  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 840

  • @Yuhcars
    @Yuhcars  7 месяцев назад +787

    There are many differences between a 4WD and AWD. So fellow car experts, please feel free to share below! 🏎️💨

    • @wherearewe4x442
      @wherearewe4x442 7 месяцев назад +31

      Sorry your video is incorrect 😅

    • @off-roadingexplained8417
      @off-roadingexplained8417 6 месяцев назад +24

      From a purely mechanical sense , it is the open center differential that allows for safe on road use. I'm not going to get into the electronics because they can differ between manufacturers as to how they work. In the pure mechanical sense , it's completely about the open center diff. If you care to debate , then tell me why it would be ok to drive with a locked center differential on the road . It's not ok, that's why it's open. The center diff has to be open so that when you turn , the front and rear wheel speeds can be different.
      It's really simple. It works like this .
      1. Locked center , open front open rear : at least one front and one rear will turn , and they will be at the same speed. This is the most basic part time 4wd
      2. Open rear , open front , open center (the most basic AWD) . Front and rear wheel speeds can differ, front axle left and right wheel speeds can differ. Rear axle left and right wheel speeds can differ.
      3. Locked front , locked center , locked rear .... This is a Rubicon , maxed out. All wheels must turn the same speed, left to right , and front to back. Left right binding is present, as well as front rear binding. This is why it's hard to steer.

    • @N54.S6
      @N54.S6 6 месяцев назад +11

      Ya only issue is, you have no idea what your talking about 😂😂

    • @szumx6635
      @szumx6635 6 месяцев назад +6

      the stupidest difference that everyone seems to forget is that 4wd and awd take on completely different meanings when the vehicle has more than 4 wheels

    • @trippletm1756
      @trippletm1756 6 месяцев назад +3

      Awd is always all wheel power /torque and 4 is basicly that u cna choose front or back

  • @NickHubOfficial
    @NickHubOfficial 6 месяцев назад +2721

    The red jeep in the beginning was on creative mode

    • @luckyCOYOTE27
      @luckyCOYOTE27 6 месяцев назад +28

      4 wheel drive is all wheels receive the same power
      All wheels drive is were all wheels receive power depending on weather the tires is losing traction.
      4 wheel drive more good for precision movement
      All wheel drive more good for increasing power on wheels that are losing power

    • @DanielLong-vb5jf
      @DanielLong-vb5jf 6 месяцев назад +36

      The camera is tilted to make it look steeper than it is

    • @TheDaxter11
      @TheDaxter11 6 месяцев назад +2

      I need to know what specific model this thing is.

    • @smirkyglint5437
      @smirkyglint5437 6 месяцев назад +3


    • @sxns1ble
      @sxns1ble 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​@DanielLong-vb5jf nah I've seen videos of this before, they are genuinely climbing vertical walls😂😂

  • @Acceler2
    @Acceler2 7 месяцев назад +8593

    4x4 is selectable. Awd is constantly on and cannot be turned off

    • @wherearewe4x442
      @wherearewe4x442 7 месяцев назад +129

      Well no

    • @wherearewe4x442
      @wherearewe4x442 7 месяцев назад +70


    • @Acceler2
      @Acceler2 7 месяцев назад +403

      @@wherearewe4x442 yes that is the diffrence between 4x4 and awd. 4x4 can goto 2wd. Awd cannot be manually controlled

    • @Acceler2
      @Acceler2 7 месяцев назад +85

      @@wherearewe4x442 well unless you have manual hubs. which is the only way a awd can be 2wd

    • @WIZARDA-yl7fx
      @WIZARDA-yl7fx 7 месяцев назад +10

      No it's the other way round

  • @coolbeardeddragon1157
    @coolbeardeddragon1157 6 месяцев назад +1178

    "heated and ventilated seats" moment

    • @forrestsautoreviewsofficial
      @forrestsautoreviewsofficial 6 месяцев назад +289

      Who was that guy

    • @coolbeardeddragon1157
      @coolbeardeddragon1157 6 месяцев назад +88

      @@forrestsautoreviewsofficial wait what

    • @zlette
      @zlette 6 месяцев назад +36

      @@coolbeardeddragon1157 Ain't no way bro replied to you.

    • @coolbeardeddragon1157
      @coolbeardeddragon1157 6 месяцев назад +14

      @@zlette ik thats crazy tho

    • @HWELTHY_01
      @HWELTHY_01 6 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@forrestsautoreviewsofficialwuttehel it's Forrest

  • @landontoaster3818
    @landontoaster3818 6 месяцев назад +427

    it definitely doesn’t help when you explain it poorly.
    AWD is a system that uses open, or limited slip differentials to send a different amount of power to each wheel. With open diffs it goes to the wheel easiest to spin, and with limited slip it only tries to go to the one easiest to spin, but is distributed to where it is needed using a locking gear mechanism, a viscous fluid, or an electronic control.
    4WD sends an equal amount of power to all 4 wheels at the same time using mechanically locked differentials and a transfer case.

    • @herranton
      @herranton 4 месяца назад +7

      Not true. A new ranger has 4wd, but doesn't work as you describe. And a Subaru rally car has AWD and doesn't work as you describe.

