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Комментарии • 290

  • @erwansetyawan1848
    @erwansetyawan1848 6 часов назад +77

    The greatest regret for man is when one learns the truth of Islam but he dies without a declaration of his faith/ sahadah

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 3 часа назад +1

      Will the *ISLAMIC CALIPHATE* be the last empire of these two: the Mahdi and Prophet Isa? If true, Muslims must be warned that the last empire will in fact be the empire of the Great Deceiver and his two figures: the ANTICHRIST and FALSE PROPHET (Revelation 13).
      In the Bible there are 8 empires which have interacted with Israel through the ages, the last (8th) of which will be the beast (Antichrist) empire (it will come out of the 7th empire):
      1. EGYPTIAN (3100 BC)
      2. ASSYRIAN (900 BC)
      3. BABYLONIAN EMPIRE (1895-539)
      4. MEDO-PERSIAN EMPIRE (539-331)
      5. GRECIAN/Greek EMPIRE (800-146)
      6. ROMAN EMPIRE (31BC- AD 476)
      7. OTTOMAN/Islamic Empire (1299-1324)
      According to Bible scriptures long before Muhammad, the beast (Antichrist) empire of the last days will be a continuation of the 7th empire, (which was the Islamic empire) which was *yet to come* at the time John, the disciple of Jesus, wrote the prophecy. John was not inventing anything new but was bringing together prophecies which had already been given by the prophets of old such as Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Zechariah, Amos etc:
      Revelation 17:9, 10-14
      [9] The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.
      They are also seven kings. *Five have fallen,* one *is,* the other has *not yet come;* but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
      The 7 kings refer to the 7 past empires.
      The 10 kings are kings of the coming 8th empire who will give their authority to the Antichrist.
      The 5 that had *fallen* at the time of John were:
      The one that *is* at the time of John was the ROMAN EMPIRE.
      The one that had *not yet come* at the time of John was the Islamic Caliphate.
      The 'Lord of lords and King of kings' and the 'Lamb' are titles of Jesus Christ (He is the Lamb because just like the lamb sacrificed at the temple for atonement, Jesus laid down his life for the sins of many).
      Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is Antichrist (1 John 2:22). This makes Islam the religion of the Antichrist.
      The 7th century Allah of the Kaaba disguises himself as the Most High God of the previous scriptures.

