My Wilder Dreams Revealed 🌿 ... leaning into an evolving life

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @agnesthesparrow
    @agnesthesparrow 5 лет назад +2

    I’m excited for you! I can’t say I know much about these kinds of things, afterall, I’m still a kid in school living with my parents. But I’ve been thinking about going outside my comfort zone by going on an exchange year to the US. Even though it’s sounds scary I feel like it could help me grow as a person!

  • @cheripie5155
    @cheripie5155 5 лет назад +8

    When I think of Patches I always think of the quilts my great great grandmother handed down to our family. So how about the name Quilt?

    • @wildnotesofsage
      @wildnotesofsage  5 лет назад +6

      That is such a delightful and beautiful name! I've been calling the babies we think she's carrying "Patchlings" ;D

  • @cthulia
    @cthulia 5 лет назад +4

    Ah I'm so excited for you! I hope your journey will only get happier and brighter with time, wherever it takes you!
    Your videos help things seem a little less blue(and a little more green, even in winter), thank you for wanting to share your happiness! Your outlook on life and growth is inspiring🌼

  • @amandagcharles
    @amandagcharles 5 лет назад +1

    Patches and peaches 💛

  • @mimiii1989
    @mimiii1989 5 лет назад +4

    Name her after Poppy from Animal Crossing! 🐿️
    I really get what you're saying... I'm in a similar situation/state of mind right now. However, I'm very torn about it... For two years I've been living in a city and an appartment where I don't feel at home. Also because I always knew it was going to be temporary, I never even tried to make it into a home (also one reason why I don't really have that stuff problem, I barely ever buy anything because I don't want to have to take it with me when I leave).
    And now that this time is coming to an end and i know that something new is about to happen, I have all the doors open again, and I don't know where I want to go. I love travelling and I long for new adventures and eploring new parts of the world... but I also long for a place to finally call and feel at home. A place I can come back to and just be me and leaving the world outside.
    It also doesn't help that my boyfriend recently found a pretty good job and definitely wants to work on renovating his apparment. I would love to be a part of that, but I'm also scared that I would get restless again and will want to leave soon.
    Adult live is such a mess, isn't it? 😅
    I hope you two can figure out a way to make your dreams of living a nomad live (even just for a while) come true soon. And I hope you'll take us along on that journey to see all the beautiful places you're going too (especially Japan, I've been wanting to go there for ages!).
    (Ramble mode off, sorry for that! 😅)

    • @wildnotesofsage
      @wildnotesofsage  5 лет назад

      Oh I love hearing about your lives, don't worry about rambling - that is what this space is for! :D
      But yeah I hear you - for a long time I wanted a "home" more than anything. We didn't grow up with any stability so I always thought I'd feel "safe" once I had a house that no one could take away from me. For the last few years my mind was caught up in trying to get a small home at some point in the future for AGES... but lately when I started clearing out the thought of, "What actually makes me happy?" I realized... as long as I have Chips by my side, a good laptop to tell stories with, and the ability TO tell stories somehow... I'm content.
      I got really lucky with all the travel we've done already that helped me realize that. Living in Taiwan for nearly three months, traveling to see family for a month at a time across the country (though those whirlwind 7 day trips bouncing for a month are waaaaaay too fast)... I - the preciously most anxious goose in the world who adores her routines and safe spaces - somehow realized... if I have what I carry in my backpack (camera, joy journal, laptop, wallet) and Chips is holding my hand... anywhere can really be home.
      It is SO WEIRD and such a HUGE pivot from even just a few months ago, but... I think I want to lean into this evolution hard-core. It is MOST DEFINATELY because of my job though!! Without a fully digital career I'd not be able to dream this - and when Chips gets to writing his phD, he can write it from anywhere and ACTUALLY living in Taiwan, Japan, or mainland China during that time would MAJORLY help him with his work, so...
      It is... kind of just this amazing new (scary weird what if this is a bad mistaaaake) opportunity to evolve into that we realized had opened up, even when we weren't looking for it, and... I'm excited!! Less for the idea of "woohoo travel!" and more for the idea of trying to follow my heart, find beauty around the world, and share the way we're all sharing this planet together for all its beauty and struggles with all of you.

