Love Nathan! He’s a trooper. That kind of positivity is very attractive and he looked good dancing with the instructor so the no show situation actually turned out quite sweet and memorable 😊.
i think Howard is a very decent guy .please stay strrong and positive. i know the world sucks but you deserve the best. hope you find someone lovely Howard🤗
When one's with depression or sort of, any of these things like "making a call, answer someone, say goodbye, etc." make any difference. Your life and things around you lost meaning. HOHO clearly could not help himself. Make a call in this kinda of mental disease IS NOT THAT EASY. He was deeply in love with Louis, and when he left out of sudden, not just from the show, but also from Hong kong, and also needed to redirect his feeling and build another story with another person so suddenly , THAT was TOO MUCH for him to deal with. I totally understand and support HOHO. Additionally, Hoho's participation was incredible: funny, lovely, and a lot of mature words and reflections. People so reflexive and pure like HOHO is like a glass: is transparent and can handle with much temperature, but is delicate and can break easily. In real world, people is capable to lost their jobs, stop doing dairy tasks, stop eating, or even hurt themselves. WHAT IT A CALL?! It's nothing comparable with all those things. Nothing nothing. Seriously, guys, mental disease is not easy and such experiment is too intense. The show should know things like this might happen. I wish the best to Hoho!
@@thepinkblockbuster4173 Hello, this is very late but I want to say that you have captured my heart in this show. You are my favorite and I hope you are having a good life and will find a partner that treats you very well. You deserve it! 💗😊
Mental health is a serious problem so I don’t want to dismiss whatever HoHo is going through. I get that his no show or lack of response is irresponsible and he could have at least sent a text or something, but on the other hand I don’t want to judge his situation based on what I expected of him or my own standards. I’m not wearing his shoes so I cannot in full faith understand his mental health issues. I’m watching this show to support all of the men and the LGBTQ community so they know there are people who love and accept them as they are. I don’t want to carelessly leave comments that would further isolate them and push them to even darker places. I hope HoHo will seek help and heal himself from the weight of the past and get to a place where he can love himself fully and is ready to love someone who’ll love him back.
I initially found HOHO was a lovable and sensitive guy, extremely emotional but at this moment I find him extremely childish and irresponsible. Even if you find it hard to let go Louis, you did not have to do a 'no-show' that would potentially have a huge impact on other people. This is big NO NO to me.
I feel like he never really thinks about others around him. Like in episode 11, he made Andrew, Louis and Howard uncomfortable by forcing a reshuffle of partners. I think he needs to learn to show a bit of courtesy to other people.
To be honest, I can feel that HOHO is quite upset about Louis leaving the show. Me either. However, he should pick up the phone and explain to other people though.
I agree with you that I also find him childish and irresponsible. No matter what the matter is, a simple call or message to let the other person know was all it needs. He simply stood Nathan up.
When one's with depression or sort of, any of these things make any difference. Your life and things around you lost meaning. HOHO clearly could not help himself. Make a call in this kinda of mental disease IS NOT THAT EASY. He was deeply in love with Louis, and when he left out of sudden, not just from the show, but also from Hong kong, and also needed to direct his feeling and build another story with another person so suddenly , THAT was TOO MUCH for him to deal with. I totally understand and support HOHO. Additionally, Hoho's participation was incredible: funny, lovely, and a lot of mature words and reflections. People so reflexive and pure like HOHO is like a glass: is transparant and can handle with much temperature, but is delicate and can break easily. In real world, people is capable to lost their jobs, stop doing dairy tasks, stop eating, or even hurt themselves. WHAT IT A CALL?! It's nothing comparable with all those things. Nothing nothing. Seriously, guys, mental disease is not easy and such experiment is too intense. The show should know things like this might happen. I wish the best to Hoho!
Hoho acted wrongly, he should have said it before, but even so I can't judge him, only those who have experienced emotional dependence know Take care of yourself Hoho, before wanting to take care of someone else.
Nathan 全程保持笑容
so charm n attractive
Nathan 好有礼貌,一直保持微笑
仲不如請Catry靚仔老師嚟參加節目 😆
Nathan so nice n charm. 淡吐得體 說話有節奏感
至於失踪嗰位呢, 年纪唔細, 品格就麻麻(睇以往咁多集)
Love Nathan! He’s a trooper. That kind of positivity is very attractive and he looked good dancing with the instructor so the no show situation actually turned out quite sweet and memorable 😊.