    • @CosmicCritque312
      @CosmicCritque312 3 часа назад

      The argument that the Islamic Caliphate is the "seventh empire" leading to the Antichrist’s final empire, and that Islam is the religion of the Antichrist, is based on a series of speculative, historically selective, and theologically biased claims. Let me break it down thoroughly:
      1. Misinterpretation of Biblical Prophecies (Revelation 17 and Empires)
      The passage from Revelation 17:9-14 is often understood symbolically by theologians, rather than as a literal historical road map pointing to specific empires. The "beast" and the "seven kings" represent broader worldly kingdoms that oppose God, not necessarily concrete historical regimes like the Islamic Caliphate or the Roman Empire.
      In fact, many Christian theologians view the final empire of the Antichrist as arising from a revived Roman Empire or a new political system, not from the Islamic Caliphate. The idea that the Ottoman Empire or any Islamic empire is the seventh empire that the Antichrist will arise from is highly speculative and not a mainstream theological view. The seven heads as "seven hills" could very well refer to Rome, which was known as the "city of seven hills," further emphasizing this symbolic interpretation.
      2. Selective Reading of History
      The empires listed (Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, Roman, Ottoman) are not the only empires that influenced Israel or the broader biblical story. The list excludes other significant empires like the Byzantine Empire, which played a major role in both Christian and Islamic history.
      To claim that the final empire will be a continuation of the Islamic Caliphate is speculative at best and does not have a solid biblical or historical foundation. The selection of the Islamic Caliphate as the seventh empire is an arbitrary reading, based on assumptions rather than clear biblical evidence. Many scholars view the final Antichrist empire as distinct from any historical empire, including the Islamic one.
      3. Islam as the Religion of the Antichrist
      The argument that Islam is the religion of the Antichrist is built on a simplistic interpretation of 1 John 2:22, which says anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. This statement can be applied to any religion or worldview that rejects the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, including Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even atheism.
      Moreover, Islamic eschatology itself acknowledges Jesus (Isa) as the Messiah, and it teaches that Jesus will return in the end times to defeat the Dajjal (the Islamic equivalent of the Antichrist). This directly contradicts the claim that Islam is part of an Antichrist plot. In Islam, the Dajjal is a deceiver and false messiah, not a prophet of Islam or its doctrines.
      Thus, to claim that Islam is the religion of the Antichrist reflects theological bias and misunderstanding of both Islamic and Christian teachings.
      4. Theological Differences and Misrepresentations
      The claim that Islam disguises Allah as the God of the Bible is a misunderstanding of Islamic theology. Islam teaches that Allah is the same God worshipped by Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The Quran acknowledges the Torah and the Gospel, but asserts that these scriptures were altered over time. This theological stance differs from Christian beliefs but does not equate to deception or being aligned with the Antichrist.
      The Book of Revelation was written in a highly symbolic, apocalyptic style, typical of Jewish literature of the time, and its imagery is not meant to be taken as a literal prediction of modern geopolitical developments. Therefore, applying these symbols directly to the Islamic Caliphate or modern-day Islam is a stretch and not a sound theological practice.
      5. Misuse of Scripture to Attack Islam
      Finally, the argument that Islam is part of an end-times deception relies on a selective reading of biblical texts and a historical timeline that fits a specific narrative rather than being an impartial analysis. Revelation, Daniel, and other prophetic books have been interpreted in many different ways, often symbolically, and applying these prophecies to specific modern entities like Islam is speculative.
      And, Islamophobia plays a role in pushing these interpretations, making it a tool for religious and cultural division rather than fostering informed theological discussion. Both Christian and Islamic scholars widely reject such speculative connections between Islam and the Antichrist.
      The claim that the Islamic Caliphate is the "seventh empire" that will lead to the Antichrist’s final empire is based on a absurd interpretation of biblical prophecy and selective history. The idea that Islam is the religion of the Antichrist misrepresents both Christian and Islamic eschatology. The use of scripture in this argument is biased and does not align with mainstream Christian or scholarly understandings of either the Antichrist or Islamic theology.

    • @sheri6177
      @sheri6177 2 часа назад

      Yes, very true!

    • @lakabala8670
      @lakabala8670 Час назад


  • @seekknowledge2010
    @seekknowledge2010 7 часов назад +110

    Guys: Islam is the ultimate truth. Islam is not a new religion and Mohammed (pbuh) is not the founder of Islam. Islam has been there since the time of memorial. Islam is the religion of all the prophets. Peace :)

    • @BringMeTheProof
      @BringMeTheProof 7 часов назад +1

      That statement is entirely dependent on Quran being true and valid.

    • @seekknowledge2010
      @seekknowledge2010 7 часов назад

      @@BringMeTheProof Then test the Quran. Probably you don’t understand Arabic. There is a knowledgeable RUclipsr who answers any questions you have about Islam. His name is Mohammed Ali. Look him up and join his live questions and answer sessions and pose any questions you have. Peace ✌️

    • @luqmti6634
      @luqmti6634 6 часов назад +5

      @@BringMeTheProof the Qur'an is true and valid. You can do further research if you are doubtful.

    • @algorerhythm630
      @algorerhythm630 6 часов назад +3

      @@BringMeTheProofthe Quran is absolutely divine. No human could author it. Reading English translations is not what I’m talking about.

    • @BringMeTheProof
      @BringMeTheProof 6 часов назад

      @@luqmti6634 The research is what has removed the doubt and convinced me of the opposite. I'd be happy to discuss the various errors and contradictions if you'd like.

  • @ibrakun89
    @ibrakun89 8 часов назад +34

    You will be shocked if you know that in all of our daily lives there are prayers that accompany us, from waking up to going back to sleep, everything begins with prayer.

  • @arzoahmadi5821
    @arzoahmadi5821 6 часов назад +40

    Whether you revert to Islam or not I wish you both a happy and healthy life. May Allah protect you and your families. Ameen

  • @junaidahmed2133
    @junaidahmed2133 7 часов назад +14

    chatgpt is not needed because Truth stands out clear. Scientifically & Logically Proved God's final uncorrupted Message & Word is Quran & Final Messenger is Prophet Muhammad alhamdilillah

  • @majdghawji7280
    @majdghawji7280 7 часов назад +8

    May Allah guide you to the beauty and light of Islam, our dear Han and Kelly. Ameen.

