Hola Eric. Me encanta todo lo que tiene Jun Togawa, tanto de su carrera como solista, como sus canciones en Yapoos y Guernica. Además, toca canciones de Halmens (mi favorita es Radarman). Un favor enorme, si pudieras brindarme un enlace de descarga de este disco, ya que es el único que me falta en discografía para agregar a mi carpeta :) (Discúlpame si te escribo en español) Thank you so much, friend!!!!
Definitely not what I expect from Togawa Jun. It seems this is more Joe Jackson, Murai Kunikiko, and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. Edit: I was wrong. Togawa was Togawa in the end.
A 詩人の家 (0:00)
B1 地球へのピクニック (6:57?)
B2 間違い
B3 黒い王様
B4 庭 "Le jardin"
B5 ポエジー「21世紀の葉陰にて」
I dream of owning this on vinyl... Thank you for posting!
Man, this is... heavenly!
Thank you for uploading all the material, your channel is now one of my favs, again much arigato gozaimasu
You're welcome. It's my pleasure.
can i have a download link?? i dont search this album 😥😥
What's the story behind this one?
Hola Eric. Me encanta todo lo que tiene Jun Togawa, tanto de su carrera como solista, como sus canciones en Yapoos y Guernica. Además, toca canciones de Halmens (mi favorita es Radarman). Un favor enorme, si pudieras brindarme un enlace de descarga de este disco, ya que es el único que me falta en discografía para agregar a mi carpeta :) (Discúlpame si te escribo en español) Thank you so much, friend!!!!
Gracias totales, amigo!!!! :D
Me sumo al agradecimiento!
@@ericrhodesii9025 I know I'm super late to this, but would you be able to post a new download link for this album?
does anyone still have the files or download link for this album?
does anyone has a download link to this album? been looking for it forever :'(
I posted the link in the comment section today. Enjoy!
thank you so much oh my god
Beautiful! Do you know the Translation of the artist name in English ?
Togawa Jun
Definitely not what I expect from Togawa Jun. It seems this is more Joe Jackson, Murai Kunikiko, and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.
Edit: I was wrong. Togawa was Togawa in the end.
B4 庭 "Le jardin" = Erik Satie / Gymnopédie No. 1