    • @jasonstclair9946
      @jasonstclair9946 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@herrantonhow is it different? That explanation covers everything else with minor differences so i'm curious

    • @herranton
      @herranton 4 месяца назад +3

      @@jasonstclair9946 It’s not true because there really is no defined set of rules. Lots of (so called 4wd) light trucks work more like his awd definition, and some awd cars work more like his truck definition. Trying to generalize is almost impossible. I think the most we could possibly generalize is that _most of the time_ awd is always on, and 4wd is selectable. But that hasn’t always been true either. Some early Subarus were marketed as full time 4wd. Other cars have been too. Awd cars are virtually always full time, or at least, it’s not _driver selectable._ But again, I bet if we looked, we could find an exception.
      The systems are too broad to generalize anything really.
      Ok, try this one. What is a hummer ev? Awd? It doesn’t fit his definition. 4wd? Nope, still doesn’t fit. There is a motor in each wheel. How about a 2024 sienna? Open diff up front, electric motors in each wheel. 2016 charger? Transfer case. But open diffs (or lsd depending on trim… that’s both 4wd and awd…
      If you’re looking for an answer, there isn’t one. There are only generalizations.

    • @jasonstclair9946
      @jasonstclair9946 4 месяца назад +1

      @@herranton alright I see your point. As far as electric goes they aren't even in the same league.

    • @iancuentas
      @iancuentas 4 месяца назад

      Incorrect, 4x4 doesn't mean locking differencials, it means 50 50 power distribution.

  • @lllllllllllllllllllllllll8722
    @lllllllllllllllllllllllll8722 6 месяцев назад +2177

    If you have no idea what you are talking about just don’t make the video

    • @akmolhuda7997
      @akmolhuda7997 6 месяцев назад +79

      for real tho

    • @off-roadingexplained8417
      @off-roadingexplained8417 6 месяцев назад +77

      Exactly what I'm talking about. Tell me why you would drive with a locked center differential on the street. It's a bad idea that's why it's open.
      Awd is Open front , open center , open rear.
      If you disagree, tell me how it works.
      I'm not getting into electronics I'm talking about old school all-wheel drive versus old school 4-wheel drive. We're just talking about the mechanical parts... I'm not going to get into brake lock differentials and clutches and all that stuff that is there in modern systems... I'm talking about the most basic definition is simply an open center , open front , open rear.
      AWD is open ,open , open.

    • @markcrook3220
      @markcrook3220 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @markcrook3220
      @markcrook3220 6 месяцев назад +2

      That's so funny omg haha

    • @lllllllllllllllllllllllll8722
      @lllllllllllllllllllllllll8722 6 месяцев назад +13

      @@off-roadingexplained8417 if you want to talk about old school 4x4 and awd. You are missing one crucial mechanical part that distinguishes one from another. And i dont think you know what it is from what you wrote.

  • @Aaron-og2wx
    @Aaron-og2wx 5 месяцев назад +4

    I need a "Anti-gravity" button in my Jeep 😂

  • @AxleGenesis
    @AxleGenesis 7 месяцев назад +531

    "lets find out in 60 seconds"
    : gives vague answer....
    assuming 0 traction only one wheel will spin. This wheel can be any one of the 4. In full traction all 4 wheels will receive equal power.
    Assuming 0 traction. At least 1 front wheel, and 1 rear wheel will always spin. In full traction all 4 wheels will receive equal power

    • @Acceler2
      @Acceler2 7 месяцев назад +12

      Again no 4x4 can go into 2wd. Awd is always 4wd and cannot go into 2wd. You can have a center locking diff on either a 4x4 or awd transfer case

    • @AxleGenesis
      @AxleGenesis 6 месяцев назад +7

      @@Acceler2 good point, I forgot to add the part about disengagement. However "part time 4wd" systems are technically an AWD that is disengageable to be a 2wd. So the disengagement is a lesser important detail compared to power delivery differences, It's also worth noting that systems such as the jeep quadra-track 4wd are a half way point between 4wd and AWD. With a "limited slip transfer case" to allow the system to function without binding in high traction conditions (like AWD does) while also providing a seamless transition to front and rear power (like a 4wd), and also maintaining the ability to disengage for true 2wd.

    • @briliankamil4594
      @briliankamil4594 6 месяцев назад +1

      4x4 is term applicable to boarder range of vehicle, it can cover trucks as well, so theres 4x2 4x4 6x4 6x6 etc.
      It was rather straightforwardnaming, so does the system.
      While awd usually only refers to car.

    • @Acceler2
      @Acceler2 6 месяцев назад

      @briliankamil4594 no where close. Awd doesn't refer to cars. There's alot of awd Suvs and truck

    • @briliankamil4594
      @briliankamil4594 6 месяцев назад

      They will list their option that way, its never listed as awd.

  • @ganjasage420
    @ganjasage420 5 месяцев назад +39

    Awd is 4wd, but it has slip. What i mean is, if one tire isn't on the ground, it'll spin, but the one on the ground won't. 4wd is all tires, be in air or on the ground, and will equally spin.
    Awd is essentially 4wd with open differentials. Its why doing a u-turn in an awd versus 4wd is smoother, and you dont get the "skipping jumps" that 4wd will do trying to make a u-turn.
    Sorry if this is confusing, not the best at explaining things.
    Edit: im just explaining in my simple way how they are similar, there are a few more differences between the two.

    • @mintellectbrandon5862
      @mintellectbrandon5862 4 месяца назад +1

      This is very good when I used to be a valet driver that’s always told to never put the vehicle in four-wheel-drive because it will mess with the crankshaft and cause the gears to skip sometimes getting stuck in four-wheel-drive. Mathematically, when turning wheels on a vehicle axis, wheels cannot turn at the same speed. That’s because the distance between themselves and the turning radius is different. Just like spinning a wheel 2 inches from the center versus 2 feet versus 20 or 30 feet. The wheel on the outside is going to need to spin faster just to keep up.
      Track meets have runners placed on a diagonal starting line when running 400m sprints for this very reason. It keeps the race fair by allowing the same distance.