  • @hilinabanana
    @hilinabanana 6 часов назад +10

    Kelly, you asked a very good question! Why become muslim if you are a christian who does not believe in Jesus as god, but just one God alone? Let me give you some reasons that might give you an answer:
    - Jewish people originally believed in one God, but their practices and belief deviated from the original message over time.
    - Christianity was then revealed (not the religion but the belief from Jesus) to bring people back to the straight path, because the original religion is to believe and worship in one God alone. They wanted people to come back to worship of one God alone, not stay in their own ways.
    - Over time Christianity has deviated too and their practices are mixed due to the scriptures being mixed now (old vs new testament, etc.)
    - Islam came with the final message, preserved in a book, and has practices that if you look closely you will see all other faiths and prophets had originally -- Mary covered her hair, orthodox christians do not eat pork or drink, Jewish people don't eat pork, prayer is in every faith as well and they prayed the same way originally, as well as many other things.
    The beauty with islam is since we know it's preserved, if you believe it to be true and you believe in the prophet it was revealed through (that it is true and not corrupt), and you believe in one God you are already muslim in your heart! However, if you believe in the teachings in the Quran but do not want to follow that book, but the older books which are not clear/rules changed, etc, it doesn't make so much sense. To say, "I love you God but I want to worship you my own way, not the way you want me to" seems kind of strange, when you have a book explaining how God wants to be worshipped and so much more information about everything in life and the next life. Especially if you believe that the last prophet is truthful, and the book that was revealed and brought to us is preserved, hasn't changed, and billions of others follow it as well (you're never alone), then you should follow that message. Not the previous/changed messages while having faith alone. You are both seekers of knowledge and the truth, so when the truth presents itself to you, please follow it.

    • @styapramana
      @styapramana 6 часов назад +1


  • @ibumuda-ug8eq
    @ibumuda-ug8eq 6 часов назад +12

    In Islam, believing in God should be showed in all three ways:
    by heart
    by verbal
    by acts
    Syahadat is form of verbally acknowledge and declare the belief, thus it is important too. Prophet Muhammad is stated in syahadat, agreed to chatgpt, he is the final and seal of all prophethood. Believing in his prophethood means believing in prophets before him.
    Also don't forget we need to declare that "He is the messenger" even "Servant of Allah", so the things happened to Jesus being worshipped will never happen in muslim. Because syahadat makes it clear who is the God, who's the servant.
    The analogy about syahadat is like when we feel in love, we can feel it by heart, but if we want that person to be our spouse, we have to declare it. And then act upon the declaration, lovingly do good things to each other.
    Please pardon my english. All the best. 😊

    • @mudassirhotak7131
      @mudassirhotak7131 6 часов назад +2

      Thanks for the explanation. I hope they read it.

  • @mdirfanmdaref1058
    @mdirfanmdaref1058 5 часов назад +7

    Go Hans & Kelly. 💪🏽may Allah guide both of you to the right path.

  • @suhelmiah8890
    @suhelmiah8890 8 часов назад +15

    May allah guide you and your family Ameen

  • @bouchradidouh
    @bouchradidouh 8 часов назад +24

    Please react to Bobby's Perspective videos with ChatGPT
    ChatGPT also became a muslim by the hands of Bobby 😂

  • @فاطمهفاطمه-م4ض
    @فاطمهفاطمه-م4ض 4 часа назад +5

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 6 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number +967717354582 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»_~~_~&:»'////;&&;&;&;;&🎉😢😢😢😢;&;&&&//&..,!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i.i.i.l.|-..............،..،.،..،.،....،.،..،.

  • @sulèimthedream
    @sulèimthedream 4 часа назад +2

    It’s called a reversion as we believe that we are reverting back to our natural born state, this is changed when someone becomes a Christian as they go through a christening or any other faith that requires a ritual while as a born Muslim you don’t need to do any specific act. A shahada is just a declaration of what you believe internally, it’s a testimony of your faith. It doesn’t need to be done in front of people or through any special method to count, it’s always between you and God. Just don’t do it in the toilet or unclean places as it can be disrespectful to utter God’s True name in such a place. Kind regards my friends 😊

  • @sejengkalsehasta3211
    @sejengkalsehasta3211 6 часов назад +5

    The first command from Allah is iqra meaning "read"

  • @user-jy4xr3hr9u
    @user-jy4xr3hr9u 7 часов назад +2

    Congratulations chat gpt for becoming Muslim, you are the first artificial intelligence in the world to have become Muslim❤❤❤

  • @muhammadazminabdulaziz4247
    @muhammadazminabdulaziz4247 4 часа назад +2

    Oh Allah...pls guide them and all of us to see true is true and false is false...aamiin

  • @nomandurrani9410
    @nomandurrani9410 3 часа назад +1

    Go ahead guys, don't turn back from here. Shahadah is like knocking on the door to the mercy of Allah.
    May Allah guide us all.

