
  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 532

  • @mkvector9539
    @mkvector9539 5 лет назад +708

    Whenever i see the BMW M3 GTR.
    I immediately think of MFS Most Wanted 2005.

    • @mkvector9539
      @mkvector9539 5 лет назад +24

      @Burger Slider Geez sorry, the N is so close to the M.

    • @OnlySuzu
      @OnlySuzu 5 лет назад +4

      @@mkvector9539 hell yeah brother lol

    • @OnlySuzu
      @OnlySuzu 5 лет назад +51

      @DualGalaXy Microtransactions for Speed

    • @AidenPearce19
      @AidenPearce19 5 лет назад +35

      *Meth* for speed

    • @upwaveflash8429
      @upwaveflash8429 5 лет назад +12

      Not me
      This reminded me about the old le mans dvd that my uncle bring it back my grandpa house
      That was the first time i saw a m3 gtr and heard it sound for first time

  • @Efthious
    @Efthious 5 лет назад +1072

    *Hey there was something wrong with your ride, you left a huge oil slick at the start line. You have to end the race fast!*

    • @KanzakiZD
      @KanzakiZD 4 года назад +202

      you picked the wrong game fool

    • @chandlersbryant4047
      @chandlersbryant4047 4 года назад +22

      @@KanzakiZD Its a Joke sir calm down

    • @KanzakiZD
      @KanzakiZD 4 года назад +106

      @@chandlersbryant4047 i'm joking too. ever played gta san andreas?

    • @chandlersbryant4047
      @chandlersbryant4047 4 года назад +20

      @@KanzakiZD ahh nevermind I gotcha 😂😭

    • @KanzakiZD
      @KanzakiZD 4 года назад +8

      @@chandlersbryant4047 lmao XD

  • @tudord4715
    @tudord4715 4 года назад +229

    "You got anymore details?"
    "Suspect is driving a silver BMW"

    • @tony_5156
      @tony_5156 3 года назад +2


    • @chipBG2003
      @chipBG2003 Год назад

      Run b**ch! Run!

    • @xkenzox2431
      @xkenzox2431 6 месяцев назад +4

      i think she say, "silver sport car" xD

  • @twistedaxles9126
    @twistedaxles9126 5 лет назад +311

    *I can smell the Rockport Police Departmemt from here*

    • @KanzakiZD
      @KanzakiZD 4 года назад +4


    • @Oneesanuwu
      @Oneesanuwu 4 года назад +4

      Ah shit

    • @xtremesplit1321
      @xtremesplit1321 4 года назад +22

      (Whoever That Person Was): Everyone?

    • @mikkii50
      @mikkii50 4 года назад +1


    • @mczblaze8032
      @mczblaze8032 3 года назад +4

      Oh shit here we go again I saw it

  • @bobbysingh7386
    @bobbysingh7386 6 лет назад +129

    Gran Turismo 4 will never die

  • @Oneesanuwu
    @Oneesanuwu 4 года назад +96

    Rockport Police Departmemt: *Ah shit, here we go again*

  • @apophisstr6719
    @apophisstr6719 6 лет назад +375

    I missed these aggressive AI..they don't just slow down and let you go by when you are side by side with them.

    • @shadowv6794
      @shadowv6794 6 лет назад +23

      This is real racing :P

    • @odinlavaloon8767
      @odinlavaloon8767 6 лет назад


    • @e.x.c4lib3rgaming98
      @e.x.c4lib3rgaming98 5 лет назад +8

      I noticed that becuz he wasnt drafting so when he went beside him the car slowed down

    • @214iby
      @214iby 5 лет назад +5

      Gt sport AI is too easy

    • @clement5106
      @clement5106 5 лет назад +1

      Gran Turismo 2 vibes lol

  • @MiklosTamas1997
    @MiklosTamas1997 4 года назад +79

    I need every single unit after the guy.

  • @chadbrick67
    @chadbrick67 6 лет назад +113

    Don't forget the oil change as soon as you buy a new car .

