Just started with game 1 so far. Wow what an awesome game. So heartbreaking when I thought he was doing such a perfect Zerg job of pounding on the door over and over with superior resource gathering. What a great match so stylistic with the Terran just trying to hold the line the entire time with efficient base setup never having a chance to breathe. Wild game!
47:16 "Men, I'm not going to sugar coat it. There is no going home. We will fight for our species and we will take as many of these bugs with us as we can!!!"
God the music kicking in before the last battle of the first gane was perfect. Game 5 and 1 are ones for the books. Loved the absolute chaos and insanoty of game. Nydus worms, drops, libs, counter spores, 3 prong attacks, thesw guys are inhuman qith all the juggeling they can do. Incredible!
Game 1 was the most Cure game ever. Spoilers: Epic overlord nuke! Lose all his ghosts to a fungal 20 minutes of tower defense And just when Reynor is coming in for the kill, he pulls a perfect EMP out his butt and cleans it up exactly when it matters most.
This was an awesome series, loved every minute. I wouldn't want them all to be this long, but having a knock-down, drag-out series like this every once in a while is great!
Just wanna say Winter, I know some of these videos may be long, but I really try to avoid watching the different series before you upload them. Just cause it's more fun to watch when you cast them in comparison to other casters keep it up! Even if you may not always be getting the like goal you setup for your vids ;)
I don’t really play star craft but the algorithm figured since I like ‘star’ citizen content I would like ‘star’ craft content. I have to say, I’m hooked, and you’re one of my favorite casters. Thank you for following your passion and entertaining us by calling these matches. By far this is one of the most intense slogs TvZ. Maybe I should learn to play?
I've watched so many of your casts now, and damn, you make me crack up so often. You come with surprise wit almost every time, and your voice sounds like you're about to start laughing at any time. And the wittiness is somehow unique still?! Good shit :D You for sure make my days better with these casts, thanks from an overworked nuclear engineer
its always worth it Winter....your commentary is legendary...hilarious, informed, educational and downright entertaining! Love your style and your approach. THE PUNS!!! so damn good xD
I always enjoy longer series of games. And I actually watch them mostly while doing chores so I don't have to watch in chunks. If you get more of these casts like this one, pretty sure my weekend is set.
It’s always the showmanship that keeps me coming back. Maybe I’m in the minority but I like the reminder to like the video. Because my ADZerg brain always forgets
So to answer Winter's question in game 1: Yes the Ghost did just walk all the way across the map and into Reynor's main. And mostly right through the middle of the map too.
If you want to hear SC2 commentary in the style of these BBC documentaries you need to watch some winter lmao. Dude that was brilliant! Almost every winter video has one of these unique moments, from zealots wanting to speak about their lord zeratul at your door to this one, you really got a huge spread of beautiful bullshit and it is just art. Keep it up 😂
Thanks for vids partner only played casualy with my cousin since i was a kid but nothing relaxes me more then a good starcraft game and the best caster on earth helps 2
For your statistics winter. I usually don't watch the whole thing in one go, because reasons. That does not mean that I am not interested, but rather that I need to do something else in between. So if you are thinking that the people disconnect and don't come back I don't think is true. We love you until the end ❤
Idk why but I want Reynor to take the W every time I see he’s playing. He embodied the swarm on this matchup. Wave after wave after wave of the Zerg. Well done to both players.
Winter jinxes and then Reynor throws lol. Need a meme background for that one where a shotputter shanks a dud with Winters face over theirs. WINTER OLYMPICS...LOL. We just need a really good thought bubble, anyone?
Not to take anything away from the best zerg players but if 10:30 doesn't show you the massive imbalance in favor of zvt i don't know what will...hardly any skirmishing and zerg can bank 5k more minerals in 10 minutes and have a maxed out army. Terran can win 10 fights and lose the game from 1....fix this game or at least fix this in imaginary SC3. Imagine needing to focus down 50+ banelings multiple times per game...99.9% gg everytime.
18:06 no point putting so many ghosts together tbh. Snipe is a mostly a useless skill, since you won't get it off when it really matters, and you only need like 2 ghosts to EMP a bunch of units. Keeping them separated so they're just charging their energy is the best use.
A nearly two-hour cast on the weekend!? Winter, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say you spoil us!
You don’t speak for me biggy. Hey Winter , you spoil us rotten sir. Thankyou. 😆
Keep them up brotha
7:05 They'll expect one of us to survive the wreckage, brothers
GAWD DAMN that thumbnail! I had to give myself a couple of minutes so I could watch the cast unimpeded by the tears.
Just started with game 1 so far. Wow what an awesome game. So heartbreaking when I thought he was doing such a perfect Zerg job of pounding on the door over and over with superior resource gathering. What a great match so stylistic with the Terran just trying to hold the line the entire time with efficient base setup never having a chance to breathe. Wild game!
