Polish firefighters rescues Sweden ~ Heroes 🇸🇪❤🇵🇱

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 735

  • @dixonqwerty
    @dixonqwerty 2 года назад +350

    Poland: We will never forget. It's been a few years now, but this will live in our memories forever. Polish heroes! Thank you!

    • @TheOutlander82
      @TheOutlander82 Год назад +2

      u will forget it very quickly,. If not the coment i can bet u aleady forgot

    • @dixonqwerty
      @dixonqwerty Год назад +12

      @@TheOutlander82 NEVER

    • @bankabaver4583
      @bankabaver4583 Год назад +5

      @@TheOutlander82still here to see , remembering. Are you old enough to not remember, how can you forget such a moment?

    • @PrinsPrygel
      @PrinsPrygel 11 месяцев назад +6

      @@TheOutlander82 Still here, remembering.

    • @johanbranstrom9992
      @johanbranstrom9992 4 месяца назад +2

      Still here. summer of 2018 was aweful. Thanks Poland!!!!!

  • @Jordan-bb4xt
    @Jordan-bb4xt 4 года назад +614

    Much respect to Poland 🇵🇱 from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    • @meowchubbycat
      @meowchubbycat 4 года назад +12

      Much respect to Wales from Poland! Cymru am byth!

    • @meowchubbycat
      @meowchubbycat 4 года назад +7

      Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    • @herrwallace7581
      @herrwallace7581 4 года назад +3

      Thx mate

    • @robertkoowalski1014
      @robertkoowalski1014 3 года назад +5

      Thanks a lot, Cymru. I think the big (forgotten? I hope not) heroes of this fire were Swedish firefighters. They fought 20,000ha blaze (which is roughly size of square 14x14km),... with 1,000 firefighters, some soldiers (I don't know their precise number but I know in the central part, where the most of them were, they were 500, while entire Swedish arm forces are composed of 20,000), some civilian volunteers, plus foreign help. That's severely but I mean severely underpowered. Imagine 1,000 brave men fighting blaze of that size. The effort must have been beyond murderous.
      To give perspective, the biggest Polish wood fire of 9,000 ha (9,5x9,5km square - less than a half size of Swedish fire) was fought with force of 11,000 people (including 4,700 firefighters), 860 firetrucks, 4 helicopters, 27 small single-seat planes, 73 tractors, 50 train cisterns, 6 locomotives, some military track vehicles (including tanks), plows, bulldozers and a large number of vehicles of all types. Took 5 days to extinguish the fire. On days 2 and 3, the blaze was so savage, they were losing control and were not able to hold a line of flames burning at the treetops, spreading rapidly with high winds. 2 firefighters tragically were unable to escape. On day 5 wind died down. 16 firetrucks and 60 pomp were lost in the fire.
      I finding it a bit surprising myself, but as it turns out, Polish Fire Department is actually number 4 in the world in the number of manpower and equipment. It does come AFTER Germany though, which is about twice as big. The size of the Swedish Fire Department on other hand is no surprise. Even the territory of Sweden is bigger than Poland and the country is way more developed (being among the top of the most developed countries in the world, actually), the Swedish population is ¼ of the Polish population. In any case, I am very, very glad my countryman was able to make some dent and give helpful hand to that beautiful country, our awesome neighbors from the north.

    • @Jordan-bb4xt
      @Jordan-bb4xt 3 года назад

      @@robertkoowalski1014nice 👍🏻

  • @siekry1968
    @siekry1968 6 лет назад +1296

    I tak powinna wyglądać współpraca z innymi krajami, a nie straszyć wojnami !!!!!!!!!

    • @ukaszrozycki6250
      @ukaszrozycki6250 5 лет назад +37

      Tak masz rację ale narody sklucone to łatwe w kontroli

    • @ethanmyshorts6984
      @ethanmyshorts6984 5 лет назад +38

      Powiedz to ruskim

    • @Fiko112
      @Fiko112 4 года назад +29

      Ethan MyShorts Polscy strażacy kilka lat temu też walczyli z pożarami w rosji

    • @szamanx4376
      @szamanx4376 4 года назад +7

      Co by nie mówić święte słowa

    • @meczehd4892
      @meczehd4892 4 года назад +5


  • @johannesandersson4826
    @johannesandersson4826 4 года назад +276

    Big respect to Poland and all the firefighters who helped Sweden. True heroes. 🇵🇱 🇸🇪 ✌

    • @Adamejdem
      @Adamejdem 2 года назад +3

      We as a nation always did what has to be done. We are Poland. We are not french PR british

    • @TheOutlander82
      @TheOutlander82 Год назад

      sranie w banie

    • @DianaKazimiera-
      @DianaKazimiera- 8 месяцев назад +2

      Best wishes! .I wish all the best from 🇵🇱

    • @SusanSonnenberg
      @SusanSonnenberg 3 месяца назад

      There is heavy flooding in southern Poland now. Polish firefights and rescue teams also helped in cases of floods and fires in Germany, France and Greece.
      Where are your firefighters now, westerners? Are they maybe on a pride parade, which is obviously more important for you?