  • @lasokxR6
    @lasokxR6 4 месяца назад +4

    “*heated and ventilated leather seats!*”

    • @TheAmazingAva
      @TheAmazingAva 4 месяца назад +1

      "It comes with Apple Car Play and Andriod Auto" 😂

    • @morganfreeman6887
      @morganfreeman6887 3 месяца назад

      ​@@TheAmazingAvaThat's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the clip of Forrest on this short lol

  • @Invisifly2
    @Invisifly2 6 месяцев назад +46

    They’re both marketing terms that mean different things depending on the vehicle/manufacturer you’re talking about.

    • @joshanderson924
      @joshanderson924 5 месяцев назад +5

      Bingo you're literally the only one who sees past the BS haha. They're literally marketing terms that linguistically mean the exact same thing

    • @me1assassin
      @me1assassin 5 месяцев назад +2

      100% - All the rest is BS.

    • @me1assassin
      @me1assassin 4 месяца назад

      @@j.thomas7128 - Yes indeed you are factually correct. but marketing doesn't care these days. Having driven, owned, and done all the repairs on dozens over the past 50 years, the blurring has been crazy. Currently own 3 - AWD's (with low lock in 2 flavors) and 2 - 4WD's (one with manual hubs). I am always amazed at how many people don't even learn where their fuses are, let alone the true difference in drive train.

    • @j.thomas7128
      @j.thomas7128 4 месяца назад

      @@me1assassin Manufacturers get away with skewing these terms because the general public doesn't know any better and the public refuses to teach themselves. If you've been wrenching on things for 50 years, then you know...
      How easy would it have been to fix our stuff decades ago if we could've simply first watched a couple RUclips videos? We could've saved months worth of time and aggravation, but we didn't have youtube and comments to teach us. Yes, I'm vested in both awd & 4wd as well. Currently: AWD Audi with a 60-40 rear-biased Torsen system (not Haldex). 4WD Jeep Wrangler YJ that I personally built with Ox cable lockers on D44s (4.88 gears) and a custom dual stick transfer case.

  • @wakimbrell
    @wakimbrell 6 месяцев назад +55

    AWD usually gets a 60/40 power split from rear/ front.
    4WD will get a 50/50 power split

    • @williambrewer855
      @williambrewer855 5 месяцев назад +7

      Awd torque split changes from car to car. Awd it's permanently connected. 4wd can be turned on and off

    • @pranc236
      @pranc236 5 месяцев назад +3

      Awd power split depends on programming . There are awd cars that are front bias and awd cars that are rear bias. Aftermarket computer can change this.

    • @xxzenonionnex7658
      @xxzenonionnex7658 4 месяца назад

      ​@@williambrewer855 the only difference is having a locked center differential.

    • @williambrewer855
      @williambrewer855 3 месяца назад

      @xxzenonionnex7658 thats what I said brother man. Just in a way that was more informational

  • @SkellerART
    @SkellerART 4 месяца назад +2

    From how it was explained to me years ago.
    4WD is constant even power to all four wheels
    Whereas AWD has the ability to vary the power output to each wheel individually depending on which wheel needs more traction.

  • @yoslauda4714
    @yoslauda4714 6 месяцев назад +142

    The difference is on the transfer case, all wheel only have one gears ratio, whereas 4wd has many ratios, usually 4H/4L/2H
    Some transfer cases also has PTO to operate the winch or pto-connected tools

    • @Acceler2
      @Acceler2 6 месяцев назад +1

      My all wheel drive has hi and low range

    • @-aid4084
      @-aid4084 6 месяцев назад

      Thst's true for a lot of AWD drivetrains, but most off-road capable AWD vehicles have a HI-LO Transfercase.

    • @iLumberjack
      @iLumberjack 5 месяцев назад

      I had a '75 Blazer with 4 High and Low, 2 High and Low. 2 Low would basically double the torque to the rear axle. I suppose that would be helpful if you were trying to pull something heavy on a boat ramp or similar. The folks I bought it from for $85 used it to move mobile homes around a dealer lot.

    • @ChrisspyO
      @ChrisspyO 5 месяцев назад

      @@Acceler2I didn’t know awd could come with a low range. What car are you talking about?

    • @wilurbean
      @wilurbean 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@ChrisspyO land cruiser, some 4runners, and the GX/LX all have full time 4wd which is always on 4wd with hi/lo transfer case and lockable center limited slip diff

  • @Sweet68Camaro
    @Sweet68Camaro 5 месяцев назад +1

    The simplest answer is… 4wheel drive can be activated when you need it, All wheel drive is “All” the time.

  • @tylerjamesBTG
    @tylerjamesBTG 4 дня назад +1

    Now all wheel drive vs full time 4wd lol

  • @leong1953
    @leong1953 3 месяца назад +1

    Don’t you dare put Scotty in the video, he knows more than all of us put together on and about motored vehicles.

  • @Fried_Cheese_Official
    @Fried_Cheese_Official 4 месяца назад +1

    The Subaru WRX STI (really any year's model) has AWD and it is an absolute rally MONSTER

  • @brandonstonge7513
    @brandonstonge7513 4 месяца назад +2

    4wd means the driver decides what’s happening. You’ll have a selection between 2wd and 4wd and often have the choice to lock the diffs as well. Awd is all computer controlled. A lot of people don’t know this but a ton of modern Awd vehicles do not actually power all of the wheels at all times, most of them only power the fronts and if those spin or slip then it automatically sends power to the rear wheels as well. But the fact that all of it is done automatically by the computer is what makes it Awd.