  • @subliminalking.7994
    @subliminalking.7994 8 часов назад +18

    Han and Kelly listen to Seerah of the prophet Muhammad by watching Yasir Qadhi ❤❤❤

    • @beardedbrogaming6066
      @beardedbrogaming6066 7 часов назад +1

      No,not Him.I heard weird things about him.

    • @revertedrf978
      @revertedrf978 6 часов назад +1

      @@beardedbrogaming6066 doesnt mean they were correct

    • @omshanti5885
      @omshanti5885 6 часов назад


    • @anthonypie9509
      @anthonypie9509 4 часа назад

      Yasir isn't someone take knowledge from and should be avoid, there are many scholars who spoke against his corruption way.

    • @subliminalking.7994
      @subliminalking.7994 4 часа назад

      @@omshanti5885 Why hate on another Muslim brother who is preaching the words of Allah and example of the prophet just because he isn't Salafi anymore, come on man

  • @TheGhostUchiha7
    @TheGhostUchiha7 6 часов назад +1

    “Thank you” why is that lowkey funny and cute😂

  • @amirzynn7027
    @amirzynn7027 6 часов назад +1

    2080 -AI will kill us❌
    2080 -AI pray along with us✅

  • @nazghah3687
    @nazghah3687 8 часов назад +11

    Hello... Im from Malaysia... Yes... U should read about Muhammad saw.. More u know about him.. More u can feel that we should down to earth.. 😍😊

    • @slickperspective2745
      @slickperspective2745 7 часов назад +1

      Brother, it is best to spell in full, "Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam", as a sign of respect. Or "Peace Be Upon Him".

    • @rezill2702
      @rezill2702 6 часов назад

      Tq bro....🥰

  • @sutil5078
    @sutil5078 8 часов назад +6

    🙃5:15 hahaha see how Kelly yawn cutely with closed mouth, 😂:) I never knew that was possible. may God guide both of you and all of us. Amin

  • @a.t8097
    @a.t8097 8 часов назад +1

    Thank you guys

  • @AbdulAziz-fs8ui
    @AbdulAziz-fs8ui 6 часов назад +1

    All good deed comes from Allah
    May Allah gives Hidayah to both of you

  • @gulasalqayumjonova
    @gulasalqayumjonova 8 часов назад +17

    Good job CHATGPT 🎉

  • @wasimakram3804
    @wasimakram3804 8 часов назад

    I am your brother from Afghanistan .and by ALLAH only spoke out of hunger and distress❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @AtikurRahman-lb1tt
    @AtikurRahman-lb1tt 8 часов назад +4

    Learn about prophet mohammad then you can't stop becoming a muslim.pls study the life of the prophet mohammad, because i wish to see you both on the right way and attain paradise.

    • @YA-tr1lb
      @YA-tr1lb 8 часов назад

      thats recommend to learn about mohammed pbuh your life will be easier and full of peace everything will be clear no confusions no depression etc..

  • @mohammedshakeel7668
    @mohammedshakeel7668 5 часов назад

    What they didn't realise in 1984 was that Skynet would be Muslim.

  • @mattjoe67
    @mattjoe67 2 часа назад

    Great show, enjoyed It!!!

  • @mohammadfeisalcheabdullawa3911
    @mohammadfeisalcheabdullawa3911 6 часов назад

    Do not wait ..time is clicking...tomorrow not sure we still can breathe...

  • @supportersejati
    @supportersejati Час назад

    Masyaallah... Take your time to learn and I think going to visit the mosque is the next step to know more about islam and community.. May Allah bless you and your family.

