Thanks and God bless you Dr Said Reynolds for bringing on Dr Adani who is an interesting and brilliant scholar.Would love to hear his Ismaili view on the crucifixion. His debate with Jake was simply awesome and I as a viewer learnt a tad bit about the Ismaili philosophy.
As an orthodox christian we believe God reveals himself personally in his divine majestic uncreated glory that is view as bright light,called uncreated lighty. That is the revelation of God.A text book now can show and say about that revelation but it is not the actually revelation ,but a say about the revelation.
🇷🇺☦️🤝☪️🇵🇸We already chewed up those cliches, brother, so let's talk brass tacks here: 1. Are you a Dyer type "Orthodox" (American Protestant pagan in disguise)? 2. Do you believe that the 2 persons have the same properties and attributes the Father has like Dyer the clown brainwashes his z0mbies to believe that this is "Orthodoxy "? 3. Do you believe Christ is a creator like the Father as Dyer the braindead demon does? 4. Do you believe that God is a conglomerate like an octopus with "uncreated attributes" attached to him like an octopus, as both Dyer the clown and Jake the Pseudo Metaphysician believe? Not believing the basics: divine simplicity? 5. Or are you a true Orthodox who understands how the Trinity works, and doesn't appeal to mystery like the dumb Dyer does?
Yeah Khalil was spectacularly bad. Jake proved that Ismailis can’t truly affirm or negate anything about God. So they can’t even talk about their God if they wanna be consistent. If you wanna worship nothing, be my guest.
The many hours of explanatory cope that Jake had to produce after the debate is proof that Jake himself knows that encounter did not go well for him. The part where Jake points up to indicate where Allah is was pretty brutal.
Very well said, Dr. Andani. Great articulation. An illiterate man being whispered to leads to a very different message of human potential and the journey we must make to return to God. Ultimately this esoteric understanding of revelation is the key to understand the salvation that really awaits us if we hold fast to the Rope of Allah and how much Allah is truly nearer to us than our jugular. Most interpretations uphold divine transcendence at the expense of imminence but the Ismaili view as well as many Sufi views uphold both transcendence and imminence and exalt both the Prophet and mankind to their real stations.
I like the idea that Prophets are the interpreter of the divine revelation in the particular tongue of their ummah. al-An'am 130 says يَـٰمَعْشَرَ ٱلْجِنِّ وَٱلْإِنسِ أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ رُسُلٌۭ مِّنكُمْ يَقُصُّونَ عَلَيْكُمْ ءَايَـٰتِى وَيُنذِرُونَكُمْ لِقَآءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَـٰذَا
So if Allah communicates only spiritual thoughts to his prophets, then the prophet verbalises them into written words, how can you explain Allah himself writing on the tablets (بيده) for Moses? Q7:145
@@KhalilAndani Thank you for the answer I really appreciate you taking the time. Granted writing could also mean decreed…however Moses is also known as kalleem Allah or the one Allah spoke to directly like in Q4:164 …وَكَلَّمَ اللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكْلِيمًا. Moses is really set appart as one who had a verbal dialogue with Allah or is there another twist here ?
@@KhalilAndani Thanks again. I see what is happening here. Every text from the Quran is subjected to your preconceived universal cosmological model before interpretation, and not what we the common readers can clearly read in black and white. In other words these texts are no longer a clear revelation as such from the divine to his human creation. It has to pass through the filters and levels of extra-ordinary humans that are preordained and illuminated by the divine to interpret them. That in a nutshell, and based on a quick scan of your theology, sounds very unfair coming from a just god. Knowledge should be for all. Otherwise it creates a class system where most humans must follow (and worship) other humans, when in fact all should have equal direct access to that knowledge. Last time I checked every human was created equal.
@@jma7600 the Quran cannot contradict logic. If God utters temporal speech then this entails a contradiction. So that view must be rejected by logical necessity.
Some good and probing questions from Gabriel- well done. May be some push back would have made the discussion more interesting. Surprised at Andani's response re need to incorporate neoplatonism into Quranic narrative or vice versa. None of the two reasons he gave made any logical sense. One can say the same about many other medieval or postmodern philosophies and incorporate them into Quran or vice versa, on the grounds thats Quran has " layered meanings". Andani was very articulate as usual.
Wait verse 19:80-81 clearly shows God's action is not timeless but has specific coordinates in space-time so does this not disprove Ismaeeli concept? At 31:06 you said "God's action cannot emerge in time" but the Will of Allah does emerge in time.
The ismaeeli concept that the arabic Quran was simply language used by the Prophet SAW that he knew can easily be disproven when one realizes there are non-arabic words in the Quran. Now why would an arab prophet start embedding non-arab words in the "roohani" message? Check mate.
Well, the concept does not strictly require that Quran needs to be in the corpus of Arabic (as in systemati-ic-zed-ly dictionary of words) but rather defines that Quran is the down-to-earth explanation for the people from the universal-and-language-less revelation. (A lot of people and) I can go along with it just okay.
@@A.--.I think the same explanation would apply. I think this Ismaili explanation is better than the Athari one because it gets to evade a lot of the historical criticism of the Quran. What do you reckon?
@@----f what is the Athari one? Ismaili one has no evidence (its just a hypothesis) while i gave a few evidences against it. How does Ismaili one explain these?
@@A.--. I think the Atharis say the Quran, in its Arabic language form with letters and symbols, is eternal and an attribute. They also believe God has hands and feet and eyes and other disgusting anthropomorphic stuff
🇷🇺☦️🤝☪️🇵🇸Dr. Andani is an absolute treasure, and we Orthodox Christians also use the Platonic language, only with correctins which refute some of the platonic premises or conclusions. In fact, the debate against the Pseudo Metaphysician was the best debate I have ever seen, and also an historical moment, since Dr. Khalil exposed and utterly destroyed the pagan theology of the vile Salafis, and showed us Chrestians how to dismantle their fake claims, since they don't even believe in divine simplicity. Let's make things straight here: any Christians, Muslim or Jew who doesn't believe in divine simplicity is a pagan, since the oneness of Alkah the Father is BASICS - the 1st principle!🤦
When people get bored of materialistic things they cling to spirituality but they ignore the fact that the human body, material world and soul everything is equally important according to Islam. And saying we are part of God is shirk according to Islam. This is the idea of trinity and Hinduism
Regarding your question about Shia seems more logical as a "living" religion with a continuous chain of guidance my response is well what about for the last 1200yrs after death of imam #11? The 12th is in hiding while all this fitna and fasad is happening on earth? That argument only holds water till 300yrs after Prophet Muhammad SAW after that both suni and shia have a divine disconnect.
