ENTP vs INFJ | When an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object | MBTI Decoded

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @huwhiteknight8867
    @huwhiteknight8867 6 лет назад +38

    I dated an INFJ woman for three years. The title of your video is dead on. We had a talk after the break up and recognized that neither of us will know love like that again. The polarity is so strong it created a transcendent intimacy where it feel like new worlds are being created, new universes. This pairing either ends up in disaster for both or heaven on earth.

  • @elpensadorrene2824
    @elpensadorrene2824 6 лет назад +29

    Nolan´s Batman: INFJ
    Nolan´s Joker: ENTP
    (Someone has to put this...)

    • @TheIrrationalSkeptic
      @TheIrrationalSkeptic  6 лет назад +3

      Elpensador René I will do an analysis of Batman in regards to the MBTI. Thank you for the topic suggestion. Stay tuned !

  • @herbaboa
    @herbaboa 6 лет назад +17

    Hi irrational skeptic there,
    INFJ woman signing in.
    Currently dating an ENTP, probably the biggest dating challenge I have faced in my life, I love it though. I so much identify our relationship with the description of unmovable object and force. Although for me the description of the INFJ mind would be more accurate as an apparently 'unmovable force' which experiences changes through a very subtle combination of hidden forces, more like if we are a huge planet interacting with its massiveness withing the environment whereas ENTP would be the fast comet coming by...:)
    We are tied up by an invisible force which may be our opposite poles interacting, I actually intuitively called him an explorer and gave him a small compass I have had for many years.
    This strange combination of forces brings up such a source of power fo change between the two, which I think is our shared ultimate individual goal, to always be in constant growth. It is fascinating...and this interaction is sometimes also exhausting because it does not seem to end unless I stand with my massive force in the comet way, he is hilariously exhausting, which drives me crazy and excited! as I tend to get bored with people so easily! I hope I brought some nice mind material to your channel. Mind peace to all.

    • @TheIrrationalSkeptic
      @TheIrrationalSkeptic  6 лет назад +4

      MaruXaina na Eira Haha. That was a nice read INFJ woman :p. I agree with you that “apparent immovable object” may be more accurate for the INFJ. I also like the metaphor of the comet. ENTPs are surely a wild force that just mess stuff up wherever they appear. Interestingly enough when in the presence of an INFJ, they usually find that their tricks don’t work as much anymore.
      Dare I say, an INFJ occasionally freezes this comet or as you said, stand right in front of it to cause a collision that causes the ENTP to “reflect” on themselves.
      Anyways, cheers to you. Thanks for stopping by. :)

    • @herbaboa
      @herbaboa 6 лет назад +3

      Ou yeah, that is so much true that ENTPs tricks do not work so well on INFJ, I came to this thought from my interaction with this ENTP. Only because I let him play his tricks then I let him amuse me, but from my conscious perspective. So, I understand that I can read him and that blows his mind, he is so confused why his magic set does not have the same effect as usual... This is important because I can then set my boundaries whenever his manipulative nature comes into act disguised by the wonderful tricks and plays...watch the ENTP out! I know his intentions are harmless but INFJ really has to know where to stand and put limits for our own sake...
      What do you think about this rather deep psichological aspect of the ENTP-INFJ interaction?

    • @TheIrrationalSkeptic
      @TheIrrationalSkeptic  6 лет назад +4

      MaruXaina na Eira The ENTP and INFJ are in very interesting positions. Apart from the opposition of their dominant functions in terms of orientation, the flip of their auxiliary and tertiary functions is probably where we get our interesting combo. Because the INFJ has Introverted Thinking as a tertiary function, they’re good enough at Ti to follow along the ENTPs rationale. But because the INFJ has a more “mature” Extroverted Feeling, they more easily detect when the ENTP is using their Extroverted Feeling for nefarious reasons.
      It is the same thing when ENTPs detect that an INFJ has not fully thought through the implication of an idea in a logically implementable way. So, in a way we easily put checks on one another. The thing is that when it comes to social interaction, which comprises a high percentage of daily living, we easily see the tricks the ENTP employs to have their cake and eat it too.