    • @SusanSonnenberg
      @SusanSonnenberg 3 месяца назад

      ​@@TheOutlander82 właśnie dziś pokazują jak pamiętają. To samo Grecja, Francja i Niemcy, do których również wysłaliśmy pomoc.

  • @annieask3128
    @annieask3128 2 года назад +143

    I live in Sweden and this makes me cry. You are my brother and sisters poland❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @kacper2109
      @kacper2109 2 года назад +7

      Thank you! As a union we should help each other’s in bad situation! 😇

    • @jakubszelag7345
      @jakubszelag7345 2 года назад +2


    • @TheOutlander82
      @TheOutlander82 Год назад +1

      yeah :DDD sure we are:DDD

    • @ws6858
      @ws6858 Год назад +1

      You meant Poland dear swedish friend.

    • @Shiro_PL
      @Shiro_PL 15 дней назад +3

      You are our neighbors!
      If you are in trouble, we will cross the sea to help you!

  • @katharina...
    @katharina... 5 лет назад +149

    So lovely of the Swedish people to show their gratitude this way, it must have been amazing for the Polish firefighters to see this!

    • @cokurde
      @cokurde 2 года назад +9

      Definitely. Respect and thanks for job well done is great reward. For people in uniform, this is a double reward. Entire Polish nation is proud of them!

    • @joelolsson4816
      @joelolsson4816 5 месяцев назад +3

      We swedish firemen even showed graditude by sounding our sirence n waving ❤️🚒🚒

    • @katharina...
      @katharina... 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@joelolsson4816Beautiful! ❤️

  • @SamSung-tp3si
    @SamSung-tp3si 3 года назад +53

    Time after time, polish People shows they are our Brothers and sisters. Our protectors ❤️

    • @Shiro_PL
      @Shiro_PL 15 дней назад

      You are our neighbors!
      If you are in trouble, we will cross the sea to help you!

  • @guigui-qz7my
    @guigui-qz7my Год назад +20

    Merci aux pompiers polonais pour leur aide en France grâce à vous notre forêt de Gironde n'a pas totalement brûlée 🇵🇱🤝🇫🇷

  • @joelolsson4816
    @joelolsson4816 5 месяцев назад +9

    As a firefighter from sweden working back then i wanna send my thanks to the polish heroes who came to help us swedish firemen and even to all danes finns norweigans well all of you who came but mostly for you polish firemen i must say thank you for answering our call for help🚒🚒🚒

    • @Shiro_PL
      @Shiro_PL 15 дней назад +1

      You are our neighbors!
      If you are in trouble, we will cross the sea to help you!

    • @iwonajeziorska8299
      @iwonajeziorska8299 День назад

      To miło że jako strażak ze Szwecji chcesz podziękować polskim strazaką ale będzie miłej gdy Szwedzi i inni przestaną nas obrażać jacy to my pijaki bzdury niech każdy patrzy na siebie Jestem Polką kocham Polskę i jestem dumna że urodziłam się w pięknej Ojczyźnie Polacy to dumny Naród każdemu pomaga a jak potrzebuje pomocy wszyscy okazują się zdrajcami tak było zawsze ale to silny Naród został zniszczony w wojnę był w gruzach a dowodził się jak feniks z popiołu nie interesuje mnie co kto mówi i myśli o Polakach bo nie ma ludzi idealnych ale wnerwia mnie jak inne narody obrażają mój przetrwalismy wojny rozbioru okupację komunizm Nic nas nie pokona od Polaków Europa powinna uczyć się odwagi manier

  • @nietutejszy88
    @nietutejszy88 6 лет назад +850

    Greetings from Poland

    • @xeonereg
      @xeonereg 5 лет назад +2

      Czym tu się chwalić?

    • @Krzaczor-ym9gd
      @Krzaczor-ym9gd 5 лет назад +25

      @@xeonereg Po pierwsze data.
      Po drugie on sie nie chwali napisał ''Greetings from Poland'' czyli pozdrowienia z polski

    • @xeonereg
      @xeonereg 5 лет назад +1

      ​@@Krzaczor-ym9gd kurwa glupi nie jestem

    • @Krzaczor-ym9gd
      @Krzaczor-ym9gd 5 лет назад +28

      @@xeonereg to po ciul piszesz że on sie chwali xD

    • @orangecrewmate6354
      @orangecrewmate6354 4 года назад +2

      @@xeonereg no chyba jesteś xd
      Wiem data

  • @joeykandre4641
    @joeykandre4641 6 лет назад +155

    Just watch and cry.... It's such a great thing they did

    • @easyzenon
      @easyzenon 5 лет назад +1

      Go back where you came from!