Khalil you keep emphasizing the term "in time" to somehow imply information cannot be transmited from God to earth faster than the speed of light but i will refer you to Quantum Entanglement and inter-dimensional proximity concepts which are lab test and proven ways how information can travel faster than speed of light.
Imammat is not matter of simple Appointment according to shia Imam, they where Mansus-mi-nal-lah (divinely appointmented by God himself ). Sunni disagree at first place and believe chosen Khalifa by Shura( parliament like things) give judgment according to the Book and Sunnah. Letter on Malooq(king) claim Najariya-e-jarurat( khilafat by Force). Major deviation of islam from its right course.
how does gabriel said reynolds talk to muslims as if they are ordinary human beings and not demons and talk about islam as if it's not obvious that ALLAH IS SATAN?
When you give exanples of bee, ant and mother of moses and other creation being given inspiration (wahee) you are confusing the different meanings of the word wahee. Wahee from Al-Kitab is verbal in the language of the Prophet but other wahee includes other divine knowledge such as birth instincts, automatic thoughts of action, natural laws to follow.
Please dont say sunnis are with ummayed califate. Knowledgeable sunnis know the unmayeds hijacked the khilafa from Ali and Hussain who are the rightly deserving 4th and 5th caliphs.
Also, how did Moses talk to God? 4:164 We have told you about some messengers sent previously, while We have not yet told you about others. God spoke to Moses directly وَرُسُلࣰا قَدۡ قَصَصۡنَـٰهُمۡ عَلَیۡكَ مِن قَبۡلُ وَرُسُلࣰا لَّمۡ نَقۡصُصۡهُمۡ عَلَیۡكَۚ وَكَلَّمَ ٱللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكۡلِیمࣰا How did God speak directly to Moses? How? The words are clear.
Thanks for the video. I would like to share some points, first thing there is a difference between the Book and the Quran. The Quran is part of the Book (which is the total verses revealed to Prophet Mohamed PBUH) from Surat Alfatiha to Surat Alnass. However the Quran is from verb (قرن) therfore it is composed of two parts human history and rules and matter in the creation. The Quran describes only the absolute objective truth outside human consciousness. Meaning Quran describe things outside our consciousness like the creation of the heaven and earth and next life - next world but also human history which is true as it happened already and can't be changed, like all prophets / messengers stories etc. Also when you read the Book you will notice that The Book is arabic but the Quran is not arabic because it contains sounds which are not arabic language, the verses that starts with only few sounds like in Surat Meryam (كهيعص) This is not arabic as this is a sound. The book is formed in a way that it can be adapted for any time. Thanks again for your videos, very interesting.
Gabriel spoke arabic understood by Sahaba as is evident by Hadeeth Gibraeel. Quran says Quran was revealed in Arabic. Prophet said sometimes the revelation sounded like a ringing bell.
If Muhammad SAW choose the words of the "Roohani" mesage ie Quran then how do you explain its linguistic eloquence and miracles. Muhammad didnt even know how to read, write or speak poetry. Each word is the Word of Allah makes more sense.
That's perhaps the miracle of Quran with Prophet Muhammad. If he couldn't read nor write, speaks just enough to get by, and recite no form of poetry--where does the source of the Quranic inspiration if not divine? We can compare that the language of Hadits is "daily" and Quran is "prosaic". To say that Prophet Muhammad is the vessel of God's words is too much. After all, Prophet Muhammad is just a human. as Fushilat 6 says: قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُكُمْ يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَاسْتَقِيمُوا إِلَيْهِ وَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ We, as umat, just need to keep doing what [we think] is just and seek forgiveness from God if we realize what we do is wrong. The Prophet is also part of us, he also made mistakes, but far less compared to us as he is a waaay much better person.
@@jendralhxr how do you explain the fact that Quran has words not known to the Quraishi dialect or even non-arabic words? If prophet made it up how did he know these words?
@@A.--. Simple he heard them in his caravan trips travel to the civilised world. A better question for you is how did his scribes write in Arabic before the Arabic script or grammar was even invented? That is real genius or the true miracle of the book.
@@jma7600 there is no evidence he learnt anything from anyone. The Quraish his enemies among whom he lived didnt even claim that he learned it from civilizations he traveled to but somehow you 1450 yrs later know that? Qursish claimed he was hiding a teacher in his 12' x 12' (if even that big) shoebox house attached wall to wall to his sworn enemy and uncle Abu Lahab. This connect-the-dots hypothetical narrative stitching is unacceptable evidence. Your second claim is that the Quraish didnt have a written arabic script? Why dont you go watch Sean Anthony's presentation on pre-Quranic (and peri-Quranic) wall inscription around the hijaz that are still preserved.
@@jma7600 even logically if he heard something on a few carsvan trips that would only explain like 2-3 pages of the Quran. How do you explain the remainin 308 pages that were revealed over 23yrs in different times and places even at times surrounded by his Sahaba during battle or at the mosque or sometimes at home. Which caravan trip told him the human gametes are develiped from embryonic organs (gonadal ridges) that lie between the tissue forming future backbone and ribs. Which caravan trip told him the universe is expanding? Which caravan trip told him slat and sweet water dont mix. Which caravan trip told him fertilization can occur by wind. Commandment #11 of our 12 Commandments in Surah 17 tell is explicitly not to blindly follow anything without sure knowledge.
Givong Prophet SAW more agency is foolish thinking when you look at his simple illetrate life and the eloquence of the Quran. No way these are his words in that sequence.
The problem with quoting random books on imam Ali RA statements is that we dont know how authentic the chain isnad is to even be sure he said that. Shia only hadeeth books have this issue. Also they think an imam's statement is infallible truth which is a creedal issue.
Again you keep emphasizing timeless. Quantum Entanglement bro go read it. Entangled particles dont see time as timeless, they are always connected instantaneous and we know that our Ruh is from Allah.
If the Prophets intellect had agency why did he make incorrect choices sonetimes like what to do with the captives of Badar. Again Quran is clear that he does not speak from his own desires, that if he were to change it Allah would seize him by his jugular vein. Brother Khalil come out of ismaeeli bubble and dont squeeze their cosmology into Quran esp where it clearly doesnt fit.
The wahee i daeef concept doesn't make sense beacuse it lessens tge burden of responsibility from Man. My concept is that tools for individual choice making intelligent is already given at birth without any further divine input. The only inputs after birth come from knowledge (using your intelect) and actuons based on that knowledge. This puts the burden of responsibilities squarly in Mans domain and removes any blame of mans failings on God.
