Transformers Rise Of The Beasts SPOILER REVIEW ( Crazy Ending )

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 946

  • @tobiasmyhre7888
    @tobiasmyhre7888 Год назад +129

    I think the reason optimus is so brutal is because we have seen multiple times that a transformer can be revived, so optimus has to rip his enemies appart piece by piece to prevent them from being reborn again

    • @wvbwarrior8417
      @wvbwarrior8417 Год назад

      This was before the original transformer series where we see optimus turning psycho

  • @rhetiq9989
    @rhetiq9989 Год назад +87

    The biggest smile I got out of this movie was when they played Arrival to Earth and No Sacrifice, No Victory by Steve Jablonsky at the end. It's like saying hello to an old friend, just the perfect way to re-introduce Transformers to the big screen

  • @toxi6956
    @toxi6956 Год назад +180

    I genuinely was dead when mirage said "you've been inside of me"😭☠️

  • @ethanmirak
    @ethanmirak Год назад +426

    I did not expect this film to make me grin as large as it did. It definately had issues but I loved it! The fight scenes were so cool!

    • @Choppa773
      @Choppa773 Год назад +11

      A gi joe crossover isn't needed unless there trying to make a movie with Noah but without the transformers involved

    • @ScoDucks24
      @ScoDucks24 Год назад +2

      I loved it too, I wasn’t expecting to

    • @CallmeKeyiii
      @CallmeKeyiii Год назад +11

      @@Choppa773GI Joe and Transformers always crossover. Comics, shows, and even in the upcoming game.

    • @MailboyStrong
      @MailboyStrong Год назад +1

      This movie is straight up AWESOME, but sucks it was produce by Michael Bay, Michael Bay should've just stayed away from the movie

    • @ppgod6989
      @ppgod6989 Год назад +3

      ​@@MailboyStrong he didn't really contribute anything to it so it's fine

  • @colbysteffens2976
    @colbysteffens2976 Год назад +158

    I’ve not been into G.I Joe as well, but once Noah flipped the card over and I saw the name I felt like my soul left my body because I absolutely love crossover movies even though they’re not too many of them & I said I guess I know what movies I’m watching next once I walked out of the theater (I literally couldn’t speak for about 10 or so minutes) 10/10 movie for me & I don’t care what anyone says (I’ve waited for this movie for 2 years ever since Steven announced it)

    • @ESK0VER0_x
      @ESK0VER0_x Год назад +8

      Exactly what I was going through. Never been into G.I. Joe, but that moment left me speechless in a good way.

    • @VerseEditz5599
      @VerseEditz5599 Год назад +3

      I AGREE 10/10 transformers movie and movie

    • @colbysteffens2976
      @colbysteffens2976 Год назад +3

      @@ESK0VER0_x Wondering if Noah is making a team already from the "post credit scene" when he has Reek meet Mirage for the first time, I'm super curious on what's gonna happen next (maybe even have his brother Chris talking on the radio like he did in the final battle of the movie)

  • @TheMarionick
    @TheMarionick Год назад +272

    I think incorporating GI Joe into the mix is a really smart move. It’s a way to make the human side of these movies more visually and overall interesting.

    • @ESK0VER0_x
      @ESK0VER0_x Год назад +25

      After the GI Joe reveal, the exosuit made so much more sense. Perhaps GI Joe would like to try replicate it. Fully agreed with the visual stuff u mentioned.

    • @TheMarionick
      @TheMarionick Год назад +3

      I was thinking that exact same thing.

    • @ObiWanShinobi_
      @ObiWanShinobi_ Год назад +1

      @@ESK0VER0_x I like that idea

    • @peanut9938
      @peanut9938 Год назад +2

      And it makes the humans being in the Transformers movies making more sense 😂

    • @gandalflotr2898
      @gandalflotr2898 11 месяцев назад

      I hope this lead the creation of M.A.S.K. and Synergy

  • @mrpigeon3107
    @mrpigeon3107 Год назад +296

    After seeing the end credits scene, I’m still unsure whether or not I’m excited for this new ‘collaboration’. Without a doubt, the movie was still a fun instalment in this franchise.

