My gf moved to Fort Mill a couple years ago and we love Papa Docs. Hope to eventually be looking for a home near Wylie one of these days. Her vehicle taxes went WAY up in York County versus in Cleveland County (NC) tho. I can pay taxes and tag on a megacab dodge, a jeep wrangler (2001 so it’s old), a Harley, and a ToyHauler for what her Honda Pilot costs her in York. That’s a little concerning for me. Lol
My gf moved to Fort Mill a couple years ago and we love Papa Docs. Hope to eventually be looking for a home near Wylie one of these days. Her vehicle taxes went WAY up in York County versus in Cleveland County (NC) tho. I can pay taxes and tag on a megacab dodge, a jeep wrangler (2001 so it’s old), a Harley, and a ToyHauler for what her Honda Pilot costs her in York. That’s a little concerning for me. Lol
Norman has stationary docks.