@@saidhashi2856 The door of Prophethood is closed by Allah and no one will be divinely inspire by Allah to write a book! I believe you have all together missed the real argument that was "Allah is above the speech / languages"
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Adam and Moses argued with each other. Moses said to Adam. 'O Adam! You are our father who disappointed us and turned us out of Paradise.' Then Adam said to him, 'O Moses! Allah favored you with His talk (talked to you directly) and He wrote (the Torah) for you with His Own Hand. Do you blame me for action which Allah had written in my fate forty years before my creation?' So Adam confuted Moses, Adam confuted Moses," the Prophet (ﷺ) added, repeating the Statement three times. (Saheeh Bukhari)
@@saidhashi2856 bro, Allah gives examples to make us understand things easily, let me give you an example, Allah mention in Quran "Yad ul Allah" doesn't this mean Allah has some hands?? [reference is bait e rizwan] Allah's hand is over the believers another example, Hadith in Sunni sahi books that "Allah will put his leg in hell" do you believe Allah has legs?? comeon these are metaphors
The problem with his view is that when he said that it reduces the Prophet(PBUH) to an answering machine who just repeats what somebody else said, is that he doesn't think about who that somebody else is. That somebody else is ultimately Allah/God (SWT) himself, who only uses the arc angel Jibril (Gabriel) to reveal his word to the Prophet(PBUH). Yeah you might think that it reduces the Prophet (PBUH) in some way but by thinking like this you also reduce the authority of that " somebody else " which is ultimately Allah (SWT). And there's so many other issues that this thinking produces. For example: if you say then that the Quran was written by the Prophet and its a product of his own genius and the flow of the divine or noor, then you automatically also say that he lied to all of us, because in the Quran it says that it is the words of Allah(SWT) and not Muhammad (PBUH). so yeah like theres so many issues that arise if you think like a Ismaili
Brother Khalil dont say you are Ismaeeli just say you were born into ismaeeli family. I will pray for you brother but just look at my piints and dont delve too much into unknowable knowledge. Just leave some stuff for Jannah Insha-Allah. Just focus on what is known facts. Lets throw out all philosophy without authentic chain to Prophet and focus on authentic reliable info until death comes to us. Happy Ramadan ya Ustad
You are Aga Khani apologist you are trying to justify the heretical and deviant Aga Khanis please explain your "shahada" that ends with "Ali is God" Aga Khan is the manifestation of God on earth earth and he is the speaking talking Quran.
The prophet didn’t have creative agency to make the Quran the way he wished. He was only a channel or medium through whom God spoke: 75:16 [Prophet], do not move your tongue too fast in your attempt to learn this revelation 75:17 We Ourself shall see to its collection and recital 75:18 When We have recited it, follow its words attentively 75:19 and then, it will be for Us to make its meaning clear. 75:16 لَا تُحَرِّكۡ بِهِۦ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعۡجَلَ بِهِۦۤ ١٦ 75:17 إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا جَمۡعَهُۥ وَقُرۡءَانَهُۥ ١٧ 75:18 فَإِذَا قَرَأۡنَـٰهُ فَٱتَّبِعۡ قُرۡءَانَهُۥ ١٨ 75:19 ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا بَیَانَهُۥ ١٩ What does it mean then to say “When We have recited it, follow its words attentively” Does it mean you prophet make up the words close to what we told you but keep it simple. Okay buddy. Nonsense. You people have too much book learning without common sense. I read what I see and I don’t have to read into it and don’t have to have a philosophy degree from the university of Plato to understand it. Just a masters degree in engineering is more than enough. It is stated clearly that the words are not the words of the prophet. The prophet Muhammad was only to repeat the recitation after it was read to him. Period. Case closed. If that offends your god sensibilities. Well, tough.
You still need to convince us (the readers) that the We is referring to Allah and not a human dictating it to a student or to a reciter.. we have to assume too many things before these phrases make sense. There is no definite context in this book. Too many unanswered questions.
Believe me, for those who don't know, Ismaili have nothing to do with Islam and the holy Quran.there faith,aqeada is completely different from the real Islamic relegion
I really hope that you have read Ismaili authentic sources from yourself, understood it correctly as Ismailis believe and then came to this conclusion.. ?? I really wish to hear a Honest Yes from you!.
Check mate bro your argument corners you into concluding that its made up by the prophet and that takes you out of islam bro It also goes against an illetrate man coming up with Quran
What part of divinely inspired don’t you understand? Are you unable to differentiate between “made up” and divinely inspired? I think even a 5 year old can understand the difference so I believe you’re being disingenuous with your comment.
@@alibadruddin8942 I believe Quran was revealed from God onto the heart (intelect) of prophet. The brother's argument extrapolated leads to concluding it was "made up."
@@A.--. You misunderstood him. He gave the analogy that the essence was revealed upon the heart (intellect), but this essence is beyond words - still it is the essence. Prophet Muhammad clothed that essence in language that the people of his time and place could understand at a basic level because they lacked the capacity to receive the non-verbal essence directly like Prophet Muhammad could receive.
@@alibadruddin8942 i know and my counter to that was how did the prophet clothe the "essence " with words of a language he never knew or understood? There are words in the Quran that are not from the Arabic language. Similarly how did he use words (7 Ahrufs eg fathir) which were not known to the Quraishi? What do you think?
@@A.--. Prophet Muhammad most likely was not illiterate. This idea seems to have developed later as a pious myth to convey Muhammad's passivity and purity in receiving revelation. It is based on the Qur'an referring to Prophet Muhammad as ummī which is taken to mean illiterate. ...Believe then in God, and in His Messenger, the ummī Prophet. (Qur'an 7:158) However, the Qur'an also refers to the community that Muhammad was a part of as ummiyīn: It is He who has sent among the Ummiyyīn a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom - although they were before in clear error. (Qur'an 62:2) There were clearly at least some people in Muhammad's community who could read and write. For example, the Prophet would have scribes write down some of his divinely inspired recitations ( qur'ans). This further invalidates the idea that ummī and ummiyīn mean illiterate. A close analysis of the word ummī and its cognates that show up in Islamic traditions shows that it does not mean illiterate but rather Gentile (non-Jewish). 'Scholarship on the meaning and origins of this term, however, is an exceptional case in that it virtually unanimously rejects the mainstream traditional interpretation of the phrase nabī ummī as “illiterate prophet.”' - Mehdy Shaddel, Qurʾānic ummī: genealogy, ethnicity, and the foundation of a new community , p. 1
If there is any truth to the notion that the Prophet was illiterate, based on traditional understanding of the word ummī that developed over time, then this has not to do with the Prophet's ability to read and write in the ordinary sense. In fact, Ismaili esoteric hermeneutics reveals a deeper understanding of the word ummī and to what it refers: Commenting on the above-mentioned Qur'an 62:2, Nasir Khusraw says by ummī it is meant that Prophet Muhammad was unable to read the divine writing (kitab ilahi) until he received the divine inspiration (wahy) in his heart: "In this verse, it is also found that before attaining wahy [divine inspiration], the Messenger was also ummī. Ummī means that the Messenger was unable to read the Divine Writing (neveshteh ilahi; kitabat ilahi). So we say that all the people are "ummī" (unable to read) the Divine Writing and the Messenger before the Holy Spirit conjoined to him was also "ummī" of the Divine Writing." - Nasir-i Khusraw, Zad al-Musafirin, p. 215-216
These Ismaili ideas are a recepie for disaster, when human tries to explain the realm of creator in terms of the creation, the two hemispheres must stay separate as mush as possible!