    • @Lakerfanforlife
      @Lakerfanforlife Год назад +31

      In the comics G.I. Joe and transformers crossover several times

    • @SCTerraconStudios
      @SCTerraconStudios Год назад +20

      Fun Fact (Heavy Spoiler Warning)
      There was a press screening for ROTB and apparently many sources say that the card that was given to Noah wasn’t gonna say “GI-Joe” but instead say “Sector 7”

    • @danballard7405
      @danballard7405 Год назад +6

      J.I. Joe takes place in the same universe as Transformers.

    • @kiro0989
      @kiro0989 Год назад +13

      @@SCTerraconStudios when he was at the interview i was calling it that it was sector seven

    • @KevinSmith-fw5tb
      @KevinSmith-fw5tb Год назад

      @@Lakerfanforlife Comics it's easy to make it interesting and exciting. Live action movie not so much.

  • @dunkboyxd6618
    @dunkboyxd6618 Год назад +162

    My entire theater clapped when Bumblebee dropped out of Stratosphere! Now that’s some Endgame level Hype right there!🤩

  • @ScoDucks24
    @ScoDucks24 Год назад +50

    Scourge was very menacing…one of the better Transformers villains. I absolutely loved this movie it might be my new favorite

  • @FeFeVtuber
    @FeFeVtuber Год назад +13

    The post credit scene got me HYPED only because I read the crossover comics as a kid

  • @TheMrLeL
    @TheMrLeL Год назад +56

    When I was little I was obsessed with Snake Eyes and Optimus Prime, they were my childhood heroes. Just imagining that they might team up just makes me incredibly excited!

  • @papahamdrew
    @papahamdrew Год назад +31

    This is probably my favorite transformers film. The finally added Prime’s most famous quote into live action, I was actually talking to a buddy “I hope he says till all are one” and he did!!!! This movie was a blast, my favorite part had to just be the amount of screen time and character development given to Optimus Prime. Noah was a pretty decent character and likable, I was a little nervous about a new human lead but I wasn’t disappointed. Steve Jablonsky’s score returning at the end and the maximals theme was beautiful. Scourge was a real threat and bad ass. I hope we get Megatron in the next one. I hope Prime uses the matrix in the sequel to kill unicron or something. 9/10 imo

  • @garretttheferret4641
    @garretttheferret4641 Год назад +3

    I went to see it with my dad today and he always loved GIJOE he even had the toys, so when that happened he got so happy because he loves both franchises. Definitely a good Father’s Day present to him

  • @mackenzieyoung5306
    @mackenzieyoung5306 Год назад +75

    Optimus Prime had so many savage lines in this movie I loved it!!!

    • @reingelreingel
      @reingelreingel Год назад +14

      "I can give you what you want"
      "Then die!"

    • @jlg14450
      @jlg14450 Год назад +4

      “Let me show you the power of a Prime!”

    • @AkumaNugget__
      @AkumaNugget__ Год назад +2

      Thank you

    • @CABNoLimit
      @CABNoLimit Год назад

      @@reingelreingel 💀

  • @RSG_TheMonster
    @RSG_TheMonster Год назад +69

    Say what you want about this film, but Bumblebee jumping out of Stratosphere with 'Mama Said Knock You Out' was peak cinema!!!

  • @laurenbernardfrio7679
    @laurenbernardfrio7679 Год назад +106

    Dude, Transformers: Rise of the Beast has brought back the heat of Transformers.
    The first time watching this gets me a big wow in my face.

    • @Lakerfanforlife
      @Lakerfanforlife Год назад +6

      I agree I loved this film

    • @brandoncummings570
      @brandoncummings570 Год назад +5

      Ik facts bro but this dude cap he was just saying the movie was a 6-10 and was mid and wasn’t that good now he changed his opinion 😂

    • @tylerprime9555
      @tylerprime9555 Год назад

      ​@@brandoncummings570 you when you find that opinions on movies can change overtime even after seeing it: 🤯

    • @brandoncummings570
      @brandoncummings570 Год назад

      @@tylerprime9555 not really dumb ahh 😭goofy asf fr

    @SPIDEYGUY24 Год назад +92

    I didn't expect Gi joe at the end I thought it was gonna be sector 7 can't wait to see Snake eyes driving Bubblebee!

  • @davidcolon5641
    @davidcolon5641 Год назад +4

    Also when Noah tries to steal Mirage there is a Red Lamborghini that is the exact alt mode of Sideswipe from the Transformers 84 cartoon. But first of all, I was 3 when the first Transformers came out, and hearing Steve Jablonsky’s Arrival to Earth and No Sacrifice, No Victory playing, I cried just out of how healed I felt from watching and enjoying a big Transformers movie ever since the 2011 Dark of The Moon. I am currently 19 and I am so excited to see what they do with this Universe. Till all are one!

