Missions like this one really highlight the fact that he's a pro player. Every time I've played this mission on Hard I only managed to destroy Jin's wonder with a barely scrambled suicide attack, with under 100 years left. Viper first defeats Tanguts and Hsi Hsia, and then destroys the Wonder with 180 more years to go, without seeing the map before.
Idk I BARELY WON this game on standard just destroyed Jin's wonder at the last 1 year lol, but surprisingly I though I will get an achievement but actually I didn't ... I think I should upload the record XD
@@manuelgm I remember you could take a small army with trebs and go through the right side of the yellow wall and destroy the wonder. After that you'd have all the time on the world to finish the mission. Tho I remember it was so difficult to me to take the hill where green has the base as they had loads of onagres and strong units. I guess Vipers speed helps him in every mission as the IA doesnt develope to full grade, making it look easy
"You men, you will visit each of the outlying tribes. You must convince as many as you can to join our glorious army. But beware the Kara-Khitai. They are without honour" Still memorize that. And now thinking back. You're right, those were beautiful days.
Damn he ended this mission in Hard on 45 minutes and didnt even take the cannons! It takes me like more than hours in moderate and cant even win because the stupid Jin Wonder is a pain in the ass. I really hate enemy wonders and the torturing time count. You are one of my new idols Viper.
I've just finished this level yesterday. It took 15+ hours. Okay I am quite new in the AoE universe. But this guy. I'm impressed. I got epilepsy during watching his show. Hat off.
I really like the Forgotten in some levels. They do need serious work to fix the fucking bugs though. Most are still playable at least. They tried too much to turn each one into an RPG thing I think. AK and Rise of Rajas did a better job :)
Just wanted to say thank you for being so courteous, forward thinking and genuine with your content. Asking for feedback at the start of this whole campaign segment and acting on it by adjusting the volume each time is really appreciated. Same goes for announcing the network you're on and asking for feedback on ads, which seem just fine BTW and I wouldnt complain unless there were like 5 unskippables in a single video under an hour. Hope the 24 hour stream was a success, couldn't watch it with work and studies. Thank you again, and can't wait for the next episode. Hopefully it's as exciting as destroying Tim's home was.
For this campaign, this is how it is done for less skilled players: 1. go to transport ship and defeat the engineer soldiers. 2. get villagers and and use ram on keep and mangonel on blue town center. starting units can kill blue villagers out of town center and keep range. Villagers decide where to build town center to start economy. 3. after ramming the keep and destroying the blue, destroy the green gate when it is stone gate. The walls and gate initially protecting the blue engineers don't get the fortified wall upgrade at the start, this applies to the triple gates in the great wall. The triggers do upgrade green watch towers to guard towers and keeps during the first second so you only see keeps in the great wall. 4. go to the triple gates and build your own gate there to slow down the ai and defend, on easier difficulty you don't get shot by the keeps unless you get very close to them. this gate you build in front of the triple green gates will keep your economy safe as the ai will not fight it right away. With all that amount of the map available to you at the beginning, get to castle age with pikeman and elite skirmisher to begin fighting the yellow. 5. bring the transport ship down so you can transport yourself to the yellow island from the engineers island, there is a good landing spot in the back. they will have knights and cho ku no walking around the place. you can even start your economy on their island and neglect everything else. 6. at this point you can also use the transport ship to go get the bombard canons by taking either a light cavalry or cavalry archer there and get the bombard canons. then bring them all the way to the transport ship and carry 5 to safety leaving the unit and 1 canon to bring with a second trip. 7. destroy one of jin's northern gates with rams or the bombard canons but protect your siege from their knights and cho ku no. 8. continue your attack until you can destroy the yellow if they didn't start building the wonder otherwise go after their castles and their villagers and town centers, eventually they will resign. 9. once the yellow resign, you can mine their mining and take lots of resources to get ready to attack the green who make light cavalry, onagers, cho ku no, and trebuchets but the ai both yellow and green do not rebuild their castles so make destroying castles for both yellow and green a priority. once the green castle is down, if you have not defeated the green it is ok as you can guard youself from them with towers but the siege ram making red enemy is the next priority, defeat them or build gates to keep them in their island and destroy any of their villagers outside to make sure that you can finish them on their connected island. 10. once the red are defeated, the rest is easy since the ai will no longer have any more siege units to demolish any of your castles or towers and with the yellow no longer able to build a wonder to end your game.
This comment should be pinned, very detailed, thanks. I’m always impressed how this guy manages to keep attacking despite his units losing lots of health, I’d be concerned. I think the issue with this mission is just the daunting prospect of facing multiple enemies simultaneously.
I was so excited to see him struggle and barely make it or even get defeated cuz of the wonder, but he just got through there like knife thru butter :D
Excellent play here! And clearly without knowing the scenario, I'm impressed (it seems so easy while, in my opinion, it is the most difficult scenario of all campaigns (with prehap's the siege of Paris in hard difficulty because of no economy so for me, it's more simple to play anyway because of no multitasking (and with all aoe2 tech knowledge) to do)). For my part I always move the ingeneers converted vils immediatly cross the river to make the first town center and a base in the north west with all the ressources and mines, but i can see now how this loss of time can damage the eco. So, overall, again, excellent choices (except that you didn't scout totally to find the free canons in the west of the great wall of China and perhap's it's more easy to land on the north of yellow island because there's no castle there (you could have scouted before to land, again)). Also i made pike and skirmishers to fit the yellow army, but it diverts your upgrades, so to focus on fully upgraded elite mangudais (not the best (cheapest, most efficient) against cavaliers) works, it's obviously demonstrated here. I'm not desapointed here because you made non obvious but anyway excellent choices here, which worked amazingly good! Bravo!