What do you mean you need a robust metaphysics to explain conventional explanation of auditory verbal revelation? The metaphysics is clear. Please study quantum field theory. Angles are a different veing made of different quantum particles interacting in different ways with various quantum fields. They can appear or disappear based on this i teraction. Same with jinn. Angles can communicate faster than speed of light and an example we have evidence for that is a potential candidate is quantum Entanglement. The 3D structure of this universe is there are 7 heavens, the one adorned by lights is the lowest #1. It is our visible and invisible universe. It is currently at least 96bil lightyears in diameter. Its shape is a sphere. It lies inside the second heaven. Its size conpared to #2 is like a ring in a desert. Imagine how big the #2 sphere is. The #2 sphere lies inside the #3 sphere and their size conparison is again like a ring in a desert. Sphere #3 inside sphere #4 inside shere #5 inside sphere #6 inside sphere #7. 🤯 The outter boundry of sphere #7 is called Sidrat-ul-muntaha. It is surrounded by water/liquid which is surrounded by kursi that hilds up the arsh outside of which is Allah. These heavens are different or sane (im not sure) than the 7 heavens visited during Miraj where other prophet souls were met. These 7 heavens are also different than the 7 levrls of paradise.
@@----f i think there is enough evidence (Bell's inequalities experiments) for us to accept Quantum Physics and its bizzar postulations to begin taking it very seriously as how our universe is made. I dont think we can ever know the most fundamental structure (building blocks) of our universe but Quantum Physics has taken us 1 level deeper than Einstein's localized space-time model which localizes causality (unlike Quantum Mechanics which de-localizes causality). Interestingly this fact of reality was rejected by Einstine which goes to show even he was humbled by Allah before his death. Allah says We will.shpw them Our Signs in the very distant edge of horizon as within themselves until they are forced to accept. But as a kafir Einstein unfortunately died in the wrong and Bohr was correct.
Ismaili's follow seven pillars, they have three additional pillars: Jihad (striving), Walayah (guardianship) and Taraha (purity). The Shahada is excluded from the list because it's seen as the very foundation of the pillars and all Islamic beliefs and practices.
@@fawzifadhel1173 Unlike other Muslim sects, Nizari’ Ismaili’s don’t view those things to be mandatory as they hold an esoteric interpretation (ta’wil) of the shariah. So they don’t have to fast during Ramadan but should always stay in an inner state of fasting, like avoiding sin. They’re still allowed to do the ritualistic forms of worship, and there are many Nizari Ismaili who still pray, fast and perform haji. Then you also have the Tabbiya Ismaili’s who still follow the exoteric form of the Shariah just like Jafari Shia and Sunnis etc. you should be wary before making generalizing statements about a group of believers.
@@fawzifadhel1173 lol Ismailis pray, in jamaa, more frequently and in a much larger proportion, than any other group in Islam. There is no doubt on this. They also give proportionally more of their wealth than any other group in Islam. Many fast, but they have a different understanding of fasting. Your comment is so ridiculous
The Ismaili view is really similar to the Christian heresy of Arianism. I even asked Dr. Andani if he though this was the case on Twitter and he agreed. He's an interesting guy.
@40 and around it Allah sbht poofs into minds of imam exactly opposite and contrary to what he has poofs into prophets like alcohol, pork, usury. NAuzbilla
@40 and around it Allah sbht poofs into minds of imam exactly opposite and contrary to what he has poofs into prophets like alcohol, pork, usury. NAuzbilla
Very edifying talk. Thank you Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Andani.
A great conversation, definitely we need more of this
Thank you both!
Keep the uploads coming! Can't wait to get through this. Will have a better comment then lol.
Very peaceful discussion, i wish discussion should be carried out around world to sort out theoligical differences
Remarkable academic description of Ismaili concept of Revelation. I think it's kind of similar to Farabi and Avicenna's concept of prophethood.
Great explanation , thanks Khalil Andani
Really enjoyed this academic discussion….thank you both 🙏🏼
thank you i feel relieved
I enjoyed Gabriel's questions and Khalil's answers regarding why and how you can justify adding the "foreign" neoplatonism into Islam.
Thanks and God bless you Dr Said Reynolds for bringing on Dr Adani who is an interesting and brilliant scholar.Would love to hear his Ismaili view on the crucifixion. His debate with Jake was simply awesome and I as a viewer learnt a tad bit about the Ismaili philosophy.
It was very interesting and learning session, please have some more sessions with Dr. Khalil Andani
Read Surah Al Ma'idah 5:51, everything will become crystal clear to you!
As an orthodox christian we believe God reveals himself personally in his divine majestic uncreated glory that is view as bright light,called uncreated lighty. That is the revelation of God.A text book now can show and say about that revelation but it is not the actually revelation ,but a say about the revelation.
🇷🇺☦️🤝☪️🇵🇸We already chewed up those cliches, brother, so let's talk brass tacks here:
1. Are you a Dyer type "Orthodox" (American Protestant pagan in disguise)?
2. Do you believe that the 2 persons have the same properties and attributes the Father has like Dyer the clown brainwashes his z0mbies to believe that this is "Orthodoxy "?
3. Do you believe Christ is a creator like the Father as Dyer the braindead demon does?
4. Do you believe that God is a conglomerate like an octopus with "uncreated attributes" attached to him like an octopus, as both Dyer the clown and Jake the Pseudo Metaphysician believe? Not believing the basics: divine simplicity?
5. Or are you a true Orthodox who understands how the Trinity works, and doesn't appeal to mystery like the dumb Dyer does?