    • @Garten_Antwort
      @Garten_Antwort 5 лет назад +14

      @@easyzenon shut up man.

    • @Potocki111
      @Potocki111 5 лет назад +8

      @@easyzenon Co ty człowieku za głupoty piszesz... jebnij się w łeb

    • @zasadowyszefuniotooksometh1477
      @zasadowyszefuniotooksometh1477 5 лет назад +2

      @@easyzenon ogarnij się człowieku , wstyd nam wszystkim z takich jak ty teraz mogę użyć to rasisto tak rasisto bo przez takich jak ty uważają nas za ludzi tępych i rasistowskich

    • @pizzasampletext8271
      @pizzasampletext8271 5 лет назад +7

      I’m reading the comments and crying.

  • @frida507
    @frida507 Год назад +36

    Poland is a great neighbor in times of need - to us and to Ukraine! 💛💙❤🤍Thanks from Sweden and I'm sure Ukraine is grateful too for all your support.

    • @TheOutlander82
      @TheOutlander82 Год назад +2

      shame we can't say the same. Ukrain is grateful as f:DDDD

    • @rozdziewiczedziewice.
      @rozdziewiczedziewice. Год назад +1

      They are not thankfull at all, its sad. Honestly i hate Ukrainian goverment

    • @danielgorka1262
      @danielgorka1262 Год назад +2

      For our help to Ukraine we just get kicked in ass...

    • @jankowalski3220
      @jankowalski3220 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@danielgorka1262 Don't spread resentment, no one has ever been as grateful to me as these few people from Ukraine whom I helped a little in the spring of 2022. But the people who complain most about Ukrainians are those who didn't lift a finger.

    • @Shiro_PL
      @Shiro_PL 15 дней назад +1

      You are our neighbors!
      If you are in trouble, we will cross the sea to help you!

  • @PitbullPitbull-rt2dm
    @PitbullPitbull-rt2dm 5 лет назад +360

    Jedna z nielicznych polskich reprezentacji z której możemy być dumni🚒🇵🇱💪

    • @movemelody1
      @movemelody1 4 года назад +3

      Przynajmniej jest z niej pożytek, nie tak jak z innych.

    • @FuriousPitBull
      @FuriousPitBull 4 года назад +3


    • @Sebastian_34_Eg
      @Sebastian_34_Eg 2 года назад +1

      Polska ma najlepsza Państwowa i ochotniczą straż w Europie...to nas proszą o pomoc

    • @mademoiselle7783
      @mademoiselle7783 5 месяцев назад

      Zgadza się,ciekawostką jest że od końca 70 lat mamy najlepsza straż pożarna w Europie

  • @kalsarikannit9587
    @kalsarikannit9587 4 месяца назад +7

    Polish heroes! We wil never forget this, we are so thankful! Thank you Poland!!

    • @thomassjonnebring
      @thomassjonnebring 4 дня назад

      LOVE! We never forget it! We love you!!! Love to all the Poland fireman!

  • @twisters999
    @twisters999 6 лет назад +67

    Thank you Sweden for all these greetings!!!! Poles firefighters really appreciate that! My friend went to Sweden to help with fire. He told that these greetings were the strongest motivation to end the cataclysm in Sweden!

    • @joelolsson4816
      @joelolsson4816 3 года назад +6

      It was amazing to see them come for the help even my village that is like 6 hours away from where the fires was Came to the rescue with my firetruck and team arriving first it was a hard time for swedish firefighters it was the worse fires ive ever been to

    • @twisters999
      @twisters999 3 года назад +5

      @@joelolsson4816 Together we managed 💪

    • @joelolsson4816
      @joelolsson4816 3 года назад +7

      @@twisters999 indeed and let me tell u If poland gets a big fire ill be the first one in sweden to rush to the rescue my brother ! 💪🏻🚨🚨

    • @twisters999
      @twisters999 3 года назад +5

      @@joelolsson4816 Thanks Bro 💪 that's why I love this part of the world

    • @joelolsson4816
      @joelolsson4816 3 года назад +3

      @@twisters999 who dosnt anyways gotta get in my truck duty Calls lol just a fake alarm at a school kiss u kno their hands just wanna touch everything

  • @m4rt1nDRK
    @m4rt1nDRK 6 лет назад +443

    Thank you very much for welcoming our firefighters. May St. Florian protect and guide them and keep your people and forests safe. I hope they will quench the fires fast and safely come back home. Polish people will always answer a friend in need. That's what neighbours are for. Swedish people can always count on that. Regards from Warsaw to all proud Swedes.