HoHo 每個人都會有情緒低落嘅時候 但係你唔好成日俾d負面嘅情緒影響到你 長期咁樣落去真係唔係幾好喎 希望你快啲調整返 要相信自己 你係非常優秀嘅人 我相信都有好多人支持你 加油呀 ❤
@@134eating 單戀
一樣還一樣,放唔底一件事咁大個人no show,
@@曾子成-q8k 重點就在這一點上。
替Louis 抹一把汗,如瀬左個drama queen 上身就麻煩。最後一秒見到Kenny and Ray,隔住個芒都覺sweet ❤
i think Howard is a very decent guy .please stay strrong and positive. i know the world sucks but you deserve the best. hope you find someone lovely Howard🤗
Ray同Kenny 係最sweet 既一pair
個人認為 HOHO應該仲未適合搵伴侶 唔夠成熟 louis係因公幹而離開 又唔係香咗,除咗D有咩意外唔講啦 如果因個人情緒問題而爽約毫無交代就唔係幾好 毫無交代好唔尊重其他人,邊個敢交自己嘅幸福比一個除時玩失蹤嘅人呢!
Hoho 從來沒有同Louis 开始过,何來放吾低,don’t be so dramatic 😏 所以我好appreciate Nelbon, 佢夠由day 1 一眼鈡情於Andrew,就算明知Andrew吾鈡意佢,佢都無所谓和死纏爛打,亦不會說退出及抗拒其他配對👍🏼
唔好gaslight Hoho啦
即刻一秒,放低左,都冇人信啦🤣 If同下個Date 好sweet既話,一陣你班鍵盤戰士,又話花心。 真人Show就係咁,每個人有唔同性格,行為冇岩冇錯,尊重人地既決定。
@@Xavier-zx9ou 但失約真的太過份
@@cutiepiebby 人哋不知幾精明,用完即閃個節目,唔使你護航
Hoho stay strong.lfe goes on🤗you will find the right person ant the right time .
Howard will remain my personal favourite.he is so charming and genuinly kind 🤗
When one's with depression or sort of, any of these things like "making a call, answer someone, say goodbye, etc." make any difference. Your life and things around you lost meaning. HOHO clearly could not help himself. Make a call in this kinda of mental disease IS NOT THAT EASY. He was deeply in love with Louis, and when he left out of sudden, not just from the show, but also from Hong kong, and also needed to redirect his feeling and build another story with another person so suddenly , THAT was TOO MUCH for him to deal with. I totally understand and support HOHO.
Additionally, Hoho's participation was incredible: funny, lovely, and a lot of mature words and reflections. People so reflexive and pure like HOHO is like a glass: is transparent and can handle with much temperature, but is delicate and can break easily.
In real world, people is capable to lost their jobs, stop doing dairy tasks, stop eating, or even hurt themselves. WHAT IT A CALL?! It's nothing comparable with all those things. Nothing nothing. Seriously, guys, mental disease is not easy and such experiment is too intense. The show should know things like this might happen.
I wish the best to Hoho!
Howard looks like japanese lead bl actors.. he have sweet smiles 🥰☺️...
And I feelings sad about hoho..😭💔
Thanks 😂😂😂😂 I wanna looks like Japanese GV leading actor as well 😇😂😂😂😂😂 thanks supporting our show and wish all of you a Merry Christmas
Yeah You are right His smile is Sooo beautiful
@@thepinkblockbuster4173 Hello, this is very late but I want to say that you have captured my heart in this show. You are my favorite and I hope you are having a good life and will find a partner that treats you very well. You deserve it! 💗😊
那可要謝謝兜風耳放飛機的 Hoho. 如果不是他的話那裏來的甜橙可以吃。但是 hoho 咁做,真係十分的過分,但係毫無意外地佢呢亭人嘅種性格亦係完全符合佢的本質,真係離鳩晒大譜!無話可說。I mean, 唔出現唔緊要,但起碼都要通知人哋比人哋知道他自己想閉關修煉暫時要離開陳世俗事一段日子。而不是銷聲匿跡囉!
Hoho 將FF同埋真實世界Mix埋,而且自願被FF扼埋自己,結果hurt多自己兩錢重。Hoho嘅no show係因為depress,雖然Hoho係慘慘豬,但No show依個行為似乎係向Louis,甚至向社會報復。其實佢好清楚No show對節目有咩影響,亦預計到節目組一定會搵佢出嚟同大家解釋,結果如佢所願,佢成功成為眾人嘅中心焦點。待觀眾們&節目組到齊後,佢就發表一場悲天憫人嘅演說,要話俾全世界知道佢已掏心掏肺對人好 ,但又俾d人輕視。越踐踏自己、自己就越似悲劇中嘅英雄。如果Hoho仲係用依種「悲劇主人公」身份生活落去,佢好難有伴侶、真朋友,甚至事業都會被自己搞喎。Hoho一係搵d正念少少嘅長輩傾下,再唔係就真係搵心理醫生/治療師傾吓,趁後生就好快d處理,將來條路先會順返。
@@feddyng5385 完全沉醉咗自己係悲劇女主角嘅身份,頂唔順
@@sasuke514 公主都要有條件,佢屋企應該冇鏡
他是一个极度自私的人, 喜欢你的时候会对你很好,一旦不喜欢你, 立马原形毕露. 无素质才是他的本性, 对Louis 好只是特定的情况, 这种人不值得爱. 做朋友都显得多余.