Khalil was quite spectacular against Jake. It was clear who the scholar is and who is just peddling dale tuggy
Yeah Khalil was spectacularly bad. Jake proved that Ismailis can’t truly affirm or negate anything about God. So they can’t even talk about their God if they wanna be consistent. If you wanna worship nothing, be my guest.
You must be a trinitarian.🤣
Come now, Jake came out of that looking terrible. It's no wonder why he went quiet for a while after it.
The many hours of explanatory cope that Jake had to produce after the debate is proof that Jake himself knows that encounter did not go well for him. The part where Jake points up to indicate where Allah is was pretty brutal.
Lol, yeah, I remember that part. I might watch it again just for the lols.
Very well said, Dr. Andani. Great articulation. An illiterate man being whispered to leads to a very different message of human potential and the journey we must make to return to God. Ultimately this esoteric understanding of revelation is the key to understand the salvation that really awaits us if we hold fast to the Rope of Allah and how much Allah is truly nearer to us than our jugular. Most interpretations uphold divine transcendence at the expense of imminence but the Ismaili view as well as many Sufi views uphold both transcendence and imminence and exalt both the Prophet and mankind to their real stations.
where is the original koran? what koran today is what was written back then? any takers?
Thanks, Dr. Said, for this episode. Great job. Please bring Dr. Khalil back for further details, as mentioned in your video. Thank you!
I like the idea that Prophets are the interpreter of the divine revelation in the particular tongue of their ummah.
al-An'am 130 says يَـٰمَعْشَرَ ٱلْجِنِّ وَٱلْإِنسِ أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ رُسُلٌۭ مِّنكُمْ يَقُصُّونَ عَلَيْكُمْ ءَايَـٰتِى وَيُنذِرُونَكُمْ لِقَآءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَـٰذَا
Liberating, indeed ❤
Very knowledgeable and eloquent you are Mr Andani. Thank you.
So if Allah communicates only spiritual thoughts to his prophets, then the prophet verbalises them into written words, how can you explain Allah himself writing on the tablets (بيده) for Moses? Q7:145
It means “we decreed” not God literally writes on matter
Thank you for the answer I really appreciate you taking the time. Granted writing could also mean decreed…however Moses is also known as kalleem Allah or the one Allah spoke to directly like in Q4:164 …وَكَلَّمَ اللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكْلِيمًا. Moses is really set appart as one who had a verbal dialogue with Allah or is there another twist here ?
@@jma7600 Moses being one to whom God spoke means that Moses understood the first intellect non-verbally
Thanks again. I see what is happening here. Every text from the Quran is subjected to your preconceived universal cosmological model before interpretation, and not what we the common readers can clearly read in black and white. In other words these texts are no longer a clear revelation as such from the divine to his human creation. It has to pass through the filters and levels of extra-ordinary humans that are preordained and illuminated by the divine to interpret them. That in a nutshell, and based on a quick scan of your theology, sounds very unfair coming from a just god. Knowledge should be for all. Otherwise it creates a class system where most humans must follow (and worship) other humans, when in fact all should have equal direct access to that knowledge. Last time I checked every human was created equal.
@@jma7600 the Quran cannot contradict logic. If God utters temporal speech then this entails a contradiction. So that view must be rejected by logical necessity.
@18:50 he says imamat does continue in the lineage imamat doesn't jump from brother to brother. Explain me how it went to ali rz -a COUSIN.
Some good and probing questions from Gabriel- well done. May be some push back would have made the discussion more interesting. Surprised at Andani's response re need to incorporate neoplatonism into Quranic narrative or vice versa. None of the two reasons he gave made any logical sense. One can say the same about many other medieval or postmodern philosophies and incorporate them into Quran or vice versa, on the grounds thats Quran has " layered meanings". Andani was very articulate as usual.
Wait verse 19:80-81 clearly shows God's action is not timeless but has specific coordinates in space-time so does this not disprove Ismaeeli concept?
At 31:06 you said "God's action cannot emerge in time" but the Will of Allah does emerge in time.
Which Alexander legend?
The ismaeeli concept that the arabic Quran was simply language used by the Prophet SAW that he knew can easily be disproven when one realizes there are non-arabic words in the Quran. Now why would an arab prophet start embedding non-arab words in the "roohani" message? Check mate.
Well, the concept does not strictly require that Quran needs to be in the corpus of Arabic (as in systemati-ic-zed-ly dictionary of words) but rather defines that Quran is the down-to-earth explanation for the people from the universal-and-language-less revelation.
(A lot of people and) I can go along with it just okay.
@@jendralhxr but how do you explain the verses that say we have revealed Quran in clear Arabic or 7 ahrufs (tribal dialects of Arabia).
@@A.--.I think the same explanation would apply. I think this Ismaili explanation is better than the Athari one because it gets to evade a lot of the historical criticism of the Quran. What do you reckon?
@@----f what is the Athari one? Ismaili one has no evidence (its just a hypothesis) while i gave a few evidences against it. How does Ismaili one explain these?
@@A.--. I think the Atharis say the Quran, in its Arabic language form with letters and symbols, is eternal and an attribute. They also believe God has hands and feet and eyes and other disgusting anthropomorphic stuff
🇷🇺☦️🤝☪️🇵🇸Dr. Andani is an absolute treasure, and we Orthodox Christians also use the Platonic language, only with correctins which refute some of the platonic premises or conclusions. In fact, the debate against the Pseudo Metaphysician was the best debate I have ever seen, and also an historical moment, since Dr. Khalil exposed and utterly destroyed the pagan theology of the vile Salafis, and showed us Chrestians how to dismantle their fake claims, since they don't even believe in divine simplicity. Let's make things straight here: any Christians, Muslim or Jew who doesn't believe in divine simplicity is a pagan, since the oneness of Alkah the Father is BASICS - the 1st principle!🤦
When people get bored of materialistic things they cling to spirituality but they ignore the fact that the human body, material world and soul everything is equally important according to Islam. And saying we are part of God is shirk according to Islam. This is the idea of trinity and Hinduism
No you are totally wrong about Islamic view .
God says in the Quran : we are closer to you than your jugular vein .
Whats the logical problem of the salafi?
This is so...strange. God never changes, why would His revelation or the value of His Prophets change?
Regarding your question about Shia seems more logical as a "living" religion with a continuous chain of guidance my response is well what about for the last 1200yrs after death of imam #11? The 12th is in hiding while all this fitna and fasad is happening on earth? That argument only holds water till 300yrs after Prophet Muhammad SAW after that both suni and shia have a divine disconnect.