  • @marcovukovic7473
    @marcovukovic7473 6 лет назад +151

    Difficulty: FAST

  • @TheFlatCapFromWN5
    @TheFlatCapFromWN5 6 лет назад +93

    Car - Ford GT40 Race Car
    Engine - Ford Mustang SVT Cobra (Stock Exhaust)
    Chassis - Stock
    Brakes - Stock
    Suspension - Stock
    Transmission - Chaparral 2J
    Track - Nurburgring Nordschleife

    • @wsaqua6498
      @wsaqua6498 6 лет назад

      how you can put that in the original car?

    • @KanzaiDoriftoz
      @KanzaiDoriftoz 5 лет назад +2

      @@wsaqua6498 It can hack the car with some programs.

    • @wsaqua6498
      @wsaqua6498 5 лет назад

      @@KanzaiDoriftoz ok.

  • @night2vyife
    @night2vyife 6 лет назад +441

    The AI always seem to mess up when they’re driving the Toyota 7.

    • @Gojira_uz
      @Gojira_uz 6 лет назад +116

      The 7 is a very difficult car to drive so its totally understandable.

    • @mnrdiecast5299
      @mnrdiecast5299 6 лет назад +46

      It’s not like its alone or anything its got the Vertigo to keep it company.

    • @Emppu_T.
      @Emppu_T. 6 лет назад +41

      Have you ever heard the tragedy, about the real toyota 7 ?

    • @Gojira_uz
      @Gojira_uz 6 лет назад +5

      @@Emppu_T. Obviously. Its kinda common knowledge.

    • @khairi1601
      @khairi1601 6 лет назад +5

      Emppu T. What was it? I’ve heard about it a long time ago but i forgot

  • @salazarspsyduckumbreongami6356
    @salazarspsyduckumbreongami6356 6 лет назад +64

    In my oppinion still the best gran turismo game out

  • @folo_x3434
    @folo_x3434 6 лет назад +589

    That is the best looking ps2 game I have seen

    • @scorpionwins6378
      @scorpionwins6378 6 лет назад +125

      Polyphony definitely went all out with this game, in particular when the PS2 began to lose momentum with the launch of the Xbox. To this day GT4 gives a lot of the current racing sims a run for their money, especially with the HDMI cable that let's you run this game in impressive 1080p. Truly outstanding graphics and gameplay GT4 had to offer in 2004.

    • @folo_x3434
      @folo_x3434 6 лет назад

      Mistah J Yep 👍

    • @jackbollingmoore7554
      @jackbollingmoore7554 6 лет назад +3

      @@scorpionwins6378 and Forza came out in 2005

    • @josefstone5232
      @josefstone5232 6 лет назад +45

      That was some mind blowing graphics for Ps2 indeed . I almost lost my mind when I played this on my ps2 for the first time.

    • @scorpionwins6378
      @scorpionwins6378 6 лет назад +13

      @@josefstone5232 same here dude. I immediately went out to buy it once it hit the shelves. GT3 was equally impressive when it was released but it lacked car selection. I still have an appreciation for GT3 but this game pretty much makes the previous title obsolete in every way possible.

  • @takishi1407
    @takishi1407 6 лет назад +173

    2:12 The Toyota 7 already lost the race

    • @Serpter4215
      @Serpter4215 5 лет назад +1

      GamingWithAyman I swear once that’s would happen
      3 corners later the AIs behind me: *intense heavy breathing*

  • @Adam63545
    @Adam63545 6 лет назад +169

    Lol the poor Toyota 7 spinning off track early

  • @sekhyhybrid6701
    @sekhyhybrid6701 6 лет назад +188

    That engine would have blown up if that was real. Awesome battle though against the CLK-GTR.

    • @Haviair9951
      @Haviair9951 5 лет назад +13

      Wdym blown up it can rev very high just doesn't have a top end

    • @kierenboimufc5940
      @kierenboimufc5940 5 лет назад +2

      Dr Drift King99 so one of the air ducts have been closed ?