I remember having problems with this mission because in my game Jin started the wonder a lot faster and I needed to immediately rush there... definitely before you have all the upgrades and full army of elite mangudai!
I don't remember being slow with my build too. It's just that in this particular video Jin starts the wonder really late, so maybe the game changes since I played this campaign had this effect (for example some AI tuning). I remember that the wonder was up when I entered (rushed) imperial age and then I immediately made a transport to Jin island to build a castle with starting and treb the wonder down. I think I need to play this campaign once more to see if I will find it easier.
I did some testing, playing in fast speed. It seems like if you don't apply enough pressure on China, Jin can actually finish its wonder around 45-50min in game, so that might have happened to you.
The easiest way to win this scenario is to build the base on yellow’s island. The other guys dont make ships, so once you defeat yellow with pikemen and skirms, you will have infinite time to attack the others, because they cant attack you.
That's what I remember doing back in the day, in Medium difficulty. Now I'm replaying all campaigns in Hard, and trying to emulate the strategy from this video is simply impossible due to his skill level. Crossing troops on transports with 4 towers firing at them? Yes, sure.. why not. I could try that a dozen times and my transports would always sink.
Old comment chain but I just did the mission and I encountered a bug or an exploit (lack of a trigger? anyway I'm too lazy to replicate it). If you don't finish off the engineers then later Jin/yellow taunts you about the tents and build the wonder but you're not notified and there's no countdown I know cause I finished this mission in 3 hours :3 . So you just build your TC in the starting area by taking the villagers across the river via the transport ship you're given then they build the as usual I guess but because you don't destroy the engineers nothing happens (I had the idea because I read somewhere that the engineers losing causes Jin to receive resources from one of its allies, light blue I think) The mission is trivial otherwise (3 fucking hours :/ ) (reposted this for visibility)
I think this mission is much harder in the initial versions of the game. They modified the difficulty in later editions. I spent way too many hours on this mission.
Actually in original aoe II there is the hardest option of difficulty that seems to be missing from hd edition.and yes the initial attacks are much more difficult.in the second red attack they have fully armored arbalests and siege rams whereas here they are crossbowmen and capped rams.also they have like 2-3 units more each attack.the wonder on the other hand is built much slower.they start at the same point but wth only one builder.
@@konthkonth6861 I played on HD and they attacked with arbalests, siege rams and trebs and the wonder was built the same time it was in the original. I think they fixed the campaign AI in later patches.
I spent quite a few time the first time trying to break the gates it with only the mounted archers since the tower would destroy the light cavalry and i had halved the gate's life until i found the transport. I begon to explore the river since i felt there was something wrong if the developers were expecting us to break the gate without a siege weapon.
If you get the bombard cannons, they actually receive the Drill castle bonus, making them move wicked fast. It's the only time you can ever have bombard cannons at that speed, since the Mongols can't normally make them.
I failed this mission so many times cause i focused on going from west to east due to knowing the bombard cannon secret but i'd always fail to establish a strong enough base nearby jin cause i've spread out so much resources knocking out everyone else before i got to jin who always wins from wonder urgh!!
aww he missed those bombard cannons, I was expecting viper micro everything with drilled cannons(yes they can get this tech since they are converted from GAIA)
Villager sees three horsemen. Shouts "Mongols, run for your lives" I never knew the sight of even just one Mongol could be so terrifying to their neighbours.
Really enjoyed what I could see from the 24h stream (managed to watch around 12-13 hours). Hope you're getting well deserved sleep :) The stream went much better than expected, especially for you with all the donations and winning the tournament game :D Keep it up!
All I know is that H is the town center. And some genius developer from the HD edition decided to remap ALL other keys, just to ensure the keys you've been using for the previous 10 years no longer work.
As always, you're too bloody good. I had to use canon galleons to get rid of towers, when they built their wonders, then transport a bunch of Mangudai and Trebuchets. I only made it with 16 years to spare though xD.
An easy way to do this is send your units to kill the engineers and build up your base then build a gate at the great wall, it will slow them down and bug the AI out. Then at castle age make a castle south of the gold near the wall and start producing mangudai as well as 4 or 5 rams and 2 monks and a transport ship. You should have enough time to get all upgrades for the mangudai and full armour and the capped ram upgrade as well as the transport capacity upgrade. Once Jin starts building the wonder or once the wonder has finished, transport your army to his island and micro against the paladins. He'll have to make more once they're all dead giving you time to move your rams up and take down the gate and towers then scout ahead and guard the wonder while your rams move up and destroy it. Once the wonder is dead, take out the TC and kill all the villagers then destroy the castle to the north and any other combat buildings. He should keep sending villagers to farm so kill them and he should shortly resign. From now on you can take your time destroying the chinese, they aren't a huge threat and will die easily.