Not Ismaeli
He is shii ismaili nizar , the living imam is aga Khan , you are questioning about twelvees believes
Read Dr Khalil take about kitab. It’s beautiful.
You really need to do an episode on the crucifixion in the Quran, its subtext and late antiquity.
Khalil you keep emphasizing the term "in time" to somehow imply information cannot be transmited from God to earth faster than the speed of light but i will refer you to Quantum Entanglement and inter-dimensional proximity concepts which are lab test and proven ways how information can travel faster than speed of light.
What am I hearing? So the prophet made the Qur'an up?
Both are love ❤ appreciated 👍
Imammat is not matter of simple Appointment according to shia Imam, they where Mansus-mi-nal-lah (divinely appointmented by God himself ). Sunni disagree at first place and believe chosen Khalifa by Shura( parliament like things) give judgment according to the Book and Sunnah. Letter on Malooq(king) claim Najariya-e-jarurat( khilafat by Force). Major deviation of islam from its right course.
STOP CALLING MUHAMMAD A PROPHET !!!! He is a cult leader not a PROPHET
how does gabriel said reynolds talk to muslims as if they are ordinary human beings and not demons and talk about islam as if it's not obvious that ALLAH IS SATAN?
When you give exanples of bee, ant and mother of moses and other creation being given inspiration (wahee) you are confusing the different meanings of the word wahee.
Wahee from Al-Kitab is verbal in the language of the Prophet but other wahee includes other divine knowledge such as birth instincts, automatic thoughts of action, natural laws to follow.
You try to act smart, can you tell me the real meaning of the word Salah that you practice five times per day then you can object others.
@@sher5576 dont go off topic
@@A.--. it’s not off topic you question the meaning of the word. Here I am asking the meaning of the word Salah
@@sher5576 its a different word. One which was mentioned in the talk. You are diverting us to different words.
Please dont say sunnis are with ummayed califate. Knowledgeable sunnis know the unmayeds hijacked the khilafa from Ali and Hussain who are the rightly deserving 4th and 5th caliphs.
Also, how did Moses talk to God?
4:164 We have told you about some messengers sent previously, while We have not yet told you about others. God spoke to Moses directly
وَرُسُلࣰا قَدۡ قَصَصۡنَـٰهُمۡ عَلَیۡكَ مِن قَبۡلُ وَرُسُلࣰا لَّمۡ نَقۡصُصۡهُمۡ عَلَیۡكَۚ وَكَلَّمَ ٱللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكۡلِیمࣰا
How did God speak directly to Moses? How? The words are clear.
Thanks for the video.
I would like to share some points, first thing there is a difference between the Book and the Quran. The Quran is part of the Book (which is the total verses revealed to Prophet Mohamed PBUH) from Surat Alfatiha to Surat Alnass. However the Quran is from verb (قرن) therfore it is composed of two parts human history and rules and matter in the creation. The Quran describes only the absolute objective truth outside human consciousness. Meaning Quran describe things outside our consciousness like the creation of the heaven and earth and next life - next world but also human history which is true as it happened already and can't be changed, like all prophets / messengers stories etc. Also when you read the Book you will notice that The Book is arabic but the Quran is not arabic because it contains sounds which are not arabic language, the verses that starts with only few sounds like in Surat Meryam (كهيعص) This is not arabic as this is a sound.
The book is formed in a way that it can be adapted for any time.
Thanks again for your videos, very interesting.
Gabriel spoke arabic understood by Sahaba as is evident by Hadeeth Gibraeel. Quran says Quran was revealed in Arabic. Prophet said sometimes the revelation sounded like a ringing bell.
If Muhammad SAW choose the words of the "Roohani" mesage ie Quran then how do you explain its linguistic eloquence and miracles. Muhammad didnt even know how to read, write or speak poetry.
Each word is the Word of Allah makes more sense.
That's perhaps the miracle of Quran with Prophet Muhammad. If he couldn't read nor write, speaks just enough to get by, and recite no form of poetry--where does the source of the Quranic inspiration if not divine? We can compare that the language of Hadits is "daily" and Quran is "prosaic".
To say that Prophet Muhammad is the vessel of God's words is too much. After all, Prophet Muhammad is just a human.
as Fushilat 6 says: قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُكُمْ يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَاسْتَقِيمُوا إِلَيْهِ وَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ
We, as umat, just need to keep doing what [we think] is just and seek forgiveness from God if we realize what we do is wrong. The Prophet is also part of us, he also made mistakes, but far less compared to us as he is a waaay much better person.
@@jendralhxr how do you explain the fact that Quran has words not known to the Quraishi dialect or even non-arabic words? If prophet made it up how did he know these words?
Simple he heard them in his caravan trips travel to the civilised world.
A better question for you is how did his scribes write in Arabic before the Arabic script or grammar was even invented? That is real genius or the true miracle of the book.
@@jma7600 there is no evidence he learnt anything from anyone. The Quraish his enemies among whom he lived didnt even claim that he learned it from civilizations he traveled to but somehow you 1450 yrs later know that? Qursish claimed he was hiding a teacher in his 12' x 12' (if even that big) shoebox house attached wall to wall to his sworn enemy and uncle Abu Lahab. This connect-the-dots hypothetical narrative stitching is unacceptable evidence.
Your second claim is that the Quraish didnt have a written arabic script? Why dont you go watch Sean Anthony's presentation on pre-Quranic (and peri-Quranic) wall inscription around the hijaz that are still preserved.
@@jma7600 even logically if he heard something on a few carsvan trips that would only explain like 2-3 pages of the Quran. How do you explain the remainin 308 pages that were revealed over 23yrs in different times and places even at times surrounded by his Sahaba during battle or at the mosque or sometimes at home.
Which caravan trip told him the human gametes are develiped from embryonic organs (gonadal ridges) that lie between the tissue forming future backbone and ribs.
Which caravan trip told him the universe is expanding?
Which caravan trip told him slat and sweet water dont mix.
Which caravan trip told him fertilization can occur by wind.
Commandment #11 of our 12 Commandments in Surah 17 tell is explicitly not to blindly follow anything without sure knowledge.
Givong Prophet SAW more agency is foolish thinking when you look at his simple illetrate life and the eloquence of the Quran. No way these are his words in that sequence.
The problem with quoting random books on imam Ali RA statements is that we dont know how authentic the chain isnad is to even be sure he said that. Shia only hadeeth books have this issue. Also they think an imam's statement is infallible truth which is a creedal issue.