  • @wojstube9359
    @wojstube9359 6 лет назад +263

    Greetings from Poland. I hope that now Sweden will extinguish all the fires faster.

  • @procyonblack2484
    @procyonblack2484 7 месяцев назад +11

    This still makes me cry, five years later. dziękuję poland!! 🌷💕🙏

    • @Shiro_PL
      @Shiro_PL 15 дней назад +1

      You are our neighbors!
      If you are in trouble, we will cross the sea to help you!

  • @adalbert9745
    @adalbert9745 6 лет назад +167

    This is true European brotherhood.

    • @ksawery-d9s
      @ksawery-d9s 3 месяца назад

      It's a shame that it worked only in one way, where other countries needed help. Now Poland is left to its own under a massive flood.

  • @anonymous2012s
    @anonymous2012s 6 лет назад +766

    VERY INTERESTING is what i heard is that Poles have said "we are helping Swedish people, not Swedish government". I think theres a message in it.

    • @tlecki1
      @tlecki1 6 лет назад +114

      a clear ,very clear message

    • @supreme3376
      @supreme3376 5 лет назад +19

      We are get a for People not by Goverment

    • @viktorsh4261
      @viktorsh4261 5 лет назад +5

      where is this messae

    • @pizzasampletext8271
      @pizzasampletext8271 5 лет назад +2

      Well that’s not so epic. Or is it?

    • @qzg7857
      @qzg7857 4 года назад +29

      Well Swedish Goverment was a dick all the way

  • @KissToGo
    @KissToGo 3 года назад +16

    40 vehicles from 🇵🇱 to help in 🇸🇪 and now 46 🇵🇱 vehicles in 🇬🇷 👍❤️

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  3 года назад +3

      Really? Wow, I have huge admiration for your firefighters 🙏🏼🚒

  • @edelweiss2034
    @edelweiss2034 2 года назад +55

    Great respect to firefighters of Poland from Belarus.

  • @atehaft4727
    @atehaft4727 6 лет назад +368

    Tym, którzy potrzebują pomocy, zawsze pomożemy. Nigdy nie wiadomo, kiedy my będziemy potrzebowali pomocy.

    • @krystianks2990
      @krystianks2990 6 лет назад +5

      tak jest właśnie lepiej pomóc

    • @atehaft4727
      @atehaft4727 6 лет назад +51

      Nie należy porównywać "1939" z tym co nasi strażacy robią w Szwecji, to nie ma nic wspólnego. To nasi strażacy zostawiają wizytówkę o naszym kraju. Czy nie będzie miło, jak pojedziesz do Szwecji i tak miło przywitają ciebie ??? Wiedząc o tym, że nasi ty byli i pozostawili wspaniały wizerunek..

    • @klaudia658491
      @klaudia658491 6 лет назад +15

      Stanisław. To przegięcie wylatywać tu z takimi tekstami. Jak zawsze znajdzie się taki, który będzie ciągle wypominał wszystko i każdemu. Nie potrafisz się zachować jak człowiek w takiej chwili?

    • @vergilius21
      @vergilius21 6 лет назад +2

      Fuck dying left EU! !

    • @1974mareks
      @1974mareks 6 лет назад +11

      stanislaw chojnacki sugerujesz, ze z racji tego nigdy nikomu nie powinnismy pomagać???. Idąc ta drogą stajesz się taki sam jak ci którymi się brzydzisz.

  • @oldsurehead1935
    @oldsurehead1935 6 лет назад +165

    Powodzenia chłopaki, moja straż pozdrawia Waszą straż...

    • @grzegorzindyk693
      @grzegorzindyk693 6 лет назад +1

      przyboczna straz jarka k. ?

    • @dawidjozwiak9502
      @dawidjozwiak9502 5 лет назад +9

      Grzegorz Indyk polska straz pożarna od lat cieszy się największym zaufaniem społecznym wiec do diabla mieszasz do tego politykę ?

    • @debilnarejestracja
      @debilnarejestracja 3 года назад +1

      @@dawidjozwiak9502 bo to zwykła ku r wa

  • @Jan-hj2im
    @Jan-hj2im 6 лет назад +136

    Svenskar är fantastiska
    Hälsningar från Polen
    Swedes are amazing
    Greetings from Poland

    • @hamnashariqqq
      @hamnashariqqq 6 лет назад +27

      Poland people are amazing too! Greeting from Sweden

    • @thomassjonnebring
      @thomassjonnebring 4 дня назад

      Only i Swedish!= Polen vi älskar er! LOVE!. Alla dessa resurser med massor! av brand fordon och massa brandmän från Polen!. Detta är något vi aldrig glömmer!. Talas om än idag bland oss lastbils chaufförer här i Sverige. Och när vi vi träffar andra lastbils chaufförer från Polen här i Sverige! Mycket beundran och kärlek för alltid! Kram från mellan Sverige!