100 years, give or take. speedran up to castle age, got myself around 40 knights, 5 rams and 5 monks, and few villagers. built a castle to the south of Jin's town, close to the wonder, and used the knights to make way for the rams. rams break down the wall and soon, the wonder. On standard difficulty, btw
I just did this mission, I had to restart it one time because of the wonder. But holy molly I didn't expect that you could take down red before having destroyed the wonder. It's impressive. To conclude, it appears that I suck really hard at that game
I have finally beat this damn level! My mistake was creating too few villagers to get food and wood on Jin's isle, so it took me too long to reach Imperial Age and trebuchets, and to build a decent army to defend from enemy's cavaliers. *Hail the Grrreat Khan!*
The Sung were so cheap with that wonder drop, across the water. I remember the first time I played it... I just sent cobra cars over to take care of the cheap wonder and buy me some more time. lol
On my first attempt of doing this 5 battering rams came to my base and totally destroyed it on my.on my second attempt we gathered up some army and that time we lived to see the wonder when like there was 100 seconds left we shipped our men into ships and transported them to Jin.we got wiped out.On my third go I started off nice and I used the engineer’s island and mainland as well when the wonder happened we got the bomber men the people that explode to blow the wall and the wonder and that worked!! After that we tried to do a attack on Jin but the population limit was so stupid and we got utterly destroyed.we could of done it but it would of taken us like 4 hrs to complete it so we just wiped out Jin and all the other nations with cars it’s a command
I always wanted that ATTACK unit of knights promoted to Chevs GREAT! My strategy in A of E.....ALWAYS keep that....if you can AFFORD IT.......I always had an ATTACK group of KNIGHTS.....even promoted. My thing, lol
Смотря подобные видео, понимаешь, какой ты нуб в этой игре. Первая моя попытка была неудачной - я обосновался на острове инженеров, но попытка огородиться стеной и тихо развиваться привела к тому, что и красные и зеленые приволокли тараны и, разломав стену, начали просачиваться на мою базу без единой защиты. После поражения мне открылась карта и я, немного покумекав, решил сменить тактику. Сперва забрал у инженеров крестьян, базу основал к северо-востоку от тройных ворот, после чего переправил морским транспортом одиного разведчика забрать пушки к западу от стены. Ими разломал тройные ворота и образовавшуюся брешь застроил стенами, а так поставил рядом замок. К этому моменту красные уже начали подтягивать свои тараны, но AI страшно тупит - проломив первую часть стены они не двигались дальше, что дало мне время развить мощную экономику. К этому моменту желтые уже построили чудо. На море у желтых куча кораблей и первая моя попытка прорваться к желтым только пушечными галеонами потерпела крах, там 4 дока и из каждого желтые подтягивают новые галеоны, мой флот быстро потопили. Второй раз я просто попытался высадить конницу (20 рыцарей и 10 мангудаев) и ими разломать чудо, но у желтых слишком много юнитов, плюс чудо стоит в зоне обстрела замка. В итоге меня разбили. На третий раз я сперва сколотил приличный флот (15 кораблей) и пару пушечных галеонов, потопил флот противника и проломил проход в стене, после чего туда высадился десант, только в другой пропорции - 15 рыцарей и 15 мангудаев, а также пара монахов, 5 таранов и два требушета. Этого хватило, чтобы закрепиться в точке высадки и прикрыть осадные юниты, которые разломали чудо на 10 году (еле успел). Дальше, когда таймер уже не поджимает, я спокойно развивался и несколькими натисками разбил оставшиеся цивилизации. В итоге на миссию ушло 4,5 часа, и это без учета рестартов.
this one is really easy if u take out 3ngineers, then immediately transport everyone out across the water to where yellow is, boom, and snipe the wonder from behind and take out yellow first
I think the biggest problem for me, and other newish players in this mission is the pop cap, because you can't really make a big army with small eco and you can't really destroy the wonder with a small army (cuz new players=bad micro) and big eco
Even when getting rid of the biggest danger on this mission (destroying the wonder) it's a huge pain in the ass facing the other three armies... Ps: your main focus is to reach Imperial Age so you can get them trebuchets, so as soon as yellow ends his wonder, take the trebuchets to the right of your base, where yellow's island begins and remains mainly undefended (take 7 or 8 good protected mangudais or camels for any obstacles). Go to the extreme east of the island and start going down through the narrow passage between yellow's wall and map's end, and you'll be close enough to the Wonder so the trebuchets can bring it down. No towers are around to defend, but make sure you take seven trebuchets with you because yellow's troops will get you, use the cavalry you took with you to bait the defending troops and done! Now you have to do like 80% more of the mission
Watching this campaign and the last one from Saladino, you can tell that he's a fucking amazing player, damn. Actually going out of the walls and hunting every enemy down before starting to build the wonder, and in this one just wiping every enemy like it's just another day in the office, not even worrying about the wonder.. amazing skills truly.
I've just played this one 10th time and finally I could do it like Viper (beat Tanguts and Xi Xia before beat Jin). Of course because this is 10th time so I have the advantage of already knowing the map, while Viper did it in the first time 😅
"The Great Wall of China... Our army is not equipped to deal with such walls. Scouts report of a Chinese village to the north east. Perhaps we can 'convince' some siege engineers to join us."