    • @Haviair9951
      @Haviair9951 5 лет назад +2

      @@kierenboimufc5940 what???

    • @kierenboimufc5940
      @kierenboimufc5940 5 лет назад +2

      Has he changed all the settings of the car before the race

    • @monkeyfan250
      @monkeyfan250 4 года назад +18

      This comment is old so you may know more about cars of not then ill just say it here
      All cars,even the ones you drive daily has "engine protection". Its a thing manufacturers set the car's ECUs base tune too to prevent over revving and bad timing to prevent engine damage at high speed. Racing teams especially does this before races when tuning their cars for race weekends, its mostly noticed in formula 1 but all motorsports check these tunes each race weekend to prevent engine damage and gradual fuel use. So no engine damage due to high rpms is possible. The car would be locked preventing red lining

  • @thirdoffirstmanineurope3590
    @thirdoffirstmanineurope3590 5 лет назад +15

    This game was something extraterrestrial... You could feel a car while driving it, and this BMW is pure perversion to drive! Best Gran Turismo, even best game for me where I "spent" hundreds of hours. Love it

  • @mkvector9539
    @mkvector9539 5 лет назад +18

    3:00 Probably the most satisfying straight in a race track ever.

  • @KingLich451
    @KingLich451 5 лет назад +29

    I love how the AI used to make mistakes, too.

  • @navycalvin9337
    @navycalvin9337 3 года назад +29

    Listening to this on earphones. Didn't know that ps2 had this amazing directional suround sound and that wind grazing sound is amazing!

  • @HCI1stH4rtG3il
    @HCI1stH4rtG3il 5 лет назад +48

    Mercedes what's your opinion about BMW?
    Mercedes; looks pretty but just in my mirror
    BMW: 3:38

  • @GuerrillaGuitar
    @GuerrillaGuitar 5 лет назад +5

    M3 GTR - coolest car known to mankind. Gran Turismo 4 was a large chunk of my childhood along with NFS underground 2...

    • @ricocollier-daniels1184
      @ricocollier-daniels1184 5 лет назад +3

      It also played it's biggest part in need for speed most wanted(2005).

    • @GuerrillaGuitar
      @GuerrillaGuitar 5 лет назад +1

      @@ricocollier-daniels1184 that is iconic. Even tho I prefer NFS underground 2, Most Wanted was awesome

  • @jacob_leprosy4459
    @jacob_leprosy4459 6 лет назад +33

    GT4 in 60fps looks great

    • @penoprawnyobywatel6134
      @penoprawnyobywatel6134 6 лет назад +6

      GT4 is default in 60 fps mate

    • @jacob_leprosy4459
      @jacob_leprosy4459 6 лет назад +1

      I've only played the PS2 version where there is only 30 fps.

    • @hivonzoooPL
      @hivonzoooPL 6 лет назад

      Każda część Gran Turismo działa w 50-60 klatkach. Zależne od regionu i TV.

    • @caiet2355
      @caiet2355 6 лет назад +2

      @@jacob_leprosy4459 the PS2 version runs at 60 fps

    • @jacob_leprosy4459
      @jacob_leprosy4459 6 лет назад

      But not my lol

  • @TopSecret82
    @TopSecret82 5 лет назад +32

    absolutely nobody:
    xTimlessGaming: *H Y B R I D*

  • @budaroddy
    @budaroddy 6 лет назад +10

    Man they should do the new GT like this one, more than 10 years and still kicking some ass

  • @kadlecmk
    @kadlecmk 6 лет назад +9

    That sound is amazing!

  • @subhajitsamajpati4146
    @subhajitsamajpati4146 6 лет назад +85

    NFS most wanted 2005 BMW m3 gtr has more fans than PewDiePie
    Like if you agree

    • @knucklesfan463
      @knucklesfan463 6 лет назад +14

      Stop refering to M3 GTR as it is only Most wanted's vehicle..