Through Quran and hadees we recognise Prophet Mohammed and Through Quran and hadees we recognize the end of prophecies and revelations.
Again you keep emphasizing timeless. Quantum Entanglement bro go read it. Entangled particles dont see time as timeless, they are always connected instantaneous and we know that our Ruh is from Allah.
If the Prophets intellect had agency why did he make incorrect choices sonetimes like what to do with the captives of Badar. Again Quran is clear that he does not speak from his own desires, that if he were to change it Allah would seize him by his jugular vein.
Brother Khalil come out of ismaeeli bubble and dont squeeze their cosmology into Quran esp where it clearly doesnt fit.
The wahee i daeef concept doesn't make sense beacuse it lessens tge burden of responsibility from Man.
My concept is that tools for individual choice making intelligent is already given at birth without any further divine input. The only inputs after birth come from knowledge (using your intelect) and actuons based on that knowledge. This puts the burden of responsibilities squarly in Mans domain and removes any blame of mans failings on God.
Who doesnot know now that the « Koran » is not « divine » 😳
Seems like you missed it complete point!.. he said Quran is divine inspiration however Allah is beyond the language.
@@saidhashi2856 The door of Prophethood is closed by Allah and no one will be divinely inspire by Allah to write a book!
I believe you have all together missed the real argument that was "Allah is above the speech / languages"
That is to say, God is mute. Which is eval thing to say. Because the opposite of not speaking is muteness.
Who then spoke to Musa a.s??
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Adam and Moses argued with each other. Moses said to Adam. 'O Adam! You are our father who disappointed us and turned us out of Paradise.' Then Adam said to him, 'O Moses! Allah favored you with His talk (talked to you directly) and He wrote (the Torah) for you with His Own Hand. Do you blame me for action which Allah had written in my fate forty years before my creation?' So Adam confuted Moses, Adam confuted Moses," the Prophet (ﷺ) added, repeating the Statement three times.
(Saheeh Bukhari)
@@saidhashi2856 bro, Allah gives examples to make us understand things easily,
let me give you an example, Allah mention in Quran "Yad ul Allah" doesn't this mean Allah has some hands?? [reference is bait e rizwan] Allah's hand is over the believers
another example, Hadith in Sunni sahi books that "Allah will put his leg in hell" do you believe Allah has legs?? comeon these are metaphors
it was only a dream of muhammad and nothing else to it..
The problem with his view is that when he said that it reduces the Prophet(PBUH) to an answering machine who just repeats what somebody else said, is that he doesn't think about who that somebody else is. That somebody else is ultimately Allah/God (SWT) himself, who only uses the arc angel Jibril (Gabriel) to reveal his word to the Prophet(PBUH). Yeah you might think that it reduces the Prophet (PBUH) in some way but by thinking like this you also reduce the authority of that " somebody else " which is ultimately Allah (SWT). And there's so many other issues that this thinking produces. For example: if you say then that the Quran was written by the Prophet and its a product of his own genius and the flow of the divine or noor, then you automatically also say that he lied to all of us, because in the Quran it says that it is the words of Allah(SWT) and not Muhammad (PBUH). so yeah like theres so many issues that arise if you think like a Ismaili
Brother Khalil dont say you are Ismaeeli just say you were born into ismaeeli family. I will pray for you brother but just look at my piints and dont delve too much into unknowable knowledge. Just leave some stuff for Jannah Insha-Allah. Just focus on what is known facts.
Lets throw out all philosophy without authentic chain to Prophet and focus on authentic reliable info until death comes to us.
Happy Ramadan ya Ustad
You are Aga Khani apologist you are trying to justify the heretical and deviant Aga Khanis please explain your "shahada" that ends with "Ali is God" Aga Khan is the manifestation of God on earth earth and he is the speaking talking Quran.
The prophet didn’t have creative agency to make the Quran the way he wished. He was only a channel or medium through whom God spoke:
75:16 [Prophet], do not move your tongue too fast in your attempt to learn this revelation
75:17 We Ourself shall see to its collection and recital
75:18 When We have recited it, follow its words attentively
75:19 and then, it will be for Us to make its meaning clear.
75:16 لَا تُحَرِّكۡ بِهِۦ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعۡجَلَ بِهِۦۤ ١٦
75:17 إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا جَمۡعَهُۥ وَقُرۡءَانَهُۥ ١٧
75:18 فَإِذَا قَرَأۡنَـٰهُ فَٱتَّبِعۡ قُرۡءَانَهُۥ ١٨
75:19 ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا بَیَانَهُۥ ١٩
What does it mean then to say “When We have recited it, follow its words attentively”
Does it mean you prophet make up the words close to what we told you but keep it simple. Okay buddy. Nonsense. You people have too much book learning without common sense. I read what I see and I don’t have to read into it and don’t have to have a philosophy degree from the university of Plato to understand it. Just a masters degree in engineering is more than enough.
It is stated clearly that the words are not the words of the prophet. The prophet Muhammad was only to repeat the recitation after it was read to him. Period. Case closed. If that offends your god sensibilities. Well, tough.
Which qiraat is the one recited "word for word, to the Prophet", then?
You still need to convince us (the readers) that the We is referring to Allah and not a human dictating it to a student or to a reciter.. we have to assume too many things before these phrases make sense. There is no definite context in this book. Too many unanswered questions.
Believe me, for those who don't know, Ismaili have nothing to do with Islam and the holy Quran.there faith,aqeada is completely different from the real Islamic relegion
I really hope that you have read Ismaili authentic sources from yourself, understood it correctly as Ismailis believe and then came to this conclusion.. ?? I really wish to hear a Honest Yes from you!.
Check mate bro your argument corners you into concluding that its made up by the prophet and that takes you out of islam bro
It also goes against an illetrate man coming up with Quran
What part of divinely inspired don’t you understand? Are you unable to differentiate between “made up” and divinely inspired? I think even a 5 year old can understand the difference so I believe you’re being disingenuous with your comment.
@@alibadruddin8942 I believe Quran was revealed from God onto the heart (intelect) of prophet.
The brother's argument extrapolated leads to concluding it was "made up."
You misunderstood him. He gave the analogy that the essence was revealed upon the heart (intellect), but this essence is beyond words - still it is the essence. Prophet Muhammad clothed that essence in language that the people of his time and place could understand at a basic level because they lacked the capacity to receive the non-verbal essence directly like Prophet Muhammad could receive.
@@alibadruddin8942 i know and my counter to that was how did the prophet clothe the "essence " with words of a language he never knew or understood? There are words in the Quran that are not from the Arabic language.