  • @theuknown99
    @theuknown99 6 лет назад +61

    From Poland with love. May God bless you!

  • @kennydouglas9459
    @kennydouglas9459 6 лет назад +82

    Tremendous respect for Poland for doing this. Amazing that other countries can help out with something as big as this in 2018 👍

  • @arzantyt
    @arzantyt 6 лет назад +1089

    I'm waiting to song about Polish fireman from Sabaton :)

    • @Doc_Rainbow
      @Doc_Rainbow 5 лет назад +26

      that would be epic af :D

    • @mieso881
      @mieso881 5 лет назад +21

      Sabaton its amazing. 40:1 its a great song and realy true! Gratz from Poland

    • @supreme3376
      @supreme3376 4 года назад +2

      We come and we wanished

    • @mayhem6630
      @mayhem6630 4 года назад +4

      fireman rise !

    • @Miqrus_36
      @Miqrus_36 4 года назад +5

      I'm writing song about Polish firefighters so maybe they can help a little bit me 😁

  • @karlhanks1967
    @karlhanks1967 6 лет назад +57

    Legend has it, they're still rolling into Sweden till this day, an endless convoy of red trucks, so large it can be seen from space.

    • @RoozyyK
      @RoozyyK 4 года назад +1

      Hahahhaha one year later and this still brings up smile on my face :D

  • @markwawrzyniak109
    @markwawrzyniak109 6 лет назад +134

    Neighbors helping neighbors. I hope everything goes well and all together we can put an end to these big fire. Greetings from Poland.

    • @bartol2179
      @bartol2179 4 года назад +1

      Too bad its one side help.

    • @jh5kl
      @jh5kl 3 года назад +1

      @@bartol2179 to bad its actually an European assembled operation involving hundreds of firefighters from all EU, even airplanes from Portugal. so its an all European help

    • @bartol2179
      @bartol2179 3 года назад

      @@jh5kl How many firefighters other countires sent and how many Poland?

    • @bartol2179
      @bartol2179 3 года назад +1

      @@jh5kl Im gonna tell you how many :
      -5 planes: 2 from Italy and 3 from France.
      -6 firefighting helicopters: 5 from Germany and 1 from Lithuania
      -12 vehicles and 55 personnel from Denmark.
      -44 vehicles from Poland and 139 firefighters.
      So yes those "Hundreds of firefighters" were from eu but not all only from Poland.

    • @VoidCosmonaut
      @VoidCosmonaut 2 года назад

      @@bartol2179 So nowhere close to Hundreds -5 planes: 2 from Italy and 3 from France.
      -6 firefighting helicopters: 5 from Germany and 1 from Lithuania
      -12 vehicles and 55 personnel from Denmark.

  • @BlueWhiteKnight
    @BlueWhiteKnight Год назад +6

    Damn..didn’t expect you welcome our fire fighters this way..good people of Sweden😊

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  Год назад +3

      People did this all the way throughout Sweden where this convoy went past 🇸🇪❤🇵🇱

  • @89suja
    @89suja 6 лет назад +66

    Thank you for the movie. You are a positive loved person.

  • @j3rwu534
    @j3rwu534 6 лет назад +174

    When the WingedFirefighters arrived...

  • @marcindobrzyn9197
    @marcindobrzyn9197 4 года назад +8

    Polska Straż Pożarna nigdy nie zawodzi. Wielki szacunek i uznanie.

  • @marcingr9259
    @marcingr9259 6 лет назад +17

    Wielkie brawa dla Polskich strazakow,duzo udanych wyjazdow i szczesliwego powrotu do Polski,wielki szacun Brawo!!!!!!

  • @piotrhobbysta5614
    @piotrhobbysta5614 6 лет назад +47

    For me the solidarity between two European countries is something great. It's time when we learn something positive about humanity.

  • @huhgghu49
    @huhgghu49 5 лет назад +16

    Aby przygotować taki wyjazd od strony logistycznej trzeba być nieżle zorganizowanym dziękujemy polskim strażakom

  • @huginmunin8253
    @huginmunin8253 4 года назад +19

    Thanks to polish firefighters 🇸🇪🤝🇵🇱

  • @oldsurehead1935
    @oldsurehead1935 6 лет назад +306

    Poles love Swedes.... greetings from Poland.....

    • @imperatyw_kategoryczny
      @imperatyw_kategoryczny 6 лет назад +11

      imbecylu kto cię uczył tych textów ? Zastanów się co ty pierdolisz

    • @oldsurehead1935
      @oldsurehead1935 6 лет назад +19

      xxx xxx najpierw ujawnij się, w Polsce jest demokracja i wolność słowa...., a wtedy ci odpowiem...

