Trove Tier List 2024 | How Did I Do?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @thebigboss1642
    @thebigboss1642 2 дня назад +5

    bard my love , you draw him perfect lol

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад +1

      @@thebigboss1642 all my training has payed off 🙏

    • @thebigboss1642
      @thebigboss1642 2 дня назад +1

      @@CashinClean dont u think that bard needs a recycle?

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад +1

      @@thebigboss1642 not yet. We need him for just a little longer

  • @pedromagalhaes5164
    @pedromagalhaes5164 2 дня назад +1

    Brasilians love your videos CashinClean!

  • @bug_incredibox
    @bug_incredibox 2 дня назад +1

    100% agree with this chart (asker here), only thing is the gunslinger cuz i WAS building him but not anymore, doing shadow hunter rn
    great video as usual tho 🔥

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@bug_incredibox yoo welcome back and tyty 🙏

  • @ArchaelYT
    @ArchaelYT День назад

    unbiased gunslinger main here. Give my boi some more love

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад

      @@ArchaelYT that’s on the devs if they ever get stable servers 😭

  • @MrDrogoz
    @MrDrogoz 2 дня назад

    Banger video as always

  • @Aidan-gs2qf
    @Aidan-gs2qf 2 дня назад +1

    Ever since i got up to c5, I haven’t been bothered to farm for months for mystic, how do you not get bored of trove?

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@Aidan-gs2qf I want to be the best 💪

  • @werdfairy4975
    @werdfairy4975 2 дня назад

    I feel like lunar lancer is rly underrated, maybe in very late game he's less efficient but he does ton of dmg with his ult and to constantly keep it, you just need to switch in construct mode and it cancels the ult and keep the energy so that you don't have to restart charging it with other abilities.

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад +1

      @werdfairy4975 now that’s a handy trick I didn’t know about. But I also just don’t play lunar lancer enough

  • @ZechenZwicka
    @ZechenZwicka 2 дня назад

    Hey, cool ranking! But I think Luna Lancer is underrated. If you use the grappler at a certain angle while in the air, you get an immense speed boost and practically glide through the world. Maybe give him another shot?

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@ZechenZwicka yea I mentioned that he can get the movement speed but kinda wish his abilities were a little different

  • @chemikalitoyt
    @chemikalitoyt 2 дня назад

    Nice video, NN will be the best for me

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@chemikalitoyt he is pretty fun

  • @ShelleyNapolitano
    @ShelleyNapolitano 2 дня назад

    Thank you so much for this amazing video! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?

  • @summerhaas
    @summerhaas 2 дня назад

    I would move Rev down to A, Bard should be in recycle, his damage needs a complete rework. PC is one of the best boss killers in game if you know how to play him, he's right there with Sol. Problem is PC and Sol are pretty much only good for that one thing, they deserve their own category as "specialists".

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@summerhaas not bard 😭. Also Solarion is good for clearing groups of enemies, I don’t pirate captain can compete with that part

  • @summerhaas
    @summerhaas 2 дня назад

    Knight and Lunar Lancer are niche classes that some people swear are S tier. Because of that Gamigo needs to handle them very carefully if they decide to update them. Trying to make every class be attractive to everyone is a collosal mistake. I will never play LL, but I have huge respect for the people that main him and I would stand by whatever their opinions are on a rework. Knight deserves the same respect. With that said, Bard deserves no respect and should be laughed at as the dancing fool he is.

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@summerhaas not bard again 😭😭

  • @Aidan-gs2qf
    @Aidan-gs2qf 2 дня назад

    Don’t mess with my boy torbjorn!😂

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@Aidan-gs2qf he needs to be stopped 😱

    • @Aidan-gs2qf
      @Aidan-gs2qf 2 дня назад

      What you play on ow and what rank are you!

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@Aidan-gs2qf gm console. What about you

    • @Aidan-gs2qf
      @Aidan-gs2qf 2 дня назад

      Oh damn, I’m like high plat to low diamond, doomfist main for tank and widow for dps, gm is impressive though 👍🏼

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад +1

      @@Aidan-gs2qf tyty. Keep up the grind 💪 and stay away from torb 👍

  • @anastasislivanos
    @anastasislivanos 2 дня назад

    i like the video format, although i dont understand why rev in in S trier

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@anastasislivanos fun class, great abilities, good farmer, great at taking out groups of enemies. Better than neon ninja for damage

