What is COP26 | Explained in Hindi | Kya hai | Kahan hoga | Summit | Glasgow | Summary | UNFCCC 2021

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • What is COP26 and why is it happening? Explained in hindi in simple words. All your questions are answered like kya hai, kahan hoga etc.
    The world is warming because of emissions from fossil fuels used by humans, like coal, oil and gas.
    Extreme weather events linked to climate change - including heatwaves, floods and forest fires - are intensifying. The past decade was the warmest on record and governments agree urgent collective action is needed.
    #COP26 #climatechange #COP26Glasgow
    More than 130 heads of state and government and thousands of diplomats are meeting over two weeks to set new targets for cutting emissions from burning coal, oil and gas that are heating the planet. The conference is held annually but this year is critical because scientists say nations must make an immediate, sharp pivot away from fossil fuels if they hope to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.
    But the challenges are enormous. China, Australia and Russia have either failed to set new targets for cutting carbon emissions this decade or announced ones that scientists consider weak. India pledged on Monday to significantly increase renewable energy, but coal, which provides the bulk of India’s electricity, would remain a large part of its energy mix in the coming decade. Brazil announced it would cut emissions by 50 percent by 2030, but many observers remain skeptical that Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, will keep that pledge.
    Meanwhile, only a few wealthy countries have allocated money to help poor and vulnerable nations cope with the impacts of climate disasters that they have done little to cause.
    Those two factors make the likelihood of success at the conference, known as COP26, uncertain.
    For COP26, 200 countries have been asked for their plans to cut emissions by 2030.
    Under the Paris Agreement of 2015, they were asked to make changes to keep global warming "well below" 2C - and to try to aim for 1.5C - in order to prevent a climate catastrophe.
    The goal is to keep cutting emissions until reaching net zero in 2050.
    The UK is hosting the COP26 summit in Glasgow - aimed at bringing climate change under control.
    What's been agreed so far at COP26?
    A draft COP26 text has now been released, which it's hoped will form the basis of an agreement at the end of the conference, signed by all the countries attending.
    How will countries be made to meet their pledges?
    For the most part, any commitments made at COP will have to be self-policed.
    Only a few countries are making their pledges legally binding. However, there's a hope that as momentum towards net zero accelerates, it will encourage countries to keep up.
    It would be possible in theory to impose sanctions on countries that don't. But it could also be counter-productive, or see nations withdraw from international agreements.
    The focus of meetings like COP26 is to try to encourage every country to stay involved.

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