    • @mimiii1989
      @mimiii1989 5 лет назад

      @@wildnotesofsage Honestly, go for it, if you have the possibility and it really sounds like you do. And having someone so special by your side that you can share all of this with makes it even more worth trying.
      I totally understand the "what if it's a mistake part", but I'm pretty sure that even if it doesn't turn out to be exactly what you expected and if it's gonna be difficult, you will most like not think of it as a mistake in hindsight... because it's an opportunity to grow and discover new parts of yourself. And, as a bonus, parts of this beautiful, scary, exciting planet we call home.
      I guess for me, for now, the next adventure is going to be to try and find a home, if not a physical one then at least a spiritual one. But thanks to you and this conversation I realized that I will probably keep moving, one way or another. And I hope I will have my special someone by my side to share it with, and if not, that o have the courage to do it by myself.
      I really wish you two all the best for whatever you decide to do. 🤗🌿🏵💮🌼🌺💚

  • @MissRoseyxo
    @MissRoseyxo 5 лет назад +2

    Ahh the bunnies at the end 😍😍
    Sounds like a really exciting adventure you might possibly have ahead of you! My sister-in-law actually sold her home and bought a motorhome to live in. She travelled to many places up and down the UK, and even through parts of Europe. She never looked back either. 😁
    How about "Peanut" for the squirrel? Patches and Peanut. Another Animal Crossing reference too 😉

  • @wistyfish9844
    @wistyfish9844 5 лет назад

    So proud of your bravery

  • @kyb8140
    @kyb8140 5 лет назад

    It’s Weird To See Your Face Because I’m Used To Hearing Your Voice,Ok I Have To Leave Now....

  • @ladykizzy123
    @ladykizzy123 5 лет назад

    Maybe Quiltett for the squirrel?

  • @SharonKofoed
    @SharonKofoed 5 лет назад

    It sounds like you and Chips have SO many wonderful ideas for the future...sending hugs!

  • @siellathewolf3198
    @siellathewolf3198 5 лет назад

    *Awesome Animals!* 👍👏👐
    Very very Cute! 😱❤
    Who likes animals too? 😉 Write a comment! ❤❣✨

  • @loujanae31
    @loujanae31 5 лет назад

    Oh wow. What an incredible journey you are on. I'm not yet 30 (but making my way there) and I feel like I've been stagnant for awhile. I journal, and go to therapy, I've started exercising, and I thought that if I did these things, I would magically know where my happiness lies. I'll admit I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life, but I still don't know what I want, what my heart wants. I think I need to do more digging. 💛 Sending you my love and so much peace.

  • @missmoss6581
    @missmoss6581 5 лет назад

    Goodness, I always feel like I watch the right vlog at the right time. Maybe this doesn't specifically pertain to what you're talking about, but here we go anyways.
    For most of my life I've lived in relatively small places. The basements of people's houses, a 900 sq ft house, and I have always shared a room with my sibling. Now, our family lives in a house about double or triple the size of what we had before, but it just feels like it's missing something. Before, when we lived in smaller housing, we had to think about what furniture would fit or if something was absolutely necessary for a space. But now, it feels like we buy a piece of furniture or an unnecessary trinket every week. It feels wrong to have such a big house with little to no stuff in it, but it also feels wrong to be getting so much stuff.
    That's just been on my mind for awhile, thanks for sharing what's been on yours ♥️

  • @c.f.callier
    @c.f.callier 5 лет назад

    I get what you're saying and I so wish you both God speed and contentment as you prepare for this big adventure. It makes my heart so happy to see you evolving and willing to do so. Especially as I'm struggling with similar things of trying to figure out what makes me truly happy (besides spending time with my horse that's the easy one to figure out) and even find dreams again. I'm healing from an autoimmune disease and lost hope of ever being able to do more than crawl through each day. Now as my health is getting better I'm finding possibilities opening up and it's hard to know what to choose.
    Btw, still loving my joy/gratitude journal it really opens your eyes on how blessed you really are.

  • @Q.Mystic
    @Q.Mystic 5 лет назад

    I could see you guys in one of those cute buses turned into houses traveling the country with all your plants. :)

  • @ohmygoditsjo
    @ohmygoditsjo 5 лет назад

    I was driving to work the other day, and out of the blue I remembered that little patch filled with garbage and leaf litter that you cleaned out to plant a garden when you started this vlog channel and as I hear you talk about decluttering your life to make way for better things I realise it's really become a metaphor for your natural propensity to pause and look around you and see the potential for something greener no matter the situation.
    Also you're such a natural, poetic speaker. I really enjoyed the way you expressed yourself in this vlog.

  • @mickeyboo9181
    @mickeyboo9181 5 лет назад

    I know what its like to try and find a void in my life. I'm working on not trying to focus on that void and I'm focusing on more of my loved ones. I think that's what fills my void, being there with my family and my girlfriend, and trying my best to be a great wife to my girl. But its also hard because I need to take care of myself too.
    I hope you take your dreams into consideration and complete them as best you can!

  • @andyrevan
    @andyrevan 5 лет назад

    I hope you can find somewhere that can make you happy every day of the year 😁

  • @waterwolfyxx727
    @waterwolfyxx727 5 лет назад

    So pretty I love the natural i love ur videos