"Ok......what am I SUPPOSED to FIND here.....hahaha.....seconds later......THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA......" I saw the three towers and the layered wall and exclaimed "F$%^!!!!!!!" lol
after transporting the units over to the engineers base, take one scout and transport across the wall, and rush for cannons. Destroy every tower on your way down, and in the meantime, transport a villager before destroying the engineers completely and build a gate in front of those 3 green gates in the wall. If you do it properly, you will be ahead of red's siege rush, and just in time to bombard its early rams and secure a quarter of the map for yourself early in the game. For the wonder, just boom and rush the back of Jin's base with villagers to build quick walls in tight gaps between trees. No need for castles and rams, just cannons and archers, to pick off its villagers as they`re building the wonder. With your units trapped behind jin's base, your survival depends on how well you manage your space in that long gap, you will likely endlessly fuck his economy up, and by the time wonder is completed, you`ll have the forces to get into Red and Green. I suggest by water, because of those channels, so you can weaken all 3 enemies with galleons only. The rest is easy if you've seen the map before and have tried many strats like i did
Maybe the Yellow AI player misheard at the beginning what Viper was saying and thought: *"Search for Jin? Making fun of me, huh? Let's see how do you deal with a sneaky Wonder"* Anyway, didn't work Jin, Viper would never allow an AI win with his color :P And hey, can you use monks next scenario???? Please, we want to see a crazy big army on these 75 pop. cap. scenarios!!
From what I've experienced and from what I've seen of playthroughs is that you need to boom up to Imperial and attack with Elite Mangudai and Siege Rams, all the while receiving constant harassment. Harassment from Imperial Age units no less.
Missions like this one really highlight the fact that he's a pro player. Every time I've played this mission on Hard I only managed to destroy Jin's wonder with a barely scrambled suicide attack, with under 100 years left. Viper first defeats Tanguts and Hsi Hsia, and then destroys the Wonder with 180 more years to go, without seeing the map before.
from what everyone is saying though, the HD version has delayed the wonder construction it is now much later than it originally was in AoK
I know its a 7 month old conversation but can confirm , HD or not its the same time
It's a noob move. I finished the yellow first and bypassed the Defenses. The broke the wall to get in
Plus you can make cannon gallion also.
He is a noob.
Idk I BARELY WON this game on standard just destroyed Jin's wonder at the last 1 year lol, but surprisingly I though I will get an achievement but actually I didn't ... I think I should upload the record XD
35:34 “I can see this mission being hard for a lot of players.”
You can say that again.
Is the only aoe2 mission that i can't complete. When i play they start building the wonder sooner than this video
@@manuelgm I remember you could take a small army with trebs and go through the right side of the yellow wall and destroy the wonder. After that you'd have all the time on the world to finish the mission. Tho I remember it was so difficult to me to take the hill where green has the base as they had loads of onagres and strong units. I guess Vipers speed helps him in every mission as the IA doesnt develope to full grade, making it look easy
why is he acting like he's never played this mission before lol?
@@manuelgm Use canon galleons to destroy their coastal towers, then transport Mangudai and trebuchets over to mow down their entire base.
@@funkytown5497 cause these vids are when he played them blind ...
So he actually managed to crush Tanguts (red) and Hsi Hsia (green) before Jin (yellow) even completed his wonder... I'm impressed.
"Search for Tim" hah nice one :P
Roger Chan that was a good one
Who is 'Tim'?
@@TheSacredMaster another pro player
The voice actor Rick May as Genghis Khan has died as april 13th due to Covid 19
"You men, you will visit each of the outlying tribes. You must convince as many as you can to join our glorious army. But beware the Kara-Khitai. They are without honour"
Still memorize that. And now thinking back. You're right, those were beautiful days.
chinese revenge.
So he died of a fever relabelled "coronavirus" for the propaganda of drum-beating to get mankind eager for nuclear war?
Damn he ended this mission in Hard on 45 minutes and didnt even take the cannons!
It takes me like more than hours in moderate and cant even win because the stupid Jin Wonder is a pain in the ass. I really hate enemy wonders and the torturing time count.
You are one of my new idols Viper.
How do we know Tim is even in China?
*points at the Great Wall*
Best comment, right here.
Jin: What do a people who sleep in tents know of the word 'culture'?
*Jin gets rekted*
Now who sleep in tents, now? :D
They're sleeping 6 feet under, now.
Its too bad that in the game the mongols just have houses and no tents
Not funny
@@0707565 they do have 'tents' inbuilt
I've just finished this level yesterday. It took 15+ hours. Okay I am quite new in the AoE universe. But this guy. I'm impressed. I got epilepsy during watching his show. Hat off.
13:25 rip sheep lol
Viper such a noob
@@GornHeld he is the PRO est player of aoe2
@@arpanmukherjee961 #clearly
41:30 Sung converted a villager, because that's obviously more valuable than a mangudai.
I guess their programming to target vils carries over to monks.
i hope viper plays all campaigns
i want to see him rage over the extremely badly scripted forgotten missions
nothing against "The Siege of Bari" mission on Hard.
Some are alright.
He responded to a comment in another video confirming that he will
I really like the Forgotten in some levels. They do need serious work to fix the fucking bugs though. Most are still playable at least. They tried too much to turn each one into an RPG thing I think. AK and Rise of Rajas did a better job :)
The Alaric campaign was fun and "The Sack of Rome" was an amazing level in terms of structure and layout.