  • @WearableTundra7
    @WearableTundra7 Год назад +30

    I feel this movie had so much potential to be insane but it was so squandered. The maximals got barely any screen time while the humans got way too much. I wish they kept scourge around to build him up as a bigger villain. I was hoping the scourge/Optimus prime theory was true

  • @flatpick2407
    @flatpick2407 Год назад +22

    When Scourge’s mask came off I thought the were gonna do the twist that he’s an evil version Optimus Prime like in other versions of the character but no, I was a little upset at first but then I realized that it would have been out of nowhere and random so I understood why they didn’t do it.

    • @brandoncummings570
      @brandoncummings570 Год назад +1

      That’s who it is there r many different scourges in the old comics they chose evil Optimus

    • @kuhanblock9380
      @kuhanblock9380 Год назад +1

      They should've made him Bayverse Optimus so they could send that universe into the trash permanently. Like Unicron woke up and destroyed that universe and took its greatest warrior, Optimus as his minion

    • @brandoncummings570
      @brandoncummings570 Год назад

      @@kuhanblock9380 yea facts bro

    • @JayRoboFox
      @JayRoboFox Год назад +1

      Scourge being nemesis prime would’ve worked since both he and galvatron (megatron v2) are unicrons creations in the future

    • @brandoncummings570
      @brandoncummings570 Год назад

      @@JayRoboFox yep

  • @CarbonAnimationProductions
    @CarbonAnimationProductions Год назад +5

    my theater was dead silent when they showed gi joe too lmfaooo

  • @metademon
    @metademon Год назад +24

    Solid 8/10 for me
    And the end credit scene was making me hyped for what comes next
    But what about the mid credit scene?

  • @Garfieldman2
    @Garfieldman2 Год назад +68

    I was surprised by the gi Joe ending cant wait to see what they do with it

    • @KevinSmith-fw5tb
      @KevinSmith-fw5tb Год назад +6

      Here's one thing they'll do for sure, even less robot screen time! Why? Because they have GI Joe characters that need more screen time because they are not just generic human characters!

    • @mayracordero382
      @mayracordero382 Год назад +1

      I love G.I joe and I want to see these movies again to bring back the memories and john cena must be great!

  • @JoseManuel-wn7gv
    @JoseManuel-wn7gv Год назад +2

    When Optimus primal said “there is more than meets the eye” loved it🥹

  • @Vergil-16
    @Vergil-16 Год назад +24

    That ending blew my mind

  • @loriparker666
    @loriparker666 Год назад +2

    My theater was quiet, I was the only one freaking out at the GIJoe reveal. “Oh what the,” is what I said out loud and I guess my theater had no idea who are what that was lol kinda felt embarrassed for saying anything but whatevers I grew up with both Joe and transformers, this cross over could have so much potential!!!!

  • @jtanimeandnerd101
    @jtanimeandnerd101 Год назад +24

    I grew up knowing about GI Joe, and even saw the Rise of Cobra once, but was never really a huge fan. But I gotta admit, that ending has me excited. Although, I feel that the GI Joe group would feel more like Shield from Marvel and looking back, the way Bay did his films kind of showed us what a crossover like that would be like on screen, which is why I hope they not only get real creative, but also kind of consider adding other possible franchises, which makes me wonder if the new upcoming Power Rangers movie could also be included since it will be a time travel movie like this new Transformers movie.
    I also wonder if they would possibly consider other franchises that could connect well with Hasbro's action properties like making a deal with Mattel and being able to include He-Man, She-Ra, Thundercats, and Voltron. I know that's a long shot, but it's honestly not out of the realm of possibility since those franchises have all gained popularity through not just their series, but also their toy lines.