Similarly how did he use words (7 Ahrufs eg fathir) which were not known to the Quraishi?
What do you think?
Prophet Muhammad most likely was not illiterate. This idea seems to have developed later as a pious myth to convey Muhammad's passivity and purity in receiving revelation. It is based on the Qur'an referring to Prophet Muhammad as ummī which is taken to mean illiterate.
...Believe then in God, and in His Messenger, the ummī Prophet. (Qur'an 7:158)
However, the Qur'an also refers to the community that Muhammad was a part of as ummiyīn:
It is He who has sent among the Ummiyyīn a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom - although they were before in clear error. (Qur'an 62:2)
There were clearly at least some people in Muhammad's community who could read and write. For example, the Prophet would have scribes write down some of his divinely inspired recitations ( qur'ans). This further invalidates the idea that ummī and ummiyīn mean illiterate.
A close analysis of the word ummī and its cognates that show up in Islamic traditions shows that it does not mean illiterate but rather Gentile (non-Jewish).
'Scholarship on the meaning and origins of this term, however, is an exceptional case in that it virtually unanimously rejects the mainstream traditional interpretation of the phrase nabī ummī as “illiterate prophet.”'
- Mehdy Shaddel, Qurʾānic ummī: genealogy, ethnicity, and the foundation of a new community , p. 1
If there is any truth to the notion that the Prophet was illiterate, based on traditional understanding of the word ummī that developed over time, then this has not to do with the Prophet's ability to read and write in the ordinary sense. In fact, Ismaili esoteric hermeneutics reveals a deeper understanding of the word ummī and to what it refers: Commenting on the above-mentioned Qur'an 62:2, Nasir Khusraw says by ummī it is meant that Prophet Muhammad was unable to read the divine writing (kitab ilahi) until he received the divine inspiration (wahy) in his heart:
"In this verse, it is also found that before attaining wahy [divine inspiration], the Messenger was also ummī. Ummī means that the Messenger was unable to read the Divine Writing (neveshteh ilahi; kitabat ilahi). So we say that all the people are "ummī" (unable to read) the Divine Writing and the Messenger before the Holy Spirit conjoined to him was also "ummī" of the Divine Writing."
- Nasir-i Khusraw, Zad al-Musafirin, p. 215-216
These Ismaili ideas are a recepie for disaster, when human tries to explain the realm of creator in terms of the creation, the two hemispheres must stay separate as mush as possible!
What do you mean you need a robust metaphysics to explain conventional explanation of auditory verbal revelation?
The metaphysics is clear. Please study quantum field theory. Angles are a different veing made of different quantum particles interacting in different ways with various quantum fields. They can appear or disappear based on this i teraction. Same with jinn. Angles can communicate faster than speed of light and an example we have evidence for that is a potential candidate is quantum Entanglement.
The 3D structure of this universe is there are 7 heavens, the one adorned by lights is the lowest #1. It is our visible and invisible universe. It is currently at least 96bil lightyears in diameter. Its shape is a sphere. It lies inside the second heaven. Its size conpared to #2 is like a ring in a desert. Imagine how big the #2 sphere is. The #2 sphere lies inside the #3 sphere and their size conparison is again like a ring in a desert. Sphere #3 inside sphere #4 inside shere #5 inside sphere #6 inside sphere #7. 🤯
The outter boundry of sphere #7 is called Sidrat-ul-muntaha. It is surrounded by water/liquid which is surrounded by kursi that hilds up the arsh outside of which is Allah.
These heavens are different or sane (im not sure) than the 7 heavens visited during Miraj where other prophet souls were met.
These 7 heavens are also different than the 7 levrls of paradise.
Hmm, are you sure appealing to quantum mechanics will help your case? It's still an emerging field and its science could fundamentally change?
@@----f i think there is enough evidence (Bell's inequalities experiments) for us to accept Quantum Physics and its bizzar postulations to begin taking it very seriously as how our universe is made.
I dont think we can ever know the most fundamental structure (building blocks) of our universe but Quantum Physics has taken us 1 level deeper than Einstein's localized space-time model which localizes causality (unlike Quantum Mechanics which de-localizes causality).
Interestingly this fact of reality was rejected by Einstine which goes to show even he was humbled by Allah before his death. Allah says We will.shpw them Our Signs in the very distant edge of horizon as within themselves until they are forced to accept. But as a kafir Einstein unfortunately died in the wrong and Bohr was correct.
The Pen ! 😂😂😂😂😂 And you want me to believe that Islam is true
M Shia jaffary difference with Ismail’s…. We do follow 5 pillars of Islam … Ismail’s they don’t
@ fawzi fadhel : Sir, ... Am second that. Jazak Allahu khair. Aameen.
Ismaili's follow seven pillars, they have three additional pillars: Jihad (striving), Walayah (guardianship) and Taraha (purity). The Shahada is excluded from the list because it's seen as the very foundation of the pillars and all Islamic beliefs and practices.
@@ZEC020 they dont pray and fast or go to hajj they dont consider themselves as muslims
@@fawzifadhel1173 Unlike other Muslim sects, Nizari’ Ismaili’s don’t view those things to be mandatory as they hold an esoteric interpretation (ta’wil) of the shariah. So they don’t have to fast during Ramadan but should always stay in an inner state of fasting, like avoiding sin. They’re still allowed to do the ritualistic forms of worship, and there are many Nizari Ismaili who still pray, fast and perform haji. Then you also have the Tabbiya Ismaili’s who still follow the exoteric form of the Shariah just like Jafari Shia and Sunnis etc.
you should be wary before making generalizing statements about a group of believers.
@@fawzifadhel1173 lol Ismailis pray, in jamaa, more frequently and in a much larger proportion, than any other group in Islam. There is no doubt on this. They also give proportionally more of their wealth than any other group in Islam. Many fast, but they have a different understanding of fasting.
Your comment is so ridiculous
Two Trinitarians doing an interview. Keep up the good work guys.
Khalil is Trinitarian Christian?
@@IslamOriginal14 No, he’s a Trinitarian Ismaili. Allah, universal soul, universal intellect.
The Ismaili view is really similar to the Christian heresy of Arianism. I even asked Dr. Andani if he though this was the case on Twitter and he agreed. He's an interesting guy.
@40 and around it Allah sbht poofs into minds of imam exactly opposite and contrary to what he has poofs into prophets like alcohol, pork, usury. NAuzbilla
@40 and around it Allah sbht poofs into minds of imam exactly opposite and contrary to what he has poofs into prophets like alcohol, pork, usury. NAuzbilla