Just wanted to say thank you for being so courteous, forward thinking and genuine with your content. Asking for feedback at the start of this whole campaign segment and acting on it by adjusting the volume each time is really appreciated. Same goes for announcing the network you're on and asking for feedback on ads, which seem just fine BTW and I wouldnt complain unless there were like 5 unskippables in a single video under an hour. Hope the 24 hour stream was a success, couldn't watch it with work and studies. Thank you again, and can't wait for the next episode. Hopefully it's as exciting as destroying Tim's home was.
For this campaign, this is how it is done for less skilled players:
1. go to transport ship and defeat the engineer soldiers.
2. get villagers and and use ram on keep and mangonel on blue town center. starting units can kill blue villagers out of town center and keep range. Villagers decide where to build town center to start economy.
3. after ramming the keep and destroying the blue, destroy the green gate when it is stone gate. The walls and gate initially protecting the blue engineers don't get the fortified wall upgrade at the start, this applies to the triple gates in the great wall. The triggers do upgrade green watch towers to guard towers and keeps during the first second so you only see keeps in the great wall.
4. go to the triple gates and build your own gate there to slow down the ai and defend, on easier difficulty you don't get shot by the keeps unless you get very close to them. this gate you build in front of the triple green gates will keep your economy safe as the ai will not fight it right away. With all that amount of the map available to you at the beginning, get to castle age with pikeman and elite skirmisher to begin fighting the yellow.
5. bring the transport ship down so you can transport yourself to the yellow island from the engineers island, there is a good landing spot in the back. they will have knights and cho ku no walking around the place. you can even start your economy on their island and neglect everything else.
6. at this point you can also use the transport ship to go get the bombard canons by taking either a light cavalry or cavalry archer there and get the bombard canons. then bring them all the way to the transport ship and carry 5 to safety leaving the unit and 1 canon to bring with a second trip.
7. destroy one of jin's northern gates with rams or the bombard canons but protect your siege from their knights and cho ku no.
8. continue your attack until you can destroy the yellow if they didn't start building the wonder otherwise go after their castles and their villagers and town centers, eventually they will resign.
9. once the yellow resign, you can mine their mining and take lots of resources to get ready to attack the green who make light cavalry, onagers, cho ku no, and trebuchets but the ai both yellow and green do not rebuild their castles so make destroying castles for both yellow and green a priority. once the green castle is down, if you have not defeated the green it is ok as you can guard youself from them with towers but the siege ram making red enemy is the next priority, defeat them or build gates to keep them in their island and destroy any of their villagers outside to make sure that you can finish them on their connected island.
10. once the red are defeated, the rest is easy since the ai will no longer have any more siege units to demolish any of your castles or towers and with the yellow no longer able to build a wonder to end your game.
This comment should be pinned, very detailed, thanks. I’m always impressed how this guy manages to keep attacking despite his units losing lots of health, I’d be concerned. I think the issue with this mission is just the daunting prospect of facing multiple enemies simultaneously.
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this, awesome!
>The mission is called "Search for Tim"
Vid has barely started and I'm already laughing. I love you Viper
As a Chinese person, I approve of this invasion
justanalt sorry, the photographer got killed
As an Invasion, I approve of this chinese person
As I, a person approve of this Chinese invasion
the mongol invasion makes Chi na a greater nation with expansion of ethnicities, isn't it great?
This is what will happen to Trump's wall if he ever builds it.
I was so excited to see him struggle and barely make it or even get defeated cuz of the wonder, but he just got through there like knife thru butter :D
16:14 missed opportunity to say "An army of rams, how quaint"
Excellent play here! And clearly without knowing the scenario, I'm impressed (it seems so easy while, in my opinion, it is the most difficult scenario of all campaigns (with prehap's the siege of Paris in hard difficulty because of no economy so for me, it's more simple to play anyway because of no multitasking (and with all aoe2 tech knowledge) to do)).
For my part I always move the ingeneers converted vils immediatly cross the river to make the first town center and a base in the north west with all the ressources and mines, but i can see now how this loss of time can damage the eco. So, overall, again, excellent choices (except that you didn't scout totally to find the free canons in the west of the great wall of China and perhap's it's more easy to land on the north of yellow island because there's no castle there (you could have scouted before to land, again)).
Also i made pike and skirmishers to fit the yellow army, but it diverts your upgrades, so to focus on fully upgraded elite mangudais (not the best (cheapest, most efficient) against cavaliers) works, it's obviously demonstrated here.
I'm not desapointed here because you made non obvious but anyway excellent choices here, which worked amazingly good!
I did a similar strategy, building bases in the northwest and northeast parts.
Failed to notice that gates in the great wall were stone gates, rather than fortified gates.
We know its you Tim!! You can't just change 1 letter in your name and hide from us!
I remember having problems with this mission because in my game Jin started the wonder a lot faster and I needed to immediately rush there... definitely before you have all the upgrades and full army of elite mangudai!
Filip Stysiak Same, when i didn't even have the army, they began the wonder. Of course Viper is too fast :(
no tengo ganas de poner un nombre its easier on hd i think
I don't remember being slow with my build too. It's just that in this particular video Jin starts the wonder really late, so maybe the game changes since I played this campaign had this effect (for example some AI tuning). I remember that the wonder was up when I entered (rushed) imperial age and then I immediately made a transport to Jin island to build a castle with starting and treb the wonder down. I think I need to play this campaign once more to see if I will find it easier.