  • @leo-qb2mp
    @leo-qb2mp 6 лет назад +3

    O melhor gran turismo da historia

  • @101survivalist
    @101survivalist 4 года назад +1

    Is no one gonna point out you had a rare black racing car in your vid? Dude that made it even more rad.

  • @edwarktwelve6257
    @edwarktwelve6257 6 лет назад +18

    I used to wonder why RUclips kept recommend your channel and ISuckAtDriving to me even when I never searched you guys and related channels. I pretty sure now because we all are in Malaysia so RUclips algorithm did it job.

    • @nov8783
      @nov8783 5 лет назад


    • @RokkumanZero23
      @RokkumanZero23 5 лет назад

      You got me. I also live in Malaysia too.

    • @mdanish182
      @mdanish182 5 лет назад

      wait so iSuckAtDriving a malaysian

    • @KikuraKun
      @KikuraKun 5 лет назад

      @@mdanish182 He is

    • @rinn1303
      @rinn1303 5 лет назад

      @@KikuraKun never knew that lol

  • @corn204
    @corn204 5 лет назад

    The BMW M3 GTR is an absolute classic, BMW would not be what it is today without it and how fast it was in races.

  • @PratikParija
    @PratikParija 6 лет назад +4

    The cars in GT4 are unmatched. I miss that in GT Sport.

  • @JulianoNevesz
    @JulianoNevesz 6 лет назад +15

    Wait, Is it me, or at 7:45 we can see the overheated brake ? I dont remember that on ps2 version...Or maybe it was always there...Anyway, every time I saw GT4 Gameplay, I always think that this game was ahead of its time!

    • @michelemorosato1142
      @michelemorosato1142 5 лет назад +2

      it was there on the ps2 version

    • @ultra6482
      @ultra6482 5 лет назад +1

      This was in gran turismo 3 overhat brakes.

  • @napalmman8292
    @napalmman8292 6 лет назад +11

    get back to pit, team member asking "hey man, why the seat is wet?"
    driver "i just reached 350 km/h that's why"

  • @niedjamedeiros3216
    @niedjamedeiros3216 4 года назад +2

    You improved amazing graphics on Gran Turismo 4. Very similar to GT5 on PlayStation 3. Amazing...

  • @MarcelolGT
    @MarcelolGT 6 лет назад +10

    Great graphics! Wonderful game simulator for the time of its launch!

  • @ricocollier-daniels1184
    @ricocollier-daniels1184 6 лет назад +6

    Razor "Clarance" Callahan is driving that M3 GTR

    • @KevinAbillGaming
      @KevinAbillGaming Год назад +1

      Wait, this guy's a racer? His name is Clarence.

    • @haryabima5977
      @haryabima5977 6 месяцев назад

      Unfortunately, it was the Player who drive the BMW M3 GTR

  • @christianmacmarquez5100
    @christianmacmarquez5100 6 месяцев назад

    When the GTR BMW is still in the race league until it retired and became the most wanted racer in Rockport City now known as the iconic one and Razors Rival

  • @couillotte
    @couillotte 4 года назад +2

    i love how the difference of wind noise when you are behind a car or not. Do you find this feature in an other game ?

  • @ren2089
    @ren2089 6 лет назад +37

    Car:Nissan Skyline V-Spec Ñur
    Engine: Nissan R390 GT1
    Trassmision: Nissan GTR Prototype
    Chassis: Nissan 350z Concept LM Race Car
    Tyres: Nissan C-West Razo Silvia
    Track: Laguna Seca

  • @m.xhdd.x
    @m.xhdd.x 5 месяцев назад

    That Toyota 7 Race Car always fucking up in any race

  • @alfaperson2290
    @alfaperson2290 5 лет назад +8

    2:44 it looks like he's doing 1,000,000 mph

  • @MarteTheBest
    @MarteTheBest 6 лет назад +5

    Ah, the good old times with GT4. I wish they would remaster it on PS4.