  • @Anti.Furry.Warlord
    @Anti.Furry.Warlord 4 месяца назад

    This channel is the reason speed running shorts exists

    @SKILLS2KILLS_QC 6 месяцев назад +6

    4x4 is a system that can be used on 4wd and locked into 4x4 so that all wheels have the same amount of torque and speed and should not be used on pavement (using a tranfercase instead of an extension housing on 2wd longitudinal engine/transmitions setup)
    4wd is a bit more similar to awd but 4wd use a transaxle transmition(fwd trans) with an output shaft to the rear diff
    Awd are mostly symetrical using longitudinal setup but they either use a 3 diff system where you have a front and center diff in the transmition like subaru but some like the ford taurus sho from 2008 till 2019 use a transmition similar to rwd but they have a thing similar to a transfercase but instead it's called a ptu (power tranfer unit) the ptu replace the transfer case and it's purpose is to prevent the outside wheel from destroying the car by allowing speed differance in between the wheels
    If you take a 4x4 on the road and put it on 4x4 dont go over 50kmh on dry roads or it will grenade the tranfercase if you lock the axle and turn even if your going 5kmh you will destroy the diff and tcase
    You just told me you know fuck all about 4x4 4wd and awd and awd symetrical

      @SKILLS2KILLS_QC 6 месяцев назад +1

      Im a mechanics and i own all of them i have
      This is all the rides i own curently
      1 subaru impreza wrx sti 2011 (awd)
      4 ford explorer sport trac xlt 01 03 04 05(4x4)
      1 ford explorer sport trac adrenalin 2013(4wd)
      2 ford taurus sho 2015 (awd)
      1 ford fusion sport 3.5L v6 awd 2011
      1 mitsubishi 3000gt gto 1995 (awd)
      1 acura rdx a-spec sh-awd 2011
      1 acura rdx a-spec sh-awd 2022

  • @Iamjusttheone
    @Iamjusttheone 6 месяцев назад +4

    The jeep climbing vertically 🗿

  • @johnwang9914
    @johnwang9914 5 месяцев назад +1

    The way to look at it is by looking at the differential. The differential came about because when making a turn, the outer wheels has to rotate more than the inside wheel so the differential was created, problem with differentials is that if one wheel loses traction and starts to spin, it's the slipping wheel that gets all the torque from the engine so just one of the two tires slipping and you're stuck. Now they created things like limited slip differential for that (hot rodders used to weld their differentials together) and there's the old school trick of partially applying your parking brakes to cause the torque to go to both wheels at the expense of burning out your brake pads a little. Now, a four wheel drive locks all four wheels together so even if one, two or even three starts elipping, you still have traction through the wheels that aren't slipping, problem is if you're on solid pavement, the wheels still need to turn at different rates but they can't so the car skiffs and skids in an ungainly fashion as well as burns through your tires, but in loose terrain such as dirt or gravel, this doesn't matter. Now, all wheel drive basically not only has differentials between the back two wheels and another differential between the front two wheels but also a differential between the front and rear axles so just one of the four wheels slipping and you're stuck. Now, Suburu's fame was they put a limited slip differential between the front and back axles so if one wheel slip, at least 30% of the torque still went to the other axle. Obviously, with advanced traction controls, a lot can be done now just by having the compiter momentarily braking the wheel that it thinks is slipping and with such electronic traction control and with limited slip differentials, the importance of the differences between four wheel drive and all wheel drive is diminishing. Now, you might ask if just ine wheel slipping leaves you stuck with true all wheel drive then why do people say it has better traction, well that's because if none of the wheels are slipping then the torque is split between all four wheels so not only are they less likely to start spinning but you get better acceleration overall. True AWD is really more of a sporty option for driving in dry pavement while four wheel drive is for driving on loose surfaces such as gravel roads, dirt and even snow and ice. Starting with the limited slip option of Suburu, AWD started getting the reputation of being useful in adverse conditions such as snow or ice but again clever use of the brakes either by computer with electronic traction controls and ABS or old school tricks with the emergency brake, AWD's weaknesses can be addressed.

    • @ProductBasement
      @ProductBasement 5 месяцев назад

      I took the time to read this whole explanation, and I was not disappointed. Thanks

  • @akman1931
    @akman1931 6 месяцев назад +2

    It's all about the transfer case
    AWD: uses a viscous coupler that allows a difference in speed between front and rear axle
    4WD: uses a locker that locks 50/50 power between front and rear axle, which is why it binds on a surface that isn't loose.

  • @HighwayDrive717
    @HighwayDrive717 6 месяцев назад +1

    Scott Kilmer 😮😮😮

  • @Leroez09
    @Leroez09 6 месяцев назад +5

    From my understanding awd is controlled by a the computer in the car to switch between awd and 2wd to save gas, and it also can shift power between wheels so the one with more traction gets more power. With 4x4 you have to manually turn it on and it equally distributes power between each wheel

  • @delgerbaatartumurbaatar8716
    @delgerbaatartumurbaatar8716 6 месяцев назад +29

    Awd is you lose one tire on the air it gives power to other wheels

    • @Bertinator-nm9ld
      @Bertinator-nm9ld 6 месяцев назад +3

      Not if they're all open diffs!