As said in previous comment, Jin start the wonder at 40min in-game. Even in AoK. So yes, you were slower than the Viper is (what a surprise ^^)
I did some testing, playing in fast speed. It seems like if you don't apply enough pressure on China, Jin can actually finish its wonder around 45-50min in game, so that might have happened to you.
The easiest way to win this scenario is to build the base on yellow’s island. The other guys dont make ships, so once you defeat yellow with pikemen and skirms, you will have infinite time to attack the others, because they cant attack you.
only bad thing about that tactic is the lack of gold and stone,plus ennemi might have strong eco to witsand your siege
That's what I remember doing back in the day, in Medium difficulty. Now I'm replaying all campaigns in Hard, and trying to emulate the strategy from this video is simply impossible due to his skill level. Crossing troops on transports with 4 towers firing at them? Yes, sure.. why not. I could try that a dozen times and my transports would always sink.
This level is giving me all the diseases. And I'm on standard difficulty.
Same 😂
Took me 3 hours to finish, first red refused to surrender and then green wouldn't stop building town centers, that was true horror.
"Seems like we have time anyways"
- Viper, 2017
This is better than stream !!! :D :D :D
i think it's hard to decide.
Old comment chain but I just did the mission and I encountered a bug or an exploit (lack of a trigger? anyway I'm too lazy to replicate it). If you don't finish off the engineers then later Jin/yellow taunts you about the tents and build the wonder but you're not notified and there's no countdown I know cause I finished this mission in 3 hours :3 . So you just build your TC in the starting area by taking the villagers across the river via the transport ship you're given then they build the as usual I guess but because you don't destroy the engineers nothing happens (I had the idea because I read somewhere that the engineers losing causes Jin to receive resources from one of its allies, light blue I think)
The mission is trivial otherwise (3 fucking hours :/ ) (reposted this for visibility)
I had a 17min skippable add. sry I wasn`t strong enough to support you to my full potential
Mystiker1990 no ad is 17 mins long....
I remember the first bit being much harder? The AI used to attack with many more units
that's what she said?? i duno anymore with women these days... :(
I think this mission is much harder in the initial versions of the game. They modified the difficulty in later editions. I spent way too many hours on this mission.
Actually in original aoe II there is the hardest option of difficulty that seems to be missing from hd edition.and yes the initial attacks are much more difficult.in the second red attack they have fully armored arbalests and siege rams whereas here they are crossbowmen and capped rams.also they have like 2-3 units more each attack.the wonder on the other hand is built much slower.they start at the same point but wth only one builder.
@@konthkonth6861 I played on HD and they attacked with arbalests, siege rams and trebs and the wonder was built the same time it was in the original. I think they fixed the campaign AI in later patches.
I always knocked down that gate at the beginning, i never knew about the transport, lol
I spent quite a few time the first time trying to break the gates it with only the mounted archers since the tower would destroy the light cavalry
and i had halved the gate's life until i found the transport. I begon to explore the river since i felt there was something wrong if the developers were expecting us to break the gate without a siege weapon.
This mission is legendary. Viper absolutely destroyed it.
Forgotten campaigns are tough, long and poorly scripted. Would love to see how Viper deals with it
In the Definitive Edition, those primitive campaigns have been entirely redesigned by the professional (and paid) developers, try them again.
It is rewarding to see a far better player get shocked and struggle with the same issues as I did myself back in the day. :D
That said, this went loads better than my latest attempt. :P
13:27 rip sheep
Now peta will get you
Thanks my friend! I think I will pass this campaign with this video!! :P
great mangonel shots starting at 8:58
"Hint: go northeast to get some siege units" when the good siege units are northwest.
FINALLY ! After a whole week-end I beat this on difficult !
If you get the bombard cannons, they actually receive the Drill castle bonus, making them move wicked fast. It's the only time you can ever have bombard cannons at that speed, since the Mongols can't normally make them.
I failed this mission so many times cause i focused on going from west to east due to knowing the bombard cannon secret but i'd always fail to establish a strong enough base nearby jin cause i've spread out so much resources knocking out everyone else before i got to jin who always wins from wonder urgh!!
aww he missed those bombard cannons, I was expecting viper micro everything with drilled cannons(yes they can get this tech since they are converted from GAIA)
That is exactly the reason why they cannot.
You probably didn't know campaign and scenario treat GAIA units differently
I arguably did know everything about this game...
Just go and test it yourself
Villager sees three horsemen.
Shouts "Mongols, run for your lives"
I never knew the sight of even just one Mongol could be so terrifying to their neighbours.
Ever seen Conan the barbarian ? Yeah one skirmisher generally mean the rest isn’t far .
Really enjoyed what I could see from the 24h stream (managed to watch around 12-13 hours). Hope you're getting well deserved sleep :) The stream went much better than expected, especially for you with all the donations and winning the tournament game :D
Keep it up!
Not sure why i watch this, don't even know how to use hotkeys, but it's so much fun to look at him go.
All I know is that H is the town center. And some genius developer from the HD edition decided to remap ALL other keys, just to ensure the keys you've been using for the previous 10 years no longer work.