    • @oldsurehead1935
      @oldsurehead1935 6 лет назад +11

      najpierw ujawnij się internetowa gnido....wtedy ci odpowiem!

    • @mediawolnosciowe4766
      @mediawolnosciowe4766 6 лет назад +7

      jarosław jaśkiewicz Typ przesadza z tekstami, aczkolwiek trochę racji ma, z tego co mi wiadomo Polacy nie zbyt lubią Szwedów i z wzajemnością Szwedzi Polaków. ;)

    • @noless
      @noless 6 лет назад +8

      Sadly the swedish government don't love you back. Top social democrat politician Morgan Johansson called Poland a Nazi country on twitter.

  • @paulwicklund1052
    @paulwicklund1052 6 лет назад +153

    Greetings from Chicago Illinois.

    • @mieso881
      @mieso881 5 лет назад

      Paul Wicklund andrew golara?😂

    • @sulphurous2656
      @sulphurous2656 4 года назад +1

      Na pewno dużo Polonii z okolic Chicago!

  • @colorfulstar5787
    @colorfulstar5787 6 лет назад +146

    Polish heroes 😸

  • @cifamotanii4587
    @cifamotanii4587 5 лет назад +16

    44 firefighters units coming. That looks like a huge fire in Sweden.
    Knock it down boys! Im proud of you! 😀👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @kasper8509
    @kasper8509 5 лет назад +19

    We love you Poland! Hope to have good cooperation with your gouvernment 🙏🏻

  • @Rottensparrow
    @Rottensparrow 6 лет назад +243

    It's nice to see normal Swedish people

    • @tulka5204
      @tulka5204 5 лет назад +27

      Yes we are living in reservats in the Forrest and small citys. Like the indians i Amerika.

    • @BromanEpic
      @BromanEpic 5 лет назад +6

      What do you mean?

    • @Ania-sw5tm
      @Ania-sw5tm 5 лет назад +52

      Real Sweden lives up in the North or in smal cities were they can live their own culture, in big cities like malmo, gothenbourg u would be called racist for calling yourself a real swede

    • @Milleeee
      @Milleeee 5 лет назад +1

      @@Ania-sw5tm you afraid of being called racist?

    • @PKM1010
      @PKM1010 4 года назад +2

      Looking at the title, I knew there will be dog-whistles in the comments. You are simply seeing average Swedish people and not stereotypes about them you consume in various safe spaces.

  • @veritasaequitas2386
    @veritasaequitas2386 6 лет назад +57

    no clue that it would be such a big thing is Sweden. Good luck to our guys!

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  6 лет назад +15

      veritas aequitas We are amazed about all the help we are getting from all over Europe! It's really amazing how we all stick together in crisis ❤

    @WXIWXI 6 лет назад +21

    The good fireman from Poland (Polen) is heros!!!!!!!. We love you help from Poland (Polen)!!!! Love!!! Thankyo!

  • @biopower5160
    @biopower5160 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for your help! Your saved My Mothers cottage! Love to 🇵🇱

    • @eibhlin1
      @eibhlin1 3 года назад

      We're glad your mothers cottage is save now, but it's not our flag:D Take this: 🇵🇱
      Greetings from Poland

    • @biopower5160
      @biopower5160 3 года назад +1

      @@eibhlin1 oh thanks! 🇵🇱🇵🇱

  • @wiesiopoland5523
    @wiesiopoland5523 6 лет назад +36

    Powodzenia Panowie. Wracajcie w komplecie. POLAND ROOLEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  • @thehighgroundhimself736
    @thehighgroundhimself736 4 года назад +3

    Its so heartwarming to see people that do not even know each other putting their lifes on the line for each other. My respect. I would be honored if I one day could do the same.

  • @rogerphoenix1176
    @rogerphoenix1176 6 лет назад +21

    Cheers from Poland. Thank you for your video and such a nice description. I wish all Swedish people that everyone will be safe and fires will be gone soon!

  • @FRWV
    @FRWV 6 лет назад +150

    It's very nice to see how you welcome our firefighters! 😃 I'm so proud of them! It's awesome to watch how you are exciting! Good Luck Sweden! 😘
    PS. Don't listen to Polish people in comments talking about politics... I'm so disapointed about them 😐

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  6 лет назад +9

      F1R3 W4V3 Thank you ❤

    • @andyreasoner5289
      @andyreasoner5289 6 лет назад +16

      And not only Polish, but there are some trolls from other countries

    • @andrzejlew934
      @andrzejlew934 4 года назад +1

      @@elainelundgren Thank you for your heart. I hope, that everyone on the world want to do help all Planeten Earth. Good luck Sweden!! Good luck Earth!!!