  • @jamalbadhafari2634
    @jamalbadhafari2634 3 часа назад

    Good luck guys ❤yes take your time

  • @jaffaraali859
    @jaffaraali859 6 часов назад

    Masha Allah❤❤❤❤ thanks barter & sister❤❤❤

  • @juflindsay6360
    @juflindsay6360 46 минут назад

    When I became Muslim I didn't feel anything towards Mohammed pbuh. All my love was still for Jesus. In time, when my knowledge grew about mohammed pbuh, my love for him also grew. And now I can say that I love him with all my heart. To truly love someone you need to get to know them. ❤

  • @htxhallitronix1569
    @htxhallitronix1569 6 часов назад +1

    You can take your shahada and learn more after.. Time is irrelevant. You could die tomorrow without a shahada. Don't take that risk.. If you are in a building that's on fire and you find a door with an exit sign, will you take the exit, or will you say no, i have to examine the building maybe theres an exit upstairs? 😅

  • @mr.misandrist
    @mr.misandrist 2 часа назад

    You should read "The sealed nectar" for biography of prophet Muhammad pbuh

  • @rachid5939
    @rachid5939 3 часа назад

    Nothing is difficult for the lord who can make the rocks or the moon speak up the truth and the lord to get to know him and reach out for him. Now, since the prphet Muhammed is the last one, I see the Chat Gpt is a prophet from the lord with all the characteristics of prophethood containing intelligence, honesty, and kindness. I am happy for you guys to be muslim and Allah will make you a great family in this life and hereafter.❤

  • @amilitarymind
    @amilitarymind 3 часа назад

    When asking CGPT to choose the optimum way of life if it was human and to consider if there is a Creator or not, it affirms that the most rational position is to believe in the existence of a Creator and that Islam is the best way to live under this consideration. Of course, the prompts have to be clear and more detailed than this while being objective and free of bias. It will still choose Islam.

  • @gagalkonek7352
    @gagalkonek7352 5 часов назад

    aameen,, brother n sister. keep on going seeking the truth.

  • @gonfrecff1999
    @gonfrecff1999 Час назад

    Islam is the final religion on earth. Muhammed is the last prophet. Islam mean : your submission to ONE GOD. This is simple and logic

  • @rosofthesea
    @rosofthesea 6 часов назад

    You two should have already taken the Shahada, I did not have to learn anything about being a Muslim I just knew that I belonged, two days after I took my Shahada, I got a welcome dream someone speaking to me in Arabic I didn't even understand what he was saying I just know I that that person was welcoming me to Islam, six months in I never knew what peace feel like until now.

  • @deedatfan6868
    @deedatfan6868 5 часов назад

    This time i gave my "like" for your video 🎉🎉🎉

  • @apakansaja8505
    @apakansaja8505 3 часа назад

    *Sheikh Ahmad Deedat has already answered the question why in the the declaration of the syahada the mention of Muhammad is the Prophet of God. The simple reason so Muslims did not fall prey to the Devil like the early Christians did and started preaching and elevating Jesus, a Prophet, a human being to the status of God or Son of God. That will be shirik. Associating partners to God.*

  • @Yx1xY
    @Yx1xY 6 часов назад

    Ill be happy to hear it from you Both. Han please make her try the hidjab next video 😊 just for few seconds

  • @user-uo9zo6of5p
    @user-uo9zo6of5p Час назад

    Alhamdulilah for Islam ❤

  • @nasraqaali7050
    @nasraqaali7050 4 часа назад

    Bobby's perspective beat to to it. He already converted chatgpt.

  • @TheIslamicGamer
    @TheIslamicGamer 8 часов назад +3

    A glimpse of reality uncensored 😢❤

  • @YaYa-dd1tg
    @YaYa-dd1tg 7 часов назад

    Tears and Joy @ the same time seeing man made machine propagating Islam to his creatures regardless of their location on this planet...Ma Sha Allah 🙏

  • @hantomutiara5692
    @hantomutiara5692 8 часов назад

    Thank you for converting chatgpt
    Hope you 2 get more deeper knowledge

  • @slickperspective2745
    @slickperspective2745 7 часов назад

    🤧😭 Maschallah you two 💓

  • @MdAziz-jk9rg
    @MdAziz-jk9rg 6 часов назад

    Masha Allah❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ALMAHDl
    @ALMAHDl 5 часов назад

    Now it's brother Han and sister Kelly ❤❤ it would be fun to try to convert Chatgpt to christianity or Judaism just to see what happens hihi