    • @ScottaHemi440
      @ScottaHemi440 4 месяца назад

      That's the work of the traction control. It applies brake to the slipping wheel to push power to the other 3

  • @blakebucknall4008
    @blakebucknall4008 3 месяца назад

    One can be selected, one is constantly on. Physically, your typical rwd to 4x4 setup only has a transfer case reduction where an AWD is constant and has a center diff where drive is controlled on each wheel independently. It can be combined like the landcruisers that are a constant 4x4 (has center diff and transfer reduction).

  • @Trainfan5547_YT
    @Trainfan5547_YT 6 месяцев назад +9

    6x6s: am i a joke to u?

    • @cjt28
      @cjt28 4 месяца назад +1

      Corny comment

  • @A_rock-s
    @A_rock-s 2 месяца назад +1

    If anyone asks, the background music is a instrumental version of the song “9mm”

  • @Duramax_6.6
    @Duramax_6.6 5 месяцев назад +1

    Me with a 2023 Lexus GX460 with full time 4WD with the never turning off of AWD but the offroadiness of 4WD

  • @dave_ecclectic
    @dave_ecclectic 5 месяцев назад

    I have AWD and can select when it is on and when it is off. It is an electric motor for the back axle and so is not covered under either description of a mechanical system that can or cannot be interrupted.

  • @frickfusion9392
    @frickfusion9392 5 месяцев назад +1

    That one clip with Forrest rubbing the seat💀

  • @Arealteamplayer_
    @Arealteamplayer_ 5 месяцев назад

    the Ford F-150 Raptor is one example. you can select 2H (using only 2 wheel drive high), 4H (using ALL wheel drive high), 4A (4 wheel drive AUTO, Electronically controlled 4WD with power delivered to the front and rear wheels) and 4L (4L is the low-range four-wheel drive setting and can help you maneuver out of tricky situations).

  • @wherearewe4x442
    @wherearewe4x442 7 месяцев назад +13

    No, you're on the right track, though the only true difference between 4x4 and awd is that the centre diff is locked, making it 4x4 if you have front and rear lockers and no center diff lock then your still only going to get power to either the front or the rear.

    • @zippybuzzard831
      @zippybuzzard831 6 месяцев назад

      And 4x4 is selectable

    • @Yoomoron
      @Yoomoron 6 месяцев назад

      So Audis are 4x4 because they have Torsen in center diff?

    • @-aid4084
      @-aid4084 6 месяцев назад

      It's not nessissarily that a 4WD has a locked center differential, it straight up hasn't got one.

    • @Bertinator-nm9ld
      @Bertinator-nm9ld 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@YoomoronTorsens don't lock.
      They're incredible differentials! I've got one in the back of my mustang! But they don't lock.
      If you put a wheel up in the air (or an entire axle up in the air, since you're talking about an AWD vehicle, instead of my RWD), a torsen diff will actually behave like an open differential. They're amazing for on road use. Not as good for off road use.

    • @Yoomoron
      @Yoomoron 6 месяцев назад

      @@Bertinator-nm9ld I know. I maintain them.

  • @jonathanluis4966
    @jonathanluis4966 5 месяцев назад

    My car is equipped with smart AWD so no it is not always giving power to both sets of wheels but is only giving power to the front until more power is needed or in certain conditions. Can also lock AWD to give power to both sets of wheels by choice.

  • @TheRedFortune
    @TheRedFortune 6 месяцев назад +10

    Mf climbed a damn cliff💀

    • @IsraelMedrano
      @IsraelMedrano 4 месяца назад

      With the help of camera angles ✨️ 🙌

  • @WiseIslander
    @WiseIslander 4 месяца назад

    The bug on the corner left scared me lol

  • @reesemolloy6109
    @reesemolloy6109 4 месяца назад

    AWD activates when you are in snow for example and helps you then and turns off on a road so it won’t wear parts down, 4WD has a button you can press so you can activate when you feel you need it

  • @teddy3525
    @teddy3525 6 месяцев назад

    Awd: all wheels have power
    4x4: all wheels have power but it can be turned off for 2x4 as 4x4 consumes a LOT of gas.
    4x4 with rear differential lock: equal power to rear wheels .
    W/o differential lock the one with least resistance will only get power.
    For others who say im wrong, tell me why do people use sway bar disconnect while offloading?