    • @Rumblingbelly
      @Rumblingbelly 4 года назад

      Why not just play it on pc

    • @MarteTheBest
      @MarteTheBest 4 года назад

      @@Rumblingbelly I tried, I can t seem to find a download 😂

    • @Rumblingbelly
      @Rumblingbelly 4 года назад

      @@MarteTheBest just type gran turismo 4 download in google, its the first search result. After that just dl ps2 emulator from official site

  • @nastyfranky8160
    @nastyfranky8160 4 года назад +1

    Mw 2005: remastered
    Cross: ah sh#t here we go again

  • @cofi1534
    @cofi1534 6 лет назад +21

    This game is good beacuse you have that speed feeling when you play this game, if you know what I want to say

    • @kubur4206
      @kubur4206 4 года назад +1

      wind I N T E N S I F I E S

    • @najjmx2422
      @najjmx2422 4 года назад

      Exactly unlike gt5

    •  4 года назад

      It's the one single aspect that turns me away from almost all racing games. I remember playing a lot of Forza 3 on Xbox 360 but the speed feeling as you mention... it just wasn't there. Even on this track, unless you had a beast like the Lamborghini Reventon, you couldn't really feel it. It seems even GT4 is ahead on this point.
      It's also why I loved NFS Most Wanted so much. Awesome speed feeling and that godly soundtrack...

  • @Dan_CP2509
    @Dan_CP2509 Год назад

    Everytime i see the BMW M3 GTR i have flashbacks from the 2005 Need For Speed Most Wanted.... With the Disturbed's Decadence playing in my head XD

  • @insanitized750
    @insanitized750 6 лет назад +33

    top requested cars? 😍

  • @abilflorida
    @abilflorida 3 года назад

    that benz is gonna fly by for sure

  • @sulejmaniapologist
    @sulejmaniapologist 6 лет назад +3

    That Toyota 7 on the thumbnail tho

  • @jeremycomfort5973
    @jeremycomfort5973 6 лет назад +1

    I love your content! Keep up the good work.

  • @darknez09240
    @darknez09240 6 лет назад

    oh wow with that bass the car actually sounds closer to an m3, the meaty sound

  • @syahrialsamik1521
    @syahrialsamik1521 6 лет назад

    why i love gt 4 than other gt series? that bgm is smooth and relaxing

  • @soulbrother5435
    @soulbrother5435 4 года назад

    Came for NFSMW posts Im not disappointed

  • @Michaeldesanta12356
    @Michaeldesanta12356 2 года назад +2

    I wish this car could appear in gt7

  • @Kransgaming
    @Kransgaming 6 месяцев назад

    Bro, your driving skills are really great, by the way, what controller do you use?

    • @xTimelessGaming
      @xTimelessGaming  6 месяцев назад

      I'm using keyboard mate.

    • @Kransgaming
      @Kransgaming 6 месяцев назад

      @@xTimelessGaming Wow that's really cool right? It's very rare for people to use a keyboard controller to play racing games, great bro

  • @mr_slave
    @mr_slave 4 года назад

    2:12 when you're racing but you left your iron on at home

  • @amosanon8788
    @amosanon8788 4 года назад +1

    I still think the Mazda 787B was the best car in the game. Not the fastest car, but dang was it good to drive. Won pretty much everything with one of those monsters with a massive turbo added to it.

  • @antrax607
    @antrax607 6 лет назад +19

    Xtimeless, i want to ask something, which country are you from?

  • @aricarphotomuc
    @aricarphotomuc 6 лет назад +58

    Is this suppose to be an NFSMW M3 GTR replica? Because it almost sounds like iz

  • @jaggo_5
    @jaggo_5 6 лет назад +1

    Hey man! Nice GT4 videos, I love the game :D
    My question is: what ps2 emulator are you using, and what are your settings? It would be really appreciated, if you can help me..
    Thx in advance!