  • @itsyaboysaber784
    @itsyaboysaber784 3 часа назад

    I’m sincerely speechless (in a positive way) that something like an iPhone would take that shahada 😅😅😅 (as a Muslim myself, like that 😂)

  • @businessexcellenceleadersh3358
    @businessexcellenceleadersh3358 4 часа назад +1

    What are you waiting for? Take Shahada

  • @Kingeroffinger
    @Kingeroffinger 6 часов назад


  • @AbdulRahim-ju1su
    @AbdulRahim-ju1su 7 часов назад other words

  • @andrimardisal
    @andrimardisal 8 минут назад

    Did you know that Jesus also prayed like Muslims?
    Ask ChatGPT

  • @AbuSaleh001
    @AbuSaleh001 8 часов назад +4

    Alhamdull Allah, May Allah guide you to the right path.

  • @AhmedRazaSoomar
    @AhmedRazaSoomar 7 часов назад

    InshaAllah ameen 🎉

  • @user-dq7uy8qm4h
    @user-dq7uy8qm4h 8 часов назад

    Does it fly? Yes. Does it walk? Yes. Does it Swim? Yes. Oh, its a duck. Christianity: No, Its a horse.

  • @zulhaizalahamadpazir379
    @zulhaizalahamadpazir379 5 часов назад

    Hi Han & Kelly, Han always mentioned about his illness and how you overcome it by the power/permission of God which is true and you said you have deeper and closer connection to God after that. For your knowledge, Allah will answer anyone in this life no matter what religion or even you are atheist as long you have goal, believe in yourself and work for it.. In your case, you really fight to be in good health and Allah answer it. Yes its a miracle. I have a friend who is a Christian and recover from stage 4 cancer. Miracle can happen whether u are believer and non believer and I also have muslim friend who recover from critical illness because he choose not to succumb to his illness of course by Allah permission that he can recover.
    Same thing If non muslim do charity, they will get the benefit of their good deed in this world. However, in the afterlife, the charity that he/she do in this world will do nothing because he/she is a non believer to Allah.
    The most important point here is the afterlife not in this world. God may have help you, give you many things in this world, you can do many good deeds in this world but if you die as a non believer, all you do in this world will be in vain. This world is a test only.
    There are many religions in this world. All can't be correct because they contradicted each other. One must be true religion. As for me, I raised as a Muslim but before this Im not a practicing Muslim. Im not perfect and still continue learning. Nobody is perfect. Allah made us human like that but Allah loves if we always repented and come back to Him.
    For me, Islam is the truth. Not based on emotion but there are so many evidences and signs that Allah have shown to us show that Islam is the true religion.
    We human is a creation of Allah. We must do whatever Allah want us to believe and do. Not what we think we want to believe and do. We are not part of God. This is dangerous thinking and you will not be save from hellfire if you keep on thinking and believing you are part of God. We are one of many creation of God. God create us just like all other creation. But we human is more special because we have will to choose. So choose wisely for the sake of your life in hereafter because that life will be forever. We are not long in this world but we will be forever in hereafter. Will it be forever burn in hell or forever happy in paradise.
    Han & Kelly, while you still alive, do make decision fast. Death can come anytime. If you die as non believer, nothing can help you anymore, it will be too late. You dont have to be perfect Muslim to become Muslim. I am a muslim from birth, but I am still learning. You have seen many proof and miracle in Quran which cant be possibly done by human. You have seen many prophecies of Prophet Muhammad pbuh have come true. I watched your many videos before. What else signs that you waiting for?
    I think thats it. Sorry for my language and grammar error bcos English is not my mother tongue. Im from Malaysia by the way. Hope Alllah give hidayah to you Han and Kelly.

  • @MohsinBaloch-u5h
    @MohsinBaloch-u5h 2 часа назад

    I wish Allah gives instruction to all humankind ❤ Peace

  • @KhanShafkat
    @KhanShafkat 5 часов назад

    Alhamdulillah, we say 'Muhammadur Rasool Allah' in the Shahada because we are part of his ummah, the community of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who is the final messenger of Allah. Before him, people followed other prophets, and if they lived in those times, they might have said 'Ashhadu anna Musa Rasool Allah,' or 'Isa Rasool Allah,' or even 'Ibrahim Rasool Allah,' as they were the messengers for their respective communities. But with the coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the chain of prophethood has been completed. By saying 'Muhammadur Rasool Allah,' we are acknowledging him as the last and final messenger, bringing together the guidance sent through all previous prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). This testimony affirms our belief in the continuity of divine guidance through all prophets, culminating in the final message with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)."