  • @Nieczytelny_official
    @Nieczytelny_official Месяц назад +1

    awd is a scam because when i drive the spare wheel doesnt spin 😂

  • @zachclinton5977
    @zachclinton5977 5 месяцев назад

    The presence of a viscous clutch

  • @venelprince6889
    @venelprince6889 5 месяцев назад

    4-wheel drive can only be activated on slippery surfaces such as snow and mud, because they essentially have front and rear axles rotating at the same speeds, due to a transfer case in the center linking the propellor shaft (shaft that sends power to the rear axle) to another shaft sending power to the front axles. Any high traction surface such as dry pavement or concrete isn't going to work with 4WD system on when turning, because a vehicle while turning needs its front and rear wheels, to rotate at different speeds. 4-wheel drive systems are only really activated to get a vehicle unstuck, at times when having one axle spinning simply isn't enough, but than its turned off after said vehicle gets unstuck because it puts a lot of stress on drive components, transmission, drivelines, tires and such. 4-wheel drive is found usually on heavy duty pickup trucks and off-roader vehicles due to their ability to send high amounts of torque to the front axles without allowing any slippage of a difference between the front and rear axles. All-wheel drive most of the time, if not all the time, will have a planetary differential in the center allowing power to be sent to the front wheels but unlike 4WD, this differential will allow the front and rear axles to spin at different speeds. This means AWD can be used on dry surfaces like asphalt and concrete and moderately slippery surfaces like wet road and not so deep snow and loose dirt surfaces, but AWD is terrible in deep snow, sand, and extreme off-roading, because the slippage of the differential in the center doesn't allow enough power to be put down in the front and rear at same time like a 4WD system can do. AWD is usually found in Crossover Vehicles, SUV's, Minivans, and High performance vehicles that allow for superior grip compared to the typical front or rear wheel drive vehicle, as AWD is known to have superior handling in everyday driving situations. Some newer vehicles offer both systems in one vehicle, As they have the ability to lock the planetary differential in the center. I also forgot to mention that AWD usually has limited slip in the center differential, meaning it does lock occasionally, allowing a vehicle to negotiate a turn but also maximizing traction.
    *sidenote -AWD, compared to FWD/RWD allows for better handling but at the cost of a few MPGs, because the engine has to work harder to power the driveline components, of the front and rear, at the same time, as opposed to just the front or just the rear alone. Which is one of the reasons why it has the ability to be turned off, basically (AWD ~ 2WD)

    • @venelprince6889
      @venelprince6889 5 месяцев назад

      AWD = ALL WHEEL DRIVE (planetary center differential)
      4WD = 4 WHEEL DRIVE (4 x 4)(transfer case)
      4 HIGH = 4WD + overdrive gear (higher rpm & lower torque)(more speed & less strength)
      4 LOW = 4WD + reduction gear (lower rpm & higher torque)(less speed & more strength)
      4 HI = 4 HIGH
      4 LO = 4 LOW
      4H = 4 HIGH
      4L = 4 LOW
      2 HIGH = 2WD + overdrive gear(higher rpm & lower torque)(more speed & less strength)
      2 LOW = 2WD + reduction gear (lower rpm & higher torque)(less speed & more strength)
      2 HI = 2 HIGH
      2 LO = 2 LOW
      2H = 2 HIGH
      2L = 2 LOW
      LOW RANGE = reduction gear (lower rpm & higher torque)(less speed & more strength)
      AUTO = AUTOMATIC (computer does it for you)
      DRIFT MODE = REAR WHEEL DRIVE (likely, with other computer systems also.)

  • @turbostar7077
    @turbostar7077 6 месяцев назад +4

    4WD tri-axle buses and lorries:
    Am I a joke to you?

  • @agustinnarvaez5251
    @agustinnarvaez5251 3 месяца назад

    Youre right on the "4wd intended for offtoad" part, AWD has open differentials for a smooth ride which sucks in heavy off road, but 4wd is usually dissengageable into 2wd and can block differentials to avoid typicall off road problems like digging yourself into mud becsuse only 1 wheel in spinning due to more traction

  • @srnunan4783
    @srnunan4783 5 месяцев назад

    4wd/4x4 is the old mechanical system with a transfer case that gives you one front wheel drive to go with your one back wheel when you choose a 4(high or low) rather than a 2h range.
    When it’s engaged in 4wd the drivetrain binds up when you turn because the rear wheels need to go slower than the front when turning and they can’t because it’s locked together front to back when in 4wd.
    Awd/fulltime4wd is the more superior system that covers everything with a non locked centre. Allows seamless transition from onroad to off and often comes with dual range, traction control that performs the roll of diff locks etc

  • @TheNuclearDragon
    @TheNuclearDragon 5 месяцев назад

    *looks at jeep commander*
    all whell drive, (no 2wd mode), but the transfercase is an electronically controlled limited slip diff like a 4wd system

    @TURBOMIKEIFY 6 месяцев назад

    My Jeep Compass made a humming sound at around 45 MPH. I got it like that and didn’t complain. When I pressed 4WD, the sound stopped. The sound was pretty embarrassing and only noticeable in the cab. I miss that Jeep.

  • @mateuszbednarczyk921
    @mateuszbednarczyk921 6 месяцев назад

    If u want to know:
    AWD is a system that connects all 4 wheels but you can choose what type of drive do you want. Most common in cars are options to choose what type of drive do you want like 2WD for front or rear wheels with AWD option where you use all of 4 wheel.
    In 4x4 you dont have to choose what type of drive will you use becouse car has already 4x4 and you cant change that. They have differential lock which prevent all 4 wheels spin in different speed and if you turn it on all 4 wheels will spin at the same speed, and help u get out of trouble like mud.
    Hope I helped to undestand ;)
    I have this two types of drive AWD and 4x4 and they are tottaly different like I said above 🙂

  • @alejandroguerrero03
    @alejandroguerrero03 6 месяцев назад +2

    4WD/4x4 and AWD are still different even today just as much as it's always been

  • @colibri2025
    @colibri2025 4 месяца назад

    That white seat got violated

  • @thelilchiefcl7
    @thelilchiefcl7 6 месяцев назад +5

    the narrator sounds like old sheldon that would narrate the show young sheldon

    • @raxleigh3981
      @raxleigh3981 6 месяцев назад

      So just Sheldon from Big Bang?

    • @VersoTai
      @VersoTai 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@raxleigh3981Thank god I wasn’t the only one who read this comment and had to do a double take I thought I was going insane

  • @the_don4671
    @the_don4671 4 месяца назад

    My 09 Tacome standard is an AWD it's the funniest little truck I have

  • @Chillin4030
    @Chillin4030 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mostly because most cars now have both

  • @evoemperor3776
    @evoemperor3776 4 месяца назад

    Well with manufacturers trying to add to the confusion by calling an awd system a 4wd, an awd with locking center diff or awd that can disengage and become 2wd, a 4wd system that has an option to have an open center diff. Etc.. the easiest way to identify them is to learn which is which.