American Next Top Model 看一集少一人😂
@@kizudolintw 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
@@SeaweedGirlKris 係,禾桿kum珍珠
Preview with Ray and Kenny yesssssss. They're truly the stars of the show 🤩
Nathan, Felix 絕對不比舊1批低質! Vinci, 👍choice🤩
Nathan is very charming… i wouldn’t have waited someone for an hour on a first date… 15 minutes and no callback… that’s it really.
連基本尊重都唔識,由始至終都係圍繞自己嘅感受出發。無理會過其他人嘅感受。連L 嘅感受也視若無睹。L 對H 係無興趣,但要扮偉大扮情聖扮長情,城府很深的一個人。清楚自己想要乜係好,但要尊重其他人唔想要乜,還是只是口講愛情,心底還是為了滿足自己嘅私慾。
H 退出對所有人都是好事,包括佢自己和觀眾。
我覺得HoHo就算唔來都要通知人,唔使人地等佢成粒鐘,呢 d不知所謂,唔使用籍口去解釋。
其實這一集概爆點係catry 舞蹈老師真係好靚仔,一身紅色運動裝 好charming 如果唔係追開以為佢先喺新加入成員。
這個舞蹈老師應該考慮一下同嗰個新加入成員混血兒印度仔 Nathan 拍拍拖,因覺得他倆好像有點火花。
Hoho 根本都唔襯佢. 又咁醜樣,剩係得個幾大隻下其它什麼都沒了,又做出這種不要得的壞行為,沒認識到他一點也不可惜。
hoho这种迟到drama queen性格的人千万个不可以选择做bf。
yay Nathan! smiling while delivering zingers to hoho:)
其實由開拍到Louis 離開個節目都係一個月左右,Louis又唔係同佢兩情相悅,根本無機會了解過內裡各種價值觀
同意, 完全就是觉得人地靓仔, 根本唔系钟意Louis 内在, 起度扮嗮深情, 令人作呕. 仲要毫无素质, 放人飞机, 玩失踪, 抵佢无人爱
Nathan笑容💯 心心眼😍 lol
I'm really looking forward to the kay and renny moments lol
樣又唔好心地又唔好,搶完鏡頭之後又現實主義,round 2 唔啱眼緣就失蹤,要主理人搵先應,完全唔理其他crew,白鴿眼到加零一。完全唔知憑咩。
Mental health is a serious problem so I don’t want to dismiss whatever HoHo is going through. I get that his no show or lack of response is irresponsible and he could have at least sent a text or something, but on the other hand I don’t want to judge his situation based on what I expected of him or my own standards. I’m not wearing his shoes so I cannot in full faith understand his mental health issues.
I’m watching this show to support all of the men and the LGBTQ community so they know there are people who love and accept them as they are. I don’t want to carelessly leave comments that would further isolate them and push them to even darker places. I hope HoHo will seek help and heal himself from the weight of the past and get to a place where he can love himself fully and is ready to love someone who’ll love him back.
I agree. It seems that some people have forgotten that he was suffering from mental problems. I wish him speedy recovery. Self care is important.
I initially found HOHO was a lovable and sensitive guy, extremely emotional but at this moment I find him extremely childish and irresponsible. Even if you find it hard to let go Louis, you did not have to do a 'no-show' that would potentially have a huge impact on other people. This is big NO NO to me.
I feel like he never really thinks about others around him. Like in episode 11, he made Andrew, Louis and Howard uncomfortable by forcing a reshuffle of partners. I think he needs to learn to show a bit of courtesy to other people.
To be honest, I can feel that HOHO is quite upset about Louis leaving the show. Me either. However, he should pick up the phone and explain to other people though.
I agree with you that I also find him childish and irresponsible. No matter what the matter is, a simple call or message to let the other person know was all it needs. He simply stood Nathan up.
When one's with depression or sort of, any of these things make any difference. Your life and things around you lost meaning. HOHO clearly could not help himself. Make a call in this kinda of mental disease IS NOT THAT EASY. He was deeply in love with Louis, and when he left out of sudden, not just from the show, but also from Hong kong, and also needed to direct his feeling and build another story with another person so suddenly , THAT was TOO MUCH for him to deal with. I totally understand and support HOHO.
