Listaj goro - Bloom, oh mountain, do not spare your flowers

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • INSTAGRAM: / grupa_pevaca_adnbg
    FACEBOOK: / grupapevacaadnovibeogr...
    Listaj goro ne žali behara,
    Neću ni ja moga đevovanja.
    Ti ćeš goro opet beharati,
    a ja neću više đevovati.
    Vidiš majko onaj vis, gde moj Mile kreše list,
    ostavio pola šume, gledajući u me’.
    REF II:
    Žuta šuma šuškori, imam dragog u školi,
    u školi je kraj prozora, uči za majora.
    Poreklo: Ribaševina, Užice - Zlatiborski okrug (Zapadna Srbija)
    Bloom, oh mountain, do not spare your flowers,
    I’ll not spare the days of my youth either.
    You, oh mountain, will continue blooming,
    but my youth will never be returning.
    Mother, do you see that peak, where my Mile’s cutting leaves.
    He’s left half the forest standing, gazing, looking at me.
    Yellow forest’s rustling, my dear is in school, learning
    There, he’s sitting by the window, studying to be a major.
    Origin: Ribaševina, Užice - Zlatibor district (Western Serbia)

Комментарии • 22