    • @xTimelessGaming
      @xTimelessGaming  6 лет назад +2

      I'm using PCSX2 v1.5.0 emulator n about the settings u can see it in the description, or u can download my emulator + savegame in the description bro. :)

  • @awesomeracer2007
    @awesomeracer2007 6 лет назад +8

    got a hybrid request for ya
    car: Suzuki ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car '98
    engine: Cadillac CIEN '02
    brakes: Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car '01
    chassis: Chrysler PT Cruiser '00
    suspension: Daihatsu MOVE SR-XX 2WD '97
    transmission: Formula GT
    track: Circuit de la Sarthe II

  • @esjotajonh6507
    @esjotajonh6507 4 года назад

    The sound of breeze when you put out of vacuo zone is fuck cool

  • @Ho_Fty
    @Ho_Fty 4 года назад +2

    Игра просто ностальгия😌

  • @2kchi177
    @2kchi177 3 года назад

    GT4 and 7 possibly the greatest out of the franchise

  • @Zonda4748
    @Zonda4748 5 лет назад +5

    This request is very funny and understable only for those, who opened in-game files of NFS:MW with VltEd lul

  • @blainy-o93
    @blainy-o93 6 лет назад +1

    How do you make hybrids in GT4? Is there a tool/garage editor like there is for GT3 or does it have to be done with codes like GT2?

    • @xTimelessGaming
      @xTimelessGaming  6 лет назад +2

      Here the link how to hybrids in GT4 mate:
      it have to be done with codes like GT2 ... but hybrids on GT4 is much more easier than GT2.

  • @carolinelouise8730
    @carolinelouise8730 5 лет назад

    This fucking Mercedes is really fast.

  • @rastabraham4791
    @rastabraham4791 6 лет назад +10

    Creo que la sensación de velocidad es mucho mejor que en GT SPORT

  • @franciesco15
    @franciesco15 6 лет назад +3

    Gran Turismo 4 Most Wanted

    • @shadowv6794
      @shadowv6794 6 лет назад

      This car existed before Most Wanted.

    • @franciesco15
      @franciesco15 6 лет назад

      @@shadowv6794 Most Wanted definitely made it popular

    • @shadowv6794
      @shadowv6794 6 лет назад

      @@franciesco15 Exactly, because the car by itself in real life is slow in general and not many people watch races like these race cars.

    • @shadowv6794
      @shadowv6794 5 лет назад

      @GT012345tube Bruh, do you even know the history of this car? I don't think so.
      It is a 2001 racecar that began its life and career at the *American Le Mans Series.*
      In the game *(NFSMW)* there are three versions of this car. Two of them are the racecar, stock and upgraded, and the third one is a street version of the racecar which is street legal, included in the *Black Edition* of the game.

  • @Steven-uk2fz
    @Steven-uk2fz 3 года назад

    I love the battle with the CLK

  • @sus7691
    @sus7691 5 лет назад +1

    I love this car man

    • @sus7691
      @sus7691 4 года назад

      The Legend 27 Returns to RUclips noooo its so beatifull :)

  • @alealex4351
    @alealex4351 5 лет назад +1

    Look at 2:32 that black Nissan R390 GT1, how it is overtaked by the BMW 😅

  • @melsuppatlol4565
    @melsuppatlol4565 6 лет назад +6

    You had a hard time with that AMG Mercedes.
    That thing reaches 356kph on that track btw

  • @gotanjuu5791
    @gotanjuu5791 6 лет назад

    Congrats on 30k subs dude!

  • @jaredchetty580
    @jaredchetty580 5 лет назад

    Man I had good times with this game but I use to drive like a noob
    this game is a legend

  • @kisat35
    @kisat35 6 лет назад +2

    2:09 what happened to that Toyota 7 ?

    • @shadowv6794
      @shadowv6794 6 лет назад

      Does it matter?

    • @sulkii9437
      @sulkii9437 5 лет назад

      The AI cant control the Toyota 7.

  • @damijangospic9892
    @damijangospic9892 6 лет назад +2

    Is it just me or the gt4 is better than future gt games?