Additionally, Hoho's participation was incredible: funny, lovely, and a lot of mature words and reflections. People so reflexive and pure like HOHO is like a glass: is transparant and can handle with much temperature, but is delicate and can break easily.
In real world, people is capable to lost their jobs, stop doing dairy tasks, stop eating, or even hurt themselves. WHAT IT A CALL?! It's nothing comparable with all those things. Nothing nothing. Seriously, guys, mental disease is not easy and such experiment is too intense. The show should know things like this might happen.
I wish the best to Hoho!
@@marksiu5074 邊度似🤣
事後我亦跟劇組/主理人/Nathan 交代原委和誠心致歉。
而有些朋友可能跟我有類似的經驗,我是懂得和明白為什麼寧願選擇躲起來也不選擇簡單的交代一下狀況, 而我就是一個反面教材,因為連累別人最後
你看!一年之後你會發現自己比想像中勇敢,而你們並不是孤獨的,我們都會努力學習如何面對這些別人未必會了解的情緒但你要相信你們可以做得到, 一起加油吧! (抱緊處理, 摸摸頭)
最後,再次為大家致歉,不忿的、生氣的、討厭我的,請笑一個吧,抱歉我成為了你們不喜歡的人格或對象,但我正在改過,希望你們可以消消氣,也感謝你們的動氣。 我會加油的
Hopefully you have moved on already, best wishes, be taught and be strong, your mr. right is just right in the front, xoxo❤❤❤
@HOHOHOO Rauv 我有時頂着壓力鬧情緒會躲起身,或者是要獨處唔想見人,這會令愛自己的人擔心!不過,唔好匿埋太耐!
Hello HoHo. You're a beautiful person. Learn about attachment theory. It's fantastic for personal growth. You ate touching ! Love you from France ❤
love yourself Hoho😊🤗you deserve to be happy. hope you find strength .
Catry is absolutely gorgeous!!😍
11:24 Juzco好搞笑😄
dancing teacher is a perfect 10
吾ready 都吾可以玩失蹤,做人要有交代,最小要留言比制作組
19:15 好touching, 單戀也很浪漫, 但有點傷感🙄,好明白hoho的感覺,就算我作為粉Louis的觀眾,眼見Louis離開之後,就有一種莫明的失落感,像失戀一樣....Louis是一個太易令人戀上的類型😍😍😍
Hoho單戀Louis, come on做左咁多年人都唔識handle…
跳舞個部分 看到O曬嘴
Howard Nathan Felix 加油✨️
11:24 一有Juzco即刻有得笑有好嘢睇😂
有無人知道片尾的英文歌叫咩名?what's the name of the song played in the end?
Nathan 好正, 可惜佢後期先加入.搞到佢配對唔到 , 如果係一開始就參與,我覺得佢同Andrew有可能架.
Catry 好得意啊 Nathan都系
如果係走, 營火會知道louis離開, 就跟住走喇 。點解仲要去second round
睇新仔呢? 發覺唔合要求,就失踪! 心照啦!
Of course it is ok to be not ok, but still need to be respectful to the others
Hoho太情緒化了, 會令人覺得佢好煩。
Sad sad for HoHo😢.
Hoho acted wrongly, he should have said it before, but even so I can't judge him, only those who have experienced emotional dependence know
Take care of yourself Hoho, before wanting to take care of someone else.
Hoho 是不是要看心理医生?还是剧情安排?好像都一直活在自己的世界。
Drama queen果然😂 你知我講邊個嘅·
我想知點解, 既然Ho Ho退出了, 點解不比返Juczo 回來參加相睇, 少了個機會
where is Louis? I didn't watch last few episod.
Work trip so he’s gone temporally
Hoho is so dramatic, childish and negative. Such a cry baby, so good to see her go, good for her!
Nathan so shady hahahahahaha
No tea, no shade 😉
從始至終 好真誠的一個人 ❤️ Hoho 唔好唔開心 好多人(包括我)都喜歡你的!
@@eggsplash 閣下太有機心了吧!
一個咁唔負責任嘅人居然都有人中意🤔有情緒病唔代表可以不負責任no show
心情好唔好唔係一個藉口,打一個電話好難咩,講一句話未ok,唔想約。而唔係no show 囉,好差
HoHo is red flag 🚩
Fruitful day 😂😂😂 I like that
HoHo is so rude by not showing up. it's disrespectful, irresponsible... 😒😒😒
I was right about HoHo all along. I never liked him because he looked to be unstable and unreliable. Confirmed.