  • @EmilioLeall
    @EmilioLeall Год назад +5

    My jaw dropped when he flipped the Card and it was the Gi Joe Logo I yelled no wayyyyy out Loud , Optimus Primal and Optimus prime are such badassss

  • @franko_frank4455
    @franko_frank4455 Год назад +3

    My friend felt sad over the Mirage moment when he thought he was going to die. So it hit with some people

  • @bubba_rc8529
    @bubba_rc8529 Год назад +2

    They do cliffjumper and wheeljack dirty in every movie

  • @irontiger021
    @irontiger021 Год назад +4

    At 9:37 I do agree and even if they dont wanna give him a voice actor they can do what to did w/ bumblebee and maybe add subtitles idk

    • @Ell.iott3
      @Ell.iott3 Год назад

      I like Bee talking trough his radio it makes him a lot more unique to all of the bots. I'm also kind of biased because he's the first disabled character I ever related to.

  • @mrv7916
    @mrv7916 Год назад +13

    The ending was unexpected. I mean, I was think the end credit scene would be Transformers related. But a GIJoe crossover is just unexpected. Now I wonder if they will follow up with the crossover in the next Transformer movie.

  • @Skullazer1587
    @Skullazer1587 Год назад +74

    I went crazy when he flipped over the card to see the Gijoe logo. I’m so glad they are rebooting both franchises and can start fresh. My theater was very silent when the card was shown.

    • @rhetiq9989
      @rhetiq9989 Год назад +16

      Funny bcs GI Joe has never been that big of a franchise at the movies at least compared to say Marvel, Star Wars and hell even Transformers. This is their one shot at going bigger and if they drop the ball then idk how else they're going to salvage it lol

    • @isaacsanchez8651
      @isaacsanchez8651 Год назад

      Bro same me too

  • @PrinceTron1
    @PrinceTron1 Год назад +1

    I'm 49 years old. I was 9 years old in 1983 when the G.I. Joe cartoon came out and 10 when the Transformers cartoon debuted. Then in late 1984 and into 1985, both G.I. Joe and Transformers would come on back to back, Monday through Friday afternoons and sometimes special 2-parters on Saturdays on WGN TV here in Chicago. The same station that aired 'The Bozo Show' every morning and the majority of all the Chicago Cubs games. There were even voice actors who did both G.I. Joe and Transformers in particular the late Chris Latta who voiced Cobra Commander and Starscream. So for us OG G.I Joe and Transformers fans, that was a huge reveal! I'm cautiously optimistic about the crossover. But if they follow the same path like they've done with Bumblebee and now Rise of the Beast, perhaps something awesome and special is upon us with the Hasbro cinematic universe.

  • @rezsurfer
    @rezsurfer Год назад +106

    Me and dad saw it yesterday and we weren't not expecting the Gi Joe logo and we both thought it was sector 7 from the original but holy crap we were both shocked at the reveal! And me and dad loved this movie at least!

    • @SnakeRoot271
      @SnakeRoot271 Год назад +3

      Same I thought it was sector 7 hopefully this is a different universe then the bayformers these guys are a lot more likeable

      @iKETOURAGE Год назад +1

      I said the exact same thing. I thought S7 but was shook at GI JOE

    • @gandalflotr2898
      @gandalflotr2898 11 месяцев назад

      I hope this lead the creation of M.A.S.K. and Synergy

  • @Legendarysuperninja
    @Legendarysuperninja Год назад +4

    Mirage promised Noah’s brother that he will make sure that Noah comes back alive, mirage was willing to die so that’s why it was emotional.. all you have out here is your word.. word is bond #onelove

  • @kahlilkaizen4037
    @kahlilkaizen4037 Год назад +7

    I literally lost my mind when Bumblebee jumped out of Stratosphere. What made me go nuts was when when he jumps out all you hear is “DON’T CALL IT A COMEBACK!” BRUH!!!! Mama Said Knock You Out was the PERFECT song for that scene. Whoever made this soundtrack was on point from beginning to end!🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @mikelogan1725
    @mikelogan1725 Год назад +3

    When both primes at the end said "maximals/autobots, rollout !" Gave me the chills

  • @andrewcorletto
    @andrewcorletto Год назад +26

    I like how bumblebee only says random movie lines in this movie.

    • @SonyEnthusiast
      @SonyEnthusiast Год назад +1

      Do you know what happened to his voice?

    • @andrewcorletto
      @andrewcorletto Год назад +1

      In his first fight against blitzwing in the bumblebee movie blitzwing staped him in the neck witch caused him to lose his voice.