  • @moflow99
    @moflow99 2 дня назад

    Pretty surprised at Draco's spot, as there's quite a few Draco mains out there.
    The "OK" tier is one thing, but LAST on it after Chloro and Bard?
    Nah G

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@moflow99 lol. I mainly put him there since I don’t play Draco. He is pretty useful though for farming and damage compared to tomb raiser

  • @TheVanishingDark534
    @TheVanishingDark534 2 дня назад +1

    I think your take on Boomeranger is pretty based, but Lunar Lancer feels a little low to me. Now, I will say that I have an appreciation for movement tech in general, but I think that class and Boomeranger work well together in blitzing dungeons. I like to use Lunar Lancer to scale to the boss arena with the Grappling Hook, and switch over to Boomeranger to gain access with the bombs. It also helps that I can make Lunar Lancer my Boomeranger’s Subclass, giving him more Physical Damage. I know my Boomeranger’s kinda being a hard-carry in all of that, being the one actually doing the damage, but it actually impressed my friends how quickly I can do dungeons with this.

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@TheVanishingDark534 yea his subclass is pretty good. I remember using it for dotm speed runs back in the day. The grapple is like 50/50 if it decides to work for me. And I can’t see when I would use his other ability where he shoots up to the sky during combat. Slows the pace down a little bit

    • @TheVanishingDark534
      @TheVanishingDark534 День назад

      @ Yeah, I’ll give you that. To use a British saying lightly, the hit registration in Trove is pants on a good day. If you even slightly overshoot your allotted range, you’re completely unable to move for a solid second or two as the animation plays out, only for nothing to happen. And even when you do use it correctly, it’s a coin flip as to whether or not the game turns into a PowerPoint presentation, as much as it stutters.
      As far as that leap ability, though, I don’t normally use that during combat. It’s more of a traversal tool, the way I use it. That could change, though. I did just craft some Explosive Leap Stances. I might try them out, see how effective they are.

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад

      @@TheVanishingDark534 pants on a good day xD. But yea if trove ran on stable servers then that would be a huge game changer

  • @tinkerton228
    @tinkerton228 2 дня назад

    If possible, can you make a video on rating empowered gems, I wanna know what the really good empowered gems are, anyways, good video, very informative

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад +3

      @@tinkerton228 sounds like a good video idea. I’ll see what I can do 🙏 also tyty

    • @Aidan-gs2qf
      @Aidan-gs2qf 2 дня назад

      @@tinkerton228 imo pyrodisc #1 (can’t go wrong with movement speed). Beserk battler and vampirian vanquished are tied for 2nd depending on what you want (vamp for speedfarming and beserk for dmg which is quite useful for d15 and levs)

    • @Alx56
      @Alx56 2 дня назад

      1# Berserk Battler 2# Pyrodisc 3# Explosive Epilouge 4# Stinging Curse (it procs berserk when not attacking)

    • @Alx56
      @Alx56 2 дня назад

      Vampyrian is only used for speed farming d14

  • @SadGuyLuke
    @SadGuyLuke День назад

    What was your best daughter of the moon speed run time? 😄

  • @vashtetr
    @vashtetr 2 дня назад

    lunar lancer brrrrr

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@vashtetr only you have the power to unlock his true potential 🙏

  • @HerDarkiee
    @HerDarkiee 2 дня назад

    Gs is actually very powerful for D15 if build right

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад

      @@HerDarkiee just have to fight the lag 🙏

    • @HerDarkiee
      @HerDarkiee День назад

      @CashinClean I don't really lag on pc or Xbox but I feel u we all hate lag

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад

      @@HerDarkiee no lag???

    • @HerDarkiee
      @HerDarkiee День назад

      @@CashinClean i don't really lag I being fr with u

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  23 часа назад

      @@HerDarkiee is that Elaina?

  • @pedromagalhaes5164
    @pedromagalhaes5164 2 дня назад

    I believe that night could be A becouse the subclass hability.

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  2 дня назад

      @@pedromagalhaes5164 his subclass is pretty decent

  • @cosmicreamjam
    @cosmicreamjam День назад +1

    i wouldn't recommend making joke tier lists even if you think it's funny, because new players will take it seriously and repeat it as gospel

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад +1

      @@cosmicreamjam I did mention that it’s my opinion and to not let it affect your decision on who you want to play

  • @wardencombos
    @wardencombos 2 дня назад +2

    first, nice vid

  • @yo_ankels
    @yo_ankels День назад

    LL to low

    • @CashinClean
      @CashinClean  День назад

      @@yo_ankels a lot of people have been saying that so far xD