Winter is the most underrated caster in history if you think about the quality he delivers
Found him when HuskyStarcraft self-deleted his own entire career.
Staying with him after HuskyStarcraft semi-regrets it.
47:16 "Men, I'm not going to sugar coat it. There is no going home. We will fight for our species and we will take as many of these bugs with us as we can!!!"
27:30 what a throw. Reynor was already mining the 9 o'clock. All he needs to do is wait for cure to move out while gathering infestor energy
That nuke was worth. WinterStarcaft = Best Starcraft
God the music kicking in before the last battle of the first gane was perfect. Game 5 and 1 are ones for the books. Loved the absolute chaos and insanoty of game. Nydus worms, drops, libs, counter spores, 3 prong attacks, thesw guys are inhuman qith all the juggeling they can do. Incredible!
Game 1 was the most Cure game ever. Spoilers:
Epic overlord nuke!
Lose all his ghosts to a fungal
20 minutes of tower defense
And just when Reynor is coming in for the kill, he pulls a perfect EMP out his butt and cleans it up exactly when it matters most.
1:07:29 These little moments just make my day Winter
"The overlord exploded like a Hefty bag fulla' chile con carne." -- my personal favorite description of such a thing
Jimmy deserves a tip for that thumbnail, made me laugh out loud
This was an awesome series, loved every minute. I wouldn't want them all to be this long, but having a knock-down, drag-out series like this every once in a while is great!
❤the soundtrack from Grim Batol in the background. Such an epic sound.
This series includes one of the most successful nukes I've ever seen at the pro level.
That 55:13 marauder dance in front of the lurkers to draw their fire and snipe them 🤤
Just wanna say Winter, I know some of these videos may be long, but I really try to avoid watching the different series before you upload them. Just cause it's more fun to watch when you cast them in comparison to other casters keep it up! Even if you may not always be getting the like goal you setup for your vids ;)
16:16 here we have winter the viper in his natural casting habitat, casting the spell blinding cloud
forget about 15 min fights... sitting here riveted to the edge of my seat on these fights for the whole time!
I don’t really play star craft but the algorithm figured since I like ‘star’ citizen content I would like ‘star’ craft content. I have to say, I’m hooked, and you’re one of my favorite casters.
Thank you for following your passion and entertaining us by calling these matches. By far this is one of the most intense slogs TvZ. Maybe I should learn to play?
This was great. Thanks for casting Winter! Keep it up, love the content, cheers!
Keep it going, I like the long serious as well as the quick games. Entertainment value achieved.
Love the commentary, Winter! Witty, goofy, funny and often insightful. Great job!
i keep coming back to this game and you're still here making amazing content
ily winter
God, so much content that I couldnt finish it in one day. Thank you for this super long cast!!
Thanks for all those amazing cast ! you're the best ! ♥
I don't think there's a series you could cast that I wouldn't watch, but this was EPIC
I've watched so many of your casts now, and damn, you make me crack up so often. You come with surprise wit almost every time, and your voice sounds like you're about to start laughing at any time. And the wittiness is somehow unique still?! Good shit :D
You for sure make my days better with these casts, thanks from an overworked nuclear engineer
its always worth it Winter....your commentary is legendary...hilarious, informed, educational and downright entertaining! Love your style and your approach. THE PUNS!!! so damn good xD
Don't need highlights, do love all of these, if at most I need a second session. Winter you absolutely spoil us
Great match! Always crazy to see Raynor make a comeback like that
hey winter. you do make my day better. thank you for all you do sir
Full series are epic! Great commentary! If im lucky and wife and kids willing ill watch it in one go, but usually in a few days ;-)
Thank you so much for delivering this masterpiece of casting to us on a rainy sunday.
Love the old Winter in the thumbnail 😂 Also…. Everyone like the video!
spoiler warning
36 minutes in and 2:0 for cure. allmost 1 1/2 hours to go... this is gonna be fun :D
When I saw 12 ghosts in game 5 i said this is over. Apparently, the way you beat ghosts is by taking away their transportation. What a great game.
Amazing content as always. I've seen all your videos in the past 8 years
I love the long videos winter! It gives me something to watch while sorting magic cards 😂
Ham cup from PiG was pretty sick
It's always a little funny to see 2,000/2,000 worth of mutas get shooed out of a base by 250/0 worth of marines.
I always enjoy longer series of games. And I actually watch them mostly while doing chores so I don't have to watch in chunks. If you get more of these casts like this one, pretty sure my weekend is set.
❤ ty for casting this match
It’s always the showmanship that keeps me coming back.
Maybe I’m in the minority but I like the reminder to like the video. Because my ADZerg brain always forgets
does cure have a stream or a website or anything fans can follow? you've made me a believer, friend.
41:30 so you're saying he isn't as long as Clem but he got more girth? 🤣😅
I plan to use trickle down mechinomics in a job interview this week.
Lovely to see SC2 is still doing hot and Winter is feeding us so much hot SC2.