  • @d-wrexxkingdom7326
    @d-wrexxkingdom7326 Год назад +8

    As a die hard transformers fan the end credit scene with g.i.joe literally made me shout in the theater due to how surprising it was but also I'm a little worried about this idea because now we might have to focus more on g.i.joe stories than the Transformers them selves

  • @Ikediggy
    @Ikediggy Год назад +14

    The new Transformers movie was very good. I will definitely be seeing it again. I am interested to see how they fit GI Joe into this. Hopefully they've learned from past mistakes.

  • @padtrickkeys3261
    @padtrickkeys3261 Год назад +3

    A Thing That' Makes me appreciate 3C Even More Is That He always Hearts People Comment's And Reply to them with a lot of subscribers not few many people do that,

  • @DrewTrox
    @DrewTrox Год назад +1

    I liked the fight between Mirage and Scourge. When he's using all the holograms, and "Whoomp! There it is!" lol

  • @Kenwxs
    @Kenwxs Год назад +4

    My theater In NYC went NUTS when Noah flipped the card. Truly an amazing experience !

  • @victormeyer4116
    @victormeyer4116 Год назад +1

    The voice actor for Bumble Bee(Transformers A Bumblebee movie) was originally the main protagonist from The Maze.

  • @icy-thot3252
    @icy-thot3252 Год назад +4

    The audience in my theater (me and my friend included) went crazy; from the beginning with Primal to Bumblebee’s energon resurrection to Noah’s Mirage armor to the freaking G.I. J.O.E ending!

  • @venomlayton1394
    @venomlayton1394 Год назад +2

    Scourge was scary as hell in this movie, and he didn’t mess around when it came to fighting optimus prime.

  • @metaloverload7374
    @metaloverload7374 Год назад +7

    I think the reason the gi Joe crossover didn't land is because we are getting tired of shared universes. The way you described that ending made my eyes roll. I'm a child of the nineties and have wanted a beast wars movie since I heard they were making the transformers movie. I'm sad that they're not in this movie much.

    • @Solid_Snake98
      @Solid_Snake98 Год назад

      The movie honestly would’ve still been the same without the Maximals

    • @Spiderboi911
      @Spiderboi911 Год назад

      What shared universes you talking about na.e the last crossover movie between different studios or properties

  • @matthewdsouza1797
    @matthewdsouza1797 Год назад +2

    I just finished watching the movie in theatres and oh man....There was a lot to unpack. Firstly the soundtrack was just so good, even though I didn't grew up in the 1990s I still enjoyed and had a huge smile on my face. Secondly the portrayal of the characters was all great although I do agree with you mentioning that cheetor and rhinox getting pushed to the sidelines. Bumblebee's death scene was unnecessary but still impactful at least in my opinion. And lastly the Visual effects were good, also the ending took me by surprise. In summary I loved this movie and I really can't wait to see what they do next.

  • @zenroles
    @zenroles Год назад +3

    I feel like the resurrection of Bumblebee came out of nowhere. We learned that he needed a powerful dosage of energon, but we didn't know that the portal structure is capable of amplifying nearby energon. It just happened. We didn't even know what energon looks like.
    That being said, his entrance is pretty badass and makes up for the lack of setup.

    • @TeamDiamondTD
      @TeamDiamondTD Год назад

      I kinda agree but at the same time remember the Beginning Had shown us the Maximal Planet With What looks like energon everywhere, which it was, i do agree that it should've been explored a bit more but it is in a way setup in the beginning, they just didn't explain what happens when Unicron Enters The Atmosphere

  • @dansonfinklesheetz
    @dansonfinklesheetz Год назад +1

    Bro, when the autobots arrival to earth theme kicked in, at the end of the final battle, i had the biggest smile ever, and it was my only prediction that came true lol

  • @360degressboy
    @360degressboy Год назад +6

    I’m happy for this film solid 8/10 and it’s a good thing we already have 2 good transformers films in a row in this rebooted universe

  • @richierewinds
    @richierewinds Год назад +7

    Honestly, this really has me hyped. Step aside Marvel and DC, the Hasbro and Nintendo Cinematic Universe *HAS ARRIVED*
    After seeing this movie, all i can say is this...