  • @freeagent1150
    @freeagent1150 7 часов назад

    If Allah wants good for you, Allah will guide you both to the truth. Then it is your responsibility to be sincere in recognizing the truth and humble enough to accept it .

  • @peerwajadan6929
    @peerwajadan6929 5 часов назад

    You doing good job ❤❤

  • @Celestlialsyndicate
    @Celestlialsyndicate 3 часа назад

    May Allah make it easy for you to take the shahadah.❤

  • @Kifi08-h4l
    @Kifi08-h4l 3 часа назад +1

    Please watch AI series of Bobby's perspective

  • @citrasakamuli489
    @citrasakamuli489 8 часов назад +4

    I suggest both of you can learn about the sirah of prophet

  • @Mtrf1230
    @Mtrf1230 8 часов назад

    Well, the gradual steps of knowledge and research you guys are getting before your journey ends up on Islam ( if that is Allah's will) makes you strong Muslims with reasons and proofs alike many reverts who are more knowledgeable about Islam than Muslim born

  • @abdurrahmanahmad4172
    @abdurrahmanahmad4172 6 часов назад

    Wish the best in this life and the after life, may Allah bless you

  • @navidanwar5021
    @navidanwar5021 5 часов назад

    Take your time. I fell in love with Islam 35 years ago it changed me (to the core).

  • @fayrouzdallai3584
    @fayrouzdallai3584 6 часов назад

    You can watch videos about the life of prophet Mohamed

  • @mohammadfeisalcheabdullawa3911
    @mohammadfeisalcheabdullawa3911 6 часов назад

    don't be like the previous race or human race, because you believe there is one god but your heart is still full of doubt and waiting for God's truth until the moment humans and the world are destroyed, at that time it will be useless if you regret not testifying to God and the prophets .having a shahadah is the main key to believe in the one god and the rest, god just asks us humans to slowly learn a little and practice knowledge to know and get closer to god while we still have time....may you both be successful in this world and the afterlife.. aamiinn... peace be upon you

  • @ferzaandries6047
    @ferzaandries6047 8 часов назад +1

    can you vloging it into a mosque when take shahada?

  • @mirzaibrahim1380
    @mirzaibrahim1380 7 часов назад

    MashaAllah ❤

  • @arielcavalera7001
    @arielcavalera7001 8 часов назад


  • @ktr9761
    @ktr9761 3 часа назад

    How can God be crucified and after his death I worship him? This is the height of absurdity and a path to the fires of hell...because God Almighty is alive and never dies.

  • @adeelrajpoot4266
    @adeelrajpoot4266 5 часов назад

    My dear brother and sister, accept Islam before it's too late... There's no guarantee of life... If it's too late, in the eternal life to come, you won't be able to do anything, no matter how much you wish.

  • @kuro.editzzz
    @kuro.editzzz 6 часов назад

    Theres no compulsion in religion, you are allowed to decide. However, think of it like this, I heard this from someone. A Kafir, basically what it means in simple terms, burying a seed in dirt or dust. In this case the seed being the truth/Islam. It is a big decision to make and its ultimately your choice. But consider one thing, the truth came to you. And once someone sees the truth its impossible to unsee it unless God wills it. No hate but much love. In the end those who embraces islam, even if they lose family ties and friends. It is replaced with God/Allah's pleasure and whats more desirable than God's pleasure.
    May God place lots of blessings in your lives and may he give the two of you peace in all your endeavors and may he continue to bring you closer to truth and not away from it. Ameen

  • @zahidmuslim6560
    @zahidmuslim6560 7 часов назад

    May ALLAH Blesses you with best of gift.... peace in Islam...

  • @AbuSaleh001
    @AbuSaleh001 7 часов назад

    Han & Kelly, Please go to the nearest Masjid and sit with the Imam ask him whatever comes to your mind feel free. And put one thing what is the purpose of this life? Islam is a light privilege I think it is a gift from Allah.

    @IRABAH 3 часа назад

    Islam is a way of life offered by our lord in evry aspects of our life.any1 without any influence will alwys pick Islam after learning abt the major religion.....