  • @monika1345f
    @monika1345f Год назад +7

    Jestem dumną Polką , z obczyzny ....niech zyje Polska 🇵🇱♥️

  • @gregr2784
    @gregr2784 2 года назад +8

    Thank you Polish 🇵🇱 firefighters 🚒

  • @shy_mon2954
    @shy_mon2954 4 года назад +23

    2 years, mm-mmm that's a good time RUclips. Recomend this... Yep

  • @Kuleschov
    @Kuleschov 3 года назад +4

    Trzeba pomagać sąsiadom nie można być bezinteresownym :) Brawo Strażacy macie wielkie serca :)

  • @alexanderanderson4905
    @alexanderanderson4905 6 лет назад +8

    As a Pole, this makes me super happy! So glad we as Europeans we can help each other just like that, brings me so much joy. Sorry for those political Poles down below in the comment section.
    Much love to you Sweden!

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  6 лет назад +1

      Agreed! ♡

    • @bartol2179
      @bartol2179 4 года назад +2

      These political Poles have some rights. How many times the Swedish government talks shit about Poland and they did not apologize. These firefighters you see were told to pay for everything, no food was offered by Swedish nor Fuel, good that they were prepared.

  • @gracjanzak6462
    @gracjanzak6462 6 лет назад +38

    My jako Polacy zawsze pomożemy ❤❤❤💓🔥🔥🔥🔥💧💧💧🚒🚒🚒🚒

  • @syloartsoul7852
    @syloartsoul7852 6 лет назад +20

    Fingers crossed for successful action!!!!!!All my heart I’m with You!!!!greetings-Polish girl from England 🌿❤️🌲🌳

  • @ukaszwojcik8450
    @ukaszwojcik8450 5 лет назад +6

    I I love Sweden and I hope that we will always help each other .. greetings from Poland

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you. I share that hope with you 🙏

  • @Dennan
    @Dennan 2 года назад +9

    poland will always be in my heart

  • @micham6923
    @micham6923 Год назад

    To jest duma narodowa. Jestesmy jyz w gronie takich europejskich silnych krajow, ze jestesmy w stanie niesxvpomoc w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Dumny z bycis Polakiem
    Proud to be a Pole❤

  • @damiantokarz8654
    @damiantokarz8654 3 года назад +4

    One for all, all for one 🇸🇪 🇵🇱

  • @bizcaya
    @bizcaya Год назад +3

    Vackert. Thank you Poland!

  • @elzbietachilinska6522
    @elzbietachilinska6522 4 года назад +4

    Polish people GREAT example to others!THANK YOU !!!! ❤

  • @krystianuczak5645
    @krystianuczak5645 6 лет назад +2

    Polsih Firefighters is the most respectable duty in Poland. I saw them in action full professionals. Polish Pride. Go gentlemans !!!!!

  • @viSou87
    @viSou87 6 лет назад +6

    We'r happy to Help. Fight safely with fire, hope it will ends soon. Greetings from Poland

  • @kaczmar_realny
    @kaczmar_realny 4 года назад +4

    Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱

  • @pawepe8308
    @pawepe8308 6 лет назад +5

    Greetings from Poland
    Keep strong DEER SWEDEN
    🇸🇪 👍

  • @hagopful
    @hagopful Год назад

    Very amazing and touching ❤❤❤ a true HEROSES thank you for your service ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ideadlift20kg83
    @ideadlift20kg83 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you, Poland.

  • @aleksander-1704
    @aleksander-1704 3 года назад +6

    I’m proud of my country aka Poland
    I hope your well Sweden!

  • @carvideos5276
    @carvideos5276 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for appreciating my country

  • @gokbole
    @gokbole 2 года назад +1

    I'm watching this while blasting "Winged Hussars" by Sabaton in my headphones... oddly epic experience, is recommended 😉

  • @Magor33374
    @Magor33374 4 года назад +6

    Aż serce rośnie i duma rozpiera!!

  • @joannamajewska207
    @joannamajewska207 6 лет назад +3

    You Swedes are so cute!!! I didnt know what happend cause I don't live in Poland, but I am shocked how sweet your were to stand along the travel paths of these fire engines and welcome our fire fighters all the way!!! Love you guys!!!😍😍😍😘

  • @krychu9255
    @krychu9255 2 года назад +12

    Czasami jestem dumny że jestem Polakiem. Ostatnio coraz częściej. Może czasy gdy Polska liczyła się na arenie świtowej wrócą - chyba warto dla wszystkich.

    • @Toujeo
      @Toujeo Год назад

      dont understand... but thank you poland you are a great nation. This is europe

  • @joldan9855
    @joldan9855 6 лет назад +17

    Elaine great job ! :) Best regards from Polska ;)

  • @bartekangelo2388
    @bartekangelo2388 6 лет назад +17

    Jag hoppas att det kommer att sluta snart.
    Hälsningar från Polen!