    • @elerma94
      @elerma94 Год назад

      Yes sir. I haven’t even watched it but I’m down for a crossover like this since they had it in the cartoons. I feel like they have something big here. Most people aren’t even ready 😂

  • @isaacsanchez8651
    @isaacsanchez8651 Год назад +8

    I just finished watching transformers rise of the beasts today and I really like it a lot it was pretty good I give it a 9/10 the ending was crazy transformers and G.I.Joe are now in the same universe that's awesome

  • @robertmercadoworld
    @robertmercadoworld Год назад +1

    Everyone in my theater in the Bronx collectively gasped and “ayoo’d” when Mirage makes the “you were inside me” line.😂

  • @Lyndonswing
    @Lyndonswing Год назад +3

    The movie is inconsistent because at the start of the movie, they had made the henchman feel like a unforgiving villain, but yet time and time again he didn't kill Optimus Prime when he got the chance. C'mon......don't put Optimus prime in that position if you're not ready to kill him off, instead they killed Bumblebee, why? Because Optimus Prime is the star. I didn't like that inconsistency in the movie. At that point I was no longer scared for anyone.

  • @Marvelous02
    @Marvelous02 Год назад +1

    Hearing some 2007 movie's soundtracks was so suprising

    @HUMADUCK Год назад +5

    To be fair about bumblebee’s voice it has become a trait that he gets his voice boxed ripped out and we did see it happen in bumblebee. And they don’t have the resources to replace it on earth

  • @rolandorodriguez8975
    @rolandorodriguez8975 Год назад +2

    Dylan O'Brien was the voice of Bumblebee in the opening Cybertron scene in 2018 Bumblebee film. I was kinda happy they went that route. Especially voiced by someone like O'Brien.

  • @alexandrasantiago3616
    @alexandrasantiago3616 Год назад +3

    I kinda want the trilogy to be more about unicron or the beast such as the predacons

  • @lexdia19
    @lexdia19 Год назад +1

    Did anybody catch the music playing when Scourge went to Unicron with half the key was the same music from the original when Unicron changed Megatron to Galvatron?

    • @SonyEnthusiast
      @SonyEnthusiast Год назад +1

      Nah, but i recognized the same music from the bayverse films were used in the end

  • @marcusyates3044
    @marcusyates3044 Год назад +3

    Capcom made games for Disney before... What if Disney made movies for Capcom?

  • @Reelfanz90
    @Reelfanz90 Год назад +1

    I’m hype for gi-joe and transformers to collaborate

  • @ChiTownMade
    @ChiTownMade Год назад +3

    I seen this today. Pretty good. And they going the route of the next movie being a crossover with GI Joe. That's gonna be a great one.

  • @gianvankleij7134
    @gianvankleij7134 Год назад

    When the guy at the end started talking about secret organisation, i was thinking about sector 7, but then that g.i joe on the card was blowing me away, i loved those movies, cant wait for future movies, i loved this one.b

  • @TheAngryCanadian10
    @TheAngryCanadian10 Год назад +3

    This film is the first in awhile to just make me smile the whole time. It didn’t have to have perfect writing or story it just made me so happy my favorite transformers movie

  • @spider-man500
    @spider-man500 Год назад +2

    I liked it.
    Though it was too short. Needed that extra time to spend with the characters(Mirage + Noah, Optimus and Noah, Optimus and Maximals, Maximals)

  • @Matt-gz9nr
    @Matt-gz9nr Год назад +6

    They need to add the G.I. Joe and the next sequel they need to bring back Megatron

    • @Lopez03Eduardo.
      @Lopez03Eduardo. Год назад

      Isn't he still frozen since this film is still in Bay Transformers canon timeline since Witwicky was teased in Rise of the Beast and this movie takes place in 90s and events of first film take place six years later or is this complete reboot new timeline

  • @memecity9849
    @memecity9849 Год назад +2

    Now they need to bring in a live action My Little Pony into the fold and we'll have a Hasbro cinematic universe

  • @millypants7526
    @millypants7526 Год назад +6

    I had SO much fun watching this film. I'm still kicking myself for not seeing the end credit scene coming, but the thing that really got me was the fact they slotted in the Unicron theme from 1986. CHILLS.

  • @bradleydarko557
    @bradleydarko557 Год назад +3

    I'm so on board with Tom Holland playing bumble bee 🐝 😂

  • @1992CEE
    @1992CEE Год назад +1

    It was a good movie would not mind rewatching it again, and like you said open to see where this goes!

  • @JD-iu6rv
    @JD-iu6rv Год назад +7

    Anyone else feel like Cheetor should have been in Mirage’s role? Since he is the hot shot of the maximals?