  • @Ishant_Is
    @Ishant_Is 6 месяцев назад +1

    I learned the difference between all wheel drive and 4 wheel drive a long time ago while playing gta san andreas, remember the monster truck of the unknow toreno.

  • @grancoast
    @grancoast 6 месяцев назад

    individual wheel drive next

  • @GoldenGearGrinder
    @GoldenGearGrinder 3 месяца назад

    Dont forget Honda's "On Demand 4WD" for thier first gen ridgelines. Apparently, it automatically switches when the computer defects rough terrain, or bad weather.

  • @Regocike
    @Regocike 6 месяцев назад +1

    The difference only applies on cars with more than 4 wheels

  • @sepg5084
    @sepg5084 6 месяцев назад +1

    4WD is manual selection of drive, AWD is automatic selection of drive. The video is wrong.
    Modern AWD can also ensure that the correct wheel is receiving power.

  • @antontsau
    @antontsau 5 месяцев назад

    My Crafter is awd, but effectively its more than usual 4wd - haldex connects rear axle up to 100% torque + hardcore rear diff blocking. This is factory option, not an aftermarket upgrade

  • @twisteddreams4345
    @twisteddreams4345 5 месяцев назад +1

    when they use an rc car going straight vertical lmao

  • @RKmndo
    @RKmndo 5 месяцев назад

    Some vehicles have both AWD AND 4WD. The Suzuki SX4 is an example that can have both. It can even have a 2WD/FWD setting.
    NP242 Jeeps are similar.
    The difference between AWD and 4WD is whether or not the front and rear drivelines are locked together.
    Modern vehicles are blurring the lines. Many pickups/SUVs have a full-time 4WD setting, which is basically just AWD. Many AWD crossovers can also lock the center differential, when needed, now.
    Different systems in different vehicles can be VERY different in how they operate. Some are separate electric motors. Some are FWD-based. Some are RWD-based. Some split power to front and rear similarly. Various systems can use spline-collars, gears, chains, clutches, viscous couplings, etc. Some are adjustable for torque-bias.

  • @OrionTrucking12
    @OrionTrucking12 2 месяца назад

    The person in the red jeep when he puts off his foot in the gas pedal:💀📈

  • @Echocompany2-7
    @Echocompany2-7 6 месяцев назад

    The distinction is perfectly clear if you go into the truck or car with 4 wheel drive there will be two gear selection levers or a knob or something to engage the transfer case in either 4 high 4 low and in some cases diff lock

  • @Workerbee-zy5nx
    @Workerbee-zy5nx 5 месяцев назад +5

    To people on a budget it means, more expensive crap to repair.😳😳😳

  • @RyanYoxo
    @RyanYoxo 5 месяцев назад

    In AWD If a wheel leaves the ground all the power will go to that one wheel in the air and the car won’t drive.
    In 4WD if the same wheel goes in the air the car can still drive as it still has some power to the rear set of wheels.

  • @benmartin6476
    @benmartin6476 5 месяцев назад

    Awd has a 3rd differential or a viscous clutch coupler that engages and disengages
    4x4 mean front and back are mechanically locked together and can switch back and forth

  • @matthewfettig7353
    @matthewfettig7353 6 месяцев назад +1

    The difference is pretty clear to me transfer case vs no transfer case

  • @JacksVacuums
    @JacksVacuums 6 месяцев назад

    I'm glad you just showed my favorite car Brand in a video (Subaru) It is a very safe Japanese car brand. So for your next car I recommend you get one cuz it saved me twice.

  • @jewel9797
    @jewel9797 6 месяцев назад

    Button or switch vs no button or switch

  • @tedwrender1892
    @tedwrender1892 6 месяцев назад

    I can confidently say I learned something new today 👏

  • @cwiskus4956
    @cwiskus4956 5 месяцев назад

    4x4 commonly has adaptive controlls that make it behave like awd with the more modern 4x4 systems

  • @KraXxuS
    @KraXxuS 4 месяца назад

    Nobody gonna talk about the orange Prius that drove by during this short?

  • @Puffalupagus360
    @Puffalupagus360 5 месяцев назад

    The big difference is the presence of, or lack there of, a transfer case.

  • @JxH
    @JxH 5 месяцев назад

    FYI, many AWD systems offer locking differentials. Also, there are so many different types of 4WD and AWD systems that one must admit that it's a "constellation" of technologies, absolutely positively not just 4WD vs AWD.
    Heck, even a branding such as 'Quattro' or '4Matic' can be very inconsistent, with different systems being marketed under a common branding.

