Shame CD ie ceske drahy don't run some services does this include the praha-pisek fast trains to ceske budjovice? I am guessing yes, but if I go czechia again I will try one service that still uses they hydra 853/854 type units with first class maybe if I can
3 года назад
Arriva by sa mala zamerať na busy, nie na vlaky xD
_Very nice video_
Přeji hodně štěstí Těm, kteří byli na očkování proti Covidu 😀🙂
Díky. 🙈
Parádní video!
Opravdu suprové videiko. Lajčík sem už letí :-)
Super video
Pěkné video ale hrozný zvonek
Shame CD ie ceske drahy don't run some services does this include the praha-pisek fast trains to ceske budjovice? I am guessing yes, but if I go czechia again I will try one service that still uses they hydra 853/854 type units with first class maybe if I can
Arriva by sa mala zamerať na busy, nie na vlaky xD