, I'm tryna get my drink on
Got my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink on
I'ma kick it at the bar 'til its time to go
Then I'ma get shorty here and I'ma let her know
All a nigga really need is a lil' bit
Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit
We can head to the crib in a lil' bit
I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit
I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit
Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit
Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit
Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit
This is 50, comin' out your stereos
Hard to tell though, 'cause I switched the flow
Eyes a lil' low, 'cause I twist the dro'
Pockets on swoll 'cause I move the O's
My neck, my wrist, my ears is froze
Come get ya bitch, she on me dog
She must of heard about the dough
Now captain come on and save a hoe
I get it crunk in the club, I'm off the chain
Number one on the chart, all the time man
When the kid in the house, I turn it out
Keep the dance floor packed, that's without a doubt
And shorty shake that thing like a pro man
She back it up on me I'm like oh man
I get close enough to her so I know she can hear
System thumpin', party jumpin', I said loud and clear
All a nigga really need is a lil' bit
Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit
We can head to the crib in a lil' bit
I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit
I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit
Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit
Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit
Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit
Baby you got me feelin' right (ya heard me)
My mama gone, you can spend the night (ya heard me)
I ain't playin', I'ma tryna fuck tonight (ya heard me)
Clothes off, face down, ass up, c'mon
All a nigga really need is a lil' bit
Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit
We can head to the crib in a lil' bit
I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit
I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit
Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit
Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit
Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit
All a nigga really need is a lil' bit
Not a lot baby girl just a lil' bit
We can head to the crib in a lil' bit
I can show ya how I live in a lil' bit
I want to unbutton your pants just a lil' bit
Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil' bit
Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil' bit
Get to lickin' it, a lil' bit
The chillest 50 song he ever did! 💯💯🥶🥶❄️
*Dez segundos desse som supera qualquer a carreira de qualquer Lil que você já ouviu falar, exeto Lil Wayne* 🇧🇷❤️🙌
esse cara é melhor
Dude always killed it. Even when he got sued and claimed BK after being accused of burning a house down while she it he still made moves. Vitamin water, movies, Power and spinoff. He don't miss. Even when he gets hithe still walks away winning.
Timeless classic
If you’re listening in [current year] you’re a legend!!!!!11!1!!!!!
u are too
69 likes I ain't ruining it but yes
Hey I’m listening in (current year)
Ashee 😎
I am listening to this in 2024!!! 😊😊
Gotdam!!! This the jam right here! The twangs in the background!
My head keeps moving to the beat 🔥2021
Yes and all in the shoulders lol
@@TysWifeyy im laying down so my foot has taken over
I love it so much ❤❤.....
If you're watching this in 2024, you are a really legend🗿
listening to a song that's not make you a legend
This takes me back to my senior year in high school. We had the last dance of the year
The song says lil bit, not lil nothing!!!
When I am supposed to be sleeping at 3:00 but instead search up for this song 😭
You're awesome because of this xD
I thout that it time-cod
You’re not the only one bro 😂 2:30 in the morning where I’m at
Feel me!!!
@@AmoebaPsAmoeba simp
Who’s here in 2024
Taf Taf😘
This song never ever will die
*Legendary Don't Get Ageless.*
this means that legendary pokemon age, according to my r/engrish translator
We need a 2024 version of this plzzzzzzz 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yes we do most definitely
Who is watching from 2024
Someone told me this album is almost 20 years old and I said no way that came out when I was in college and that would make me 40 years ol…oh shit
This was my song and still listening to this in 2016!!!
Best Rap Music Ever
Never gets old
I'm from Albania🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱.this is one of my best song.this song have a good beat
scott storch is a goat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What ? Rapper the Big in the world , 50 cent is King ......Big Man
The Best 50 cent....❤😊❤ I'm from dominican
I'm not a fan of mainstream rap but there are some good artists, songs, and styles in the mainstream. Still as good as it was when I first heard it when I was a teen
Best ‘touchy’ music :)
I discovered HIP-HOP thanks to this song 🙏
still a banger
This song is like an anthem like gasolina it will always be 🔥
Noo jajdhakskdialskdj
Que???? Wtf jsoajdoajdoajdiasjaksjaksjaksjaksjsjsjakdjsjsjsjdjsjd
This is my favorite song from 50 cent just a little bit ❤❤
Good video 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Mine too!
;) mhm
If u listening in 2024🫡
50 is a way of life not a choice 🫡
Old is gold 🔥❤️
I added this song to my site's playlist, myspace style 🔥🙌🔥
I don't get why ppl hate this song.. 🤷🏿♂️
50 cent is literally the king
Peace of art, still listening it in 2023 🔥🔥
His music beats always bang
my fav song its bad ass to the core
Fire beat
Mannn always gone be...ROUGH🥶🥶🥶🥵💪🏿💯👍🏿😌
The second verse 1:18 is crazy, the whole damn verse is so creative.
Still sounds sooooo goooood!
This song still hits hard in 2023!
Second verse went so damn hard! Yeah I’m listening on 11-11-2023!
This was the cd I ever owned my mom brought it for me when I was like 10 haha I used to bang this out in my stereo 😂
Lol I was only 9 when this album dropped, my mom didn’t like me listening to this but my best friend at the time copped me the CD for my bday. Iconic album
Hope that she purchased the explicit version for you.
Ur mom had good taste
SAME .. also first cd, I was also about 10, and also blasted this sht from our stereo system lol .. best music of all time … 50 cent and Eminem, they’ll never be beaten
Listening for no good reason on this 24th Day of May the year of our Lord 2024
why hasn't he come out with any new bangers man? We need more fire like this!🔥💪
Hes older and just wants to chill. He deserves it man. He's been shot multiple times, that shit still hurts after especially as you age.
He has released new music. 50 ain’t relaxing and chilling. He’s directed several tv shows such as Power, raising Kanan, BMF and more.
@@KevinRAAMAAAGE especially in the face never got shot but damn wtf
He made his millions
he's gone
"Number 1 on the chart all the time mayne!" 💣
All night all day best out of best songs old schools
AheyeZheyÝbdhqĹķrydVdgdhrnrheyeyrj. ZndmÄdtey. Bsýn=
This is the smoothest rap song.
I had no business singing along to this when I was 10…still slaps tho🔥
50 cent legendary ❤
If you had this CD when it came out your a legend
If you watching 2022 you are legend
Best 50 song, hands down, very closely followed by Candy Shop