  • @ImpossibleEvan
    @ImpossibleEvan 6 месяцев назад +1

    I am just now learning it isnt "full wheel drive"

    • @proxoo
      @proxoo 6 месяцев назад

      FWD is actually "Forward Wheel Drive"

  • @jerrynguyen4646
    @jerrynguyen4646 4 месяца назад

    Now I see why it made sense

  • @Michiganman800
    @Michiganman800 5 месяцев назад

    "These things are very different! Don't confuse them!"
    "They're basically the same now"
    Thanks video

  • @m3e92ismydreamcar
    @m3e92ismydreamcar 6 месяцев назад

    All-Wheel Drive (AWD):
    - AWD systems are designed to automatically adapt to changing road conditions and distribute power to the wheels that need it most.
    - The differentials in an AWD system continuously monitor wheel speed and traction, and can adjust the torque split between the front and rear axles as needed.
    - This allows the vehicle to maintain optimal traction and stability without the driver having to manually engage or disengage the system.
    - AWD is generally more suitable for everyday driving on a variety of road surfaces, as it provides enhanced grip and handling without compromising drivability.
    4-Wheel Drive (4WD):
    - 4WD systems are typically more rugged and designed for off-road use and challenging terrain.
    - In a 4WD system, the front and rear axles are locked together, meaning power is distributed equally to all four wheels at all times.
    - This provides maximum traction in low-traction conditions like mud, snow, or rocks, but can make the vehicle more difficult to maneuver on paved roads.
    - 4WD systems usually have a low-range gear setting that provides extra torque for crawling over obstacles at very low speeds.
    - Drivers often have to manually engage the 4WD system when needed, and then disengage it when returning to normal road conditions.
    The key distinction is that AWD systems are more flexible and reactive, continuously adjusting power distribution based on the driving conditions, while 4WD systems are more rigid and focused on providing maximum traction and off-road capability.

  • @Xaddre
    @Xaddre 4 месяца назад

    Bro literally didn’t even explain the difference lmao.

  • @TopiasSalakka
    @TopiasSalakka 4 месяца назад

    What's common is that neither is a replacement for proper tires.

  • @algladyou
    @algladyou 5 месяцев назад

    I miss our Mazda MPV 1995 4WD

  • @junatah5903
    @junatah5903 4 месяца назад

    4x4 is 50/50 power distribution with in some cases the option to make it rear wheel drive.

  • @memesandchill2o046
    @memesandchill2o046 6 месяцев назад

    Awd is a computer controlled system where the wheels with the most traction get the most power put to them. 4wd is completley manual, and the power follows the path of least resistance to the wheels, which usually ends up in the weal with the least traction.

  • @drink15
    @drink15 5 месяцев назад

    Funny considering Subaru AWD doesn’t kick in until it detects slipping. So it’s not always on. Some older ones and maybe newer ones can be disabled by pulling a fuse.

  • @Jacob-vg2hh
    @Jacob-vg2hh 6 месяцев назад

    So basically 4x4 has a differential (multiple depending on the car) and most likely a high/low setting in the transfer case, wile AWD is just a cardan shaft from the gearbox to the rear wheels so all wheels can spin

  • @FaintAcrobat
    @FaintAcrobat 6 месяцев назад

    I believe the difference is that AWD is automatic meaning the cars computer controls how much power it sends to the wheels. AWD systems also usually just go to FWD when driving straight at a constant speed so it's not always driving all 4 wheels, at least that's what mine did back when I had one. Some might have the ability to adjust the power balance from front to rear. Meaning if you put it 30% front and 70% rear, it will never send more then 30% of the power to the front wheels.
    4WD can be completely manually controlled meaning it's more useful off-road.

  • @mbing7453
    @mbing7453 6 месяцев назад +1

    you can use awd on a six wheeled vehicle ?🤨

  • @ruben3305
    @ruben3305 6 месяцев назад +1

    3 second explanation. One is always active. The other one is 2 wheel drive with the option of 4 wheel drive engagement. Boom.

    • @ProductBasement
      @ProductBasement 5 месяцев назад

      That's one difference of many, although I see in the comments references to "always-on 4wd", so I don't know what to believe anymore 😂

  • @kysmwr
    @kysmwr 4 месяца назад

    Speaking about AWD and showing an RAV4 which is 4wd is next level

  • @papaAJ88
    @papaAJ88 4 месяца назад

    All wheel drive gives you the confidence to get your car stuck. Four wheel drive helps you get unstuck.

  • @gr7788
    @gr7788 3 месяца назад

    The old landrover defender s are technically AWD and a true 4WD.Its consistent AWD until you lock the centre diff, then you have 4WD

  • @nobody5277
    @nobody5277 6 месяцев назад

    The ending 😂

  • @kipchickensout
    @kipchickensout 4 месяца назад

    i like how i didn't understand anything from this short, and every comment calls him wrong, but whenever they correct his explanation, someone else replies to that comment telling them they're wrong, so in the end everyone is wrong? which just solidifies my feeling of they're the same thing

  • @MinusMOD98
    @MinusMOD98 4 месяца назад

    Some languages don't even distinguish AWD from 4WD. I just know both as simply "four-wheel drive" even though they're different

  • @PongPogPonderan
    @PongPogPonderan 3 месяца назад

    That explains why I have multiple 4x4 options and 1 auto option which im guessing is my awd

  • @ridhuanbakar8528
    @ridhuanbakar8528 4 месяца назад

    Awd is a automatic. the system detects your driving and connering.by that information it give a different torque to each tyre. it design to Correct understeer, Oversteer, tyre slip and etc. 4wd sent equivalent power to each tyre. but you can choose is manually. you can choose fwd or awd. awd have two mode. awd you can choose low or high torque

  • @N54God666
    @N54God666 6 месяцев назад

    They are in fact the same now. There's just different kinds like BMWs reactive system vs manual locking system "4x4". Even BMWs system can be programmed to be full locked so theres no difference anymore.

  • @sethwoodward5515
    @sethwoodward5515 5 месяцев назад

    Awd has a center diff and a 4wd has a transfer case and has selectable 2wd. Not to mention awd is meant for high speed for all wheels.