    • @KevinSmith-fw5tb
      @KevinSmith-fw5tb Год назад +1

      How? Be weird and drawing a lot of attention to see a human riding a robot cheetah around the city! 😆

  • @mysterynerd3591
    @mysterynerd3591 Год назад

    16:56 on the way home from the movie with my friend we were both cracking jokes about them doing heist movies against the monopoly man, or a medical drama to perform '*the* operation'

  • @swagman8011
    @swagman8011 Год назад +26

    With G.I Jone being teased, I hope it's not wasted potential.

    • @dariuschisholm7317
      @dariuschisholm7317 Год назад +2

      Is this channing Tatum gi Joe team

    • @austinforgie1069
      @austinforgie1069 Год назад +1

      @@dariuschisholm7317 I think it'll be a reboot with a whole new cast.

    • @dariuschisholm7317
      @dariuschisholm7317 Год назад

      @austinforgie1069 o cuz I wasn't sure but people were excited for it

    • @austinforgie1069
      @austinforgie1069 Год назад

      @@dariuschisholm7317 It blew my mind when I saw it. Like everyone I thought it was sector 7

    • @dariuschisholm7317
      @dariuschisholm7317 Год назад

      @austinforgie1069 I was confused on which gi Joe timeliness they meant

  • @mikelogan1725
    @mikelogan1725 Год назад +2

    I watched the movie last night and I was impressed. I think they finally brought the old school transformers ways to the big screen

  • @icecoldjohnnyy
    @icecoldjohnnyy Год назад +5

    they pretty much showed the entire movie in the trailers. We all knew bumble bee was coming back lol the movie was cool but the lines were so corny and cringe sometimes.
    GI JOE at the end was pretty cool, let’s see where they go with it!

  • @hunterjolly1518
    @hunterjolly1518 Год назад +1

    Who did they think they were fooling with that Bumblebee "death"? 😂

  • @baryzilla5875
    @baryzilla5875 Год назад +3

    Bumblebee telling Optimus you can't handle the truth and Optimus says you got to stop going to the drive-in movies I thought that was one of the funniest parts of the movie.
    edit: My theater was full of older people only 4 kids were there, and they all knew who GI.Joe was but they didn't clap.

  • @terryseppola3034
    @terryseppola3034 Год назад +2

    The radio is bumblebee’s trade mark in the movies. Not crazy about wheel Jacks new form.

  • @EdwardSanchezProductions
    @EdwardSanchezProductions Год назад +3

    I want to see a GI Joe and Transformers crossover

  • @theharbinger00
    @theharbinger00 Год назад +2

    This movie was up there with Dark of the moon!!!! Took characters seriously and less cheesy. The ending set up crossover was amazing!!! Got my hyped! This needs a sequel!!!!

  • @ivanortiz4136
    @ivanortiz4136 Год назад +3

    Bro I just watched it and Peet Davidson as Mirage is Hilarious but a little bit weird at the same time but in my opinion I think it's the best transformers movie

  • @T-oneG
    @T-oneG Год назад +1

    My theater erupted when Bumblebee returned. Plenty of laughs at Mirage’s jokes and a huge ovation at the end. GI Joe card/tease got a bunch of No Ways and “yooooos”

  • @torie4Life
    @torie4Life Год назад +17

    Best Transformer movie since the 1986 animated movie. Also I enjoyed the fact that during the fight scenes you can tell who’s fighting each other. Didn’t get that in the Michael Bay movies. Can’t wait for the next installment.

  • @toukendanshiwarrior2846
    @toukendanshiwarrior2846 7 месяцев назад +1

    It felt like three movies at once. That's the main cause of how this movie failed. There are too many characters introduced and most of them barely get any screen time or development. Three other Autobots never appeared (there were 7 escape pods). For the display panel thing, they could've had it be huge (on default) something scanned Elena and mistook her for a Mini-Con and shrunk to accommodate her size or let it not work and she has to find a way to reach and press the keys. Or have her organic hands make it difficult to press the keys.

  • @Maplecakes1221
    @Maplecakes1221 Год назад +4

    The tease made me excited especially since the comic book counterpart was really good but I wished they would tone down the human element and wished they gave the character growth to Mirage instead of Noah, with Mirage being a canny and humorous bot who constantly gets scolded by Optimus to a warrior who makes the ultimate play instead of Noah. Hoping in the next one they focus more on the Transformers unless if has something to do with the collab at the end. I feel like there could've been a movie before this to familiarize with the maximals and terrorcons. One nitpick lastly is for WheelJack, just when I thought they did him justice in Bumblebee's cybertron opening, they butcher his design twice now, with the first being in Dark of the Moon. However, all in all, I do like this movie and the new addition of bots and hope they give more depth to these bots and lower the involvement of humans due to the sake of empathy or whatever.