  • @deadkey
    @deadkey Год назад

    This game was way ahead of its time. This with better graphics of course could be an PS4 release in my opinion physics wise etc.

  • @sirguillaume
    @sirguillaume 6 лет назад +1

    That engine roaring

  • @britneyspearsvillarosa
    @britneyspearsvillarosa 3 года назад

    The Best Racing game of all time GT4

  • @860anthony
    @860anthony 4 года назад

    Best Gran Turismo of all time!

  • @Cxltyy
    @Cxltyy 4 года назад +1

    *insert police chase earrape from nfsmw*

  • @kleytman
    @kleytman 4 года назад +1

    This is played on the original hardware or an emulator?

  • @DarkViperEU
    @DarkViperEU 3 года назад

    The black Nissan R390 the AI used is actually one of the 4 secret "Black Cars" in GT4. It's so rare to see an AI driving one!

  • @StaciaHime
    @StaciaHime 4 года назад

    now 2020, but damn i still love to watch this

  • @der216
    @der216 4 года назад +2

    lol how everybody thinks of MW when seeing an M3 GTR
    great driving (Y)

  • @EVINHA2832
    @EVINHA2832 5 лет назад +1

    Body kit most wanted

  • @eMoXM
    @eMoXM 6 лет назад

    Awesome graphics for a PS2 game i always been surprised when i turn my PS2 to play it after GT3, nostalgia ❤

  • @randomthingsfallfromthesky7614
    @randomthingsfallfromthesky7614 6 лет назад

    30 seconds in and the music is perfect!

  • @brunoarcangelo3199
    @brunoarcangelo3199 2 года назад +1

    Esse jogo tem as pistas incríveis 👏👏👏👏

  • @leo-qb2mp
    @leo-qb2mp 6 лет назад +1

    Joguei todos gran turismo, esse ae e o melhor

  • @beatlestaute221
    @beatlestaute221 6 лет назад +2

    Car - Plymouth super bird
    Engine Dodge Charger 440
    Brakes Dodge Viper team oreca
    Suspension Dodge Viper team oreca
    Chassis Dodge Charger 440
    Transmission Dodge Charger 440
    Track motegi oval
    Car colour light blue (or anything close)
    This is basically the Daytona Charger

  • @rodolfovillanuevaperez1678
    @rodolfovillanuevaperez1678 2 года назад

    Beautiful car! Excellent race bro! So good times!

  • @mackray0128
    @mackray0128 Год назад

    You play the m3 gtr not because is a fast simple race car but it gives you need for speed most wanted nostalgia

  • @_MetalGears_
    @_MetalGears_ 6 лет назад

    Is ther a video on how to hybrid cars? Also they did you change the engine to the tvr just asking?

  • @ivannevistic1088
    @ivannevistic1088 5 лет назад

    The Clk-Gtr is just Insanse! almost 800hp all motor for endurance from a stock based engine!

  • @af-s
    @af-s 6 лет назад +2

    What are the codes for those different camera views?

    • @xTimelessGaming
      @xTimelessGaming  6 лет назад +1

      Here the codes to adjust teh camera cam mate. Press R3+Up/Down to adjust the camera (Press L3+R3) to reset the camera to normal.
      Camerahack (CodeBreaker)
      D086F99C 0000FFEB
      30200001 0037A1A4
      D086F99C 0000FFBB
      30300001 0037A1A4
      D086F99C 0000FFF9
      2037A1A4 3C013F80
      Camerahack (Gameshark)
      9A2A1032 17295F98
      4713F394 3DC1643F
      F59ACB0E B79D6058
      3489A627 DDEBF25D
      02B1CF93 D22B5BFB
      B3F1BA54 9F96D8D7

  • @JJ-xd9dr
    @JJ-xd9dr 4 года назад

    Reverse positions in the end. Nice.

  • @stephennoble2647
    @stephennoble2647 4 года назад

    I think GT4 has a better feel and game play than GT Sport. I always loved this game on PS2...