Gonna mix myself a Jin and tonic
What do you know about "culture "?
As always, you're too bloody good. I had to use canon galleons to get rid of towers, when they built their wonders, then transport a bunch of Mangudai and Trebuchets. I only made it with 16 years to spare though xD.
An easy way to do this is send your units to kill the engineers and build up your base then build a gate at the great wall, it will slow them down and bug the AI out. Then at castle age make a castle south of the gold near the wall and start producing mangudai as well as 4 or 5 rams and 2 monks and a transport ship. You should have enough time to get all upgrades for the mangudai and full armour and the capped ram upgrade as well as the transport capacity upgrade. Once Jin starts building the wonder or once the wonder has finished, transport your army to his island and micro against the paladins. He'll have to make more once they're all dead giving you time to move your rams up and take down the gate and towers then scout ahead and guard the wonder while your rams move up and destroy it. Once the wonder is dead, take out the TC and kill all the villagers then destroy the castle to the north and any other combat buildings. He should keep sending villagers to farm so kill them and he should shortly resign. From now on you can take your time destroying the chinese, they aren't a huge threat and will die easily.
25:32 riders of apocalypse !!
Man this one was always a pain for me :D, I had to snipe the wonder with trebs and destroyed it with like 20 years remaining
7 years remaining. Lost my army and trebs soon after.
100 years, give or take. speedran up to castle age, got myself around 40 knights, 5 rams and 5 monks, and few villagers. built a castle to the south of Jin's town, close to the wonder, and used the knights to make way for the rams. rams break down the wall and soon, the wonder.
On standard difficulty, btw
I just did this mission, I had to restart it one time because of the wonder. But holy molly I didn't expect that you could take down red before having destroyed the wonder. It's impressive. To conclude, it appears that I suck really hard at that game
When i was a kid, this was impossible to finish
played it like 100 times, Jin's wonder was a challenge
I have finally beat this damn level! My mistake was creating too few villagers to get food and wood on Jin's isle, so it took me too long to reach Imperial Age and trebuchets, and to build a decent army to defend from enemy's cavaliers.
*Hail the Grrreat Khan!*
Finally made it! I used a few villagers to build a secret base on the Jin island and just flushed them with dirt cheap units.
best strategy . but I still had to make a suicide bomber raid on the wonder because he built it so fast .
I just finished playing this campaign with DE. The higher pop cap made it more fun , but I think I need to turn the difficulty up.
This level is beyond amazing
I'm mid way through the video and I don't think Viper ends up scouting the bombard cannons.
Yeah ive never even beat the this one.. and he did it with such ease...
jesus christ that dash advert nearly blew my face off
The Sung were so cheap with that wonder drop, across the water. I remember the first time I played it... I just sent cobra cars over to take care of the cheap wonder and buy me some more time. lol
On my first attempt of doing this 5 battering rams came to my base and totally destroyed it on my.on my second attempt we gathered up some army and that time we lived to see the wonder when like there was 100 seconds left we shipped our men into ships and transported them to Jin.we got wiped out.On my third go I started off nice and I used the engineer’s island and mainland as well when the wonder happened we got the bomber men the people that explode to blow the wall and the wonder and that worked!! After that we tried to do a attack on Jin but the population limit was so stupid and we got utterly destroyed.we could of done it but it would of taken us like 4 hrs to complete it so we just wiped out Jin and all the other nations with cars it’s a command
I always wanted that ATTACK unit of knights promoted to Chevs GREAT! My strategy in A of E.....ALWAYS keep that....if you can AFFORD IT.......I always had an ATTACK group of KNIGHTS.....even promoted. My thing, lol
Смотря подобные видео, понимаешь, какой ты нуб в этой игре. Первая моя попытка была неудачной - я обосновался на острове инженеров, но попытка огородиться стеной и тихо развиваться привела к тому, что и красные и зеленые приволокли тараны и, разломав стену, начали просачиваться на мою базу без единой защиты. После поражения мне открылась карта и я, немного покумекав, решил сменить тактику. Сперва забрал у инженеров крестьян, базу основал к северо-востоку от тройных ворот, после чего переправил морским транспортом одиного разведчика забрать пушки к западу от стены. Ими разломал тройные ворота и образовавшуюся брешь застроил стенами, а так поставил рядом замок. К этому моменту красные уже начали подтягивать свои тараны, но AI страшно тупит - проломив первую часть стены они не двигались дальше, что дало мне время развить мощную экономику. К этому моменту желтые уже построили чудо. На море у желтых куча кораблей и первая моя попытка прорваться к желтым только пушечными галеонами потерпела крах, там 4 дока и из каждого желтые подтягивают новые галеоны, мой флот быстро потопили. Второй раз я просто попытался высадить конницу (20 рыцарей и 10 мангудаев) и ими разломать чудо, но у желтых слишком много юнитов, плюс чудо стоит в зоне обстрела замка. В итоге меня разбили. На третий раз я сперва сколотил приличный флот (15 кораблей) и пару пушечных галеонов, потопил флот противника и проломил проход в стене, после чего туда высадился десант, только в другой пропорции - 15 рыцарей и 15 мангудаев, а также пара монахов, 5 таранов и два требушета. Этого хватило, чтобы закрепиться в точке высадки и прикрыть осадные юниты, которые разломали чудо на 10 году (еле успел). Дальше, когда таймер уже не поджимает, я спокойно развивался и несколькими натисками разбил оставшиеся цивилизации. В итоге на миссию ушло 4,5 часа, и это без учета рестартов.
this one is really easy if u take out 3ngineers, then immediately transport everyone out across the water to where yellow is, boom, and snipe the wonder from behind and take out yellow first
01:01:00 into the game viper realises he has no husbandry... LUL
I think the biggest problem for me, and other newish players in this mission is the pop cap, because you can't really make a big army with small eco and you can't really destroy the wonder with a small army (cuz new players=bad micro) and big eco
A pop limit of 75? Wow, I played this scenario on AoE2DE yesterday and then the population limit was 150, which is a quite drastic change.