    • @jsh5743
      @jsh5743 Год назад

      Power for change indeed... ! I think, NTs, in general are easy to read for an INFJ. The extroverted intuition meeting the introverted intuition may have something to do with this. But, the NTPs seem to resent it and feel judged. Which they are. But, only because INFJ judges everything nonstop all day. Which is why INFJ needs the ability to believe in humanity, give the benefit of the doubt, and see the good in all for the greatest good possible for all... ENTPs help INFJs explore their own thoughts without ENTPs even intending to and this helps INFJ grow. And the being called out helps the ENTP grow too.. sometimes they need to slow down their comet anyway! 😅 They need to have a space cake party and plot some coursework towards solving some humanitarian issues, they'd probably form a 501 and do a lot of good in the neighborhood together honestly. Either that or they'd just endlessly second guess eachother. 😅 That was a good read, thank you. ✌🏼😜

  • @TheFirstOnlyRealUltra
    @TheFirstOnlyRealUltra Год назад

    this is on another level 💎

  • @Brumbasse22
    @Brumbasse22 4 года назад +4

    So true about INFJ's trying to understand how they arrive at Ni conclusions totally ruins it for them. I have experienced some intense Ni stuff and living in it was, like, so powerful. Then, a 2 years later when I discovered what I had actually been doing, it became impossible for me to consciously replicate.

  • @ericwedin4154
    @ericwedin4154 4 года назад +11

    So the advice for the ENTP is to stop questioning statements made by INFJ since ”they are usually right” even though ”they can usually not describe how they came to this conclusion”. Ok... having a discussion with an INFJ seems totally useless for me as an ENTP. Taking things for granted is not my thing.

  • @sorryveronica
    @sorryveronica 2 года назад +1

    Title sounds like a sci-fi romantic film

  • @jsh5743
    @jsh5743 Год назад

    I can appreciate the ENTP's warning against INFJ's "fortune telling" as an INFJ. I can be in awe of their ability to see so many possibilities. There is however a certain problem with making an INFJ second guess their main ability that they use to navigate through life, their intuition. Because an INFJ that does not trust themselves, is lost utterly, indeed. And that will not go well for anybody. Having said that, ENTPs are deeply interesting and wildly enjoyably entertaining for an INFJ. Especially when an INFJ is healthy. But, at the opposite end, there's also potential for some deep resentment. The ENTPs in my life have usually been a love/hate dynamic. 😅

  • @icecreamstar34
    @icecreamstar34 3 года назад +1

    When you fit both personalities switch between the two depending on surrounding and social environment

  • @mama_5830
    @mama_5830 4 года назад +8

    I cant help but tune out and focus on your game and wonder how did you miss that slab haha sorry

    • @nben1843
      @nben1843 4 года назад

      so was I, reinstalled the game. I forgot how quick them cubes be movin

  • @t.6071
    @t.6071 3 года назад

    Amazing video

  • @Ost6891
    @Ost6891 3 года назад +1

    My best friend and I have said this about ourselves

  • @rachaelmazur4244
    @rachaelmazur4244 5 лет назад +3

    Infj, hate having my toes tickled

  • @MattHalil-di9bv
    @MattHalil-di9bv Год назад

    Infj have a natural gift of seeing what really is wrong. Entp are looking at it from different angles.
    Infj will always win in any mind game even without trying

    • @КириллКравченко-р2ъ
      @КириллКравченко-р2ъ 8 месяцев назад

      It is entp who see the problem using Ne+Ti, and infj who feel the problem Ni+Fe. Therefore, given equal data, it is in intellectual tasks that entp will win.
      (especially if you couldn’t prove that you were right, you didn’t win. And infjs can’t explain well why they came to certain decisions)

    • @MattHalil-di9bv
      @MattHalil-di9bv 8 месяцев назад

      @@КириллКравченко-р2ъ yes, which is what I mean. They see it in abstract not logic.
      However Infj are always spot on. Entp will see the issue Infj can pin point why it is an issue.
      Infj are useless at approaching issues with intellect they can be the most uneducated and still wipe the floor with super educated entp. I’ve seen this happen because I get in this situation often.

    • @MattHalil-di9bv
      @MattHalil-di9bv 5 месяцев назад

      @@КириллКравченко-р2ъInfj “just know”
      They are always spot on without using the intellect entp use.
      Both see different things in a situation.
      Infj use pure intuition. They have the power of discernment.
      I have been in situation like this with entp. It’s a battle with logic verses just knowing.
      Different perspectives of the same side.
      Entp cannot use the intuition like an Infj can, Infj want to get to the root of it while entp want to use their intellect which can be arrogance to solve the issue.
      Infj are going through life with pure intuition

