this car focuses in saving cheaper insurance low gas price low maintenance price. it might look weird in the usa but you have to give it to the Japanese. i would love to know how much money a house hold will save each year switching to these key cars.
Please, bring these cars to Moldova🤓
not possible
Даааа мечта вдохновение есть у японских инженеров и дизайнеров
please sale it in Brazil.!
Pleeeease sell it in USA!
Pls.. Build in Philippines..
this car focuses in saving cheaper insurance low gas price low maintenance price. it might look weird in the usa but you have to give it to the Japanese. i would love to know how much money a house hold will save each year switching to these key cars.
Please sale it in Europe
please sale in Taiwan
Very nice car please sale in India
make it into left drive would cost,sell it overseas would cost,so it would lost its beginning meaning, i think that's why it only sell in japan
Super car
Please sale it in Taiwan
I have this car