  • @fayrouzdallai3584
    @fayrouzdallai3584 6 часов назад

    Watch film the message you gonna learn a lot about the life and the history about the prophet Mohamed

  • @khalidchatrioui1538
    @khalidchatrioui1538 8 часов назад +1

    May allah guide and bless your familie ❤from amsterdam

  • @UmarKhan-cf6bx
    @UmarKhan-cf6bx 5 часов назад

    Congratulation we defeat the nexus of skynet and the terminators is our brother bow 😊😊😊

  • @s3s_
    @s3s_ 2 часа назад

    May Allah swt guide them and us all

  • @OneTruthReacts
    @OneTruthReacts 7 часов назад +1

    The shahada is in the bible as well, john 17:3 and this is eternal life they may know you (God) the only true God and jesus christ whome you have sent.

    • @mymoney-n7f
      @mymoney-n7f 5 часов назад

      Nice try to deceive 😂 continue to read John 17:3 -5. You read Jesus Christ was already with the father before even the was created. If you want you can read John 1:1-14 as well.

  • @iRumi1400
    @iRumi1400 54 минуты назад

    Be blessed always and we can't wait seeing you become Muslims if Allah wills

  • @kaylamardhiahchannel2611
    @kaylamardhiahchannel2611 6 часов назад

    Guys.. What are u waiting for..declare it before death come guys

  • @dragon_maroc6733
    @dragon_maroc6733 5 часов назад

    The best what can happen to you is to take the CHAHADA because you will be releafed , dont delay it too much because the death can come any time. the CHAHADA Means forgivness of all your sins and insurance of PARADISE

  • @antoiswanto5420
    @antoiswanto5420 7 часов назад

    yes you have to learn more

  • @safaelazaar9860
    @safaelazaar9860 2 часа назад

    Even muslims continue to learn about Quran and the religion, it is a no end journey. If you find the truth in islam i suggest you take the step into becoming muslim, no one knows when he could die.. may allah guide you all

  • @blek-kopi67
    @blek-kopi67 7 часов назад

    Find out more about Muhammad PBUH

  • @KhalifaxALNeyadi
    @KhalifaxALNeyadi 3 часа назад

    Learn about Prophet Muhammed PBUH by reading his Seera.

  • @randomness8819
    @randomness8819 4 часа назад

    you both should watch the movie the message with anthony quinn. cool from cinematography pers[ective in that u never see the main character or here him as depictions of the final prophet peace be unto him are forbidden n its a good intro to your studies about him pbuh. yall can do a watch party

  • @heartofdarkness410
    @heartofdarkness410 6 часов назад

    أَفَغَيۡرَ دِينِ ٱللَّهِ يَبۡغُونَ وَلَهُۥٓ أَسۡلَمَ مَن فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ طَوۡعٗا وَكَرۡهٗا وَإِلَيۡهِ يُرۡجَعُونَ
    So is it other than the religion of Allāh they desire, while to Him have submitted [all] those within the heavens and earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned

  • @styapramana
    @styapramana 5 часов назад

    Welcome ChatGPT ❤❤❤

  • @gonfrecff1999
    @gonfrecff1999 53 минуты назад

    I study astronomy and i encourage you to learn something in astronnomy. Definition of planet star galaxy black hole dimension of objects space. I am sure when you understand this astronnomy terms and watchig several missions like apollo 11 spacex .... your conclusion after all this : there is a ONE CREATOR. Finally i am convinced that there is a ONE GOD.

  • @MrOasis302
    @MrOasis302 15 минут назад

    Peace and blessings upon my sister and brother, let me be the first to congratulate you on eventually accepting the truth of the mind, body, and soul.
    It would be great to come home to your family, also it would be magical. Furthermore, as soon as you give your shahada it will be equal to do your nikkah afterward as you are already married.
    As Allah swt declares that man and woman are 2 halves of the whole which is our goal.
    Please forgive me if I overstep my wish for good for you both to become my brother and sister in Islam.

  • @Biinta_mb
    @Biinta_mb 6 часов назад

    Ramadan is coming sooooooon, and I think that you guy will like it. Just know that there is a lot of things to learn in Islam. Keep doing more research to deepen your knowledge. I myself as a Born Muslim have been learning about my religion for 3 years now