  • @rmj6663
    @rmj6663 6 лет назад +16

    Dzięki za powitanie naszych strażaków 👍😉

  • @OSTE929
    @OSTE929 4 года назад +1

    I love you Sweden, your thanks kindle my heart 😊😊 Greetings from Poland 😊

  • @mateuszorzechowski813
    @mateuszorzechowski813 8 месяцев назад +7

    They are true heroes.
    But if you ask one of them
    "Do you feel like hero?
    The answer will be.
    " I'm happy that I could help and I only did my job"

  • @raQ92
    @raQ92 4 года назад +1

    It should always look like this, you have to help yourself, greetings from Poland.

  • @tomaszdabkowski499
    @tomaszdabkowski499 6 лет назад +1

    The appreciation of the common people is the greatest reward

  • @pawcio6769
    @pawcio6769 5 лет назад +7

    Ale ten czas leci , nawet nie leci a zapierdala! 😔

  • @DianaKazimiera-
    @DianaKazimiera- Год назад

    To jest tak piękny i wzruszający widok...#NASI 🇵🇱 #Elitarni ⭐z pomocą 🇸🇪 😀👍
    #Humanitarian mission for support and protect 🇸🇪 People
    4.05.2024 Wszystkiego najlepszego z Okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Strażaka 🧑‍🚒❤️💛
    🇵🇱 Straż Pożarna zawsze z pomocą, siłą i oddaniem.
    For good cooperation, for good stability!
    11.11.2024 Wszystkiego Najlepszego dla #NASZYCH 🇵🇱 Funkcjonariuszy Straży Pożarnej i Ich Rodzin z Okazji Święta Niepodległości Polski 🇵🇱

  • @robert4you
    @robert4you 6 лет назад +13

    Riktigt bra bildkvalitet och ljud på detta klipp. Två tummar upp 👍 👍

  • @hipnotycznaegosymulacja9569
    @hipnotycznaegosymulacja9569 6 лет назад +15

    Polska 👍 Szwecja 👍

  • @zpool95
    @zpool95 6 лет назад

    Dziękujemy za miłe przyjęcie polskich strażaków, pozdrawiam.

  • @Bartusss1234
    @Bartusss1234 3 года назад +5

    respect to Sweden from Poland🇵🇱❤🇸🇪

    • @xza5687
      @xza5687 2 года назад

      A za co? Kiedy oni kiedykolwiek nam pomogli? Gdzie był pomoc jak mieliśmy kryzys na granicy z Białorusią? Jeszcze sankcje unijne nam brakowało.

  •  5 лет назад +1

    Tym jednym wydarzeniem Polska zyskała więcej niż można się spodziewać :)...

  • @m1ch43ll5
    @m1ch43ll5 5 лет назад +10

    Today's 22 July, but 2019. Thank you yt recommendation

  • @deejeymax
    @deejeymax 5 лет назад +1

    Nasi bohaterowie nie tylko służą w kraju ale też chętnie pomagają po za nim

  • @gaalanonim1744
    @gaalanonim1744 4 года назад +1

    Im really proud Im Polish. Good work guys! 💪🔥

  • @tomaszstefaniuk9449
    @tomaszstefaniuk9449 4 года назад +1

    Good job! Proud to be Polish. Kind of ;)

  • @_trust_nobody_8536
    @_trust_nobody_8536 4 года назад +2

    Have tears too greetings from Germany

    • @mrrrglllrrr
      @mrrrglllrrr 4 года назад +1

      Also big respect from Poland to boys from your country, they was in Sweden too.

  • @tomaszwasinski2816
    @tomaszwasinski2816 4 года назад +2

    Bardzo piękny gest.

  • @supercarfanatic2078
    @supercarfanatic2078 6 лет назад +2

    we must World Show how in the Polish State people are raised that we like helping people who need help. I am a Firefighter and help even those in need.
    It is a pity that our country did not help during the ww II

    • @piotrhobbysta5614
      @piotrhobbysta5614 6 лет назад +1

      Small correction, should be "..didn't get help.." :) I have respect to the profession of firefighters, not for police which often is against ppl. Sweds are very nice ppl and I see they appreciate the help. I hope nobody of firefighters and Swedes was injured during fire and even animals were able to runaway. Fortunately the fire of forest was extinguished.

  • @obccy22
    @obccy22 3 года назад +3

    In Poland we love Volvo.

    • @elainelundgren
      @elainelundgren  3 года назад +1

      That's great! I love them too 🚗😊

  • @missnomer5800
    @missnomer5800 6 лет назад +7

    Thank you for posting this! I like that they are so noisy :)

  • @1969OLEK
    @1969OLEK 6 лет назад +32

    Super ☺ Made in Poland