actually a Navy SEAL has the capacity to operate at sea, in the air, and on land, Sean was part of the SEAL Team 6, basically the elite of special forces.
All these Salex scenes and not even a little look between the to of them, it's like they forgot about that kiss!, really now? reallly ? i know you're on a mission right now but come on dont leave us like thisss!
actually a Navy SEAL has the capacity to operate at sea, in the air, and on land, Sean was part of the SEAL Team 6, basically the elite of special forces.
Alex had a bad hair day in that episode
Where did they get the other helmet for the motorcycle? I'm pretty sure Robbie only had 1.........
All these Salex scenes and not even a little look between the to of them, it's like they forgot about that kiss!, really now? reallly ? i know you're on a mission right now but come on dont leave us like thisss!
I thought motorcycles had a compartment or whatever they call it. Maybe he had a spare one, there.