"Jimmy! If we get 1081 likes, i will tell Blizzard to not shut down the multiplayer servers for SC2."
PHEW, i'm so glad we reached that goal!
On point Sir David Attenborough impersonation.
I love long cast! Keep doing them
Thank you !
So to answer Winter's question in game 1: Yes the Ghost did just walk all the way across the map and into Reynor's main. And mostly right through the middle of the map too.
man what an incredible series!!!!
He used my suggestion!!!
(I told him the whole phrase after and to use it during the next Cure cast) :)
If you want to hear SC2 commentary in the style of these BBC documentaries you need to watch some winter lmao. Dude that was brilliant! Almost every winter video has one of these unique moments, from zealots wanting to speak about their lord zeratul at your door to this one, you really got a huge spread of beautiful bullshit and it is just art. Keep it up 😂
2:10 ONE hp 😂😂 and at 13:32 Cure took it personally
Did Cure block the queen drop with his SCVs? Brilliant 😂
29:30 he lost his lurkers , he made them just walk in and scan was active, they got all eviscerated , thats why he GG'ed
Thanks for vids partner only played casualy with my cousin since i was a kid but nothing relaxes me more then a good starcraft game and the best caster on earth helps 2
I was trying to figure out why Winters voice sounds lower than usual, then I realized I haven't seen a Winter cast in about a decade.
that was a serious grand final feel alright. and that last game you can tell the day did blur a bit together for certain things.
@13:37 that was a 1337 Nuke! LOL!
kung fu cup could be over early... 1:15:00 to go... ooo boy this is gonna be good
Been playing the Stukov coop commander lately, makes me wish there was an 'infested terran' hybrid race. Looking forward to this cast
Welp. Looks like this is how I'm spending my Sunday
This amazing series casted by Winter! Today's a good day
Reynor has no concept of patience. Just charges banes and hydras into tanks. His muta play, mechanics and macro are amazing though.
Who knew that lurkers walking into hellbat/ghost would be a disaster!?
The flank only had like eight hellbats and six ghosts!!!
What do we want? MOAR! MOAR what? MOAR WIDOW MINES! And also moar ÆPECK series pls, ty
Literally finished Clem vs MaxPax just now and this video pops up
For your statistics winter. I usually don't watch the whole thing in one go, because reasons. That does not mean that I am not interested, but rather that I need to do something else in between. So if you are thinking that the people disconnect and don't come back I don't think is true. We love you until the end ❤
I get that the averages will be lower, but I watch your videos top to tail; your commentary always delivers and you pick great series :)
20:54 great play though
Your thumbnail on this video is *chef kiss x'D
great quality entertainment as always
Idk why but I want Reynor to take the W every time I see he’s playing. He embodied the swarm on this matchup. Wave after wave after wave of the Zerg. Well done to both players.
"He's a grinder, well I don't mean that app, but maybe."
I rewatched the ending of the first game three times only to see you do the same thing :’)
WOW that is some promising headline for an old man gamer!
Cure's hearthstone card title should be updated to "the zombie" Deathrattle: revives with 1 hp
Wouldn’t that just be reborn
Does Winter still stream? I always enjoy the casted replays.
Enjoyable to watch.Winter is a better caster than they are players and I know that's saying a lot.
Winter jinxes and then Reynor throws lol. Need a meme background for that one where a shotputter shanks a dud with Winters face over theirs. WINTER OLYMPICS...LOL. We just need a really good thought bubble, anyone?
"Terrans are hard-working and Zerg are lazy" - Cure
"That's the People's Terran, baby" 💀
Just having a 3hs train ride, so this just saved 2/3 of the ride time!
That game 1 was the bigges throw I've ever seen in pro SC2!!! If only he was more patient
I always thumbs up because we always want more 😮
lol that last match with 1 3 lings still won against 3 3 mmm
Damn thinking back on WoL I kinda would love to play it again :D
Makes my day better
Not to take anything away from the best zerg players but if 10:30 doesn't show you the massive imbalance in favor of zvt i don't know what will...hardly any skirmishing and zerg can bank 5k more minerals in 10 minutes and have a maxed out army. Terran can win 10 fights and lose the game from 1....fix this game or at least fix this in imaginary SC3. Imagine needing to focus down 50+ banelings multiple times per game...99.9% gg everytime.
Where can we see current rankings for the SC2 pros?
We need more wintercasts plz!!
the moment the series is on matchpoint and you are at a little over half an hour out of almost two ^^
You play DRG Winter? Rock and Stone!
ROFL! 1 HP and 0 fuks had me rolling!
Idk about you guys but I’d love to watch winter play deep rock and other more mainstream games on his 2nh channel
18:06 no point putting so many ghosts together tbh. Snipe is a mostly a useless skill, since you won't get it off when it really matters, and you only need like 2 ghosts to EMP a bunch of units. Keeping them separated so they're just charging their energy is the best use.