  • @JoeLaFigue
    @JoeLaFigue 6 лет назад +13

    Hello my friend, ENTP here !
    It's interesting how you compare both types through intuition !
    One point bothers me though, and it is probably linked to the nature of the situation used as an example itself : In the end of the story, Amy telling everyone she's angry because of Tom doesn't prove the INFJ right.
    It just means that at this date and hour, Amy was in the right conditions to actively break down in front of Tom or get upset by his attitude.
    I mean even with Amy saying so, we still do not know the exact amount of pressure she's been putting up with that led to her being brought down by Tom.
    I don't mean to discredit your point with this little logical thinking though.
    I see where you wanted to go, what you wanted to tell : INFJs are basically more responsive to people's emotions, and that is true in most cases.
    But the story proves antoher thing than just showing INFJs have higher Fe than ENTPs :
    It's the interest we have for truth that changes. The ENTP listed a lot of options, none of them in this story can be proven wrong, they participate in the building up of pressure upon Amy.
    The INFJ in this case found the trigger as to why she is not okay right now. He probably did so by taking all the elements listed by the ENTP, and not because the ENTP did so, but the INFJ must have perceived them in his own way => the mysterious mechanics of introverted intuition you described in the end of the video.
    Where Ne expanded on the underlying causes to a fact, Ni funneled into the most efficient explanation.
    Thanks for a cool video, mate =)

    • @TheIrrationalSkeptic
      @TheIrrationalSkeptic  6 лет назад +1

      Hey there ENTP :)
      Thanks for your comment !
      Your caveat there is undeniably true. I actually wanted to include something in the video previously that would help defend such a counter. The fact that the INFJ spots what pushes Amy over the edge does not mean this is the “reason” Amy is mad. I could go back a whole host of causal events that led up to her “overflowing of emotion” at that specific point. As you’ve noted, the ENTP lists many options would could aggregate to the reason why she’s mad.
      In this case, finding the one LEGO block that most likely threw her over the edge is what the INFJ did. And yes, it is because Ni, in a sense, looks for the most probabilistic outcome using some funky under the hood calculations. The ENTP can present multiple possible outcomes but will weigh their merit based on how internally consistent they are(Ti). So if the ENTP is able to build a host of premises for why an option is probable, then he is strengthening one case over the others. So these multiple possibilities could be said to have weights, the one with the highest “Ti score” will be the winner. For the INFJs one singular “Truth”, it only consciously presents to us an answer. The only conscious question we may ask is “how will saying this impact the harmony of the environment ? Good ? We say it. Bad ? We keep it to ourselves.”!

    • @grimsong2237
      @grimsong2237 6 лет назад +1

      ENTP here,
      Was going to write out the dam same response lol. The flaws in logical analysis was glaring to me at the end of the video. Though I could still see the point he wanted to make.

  • @xavier2268
    @xavier2268 3 года назад +2

    INFJ and ENTP is the perfect relationship
    The common way this relationship fails is if the ENTP constantly dismisses or assumes the INFJ interpretation, feelings, ideas, struggles and intuition when that happens because of the strong bond the INFJ only solution is the Doorslam;
    Leaving the ENTP feeling betrayed and the INFJ feeling responsable forever...

    • @fsfbart
      @fsfbart 3 года назад

      What would be a real life example of the ENTP doing this? I want to see if I have been doing this wrong unintentionally.

    • @xavier2268
      @xavier2268 3 года назад +1

      @@fsfbart One example would be that INFJ love to share their thoughts and ideas on almost everything; if you are with an INFJ please let them share their thoughts and insights on the relationship. An INFJ might gives the impression that everything is going well but it might be the total opposite
      I hope this can be useful to you in anyway

    • @jsh5743
      @jsh5743 Год назад

      The door slam... yeah.. As a fellow INFJ, I'd like to say, Xavier, that that door slams harder than we think... But, it can always be reopened. And true that there are many ppl who don't make us feel understood and seen... But, there is a lesson in that... The lesson is self-validation. And with the growth of self-validation, we start to focus more on the whys of the other person's behaviors, and with the focus on their behaviors with time and compassion, we learn how to love and forgive and then teach that to others. This is the natual life evolution of the INFJ. We are build to help people grow. I hope this helps.

  • @manaking2176
    @manaking2176 3 года назад +1


  • @itsanditimevarietyshow
    @itsanditimevarietyshow 4 года назад +3

    What's the game hes playing?

  • @anthonyyoung2410
    @anthonyyoung2410 3 года назад

    On point

  • @Bodybuildingarchives
    @Bodybuildingarchives 3 года назад +1

    What happens when an unstoppable force meets a black hole

    • @jsh5743
      @jsh5743 Год назад

      That would be such a classic INTP response! 😅 Are you an INTP?! 😂

  • @annahall8943
    @annahall8943 4 года назад