  • @CyD-X
    @CyD-X Год назад +1

    The bumblebee return "Don't call it a comeback" was sick!

  • @tylerconant2340
    @tylerconant2340 Год назад +3

    I’m open to the idea of a crossover, I just feel like it’s way too early. Not only does G.I. Joe have a poor track record, but transformers is also trying to get back up on its feet as a franchise. I feel like this crossover could’ve waited a least another movie or two, to see if transformers wins over the public again.
    If hasbro is trying to get G.I. Joe off the ground with Rise of the Beasts, and Rise of the Beasts fails to not only win over audiences, but box office as well, it’ll take G.I. Joe with it. Then hasbro is out with 2 franchises at once.

    • @hpjive
      @hpjive Год назад

      This film is not winning any awards my guy 💀 it’s a good movie! It’s just not a award winning movie :/

  • @thenerdywave2007
    @thenerdywave2007 Год назад +1

    Great Review 👍

  • @christianmanka3884
    @christianmanka3884 Год назад +3

    I squealed in excitement at the twist ending

  • @PopPunkFilth
    @PopPunkFilth Год назад +1

    I was at the early fan screening and people clapped and cheered for the G.I.Joe reveal. Along with the Bumblebee comeback and Prime/Skurge final battle

  • @buddystudios1234
    @buddystudios1234 Год назад +5

    My theater laughed at every single joke especially the “bros before hoes” this movie was better than I expected
    My theater was absolutely hyped for example when bumblebee came back everyone screamed Including me and I was surprised when people screamed when the card said GI.JOE

  • @peanut9938
    @peanut9938 Год назад +2

    Bro this movie was crazy, 9/10 for me, better than all the Micheal bay flims after 3 for me, This movie was fun, funny, light hearted. This is what transformers need, not gonna lie yes a life action transformer movie taking place on cybertron would be amazing, but that would be so expensive. The humans in here connected better in here for me, plus with the fucking awesome GI.JOE reveal which would make humans being in transformer movies make more sense. Same with transformer crossing over to GI.JOE movies if they make Spin-Offs on this with the same actor that plays Noah. 9/10!!!!

  • @DrewTrox
    @DrewTrox Год назад +2

    Hold up! I'm about to go into the theater. Be back in a bit.

    • @DrewTrox
      @DrewTrox Год назад

      Sure there were some plot holes, but that was a fun spectacle. I'm looking forward the sequel.

  • @getzelfranqui5362
    @getzelfranqui5362 Год назад

    i was just about to comment on your other video to post cause I was so confused when I seen the GiJoe thing

  • @raedgonzalezspideyfanboy
    @raedgonzalezspideyfanboy Год назад +3

    Let’s hope that Ironhide Ratchet Brawn appears in other transformers live action. Because they don’t appear in rise of the beasts but let’s hope they appear in the next movie.

    • @koammudo43
      @koammudo43 Год назад

      Don't forget rat trap 😂

    • @raedgonzalezspideyfanboy
      @raedgonzalezspideyfanboy Год назад

      Oh I already know that rattrap is not in the movie but let’s hope he is in the next movie. Cause oh my god rattrap was so funny in beast wars🤣

  • @cadenbruhman3078
    @cadenbruhman3078 Год назад +1

    I think that the transformers and gijoe has potential to be really cool and has me excited. My only thing is it feels weird. Maybe it’s just this seems kinda new for me to see two huge franchises cross over for a big film but I feel like we just got an amazing transformers movie and a cross over won’t let it get to stand alone and could also make or break the new reboot.

  • @reyhanjamil2477
    @reyhanjamil2477 Год назад +5

    I loved this movie, why is everyone saying it needs improvement. It is a 9/10, absolutely incredible film!!!

  • @CarlyCatharsis
    @CarlyCatharsis Год назад +2

    You're ABSOLUTELY 💯%
    SPOT-ON Chris! THAT IS
    EXACTLY Where It's Headed.
    Next One Will Even Feature A
    Version Of Megatron & Predacons!