It is , indeed .
Even when getting rid of the biggest danger on this mission (destroying the wonder) it's a huge pain in the ass facing the other three armies...
Ps: your main focus is to reach Imperial Age so you can get them trebuchets, so as soon as yellow ends his wonder, take the trebuchets to the right of your base, where yellow's island begins and remains mainly undefended (take 7 or 8 good protected mangudais or camels for any obstacles). Go to the extreme east of the island and start going down through the narrow passage between yellow's wall and map's end, and you'll be close enough to the Wonder so the trebuchets can bring it down. No towers are around to defend, but make sure you take seven trebuchets with you because yellow's troops will get you, use the cavalry you took with you to bait the defending troops and done! Now you have to do like 80% more of the mission
awesome.. waiting for next episode.
Watching this campaign and the last one from Saladino, you can tell that he's a fucking amazing player, damn. Actually going out of the walls and hunting every enemy down before starting to build the wonder, and in this one just wiping every enemy like it's just another day in the office, not even worrying about the wonder.. amazing skills truly.
Yeah these vids are really impressive.
actually, you have to build the town center on the north (corner of the map) because theres many resources
I've just played this one 10th time and finally I could do it like Viper (beat Tanguts and Xi Xia before beat Jin).
Of course because this is 10th time so I have the advantage of already knowing the map, while Viper did it in the first time 😅
48 minutes? it took me 5 hours on moderate
You should do a challenge where you take out yellow last
"The Great Wall of China... Our army is not equipped to deal with such walls. Scouts report of a Chinese village to the north east. Perhaps we can 'convince' some siege engineers to join us."
this campaign always reminded me of demolition man.
People will complain because you won without the bombard cannons lol
Cris Morelli Yeah, I saw some people "cringing" in the comment section.
there we go
I want to see viper play king of the rajas so much.
"the fish is GREAT" om goodness, sir.........American with European including GERMANY roots.....god I love this channel hahaha
"Ok......what am I SUPPOSED to FIND here.....hahaha.....seconds later......THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA......"
I saw the three towers and the layered wall and exclaimed "F$%^!!!!!!!" lol
As soon as i unlock the cannon's the game crashes. Playing on xbox game pass 😅 so glad you can do the level without needeing them
@Bipber It was so painful to watch when you dropped that first TC #clearlynoob
LOVE your vids on the campaigns! Do you plan to do the Conquerors campaigns as well?
after transporting the units over to the engineers base, take one scout and transport across the wall, and rush for cannons. Destroy every tower on your way down, and in the meantime, transport a villager before destroying the engineers completely and build a gate in front of those 3 green gates in the wall. If you do it properly, you will be ahead of red's siege rush, and just in time to bombard its early rams and secure a quarter of the map for yourself early in the game. For the wonder, just boom and rush the back of Jin's base with villagers to build quick walls in tight gaps between trees. No need for castles and rams, just cannons and archers, to pick off its villagers as they`re building the wonder. With your units trapped behind jin's base, your survival depends on how well you manage your space in that long gap, you will likely endlessly fuck his economy up, and by the time wonder is completed, you`ll have the forces to get into Red and Green. I suggest by water, because of those channels, so you can weaken all 3 enemies with galleons only. The rest is easy if you've seen the map before and have tried many strats like i did
13:26 Viper killing the sheep after he neglects it and teal converted it #clearlynewb
Did anyone ever transport army around the wall rather than going through it?
Всего 48 минут?! Я потратил на эту миссию 6 часов и 40 минут. И то на средней сложности. 👍👌
Why are the trees so small?
Maybe the Yellow AI player misheard at the beginning what Viper was saying and thought: *"Search for Jin? Making fun of me, huh? Let's see how do you deal with a sneaky Wonder"*
Anyway, didn't work Jin, Viper would never allow an AI win with his color :P
And hey, can you use monks next scenario???? Please, we want to see a crazy big army on these 75 pop. cap. scenarios!!
This scenario got stuck again and again while playing. Must be because of the presence of the great wall and a lot of AIs to load.
Hello Viper!
that's pretty badass
That campaign was such a hassle for me. Ended up petard bombing yellow
I remember this mission, first time I lost because of Jins wonder😅😅
Jeez, I can't even survive until they build the wonder on moderate :(
I don't wanna play it on easy.
Another episode today?..
From what I've experienced and from what I've seen of playthroughs is that you need to boom up to Imperial and attack with Elite Mangudai and Siege Rams, all the while receiving constant harassment. Harassment from Imperial Age units no less.
Lord viper